calculations based on the spin polarized density-functional ZnO structure is wurzite consisting of 4 atoms including
theory (DFT) implemented in ABINIT package[8]. An two Zn atoms and two O atoms which are determined using
exchange correlation potential was evaluated via a the wurzite crystal vector (see Figure 1). In cartesian
generalized gradient approximation (GGA). coordinates, the basic atomic vectors are (0,0,0), (0,0, uc), a
described by the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) (1/2, √ 3 / 6, c / 2a) and a (1/2, √ 3 / 6 , [u + 1/2] c / a).
scheme[9]. Plane-wave cutoff energy is set at 400 eV and the
Doping of atom Na is performed by substituting Zn atoms
Brillouin-zone integration is performed with a k-points
(Figure 2), the size of the Na atom is 1.86 Å which is not
mesh which is generated automatically by the
much different from the Zn atom which is 1.34 Å so that can
Monkhorst-Pack scheme[10].
be replaced by substitution. Figure 2 shows the supercell ZnO
after doping the substitution of Na atoms with Zn atoms in
position (0.66667, 0.33333, 0.69239). While doping of Cl
atom is performed by substitution of oxygen atom as
displayed by Figure 3.
Figure 4. Polarized Density of States of a. Pure ZnO , b. Na doped ZnO, c. Cl doped ZnO