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National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal



Name of the work: Restructuring of existing Green Circle Roundabout portion

@Km.119+353 including construction of Subway on
section of NH-48 in the State of Tamil Nadu

NHAI/RO-Chennai/Restructuring Green Circle Junction/2023-24/144


Regional Office - Chennai

National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways)
5th Floor, CMRL Building, Poonamalle High Road,
Koyambedu, Chennai-600 107.
Phone No: 044 - 22252635
Fax No: 044 - 22252636
E mail: [email protected]

October’ 2023
NationalHighwaysAuthorityofIndia Request for proposal


National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

The Appendix forms part of Bid. Bidders are required to fill up all the blanks in
the form of Bid and Appendix thereto)


Regional Officer,
National Highways Authority of India
SRI Tower, 3rd Floor
DP - 34 (SP), Industrial Estate,
Guindy - Chennai-600 032
Phone No: 044 - 2225235
Fax No: 044 - 22252636
E mail: [email protected]

DESCRIPTIONOFWORKS: Restructuring of existing Green Circle Roundabout

portion @Km.119+353 including construction of Subway
on section of NH-48 in the State of Tamil Nadu

Reference letter No. …………………..

Dear Sir,

Having examined the site of works and Bid Documents, comprising

Instructions to Bidders, Scope of works, Conditions of Contract,
Technical Specifications, Bill of Quantities and schedules for the
execution of the above named works, we, the undersigned offer to
execute and complete such works and remedy any defects therein in
conformity with the said bid
Documents for the sum of Rs. (Rupees
) or such other sum as
maybe as certain din accordance with the said Bid documents.

2. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to commence the work with in fifteen

(15) Days of receipt of the order to commence, and to complete and
deliver the sections and whole of the works comprised in the Contract
within the period stated in the bid hereto.

3. If our Bid is accepted, we will furnish Performance Security (ies) in

the form of a Bank Guarantee to be jointly and severally bound on us,
in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of One Hundred & Twenty (120) days from the
last date fixed for Bid Submission and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at
any time before he expiry of that period.
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

4. We confirm our agreement to treat the Bid documents and other

records connected with the works as secret and confidential
documents and shall not communicate information contained therein
to any person other than the person authorized by the Employer or
use such information in any manner prejudicial to the safety and
integrity of the works.

5. Unless and until an agreement is prepared and executed, this Bid,

together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a
binding Contract between us, but without prejudice to your right to
withdraw such acceptance without assigning any reasons thereof.

6. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or

any bid you may receive.

Dated this_ day of 20---

Signature in the capacity of duly authorized

** To sign Bid for and on behalf of

(In block
capital letters)


Signature of Witness

Name of witness

Address of witness

** Certified copy of Power of Attorney/authorization for signature

shall be furnished by the bidder.
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Bill of Quantities
9.0 Preamble

9.01 The Bill of quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to
Bidders, Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and Specifications.

9.02 The quantities given in the Bill of quantities are estimated

quantities. The basis of payment will be actual quantities of work indented
and carried out and valued at the rates and prices tendered in the priced
Bills of quantities, where applicable and otherwise at such rates and prices
as the Engineer may fix within the terms of Contract.

9.03 The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities
shall include all equipment, plant, tools, spares, labour, supervision,
overheads, consumables, materials, erection, maintenance, testing of input
material delivered, profit, taxes and duties together with all general risks,
liabilities and obligations set out and implied in the Contract and other
incidentals to comply with the requirements of technical specifications and
scope of work.

9.04 The rates and prices shall be quoted entirely in Indian Currency.

9.05 A rate or price shall been tendered as a single rate as

Tender Premium % above/below on the amount in General Abstract.

9.06 The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the contract shall
be included in the items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities and where
no rates are provided the cost shall be deemed to be distributed among the
rates and prices entered for the related items of work.

9.07 The contractor shall keep the entire carriage way neat and clean
throughout the contract period. The contractor shall maintain guardrails,
railings, crash barriers, road furniture etc. in good condition by cleaning
them frequently as advised / required by using suitable

The staff of the contractor shall wear safety jackets, shoes,

helmets etc. while on duty and any violation will attract a fine of
Rs.5,000/-per incident.

Failure to erect safety signage or trying to carry out the

works without proper precautions/safety measures as required
will attract a fine of Rs.5,000/-per incident.

9.08 The Tendered rate for incident Management shall include all equipment,
labour, material, consumable, tools, spares and other incidentals to comply
with the requirement of the scope of the work and technical specification.
9.09 General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not
necessarily repeated or summarized in the Bill of Quantities. Reference to
the relevant sections of the bidding document shall be made before
entering rates or prices against each item in the Bill of Quantities.
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Restructuring of existing Green Circle Roundabout portion

@Km.119+353 including construction of Subway on section of NH-48 in the State of
Tamil Nadu.


S.No. Description Amount (excl. GST &

labour cess)
1 Grand Total of Rs.6,57,43,434/- (Rupees Six
BOQ Crore Fifty seven Lakhs
Forty three Thousand four
Hundred and thirty four Only)
I/We agree to execute the above
works on the tender premium ------ (In words ) -----------------
-----% above/below the Grand percent Above /Below
Total of the
Project Cost as given above.

Restructuring of existing Green Circle Roundabout portion @Km.119+353 including

construction of Subway on section of NH-48 in the State of Tamil Nadu

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

1 Construction of Rotary @

Earth work in excavation of foundation of Cum 165.63 171 28323.00

structures as per drawing and technical
specification, including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing,
removal of stumps and other deleterious
matter, dressing of sides and bottom and
backfilling with approved material.

Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub- Cum 18.22 6796 123806.00

structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications PCC M15
Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1:3 Cum 132.48 11366 1505768.00
in foundation complete as drawing and
Technical Specification

Pointing with cement mortar (1:3 ) on Sqm 147.20 1232 181350.00

Stone masonry in substructure as per
Technical specifications
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub- Cum 6.21 6796 42203.00
structure complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications Coping concrete
for Stone masonry
Providing and fixing MS railing with 2"x2" RM 184.00 1800 331200.00
chain link fencing surrounded with 1" dia
pipe fixed to the basement with vertical
support of 2" dia MS pipe as per the
drawing enclosed and providing and
fixing Cudappa stone slab over the
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

basement etc., complete

Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Sqm. 40.02 7008 280460.00

Open Foundation complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
M20 grade
Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub- Cum 7.28 7066 51440.00
structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications

Furnishing and Placing Cum 4.88 6516 31766.00

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete
in super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar MT 0.36 81908 29815.00
reinforcement in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and Technical
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar MT 0.37 84280 30815.00
reinforcement in super-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M20 kerb RM 184 366 67344.00
(Construction of cement concrete kerb
with top and bottom width 115 and 165
mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20
grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation
150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm
projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone
laid with kerb laying machine, foundation
concrete laid manually, all complete as
per clause 408).

Painting two coats after filling the Sqm 316.48 131 41459.00
surface with synthetic enamel paint in
all shades on new plastered concrete
New jersey barrier for Service Road RM 235 8765 2059775.00
Total Amount for Construction of 4805524.00
Rotary @ Km.119+353 (a)

2 Widening of Service Road for

Roundabout portion @
Dismantling of Structures (Dismantling of
existing structures like culverts, bridges,
retaining walls and other structure
comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and
scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting
the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
of 1000 metres)
(i) Roundabout Stone masonry Cum 174.24 675 117612.00
Above ground level
(ii) Existing CC drain in Cum 70.18 820 57548.00
(iii) Existing kerb in Roundabout RM 242 27 6534.00
Dismantling of barbed wire fencing/ wire RM 242 114 27588.00
mesh fencing including posts, foundation
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

concrete, back filling of pit by manual

means including disposal of dismantled
material with all lifts and up to a lead of
1000 metres, stacking serviceable
material and unserviceable material

Excavation for roadway including Cum 2085.48 171 356617.00

shoulder and Below grade separtor with
all lifts and leads upto 1 kms all complete
as per Technical Specifications Clause

Constructing Granular Sub-base (GSB) Cum 772.40 2420 1869208.00

with approved materials conforming to
Grading-I (Table 400-1) with all lifts and
leads all complete as per Technical
Specifications Clause 401. (Mix in place
Constructing Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) Cum 965.50 2444 2359682.00
to full width for widening with approved
material complete as per Technical
Specification Clause 406.
Providing bituminous Primer coat @ 6 Sqm 3862 64 247168.00
kg/10 sq.m. Over granular surface using
slow setting bituminous emulsion as per
IS : 8887 complete as per Technical
Specifications Clause 502.
Providing and applying tack coat with Sqm 3862 17 65654.00
bitumen emulsion using emulsion
pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg
per sqm on the prepared bituminous
surface cleaned with mechanical broom
as per IS:8887 all complete as per
Technical Specification Clause 503.
Providing Dense Graded Bituminous Cum 193.10 9627 1858974.00
Macadam (DBM) course Grading II of
Table 500-10 using VG-40 grade bitumen
with bitumen content of 4.50% in one or
two layers complete as per Technical
Specification Clause 507.
Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete Cum 154.48 10824 1672092.00
wearing coat using VG-40 with bitumen
content of 5.00% complete as per
Technical Specifications Clauses 501 and
Total Amount for Widening of 8638676.00
Service Road for Roundabout
portion @ km.119+353 (b)
3 Construction of RCC Flushed drain
Dismantling of Existing RCC Raised Cum 738.10 1453 1072459.30
Drain (2.20m Wide)
Earth work Excavation Cum 1438.20 97 139505.40

PCC M15 Levelling Course Cum 59.925 6796 407250.30

RCC M30 Raft Concrete Cum 176.25 7066 1245382.50
RCC M30 Wall Concrete Cum 230.30 7066 1627299.80
RCC M30 Top Slab (Flush/Motorable) Cum 630 6516 4105080.00
HYSD Bar Reinforcements for MT 20.328 81908 1664984.87
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

(@50 kg/cum)
HYSD Bar Reinforcements for Cover slab MT 47.250 84280 3982230.00
(@75 kg/cum)
Weep Holes' @ 10m C/c No’s 47 127 5969.00
Total Amount Construction of RCC 14126075.00
Flushed drain (C )
4 Construction of Subway at 119+370
(Size 5.05 m X 2.55 m)
Dismantling of flexible pavements and Cum 728.75 533 388422.88
disposal of dismantled materials up to a
lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable
and unserviceable materials separately

Excavation for Structures in all types of Cum 4670.85 97 453072.02

soil complete as per drawings and
technical specification Clause 304, 309 &
PCC M-15 grade in pipe culvert, box Cum 228.047 6425 1465201.17
culvert, minor bridge, flyovers and below
approach slab

Plain/Reinforced M35 Cement concrete in Cum 468.720 7722 3619455.84

Sub-structure complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications (Case II
Batching Plant) (Height upto 5m)

Plain/Reinforced M30 Cement concrete in Cum 194.401 7066 1373637.01

Sub-structure complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications (Case II
Batching Plant) (Height upto 5m)
Furnishing and placing Reinforced/ Cum 443.843 8050 3572932.13
Prestressed cement concrete in super-
structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification (Height upto 5m) M35-
Grade-Super Structure
Plain/Reinforced M25 Cement concrete in Cum 10.710 7541 80764.11
Stair case-structure complete as per
drawing and Technical Specifications
(Case II Batching Plant) (Height upto 5m)
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar MT 76.402 81908 6257921.40
reinforcement in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications (Sub structure)
Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar MT 53.261 84280 4488845.51
reinforcement in super-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications (Super Structure)
Plain M25 Cement concrete in Sub- Cum 7.948 6921 55009.67
structure complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications (Case II
Batching Plant) (Height upto 5m)
Providing 20mm thick compressible fiber RMT 341.86 232 79311.06
board type expansion joints for Slab
Providing and applying tack coat with Sqm 1206.21 17 20505.57
bitumen emulsion using emulsion
pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg
per sqm on the prepared
bituminous/granular surface cleaned with
mechanical broom.
Providing and laying 25mm thick mastic Sqm 1390.35 846 1176236
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

asphalt wearing course with paving grade

bitumen meeting the requirements given
in table 500-29, prepared by using mastic
cooker and laid to required level and
slope after cleaning the surface, including
providing antiskid surface with bitumen
precoated finegrained hard stone
chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the
rate of 0.005cum per 10 sqm and at an
approximate spacing of 10 cm center to
center in both directions, pressed into
surface when the temperature of surfaces
is not less than 1000c, protruding 1mm to
4mm over mastic surface, all complete as
per clause 515.
Providing and laying bituminous concrete Cum 55.614 10824 601966
with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix
plant producing an average output of 75
tonnes per hour using crushed
aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to
5.6 per cent of mix and filler, transporting
the hot mix to work site, laying with a
hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor
control to the required grade, level and
alignment rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve
the desired compaction as per MORTH
specification Clause No. 509 complete in
all respects
Paving the floor with pre-polished Sqm 574.06 1270 729051.00
concrete anti-skid tiles (Required shape
and design) of 20 mm thick of approved
quality and colour laid in Cement Mortar
1:3 (One Cement and Three sand) 20mm
thick and pointed with white cement
mixed with colouring pigment at the rate
of 0.40 kg / sq,m., curing, etc., complete
complying with standard specification and
as directed by Engineer-In Charge.
Dadooing walls with approved wall tiles Sqm 569.39 813 462915
complete complying with standard
specification and as directed by Engineer-
In Charge.
Providing and fixing mild steel Railing - 50 RMT 275.85 3434 947276.00
NB MS pipe
Steel grating for drain Kg 71.40 142.34 10163.00
Supply and installation of Polycarbonate Sqm 63.59 8900 565933.00
sheet with Trusses, Purlins & baseplates
including tools and tackles all complete
as per standard specification.
Supply and fixing of UPVC window for Sqm 0.72 6500 4680.00
median ventilator for subway Box portion
including tools and Tackles all complete
as per standard specification.
Total Amount for Construction of 26353298
Subway at 119+370 (Size 5.05 m X
2.55 m) (d)
5 Construction of Footpath
Construction of footpath by providing a Sqm 1100 1270 1397000.00
150 mm compacted granular sub base as
per clause 401 and 25 mm thick cement
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

concrete grade M15, over laid with pre-

cast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3
including provision of all drainage
arrangements but excluding kerb
Cast in Situ Cement Concrete M20 kerb RM 2140 366 783240.00
(Construction of cement concrete kerb
with top and bottom width 115 and 165
mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20
grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation
150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm
projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone
laid with kerb laying machine, foundation
concrete laid manually, all complete as
per clause 408)

Manufacturing. Supplying and Fixing of Sqm 1070 5375 5751250.00

Stainless Steel Hand rails for staircase
using 50mm dia 304L Grade Stainless
Steel pipe of 1.60mm thick at required
locations to a height of 900mm from
finished floor level welded to 38mm dia
Stainless Steel pipe post of 1.00mm thick
as vertical at 900mm centre with 2 Nos.
of 25mm dia intermediate horizontal
stainless steel pipe of 1.60mm thick in
between. The vertical pipe has to be
welded to the 100 X 100 X 6mm MS base
plate encased in the base concrete. The
rate is inclusive of the charges for cutting
bending, welding, grinding, polishing,
conveyance, electrical charges, etc.
Total Amount for Construction of 7931490.00
Footpath (e )
6 Providing sign boards ,Road studs
Subway portion & Roundabout portion
Retro-Reflectorized Traffic Signs (with out
definition board) Type-IV
i. Informatory Board No’s 4 6349 25396.00
ii. Cautionary board(60cm Circular) No’s 4 4513 18052.00
iii. Give way - 900mm Equilateral triangle No’s 9 5126 46134.00
inverted (For Subway portion) &
Equilateral triangle inverted (For
Roundabout portion)
iv. Speed Breaker-900mm equilateral No’s 4 5126 20504.00
triangle (Subway portion)
v. Rectangular 300mm x 900mm (for No’s 6 4000 24000.00
Roundabout portion)
vi. Rectangular 600mm x 600mm (For No’s 8 5184 41472.00
Roundabout protion)
Vii. Mandatory / Regulatory sign No’s 7 4513 31591.00
Read Markers / Road Stud with Lens No’s 2473 480 1187200.00
Road Marking with Hot Applied Sqm 891 890 792990.00
Thermoplastic Compound with
Reflectorising Glass Beads on
Bituminous Surface (Solid contineous
line/Dash line/Pedestrian/Rumble strip)
Road Marking with Hot Applied Sqm 20.34 243 4941.41
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal

Si. Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

No (Rs.)

Thermoplastic Compound with

Reflectorising Glass Beads on
Bituminous Surface (Painting Lines,
Dashes, Arrows etc on Roads in Two
Coats on New Work)
Providing and Erecting of Retro - No’s 4 4000 16000.00
Reflectorized Hazard Marker Traffic
Direction and Place Identification Signs - Sqm 1 11491 11491.00
Type - IV
Total Amount for Providing sign 2219771
boards ,Road studs Subway
portion & Roundabout portion (f)
7 Subway Lighting @ Km.119+370
Supply of Pasasage LED light 120 W with No’s 12 14600 175200.00
proper clamping etc.,
Supply of Pasasage LED light 60 W with No’s 20 5900 118000.00
proper clamping etc.,
Supply of 3 KVA UPS in proper locking No’s 1 72000 72000.00
Supply of 4C X 25 sq mm aluminium Mtrs 100 200 20000.00
armoured cable in suitable MS/GI pipe
with proper clamping in wall, other
necessary provisions etc.,
Supply of 3C X 10 sq mm copper Mtrs 200 140 28000.00
armoured cable in suitable 32 mm dia
MS/GI pipe with proper clamping, other
necessary provisions etc.,
Supply of Suitable control Panels for the No’s 2 13000 26000.00
above light point in wall.
Supply of 40 mm earth pipe along with No’s 2 9000 18000.00
equipement earthing etc.,
Total Amount for Subway Lighting 457200.00
@ Km.119+370 (g)
8 Dewatering Pumps including
suction and delivery systems
Dewatering Pumps 5 HP capacity Each 2 98000 196000.00
including suction and delivery systems all
complete as per technical specifications
Total Amount for Dewatering 196000.00
Pumps including suction and
delivery systems (h)
9 CCTV- Surveillance
CCTV- Surveillance No 4 253850 1015400.00
Total Amount for CCTV- 1015400.00
Surveillance (i)

Total A = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i)
(Excluding GST & Labour cess) 65743434

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