10th Worksheet
10th Worksheet
10th Worksheet
Define growth
2. Write down the meaning of development.
3. Differentiate between growth and development.
4. Discuss various stages of growth and development.
5. Explain the factors influencing growth and development.
6. Explain briefly the meaning of physical education.
7. Write two definitions of physical education.
8. What are the objectives of physical education?
9. What do you mean by body types?
10. What are the importance of body types in physical education?
11. What are the qualities of people belonging to mesomorph?
12. Explain endomorph body type?
13. Explain ectomorph?
14. Enlist the games/ sports suitable for endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph?
15. Write down the meaning of physical fitness.
16. Define physical fitness.
17. What is the importance of physical fitness?
18. What are the components of physical fitness?
19. Write down the factors affecting physical fitness?
20. What do you mean by sports training?
21. Define sports training?
22. Why is sports training important for sports persons?
23. What are the objectives of sports training?
24. Write down the principles of sports training.
1. A. Physical growth
2. B. Cognitive growth
3. C. Emotional growth
4. D. Social growth
5. Answer: B. Cognitive growth is a type of development, not growth.
6. Which of the following is not a principle of growth and development?
Development is continuous.
Development is directional.
Development is irreversible.
Development is universal.
1. A. Heredity
2. B. Environment
3. C. Culture
4. D. Nutrition
5. Answer: C. Culture is a factor that influences development, not growth.
8. Which of the following is not a stage of physical development?
Preoperational stage
Separation anxiety
Identity formation
1. A. Play
2. B. Friendship
3. C. Intimacy
4. D. Parenthood
5. Answer: C. Intimacy is a stage of emotional development, not social
12. Which of the following is not a theory of growth and development?
1. A. Psychoanalytic theory
2. B. Cognitive theory
3. C. Ecological theory
4. D. Behavioral theory
5. Answer: B. Cognitive theory is a theory of development, not growth.
13. Which of the following is not a principle of Piaget's theory of cognitive
1. A. Schemas
2. B. Assimilation
3. C. Accommodation
4. D. Equilibration
5. Answer: A. Schemas are a concept in Piaget's theory of cognitive
14. Which of the following is not a stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial
1. A. Culture
2. B. Parents
3. C. Peers
4. D. Schools
5. Answer: D. Schools are not a factor that influences moral
16. Which of the following is not a stage of moral development in Kohlberg's
1. A. Preconventional level
2. B. Conventional level
3. C. Postconventional level
4. D. Conventional-postconventional level
5. Answer: D. Conventional-postconventional level is not a stage in
Kohlberg's theory.
17. Which of the following is not a type of attachment style?
1. A. Secure attachment
2. B. Anxious-ambivalent attachment
3. C. Anxious-avoidant attachment
4. D. Disorganized attachment
5. Answer: D. Disorganized attachment is a type of attachment style.
18. Which of the following is not a gender role stereotype?
1. A. Poverty
2. B. Lack of education
3. C. Mental illness
4. D. Stress
5. Answer: C. Mental illness is not a factor that contributes to child abuse.
24. Which of the following is not a sign of child neglect?
1. A. Secure attachment
2. B. Avoidant attachment
3. C. Ambivalent attachment
4. D. Disorganized attachment
5. Answer: B. Avoidant attachment is a type of attachment style.
26. Which of the following is not a gender role stereotype?
1. A. Establishing a career.
2. B. Developing intimate relationships.
3. C. Raising a family.
4. D. Caring for aging parents.
5. Answer: D. Caring for aging parents is a developmental task of later
29. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the cephalocaudal principle of
1. A. Genetics
2. B. Environment
3. C. Culture
4. D. Nutrition
5. Answer: D. Nutrition is not a factor that influences the development of
32. Which of the following is not a stage of moral development in Kohlberg's
1. A. Preconventional level
2. B. Conventional level
3. C. Postconventional level
4. D. Transitional level
5. Answer: D. Transitional level is not a stage in Kohlberg's theory.
33. Which of the following is not a type of intelligence?
1. A. Fluid intelligence
2. B. Crystallized intelligence
3. C. Emotional intelligence
4. D. Spiritual intelligence
5. Answer: D. Spiritual intelligence is not a type of intelligence that is
recognized by psychologists.
34. Which of the following is not a developmental task of middle adulthood?
1. A. Managing a career.
2. B. Caring for aging parents.
3. C. Adjusting to midlife changes.
4. D. Developing a sense of generativity.
5. Answer: A. Managing a career is a developmental task of early
35. Which of the following is not a developmental task of late adulthood?
1. A. Adjusting to retirement.
2. B. Coping with physical changes.
3. C. Maintaining social relationships.
4. D. Developing a sense of integrity.
5. Answer: A. Adjusting to retirement is a developmental task of middle
36. Which of the following is not a type of dementia?
1. A. Alzheimer's disease
2. B. Vascular dementia
3. C. Parkinson's disease
4. D. Huntington's disease
5. Answer: C. Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, but
not a type of dementia.
37. Which of the following is not a risk factor for dementia?
1. A. Age
2. B. Family history
3. C. Head injury
4. D. High blood pressure
5. Answer: B. Family history is not a risk factor for dementia.
38. Which of the following is not a treatment for dementia?
1. A. Medication
2. B. Therapy
3. C. Surgery
4. D. Lifestyle changes
5. Answer: C. Surgery is not a treatment for dementia.
39. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the psychosocial crisis of
initiative vs. guilt?
1. A. Children are motivated to explore and learn new things.
2. B. Children are concerned about making mistakes.
3. C. Children feel guilty when they make mistakes.
4. D. Children develop a sense of purpose.
5. Answer: C. Children do not feel guilty when they make mistakes in the
initiative vs. guilt stage.
40. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the psychosocial crisis of
industry vs. inferiority?
1. A. Psychoanalytic theory
2. B. Cognitive theory
3. C. Behavioral theory
4. D. Ecological theory
5. Answer: C. Behavioral theory is a theory of learning, not development.
46. Which of the following is not a concept in Piaget's theory of cognitive
1. A. Schemas
2. B. Assimilation
3. C. Accommodation
4. D. Extinction
5. Answer: D. Extinction is a concept in behavioral theory, not Piaget's
theory of cognitive development.
47. Which of the following is not a concept in Erikson's theory of psychosocial
1. A. Preconventional level
2. B. Conventional level
3. C. Postconventional level
4. D. Moral dilemma
5. Answer: D. Moral dilemma is a concept in Kohlberg's theory of moral
49. Which of the following is not a stage of attachment?
1. A. Secure attachment
2. B. Anxious-avoidant attachment
3. C. Disorganized attachment
4. D. Disinhibited attachment
5. Answer: D. Disinhibited attachment is a type of attachment style.
50. 47. Which of the following is not a factor that influences attachment?
1. A. Physical neglect
2. B. Educational neglect
3. C. Medical neglect
4. D. Emotional neglect
5. Answer: B. Educational neglect is a type of neglect.
53. Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to bullying?
It is the ability to use the senses together with body parts during movement: