RFP Volume II
RFP Volume II
RFP Volume II
October’ 2023
NationalHighwaysAuthorityofIndia Request for proposal
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal
The Appendix forms part of Bid. Bidders are required to fill up all the blanks in
the form of Bid and Appendix thereto)
Regional Officer,
National Highways Authority of India
SRI Tower, 3rd Floor
DP - 34 (SP), Industrial Estate,
Guindy - Chennai-600 032
Phone No: 044 - 2225235
Fax No: 044 - 22252636
E mail: [email protected]
Dear Sir,
We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of One Hundred & Twenty (120) days from the
last date fixed for Bid Submission and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at
any time before he expiry of that period.
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal
(In block
capital letters)
Signature of Witness
Name of witness
Address of witness
Bill of Quantities
9.0 Preamble
9.01 The Bill of quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to
Bidders, Conditions of Contract, Scope of Work and Specifications.
9.03 The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities
shall include all equipment, plant, tools, spares, labour, supervision,
overheads, consumables, materials, erection, maintenance, testing of input
material delivered, profit, taxes and duties together with all general risks,
liabilities and obligations set out and implied in the Contract and other
incidentals to comply with the requirements of technical specifications and
scope of work.
9.04 The rates and prices shall be quoted entirely in Indian Currency.
9.06 The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the contract shall
be included in the items provided in the priced Bill of Quantities and where
no rates are provided the cost shall be deemed to be distributed among the
rates and prices entered for the related items of work.
9.07 The contractor shall keep the entire carriage way neat and clean
throughout the contract period. The contractor shall maintain guardrails,
railings, crash barriers, road furniture etc. in good condition by cleaning
them frequently as advised / required by using suitable
9.08 The Tendered rate for incident Management shall include all equipment,
labour, material, consumable, tools, spares and other incidentals to comply
with the requirement of the scope of the work and technical specification.
9.09 General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not
necessarily repeated or summarized in the Bill of Quantities. Reference to
the relevant sections of the bidding document shall be made before
entering rates or prices against each item in the Bill of Quantities.
National Highways Authority of India Request for proposal
1 Construction of Rotary @
Painting two coats after filling the Sqm 316.48 131 41459.00
surface with synthetic enamel paint in
all shades on new plastered concrete
New jersey barrier for Service Road RM 235 8765 2059775.00
Total Amount for Construction of 4805524.00
Rotary @ Km.119+353 (a)
(@50 kg/cum)
HYSD Bar Reinforcements for Cover slab MT 47.250 84280 3982230.00
(@75 kg/cum)
Weep Holes' @ 10m C/c No’s 47 127 5969.00
Total Amount Construction of RCC 14126075.00
Flushed drain (C )
4 Construction of Subway at 119+370
(Size 5.05 m X 2.55 m)
Dismantling of flexible pavements and Cum 728.75 533 388422.88
disposal of dismantled materials up to a
lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable
and unserviceable materials separately
Total A = (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i)
(Excluding GST & Labour cess) 65743434