Ed 489194
Ed 489194
Ed 489194
Paolo Boero, Università di Genova (I), Luciana Bazzini, Università di Torino (I)
1. Introduction
This contribution deals with inequalities: an important subject from the mathematical
point of view; a difficult subject for students; a subject scarcely considered till now
by researchers in mathematics education. Our working hypothesis is that different
tools belonging to different disciplines (cognitive sciences, didactics of mathematics,
Assude, T.(2000), 'De l'usage de 'techniques faibles' et 'techniques fortes' dans
l'organisation du curriculum, Actes des Séminaires SFIDA-9 à SFIDA-12, Volume
III (IX), 9-14.
Boero, P, Bazzini, L. & Garuti, R..(2001), ‘Metaphors in teaching and learning
mathematyics: a case study concerning inequalities’, Proceedings of PME-XXV,
Utrecht, The Netherlands, Vol.2,185-192.
The above methods that were used to solve the “inequality” problem situation show
that the majority of the students who were invited to the board approached this
problem as an equality situation, which enabled them--by means of a slight adaptation
of the solution to the equality--to provide the solution for the inequality. They used
the following language to express this idea:
Student three: “Well, in the beginning, Ichiro had 180 yen, and the smaller brother
had 110 yen. And since there is a difference of 70 yen, and since the difference
between them becomes smaller by five yen each day, so it’s 70 divided by 10 minus
5. And since by the fourteenth day it becomes exactly the same amount of money, so
since on the day after that there will be a difference, so 14 plus one is 15 and it’s the
fifteenth day.”
Student four: “On the fourteenth day they become the same amount of money. And
the next day since Ichiro puts in 10 yen and the smaller brother puts in 5 yen …. the
amount of money put in is bigger for Ichiro. So the next day Ichiro’s amount of
money left is less so it becomes the fifteenth day.”
The student work (Student five) that involved the symbolic form of an inequality
right from the start served as a tool for the teacher to introduce to the rest of the class
both the inequality symbol and an expression containing this symbol:
I. Introduction
Graphs of functions are used increasingly to solve algebraic inequalities. This
phenomenon is most probably in relation with the increasing use of graphic
calculators in schools.
Most teachers seem to see the use of graphs as something that should help students in
their solving of inequalities. In relation to some observations in our classrooms
(students aged 15 and 17), we came to consider that this is not always the case and
that there is a need to study some of the problems that arise when one changes a
problem in algebra into a problem on graphs.
Solving an inequality graphically means, at first look, comparing the position of two
curves. Starting from an algebraic inequality, it supposes that the student does the
following work:
Inequality � create the two functions� emergence of the graphs through the
emergence of y � compare the y � come back to x.
We will first address Duval’s theory on semiotic registers to point out some of the
difficulties that can arise. Then, as dealing with graphs means dealing with functions
we will question some differences between denotation in algebra and denotation in
calculus as they appeared in some recent, and still ongoing, work by Maurel &
II. Some Observations
We will first give a quick look to some results coming from the classroom. We asked
our students to solve the inequality 3/x>2+x. As we expected, all the students who
used an algebraic method to solve it made the expected error. They multiplied by x
whatever the sign of x could be, thus giving an incorrect answer: x � ]-3;1[. Quite a
few students used a graphical solution, drawing the graphs of the two functions:
y=3/x and y= x+2. Then we found two types of errors: the first one came from
reading the solution of the inequality, the second one from the writing of the solution
for x even if the reading on the graph was correct. Older students (age 17)
encountered the same type of difficulties on working with graphs. Our purpose is to
give some interpretation of these errors and to show that the use of graphs for solving
inequalities should be carefully prepared.
g g
g g
Fig. 1.
f1 f2
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Reading papers on teaching and learning algebra (and other topics in mathematics,
including calculus) one frequently meets the term structure. Some examples of papers
in which structure plays a substantial role are Sfard & Linchevski (1994), Dreyfus &
Eisenberg (1996), Linchevski & Livneh (1999), Zorn (2002). Structure appears to be
a convenient term to describe something many of us may have some vague feeling
for but cannot grasp in words. In fact, in few papers is there an attempt at defining, or
even circumscribing what the authors mean by structure.
According to Sfard & Linchevski algebra is a hierarchical structure. In algebra what
may be considered to be an operation at one level can be acted on as an abstract
object at a higher level. Dreyfus & Eisenberg variously describe structure as the
result of construction; as involving symmetry; as being composed of definitions,
theorems and proofs; as being a method of classification; as relationships. Zorn states
that “Understanding basic mathematics profoundly means proficiency at detecting,
recognizing and exploiting structure, and at drawing useful connections among
different structures”. While giving no definition of structure he hints that it may be
connected to pattern. Linchevski & Livneh discuss students’ difficulties with
mathematical structures in the number system and in the “algebraic system” but
nowhere do they define what these structures are. They also use the term algebraic
structure without explanation, and refer to surface structure, hidden structure and
structural properties.