Adler R. Strategic Performance Management 2022
Adler R. Strategic Performance Management 2022
Adler R. Strategic Performance Management 2022
Ralph W. Adler is Professor of Accounting at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He has
taught graduate and undergraduate students in the USA and New Zealand for more than 35
years. Ralph is the Director of Otago’s Centre for Organisational Performance Measurement
and Management and serves as the Chairman of the Performance Measurement Association of
Australasia. He qualified as a Certified Public Accountant (USA) in 1984 and was made a Fellow
Chartered Accountant of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand in 2016. Ralph is
a past holder of the Coopers and Lybrand Peter Barr Fellowship and the American Chamber of
Commerce Business Education Fellowship. He is a graduate of Colgate University, NY (BA),
Duke University, NC (MBA), and State University of New York Albany (PhD).
“An important aspect of corporate culture is a strong performance culture that recognises
and rewards the right behaviour beyond achieving short-term financial goals. This must
be underpinned by an effective performance measurement system. The focus on ESG and
digitalisation of businesses also challenge the performance management systems of many
companies. The new edition of Ralph W. Adler’s book provides a useful framework for
approaching the design of a performance measurement system and is a timely reminder of
the importance of an effective performance measurement system for a high-performing and
ethical organisation.”
Mak Yuen Teen, PhD, FCPA (Aus),
Professor (Practice) of Accounting, National University of Singapore
“I love when a book not only contains all the relevant information but is written in a way
that can be understood by many, not just elite academics. This is one such book. From
what I have read, I would recommend this book for those studying, teaching, or working
in the area of management accounting – with an emphasis on performance management.
By critiquing and comparing respective early frameworks and providing a clear history of
performance management, Adler has cleverly derived a new and original performance man-
agement framework. This conceptual model then informs the remainder of the new edi-
tion with the addition of ethical behaviours and digital business transformation. Providing
detailed knowledge of prior research is essential to informing these new and improved ways
of organizational structure and ensuring the capture of 21st-century innovations.”
Robyn Pilcher, PhD (USyd), MCom, BBus, FCPA, FIPA, CMA,
Adjunct Associate Professor, Curtin University, Australia
“This textbook does an excellent job of condensing and presenting in a manner understand-
able to students the multifarious field of performance management (management control).
The framework developed and used throughout the textbook captures the various elements
of performance management in a manner that can be readily applied in practice.”
Ralph Kober, Associate Professor of Accounting, Monash University, Australia
Strategic Performance
Accounting for Organizational Control
Second Edition
Ralph W. Adler
Cover image: © Getty Images
Second edition published 2023
by Routledge
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© 2023 Ralph W. Adler
The right of Ralph W. Adler to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in
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First edition published by Routledge 2018
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Adler, Ralph William, author.
Title: Strategic performance management: accounting for
organizational control / Ralph W. Adler.
Description: 2nd edition. | Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2023. |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2022025546 (print) | LCCN 2022025547 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781032211893 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032211886 (paperback) |
ISBN 9781003267195 (ebook) | ISBN 9781032383163 (ebook other)
Subjects: LCSH: Organizational effectiveness. | Performance. | Organizational
behavior. | Strategic planning. | Managerial accounting. | Management audit.
Classification: LCC HD58.9 .A35 2023 (print) |
LCC HD58.9 (ebook) | DDC 658.4—dc23/eng/20220601
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ISBN: 9781032211893 (hbk)
ISBN: 9781032211886 (pbk)
ISBN: 9781003267195 (ebk)
ISBN: 9781032383163 (eBook+)
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195
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For my father, John, and in loving memory of my mother Anita and son Peter.
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Preface xiii
8 Competitive strategy 91
15 Conclusion 230
Cases 239
This book is the culmination of over 30 years of researching and teaching about performance
management. In writing the book, my intention is to offer insights into the successful practice
and study of performance management.
Senior management is invested with the responsibility of ensuring their respective orga-
nizations’ effective practice of performance management, a responsibility that is one of senior
management’s most, if not the most, important challenges. As this book reveals, performance
management comprises an interdisciplinary field of study and practice that draws upon a broad
array of business disciplines, including strategic management, organizational behaviour, organi-
zational theory, and management accounting.
The book is easy to distinguish from other books on performance management. First,
and unlike all other books, the discussion of performance management is conducted using a
genuinely interdisciplinary approach. Second, the book has been designed to be every bit as
accessible and meaningful to practitioners as it is for students and scholars of performance man-
agement.Third, the book contributes to bridging the divides between the research, practice, and
study of performance management. The divide between research and practice is the most often
mentioned one (Bromwich and Scapens, 2016; Chalmers and Wright, 2011; Marshall et al.,
2010; McCarthy, 2012; Parker et al., 2011). Readers will quickly see that this book’s pages liber-
ally cite evidence from scholarly journals, practitioner journals, and company/industry publi-
cations, thereby helping to address the research-practice gap. It will be further recognized that
the book’s interweaving of the scholarly and practitioner literatures not only helps to reduce
the gulf between the theory and practice of performance management but also helps to address
what Burke and Rau (2010) and Burke-Smalley et al. (2017) see as the divides existing between
research and education and practice and education. The very fact that the book’s target audi-
ence consists of students, practitioners, and scholars wanting to develop their knowledge of
performance management means the book is naturally serving an educational need. As such, the
book’s dual theory and practice approach further contribute to bridging the practice-education
and research-education divides.
Writing a book on performance management that synthesizes research and practice
from the fields of strategic management, organizational behaviour, organizational theory, and
management accounting poses significant challenges. As the book’s author, my background is
uniquely suited to the task. I possess an undergraduate degree in psychology. My MBA included
xiv PreFaCe
a concentration in accounting. And my PhD was in organizational studies, a course of study that
itself featured multidisciplinary, if not always interdisciplinary, teaching and learnings in psychol-
ogy, management, and sociology. I have also worked in industry for a number of years, where
I had first-hand experience in performance management practice, and was the managing and
founding partner of a consulting firm that specialized in issues of performance management.
In sum, I have devoted a large proportion of my working life to studying, researching, and
teaching performance management theory and practice. This book represents my latest attempt
to advance the field, while at the same time offering practitioners useful and directly applicable
insights and advice into their performance management practices.
Ralph W. Adler
Dunedin, New Zealand
March 2022
Bromwich, M., and Scapens, R. W. (2016) Management accounting research: 25 years on. Management
Accounting Research,Vol. 31, pp. 1–9.
Burke, L. A., and Rau, B. (2010) The research-teaching gap in management. Academy of Management
Learning & Education,Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 132–143.
Burke-Smalley, L. A., Rau, B. L., Neely, A. R., and Evans, W. R. (2017) Factors perpetuating the research-
teaching gap in management: a review and propositions. The International Journal of Management
Education,Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 501–512.
Chalmers, K., and Wright, S. (2011) Bridging accounting research and practice: a value adding endeavour.
In E. Evans, R. Burritt, and J. Guthrie (Eds.), Bridging the Gap between Academic Accounting Research and
Professional Practice, 1st ed., pp. 59–68.
McCarthy, W. E. (2012) Accounting craftspeople versus accounting seers: exploring the relevance and
innovation gaps in academic accounting research. Accounting Horizons,Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 833–843.
Marshall, P. D., Dombrowski, R. F., Garner, R. M., and Smith, K. J. (2010) The accounting education gap.
The CPA Journal,Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 6–10.
Parker, L. D., Guthrie, J., and Linacre, S. (2011) The relationship between academic accounting research and
professional practice. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal,Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5–14.
Performance management is often considered to be, or certainly such is the case for accountants,
a subfield of management accounting. Although it is certainly the case that the major advance-
ments in the field of performance management have been driven by management accountants,
it is fairer and more accurate to view performance management as an interdisciplinary field of
study involving the disciplines of strategic management, organizational behaviour, organizational
theory, and management accounting. Performance management, which is broadly about how
organizations design their organizational structures, systems, and cultures to encourage employ-
ees’ implementation of their respective organizations’ strategies, is informed and enriched by
practitioners and scholars working across these four broad disciplines. Contributions to this
interdisciplinary field of study have been ongoing for the past 50-plus years.
The description of performance management as an interdisciplinary science should not be
confused with the word multidisciplinary. The latter term refers to studying a particular topic
from various fields of speciality, while all the time remaining inside one’s speciality. In other
words, an organizational behaviourist would study performance management with a purely
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-1
Review Question 1.1: What four business disciplines contribute to the study and practice
of performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
organizational behaviour lens. This researcher or practitioner would not employ other lenses
(e.g., organizational theory, management accounting, or strategic management), and most cer-
tainly would not adopt a unified lens that draws together the contributing business disciplines.
In contrast, interdisciplinary research and practice require scholars and practitioners to situate
themselves at the intersection of the multiple contributing disciplines and employ a single,
integrated lens.
Figure 1.1 illustrates the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of performance
management. Each of the diagram’s four circles represents a disciplinary perspective; and the
intersection of the four circles, which appears as the shaded region, represents performance
management’s interdisciplinary perspective.
Let’s look at how each of the four separate disciplines contributes to practitioners’ and managers’
uses of performance management. Management accounting is a field of study and practice
that involves the collection, analysis, and communication of information for internal decision-
making. The ultimate aim of management accounting is to produce better decision-making
and, in the process, generate better organizational performance. As performance management
practitioners and scholars, our particular interest in management accounting lies in its ability
to direct employee attention. Management accounting’s construction of budgets is a classic
example. Budgets serve multiple purposes that are relevant from a performance management
perspective. First, they serve to allocate resources. This allocation informs employees of the
strategic priorities of the company. Organizations that allocate substantial parts of their budgets
to research and development initiatives are communicating something very different from orga-
nizations that allocate small sums to their research and development efforts. Budgets can also
reinforce organizational lines of authority and responsibility. Managers are typically assigned the
task of overseeing a particular part of the organization.The budget communicates what this part
is (including the employees and other assets that come under a manager’s control) and provides
a general outline of what is expected (by virtue of the line items that constitute the budget).
Furthermore, budgets serve to influence what employees do, and this influence can be further
supported by attaching rewards and/or penalties to employee achievements. In particular, the
targets management accountants help set when formulating budgets are highly likely to impact
employee behaviour.
Strategic management comprises the formulation, implementation, and control of the
unique set of activities an organization will undertake to achieve its major goals and initia-
tives. An organization’s senior managers, who are invariably tasked with this responsibility, will
systematically seek to grow and leverage their respective organization’s core competencies to
achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. While strategy formulation is not explicitly a part
of performance management, the process of strategy implementation certainly is. Accordingly,
strategic management is a central part of performance management.
Organizational behaviour (OB) involves the study of how people, as individuals and as part
of a larger group, structure and perform their work. OB is essentially social psychology applied
to work settings. It examines human behaviour in a work environment and assesses how task
structure, motivation, leadership, and communication affect organizational performance. OB
practitioners and scholars aim to understand and predict worker behaviour in their similar
quests to create more efficient and effective organizations.
Organizational theory (OT) comprises the study of entire organizational systems, as well
as the groups of people and subparts that constitute these organizations. It is particularly con-
cerned with how to best design and structure organizations. Part of the OT process involves
matching the organization’s design and structure with key internal and external factors. The
former includes influential managers and technocrats within an organization, and the latter
includes competitors, regulators, and lobbyists. OT practitioners and scholars are interested in
ensuring appropriate organizational and environmental alignment.
Review Question 1.3: What are some examples of the insights each of the four business
disciplines provides to the study and practice of performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
As the preceding paragraphs reveal, strategy formulation, and in particular the design of
winning strategies, is a necessary part of an organization’s attainment of superior performance.
However, on its own, strategy formulation is insufficient.As Merchant andVan der Stede (2007: 8)
note, “It is people in the organisation who make things happen.” Senior managers’ role must
therefore include ensuring its people are doing what is needed, which is implementing the
organization’s strategy. In fact, in its simplest and most basic form, this senior manager mandate
constitutes the definition of performance management.
Parallels can be drawn between an organization’s formulation and implementation of its
strategy and a sports team’s development and implementation of a game plan. In particular, no
matter how masterful a sports team’s game plan may be, it will have no effect and no relevance
unless the players execute the plan. In a similar fashion, an organization’s strategy may look good
on paper, but unless and until it is implemented it will be of no help or consequence. This idea
of irrelevance is well captured by the Japanese proverb: “Strategy without action is a daydream.”
Ensuring the organization’s strategy is being implemented, and, some practitioners and
scholars would further add, the strategy being amended as the situation may warrant is the
essence of performance management. How an organization goes about ensuring that employees
implement its strategy is the focus of this book. This task, which is the responsibility of senior
management, is highly challenging but eminently attainable. As this book reveals, senior man-
agers need to possess a clear understanding of their employees’ motivation if they, the senior
managers, are to be successful practitioners of performance management.
The motivation of employees requires more than simply energizing them. It also requires
directing employee energy. In fact, examples where organizational employees were energized
but not effectively directed abound. As an example, a 2017 UK news story reported that train
drivers in Great Britain were driving through stations they were scheduled to stop at. It was
found that this behaviour was the result of how Great Britain’s regulator measured on-time
train arrival. Knowing that the regulator’s measure was based on a comparison of the time a
train arrived at its final destination against its scheduled arrival time, train drivers who found
themselves behind schedule would skip train stations to ensure they reached their final station as
scheduled. Such a decision may have enabled the driver and its train to arrive on-time at its des-
tination, but it meant commuters’ schedules at the bypassed stations were completely upended.
Another example of misdirecting employee energy involves the UK’s Department for
Social Development (DSW). A manager responsible for the various offices’ operations became
highly concerned by one of the office’s persistently long lines that regularly stretched out of the
office’s front door and around the block. The manager instructed the employees of this office
to address the problem. The employees responded by moving the reception area deeper inside
the building and erected extensive client queuing barriers to organize the clients into a maze
of many channels. While the employees were certainly energized into action, the solutions
Review Question 1.4: Why must senior managers be capable of both energizing and
directing employee behaviour?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
they enacted essentially changed nothing about the situation. The amount of time clients spent
standing in line did not change, for the employees failed to address the underlying reasons for
the long lines.
As one final story of misdirected employee energy, when Carly Fiorina was CEO of
Hewlett-Packard, she instituted an employee bonus system that offered $100 for any novel idea
that a fellow employee signed off on. This bonus system coincided with the early 2000s when
Hewlett-Packard was moving away from building business software and towards building cus-
tomer hardware. Hewlett-Packard’s new strategy led to a lot of bored software engineers with
little to do. According to Wall Street Journal reporter Robert McMillan,
One former HP employee, Peter Hagelund, told the [Wall Street] Journal that his division
spent months in 2002 doing nothing but signing off on hundreds of one another’s wacky
ideas – including a design for chopsticks that also dispense soy sauce. Those employees
ended up pooling their $100 earnings and splitting them evenly. Hagelund said that with
his proceeds, he was able to buy a red Jeep Liberty.
(Weinberger, 2015)
The task of energizing employee enthusiasm draws on principles of leadership. Meanwhile, the
task of directing employees’ energy so that it is congruent with the organization’s ambitions
relies on developing organizational structures, systems, and cultures that encourage desirable
employee behaviours and discourage undesirable ones.The remainder of the book examines the
performance management practices organizational managers draw upon to ensure high levels
of employee motivation, loyalty, and commitment to implementing the organization’s strategy.
The book is divided into four main parts.The first part,“Performance management beginnings,”
consisting of three chapters, explores the history and beginnings of performance management.
Chapter 2 defines performance management and discusses how performance management is
practised, including who is involved and their various roles and responsibilities. Chapter 3 dis-
cusses the rise of performance management, and in particular the influential historical mile-
stones that enabled its emergence. This chapter also introduces a novel conceptual model that
portrays the key elements of performance management and serves as a roadmap for the book’s
subsequent chapters. Chapter 4 discusses the five main theories that underpin the study of
performance management: contingency theory, agency theory, goal-setting theory, resource-
based theory, and stakeholder theory. These theories derive from the academic disciplines of
organizational sociology, organizational psychology, economics, and organizational strategy.
Part II, “Organizational strategy,” presents and discusses organizational strategy. Since the
purpose of performance management is to ensure employees are implementing their respective
organizations’ strategies, an understanding of the composition and operation of organizational
strategy is essential to the study of performance management. Chapter 5 discusses how orga-
nizations determine their purposes and, in the process, develop enduring goals and objectives
that are meant to motivate and guide employee behaviour. This chapter is followed by a new
Chapter 6, which discusses the relationship between business ethics and performance manage-
ment. After putting forward the argument that strategy has an implicit long-term orientation,
the chapter proceeds to show that unethical behaviour will always be antithetical to strategy
achievement. The next two chapters discuss the different paths organizations can follow when
pursuing their respective goals and objectives. Chapter 7 defines organizational strategy and
discusses its importance to an organization’s success. It then proceeds to identify two types of
organizational strategy: corporate-level and business-unit-level. Chapter 8 examines the con-
cept of business-unit-level strategy, or what is commonly referred to as competitive strategy. It
includes a discussion and critique of the competitive strategy taxonomies of Miles and Snow,
Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne.The chapter concludes by discussing some basic asso-
ciations between competitive strategy and performance management system design. Chapter 9,
the book’s second new chapter, discusses the connections between organizations’ evolving use
of digital business transformation (DBT), competitive strategy, and the effect on performance
management design and practice.
Part III, “Levers of employee influence,” discusses the three main levers of performance
management: organizational structure; organizational systems, processes, and procedures; and
organizational culture. Chapter 10 identifies the defining dimensions of organizational struc-
ture as complexity, formalization, and centralization. Following a discussion about the need for
these dimensions to complement one another, the chapter proceeds to discuss the four main
types of responsibility centres and how senior managers decide which one of them is best
to use. Chapter 11 examines how an organization uses organizational systems, processes, and
procedures to influence employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy. The chapter
explores organizations’ use of performance measurement systems, employee incentive systems,
and human resource systems to exercise employee influence. Chapter 12 covers organizational
culture. The chapter identifies the six dimensions of organizational culture. It further discusses
how senior managers can identify gaps between their actual and ideal organizational cultures, as
well as what an organization’s leaders can do to create better alignment between their organiza-
tion’s culture and the organizational strategy it pursues.
The final part of the book, Part IV, “Contingent factors,” identifies and discusses important
internal and external contingent factors that must be considered when designing performance
management systems. These contingent factors must be incorporated into the construction and
operation of the three main levers of performance management if the organization is to achieve
good performance management fit. Chapter 13 examines internal contingent factors, while
Chapter 14 considers external contingent factors.
Chapter 15 presents the book’s conclusion. This chapter revisits the conceptual model of
performance management introduced in Chapter 3. Drawing on the work of Ferreira and Otley
(2009) and Malmi and Brown (2008), the chapter discusses the need for senior managers to
view their performance management systems as holistic. In particular, the chapter champions
the need to ensure that all the elements comprising an organization’s performance management
PerForManCe ManaGeMent: an IntroDUCtIon 7
system work in harmony to motivate and focus employee behaviour on the implementation of
the organization’s strategy. The chapter concludes by offering advice on research opportunities
in the field of performance management.
Ferreira, A. and Otley, D. (2009) The design and use of performance management systems: an extended
framework for analysis, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 263–282.
Malmi, T. and Brown, D.A. (2008) Management control systems as a package – opportunities, challenges
and research directions, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287–300.
Merchant, K. and Van der Stede,W.A. (2007) Management Control Systems (2nd ed.), Harlow, Essex: Prentice
Hall, Pearson Education Limited.
Weinberger, M. (2015) HP has a soy sauce delivery system for chop sticks, Wall Street Journal, Retrieved
chopsticks-to-game-the-system/articleshow/49265304.cms on 29 November 2021.
This chapter discusses the origins of the term “performance management” and David Otley’s
adoption of this term from the field of applied psychology. The chapter describes how the man-
agement accounting discipline used to refer to this field of study as “management control.” The
chapter traces performance management’s roots back to these earlier management control days
to help the reader appreciate the concept’s modern-day definition and application. Following the
specification of the book’s definition of performance management, a discussion of the various par-
ties involved in the implementation and practice of performance management is provided.
The first use of the term performance management can be traced to Dr Aubrey Daniels.
Dr Daniels used performance management to refer to an organization’s need for ensuring its
goals are being consistently achieved in an effective and efficient manner. This organizational
imperative, as will be discussed more fully below, has been traditionally viewed, since the mid-
1950s, as the central task and responsibility of practitioners and scholars who design, operate,
and study management control systems.
While Dr Daniels and his co-author Theodore Rosen (1983) were the first to make a for-
mal reference to the term performance management, the term’s initial use was largely confined
to applied psychology and management journals. It was only in 1999 that David Otley brought
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-3
the term into the accounting literature with the publication of his Management Accounting
Research article. Prior to this, the term “management control” was exclusively used.
David Otley, a professor at the University of Lancaster (UK), recounted in a personal con-
versation his motivation for introducing the term performance management into the account-
ing literature. He described how his student enrolments for a Master of Business Administration
course he taught in the 1990s had been falling for a number of years. He was convinced that
the title of the course – Management Control – was discouraging student enrolment. As he tells
the story, the word “control” had become unfashionable. All around the world, and especially
in Eastern Europe, control economies were in a state of decline and were commonly viewed
as failed experiments in planned economies by the majority of the world’s scholars and poli-
cymakers (Biersteker, 1990). The fall of the Berlin Wall and the disintegration of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics were commonly pointed to as proof that control economies are not
simply inefficient, but they are destined to fail.
Professor Otley, showing that he was not only a very accomplished management account-
ing scholar but an astute marketer as well, decided that a rebranding of the course title could
lift enrolments. Accordingly, he decided to rename his course “performance management.” This
name change alone, for there were no changes in the course’s content, produced a dramatic
increase in student enrolment. The outcome proved to be a happy ending for both Professor
Otley and his students, the latter of whom would have otherwise missed out on the opportunity
to study this all-important management topic.
Although Professor Otley and his students attached a very positive perception to the term
performance management, it is worth noting that the term does not resonate the same way for
everyone. In New Zealand, for example, the term has a very negative meaning. It is a com-
monly used term by the human resources function to indicate that an employee is failing to
meet an organization’s required level or standard of performance and needs to be closely moni-
tored. Should an organization deem the employee’s lack of performance to be serious enough,
the organization would begin to performance manage the employee. This process involves the
organization offering the employee assistance and support to improve his/her performance, and
usually involves the implementation of a performance improvement plan. Formal disciplinary
action may also occur, such as writing the employee formal letters of warning and removing
certain employee privileges and freedoms. If the employee’s performance returns to a satisfac-
tory level, then the employee will retain his/her job. If not, then further and more frequent
monitoring will occur until the employee either demonstrates sustained job competence or is
fired from the job.
In spite of instances where the term performance management conjures up anxiety and
fear, the term has largely been perceived as neutral or better. As a result, and with a little bit of
Professor Otley’s magic, performance management successfully showcased itself as an invigo-
rated field of study born out of its former name of management control. Accordingly, to under-
stand the meaning of performance management, it is best to trace the concept back to its origin
and start at that point.
Review Question 2.1: What is the origin of the term performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
What is performance management? 13
Professor Robert Anthony was the first to write about management control. He defined it as
“the process of assuring that the organization does what management wants done” (1956: 268).
Management control occurred as the result of the organization’s design and operation of a
management control system.
“Management,” “control,” and “system” are three relatively easy words to define and under-
stand on their own.The combination of these three words, however, does not, at least at first glance,
appear to convey Professor Anthony’s idea of “assuring the organization does what management
wants done.” Consider, for example, the term “inventory control system.” A typical definition of
an inventory control system would comprise something like: a set of methods, procedures, and
routines that a company uses to ensure adequate stocks of raw materials, work-in-process, and fin-
ished goods inventories are on hand for production and sales purposes at any given point in time.
In essence, a very succinct definition, notwithstanding the limitations of its reliance on the very
words it is attempting to define, can be achieved by reversing the order of the words appearing in
the term “inventory control system” to produce: a system that controls inventory.
If an inventory control system is meant to control inventories, then one might logically
assume that a management control system is meant to control management. But such a defini-
tion would appear to be at odds with Professor Anthony’s definition, for he describes manage-
ment control as a tool that is wielded by management as opposed to a tool that is imposed on
management. To understand what appears to be a significant logical disconnection between
the organizational process Professor Anthony was describing and the term that was originally
chosen to convey this meaning, it is necessary to read the fuller set of Professor Anthony’s work.
Such a reading will show that he did in fact see management control as a process for controlling
management. However, while we may associate the word “management” with an organization’s
senior-level decision-makers, Professor Anthony was using the word to refer to an organization’s
middle-level managers. In other words, management control systems were used as a tool by
senior executives to ensure that middle-level managers were working efficiently and effectively
in accomplishing the organization’s goals and objectives, as determined by its senior managers.
Accordingly, the term management control system was very much in harmony with the set of
processes and outcomes Professor Anthony was trying to convey. It is perhaps unfortunate that
the word “management,” as opposed to the words “middle-level management,” was used.
To appreciate more fully Professor Anthony’s choice of management-level focus, it is
important to understand the nature of the organizational structures that predominated at the
time. In the mid-1950s, when the field of management control was being founded, bureaucra-
cies and their hierarchal structures prevailed. In both the banking and manufacturing industries,
with these two industries easily comprising the majority of any major stock exchange’s mar-
ket capitalization at the time, middle-level managers abounded. Alfred Sloan, the then CEO
at General Motors (which at this time was the world’s largest company), was a main catalyst
behind the drive to professionalize managers. General Motors, and the many other companies
that tried to emulate the success of General Motors by adopting its various management phi-
losophies, contributed to the extensive growth of middle-level management. With so many
middle-level managers working in the organizations of the 1950s and 1960s, it is not sur-
prising that Professor Anthony, along with such other eminent scholars as Professors Anthony
Hopwood (1974), David Otley (1983), Kenneth Merchant (1985), and William Ouchi (1979),
chose to research and write about the critical need to ensure these managers are efficiently and
effectively working to achieve their organizations’ goals and objectives.
Today’s organizations are quite different from those operating in the 1950s, or even those
operating in the 1960s, 1970s, and much of the 1980s. Although hierarchies were a salient and
ubiquitous feature of these organizations, a wave of new management practices calling for flatter
organizational structures were introduced in the mid-1980s. The move away from tall organiza-
tional structures to flatter ones was largely a result of the total quality management (TQM) move-
ment.TQM preached the importance of full employee responsibility. Instead of waiting for orders
to come from line managers (who comprised the ranks of middle-level managers),TQM called on
all employees, including and especially front-line workers, to take charge of process improvement,
quality improvement, and even product innovation. The idea behind empowering employees was
to make organizations more responsive to both their operational and strategic environments.
Toyota’s production control system, which other companies from around the world began
to copy in the mid- to late 1980s under the title just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, had a further,
highly influential impact on organizational designs and the prevalence of middle-level manag-
ers. JIT promotes continuous improvement through its constant attempts to reduce inventories.
Its ideal goal of batch and inventory sizes of one unit is intended to energize people and reori-
ent the way they think about how products are made and services rendered. Similar to TQM,
employee empowerment is a central platform of JIT. In particular, employees at all levels of the
organization, and, once again, especially those on the shop floor, are meant to take responsibility
for how the work is ordered and processed.
With the advent of TQM and JIT came self-managing teams, autonomous work groups,
and self-organizing systems. In such settings, not only is it the case that there is less need for
middle-level managers, but it is actually desirable to have fewer middle-level managers. Since
the intention of these work settings is to accelerate decision-making and organizational agility,
it is preferable if the organizational layers between these empowered workers and senior manag-
ers are kept to a minimum. This is why Adler (2011) reports that at a major US retail bank, the
bank’s corporate policy was to have no more than three layers between its groups of empowered
employees and the bank’s president.
As a result of the delayering of organizations, and in the process the removal of many middle-
level manager positions, senior management’s task of “assuring the organization does what man-
agement wants done” (Anthony, 1956: 268) has come to include, and is increasingly directed at,
the newly-empowered front-line workers. With their empowered status comes the responsibility
to plan and manage the various organizational systems, processes, and procedures that will assist
the organization’s achievement of its goals and objectives. Accordingly, the idea that management
control should focus on the middle-management level became less accurate, less relevant, and ulti-
mately outdated. Professor Otley’s introduction of performance management as the revised term
to capture this indispensable organizational activity was therefore timely and necessary.
Review Question 2.2: How have the roles of middle-level managers changed over time
and what are the reasons for this change?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
What is performance management? 15
Whether the term performance management should be the preferred alternative to management
control is debatable. Although the former has the advantage of breaking free of specifying a par-
ticular segment of the organization, its singular reference to performance is unfortunate. As will
be seen in later chapters, a major aim of performance management is to motivate and influence
employee behaviour. In other words, the antecedents to performance, and in particular work-
ers’ motivation and how this motivation can be sustained at high levels, are an essential focus of
performance management.
At this stage, we might do well to heed the words of Shakespeare’s Juliet, when she says to
Just as Juliet proceeds to pronounce that Romeo’s perfection would be undiminished with-
out the name Romeo, so too might it be said that the practice of performance management
would still retain its organizational importance even if another name were assigned to it. In
sum, although the term performance management may be an imperfect descriptor of what the
practice comprises, the term on its own should not interfere with our ability to offer recom-
mendations for its use or study its impact.
There are instances, however, where performance management has been used in a way that
only partially captures its fuller essence. For example, Melnyk et al. (2014: 175) state:
The performance management system encompasses the process (or processes) of assessing
the differences between actual and desired outcomes, identifying and flagging those differ-
ences that are critical (thereby warranting management intervention), understanding if and
why the deficiencies have taken place, and, when necessary, introducing (and monitoring)
corrective actions aimed at closing significant performance gaps.
Essentially Melnyk et al. are referring to performance management as if it were limited to simply
performance evaluation. As later discussions in this book will make clear, performance evalua-
tion is merely one part of performance management.
Such a definition as the one Melnyk et al. presents falls well short of not only what
Professor Otley sought to capture, but also what Anthony (1956) was writing about when he
first introduced the concept as management control. Additionally, the Melnyk et al. definition
Review Question 2.3: How does performance management compare to management control?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
fails to mention any of the notable ambitions Radnor and Barnes (2007: 392) associate with
performance management when they write:
It is extremely unfortunate that such confusion about what comprises the performance man-
agement concept can prevail among today’s scholars. Readers are advised to be vigilant for simi-
lar misconceptions they may encounter when undertaking readings beyond the present book.
In this book, the term performance management will be used to describe the field of
practice and study involving senior management’s attempts to ensure organizational employees
are doing what they are supposed to do. Although the term performance management will
supersede the term management control, the former term will encompass the history, theory,
and practice of the latter term. The following working definition of performance management
is adopted in this book:
This definition is consistent with Zimmerman’s (1997, 2001) idea that control systems that
focus on supporting organizational decision-making without monitoring the goal congru-
ence and behaviour of subordinate managers, and employees more generally, are examples of
decision-support or information systems, rather than performance management systems. For
example, control systems that provide information on when to reorder inventory or when to
undertake maintenance on plant and equipment are good illustrations of decision-support sys-
tems. Malmi and Brown (2008) suggest that these types of systems should be called management
accounting or accounting information systems.
To qualify as performance management, the controls that management put in place must
be capable of influencing and directing employee behaviour. Two broad types of control can be
distinguished: formal controls and informal controls. Formal controls are written codes of prac-
tice or superior to subordinate spoken directives that guide and govern employee action.Typical
examples of formal controls are employee handbooks, manuals of standard operating procedures,
budgets, and written and spoken directives given by superiors to subordinates. Informal controls,
which arise alongside formal controls via social relations and interactions (Kober et al., 2003;
Tucker, 2019), comprise the invisible, non-hierarchically derived set of organizational rules,
prescriptions, and prohibitions that command and drive employee behaviour. These controls
are shaped generically by the culture of a business (Langfield-Smith, 1997) rather than by any
purposive, predetermined, or deliberate design (Tucker, 2019: 239). An organization’s shared
values, norms, and beliefs are some of the most potent examples of informal controls (Ahrens
and Mollona, 2007; Cui et al., 2016). Baraldi (1998) and Tucker and Thorne (2013) additionally
include informal communications and unstructured peer group interactions as further examples
of informal controls.
To appreciate the difference between management accounting or accounting information
systems controls and the controls/influence that features in performance management, assume
an organization has the goal of increasing automation in its production processes and it chose
to allocate its plant’s overhead costs to production departments based on direct labour hours.
Although some scholars and practitioners might object to the chosen cost driver, arguing that
it fails to honour the causal relationship between a cost’s occurrence and its allocation, the use
of a direct hour labour cost driver would likely aid the organization’s adoption of automation
and therefore it would constitute a form of performance management. In particular, the chosen
cost driver would motivate departmental managers to reduce their department’s number of
production employees as a way to reduce the amount of costs they are allocated. To replace the
lost production associated with the reduced headcount, the departmental managers would need
to invest in automated production processes; and this outcome is exactly what senior manag-
ers desire. In a similar manner, if an organization establishes lower thresholds for salespeople’s
spending on travel and accommodation expenses before higher authority approval is required,
then this new organizational policy will influence employee behaviour and would therefore also
qualify as performance management.
In addition to its recognition that performance management must be related to influencing
employee behaviour, this book’s definition is consistent with classical definitions of performance
management, such as the one proposed by Robert Anthony and John Dearden. They defined
performance management as “the process by which management assures that the organization
carries out its strategies effectively and efficiently” (Anthony and Dearden, 1980: 7). This earlier
definition by Anthony and Dearden remains largely unchanged in the twelfth and most recent
edition of their book which Anthony has co-authored with Vijay Govindarajan (2007), and is
therefore referred to here as the classical performance management definition.
Classical definitions of performance management view organizational strategy as already
determined and senior management’s role under performance management becomes solely
focused on ensuring the strategy is implemented (Kaplan and Norton, 1993, 1996). This view
of performance management has been challenged by such scholars as Bourne et al. (2000)
Review Question 2.5: How does the concept of performance management fit into the
role of an accountant?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 2.6: What are the differences between management accounting systems,
accounting information systems, and performance management systems?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 2.7: How do strategy formulation, implementation, and control relate to
performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
and Neely et al. (2000), who argue that performance management informs and challenges
an organization’s strategy formulation. A more recent definition of performance management,
as proposed by Ferreira and Otley (2009), views the development of strategy and its plans as
part of the performance management process. Accordingly, the definition used in this book,
which proposes that strategy formulation, and in particular its reformulation, is informed by
the performance management process, moves beyond the traditional approach of Anthony and
Dearden but stops short of Ferreira and Otley’s preference for subsuming strategy formulation
under performance management.
Far from trying to steer a middle-of-the-road course between Anthony and Dearden’s clas-
sical definition and Ferreira and Otley’s more contemporary views, the working definition for
this book is highly purposeful. To say that strategy is always a fixed input to the performance
management process neglects the ancillary usefulness that information which is collected in
the natural course of ensuring the organization is implementing its strategy can have on later
conversations about changes to and tweaking of the organization’s strategy. To say, however,
that strategy formulation is directly under the purview of performance management makes the
boundaries of performance management almost limitless. Extending its boundaries in this man-
ner runs the risk that performance management will become a catch-all phrase for the manage-
ment of everything. As Merchant and Otley (2007: 785) argue, these expansive definitions of
performance management mean that “almost everything in the organisation is included as part
of the overall control system.” This outcome is neither helpful to scholars working in the field
nor managers wishing to apply its practices.
The term performance management was first introduced into the applied psychology and man-
agement literatures in the early 1980s by Dr Aubrey Daniels and his co-author Theodore Rosen.
Professor David Otley, in the late 1990s, adopted the term into the management accounting
literature. While Professor Otley’s actions were largely a rebranding effort, the fact is that more
people are benefiting from its use than might otherwise have been the case.
This chapter lays out its working definition of performance management, defining it as
“the process by which senior managers of an organization influence employees throughout the
organization to implement the organization’s strategy and, when needed, the process informs
the initiation of changes to the strategy.” This definition continues the tradition of viewing
the need to influence employee behaviour as the mainstay of performance management,
while additionally recognizing the importance of performance management in informing and
influencing the set of interconnected, but separate, organizational processes related to strategy
formulation and control.
What Is PerForManCe ManaGeMent? 19
Adler, R.W. (2011) Performance management and organizational strategy: how to design systems that meet
the needs of confrontation strategy firms, The British Accounting Review,Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 251–263.
Anthony, R. (1956) Management Accounting:Text and Cases, Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Anthony, R. and Dearden, J. (1980) Management Control Systems (4th Edition), Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Anthony, R. and Govindarajan, V. (2007) Management Control Systems (12th Edition), New York:
Biersteker,T.J. (1990) Reducing the role of the state in the economy: a conceptual exploration of IMF and
World Bank prescriptions, International Studies Quarterly,Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 477–492.
Bourne, M.C.S., Mills, J.F., Wilcox, M., Neely, A.D. and Platts, K.W. (2000) Designing, implementing
and updating performance measurement systems, International Journal of Operations and Production
Management,Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 754–771.
Cui, J., Jo, H. and Velasquez, M.G. (2016) Community religion, employees, and the social license to
operate, Journal of Business Ethics,Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 775–807.
Daniels, A.C. and Rosen, T. (1983) Performance Management: Improving Quality and Productivity Through
Positive Reinforcement, Tucker, GA: Performance Management Publications.
Ferreira, A. and Otley, D. (2009) The design and use of performance management systems: an extended
framework for analysis, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 263–282.
Hopwood, A.G. (1974) Accounting and Human Behaviour, London: Prentice Hall.
Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (1993) Putting the balanced scorecard to work, Harvard Business Review,Vol.
71, No. 5, pp. 134–147.
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Harvard Business Review,Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 75–85.
Kober, R., Ng, J. and Paul, B. (2003) Change in stragety and MCS: a match over time?, Advances in
Accounting,Vol. 20, pp. 199–232.
Langfield-Smith, K. (1997) Management control systems and strategy: a critical review, Accounting,
Organizations and Society,Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 207–232.
Malmi, T. and Brown, D.A. (2008) Management control systems as a package – opportunities, challenges
and research directions, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287–300.
Melnyk, S.A., Bititci, U., Platts, K., Tobias, J. and Andersen, B. (2014) Is performance measurement and
management fit for the future?, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 173–186.
Merchant, K.A. (1985) Control in Business Organizations, Boston, MA: Pitman.
Merchant, K.A. and Otley, D.T. (2007) A review of the literature on control and accountability. In
C.S. Chapman, A.G. Hopwood, and M.D. Shields (Eds), Handbook of Management Accounting Research,
Vol. 2, Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 785–802.
Neely, A.D., Mills, J.F., Platts, K.W., Richards, A.H., Gregory, M.J., Bourne, M.C.S. and Kennerley, M.P.
(2000) Performance measurement system design: developing and testing a process based approach,
International Journal of Operations and Production Management,Vol. 20, No. 9, pp. 1119–1145.
Otley, D. (1983) Concepts of control: the contribution of cybernetics and systems theory to management
control. In T. Lowe and J.L.J. Machin (Eds), New Perspectives in Management Control, London: Palgrave
Macmillan, pp. 59–87.
Otley, D. (1999) Performance management: a framework for management control systems research,
Management Accounting Research,Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 363–382.
Ouchi, W.G. (1979) A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms,
Management Science,Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 833–848.
Radnor, Z.J. and Barnes, D. (2007) Historical analysis of performance measurement and management in
operations management, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,Vol. 56, No. 5/6,
pp. 384–396.
Tucker, B. and Thorne, H. (2013) Performance on the right hand side: organizational performance as an
antecedent to management control, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 10, No. 3/4,
pp. 316–346.
20 PerForManCe ManaGeMent BeGInnInGs
Tucker, B.P. (2019) Heard It through the grapevine: conceptualizing informal control through the lens of
social network theory, Journal of Management Accounting Research,Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 219–245.
Zimmerman, J.L. (1997) Accounting for Decision-Making and Control (2nd Edition), Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill.
Zimmerman, J.L. (2001) Conjectures regarding empirical managerial accounting research, Journal of
Accounting and Economics,Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 411–427.
This chapter traces the history of performance management and identifies key milestones in the
evolution of performance management thinking. Special attention is paid to the contributions
made by prominent scholars to the field of performance management and, in particular, these lead-
ing scholars’ respective developments of performance management frameworks.These frameworks
are compared, critiqued, and used as the basis for developing a unified performance management
framework.This unified framework is subsequently used to motivate and focus on later chapters.
Performance management describes a field of study devoted to helping managers keep pace
with and, when necessary, make successful adaptations to changing external organizational envi-
ronments. Performance management emerged as a dedicated field of study in the mid-1950s.
Robert Anthony’s 1956 book, Management Accounting:Text and Cases, provided the initial mean-
ing and impetus to what largely constitutes the field of performance management, even in its
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-4
contemporary evolved state. As a testament to the enduring impact Anthony has had on the
field of performance management, his 1956 book, albeit having undergone numerous updates
in the form of new editions, retains its currency as one of today’s leading and authoritative texts
on the design and practice of performance management.
Prior to the mid-1950s, accounting inquiry and research largely focused on technical account-
ing issues. Generally, the focus was the determination of optimal input/output ratios.Typical exam-
ples included determining optimal product mixes, modelling the effect of depreciation on costs and
selling prices, assessing the economic implications of leasing versus owning assets and calculating
efficient audit samples. Essentially, the research agenda in the accounting field was largely captured
by the dominant management paradigm of the time:Taylor’s scientific management.
Scientific management is based on the concept that there is a single best way to organize,
structure, and manage business activities. Proponents of scientific management view machines
and humans as extensions of one another.The mandate of managers is to ensure the most com-
patible and economical fit between the two.
Time-and-motion studies became the classic tool whereby managers sought to ensure the
most efficient workflow. Worker movements that did not conform to the one best way were
deemed wasteful and became the focus of identification and elimination. An ultimate conse-
quence of time-and-motion studies was the promotion of standardization of work and the divi-
sion of labour into highly specialized tasks.
Interestingly, scientific management viewed the man-to-machine extension as not purely
a physical relationship but a psychological one as well. The following quotation from Taylor’s
book, The Principles of Scientific Management, well captures this idea:
Now one of the very first requirements for a man who is fit to handle pig iron as a regular
occupation is that he shall be so stupid and so phlegmatic that he more nearly resembles
in his mental make-up the ox than any other type. The man who is mentally alert and
intelligent is for this very reason entirely unsuited to what would, for him, be the grinding
monotony of work of this character.Therefore the workman who is best suited to handling
pig iron is unable to understand the real science of doing this class of work.
(Taylor, 1911: 59)
Ironically, the eventual demise of scientific management was largely self-inflicted. In the mid-
1920s,Western Electric, a US manufacturer of telephones and telephone equipment, conducted
a series of controlled experiments on a cohort of its workers to determine the effect of changes
to the working environment on worker performance. Consistent with the goal of scientific
management, the object was to determine the one/single best, the optimal level at which to set
the working conditions.
One of the factors studied was workplace lighting. Initially, the lighting was increased, and
the experimenters observed an increase in worker productivity. Successive increments in the
workplace lighting led to corresponding increases in worker productivity. The experimenters
then reduced the workplace lighting, expecting to observe a decrease in worker productiv-
ity. Instead, worker productivity increased again. According to some accounts of the Western
Electric studies, after a series of reductions, the lighting became so poor that the workers were
practically bumping into each other.
The rise of performance management 23
These experiments, far from supporting the idea of a single best way, indicated quite the
opposite. There appeared to be no best way. Elton Mayo, a professor at what is now called the
Harvard Business School, was invited to Western Electric to observe and help explain the unex-
pected worker behaviour.
Mayo’s observations led him to surmise that the experiments had energized the workers
into a cohesive, integrated social unit. Furthermore, he surmised these workers greatly enjoyed
all the attention given them. In particular, the workers appreciated and felt a sense of pride,
and even elitism, in being “selected” to work in a separate, isolated area from the rest of the
workforce. On top of all this, there were men in white lab coats, even professors from Harvard,
who would keenly observe the workers and take copious notes of their nearly every move.
Accordingly, what Mayo concluded was that the worker productivity improvements had little to
do with scientific management theory’s preoccupation with aspects of the technical or physical
environment but everything to do with the human and social environment. More specifically,
he believed that the fuss being made over the workers changed their views about themselves
and their relationships with their jobs and co-workers. Mayo contended that the workers felt
a sense of liberation, a sense of being less the subject of constant outside supervision and, in its
place, given the implicit freedom to enact shared, group control. This feeling led the workers to
experience greater ownership of their work and, in turn, led to increased productivity.
Many scholars have objected to Mayo’s interpretation of the Western Electric events. They
believe the changes in worker productivity were merely the result of a type of experimenter
bias, what Henry Landsberger termed the Hawthorne effect. The Hawthorne effect (the term
derives from the name of the Western Electric plant where the studies on workplace light-
ing occurred) describes the situation where an observed significant positive effect results from
workers knowing they are being observed and, as a consequence, behaving differently. Almost
invariably, because the workers want to impress the observers, the workers perform to a higher
standard, and therefore the observed effect is positive. A Hawthorne effect is further character-
ized by its spurious nature (i.e., there is no theoretical justification for the relationship between
the cause and effect factors) and its momentariness (i.e., once the novelty of being observed
wears off, workers’ behaviour returns to its baseline level).
While it is true that Mayo’s interpretation of the Western Electric studies has been vigor-
ously disputed and challenged, this does not detract from the fact that those studies played a
key role in ushering in a new management paradigm.This new paradigm became known as the
human relations school and is based on the idea that any understanding of and improvement in
worker motivation and performance requires an understanding of the human relationships and
social dynamics of the people performing the work.
In sum, the emergence of the human relations school was the catalyst for the advent of
performance management. More specifically, the human relations school provided the impetus
for accounting scholars to move beyond seeing organizations in a purely mechanistic fashion.
Instead of viewing workers as passive inputs to processes requiring management’s scientific,
optimization-oriented interventions, workers came to be seen as being dynamic, active, and
socializing. Consequently, managers began to see that any attempt to curb costs, minimize
waste, and/or maximize the effective use and operation of resources would require a fuller
appreciation of the worker as a socially complex, rather than simply mechanistically complex,
organizational contributor.
Professor Anthony, writing 60 years ago, described management control, what the field now
refers to as performance management, as “the process of assuring that the organization does
what management wants done” (1956: 268). This definition would appear to encompass much
more than what Horngren et al. proposed when they wrote, “A management control sys-
tem is a means of gathering data to aid and co-ordinate the process of making planning and
control decisions throughout the organization” (1994: 466). In fact, most accounting scholars
would argue that the definition of management control/performance management extends
well beyond Horngren et al.’s rather static and highly mechanistic definition. As Hopwood long
ago pointed out, “The purposes, processes, and techniques of accounting, its human, organiza-
tional, and social roles, and the way in which the resulting information is used have never been
static” (1976: 1).
In fairness to Horngren et al., later editions of their textbook append to their earlier defini-
tion of the dependent clause “and to guide the behaviour of its managers and other employees”
(2006: 470). This updated definition hints at the larger role that Emmanuel et al. (1990) have
long associated with performance management. According to Sizer (1979: 244), “the manage-
ment control process consists, in part, of inducing people in organizations to do certain things
and to refrain from doing others.”This idea of simultaneously promoting and restraining is simi-
larly captured by Simons, who describes the necessity of the performance management system
to both “inspire and constrain” (1995: 136).
Exactly what people are supposed to do and refrain from doing is further elaborated upon
by Merchant. Absent an ideal world, that is, one in which “… all employees could always be
relied on to do what is best for the organisation,” some form of employee influence is needed
(Merchant and Van der Stede, 2017: 11). More specifically, performance management systems
will be required, and their fitness for purpose will be characterized by their ability to ensure an
“… organization’s strategies and plans are carried out, or, if conditions warrant, that they are
modified” (1998: xi).
Merchant’s idea that the successful implementation of the organization’s strategy serves as
the focal point of a performance management system is echoed in the writings of Anthony and
Govindarajan (2007: 17) who state, “Management control is the process by which managers
influence other members of the organization to implement the organization’s strategy.”
Together, these definitions of performance management provide two important insights.
First, the ultimate goal of performance management is to aid in the successful implementa-
tion of the organization’s strategy. Second, performance management seeks to achieve its goal
The rise of performance management 25
by influencing employee behaviour. This influence is achieved through the sanctioning and
promoting of desirable behaviour, and the discouraging and penalizing of undesirable behaviour.
Taxonomies provide the visual ordering of things, such as places, objects, concepts, principles,
etc. Physical scientists, including biologists or chemists, use taxonomies to create order and
meaning among relevant animate and inanimate objects, respectively. Biologists, as an example,
use the biological classification of kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species to
classify living organisms. Chemists use the periodic table to classify chemical elements.
In the social sciences, to which accounting belongs, taxonomies have similarly proven
to be useful mechanisms for creating order and logic. More frequently, especially in a field
like accounting, concepts and principles become the focus of establishing a taxonomy rather
than objects. Two classic examples of well-known accounting taxonomies are the Financial
Accounting Standards Board’s classification of the elements of financial statements into assets,
liabilities, equity, investment by owners, distribution to owners, comprehensive income, rev-
enues, expenses, gains, and losses and management accountants’ seminal classification of costs
into the categories of fixed, variable, and mixed.
Performance management scholars have likewise relied upon taxonomies to order and
present their ideas. Four main performance management taxonomies dominate the literature,
namely the taxonomies of Anthony (1956), Ouchi (1979), Hopwood (1974), and Merchant
(1985).While all four taxonomies seek to explain the sources or types of influence managers can
exert on employee behaviour, each scholar’s attempt appears to offer unique descriptions of this
influence on behaviour. Anthony, for example, dichotomizes the sources or types of managerial
influences on employee behaviour into formal and informal controls. Ouchi uses the categories
of market, bureaucracy, and clan controls. Hopwood describes the choices as administrative ver-
sus social controls; while Merchant offers a trichotomy of results, action, and personnel controls.
A close inspection of these taxonomies reveals several common overlaps, with each over-
lap offering discernible connections to a set of well-recognized organizational techniques and
practices. For instance, standardized systems and procedures feature prominently in Anthony’s
formal controls, Hopwood’s administrative controls, Merchant’s action controls, and Ouchi’s
bureaucratic controls. Organizational budgets, which form a subset of an organization’s stan-
dardized systems and procedures, are examples of Anthony’s formal controls, Hopwood’s
administrative controls, Merchant’s results controls, and Ouchi’s market controls. Organizational
culture, meanwhile, is a dominant characteristic of Anthony’s informal controls, Hopwood’s
social controls, Merchant’s personnel controls, and Ouchi’s clan controls. And finally, the control
Review Question 3.3: What is a taxonomy and why is it important to the study of account-
ing in general and performance management in particular?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
what Emmanuel and his colleagues have argued, and which has been previously mentioned
above, each of these three main levers of control comprises mechanisms for exerting control
on employee behaviour that can on the one hand serve as a green light and encourage cer-
tain employee actions and on the other hand act as a red light and discourage other forms of
employee conduct. This idea of constraining/coercing and enabling/empowering employee
behaviour is more fully discussed below.
At the centre of the framework is strategy implementation. Consistent with the working
definition of performance management adopted in this book (see Chapter 2), the ultimate goal
of performance management is the implementation of an organization’s strategy. It must be
remembered that because employees are involved in the implementation of an organization’s
strategy, the success of any performance management system is a direct function of its ability to
encourage/discourage the types of employee behaviour that will enable employees to individu-
ally and collectively implement the organization’s strategy effectively and efficiently.
As noted, there are three main approaches or levers that can be used to affect performance
management.The first – organizational systems, processes, and procedures – includes an organi-
zation’s use of financial and non-financial measurement systems, reward and incentive systems,
and human resource systems. Each of these systems offers senior managers the opportunity to
influence employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy. Budgets, a near-ubiquitous
organizational feature, offer a prime illustration of this performance management lever. On the
one hand, budgets communicate the types of actions employees should undertake and serve to
energize and direct their actions. Budgets accomplish this objective by virtue of the financial
authority they bestow on specific organizational members. Assuming the budget incorporates a
difficult but achievable goal, then goal-setting theory posits that budgets will produce enhanced
employee motivation. On the other hand, budgets routinely serve to constrain employee action.
Organizational resources are scarce and limited, and budgets are created as a way to commu-
nicate how these scarce and limited resources will be utilized. In other words, budgets dictate
the means within which employees and their subunits must operate. As a consequence, some
employee-initiated plans may receive partial or even no support.
The second lever managers may use to influence employees’ implementation of their orga-
nizations’ strategies is organizational structure. This lever influences the way members of an
organization interact with each other. An organization’s structure is commonly communicated
through organizational charts. These charts, which feature reporting boxes and reporting lines,
specify employees’ roles and relative relationships. Any given reporting box will have associated
with it specific devolved powers. In other words, the devolution of power sanctions particular
behaviours. Meanwhile, the reporting lines running between these boxes indicate employee
accountabilities. This specification of superior/subordinate relationships ensures employee
behaviour is constrained within predetermined, acceptable boundaries.
The final way an organization can influence its employees’ implementation of its strategy
is through its organizational culture, which comprises the values, symbols, routines, and rituals
that characterize an organization’s shared social programming. Although some scholars view
organizational culture as a contextual variable (see, for example, Ferreira and Otley, 2009), Adler
(2011) and Akroyd et al. (2019) argue that it is more appropriate to regard it as an integral
and interdependent part of an organization’s overall control system. Shared values, norms, and
beliefs define an organization’s culture, and these in turn play a powerful role in influencing
Review Question 3.4: When comparing this book’s PM taxonomy with other scholars’
taxonomies, what are some of the similarities and differences?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 3.5: Performance management is meant to constrain/coerce as well as
enable/empower employee behaviour. What examples can you provide of this dual
performance management influence?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
The rise of performance management 29
system of control, an organization’s senior managers have no way of ensuring the organization
is doing what it is meant to do. Some control is needed; and this will mean that at least one of
the performance management levers will need to be used.
Managers must, however, especially those with micromanaging tendencies, restrict their
urge to design too much control. A typical sign that there is too much control/performance
management is when multiple controls/performance levers serve to merely duplicate one
another. While some redundancy can serve to enhance an organization’s resiliency and prevent
unwanted behaviour (such as fraudulent behaviour), a performance management system that
exhibits an “in triplicate” mentality will likely serve to slow down and interfere with employ-
ees’ undertaking of important and vital organizational tasks. This danger is an especially seri-
ous problem for organizations that rely on innovation as a key success factor. The last thing an
organization that pursues a strategy of innovation in its product/service offerings wants to do
is to hinder or stifle its employees’ creativity. More will be said about this issue in subsequent
The amount of control should be only what is sufficient to ensure the organization is on
track for doing what it needs to do, which includes guarding against fraudulent and unethical
employee behaviour. In other words, the Goldilocks principle applies here. Neither too little
nor too much performance management is wanted. Instead there is a “just right” amount.While
Figure 3.2 portrays this idea of optimizing performance through the right amount of perfor-
mance management, later chapters of this book discuss the science and art of ensuring the “just
right” balance of performance management.
FIGURE 3.2 the relationship between organizational performance and the right amount
of control.
Review Question 3.6: Can an organization have too much performance management?
Discuss why.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
30 PerForManCe ManaGeMent BeGInnInGs
Adler, R.W. (2011) Performance management and organization strategy: how to design systems that meet
the needs of confrontation strategy firms, British Accounting Review,Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 251–263.
Akroyd, C., Kober, R. and Li, D. (2019) The emergence of management controls in an entrepreneurial
company, Accounting & Finance,Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 1805–1833.
Anthony, R. (1956) Management Accounting:Text and Cases, Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Anthony, R. and Govindarajan, V. (2007) Management Control Systems (12th Edition), New York:
Emmanuel, C.R., Otley, D.T. and Merchant, K.A. (1990) Accounting for Management Control (2nd Edition),
London: Chapman and Hall.
Ferreira, A. and Otley, D. (2009) The design and use of performance management systems: an extended
framework for analysis, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 263–282.
Grabner, I. and Moers, F. (2013) Management control as a system or a package? Conceptual and empirical
issues, Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 38, No. 6–7, pp. 407–419.
Hopwood, A.G. (1974) Accounting and Human Behaviour, London: Prentice Hall.
Hopwood, A.G. (1976) The path ahead, Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 1–4.
the rIse oF PerForManCe ManaGeMent 31
Horngren, C.T., Datar, M.D. and Foster, G. (2006) Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis (12th Edition),
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Horngren, C.T., Foster, G. and Datar, M.D. (1994) Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis (8th Edition),
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Malmi, T. and Brown, D.A. (2008) Management control systems as a package – opportunities, challenges
and research directions, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287–300.
Merchant, K.A. (1985) Control in Business Organizations, Boston, MA: Pitman.
Merchant, K.A. (1998) Modern Management Control Systems, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Merchant, K.A. and Van de Stede, W.A. (2017) Management Control Systems, Harlow: Pearson Education
Ouchi, W.G. (1979) A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms,
Management Science,Vol. 25, No. 9, pp. 833–848.
Simons, R. (1995) Levers of Control: How Managers Use Innovative Control Systems to Drive Strategic Renewal,
Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Sizer, J. (1979) An Insight into Management Accounting, London: Pitman.
Taylor, F.W. (1911) The Principles of Scientific Management, New York: Harper & Row.
This chapter discusses five of the most prominent theories used to guide the research and
practice of performance management. Each of these theories is separately described, dis-
cussed, and critiqued. The discussion of each theory includes illustrations relating the theory
to performance management practice and research.This chapter concludes with the presenta-
tion of a table that associates each theory with specific elements of performance management.
This table explicitly reveals the breadth of performance management issues covered by each
theory. As will be seen, contingency theory and stakeholder theory are particularly useful
theories for explaining performance management practice and guiding the field’s research.
Theory is an essential part of any business discipline’s acceptance and future development.
Without theory, a business discipline will at best be informed by trial and error. In such situations,
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-5
Theory and performance management 33
Review Question 4.1: What theories help to explain performance management practice?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 4.2: Why is theory essential to the practice of business disciplines like
performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
managers will implement some sort of action and subsequently observe the outcome. Action
associated with good outcomes will be retained, and action that led to poor outcomes will be
jettisoned. As one might imagine, such a strategy is likely to be a very slow and inefficient way
to promote organizational learning and the adoption of best practice.
Of course, an organization could do worse than trial and error. It could view the world
as completely random or controlled by an omnipotent external agent. In either case, the orga-
nization would likely resort to intuition or mysticism. And before one dismisses these two
possibilities as being too fanciful, it should be remembered that the Institute for Management
Development’s (IMD’s) Annual World Competitiveness ratings show many countries’ manag-
ers have limited business education and training. Without an understanding of the science of
management and business on which to base decisions, greater use of informal approaches and
personal schemas – including prevailing intuitions and even superstitions – are likely to feature.
A strong component of active theory development and refinement is essential to any busi-
ness discipline’s claim to current and future legitimacy. Theory helps to explain why events
occur as they do, why the presence of specific factors creates particular outcomes, and why
predictions can be legitimately made. In other words, theory helps focus thinking and, in the
process, allows a more rapid movement to more efficient and effective states than an atheoreti-
cal approach.
Five theories can be used to help illuminate the study of performance management:
contingency theory, agency theory, goal-setting theory, stakeholder theory, and resource-based
theory. Each of these theories and their application to the study of performance management
are discussed in the following sections.
Contingency theory posits that there is no one, single best way to organize and manage an orga-
nization. The theory was developed in response to scholars’ disenchantment with Max Weber’s
theory of bureaucracy and Frederick Taylor’s scientific management. Starting in the late 1950s,
a set of scholars, including Joan Woodward (1965), Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch (1967), and
James Thompson (1967), argued that Weber’s and Taylor’s ideas failed to explain such key orga-
nizational factors as management style and organizational structure. As an example, this group
of emerging contingency theorists contended that bureaucratic structures may work best on
some occasions, but for the majority of cases, other forms of organizational structure offer a bet-
ter choice. The best organizational structure for a given situation could be matrix, flat, or even
boundaryless.The key to deciding which management styles or organizational structures to use,
they argued, depended upon the set of internal and external factors existing in an organization’s
environment. These factors, which contingency theorists termed contingency factors, were
neglected in Weber’s and Taylor’s conceptions of organizational influence and practice.
According to contingency theorists, no universally accepted model explains the diver-
sity of organizational design, and therefore there can be no “one best” form of leadership or
organizational design (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967; Woodward, 1965). Instead, the preferred
leadership style or organizational design will depend on the contingent factors that define an
organization’s environment. These contingent factors are sometimes referred to as situational
and contextual factors (Chapman, 1997; Otley, 1980).
Some people have incorrectly viewed this axiom of “it all depends” as implying that because
no one right way exists, all ways are equally meritorious and management choice therefore is
irrelevant. Such thinking is profoundly wrong. According to contingency theory, because there
are no generic, one-fits-all laws of business, the study and practice of management become even
more demanding and challenging.
Whether it is selecting the type of responsibility centre to use, the most motivating com-
pensation and reward system to design, or the most effective leadership styles to exhibit, the
choices a manager makes are dependent on the internal and external contingent factors that
characterize an organization’s setting. The task of managers becomes not one of identifying the
best option for any generic decision (e.g., what responsibility centre should be adopted?) but
finding the best fit between the multitude of factors that define an organization’s internal and
external environments. Unlike population ecology theory, whereby organizations are argued to
operate largely – if not exclusively – at the mercy of their environments, contingency theory
places the weight of responsibility and accountability on management cognition, creativity, and
capacity to create change.
Reference to an experiment in chicken breeding can help showcase the additional com-
plexities and challenges contingency theory typically mandates. In this particular poultry exper-
iment, a study was undertaken of the effects on egg production of using two different methods
for populating cages containing multiple hens. The first method, termed individual selection,
relied on identifying and placing in the same cage the most productive hens. Next, these hens
were allowed to breed, and the most productive offspring were identified and placed together
in the same common cage.This breeding and selection process continued for six generations. In
the second condition, termed group selection, the most productive group of hens was identified
and this entire group of hens was allowed to breed. Each sire family, that is, the mother hen and
all her daughters, was housed as a group in a common cage. The best producing cage was iden-
tified and again allowed to reproduce. This process was repeated for a total of six generations.
Since it is the individual hen that lays eggs, it was expected that the individual selection
method would be associated with the highest overall egg production. However, quite contrary to
this expectation, it was the group selection method that led to the highest total egg production.
The researchers observed that highly productive individual hens often achieved their high produc-
tivity at the expense of the other hens living in their communal cage. In contrast, the group selec-
tion method produced a harmonious community of hens that was accompanied by a dramatic
drop in hen mortality from 68% to 9% and an equally dramatic 160% increase in egg production.
The point of recounting this experiment with egg production is to illustrate the con-
tingency effects that exist even in a system as relatively simple and straightforward as an egg
Theory and performance management 35
factory’s egg production. Although egg production, at least on the surface, appears to be largely
a function of a hen’s fertility, other factors affect this egg production. And these other factors
are not a simple function of diet (e.g., protein intake) or physical environment factors (e.g.,
amount of light). Instead, social factors interact with these other factors to determine ultimate
egg production.
A classic example of contingency theory is Lawrence and Lorsch’s (1967) study of organi-
zational structuring and effectiveness.These researchers observed that there was no one best way
to structure an organization. Rather, the decision about what organizational structure to adopt
is best viewed as contingent upon the type of environment in which an organization operates.
Complex, unpredictable, and fast-moving environments are best suited to decentralized organi-
zational structures. Meanwhile, relatively simple, predictable, and slower-moving environments
are best suited to centralized structures.
The applications of contingency theory to performance management are manifold.
Contingency theory views the quest for organizational effectiveness as a kaleidoscopic jigsaw
puzzle (see, for example, Malmi and Brown, 2008). In particular, changes to any one of the
myriad of factors (with each of these factors being likened to a piece of the jigsaw puzzle) that are
likely to impact on an organization’s performance and success must be evaluated in light of the
full set of factors. Before implementing organizational action, decision-makers must first examine
how a contemplated change in any one factor may precipitate a change in other factors. When
making this examination, practitioners may find they need to adjust various organizational fac-
tors to either compensate for or to take full advantage of the initial change(s) they make.
As an example, a change in leader, say the organization’s chief executive officer (CEO),
is likely to produce a different style of organizational leadership. There may be a change from
perhaps a command-and-control leadership style to an interactive leadership style. The former
leadership style is best associated with top-down, formal communication flows and the use of
compensation systems that focus on an individual’s ability to meet financial performance targets.
Interactive leadership mandates very different communication flows and compensation system
designs. As Adler and his colleagues note, interactive leadership calls for the use of participative
and reciprocal communication flows and the use of compensation systems that are community-
based and place a high reliance on intrinsic motivation (Adler et al., 2017).
Not surprisingly, the adjustments to an organization’s communication flows and com-
pensation systems will likely prompt changes to the design of the organization’s structure and
have flow-on effects on the organization’s culture. In other words, there will be a cascading of
changes throughout the figurative jigsaw puzzle that represents the organization, with all these
changes necessitated by the overarching need to ensure the best overall fit is achieved between
the organization and its environment.
Various scholars have expressed reservations about contingency theory. In particular, it
has been criticized for what is perceived as its failure to adequately conceptualize, define, and
measure key variables of the theory (e.g., subunit interdependency, environmental uncertainty,
organizational complexity). Scholars have also criticized the usefulness of research that has relied
on contingency theory, claiming that many of these studies involve small sample sizes, often
yield inconsistent results, and frequently fail to incorporate the wider context of organizations.
Although these criticisms may have been valid in relation to research conducted in the 1980s
and 1990s, they appear less relevant to more recent studies.
It is interesting to note that the agency theory literature largely views the agent as the
one who restricts information flow. In particular, the agent is ascribed with possessing more
information than the principal, and the agent uses this information asymmetry for his/her own
personal gain.The agency literature even goes so far as to suggest that the agents can sometimes
use misinformation or the fabrication of information as a further means to enhance their per-
sonal advantages.
Invariably agency theory paints a dark image of human behaviour. As Ghoshal (2005) notes,
the gloomy views espoused by agency theory specify that employees cannot be trusted and that
tight monitoring and control of employees must be undertaken. Failure to monitor employees
and keep their greed in check will precipitate undesirable, opportunistic behaviour that will cost
the organization. However, as Ghoshal observes, agency theory’s pessimistic view of the world is
not consistently supported by either empirical evidence or common sense.
Ghoshal labels agency theory as an example of a “bad management theory,” whose impact
has had much more to do with conditioning employee behaviour and producing self-fulfilling
prophecies than explaining or predicting employee behaviour. In particular, Ghoshal argues
business schools’ 30-plus years of teaching these ideologically laden, pessimistic management
theories has indoctrinated a generation of managers to not only view others as greed-fuelled,
heartless, win-at-any-cost, back-stabbing schemers but also encourage all and sundry to adopt
such an approach themselves lest they be swindled and taken advantage of first.
Putting aside the issue of whether agency theory represents a “bad management theory,”
the theory has been used to explain how, under conditions of information asymmetry, employ-
ment contracts should be written to promote principal and agent goal harmony. Quite often
these contracts involve the specification of compensation. For example, salespeople, whose
efforts are difficult to observe, typically have a large portion of their pay based on sales commis-
sions. Meanwhile, factory workers may be paid piece rates, waitstaff may earn the majority of
their wages through customer tips, and senior managers of for-profit, publicly listed companies
may have substantial parts of their salaries determined by share options. In sum, agency theory
has had a powerful effect on defining performance, and in particular an individual’s (as opposed
to a group’s) performance.The focus of agency theory is almost invariably placed on controlling
individual performance, whereby it is used to justify the type and amount of rewards bestowed
on employees.
Edwin Locke developed goal-setting theory in the 1960s. Locke (1968) proposed this theory to
explain motivation. In its most simple terms, the theory posits that when goals are set, motiva-
tion is enhanced. They do so by directing attention, energizing effort, increasing persistence,
and unlocking and leveraging task-relevant knowledge and strategies (Locke and Latham, 2002).
It is interesting to note that who sets the goals, that is whether it be a participative approach
involving the affected employees or a top-down approach decided by a superior, is not nearly
as important as ensuring that goals exist.
An early study by Latham and Baldes (1975) looked at the motivational, and in particular the
performance, impact of management assigning goals to the drivers of logging trucks. The drivers
worked for an Oklahoma, US logging company. As one of their job responsibilities, the drivers
were responsible for loading logs onto their trucks. Management observed that many of the
trucks were carrying loads that were significantly below the maximum legal net weight limit. In
an attempt to boost productivity, management assigned the drivers a goal of ensuring loads of at
least 94% of the maximum legal net weight.The drivers were told this management directive was
part of an experimental programme. No rewards would be offered or any punitive action taken
for either attaining or missing the goal. No special training of any kind was provided. In fact, other
than verbal praise being given for improving performance, no other changes occurred.
The implementation of this goal-setting programme led to an improvement from an aver-
age load of 60% of the maximum legal net weight to close to 95%. This increase in productiv-
ity occurred within four months of commencing the programme and was largely maintained
over the succeeding five months of the programme’s operation. The success of the goal-setting
intervention was reported to have saved the company from making an investment of $250,000
in the additional trucks that would have otherwise been needed to deliver the same quantity
of logs to the mills.
When setting goals, it is important that the goals be difficult but attainable, a characteristic that
Locke and Latham (2002) term “high goals.” Goals that are too easy or viewed as impossible have
low motivating potential. In fact, goal-setting practitioners have developed the acronym SMART
for specifying what are seen as the ideal features of goals. The “S” stands for “specific.” Goals
must be clear, unambiguous, and well defined. A goal such as “being among the top 20% of all
performers” would meet this definition, whereas stating a goal like “doing one’s best” would not.
The “M” stands for “measureable.” Goals must be quantifiable. A goal of “being the best foreman
in the world” would not satisfy this criterion because it is not measureable. How would “best” be
determined? Would it be based on subordinate popularity, department productivity, or some other
measure? And even if one particular measure or even a weighting of all the identified measures
could be agreed upon, how would it be possible to collect performance data on all the world’s
foremen? Suffice it to say, such a goal does not meet the characteristic of measurability.
The “A” in the SMART acronym stands for “ambitious.” Goals should be difficult and
require employees to work at a high level of effort and ability to achieve the goals. To avoid
pushing employees beyond their breaking point, the acronym’s “R” stands for “reasonable.”
Impossible goals do not motivate; instead, they only serve to demoralize.
Discovering the borderline between motivating and demoralizing goals is not a simple matter.
In fact, great debate exists in the literature about the usefulness of what practitioners and scholars
refer to in varying names as “tiptoe,”“stretch,” and “BHAGs” (big hairy audacious goals). Examples
of these extremely difficult goals are Toyota’s goal of a 100% increase in fuel efficiency, which led
to its development of the Prius, and the Singapore Port Authority’s goal of moving from handling
zero container boxes in overseas ports to handling 10 million container boxes within ten years.
While Denning (2012) champions the use of stretch goals, saying “let’s celebrate stretch goals. Let’s
set awesome goals for ourselves that uplift the human spirit, goals that inspire those doing work
and delight those for whom work is done,” Markovitz (2012: 34) warns against their use, advising
“Let’s dispense, once and for all, with the managerial absurdity known as ‘stretch goals.’”
An enduring challenge for senior managers is to create goals that exert a maximum moti-
vating effect on employee behaviour. Although the literature is quite clear on the need for
goals and targets to be neither too easy nor too difficult, exactly what constitutes being “too
Theory and performance management 39
difficult” is still the subject of debate. Generally speaking, it can be understood that a Goldilocks
region exists between the non-motivating zones of “too easy” and “too difficult.”The threshold
between goals that are too easy and this Goldilocks region is evidenced when goals reach the
point that they require employees to exhibit strong, and not just average, exertion, commitment,
and innovation. Meanwhile, the tipping point between the Goldilocks region and goals that are
too difficult occurs when employees begin displaying signs of demoralization, learning avoid-
ance, and/or cheating to attain the goal.
The final letter of the SMART acronym is “T.” This stands for “time-targeted.” In particu-
lar, goals must have a due date or date of completion. For example, it is not sufficient to state a
goal as “to have the highest customer satisfaction rates in our industry.” The goal must be time-
bounded and include an additional descriptor such as “for the year 2013” or “for the industry’s
most current five-year running average.”
In sum, the use of goals, and in particular goals that conform to the SMART acronym,
motivate employee behaviour. The management literature has shown a consistent and strongly
positive correlation between motivation and performance. In other words, superiors who can
better motivate their subordinates will reap the benefits of better employee performance.
Stakeholder theory is based on the idea that an organization’s goals, objectives, and even the
various work procedures and organizational activities it adopts are a product of the multiple
groups of people who seek to exert their influence on the organization. The groups can be
internal or external to the organization. The former consists of shareholders and employees,
with these groups being responsible – either directly or indirectly through their delegated
appointees – for planning, designing, implementing, and delivering their respective organiza-
tions’ products/services to their customers. The latter group comprises customers, suppliers,
unions, regulators, industry associations, lobbyists, and various governmental agencies (health
and safety, environmental protection, taxation, etc.), who together collectively define the set of
external expectations held for the organization.
Different stakeholder groups are likely to have different levels of power/influence. For one
particular organization, employees may wield the most influence, while at another organiza-
tion regulators may exert the greatest influence on the organization’s activities. Additionally, the
influence of any one group is far from static. Rather, it can, and is likely to, change over time.
Stakeholder theory can be easily contrasted with shareholder theory. Whereas the former
theory suggests an organization must satisfy a wide array of groups that express an interest in
the organization’s activities, the latter theory argues that only the organization’s shareholders
matter. In shareholder theory’s extreme form, management is only and solely responsible to the
organization’s shareholders.
Shareholder theory was proposed in the 1960s and is closely associated with Milton
Friedman’s work. The essence of shareholder theory is well captured by Friedman’s (1962: 133)
assertion: “There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and
engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it … engages in open and free
competition, without deception or fraud.” Stakeholder theory posits that managers have a duty
to be the agents of all stakeholders. Managers assume two main responsibilities: they must ensure
the ethical rights of all stakeholders are maintained and they must assert their power in a way
that ensures proper recognition of the legitimate interests of all stakeholders, whether these
stakeholders are shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, governmental bodies, or the
local community. In executing their role, and in sharp contrast to the shareholder perspective,
managers are meant to trade off firm profitability for overall stakeholder well-being. In other
words, while shareholder theory takes a rather narrow view of managers’ mandate, stakeholder
theory adopts a more utilitarian perspective. Furthermore, while shareholder theory sees all
non-shareholder groups as a means to an end, and in particular requires recognition solely for
the impact they have on maximizing the wealth of its shareholders, stakeholder theory views all
stakeholder groups as an important end in and of themselves.
Stakeholder theory helps to explain organizations’ formulation of strategy. For example, it
can be used to understand how the power exerted by different stakeholder groupings influences
an organization’s determination of its goals and objectives. These goals and objectives become
embodied in such key strategic documents as an organization’s mission and vision statements.
Under the resource-based theory, organizations are viewed as collections of resources that have
the potential to endow an organization with a competitive advantage, which is defined as
the ability to stay ahead of present or potential competition (Porter, 1985). An organization’s
resources are comprised of physical assets (e.g., machines, property, capital), intangible assets
(e.g., patents, brand names, technological knowhow), and operational capabilities (e.g., routines
or processes like total quality, just-in-time, lean manufacturing). When trying to understand the
distinctions between these three types of organizational resources, physical and intangible assets
can be viewed as resources that are tradable and non-specific to an organization. In contrast,
capabilities are organization-specific and are deployed and bundled together by an organization
to improve the productivity of its physical and tangible assets. In fact, this idea of building and
leveraging capabilities is the essence of competitive strategy, which is discussed in Chapter 8.
It is senior management’s responsibility to ensure their respective organizations grow their
resources and unlock the potential advantages they offer. This task can be accomplished by
developing an organization’s resources internally or by obtaining them from external parties
through acquisitions. Irrespective of which route, or both routes, an organization takes, it is cru-
cial that an organization’s senior managers commit to the current and future investments needed
to develop/acquire the resources that will provide the organization’s competitive advantage.
According to Collis and Montgomery (1995), resources are valuable (i.e., they enable com-
petitive advantage and not simply short-run benefits) when they possess:
1 Inimitability
2 Durability
3 Appropriability
4 Substitutability
5 Competitive superiority.
Theory and performance management 41
highly dynamic environments; for it helps them to understand how to marshal their assets and
capabilities to enable firm survival (Ludwig and Pemberton, 2011).
Table 4.1 depicts how each of the five theories just discussed helps to explain specific elements
of performance management. This table relies on the framework by Ferreira and Otley (2009)
for the listing of the performance management elements. Beyond being widely cited, this
framework offers one of the most detailed compilations of performance management elements,
which makes it a logical candidate for its inclusion here.
As Table 4.1 shows, resource-based theory is especially useful for studying such aspects of
performance management as an organization’s vision and mission, its success factors, its strategy
and plans, and its key performance measures. The theory is also useful for understanding orga-
nizational change. As should be far from a surprise, resource-based theory’s main contribution
derives from its key implications for strategy formulation, implementation, and control. For
example, resource-based theory contends that:
Review Question 4.3: Are some theories better at explaining parts of performance
management? If so, which theories better explain which parts?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 4.4: What theory or theories do you believe are best suited to the field
of performance management?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 4.5: What are the implications of goal-setting theory on performance
management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Agency theory and goal-setting theory are particularly useful in explaining an organization’s
target setting, its performance evaluation systems and processes, the performance rewards it
offers, and the design and use of its information flows.While both theories address this similar set
of performance management topics, they do so with highly contrasting ambitions. Goal-setting
theory attempts to encourage employee action. Meanwhile, agency theory’s focus is more on
curbing and controlling employee behaviour than encouraging it.
Both stakeholder theory and contingency theory address a large proportion of the ele-
ments of performance management. Stakeholder theory helps explain the organizational goals
and objectives that become enshrined in any particular organization’s mission and vision state-
ments. It also provides understanding of the success factors and targets an organization uses, as
well as the performance evaluation systems and information flows it operates. Meanwhile, with
the exception of failing to address the formulation of an organization’s strategy (i.e., mission
and vision, success factors, and strategies and plans), contingency theory helps shed light on all
the other performance management elements in Table 4.1. It is for this reason that contingency
theory features in so much of the research conducted on performance management. In addi-
tion, as Table 4.1 shows, only contingency theory provides understandings about the linkages
between the several elements that comprise performance management. It is not surprising
therefore that the set of articles appearing in Malmi and Brown’s (2008) guest-edited special
issue in Management Accounting Research, which examined the integrated nature of performance
management’s elements, featured a contingency theory approach.
The purpose of this chapter was to identify and discuss the theories commonly relied upon
to understand and explain performance management practice. Five theories were examined,
namely, contingency theory, agency theory, goal-setting theory, stakeholder theory, and resource-
based theory. Each of these theories is capable of addressing multiple parts of performance man-
agement practice. Using Ferreira and Otley’s popular performance management framework, it
was shown that contingency theory and stakeholder theory prove particularly useful in guiding
the field’s research and explaining performance management practice.
44 PerForManCe ManaGeMent BeGInnInGs
Adler, R.W., Hiromoto, T. and Suzuki, H. (2017) Amoeba management and organizational ambidexterity:
similarities, differences, and implications for organizational fit and success, British Academy of Management
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Administration Research and Theory,Vol. 20, Suppl. 1, pp. 21–40.
Brown, T.L., Potoski, M. and Van Slyke, D.M. (2010) Contracting for complex products, Journal of Public
Administration Research and Theory,Vol. 20, Suppl. 1, pp. 41–58.
Calabrò, A. and Torchia, M. (2011) Conflicts of interest and governance mechanisms in Italian local public
utilities, International Journal of Public Administration,Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 447–460.
Chapman, C.S. (1997) Reflections on a contingent view of accounting, Accounting, Organizations and
Society,Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 189–205.
Collis, D.J. and Montgomery, C.A. (1995) Competing on resources: strategy in the 1990s, Harvard Business
Review,Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 118–128.
Denning, S. (2012) In praise of stretch goals, Forbes, 23 April. Retrieved from
Ferreira, A. and Otley, D. (2009) The design and use of performance management systems: an extended
framework for analysis, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 263–282.
Friedman, M. (1962) Capitalism and Freedom, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Ghoshal, S. (2005) Bad management theories are destroying good management practices, Academy of
Management Learning & Education,Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 75–91.
Gordon, L.A. (1998) Managerial Accounting – Concepts and Empirical Evidence, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Jensen, M. and Meckling,W.H. (1976) Theory of the firm: managerial behaviour, agency costs and owner-
ship structure, Journal of Financial Economics,Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 305–360.
Latham, G.P. and Baldes, J.L. (1975) The practical significance of Locke’s theory of goal setting, Journal of
Applied Psychology,Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 122–124.
Lawrence, P.R. and Lorsch, J. (1967) Organization and Environment. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School,
Division of Research.
Locke, E.A. (1968) Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives, Organizational Behavior and Human
Performance,Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 157–189.
Locke, E.A. and Latham, G.P. (2002) Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motiva-
tion. A 35-year odyssey, American Psychologist,Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 705–717.
Ludwig, G. and Pemberton, J. (2011) A managerial perspective of dynamic capabilities in emerging markets: the
case of the Russian steel industry, Journal of East European Management Studies,Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 215–236.
Macintosh, N.B. (1994) Management Accounting and Control Systems: An Organizational and Behavioral
Approach, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.
Malmi, T. and Brown, D.A. (2008) Management control systems as a package – opportunities, challenges
and research directions, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287–300.
Markovitz, D. (2012) The folly of stretch goals, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 34–35.
Otley, D. (1980) The contingency theory of management accounting: achievement and prognosis,
Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 413–428.
Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free Press.
Priem, R.L. and Butler, J.E. (2001a) Is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic
management research?, Academy of Management Review,Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 22–40.
Priem, R.L. and Butler, J.E. (2001b) Tautology in the resource-based view and implications of externally
determined resource value: further comments, Academy of Management Review,Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 57–66.
Rothaermel, F.T. (2012) Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Thompson, J. (1967) Organizations in Action: Social Science Bases of Administrative Theory, New York:
Woodward, J. (1965) Industrial Organization – Theory and Practice, London: Oxford University Press.
The organizational studies literature describes organizations as collections of people who come
together for some mutually agreed purpose. These people are typically called stakeholders.
These stakeholders, either singly or in combination with other stakeholders, try to influence
the operation and functioning of a given organization.
The word “stakeholder” is commonly used in the organizational accountability literature
(Rasche and Esser, 2006). When defining stakeholders, this literature often ascribes a wide and
encompassing view of who qualifies as a stakeholder. According to some scholars who study
organizational accountability, a stakeholder is any party, whether it is an individual or a collec-
tion of individuals, who possesses an interest in the operations of a given organization. While
this definition of a stakeholder will include an organization’s employees, investors, and custom-
ers, it can also include parties who neither contribute to nor are affected by the organization’s
operations. For example, a teacher may have an interest in creating a learning activity that
involves Singapore Airlines. This teacher therefore has an interest in the organization. Should
this interest require Singapore Airlines to be accountable to the teacher?
The 2015 San Bernardino, California mass shooting, where a husband and wife killed
14 workmates at a Christmas party, provides another example of the complexities associated
with determining who is a stakeholder. The US federal police force (the FBI) claimed Apple
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-7
Computers had a duty to help with the FBI’s investigation into the killings. In particular, the
FBI demanded that Apple help the FBI hack into the deceased couple’s iPhone. Although it
can be argued, and the FBI initially tried to do this when it initiated legal proceedings to force
Apple’s compliance, that the FBI has an interest in Apple’s products, does this qualify the FBI as
an Apple stakeholder and therefore a party to whom Apple is now accountable?
The concept of stakeholder is often applied to an organization’s construction of its goals
and objectives. Unlike the way in which the concept is used for accountability purposes, it has
a more targeted meaning when it is applied to an organizational goal and objective setting. In
particular, stakeholders are not merely parties with an interest in an organization’s activities.
Instead, stakeholders must have a legitimate interest in the organization’s activities. This legiti-
mate interest manifests itself when an individual or party materially contributes to and/or is
materially impacted by the organization’s activities. In other words, under this definition, the
teacher would not qualify as a stakeholder, whereas the FBI’s status would be uncertain.
Due to the FBI’s uncertain status as an Apple stakeholder, and because of the diametrically
opposed views Apple and the FBI held about this status, the FBI lodged a court case against Apple
in an attempt to force it to help. The Federal Court of California was asked to decide whether
Apple’s activities, and in particular its iPhone’s secure mailbox, had: a) material impact on the FBI’s
investigation, and b), if (a) was proven, whether Apple had a duty to assist the FBI with hacking
into the iPhone of the deceased couple. No court opinion was ever delivered as the FBI withdrew
its case partway through the court proceedings. Therefore, on this particular occasion, we do not
know whether, at least from a legal perspective, the FBI qualified as an Apple stakeholder (which
was essentially part (a) of the court action).There are, however, a multitude of instances where the
government, or a piece of it, could legitimately be seen to be materially impacted by organiza-
tions’ activities.These instances could involve food safety, aviation safety, anti-competitive practices,
and more. In fact, since nearly all organizations are required to pay taxes or are provided with an
exemption from paying taxes (having been offered tax-exempt status), it is frequently the case that
the government features as a stakeholder for most organizations.
The remainder of this chapter discusses how the stakeholder concept can be applied to
understanding organizations’ development of goals and objectives. This understanding is an
important preliminary step to any organization’s formulation and implementation of its strategy,
both the corporate-level one it adopts and the business-unit-level or competitive one it pursues.
As this chapter proceeds to discuss, an organization’s goals and objectives are a product of its
stakeholders’ demands. Predominant organizational stakeholders are employees, shareholders,
customers, suppliers, and government. For most organizations, these five groups comprise their
Organizational goals and objectives 49
set of stakeholders. As an example, imagine a software company that designs computer games.
At the time of starting the company, the company’s owners/shareholders would have requested
permission from a government to establish the company. Following its incorporation, the com-
pany would hire employees and work with outside suppliers and contractors to develop its
games. If successful, the company would seek to market its games to customers.
Obviously, not every organization has all of or just these five stakeholder groupings. For
example, a city-based fire department does not have customers per se. It certainly does not mar-
ket its core service (the extinguishing of fires) to specific people or organizations, nor would it
be a usual practice to bill the victim of a fire. It is also the case that fire departments do not have
shareholders. Instead, they are government-funded, typically at either a local or a national level.
In contrast to a fire department, mining companies will typically have additional stakehold-
ers beyond the five mentioned. For example, international environmental activist groups such as
Greenpeace are likely to feature as a stakeholder, as would other more locally-organized non-
governmental organizations. These latter groups could span everything from river-care groups
to indigenous people’s action groups.
The important point to understand about these stakeholders is their respective desires to
advance their own group’s goals and objectives. On many occasions, these goals may be conflict-
ing. Employees will want safe working conditions and what they feel is adequate compensation
for their efforts. These goals may conflict with shareholders’ goals to maximize the returns on
their invested capital. While the potential for conflict will likely be greatest when shareholders
possess a short-term investing horizon, even when a long-term perspective is taken the possibil-
ity of conflict between the interests of shareholders and employees is likely to exist.
In a similar fashion, conflicts can exist between the other stakeholders. Governments will
want companies and their employees to obey all laws and generally act as good citizens. While
companies and their employees will not necessarily seek to violate laws and/or behave without
a social conscience, they could very well apply advantageous treatments to grey-area issues. For
example, companies may seek to minimize their tax liabilities by avoiding certain types of trans-
actions and activities (e.g., delaying the sale of an asset or changing the terms of the asset’s sale
so that it does not trigger a taxable event). Employees may be similarly motivated to engage in
tax minimization (or worse) when their pay is connected to company profitability. Meanwhile,
suppliers will, all other things being equal, want to maximize the prices they charge for their
products and services, and customers will want to maximize their respective utilities by paying
as little as possible without sacrificing any diminution in quantity or quality.
Figure 5.1 visually presents the typical collection of an organization’s stakeholder groups.
Each ellipse is meant to represent the set of goals and objectives of a specific group. As the dia-
gram shows, there are overlaps between various groups. Some overlaps are substantial and others
are more modest. The shaded region of the diagram represents the total area of overlap for all
stakeholder groups.This area can be understood as a visual representation of the set of goals and
objectives that are common to all stakeholder groups. If this set is sufficiently encompassing, to
the point that it is able to capture each stakeholder group’s most essential and non-negotiable
goals and objectives, then the collective participation of all stakeholders can be achieved.
Some scholars believe that an organization’s set of goals and objectives is the product
of give-and-take negotiations between stakeholders, all of whom exhibit high levels of pur-
pose and rationality. These scholars further believe that once this set of goals and objectives is
well-articulated and fully shared among employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, and other
key stakeholders, then they become enduring precursors to the organization’s long-term plan-
ning and the actions it undertakes.
Other scholars regard an organization’s purpose as a function of perpetually-shifting com-
petitions between various stakeholder groups and/or coalitions of stakeholder groups. These
scholars view the stakeholders as rational in a political, but not necessarily economic, sense. As
a result, an organization’s goals are temporally-bound and subject to the whims of whichever
stakeholder group or coalition can claim dominance. Hickson’s (1987: 166) description of the
kaleidoscopic nature of these ever-evolving coalitions is vividly portrayed when he writes:
Those on the other side of the Atlantic see it [the defining of organizational purpose] as a
sort of riotous American football! It is seen as a game of powerful groups in which some
teams are much bigger and have thicker protective padding and harder helmets. Boundaries
are elastic, the field is bumpy, and the number of teams in play fluctuates. They disagree as
to where the ends of the field are, but eventually one team or coalition of teams pushes its
way through holding the ball to where it says the end is.
FIGURE 5.1 organizational goals as the constrained product of key stakeholders’ goals.
no single party can claim a majority and multiple parties therefore seek to form a ruling coali-
tion. Sometimes it is the case that political parties that once decreed they would or would not
cooperate with others contradict these earlier promises.
Of course, governments are not the only organizations that may feature Hickson’s riotous
football approach to establishing organizational purpose. Universities, hospitals, and many other
usually public sector organizations, especially ones that are commonly seen to have multiple, dis-
tinct, and separate outlets for their products/services, often portray Hickson’s approach to goal and
objective setting. In a university, it is often the case that competing stakeholder groups will cham-
pion different purposes. Some groups will favour teaching, while others will prioritize research.
Still others might emphasize their university’s need to serve a wider social/political role (e.g., act
as the social conscience of society). These groups, and perhaps others, are in a constant state of
challenge and competition. At any given point in time, one group or set of groups usually holds
supremacy and it is this group or set of groups whose goals and objectives are adopted by the
organization. At other points in time, another group or set of groups may seize power and it is this
new group or set of groups that determines the organization’s goals and objectives.
Irrespective of whether an organization’s goals and objectives are the product of highly ratio-
nal individuals, who seek to maximize their respective self-interests, or more closely resemble
Hickson’s portrait of organizational subgroup manoeuvrings and machinations, organizations
will develop mission statements that are meant to communicate their goals and objectives. A
mission statement comprises a succinct (usually one paragraph), factual description of the nature,
focus, and scope of activities a given organization engages in, the unique set of resources it com-
mands to enable its successful undertaking of the activities, and the key stakeholders it relies on
when undertaking these activities. Mission statement descriptions should emphasize the present
to near future. In other words, they should highlight what the organization is presently com-
mitted to doing. These mission statement characteristics can be summed up in the following list:
Applying the above criteria, mission statements can be found as fit or unfit for purpose. For
example, the following generic mission statement is unfit for purpose:
Our mission is to exceed the expectations of our customers, inspire and reward our employ-
ees, and provide superior financial results to our investors.
This mission statement includes some but not all of the necessary ingredients that define a mis-
sion statement. It lists the main stakeholders (i.e., customers, employees, and investors), and at
one sentence in length it certainly meets the definition of being succinct. The above mission
statement, however, provides no description of what the organization does. The reader gleans
nothing about the type of product/service provided, to whom or what part of the market the
product/service is directed, nor what special advantage(s) (i.e., resources and capabilities) the
organization possesses. In fact, there is not even any mention of what industry the company
operates in. As a result, the above mission statement is unhelpful and unfit for purpose.
An example of a significantly better mission statement, one that possesses more of the
essential criteria, is Apple Computers’ mission statement:
Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife,
iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods
and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary
iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices
with iPad.
This mission statement does a good job describing what Apple does. It offers a very good
description of its major business activities, especially the products it sells and the market leader-
ship positions it has attained. The description also possesses succinctness. Missing from its state-
ment, however, is any enunciation of the unique set of resources or the key stakeholder networks
that enable Apple’s delivery of what it proclaims to be “best,” “leading,” and “revolutionary.” As
such, Apple’s mission statement is not fit for purpose. Incidentally, this idea of uniqueness fea-
tures prominently in Chapter 8, where the concept of competitive strategy is fully presented
and discussed. For now, it is sufficient to understand that an expression of the organization’s
uniqueness must be contained in the mission statement if the mission statement is to be deemed
fit for purpose.
It is important to note that organizations need not disclose competitive secrets or
commercially-sensitive information to meet the required mission statement threshold. For
example, if an organization’s production process supports the ability to deliver a mass-produced,
customized product, the organization need not (and in fact should not) divulge specific details
about its production process beyond what might already be public knowledge. Instead, the
organization can simply state that it relies upon a proprietary production process to produce
products that are tailored to customers’ individual specifications without any sacrifice to cost
efficiency. As another example, another organization might describe in its mission statement
how it maintains and manages a network of supply chain partnerships that provide the basis for
achieving lower production input costs than its competitors, without divulging the particular
Organizational goals and objectives 53
suppliers it has or the inward logistical processes it uses. An organization must not, however,
fabricate or embellish descriptions of the resources or capabilities that create its unique value
proposition. An essential component of a mission statement is its factualness.
Below is the mission statement for a university-based, student-run consulting business
called Ignite Consulting Group:
Ignite partners with organisations who work to enhance our communities. Our win-win
model connects organisations with passionate and talented students, creating opportuni-
ties and nurturing socially-minded leadership. We help clients to overcome obstacles and
achieve their aspirations through harnessing students’ fresh perspectives. Students enrich
their University experience and gain unique insights into community-oriented organisa-
tions. Together, we facilitate social change.
This mission statement meets all the essential criteria discussed above. It is succinct, factual,
focuses on the present to near future, and describes its organization’s objectives, the relevant
stakeholder groups involved, the market segment it competes in, the tactics that enable it to
compete, and the values it holds.
Many companies will create vision statements and/or company slogans. Similar to an
organization’s mission statement, vision statements and company slogans are meant to capture
and communicate the essence of an organization’s raison d’être and serve to motivate and even
inspire the key stakeholders connected with the organization.
Vision statements should be:
This vision statement contains all the expected criteria. It is a single sentence, or to be more
precise the major part of a sentence that is missing its subject and main verb (i.e., “Omron
seeks”). Omron’s use of the infinitive verb structure (to make) conveys both the present and
future. Furthermore, by stating its intention to contribute to the advancement of humankind,
it possesses the hallmark of being aspirational (it contains ambition) and inspirational (its stated
ambition has the potential to motivate others).
Review Question 5.4: What are mission statements, vision statements, and company slo-
gans? What are the essential characteristics of these statements and slogans?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Kyocera Corporation, which is a very large and highly successful Japanese multi-national,
provides a further example of a very good vision statement, in spite of the fact that it often
incorrectly refers to this vision statement as its mission statement. Kyocera states:
To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all employees, and
through our joint effort, contribute to the advancement of society and mankind.
Empower people through great software anytime, anyplace, and on any device.
Company slogans represent a further distillation of their companies’ mission and vision state-
ments into a phrase that is meant to stay true to the spirit of the company’s purpose and ambi-
tion while additionally showcasing the attributes of catchiness, a peculiarity that borders on
mysteriousness, and the ultimate in brevity so that it can be displayed on a T-shirt. Apple’s slogan,
“Think different,” is a perfect example. This slogan of two words captures the ethos of a com-
pany that seeks to disrupt its industry by offering products that lead, reinvent, and redefine (refer
to Apple’s mission statement above). The incorrect use of the adjective “different,” which from
a strictly grammatical point of view should be replaced with the adverb “differently,” further
helps Apple achieve an effective slogan. Omron’s “Sensing tomorrow” is another example of a
well-crafted company slogan.
Figure 5.2 shows the connections between an organization’s mission statement, vision
statement, strategy, and goals and objectives.
community” are some of the more common phrases that populate mission statements. The fact
that mission statements extol similar sets of goals and objectives should be interpreted neither
as an example of superficiality nor as a source of surprise. Mission statements need not project
organization goals and objectives that are unique to be fit for purpose. Instead, and assuming
the other mission statement criteria have been met, the goals and objectives simply need to be
clearly described and factually based.
The fact that similar organizational goals and objectives are shared by organizations hailing
from a wide range of industries and country settings should make intuitive sense.Why wouldn’t
an organization, whether it is an automobile manufacturer or a large hotel chain, want to be
financially prosperous, responsive to customers, respectful of its employees, and a good corporate
citizen? In fact, can you think of any for-profit company that would not want as one of its goals
and objectives to be financially prosperous? The real surprise would be if a for-profit company
did not mention in its mission statement a desire to be financially prosperous, financially secure,
or some similar outcome.
The fact that there are often common threads to the goals and objectives pursued by
organizations is simply recognition that the place organizations envision inhabiting is the same.
In other words, the Promised Land looks the same for many organizations. Scholars who use
resource dependency theory to explain how organizations structure themselves and under-
take the design of their systems and processes would argue that the similarity in goals and
objectives is to be expected. According to resource dependency theory, organizations strive for
independence, while all the time knowing that such an ambition is not possible (Pfeffer, 1982).
Organizations will inevitably find it necessary to build and maintain relationships with their
various key stakeholders to ensure the continued access to these needed stakeholder resources.
As such, organizations, in seeking to secure the financial resources they require, will want to
ensure they meet their customers’ expectations, and thereby retain their customers’ business and
the revenue and cash flow this provides. These organizations are also likely to find themselves
dependent on the contributions of their employees. Such a dependency will encourage the
organizations to ensure that their human resource policies are designed in such a way that will
retain and motivate the employees who exhibit the best fit with the factors that underpin the
organization’s survival and success.
Having similar goals and objectives (i.e., financially prosperous, responsive to customers,
etc.) does not mean organizations will operate in similar ways. In fact, Porter (1996) is adamant
that that is the one thing that organizations must not do. Porter claims that any given organiza-
tion must provide a different set of product/service attributes than any of its competitors. Unless
an organization can attain this strategic differentiation, it will be unable to achieve its goals and
objectives. The use of strategy to enable an organization to reach its goals and objectives and
steer itself towards its Promised Land is the subject of Chapter 8.
Review Question 5.5: Why are the goals and objectives of many for-profit firms similar?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 5.6: How is the mission statement of a not-for-profit related to its strategy?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 5.7: Describe the relationships between an organization’s mission state-
ment, vision statement, strategy, and goals and objectives?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Before concluding this chapter, it is worth noting that although most organizations, and
this is almost invariably true of for-profit firms, will feature overlapping sets of goals and objec-
tives, this repetition is less likely to be the case for not-for-profit organizations. Often not-for-
profit organizations are created to provide a service that for-profit organizations are unable or
unwilling to provide. The fact that no other organization provides the service means that the
core of the single provider’s goals and objectives, and the purpose these define, must of necessity
be different from all other organizations’ goals, objectives, and purposes.
In some settings, laws may permit only one organization to deliver a particular service.
A prime example is the issuance of a country’s passports. Countries will have a vested interest
in maintaining sole control over this activity. A defining characteristic of the sovereign state is
its ability to specify who can and cannot enter its borders. As a result, countries will be loath to
allow other individuals, groups, or organizations to issue passports and will specifically prohibit
others from doing so.
There are also occasions when for-profit organizations may be permitted to provide a
given service (i.e., there is no law prohibiting competition), but none choose to do so. As an
example, it would be highly unlikely that a for-profit company would be interested in provid-
ing budgeting services to low-income families experiencing financial problems. The fact that
these families are both low-income and struggling to pay their bills (for why else would they
require the budgeting services?) means the probability that a for-profit company would be paid
for its budgeting services is low. As a result, a for-profit company’s desire to be involved in these
markets would be low as well.
In a situation where there is an inability or unwillingness on the part of other organizations
to offer particular services, and the provision of these services is held to be a necessary part of
maintaining the community or social fabric, the presiding government authority will create a
not-for-profit to offer the needed services. Since the purpose of the not-for-profit, and the goals
and objectives it is pursuing, are unlike any other organization’s purposes, then the goals and
objectives of the not-for-profit will be unique. As a result, the need for formulating and imple-
menting a competitive strategy to provide uniqueness relative to one’s peers is not relevant. For
situations such as these, the mission statement also serves as the organization’s strategy.
This chapter discussed the process whereby organizational goals and objectives are devel-
oped. The concept of stakeholders is central to understanding this process. In particular, key
stakeholder groups – which typically include employees, investors, customers, suppliers, and
government – influence an organization’s establishment of its goals and objectives. More
orGanIZatIonaL GoaLs anD oBjeCtIVes 57
dominant and powerful stakeholders will find they can impose more of their wishes on the focal
organization than less dominant and powerful stakeholders can. It is the case, however, that even
the wishes of the less dominant and powerful stakeholders must be accommodated in some way,
for without their support the organization will be unable to function. Accordingly, a process of
compromise, whether it is based on rational behaviour or political machinations, occurs.
The establishment of organizational goals and objectives are, as will be seen in Chapter 8,
essential to organizations’ development of competitive strategy. Organizational goals and
objectives establish where an organization wants to be. Competitive strategy defines how an
organization will pursue some form of sustainable uniqueness over its competitors (Porter,
1996) or commit to continuously improving the value proposition it offers its customers, such
that this value proposition at any point in time is as good or superior to what is offered by any
competing firm/organization (Cooper, 1995; Adler, 2011).
Adler, R.W. (2011) Performance management and organizational strategy: how to design systems that meet
the needs of confrontation strategy firms, The British Accounting Review,Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 251–263.
Cooper, R. (1995) When Lean Organizations Collide: Competing Through Confrontation, Cambridge, MA:
Harvard Business School Press.
Hickson, D.J. (1987) Decision-making at the top of organizations, Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 13,
pp. 165–192.
Pfeffer, J. (1982) Organizations and Organization Theory, Marshfield, MA: Pitman.
Porter, M.E. (1996) What is strategy?, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 61–78.
Rasche, A. and Esser, D. (2006) From stakeholder management to stakeholder accountability. Journal of
Business Ethics,Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 251–267.
• Define ethics and discuss the interrelationships between ethics and law,
including the relationship between laws, regulations, and the public interest.
• explain the role and importance of ethics within a profession and its relation to
the concept of social responsibility.
• Demonstrate and discuss the link between ethics and performance
• Identify the different types of costs organizational ethical failings give rise to.
• Discuss the various factors that motivate employees’ unethical behaviour.
• Discuss the actions an organization can take to minimize the potential for
unethical employee behaviour.
This chapter explores and discusses the relationship between ethics and performance manage-
ment. As discussed in Chapter 2, the essence of performance management is ensuring employees
do the right thing. The three main reasons employees fail to do the right thing are the lack of
or a poorly articulated strategy, employees possessing inadequate skills, and the failure to ensure
employees are properly motivated. The first issue is the topic of Chapters 7 and 8, while the
second issue is covered as part of Chapter 11.The third issue is both central to the present chap-
ter and a recurring theme throughout the book. More specifically, and in terms of the present
chapter, employees who are unethically motivated will not be conforming to performance
management’s mandate of ensuring employees are doing the right thing.
This chapter argues that ensuring high levels of employee ethical behaviour are paramount
to not simply the success but the very survival of all organizations, no matter their size or
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-8
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 59
industry. In spite of its criticality, time and again various organizations have shown significant
lapses in ethical behaviour. Examples of organizations’ depraved hubris, and in particular occa-
sions when organizations believed they could either conceal their unethical behaviour or its
detection would have an inconsequential impact, will be recounted to show the fallacy in
believing unethical practices could ever constitute a strategy, even in the short term. Following
this discussion, the chapter proceeds to discuss the factors that commonly lead to employee
unethical behaviour. The chapter next examines various actions an organization can take to
minimize the occurrence of unethical employee behaviour. These efforts include the healthy
functioning of the Institute of Internal Auditors’ (2013) three lines of defence system, the judi-
cious use of employee incentives, and employee training on using Daniel Kahneman’s system
2 thinking.
Ethics comprises how moral principles guide and proscribe individual behaviour. The word is
derived from the Greek word ethos, which means custom, habit, character, or disposition. Ethics
includes, but goes well beyond, knowing and obeying territorial laws. As such, ethics includes
striving to live a good life, being a responsible citizen, and making good moral decisions.
Ethics is influenced by both secular (i.e., legal systems) and religious institutional concepts.
Laws are meant to protect individuals’ rights, as well as communicate individuals’ responsibili-
ties. Religions include principles by which individuals are meant to live. Many of the principles
revolve around an individual’s relationships with others. Honesty, respect, humility, and generos-
ity are some of the more common themes which feature.
The practice of ethics includes addressing such major issues as abortion, human rights, sys-
temic racism, climate activism, animal rights, and genetic engineering. In this chapter, however,
only the ethics of professional/work conduct will be discussed.This focus is most relevant to the
book’s overall theme of performance management.
As noted above, abiding by the laws of one’s jurisdiction forms a part of making ethical
decisions and behaving ethically. In a subsequent section to this chapter, issues of bribes, kick-
backs, and accountants’ and senior managers’ legal duties in financial accounting and report-
ing are discussed. Similar to the existence of laws that forbid insider trading, this discussion
highlights laws that prohibit taking or receiving bribes or kickbacks and the requirement that
organizations produce financial statements that fairly present their financial performances and
Although laws incorporate many of the ethical standards to which most citizens subscribe,
laws can either fail to fully express all of society’s expectations or they may be based on a soci-
ety’s morally corrupt principles (e.g., US slavery in the 1600s–1800s, Nazi Germany’s Aryanism,
and South Africa’s apartheid system). In terms of the former, a romantic relationship between
two consenting adults is allowed under most, and certainly every western-based, countries’ laws.
Applying this legal threshold to a work environment would mean that a doctor could date a
patient or a supervisor could date a subordinate. Although the doctor and supervisor could
legally do this, in nearly all situations they would be disallowed from doing so because of the
higher duty their respective professions’ or organizations’ ethical standards required of them. For
doctors, their medical profession’s code of conduct specifically prohibits romantic relationships
between doctors and patients. For supervisors, their organizations typically have formalized
rules, perhaps contained in an organizational code of ethics or in an employee handbook, that
would forbid such relationships.
Readers who are familiar with the code of practice relating to accountants will know
that accountants must display independence in both act and appearance. The former means
that auditors, for example, must fully support their audit conclusions, including subjecting the
claims of a client to independent verification and testing. The latter means that an accountant
must avoid situations that could lead to or be reasonably perceived by another to lead to the
receipt of special or preferential treatment from a client. Accordingly, accountants should not
accept gifts from a client; nor, in most situations, would it be appropriate for an accountant
to receive a home mortgage from the bank that they audit. The accounting profession deems
both actions as putting at risk an accountant’s professional judgement (i.e., the accountant’s
ability to act independently) and potentially sending a confusing signal to the public (i.e., the
appearance of a lack of independence may undermine the public’s faith in the accounting
profession). A similar rationale for appearing independent explains why many senior politi-
cians, at least those who are democratically elected, place their investment holdings in a blind
trust while they are in office.
As these examples indicate, employees’ work behaviour is often subject to a formalized
set of ethical standards, and this is particularly the case for professional bodies (e.g., medicine,
accounting, and law). In fact, the existence of a code of ethics is one of the distinguishing charac-
teristics of a profession. Although some people commonly conflate professionalism with ethics,
this is a mistake. For example, an accountant’s expected behaviour exceeds what is demanded by
the profession’s code of ethics. Similar to other professions, such as medicine and law, accoun-
tants commit themselves to serving and protecting the public’s interests.Wright (1951: 748), for
example, argues that a professional’s duty is to “… primarily [work] in the interests of others.”
Koch (2019) traces this social ethic to the Latin root of the word “profession,” which is
“profiteri” and translates to declaring or professing publicly. Professions, in other words, are meant
to be characterized by members who declare publicly their morally-shared commitment to
work in the interests of society, a mandate that exceeds the set of rules comprising the profes-
sion’s code of conduct. Flanagan and Clarke (2007) offer a very clear distinction between the
constructs of ethics and professionalism when they describe a profession’s ethics as typically rep-
resented by a code of ethics that serves to specify minimum levels of member conduct, whereas
professionalism further embodies aspirational values (i.e., serving the public interest).
Review Question 6.1: Define ethics. How is it related to such concepts as morality and
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 6.2: In what way is ethics a fundamental part of a professional such as
medicine, accounting, and law? Provide an example for each of these three types of
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 61
With the exception of global professions like accounting, whose ethical standards operate
worldwide, the standard of ethical behaviour demanded of employees is often influenced by
local/regional/national customs. In particular, history and cultural traditions help shape ethical
practices and help explain why there are differences in the prevailing employee ethical standards
in various geographical locations. As an example, the use of bribes and kickbacks are specifically
forbidden by US law (i.e., the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and UK law (i.e., the UK Bribery
Act). Yet, in some parts of the world, bribes and kickbacks are considered a customary part of
doing business, with some people viewing them as no different from a diner who tips a maître
d or a traveller who tips a porter. After all, the diner’s and the traveller’s largess likely includes
the intention of influencing the maître d’ (i.e., to get a preferred table and be assigned a good
waiter) and the porter (i.e., to ensure the traveller’s bags are safely transported to their destina-
tion). Some might even argue that the only difference between what distinguishes a bribe from
acceptable practice is the amount being exchanged. Far from suggesting that bribes are in any
way okay, the distinction being made here only seeks to illustrate how some of the very basic
and everyday values one holds (and seldom questions) explain why employee ethical standards
are not universal but setting specific.
For those organizations that operate in multiple locations, they will find that their prescribed
ethical standards will be a product of the ethical values their stakeholders hold. Remember, as
was discussed in Chapter 5, an organization’s genesis and survival are based on the willingness of
a variety of stakeholders to work together. Without their continued allegiance, the organization
has no future. Fulfilling the collective stakeholders’ expectations is an essential organizational
mandate. In particular, all organizations must be conscious of the ethical standards of their
Legitimacy theory would also suggest that organizations must meet the ethical expecta-
tions of the communities in which they operate. Unless an organization does so, it risks losing
the community support on which its existence relies, a situation which legitimacy theorists
term losing one’s social licence to operate. Maintaining one’s social licence requires an organiza-
tion to follow the rules, both legal and ethical, of the communities in which they reside.
Codes of ethics can be found in nearly all large and even most medium size organizations.
Facebook’s The Meta Code of Conduct (n.d.) makes seven references to its position on the
ethical behaviour of its employees, ranging from the prohibition of bribes and kickbacks to
avoiding conflicts of interest and insider trading. On page 7 of its Code of Conduct, employees
are specifically instructed that they must “Act lawfully, honestly, ethically and in the best interests
of Facebook and our Facebook users at all times.” Facebook’s VP of Product Design, Margaret
Stewart, is quoted on page 30 of the Code of Conduct as saying:
As technologists, we are all stewards of some of the most powerful communication tools
ever created. These tools have generated a lot of good in the world, but their very power
requires a deep sense of responsibility and a commitment to making the most ethically
responsible decisions possible, every day.
Facebook’s achievement of its espoused ambition of acting ethically has been the subject of
many news stories, books, and US Congressional hearings. Critics charge that Facebook is
aware of the detriment its social media causes to society. The company’s proclaimed ideal of
being ethically responsible to its users is inconsistent with accusations that it is a platform for
bullying and misinformation. McNamee’s (2019) book Zucked contends Facebook’s business
model is predicated on producing divisive Facebook communities and fostering anger and
hatred between the groups, for research shows that these two emotions, more than any others,
help create an “us versus them” mentality and lengthens user time spent on Facebook’s website.
Walmart, Inc., which is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain
of 10,500 hypermarkets, discount department stores, and grocery stores across 24 countries, has
a 42-page Code of Conduct. Its Code of Conduct is couched in the concept of building and
maintaining trust with all significant stakeholders. According to its president and CEO, Doug
McMillon, Walmart’s Code of Conduct serves as a behavioural compass. More specifically, he
We remind ourselves each day that our work isn’t just about what we achieve but how we
achieve it. The way we conduct our business is as important as the products we sell and the
services we provide.That means complying with the laws of the communities where we do
business. But that is not enough. Associates who work at Walmart are expected to operate
based on our values. Our expectation is you will put fairness, equity, justice, and integrity at
the heart of everything you do. By working this way, each one of us will play an active part
in shaping our culture, building trust, and making it possible for us to reach our purpose
and potential as a company.
(Walmart Code of Conduct 2021: 5)
Walmart’s Code of Conduct refers to ensuring employee behaviour goes beyond merely fol-
lowing the laws of the communities in which it operates, which is consistent with this chapter’s
definition of ethics. As the company’s president and CEO notes, the Code of Conduct calls for
all employees to act with “fairness, equity, justice, and integrity.”
Walmart’s CEO’s words are emblematic of what would be expected in a company’s code of
conduct. Walmart, however, has been consistently called out for its failure to pay its employees
a living wage. The US’s nonpartisan Government Accountability Office’s October 2020 report
“Federal Social Safety Net Programs: Millions of Full-Time Workers Rely on Federal Health
Care and Food Assistance Programs” shows that workers at such food service and retail giants as
Walmart, McDonald’s, Amazon, Kroger, and Dollar General are among the top beneficiaries of
Medicaid (a federal and state programme that helps low-income people with their healthcare
costs) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (a federal programme that helps low-
income households buy the food they need for good health). These findings led US Senator
Bernie Sanders to accuse Walmart (and several other large retailers and fast food restaurants)
of “morally obscene” behaviour, whereby US taxpayers were being called upon to support
“corporate welfare” because some of the largest and most profitable corporations in America
are “paying their workers starvation wages” (Rosenberg, 2020).
As this brief discussion of Facebook and Walmart illustrates, what a company espouses and
what it does can be two very different things. Having formal codes of ethics and employee
codes of conduct can be useful. However, their mere existence will always pale to a company’s
culture, with the result being that formalised ethics programmes become window dressing and
something to which only lip service is paid.
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 63
Review Question 6.3: What are the names of the common documents organizations and
professional bodies use to convey ethical expectations and standards to their members?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
As noted above, as well as was discussed in Chapter 5, organizations’ stakeholders help to deter-
mine the goals any given organization will pursue.The successful pursuit of these organizational
goals will be enabled by a competitive strategy, a topic that is discussed in Chapter 9. Although
an unscrupulous organization could try to build a strategy around a covert programme of
unethical behaviour (e.g., giving and accepting bribes, misrepresenting product/service features,
and committing financial fraud), the reliance on such practices could never qualify as a strat-
egy. The very essence of a strategy is about long-term, as opposed to short-lived, performance.
Trying to scam stakeholders (i.e., customers, employees, investors, and suppliers) will not work
in the long run. As the former President of the United States Abraham Lincoln once opined,
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but
you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”
The relationship between ethics and performance management is much more than an
implicit association between its needed presence and the pursuit of organizational strategy.
An appreciation of its more explicit relationship can be gleaned from Boland (1982), who
writes, “A well-controlled organisation would be one in which the ethical concerns of its
members were identified, anaylzed and acted upon in a rational, coherent way.” Notice the
word “control.” Chapter 2 discusses how previous conceptions of performance manage-
ment were built on the idea of control, a concept that has evolved to now be referred to as
Boty-Lee and Moody (2010) further elaborate on the connection between ethics and per-
formance management when they remark, “At their core, ethics programs are control systems
designed to align employee behaviour with management’s values.” Again, notice these authors’
use of the term “control system” and their reference to aligning employee behaviour with what
management values/wants.This vision of ethics harmonizes with the definition of performance
management presented in Chapter 2.
In summary, behaving ethically is an implicit assumption of strategy formulation and is
fundamental to strategy implementation and evaluation. Since performance management is all
about ensuring an organization’s strategy is being implemented, then it follows that ethics and
performance management are themselves interconnected. As will be discussed in the chapter’s
next section, organizational ethical failures are very costly. This fact reveals why performance
management must be understood not only as ensuring an organization’s strategy is being imple-
mented, but also as detecting situations when the strategy is either not working or is experi-
encing drift due to employees making decisions that favour their self-interests over the needs
of their organizations. Situations where this drift is likely to happen and how to avoid such
situations are discussed in the subsequent sections of this chapter.
There are a number of direct and indirect costs associated with ethical failures by organizations.
The most studied forms of ethical failures involve corruption (i.e., the giving or receiving of
bribes and kickbacks and the misstatement of companies’ financial statements). In 2016 and 2017,
more than USD 8 billion in cumulative corporate penalties and fines were collected by vari-
ous countries’ enforcement of anti-corruption laws (Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, 2018). While
8 billion is certainly no small sum, in 2020, Goldman Sachs alone was charged USD 5 billion in
fines and penalties relating to its use of a third-party intermediary to bribe high-ranking govern-
ment officials in Malaysia and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi (Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, 2021).
Two and a half billion of the five billion total settlement was paid to the Malaysian government
as part of Goldman Sachs’ penalty for plundering the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1Malaysia
Development Berhad by charging arranger and underwriter fees that were more than double
what it charged for other Asia ex-Japan bond offerings during the similar time period.
In many instances of ethical failures, it is the senior leaders who have either directly or
indirectly contributed to the outcome. For example, the Toshiba accounting scandal uncov-
ered in 2015, was largely the product of its senior managers’ top-down budgeting practices.
Using what the company described as “Challenges,” Toshiba’s corporate leadership allocated a
set of strict quarterly profit targets to its business units. These Challenges came with an implied
understanding that failure would not be accepted. In some cases, the Challenges were handed
down so close to the end of the quarter that there was no chance to genuinely/honestly impact
performance. Believing that a failure to achieve the Challenges was not an option, the unit
accountants began to engage in fraudulent accounting practices, including booking future prof-
its early, pushing back losses, and pushing back charges.
The scandal caused the forced resignation of Toshiba’s CEO Hisao Tanaka and tarnished the
reputations of his two predecessors. More recently, in April 2021, Toshiba’s then CEO Nobuaki
Kurumatani was ousted for unethical behaviour relating to a USD 20 billion buyout bid from
his former employer CVC Capital Partners. Although Toshiba may be the leader in an unenvi-
able run of recent CEO malfeasance, its CEOs are far from the only ones being charged with
unethical behaviour. In fact, a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found that in 2018
39% of all forced resignations of CEOs were due to unacceptable ethical behaviour, a percent-
age that PwC said was higher than the percentage of CEOs forced out for reasons of financial
performance or struggles with their boards (PwC, 2019).
The leading piece of legislation responsible for anti-corruption legal actions is the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). The FCPA was introduced in 1977 by then US President Jimmy
Carter. It was premised on the idea that corruption is bad business, and US persons, companies,
and those operating within the US financial system should not profit from it.The FCPA is mostly
known for its anti-bribery provisions. However, it also includes legislation relating to fraud in
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 65
financial accounting and reporting. In particular, the Act requires entities to make and keep books,
records, and accounts in reasonable detail and which accurately and fairly reflect an organization’s
transactions, as well as maintaining reasonable internal accounting controls aimed at preventing
and detecting unauthorized payments. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securi-
ties and Exchange Commission (SEC), both of which oversee the FCPA’s implementation, have
increasingly sought to build a coordinated multinational network of law enforcers.The 2020 case
against Goldman Sachs, which involved law enforcement authorities in the United States, United
Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, is one example of these collaborative efforts.
FCPA violations can attract significant penalties. Violations of the anti-bribery provisions
can result in organizations being fined up to $2 million for each criminal count or twice the
pecuniary gain or loss resulting from the bribe. As was shown with Goldman Sachs, these penal-
ties can add up to large sums.Violations of the accounting provisions can result in organizational
fines of up to $25 million per violation, with individuals facing up to a $5 million fine and
20 years in prison. In spite of these high penalties, the annual number of FCPA enforcement
actions has averaged around 36, with 2020’s number being 32. Table 6.1 presents a list at 2021
of the top ten corporate settlements under the FCPA legislation. The settlement amounts are
meant to represent all fines and penalties paid to all enforcement authorities. Although the US
DOJ and the SEC both display on their websites the settlements reached on FCPA violations,
the settlements reached with other national enforcement authorities are more opaque. For
example, Goldman Sachs’ total settlement is commonly estimated as exceeding USD 5 billion
(Gibson, Dunn, and Crutcher, 2021). It is therefore best to view the table’s settlements as close
approximations rather than exact figures.
On top of the fines and penalties that an organization’s ethical failings may bring, the orga-
nization will also likely find itself subject to a class action lawsuit initiated by aggrieved investors.
Furthermore, and as part of its need to defend itself against FCPA investigations and class action
lawsuits, the organization will find it must pay substantial legal, accounting, and consulting fees.
As an illustration, Sampath et al. (2018) found that Siemens AG, throughout the legal defence
of its 2008 bribery investigation, paid over USD 1 billion in consulting and legal fees. That sum
equates to over 50% of the $1.78 billion it paid in penalties and fines for its wrongdoing.
The financial costs from organizational ethical failings may be the most visible cost, but it
is far from the only or even the most significant cost. Employee turnover and employee recruit-
ment are also adversely affected by ethical failings. In particular, scholars have shown that com-
panies with superior social performance – as represented by ethical work environments – not
only tend to perform better financially (Bagnoli and Watts, 2003; Baron, 2001; Lev et al., 2008;
Orlitzky et al., 2003), but they also have more satisfied and more committed employees, who
are less likely to quit the organization for another employer (Nejati et al., 2021; Wang et al.,
2013). Employee Benefit News (2017) calculates the cost of turnover at 33% of an employee’s
salary. These costs include both direct and indirect turnover costs, the latter of which are often
neglected or overlooked. Table 6.2 lists the types of typical costs associated with these two cat-
egories of turnover costs.
A company’s stock price invariably declines following the disclosure of an FCPA investiga-
tion. As an example, Willbros, a global engineering contractor, saw its stock price plummet by
31%. The stock was trading at $15.92 the day before the disclosure of the FCPA investigation
on 17 May 2005 and fell to $11.00 at the close of trading on 18 May 2005. As another example,
when Avon, the cosmetics company, made its initial disclosure on 20 October 2008 of being the
target of an FCPA investigation, its stock price initially fell by 3% at the close of the following
day’s trading. However, the stock continued falling throughout the week and was down 26.8%
by the week’s end.
And finally, organizational ethical failings result in reputational harm.This damage includes
not only the previously mentioned issues of finding it more difficult to retain and attract
employees and a devalued stock price, but also the loss of other important stakeholders’ loyalty
and commitment. Suppliers, customers, and whole communities may shun or reduce their
engagement with the organization. Suddaby et al. (2009) refer to this possibility as the conse-
quential erosion of an organization’s legitimacy and social licence to operate, which can pro-
duce a downward spiral of deteriorating company performance, fewer organizational resources,
and increasingly discontented and less engaged employees.
Sampath et al. (2018) use abnormal stock market returns to calculate the total cost of an
FCPA-initiated bribery investigation. The researchers then proceed to break this total cost into
• Recruitment of • Lost productivity associated with the time between the loss
replacements of an employee and hiring of a replacement
• Administrative hiring • Lost productivity due to a new employee learning the job
costs • Lost productivity associated with co-workers helping the
• Costs of training new employee
• Costs associated with the employee’s lack of motivation
prior to leaving
• Sometimes, the costs of trade secrets and proprietary
information divulged by the employee who leaves
• Public relations costs
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 67
Review Question 6.5: What are the main cost categories associated with organizational
ethical failing? Give examples for each type of cost category?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
three constituent parts of enforcement fines and penalties, class action lawsuits, and reputational
harm.They find that for every $1 of share value loss, 18¢ can be attributed to enforcement fines
and penalties, 0.2¢ to class action costs, and 81.8¢ to reputational loss. In other words, beyond
the visible financial punishment a government and a court of law may impose, there is a much
more severe, although less visible, 4.5 times greater penalty that customers, suppliers, investors,
and other stakeholders collectively exact on the offending organization. A multiplier of 4.5,
added to Goldman Sachs’ USD 5 billion settlement, would suggest the real cost to its 2020
bribery case is about USD 27.5 billion.
Why is it that seemingly good people make bad judgements and, in the process, commit unchar-
acteristic, unethical behaviour? KPMG is one of the leading international professional services
firms. With its strong links to the accounting profession, one would expect it to show a strong
commitment to acting in the public interest, possess high ethical standards, and post a venerable
record of good ethical behaviour. Instead, as the sidebar illustrates, KPMG has put up a very
chequered performance over the past 20 years.
There exists among consulting practitioners a rule of thumb known as the 10-80-10 rule.
It claims that 10% of employees are always honest, 80% are honest most of the time, and 10%
will commit fraud or act unethically whenever an opportunity presents itself. These percent-
ages are generic in the sense that they represent an average work setting. In reality, different
organizations, different professional groupings, and even different country settings will display
different percentages for the three categories. For example, a 2019 Gallop poll shows that the
three most trusted professions are nurses, followed by engineers, and then medical doctors. The
lowest trusted professions are insurance salesmen, politicians, and, at the very bottom, used car
salesmen. Meanwhile,Transparency International provides an annual perceived corruption score
for the world’s 180 countries. In 2020’s survey, the top three least corrupt countries are New
Zealand and Denmark tied for first, with Finland occupying third place.The three most corrupt
countries are Syria, Southern Sudan, and Somalia.
The percentages associated with the 10-80-10 rule are not nearly as important as recogniz-
ing the existence of the three employee categories. In an ideal world, an organization would
only select and retain employees from the always honest category. It would, however, be fanci-
ful to believe that an organization could have the luxury of only associating with this singular
group of employees. Accordingly, an organization will want to try as best it can to avoid asso-
ciation with individuals from the always opportunistic group and put in place various controls,
Consider this …
From at least 2016 until early 2020, KPMG Australia engaged in a widespread
exam cheating scandal, involving 1,131 of its employees or approximately 12%
of the firm’s workforce. Individuals implicated in the cheating included a large
swathe of employees, ranging from junior accountants to senior partners. The
cheating consisted of improper answer sharing when taking training tests,
which included tests enabling its staff to satisfy requirements for maintaining
their accounting licences. In particular, staff were found to have shared answers
using email, text messages, and instant message services, as well as were
found guilty of providing answers in hard copy documents, saving test answers
to a shared server, and giving verbal answers to colleagues taking tests in the
presence of others.
The cheating was a direct violation of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board’s (PCAOB) rules and quality control standards. The PCAOB
(2021) found KPMG Australia guilty of failing to establish appropriate policies
and procedures for administering and monitoring training tests. Ironically, some
of the tests included topics on ethics. The PCAOB fined KPMG Australia USD
450,000 for its transgression. Furthermore, it ordered the firm to report back
to the PCAOB within 120 days to show that it had complied with the regulatory
body’s order to establish and/or revise its testing policies and procedures for
ensuring the integrity of its future training tests.
KPMG International Limited, which is the global umbrella of KPMG’s network
of firms operating in 145 countries, is no stranger to unethical practice. In 2019,
KPMG US was fined USD 50 million for multiple misconduct scandals, includ-
ing cheating on CPE exams. The cheating included KPMG staff manipulating
computer servers and HTML code to lower the threshold for passing the tests.
In August 2005, the US DOJ and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) fined KPMG
USD 456 million after the firm admitted criminal wrongdoing for enabling its cli-
ents to evade taxes. The DOJ described it as “the largest criminal tax case ever
filed” (DOJ, 2005). KPMG admitted it conspired to defraud the IRS by design-
ing, marketing, and implementing illegal tax shelters that generated at least $11
billion dollars in phony tax losses. It was further found that KPMG employees
prepared false and fraudulent documents – including engagement letters, trans-
actional documents, representation letters, and opinion letters – to deceive the
IRS should it learn of the transactions.
Following the January 2018 collapse of Carillion, a British multinational con-
struction and facilities management services company, inspectors from the
Financial Reporting Council (FRC) examined KPMG’s Carillion audit files for the
years 2014 and 2016. It was subsequently found that KPMG supplied forged
documents to the FRC audit quality inspectors. These documents included false
spreadsheets and minutes of meetings, which were fabricated months after the
audit occurred. KPMG partners blamed a junior member of the staff for this
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 69
dishonesty. If it is true that this staff member committed the forgeries on their
own, then, as Sika (2022) has charged, this would lead one to wonder about “…
the supervision of staff, reviews by partners, prevalence of irregular practices
and corrosive organisational culture.”
As a further example of KPMG’s chequered behaviour, in August 2021, the firm
was fined £13 million for a serious conflict of interest. KPMG was also ordered to
pay an additional £2.8 million in costs. The conflict of interest involved KPMG and
one of its former partners, David Costley-Wood, acting for its client Silentnight,
a large UK manufacturer of beds and mattresses, as well as for the firm H.I.G.
Capital, which eventually acquired Silentnight. The FRC (2021) concluded that
Costley-Wood, in an attempt to gain favour with H.I.G. Capital, helped H.I.G.
“deliberately [bring] about the unnecessary insolvency of the original Silentnight
Group in order to buy its business out of administration, while leaving its defined
benefit pension scheme behind.” The UK’s Pensions Regulator argued that the
crux of all the scheming was to help H.I.G. secure an unwarranted windfall of £47
million, which, in the process, put the savings of 1,200 Silentnight staff at risk
(Pensions Regulator, 2021).
KPMG is far from the only large, international professional services firm to
be singled out for poor practice and behaviour. According to the FRC, 29% of
the audits delivered by the world’s seven largest audit firms – BDO, Deloitte,
Ernst & Young (EY), Grant Thornton, KPMG, Mazars, and PricewaterhouseCoo-
pers (PwC) – fail to meet basic expected standards (FRC, 2021). However, even
this latest report of the FRC gives extra attention to KPMG, stating, “Inspection
results at KPMG did not improve and it is unacceptable that, for the third year
running, the FRC found improvements were required to KPMG’s audits of banks
and similar entities.”
Review Question 6.6: Beyond the committees and boards different professions may oper-
ate to investigate, judge, and discipline members’ ethical violations, identify the main
public bodies and organizations that police organizational ethical failings.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
systems, and programmes to dissuade individuals from the remaining group from giving in to
temptation. These efforts will include ethics training, the adoption of codes of ethics, the use of
internal controls, management oversight, internal audit activities, and channels for whistle blow-
ing. Each of these mechanisms will be discussed more fully later in the chapter. First, it is useful
to understand the set of known factors that commonly lead to employees committing fraud.
To help explain why employees commit unethical acts, researchers have proposed the fraud
triangle. Although this model certainly applies to acts of fraud (e.g., embezzlement, insider trading,
and improper financial reporting), it also applies more generally to employee decisions to behave
unethically. The fraud triangle suggests that employee fraud/unethical behaviour is a function of
three factors: opportunity, rationalization, and motivation. Unethical behaviour can occur when
any of these three factors occur, but it will be most likely when all three factors are simultaneously
present. Remember, according to the 10-80-10 rule, employees in the 80% group are honest most
of the time. Generally, it is the simultaneous alignment of the three factors that lead these employ-
ees to go astray. In particular, an opportunity arises that coincides with a motivation to commit a
fraud/unethical behaviour that the employee can rationalize as being okay.
The fraud triangle’s opportunity factor includes a flaw in the organization’s internal con-
trols (i.e., none in place, not monitored, not enforced, or not effective), the granting of too
much trust and employee autonomy, and insufficient senior management communication and
leadership. The fraud triangle’s employee motivation is partitioned into internal and external
pressures. Internal pressures comprise employee greed, financial debt difficulties, and vices (e.g.,
drugs, gambling). External pressures consist of work pressure to perform (i.e., difficult/impos-
sible budget targets) and having too much work. Finally, rationalization involves minimization
of the behaviour by making such claims as “the company owes me,” “everyone else is doing it,”
“no one will miss the money,” “it’s for a noble purpose,” “there is no personal benefit,” or “a
decision by another employee has caused me take the action.”
As already noted, it generally requires the presence of all three factors to trigger unethical
employee behaviour. Since an organization has complete control over the opportunity factor,
the likelihood that all three factors will coincide should be impossible without employee col-
lusion. The organization also has significant influence over the other two fraud triangle factors.
After all, it determines whether employees are being pushed too hard. It also is responsible for
its organizational culture. A healthy organizational culture will prevent unethical musings and
rationalizations from ever gaining traction. More will be discussed about this topic in Chapter 12.
Suffice it to say, the organization has a significant ability to control, or at least influence, the
incidence of unethical behaviour. The remainder of the chapter is devoted to a discussion of
what organizations can do to minimize the occurrence of unethical behaviour.
There are three ways an organization can reduce unethical employee behaviour. The organiza-
tion should ensure whether its three lines of defence system are properly functioning, ensure
whether it has judiciously designed and operated employee incentive systems, and also ensure
whether it has promoted system 2 thinking over system 1 thinking. The remainder of the
chapter is devoted to a fuller enumeration and discussion of these three approaches.
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 71
The three lines of defence system offers a simple and effective way to help organizations manage
operational risks and minimize the occurrence of unethical employee behaviour (Institute of
Internal Auditors, 2013). The first line of defence comprises employee handbooks, ethics pro-
grammes, whistleblowing hotlines, the use of at-risk incentives for senior managers, and internal
controls. Employee handbooks codify expected employee behaviour, identifying what employ-
ees are entitled to, what they must do, and what they must not do. Ethics programmes are aimed
at helping employees understand the types of situations that may prompt the need to consider
more carefully how a decision or participation in a decision might disadvantage the interests
of the organization or confer an unwarranted preferential standing on the decision maker.
Whistleblowing serves as one part of an organization’s overall governance and risk management
environment. A whistleblowing programme shows an organization’s commitment to develop
a “speak-up” culture, whereby employees are protected from retaliation for reporting orga-
nizational misconduct, including fraud, workplace bullying, and workplace health and safety
At-risk incentives seek to curb unethical behaviour by postponing the full vesting of the
financial incentives (cash bonuses, stock options, etc.) a manager may have been previously
deemed to have earned. For a manager to receive the full incentive, they must ensure that
prescribed standards are maintained throughout the vesting period. This provision helps to pre-
vent a manager from making unethical decisions as a way to achieve their incentivized current
performance. These decisions might involve accelerating sales into earlier time periods and
deferring discretionary expenses (e.g., preventive maintenance) into later time periods. They
could also involve cutting back on product/service quality programmes, employee training
programmes, or leaving employee vacancies unfilled.
The final element in the first-line defence comprises an organization’s internal controls. As
mentioned above when discussing the fraud triangle, the fraud triangle specifies opportunity as
one of the three main factors associated with unethical employee behaviour. This opportunity
generally arises as the result of flaws in an organization’s internal controls. Perhaps there are no
internal controls, or the controls are not monitored, not enforced, or not effective. Organiza-
tions’ accountants are responsible for the design and operation of internal controls. Internal
audit departments will exist in large organizations, and it is the members of these departments
who are responsible for ensuring their organizations’ internal controls safeguard organizational
assets, assist in the production of reliable financial reports, and enable compliance with all orga-
nizational policies, territorial laws, and government and industry regulations.
The typical organization’s internal controls would include the separation of responsibilities.
In particular, the individual who is responsible for working with an asset – whether it be cash,
inventory, or company cars – should be different from the person responsible for the financial
accounting of these assets. Other expected internal controls would feature the use of timecards/
timesheets, having spending limits on the purchase orders employees can generate, the regular
use of bank reconciliations, stringent rules and systems for the approval of new suppliers and
entering them into the organization’s supplier database, multiple records that show the requi-
sitioning, ordering and receipt of assets before they are paid, and the requirement of multiple
signatures for large payments or movements of cash. A well designed and operated internal
control system should make it virtually impossible for an employee to commit fraud against the
organization without the connivance of multiple employees involved in the deceit.
An organization’s second line of defence against unethical employee behaviour involves
the use of systems and processes designed to detect errors in a timely manner. Included in this
second line of defence are violation and termination reporting, correlated trend analysis, staff
engagement surveys, and customer surveys. Employee violations of organizational policies, and
especially violations that have led to an employee’s termination, should feature as part of an
organization’s regular reporting. Furthermore, these reports should form their own agenda item
for every board of directors or board of trustees meeting. Correlated trend analysis involves
looking for associations between problematic performance and likely causes. For example, a
spike in the reporting of workplace bullying might be associated with a new hire or perhaps
something as general as a shift in an organization’s culture.
Unhappy customers may be the by-product of something that has gone amiss in the orga-
nization. Maybe it is the result of poorer product quality (perhaps due to a reduction in the
funding of quality programmes), poorer trained employees (perhaps due to a cut in employee
training), or long call centre wait times (perhaps due to not replacing departing employees).
Regardless of whether these decisions are due to a decisionmaker trying to gain a personal
advantage (e.g., a bonus), which would be an example of unethical behaviour, or due to some
other factor, the organization will want to address the customers’ concerns.
Unhappy employees may be the result of poor working conditions, poor work relation-
ships, or poor leadership. Again, these factors may be the result of a decisionmaker trying to gain
a personal advantage and would therefore be unethical. Knowing why employees are unhappy
is key to not only detecting possible unethical behaviour, but it is critical to minimizing situ-
ations where employees rationalize their unethical behaviour by blaming the organization for
some perceived wrong. One example might be an employee believing that their organization’s
failure to replace a departed employee has resulted in having to work longer hours and expe-
riencing greater stress. This employee might rationalize their unethical behaviour by asserting
their behaviour compensates for the extra work they are doing. Another example might be an
employee feeling underinvested in due to a cutback in employee training. Again, the employee
might rationalize their unethical behaviour by claiming the organization has been unfair and
they are merely evening things up.
The third line of defence involves assuring or improving the first two lines of defence. An
organization’s internal audit department is responsible for this third line of defence. As part of its
duties, the internal auditor will conduct analytical reviews of significant activities and accounts
(e.g., reported employee violations and new customer and supplier account openings), evaluate
the robustness and readiness of the organization’s risk management processes and coverage, and
conduct studies of the integrity of management and governance reporting.
In addition to ensuring healthy functioning of the three lines of defence system, an organiza-
tion can also reduce the risk of unethical employee behaviour by ensuring it judiciously uses
employee incentives. As will be discussed in Chapter 11, the literature offers at best mixed results
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 73
for the motivational benefits associated with employee incentives. If employee motivation is
merely thought of as energizing employees, then incentive programmes are useful (Kohn,
1993). However, if employee motivation is framed as energizing employees to accomplish
organizationally-beneficial outcomes in both short and longer terms, then employee incentives
have questionable efficacy (Herzberg, 2003).
Organizations that chose to use employee incentives should only do so when the incentives
are tied to reasonable performance targets. Many organizational ethical failings can be traced
to organizations’ use of unrealistic targets. Imposing too high of a target can lead employees to
engage in dysfunctional behaviour (e.g., an engineer who avoids collaborating with colleagues
to avoid sharing a bonus the organization offers for production process improvement ideas) and
even unethical behaviour (e.g., creating slack in a budget).
Wells Fargo, a large California-headquartered financial services company, presents a poi-
gnant example of a company’s injudicious use of incentives that led to unethical employee
behaviour. In the early to mid-2010s, Wells Fargo introduced an incentive compensation pro-
gramme for its branch employees. The incentives formed part of the bank’s “Go for Gr-Eight”
marketing initiative, which required getting eight financial products (e.g., a credit card, savings
account, mortgage) into the hands of each customer. To reach this ambition, cross-selling goals
for employees were set, with some reported to be as high as 20 per day. Employees who reached
their goals were rewarded with incentives. Personal bankers were offered bonuses of 15–20% of
their salary, and tellers could earn up to 3% of their salary.
To place into context Wells Fargo’s Go for Gr-Eight programme, the incentivized goal
was a more than 33% increase on its 2010 performance. Some critics charge that even this
base period included years of aggressive cross-selling (Public Citizen, 2016). According to the
consulting firm A.T. Kearney, the average bank customer in the mid-2010s had 2.71 financial
products at their primary bank. In other words, the Go for Gr-Eight goals represented a nearly
200% increase on what the average bank was achieving.
Daily and monthly “Motivator” reports were used to track and rank individual, branch, and
regional cross-selling performance. These reports assigned quotas for the number and types of
products to be sold. Any shortfall in an individual’s, branch’s, or region’s daily target was added
to the next day’s goals.
Employees describe how the reports not only encouraged a high-pressure work environ-
ment but also produced a culture of shaming those who were deemed to be poor performers.
For example, Wells Fargo branch manager, Rita Murillo, recalls the dread that came with the
hourly conference calls initiated by regional bosses who wanted to check up on her Florida
branch’s cross-selling (Reckard, 2013). She also recounts how employees who lagged behind on
their quotas were threatened with termination and were required to stay late and work week-
ends to meet their goals. Murillo states, “We were constantly told we would end up working for
McDonald’s. If we did not make the sales quotas … we had to stay for what felt like after-school
detention, or report to a call session on Saturdays” (Reckard, 2013).
Following media reports into the high-pressure, aggressive cross-selling tactics at Wells
Fargo and the negative publicity this engendered, the bank’s board commissioned the law firm
Shearman and Sterling to conduct an independent investigation into the scandal. The Shear-
man and Sterling report is particularly damning of Wells Fargo’s Go for Gr-Eight and associated
incentive plan. It found that the company’s practice of publishing performance scorecards put
Review Question 6.9: Name three approaches an organization can take to minimize the
likelihood that employees will behave unethically?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Daniel Kahneman, in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, described the human brain as having two
broad systems for thinking. He termed these types system 1 and system 2. Whereas system 1 is
impulsive, instinctive, and effortless, system 2 is characterized by control and reflectivity.Table 6.3
presents the main features of each system.
System 1 thinking accounts for the vast majority of a person’s beliefs and attitudes, and
ultimately their decision making. It is predicated upon quick assessments of a situation and uses
past experiences as benchmarks.These benchmarks act as heuristics that allow swift decisions to
Business ethics as an element of organizational strategy 75
System 1 System 2
• Fast • Slow
• Unconscious • Conscious and controlled
• Automatic • Deliberate
• Effortless • Effortful
• Responsible for 98% of thinking and • Responsible for 2% of thinking and
decision making decision making
be reached and enable the person to move on to the next decision. In contrast, system 2 think-
ing accounts for a very small percentage of a person’s beliefs, attitudes, and ultimate decision
making. It is highly rational, logical, sceptical, and mentally demanding. Unlike system 1’s use
of heuristics, system 2 eschews using interpolation and extrapolation. Instead, it seeks multiple
forms of corroborating information or, if these do not exist, then it requires the search for miss-
ing information or the collection of new information.
System 2 thinking’s rigour and thoroughness lend themselves to superior decisions being
made. The problem with system 2 thinking is its time-consuming and mentally-taxing nature.
If a person used system 2 thinking to make all decisions, they would only get through a small
subset of the typical number of decisions they make during the day. Imagine using system 2
thinking while at the grocery store. Even if a person arrived at its opening, they likely would
not get through the first aisle before the store closed. Or imagine employing system 2 thinking
every time you wanted to choose music to listen to. Before choosing a song, it would not be
enough to know your top choice of the songs you know. Instead, you would need to know the
world’s full catalogue of songs, from which you could then choose the right one to listen to.
System 1 thinking prevents such decision paralysis and allows a person to take timely
action.With system 1 thinking, a person uses heuristics or rules of thumb to reach a quick deci-
sion. For example, a person might say,
I am feeling a bit down and I want to hear a happy song to cheer me up. I know a handful
of songs on my playlist just for this occasion. I will play Pharrell Williams’ ‘Happy’ and fol-
low that with Walk the Moon’s ‘Shut Up and Dance’.
Or maybe Christmas is a few days off, so the person says,“I want to get into the Christmas spirit,
and I see on my Christmas playlist both Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’ and
Ariana Grande’s ‘Santa Tell Me’. I am going to listen to the first.” Notice how the person did
not try to identify all the existing songs for either situation. Rather, the person merely looked
at what they had on their playlist and chose from there.
Behavioural economists call heuristic-based behaviour satisficing, a concept that is linked
to 1978 Economics Nobel Prize winner Herbert Simon’s (1957) bounded rationality. Under
bounded rationality, it is asserted that people have neither the access to nor the ability to assimi-
late and digest all the information needed to make optimal decisions. Accordingly, people will
make choices that are not optimal, but instead are satisfactory and sufficient for a given set of
circumstances. For example, a common company practice when negotiating a major purchase
(e.g., a truck, a new security system, or insurance for its property) is to seek out three quotes and
choose the best one from these three. Such an approach may not produce the lowest cost for best
value, but it will produce a “good enough decision” that the organization is willing to live with.
The purpose of system 1 thinking is to protect a person’s system 2 thinking from cogni-
tive overload. In other words, system 1’s use of instinct and habit allows a person to rapidly sift
through information and ideas, prioritizing the most relevant data and filtering out the rest.
Without these cognitive and behavioural shortcuts, an individual would at the end of the day
still be struggling with what to wear and what to have for breakfast.
Despite the dominant role system 1 thinking plays in a person’s decision making, people
invariably underestimate this reality and overestimate what they deem to be their rationally-
motivated behaviour. People overlook the fact that their instinctive, gut feeling, heuristically-
driven decision making is predicated on incomplete (i.e., due to satisficing) and sometimes just
plain erroneous (e.g., when a person tries to make connections between a current problem and
one they experienced previously) data sets. In contrast, system 2 thinking’s slow, conscious, and
deliberate approach enables a person to reflect on rules, view them from different perspectives,
develop different courses of action, and ultimately select an option that is grounded in evidence
and reason. System 2 thinking, therefore, is especially relevant to recognizing and resolving ethi-
cal dilemmas by enabling a person to make thoughtful judgements about the potential impacts,
the magnitude of those impacts, and parties likely to be affected by the decisions a person makes.
Consequently, it is important that a person not only recognizes the irrationality and bias that
their primary system 1 thinking generates, but that they also take regular pauses throughout the
day to take stock of the decisions they have made by purposefully employing system 2 thinking.
Current and retrospective examinations of the type of thinking employees are using will
help ensure serious matters are receiving the more mentally-taxing system 2 thinking. Using
system 1 thinking to decide where to have the company Christmas party, who should captain
the company’s soccer team, and how the company’s social committee should use the money
earned on the company’s cafeteria vending machines is fine. However, when it comes to decid-
ing such issues as whether to hire a relative or friend, how and when to use employee participa-
tion in the budgeting process, and how best to deal with an employee conflict of interest, it is
important that system 2 thinking prevails. Training employees to differentiate between different
decision situations and when to use the significantly more time-consuming system 2 thinking
feature as important aids to reducing unethical employee behaviour.
This chapter discussed the relationship of ethics to performance management. Noting how the
essence of performance management is getting employees to implement organizational strategy,
the promotion of ethical employee behaviour will be key to any organization’s performance
management efforts. Strategy has an implicit long-term orientation. Unethical behaviour is
antithetical to such a focus.
The chapter proceeded to show the high cost of organizations’ ethical failings. Some of these
costs are direct (i.e., regulatory fines and penalties), while others are indirect (e.g., employee turn-
over and harm to an organization’s reputation). Research findings suggest that the latter set of
BUsIness ethICs as an eLeMent oF orGanIZatIonaL strateGy 77
costs dwarf the financial costs by a ratio of more than 4:1. Together, the inability to achieve an
organization’s strategy and the substantial cost of ethical failings make it imperative for organi-
zations to understand what factors lead employees to behave unethically and what actions the
organization can implement to minimize the occurrence of such behaviour. Armed with these
understandings, an organization’s senior managers and its governing board will be in a better
position to ensure its performance management system is operating effectively.
Bagnoli, M. and Watts, S.G. (2003) Selling to socially responsible consumers: competition and the private
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making for accountants, Abacus,Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 488–518.
Gibson, Dunn and Crutcher. (2018) 2017 Year-End FCPA Update, Retrieved from on 13 January 2022.
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Herzberg, F. (2003) One more time: how do you motivate employees?, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 81, No.
1, pp. 87–96. Reprinted from 1968.
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Koch, T. (2019) Professionalism: an archaeology, HEC Forum,Vol. 31, pp. 219–232.
Kohn, A. (1993) Why incentive plans cannot work, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 71, No. 6, pp. 54–63.
Lev, B.I., Petrovits, C. and Radhakrishnan, S. (2008) Is doing good, good for you? How corporate chari-
table contributions enhance revenue growth, Strategic Management Journal,Vol. 31, pp. 182–200.
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analysis, Organization Studies,Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 403–441.
78 orGanIZatIonaL strateGy
This chapter introduces the concept of organizational strategy. It discusses how organizational
strategy is often narrowly misconstrued as financial strategy (i.e., providing good returns to
shareholders) or marketing strategy (i.e., developing good distribution channels). This chapter
proceeds to describe types of strategy: corporate-level and business-unit-level.The former is the
focus of the present chapter, while the latter is comprehensively discussed in Chapter 8. In addi-
tion to describing corporate-level strategy, the present chapter reveals basic associations between
corporate-level strategy and performance management design.
Earlier, in Chapter 1, the Japanese proverb about an organization’s imperative to not just formu-
late strategy, but to also ensure its implementation was discussed. The quoted proverb, “Strategy
without action is a daydream,” is actually only the first half of the entire proverb.The second half
is “Action without strategy is a nightmare.” In other words, doing things without a clear plan
of the specific set of activities the organization should be undertaking is a recipe for disaster.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-9
In the Bible’s book of Genesis, it is stated, “In the beginning there was nothing.” For
organizations that have yet to formulate and implement a strategy, there is at best a state of
nothingness. At worse, as the Japanese proverb suggests, a state of nightmarish chaos may reign.
In a similar way, though operating on a highly separate and very distant ontological plane, just
as God reportedly imposed form and meaningfulness on what was previously emptiness and
nothingness, so too is strategy capable of giving life, discipline, and direction to what was previ-
ously an organization’s state of disorder.
As this chapter and Chapter 8 will show, strategy is both an organization’s driving force
and its very life source. Strategy communicates to employees the what, how, why, when,
and where of the actions they are meant to perform. In other words, it provides focus and
direction to employee behaviour. An organization’s strategy will also provide, assuming the
strategy has the hallmarks of a winning strategy, a topic discussed in Chapter 8, the basis for
the organization’s continued success. Scholars refer to this state as a sustained competitive
advantage (Porter, 1996).
As mentioned in Chapter 5’s discussion, an organization’s purpose is defined by its goals and
objectives. There is a high degree of commonality in the goals and objectives pursued by dif-
ferent organizations. For example, every for-profit company seeks to be profitable, making the
goal and objective of profitability common to all for-profit companies.
Further shared goals, beyond the single goal of profitability, are likely to be held by various
organizations. As noted in Chapter 5, key stakeholders, who each operate with their own set of
self-interests, must come together for the purpose of sustaining any given organization. Unless
there is sufficient regard given to these stakeholders’ interests, the organization cannot exist. As
a consequence, the typical organization will find it must make room for and accommodate the
desires of employees who want adequate pay and safe working conditions, suppliers who want
to receive timely payment for the goods and services they provide, customers who want to be
treated fairly and with respect, the wider community (as well as the governments that represent
these communities) who want the organization to act responsibly and lawfully, and (at least for
for-profit companies) investors who want good returns on their invested capital. The ultimate
result of these various stakeholder wants and desires is that the typical organization will have a
list of goals and objectives similar to the following:
We can see that for many organizations, especially for-profit organizations, the set of goals and
objectives they hold are not unique to other organizations – whether these others reside in
Introduction to organizational strategy 81
the same or different industries. Accordingly, any given for-profit organization and its peers
are likely to possess similar views about where they need to be. This place was referred to in
Chapter 5 as the Promised Land.
Knowing where the organization wants to be, while clearly important, forms only part of
senior management’s task of ensuring organizational health and survival. The other part of this
task, and what is arguably the much more significant part, is working out how the organization
will succeed in reaching its desired destination. In other words, strategy answers the question
of how an organization will navigate the waters between where it is now and where it wants
to be. As we will soon see, strategy provides the plan, and, in particular, the unique way that an
organization will go about marshalling its capabilities and resources to reach its Promised Land.
Strategy is often mistakenly viewed in narrow, parochial terms. Sometimes, for example, it is
equated with financial strategy, which involves an organization’s planning of its financial needs
and the sources from which the required capital will be raised. In particular, an organization
can raise capital by issuing debt, selling shares, or tapping into its internal capital reserves (i.e.,
its retained earnings).
Strategy is also sometimes misconstrued as marketing strategy. For example, someone
may incorrectly say a company’s strategy is mass marketing (i.e., appealing to potential cus-
tomers through mass media and mass distribution) or relationship marketing (i.e., focusing
on customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement). Marketing strategies such as mass
marketing and relationship marketing are best viewed as functional strategies, which are sub-
ordinate to and meant to be supportive of an organization’s overall strategy. As an illustration,
mass marketing would be supportive of an organization that was employing an organizational
strategy that relied on high-volume sales. Meanwhile, relationship marketing would be con-
ducive to an organizational strategy that depended on creating and maintaining high-quality
customer interactions.
Unlike functional strategy’s subordinate and supportive role, organizational strategy is meant
to be the answer and provide the broad roadmap to show how an organization will achieve its
goals and objectives. During its early descriptions, organizational strategy was largely viewed as
long-term planning. It is instructive to note that the first academic journal devoted to the study
of strategy was titled Long Range Planning. The centrality of time to the concept of strategy is
captured by Miyamoto (1974: 21), who argues for the need “to see distant things as if they were
close and to take a distanced view of close things” when formulating organizational strategy.
A more contemporary view of organizational strategy (i.e., post-1980) regards it as com-
prising how an organization will marshal its resources into a coordinated set of activities that
provide a value proposition for customers that will enable their continued patronage of the
organization’s products or services. Robert Shirley (1982: 262) provides a definition of orga-
nizational strategy that certainly captures the concept at its broadest level when he states: “[T]
he strategy of an organization consists of those decisions that (a) define the relationship of the
total organization to its environment and (b) give guidance to administrative and operational
activities on an ongoing basis.”
Organizational strategy can be broken apart into two elements: corporate-level strategy and
business-unit-level strategy. Corporate-level strategy relates to what market(s) an organization
chooses to compete in. Business-unit-level strategy, which is also commonly referred to as com-
petitive strategy, comprises the astute choices managers make when deciding upon, construct-
ing, and linking together the set of activities that define an organization’s value proposition.The
current chapter focuses on corporate-level strategy. Business-unit-level strategy is discussed in
Chapter 8.
Organizations can choose between three types of corporate-level strategy. The first features the
adoption of a highly focused approach of concentrating on an individual industry. This strategy
is called a single-industry strategy. High-profile companies that pursue this strategy include
Google, SAS, American Express,Toyota, Marriott,Telefónica, and KPMG.These companies, and
many more could be listed, have made a conscious choice to stick to their knitting and focus on
what they do best (Peters and Waterman, 1982).
In contrast to confining themselves to a single industry, some firms may choose to span
several industries. Firms may choose this path of industry diversification to take advantage
of synergies that can be gained from a firm’s choice to operate in either related or unre-
lated industries. Firms that pursue a related-diversified strategy create synergy by sharing
operating/manufacturing facilities, logistics, and/or marketing systems between their family
of sister companies.
An unrelated-diversified strategy, the third type of corporate-level strategy, derives from the
application and transfer of superior management expertise and/or financial resources to firms
in unrelated industries. The senior managers of these organizations frequently display a level
of confidence in their management abilities that borders on arrogance. Harold Geneen, the
then CEO of ITT, was purported to have told a fellow airline passenger who mispronounced
Geneen’s name that the beginning “g” in his name was pronounced like the soft “g” in Jesus
and not the hard “g” in God.
A common misconception prevails that if a firm buys a competitor, what some scholars call
concentric diversification, it becomes a related-diversified firm. This belief, however, is not cor-
rect. Concentric diversification may help a firm take advantage of economies of scale and may
Introduction to organizational strategy 83
even have the added bonus of reducing competition, but this act of buying a competitor does
not move the firm outside of the single industry. If, for example, KPMG buys out a regional
accounting firm, its market share will increase and the opportunity for higher profits, due to the
potential for greater economies of scale, may exist. Such a purchase, however, has not changed
the fact that KPMG still operates in the same industry: the provision of accounting and consult-
ing services.
To classify as a related-diversified strategy, KPMG would have to expand outside its current
industry, while ensuring the attainment of some operating/delivery system synergy. Branching
out into accounting software development could be one example of how a firm like KPMG
could achieve this multiple industry synergy. In fact, the 2015 strategic alliance between Xero
and KPMG Australia, the purpose of which was to deliver cloud accounting to small businesses,
is a step on the path to such a related-diversified strategy. Other examples of companies enact-
ing a related-diversified strategy are Avon Products’ backward vertical integration, whereby it
brought in-house the production of some of its cosmetics, and Levi Strauss & Co.’s forward
vertical integration from a manufacturer of clothing to the additional operation of retail stores
to sell and market its clothing.
As previously noted, firms that pursue unrelated-diversified strategies possess supreme con-
fidence in the superiority and transferability of their management expertise and/or financial
resources. Kyocera, for example, believes that its amoeba management system is the primary
engine for its unparalleled financial success. Throughout its 50-plus years of existence, it has
moved well beyond its original mission of manufacturing ceramic insulators for television sets
and now produces semiconductor components for automobiles, office equipment, and mobile
phones, as well as manufacturing dental implants and solar panels. The company also owns and
operates hotels, and even has a consulting division that has advised on and facilitated the imple-
mentation of a plethora of companies’ adoption of amoeba management.
Samsung is another example of a company pursuing an unrelated-diversified strategy. In
addition to its manufacture of smartphones, tablets, and televisions, the company also produces
military hardware and ships, constructs apartments, and even operates a Korean amusement park.
Further examples of companies with unrelated-diversified strategies are Siemens, 3M Company,
General Electric, Pentair Ltd, Tyco International, Asea Brown Boveri, United Technologies, and
The Trump Organization.
When firms pursue unrelated diversification, the purpose should be to achieve synergy by
applying and transferring superior management expertise (an expertise that is generic across
industries rather than being specific to any one industry) and/or financial resources to firms
in unrelated industries. The purpose should not be to minimize market risk. This responsibility
belongs to the investors, who possess ample equity and bond market-related options for altering
the risk-return mix of their investments.
General Electric (GE) used a diversified portfolio rationale to justify its operation as an
unrelated-diversified firm, an approach that was aggressively pursued by former GE CEO Jack
Welch. Although GE’s stock price consistently outperformed its peers under Welch’s tenure
(1981–2001), producing a return on investment of 1,120.6% during the 1990s alone, the stock
began to falter during the final year of Welch’s leadership. Welch grew GE’s market capitaliza-
tion from USD 14 billion when he started in 1981 to USD 400 billion when he retired in
September 2001. However, starting in 2000, GE’s stock began a prolonged and deep descent
to sit at around USD 100 billion at the start of 2022. Stock analysts have blamed its fall on
the incompatibility of GE’s conglomerate model with today’s need for organizational quick-
ness and agility. For its part, GE decided in November 2021 to divide the company into three
public companies: aviation, health care, and energy. Various Wall Street commentators predict
other unrelated-diversified companies will follow suit and have singled out the likes of Emer-
son, Roper Technologies, and 3M. According to Nick Heymann of William Blair, an American
multinational independent investment bank and financial services company, “It’s over now. In a
digital economy, there’s no real room for it” (AP, 2021).
One of the possible sources of success for a firm that pursues an unrelated-diversified
strategy can be its ability to transfer financial resources across its network of firms. The Boston
Consulting Group (BCG) Growth-Share Matrix and the GE/McKinsey Matrix offer senior
managers of unrelated-diversified firms insight into how they might manage this transfer of
financial resources. While the two matrices are quite similar to each other, many organizational
scholars and practitioners (see, for example, Collis et al., 1999) consider the GE/McKinsey
Matrix, which was developed by McKinsey and Company in the early 1970s, to be an improve-
ment on the BCG Matrix, which was developed in the mid-1960s by Bruce Henderson.
Consequently, the current discussion focuses on the GE/McKinsey Matrix. Those readers who
are interested in learning about the BCG Matrix should consult Henderson (1970) or simply
search the internet, where a myriad of information about this matrix can be found.
The GE/McKinsey Matrix argues that the unrelated-diversified company’s success rests
on its ability to maintain a portfolio of products/services in different stages of its lifecycle.
Products/services with plateauing or declining market growth opportunities are meant to pro-
vide the financial resources to nourish products/services exhibiting low market share but offer-
ing high growth potential. In other words, some companies within the unrelated-diversified
company’s portfolio of companies will be assigned the mandate of growing and building, with
cash flowing to these companies. Meanwhile, other companies under the unrelated-diversified
company’s umbrella will be instructed to hold or possibly even divest their market positions,
with cash transferring from these companies to the growing/building companies. Table 7.1
provides a visual representation of this set of circumstances.
Porter’s (2008) Five Forces Model can be used to assess industry attractiveness. Alternatively,
a set of relevant factors such as the following list can be used:
4 Industry profitability
5 Industry rivalry
6 Global opportunities
7 Macroenvironmental factors (including political,economic,sociocultural,and technological).
When using a list like the one above, a user may wish to weight each factor by its perceived
importance rather than treat each factor equally. For example, if industry profitability is deemed
to be twice as important as global opportunities, then the latter will carry a weighting that is half
of the former. To help determine the factor weightings, managers may wish to use an analytical
technique such as conjoint analysis.
Following the assignment of weightings to each factor, the user next scores each factor
using a nine-point scale. The bottom end, denoted by “1,” indicates “extremely unattractive.”
The top end, shown as “9,” signifies “extremely attractive.”The scale’s midpoint of “5” represents
an “average” rating.
Table 7.2 provides an example of an industry attractiveness analysis using a set of fac-
tors similar to the ones illustrated in the above list. As this table reports, Industry B, with its
total score of 7.6, exhibits the highest industry attractiveness score of the three industries
Business unit strength represents a business unit’s relative competitiveness within its indus-
try of operation. A business unit’s market share is an important determinant of a business unit’s
strength, but it is not the only determinant. One possible listing of the factors that could be
included in the determination of business unit strength is:
1 Market share
2 Growth in market share
3 Production capacity
4 Brand equity
5 Distribution channel access
6 Profit margins relative to competitors.
Similar to what was done when assessing an industry’s attractiveness, weightings are assigned to
each factor. These weightings are then multiplied by the scores assigned to each factor to yield
a weighted score. The summation of these scores represents the business unit’s strength. Table
7.3 provides an illustration of a business unit strength analysis involving three different business
units. As this table reveals, Business Unit 3 shows the highest score, followed by Business Units
2 and 1, respectively.
Following the calculations of industry attractiveness and business unit strength, each busi-
ness unit is plotted on the matrix. Assuming Business Unit 1 is associated with Industry A,
Business Unit 2 is associated with Industry B, and Business Unit 3 is associated with Industry C
results in the completed matrix shown in Figure 7.1.
Superimposing Table 7.1 on Figure 7.1 suggests the following action:
Some readers may notice that the circles in Figure 7.1 are different sizes. This representation is
purposeful. When plotting a business unit’s position on the matrix, the typical advice is to rep-
resent market size by the size of the circle. As indicated in Table 7.2, the market size for Industry
B, in which Business Unit 2 operates, is the largest, followed by Industry A (Business Unit 1)
and finally Industry C (Business Unit 3). The GE/McKinsey Matrix literature also suggests that
users may wish to represent a business unit’s market share by displaying this as a pie chart in the
circle. Furthermore, it is also suggested that an arrow can be added to each circle to represent
the expected future position of the business unit. For example, if the expectation for Business
Unit 1 were a less attractive industry and eroded business unit strength, then an arrow pointing
to the lower right-hand corner of the GE/McKinsey Matrix would be attached to the circle in
Figure 7.1 representing Business Unit 1. This added information would suggest to a manager
that the hold strategy presently suggested might need to be supported by a contingency plan
that provides for the divestment of the business unit.
Industry attractiveness
Review Question 7.4: What are the three types of corporate-level strategy? Describe and
give examples of each.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 7.5: How does the GE / McKinsey Matrix link with an organization’s
pursuit of an unrelated-diversified strategy?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
At this point, it is worthwhile to pause, take stock, and reflect on how corporate-level strategy is
related to performance management design. In fact, you are encouraged throughout this book to
continually contemplate how each chapter’s featured topic affects and is affected by performance
management design. The phrase “affect and is affected by” is purposely chosen to reinforce the
mutual dependence of the various elements comprising any given organization’s performance
management system. For now, we will only keep to general and high-level discussions of these
affects. This approach is taken because a fuller and more detailed discussion of the affects requires
an understanding of the key elements that comprise any given performance management system.
These key elements are organizational structure; organizational systems, processes, and procedures;
and organizational culture, which are, respectively, discussed in Chapters 10, 11, and 12.
Table 7.4 provides a description of the expected broad-level performance management
characteristics associated with different corporate-level strategies. Single-industry firms are
more likely to operate their organizational systems and processes using a looser style of con-
trol than unrelated-diversified firms. A loose style of control means less emphasis is placed on
meeting budgets than when tight control is used (Van der Stede, 2001). The reason that senior
managers of a single-industry firm are willing to adopt looser control is a direct function
of the greater understanding they have of their firm’s operations than senior managers of an
unrelated-diversified firm. Not only will these senior managers be more likely to supplement
financial budgets with non-financial data and measures, but they may even replace their firm’s
largely historical, often backward-looking budget evaluation systems with more lead-indicating,
forward-looking sets of performance measures and metrics (see Hope and Fraser, 2003).
In contrast to single-industry firms, unrelated-diversified firms will adopt tight control. The
senior managers of these latter firms will not possess the same level of familiarity with the diverse
markets in which they operate relative to the senior managers of single-industry firms who spe-
cialize in one industry. Lacking the industry knowledge and experience to know how or when to
make adjustments to their firms’ budgets, senior managers of unrelated-diversified firms will cling
to the systems and processes they know, including the budgeting systems they operate.
A further reason behind unrelated-diversified firms’ senior managers’ strict adherence to
their organizations’ set of organizational systems and processes is the synergy that is meant to
underlie the pursuit of an unrelated-diversified strategy. In particular, this pursuit is often based
on a belief in the firm’s superior meta-industry management expertise. In other words, these
firms believe they have developed best-practice organizational systems, processes, and proce-
dures that transcend industry categories. For example, Kyocera uses the same hourly efficiency
measure to evaluate the business unit performance of each of its subunits because its senior
management team is confident that its hourly efficiency measure is as relevant for evaluating a
business unit that makes solar panels as it is for a business unit that operates hotels.
The organizational structure of single-industry firms will be simple. In contrast, unrelated-
diversified firms will likely display complex structures. According to organizational scholars
(see, for example, Hall and Tolbert, 2009), organizational structures are directly associated with
the complexity of a firm’s internal and external environments.As will be examined in Chapter 10,
single-industry firms, especially ones that operate in environments exhibiting high stability and
predictability, are likely to benefit from adopting simpler, more centralized organizational struc-
tures. This form of organizational structure will almost certainly be the case if a cost-focused
strategy (see Chapter 8) is being pursued.
Unrelated-diversified firms will benefit from adopting decentralized organizational struc-
tures. Once again, a fuller understanding of the reasons for this association must await the read-
ing of Chapter 10. For now, it is sufficient to realize that due to the wide range of companies
operating under an unrelated-diversified firm’s umbrella, it is unlikely that any one manager or
a small group of managers will possess sufficient, timely information or have the multi-industry
skills and understandings to make high-quality decisions.
The organizational cultures of single-industry and unrelated-diversified firms are likely to
be quite different.While any given single-industry firm is likely to have a single, unitary organi-
zational culture, an unrelated-diversified firm will display plural cultures. Through its operation
in a single industry, the single-industry firm will likely find that its marshalling of resources
will coalesce around and be evidenced by a single expression of its core values and beliefs. In
contrast, the unrelated-diversified firm will find that its subunits have assembled heterogeneous
mixes of resources from one another, which will produce different expressions of core values
and beliefs and result in these firms having pluralistic cultures.
Firms that pursue related-diversified strategies will typically exhibit characteristics that fall
somewhere in the middle between the two ends of the continua shown in Table 7.4. In other
words, related-diversified firms are likely to operate organizational systems and processes that
require a medium level of adherence. While senior managers of these firms may not possess the
same high degree of industry experience as their single-industry counterparts, their moderate
levels of familiarity will allow them to supplement a strict reliance on budgets, for example, with
a wider set of measures and metrics. The related-diversified firms will also feature organiza-
tional structures that are neither as simple as single-industry firms nor as complex as unrelated-
diversified firms. And finally, related-diversified firms will have organizational cultures that lack
the singular focus of single-industry firms but are not as plural as the unrelated-diversified firms.
It must be remembered that the associations described here are only what might be gener-
ally expected. They are not meant to be rigid axioms. As this book has already stated, and the
following chapters continue to amplify, the exact performance management design of any given
organization must await a full and comprehensive enunciation of the organization’s particular,
idiosyncratic facts and circumstances. While general statements like the ones above apply to
the “average” firm pursuing each of the three corporate-level strategies, departures from these
typical profiles do occur. For example, Kyocera, the large Japanese multinational conglomer-
ate previously mentioned, operates a performance management system that features a singular
organizational culture.This fact runs counter to the expectation that a firm like Kyocera, which
is pursuing an unrelated-diversified strategy, should display multiple organizational cultures
across its diverse set of subunits. Instead, Kyocera exhibits a singular organizational culture that
is characterized by high performance, high trust, significant employee empowerment, and high
altruism. As Adler and Hiromoto (2012) show, Kyocera’s organizational culture acts as a key
organizational integrating mechanism. Without a strong integrating mechanism like its singular
90 orGanIZatIonaL strateGy
Review Question 7.6: What are the general associations between corporate-level strategies
and performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
organizational culture, Kyocera’s use of extreme decentralization would likely produce substan-
tial subunit competition and ultimately undermine the collaborative culture needed to support
the confrontation strategies its subunits pursue.
This chapter defined organizational strategy and discussed its importance to an organization’s
survival and success. Organizational strategy consists of two types: corporate-level strategy and
business-unit-level strategy.The former comprised the focus of the present chapter, while the latter
becomes the focus of Chapter 8. There are three types of corporate-level strategy: single-industry,
related-diversified, and unrelated-diversified.The chapter discussed these three types of strategy and
offered multiple examples of each.The GE/McKinsey Matrix was introduced as a tool that manag-
ers of unrelated-diversified firms can use to plan and manage the allocation of resources within their
respective firms’ strategic business units. In the chapter’s penultimate section, the basic associations
between corporate-level strategy and performance management design were discussed.
Adler, R. and Hiromoto, T. (2012) Amoeba management: lessons from Japan, Sloan Management Review,
Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 1–7.
Associated Press (AP). (2021) GE to end its run as a conglomerate, split into 3 companies, Retrieved from 23 February 2022.
Collis, D.J., Montgomery, C.A., Campbell, A., Goold, M., Prahalad, C.K. and Lieberthal, K. (1999) Harvard
Business Review on Corporate Strategy, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Hall, R.H. and Tolbert, P.S. (2009) Organizations: Structures, Processes, and Outcomes (10th Edition), Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Henderson, B.D. (1970) The Product Portfolio, Boston, MA: The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
Hope, J. and Fraser, R. (2003) Who needs budgets?, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 81, No. 2, pp. 108–115.
Miyamoto, M. (1974) A Book of Five Rings (translated by Victor Harris), London: Allison & Busby;
Woodstock, NY: The Overlook Press.
Peters, T.J. and Waterman, R.H. (1982) In Search of Excellence, New York: Harper & Row.
Porter, M.E. (1996) What is strategy? Harvard Business Review,Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 61–78.
Porter, M.E. (2008) The five competitive forces that shape strategy, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 86, No. 1,
pp. 79–93.
Shirley, R. (1982) Limiting the scope of strategy: a decision based approach, Academy of Management, Vol.
7, No. 2, pp. 262–268.
Van der Stede, W.A. (2001) Measuring tight budgetary control, Management Accounting Research, Vol. 12,
No. 1, pp. 119–137.
This chapter discusses strategy as it relates to business units, a topic that is commonly termed
competitive strategy. Various popular competitive strategy taxonomies are reviewed and cri-
tiqued. The concept of order-winning criteria (OWC) is used as a prism through which to
view each taxonomy. The chapter ultimately leverages these understandings of strategy, and in
particular competitive strategy, to illustrate the implications of competitive strategy on perfor-
mance management design and operation. Advice is offered about the typical influence the pur-
suit of different competitive strategies has on organizational systems, processes, and procedures,
organizational structures, and organizational cultures.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-10
being superior to competitors’ offerings. According to Clulow et al. (2003: 221), “A firm is said
to have a competitive advantage when it is implementing a value creating strategy not simulta-
neously being implemented by any current or potential player.”
It is senior management’s task to devise a unique competitive strategy for each of its key
business units. Often these key business units are referred to as strategic business units or SBUs.
Hoque (2003: 48–49) offers a cogent definition of SBU when he writes:
A Strategic Business Unit (SBU) is an organisational operating or sub unit that has a distinct
set of products or services sold to a customer/group of customers, facing a well-defined set
of competitors, and a mission distinct from those of the other operating units in the firm.
Several scholars have contributed significantly to the field of competitive strategy. In this
chapter, we discuss the theoretical and practical contributions made by four groups of schol-
ars: Miles and Snow (1978), Porter (1985), Cooper (1995), and Kim and Mauborgne (2005,
2015). As this discussion will show, competitive strategy has its tangible representation in what
can be called OWC. Put very simply, OWC are the reason customers buy from one organi-
zation and not another. Customers may, for example, buy from Firm A because it offers the
most innovative products/services. In contrast, customers may buy from Firm B because it
provides the lowest-priced products/services. When choosing which firm to buy from, cus-
tomers will generally, and almost invariably, need to make trade-offs between innovation and
low prices. A competitive strategy that is characterized by a single order-winning criterion
can be seen in Porter’s (1985) conceptions and descriptions of strategy, which are compre-
hensively discussed in this chapter.
In addition to firms using a singular product/service attribute to attract customers, firms
can also use multiple product/service attributes to win customers. Firms that pursue this latter
strategy must meet minimum thresholds across the entire set of product/service attributes, as
opposed to simply being better than their competitors on one of these attributes. As an example,
a landscape company may focus on providing a combination of low prices, high customization,
and on-time delivery. This situation illustrates a multiple OWC strategy. Although the use of
multiple OWC may be inconsistent with Porter’s ideas, such an approach is recognized and even
encouraged by others (for example, Cooper, 1995; Kim and Mauborgne, 2005).
The idea of a single criterion and multiple OWC is returned to at the end of this chapter,
when Miles and Snow, Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne’s conceptions of competitive
strategy are summarized. In particular, a diagram offering comparisons of the key underlying
assumptions comprising each of the four strategy taxonomies is provided.
Competitive strategy 93
Miles and Snow contend that the strategy a company adopts is a function of its beliefs about and
experiences with three fundamental management problems:
1 Deciding how to select and adjust its product/service offerings (the entrepreneurial
2 Deciding how to produce and deliver its products/services (the engineering problem)
3 Creating organizational structures capable of establishing roles, relationships, and organiza-
tional processes that are consistent with and support the decisions made on (1) and (2).This
final problem is termed the administrative problem.
How an organization approaches and makes decisions about these three fundamental problems
determines the competitive strategy the organization pursues. Although different solutions to
these three problems will be chosen by different organizations, Miles and Snow suggest that
the solutions can be grouped around similar themes, which will in turn produce competitive
strategies that fall into one of four groups: enthusiastic prospector, domain defender, anxious
analyzer, and reluctant reactor.
Prospectors crave change. They view change as analogous to opportunity, which explains
the reason Miles and Snow preceded the word “prospector” with the word “enthusiastic.”
Accordingly, they try to create or, at a minimum, influence change.They are well versed in active
experimentation and are constantly on the lookout for new products and market opportunities.
In other words, the prospector’s answer to the entrepreneurial problem is to seek renewal and
Prospectors adopt a proactive approach to meeting, anticipating, and shaping customer
needs and demands. Not wanting to be too dependent on any one product/service or technol-
ogy, they choose to deliver a broad range of products/services. The prospector’s answer to the
engineering problem is to horizontally integrate.
The dramatic innovation they seek and the diverse set of business activities they operate
characterize the administrative problem they must address. In particular, the unpredictability
of their environment (which is characterized by significant change) and their high level of
product/service renewal and innovation (which is characterized by frequent product/service
introductions and revampings) influence prospectors to decentralize and adopt divisionalized
organizational structures. The classic example of a prospector is 3M Company.
Defenders strive to protect their market shares, hence the reason Miles and Snow prefaced
this strategic orientation with the word “domain.” Defenders prefer internal and external envi-
ronments characterized by stability and predictability. This preference is the polar opposite
of what prospectors want. Due to the relative stability that characterizes their environments,
defenders can and do make greater use of long-term planning.
Defenders commonly use two methods for protecting their market shares.The first method
involves lobbying government for the adoption of legislation that supports their (the incum-
bents’) dominant competitive positions (called protective legislation) or lobbying government
to refrain from adopting legislation that could inhibit or blunt the defenders’ dominant com-
petitive positions (called liberalized legislation). One example of an industry’s use of protective
legislation is described in Box 8.1. Another example is accountants, and in particular those from
large accounting firms, who have benefited greatly over the years from government regulation
requiring the auditing of the financial statements of listed companies to be restricted to accoun-
tants who have specific professional accreditation. This legislation serves as an important barrier
to entry and helps ensure the Big Four international accounting firms’ dominant market share
in the auditing of listed companies’ financial reports.
In addition to lobbying for protective legislation, defenders have also been known to lobby
against liberalization in legislation. A classic example of this resistance to legislative reform
was the strategy adopted by the large national phone companies during the latter part of the
20th century (e.g., AT&T in the US, British Telecommunications plc in the UK, and SFR in
France). In an attempt to maintain their essentially monopolistic positions, these companies
fought strongly against legislation that would separate the business of phone line transmission
(involving the construction and maintenance of the physical infrastructure) from the busi-
ness of phone retailing (the selling of phone calling plans). A further example of a company
that lobbied its government to prevent legislation that would blunt its competitive position is
Microsoft. In particular, Microsoft resisted legislative attempts to curtail its alliances with com-
puter hardware manufacturers, who preloaded Microsoft software on the machines they sold
to customers. Although the large telecoms and Microsoft eventually lost their bids to prevent
legislation in their respective industries, it is likely that their attempts were successful in delaying
this legislation, which helped to extend, albeit temporarily, these defenders’ dominant competi-
tive positions.
The second way defenders seek to maintain their market dominance is through cost leader-
ship. They achieve this cost leadership by assiduously pursuing cost-minimization programmes.
The adoption of standardized operating practices, product/service specialization, benchmark-
ing, and vertical integration are commonly used tactics to underpin the defenders’ provision of
their respective industries’ lowest-cost products and services. Defenders are further known to
adopt centralized decision-making and functionally-based organizational structures.These solu-
tions to what Miles and Snow term the “administrative problem” help defenders achieve cost
efficiencies, which they can pass on to their customers in the form of lower prices.
Analyzers forge their competitive advantage through the adoption of calculated change.
Unlike the prospector, who seeks change and continuously evolves themself to benefit from the
change, analyzers are more circumspect about change and their response(s) to it. Furthermore,
unlike the defender, which is eager to avoid change and maintain the status quo, analyzers are
neither averse nor unwilling to change.They will not, however, rush into change, and will leave
Competitive strategy 95
BOX 8.1
the pushing of the technological envelope to the prospectors. Analyzers take a highly studied
approach to needed change, and this is why Miles and Snow included the adjective “anxious.”
Analyzers seek to steer a path that lies between the prospector’s focus on innovation and
the defender’s focus on efficiency. Their dual focus, which comprises the exploitation of exist-
ing markets and exploration of new markets, has similarities to organizational ambidexterity,
especially in how this concept has been defined and illustrated by O’Reilly and Tushman (2011).
In other words, the analyzer’s answer to the engineering problem posed by Miles and Snow is
to maintain product/service efficiency, while displaying sufficient agility and readiness to pursue
new business opportunities as and when they arise.
To help it achieve its dual efficiency and innovation focus, analyzers seek to cultivate
intergroup (including between divisions, departments, and work units) collaboration. Analyzers
strive to create network opportunities among their respective organizational members and the
groups they comprise. As such, they are likely to adopt matrix structures. Good examples of
analyzers are IBM, Anheuser-Busch, and Kyocera.
Miles and Snow’s fourth strategy category is called the reactor. This strategy is essentially a
default category. Firms that do not fit one of the first three categories will by default fall into
this category. Reactors display a lack of systematic response to any of Miles and Snow’s three
fundamental questions. These firms follow no programme of strategic planning or thinking.
Instead, they only choose to make decisions about what their organizations do (i.e., the sets of
product and service attributes that define their offerings), where they do it (i.e., the structural
characteristics that determine the scope and geographical dispersion of their operations), and
how they do it (i.e., the set of operating processes and work practices they use) because they
are pressured into making these decisions. It is for this reason that Miles and Snow preface this
strategy with the adjective “reluctant.”
Miles and Snow contend that any of the first three strategies can be viable. Furthermore,
none of these three is necessarily superior to any of the other two. The success from pursuing
one of the three strategies will depend on whether the firm can ensure synergy in the net-
worked set of activities that underpin its strategic approach. In contrast, the reactor strategy is
not viable. It lacks the essential ingredients of proactivity and deliberateness that characterize
the first three. Being reactive and the product of incremental ad hoc decisions, the reactor strat-
egy displays no consistent or coherent sequencing to its strategic decision-making. The strategy
dooms a firm to an unsustainable and ultimately failed existence. Table 8.1 summarizes Miles
and Snow’s four strategic archetypes and their unique responses to each of the three fundamen-
tal problems.
Various scholars have attempted to verify the reliability and validity of the Miles and Snow
taxonomy. In an examination of nearly 450 organizations in the hospital industry, Shortell and
TABLE 8 .1 Miles and snow’s four strategic archetypes’ responses to the three
fundamental management problems
Zajac (1990) observed significant associations between the Miles and Snow taxonomy and how
these health-related organizations designed their respective business activities. Organizations
with prospector strategic orientations were more likely to be first-movers in the adoption of
new products and services, which Shortell and Zajac (1990) operationalized as:
Shortell and Zajac further observed that analyzers were generally more likely to be first-movers
in the adoption of new managerial procedures and systems. Moore (2005) applied Miles and
Snow’s taxonomy to the retail environment and similarly found the taxonomy to be largely
applicable to retail contexts. And finally, and again in support of the predicted associations
between Miles and Snow’s strategic orientations and organizational activities, Subramanian et al.
(1993) observed that prospectors were the most proactive of the four archetypes in their envi-
ronmental scanning. Analyzers were the second most proactive, while defenders were found to
be more ad hoc than proactive in their approach to environmental scanning.
Porter has had a major, and arguably perhaps the most major, impact on strategy theory and
practice. Ever since the publication of his book Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance (1985), his influence has been profound and enduring. According to Porter,
the effectiveness of a firm’s strategy is a function of the attractiveness of the industry it operates
in and the ability to establish and maintain a favourable competitive position in the adopted
Porter argues there are two basic types of competitive position: cost leadership and dif-
ferentiation. As he states:
Competitive advantage grows out of value a firm is able to create for its buyers that exceeds
the firm’s cost of creating it.Value is what buyers are willing to pay, and superior value stems
from offering lower prices than competitors for equivalent benefits or providing unique
benefits that more than offset a higher price. There are two basic types of competitive
advantage: cost leadership and differentiation.
(Porter, 1985: 3)
Both cost leadership and differentiation can be pursued using a broadly-based competitive
scope (i.e., the generalist) or a narrowly-based competitive scope (i.e., the specialist). A generalist
strives for presence in most, if not all, customer and geographical segments of its given industry.
FIGURE 8.1 Generic strategy as a function of competitive scope and competitive position.
Source: Adapted from Porter (1985: 12).
Large, well-known banks such as Chase Bank, Bank of America, HSBC, and National Australia
Bank are prime examples of generalists. In contrast, specialists focus on serving the needs of
a subset of its industry’s customer and/or geographical segments, and sometimes just a single
segment. Keeping with the banking industry, specialists would include banks that provide small
business loans like SmartBiz and Celtic Bank. Figure 8.1 provides an illustration of the competi-
tive scope and competitive position factors that define a firm’s generic strategy.
A competitive position predicated on cost leadership can only be attained by one firm
in any given industry, for this strategy involves laying claim to the lowest prices. Having the
second-lowest prices may be highly praiseworthy, but it provides no rallying cry for attracting
customers. Accordingly, the first defining characteristic of cost leadership is that it applies to
only one firm operating in each industry.
Firms that pursue a cost leadership strategy cannot neglect other factors that define their
product/service, including such factors as product/service innovation, quality, or after-sales ser-
vice. Successful cost leaders must achieve proximity to what their competitors deliver on these
other product/service dimensions. If the cost leader cannot accomplish this objective, then the
product/service becomes unrecognizable from its competitors’ offerings and can no longer be
seen as a low-cost version of these offerings.
The main way cost leaders achieve their competitive advantage is through economies of
scale, lean manufacturing, tight direct-cost and overhead-cost control, avoidance of marginal
customer accounts, cost savings through modifications of the supply chain, and cost minimiza-
tion in areas like research and development, service, sales force, and advertising. Cost leaders
are notable for their ability to exert industry stability through the strong influence, if not their
outright dominion, to set a price floor in their industry. Other competitors, the differentiators,
Competitive strategy 99
that is, who typically incur higher costs due to the differentiated products/services they provide,
will set prices above the cost leader’s established price relative to the additional customer value
the differentiators’ products/services offer.
The industry stability a cost leader provides can, however, be undermined when more than
one firm within the same industry strives for cost leadership. The outcome can be significant
and mortal for not just one of the two firms vying for cost leadership, but for any differentia-
tor which finds the price premium it charges is no longer supported by the new – and perhaps
continuing to fall – price floor that the battle to claim cost leadership precipitates.
A differentiation strategy is achieved by virtue of a firm offering uniqueness on some
non-price-based dimension/attribute of the product/service. The ability to deliver uniqueness
derives from doing some activity or set of activities better than one’s competitors and, as a result
of this better execution, being able to lay claim to providing products/services that are superior
on one or more attributes. A firm can emphasize superiority, and therefore differentiate, on any
one of the following five main factors/sub-factors:
As an illustration, Nike differentiates its athletic shoes on image, while Mercedes-Benz chooses
product design for its point of differentiation. Irrespective of the particular manner a firm seeks
to differentiate its products/services, to achieve this superiority, or what Porter likes to call
“uniqueness,” the firm must have relatively better – in comparison with its competitors, that is –
capabilities in one or more of the following areas: pioneering scientific research, highly-skilled
and creative product-development personnel, a strong sales force, and/or a strong reputation for
quality and innovation.
Just as firms that pursue a cost leadership strategy must achieve proximity to what their
differentiation-based competitors offer on various product/service attributes, differentiators
need to be conscious of the cost leader’s price and always ensure the price premium they charge
is commensurate with the additional/superior product/service features they offer. To stray too
far above the price floor set by the cost leader, without adequate justification for this price pre-
mium, will imperil the differentiator’s survival.
Porter’s final generic competitive strategy is called focus. As previously noted, firms that pur-
sue a focus strategy are deliberately choosing to concentrate on a piece of, and not across the
whole of, their industry. Firms with a focus strategy may, for example, concentrate on a particular
customer (e.g., demographic, behavioural) or geographic segment of their chosen industry. It is
for this reason that some scholars and practitioners refer to this strategy as a segmentation strategy.
The focus strategy is often chosen by smaller businesses, for they typically lack the resources
required to pursue a cost leadership or differentiation strategy. The limited operations of these
smaller companies prevent them from realizing economies of scale. Accordingly, the main driver
of a cost leadership strategy is not available. Furthermore, their smallness means that they do not
possess the specialized resources that are required for a differentiation strategy.
Microbreweries are good examples of companies that pursue focus strategies, especially
differentiation focus strategies. These brewers typically provide a product that appeals to a par-
ticular market niche.The niche could be one that appreciates some premium, even exotic, blend
of ingredients. For example, some microbrewers use various herbs and spices (such as curry,
cumin, and cayenne), while others use recipes involving coffee, vanilla bean, and peppers. There
are also microbrewers who appeal to customers’ environmentalism by selling organic beers, and
still other brewers who build their customer base around parochialism (i.e., pride in/loyalty to
one’s local region).
Cooper’s (1995) conceptions of strategy have largely slipped under the radar. This circumstance
is most unfortunate, for Cooper’s ideas are well evidenced by actual competitive practice, being
based on 20 in-depth case studies involving a broad cross section of Japanese manufacturers.
The case companies included Sony Corporation, Kirin Brewing Company, Mitsubishi Kasei
Corporation (now named Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation), and Olympus Optical Company
(now named Olympus Corporation). In spite of the significant time and care Cooper invested
investigating the strategic approaches adopted by Japanese manufacturers, his work has been
largely overlooked. Why this anonymity should prevail is worthy of further consideration, and
it forms a topic of discussion at the end of this section.
Cooper sees the world very differently from his previous Harvard colleague Michael Porter.
Whereas Porter preaches the virtues of uniqueness, Cooper speaks about the effects of global-
ization on the commoditization of products and services, and the implications these effects have
on competitive strategy. Cooper argues that as products/services reach mature lifecycle stages,
they become more susceptible to survival zone collapses; and when these collapses occur, the
industry’s competitors are faced with a more limited competitive space and the need to com-
pete in closer quarters in a more head-to-head fashion.
Cooper contends that price, quality, and functionality – what he terms the survival triplet –
determine the number of competitors within an industry and the nature of the competition. In
an industry setting where the competitive space is large, firms can strive for competitive advan-
tage using the strategy literature’s traditional strategic orientations (e.g., Porter’s cost leader and
Price, says Cooper, is a direct function of cost. It includes all costs required to produce
the product/service, including not only all production costs (e.g., materials, labour, and over-
head) and marketing and selling costs, but also all investment costs (e.g., research and develop-
ment). Quality is defined in terms of customer perceptions about how well the product/service
Competitive strategy 101
conforms to its specifications, or what some like to call “doing what it says on the tin.” Finally,
functionality encompasses three dimensions: vertical product differentiation, horizontal product
differentiation, and the provision of full customer solutions. The reader who wants to learn
more about these three dimensions should refer to Page 15 of Cooper’s When Lean Entreprises
Collide: Competing Through Confrontation (1995).
Cooper uses three-dimensional space to illustrate the size of an industry’s competitive
space and the associated positions a firm can occupy. In an attempt to provide a simplified visual
illustration, quality is redefined here as the ability to meet customer expectations. Customer
expectations, as described in the total quality management literature, take a more liberal view of
the range of purposes and higher standards that products/services must achieve than is the case
when a conformity to company specifications approach is used. As such, a customer expecta-
tions approach captures both Cooper’s quality and functionality dimensions. This simplification
allows the use of two-dimensional space to depict the relationships Cooper is trying to portray.
Figure 8.2 is a customer resource grid that illustrates an industry setting where price/cost
and quality plus functionality allow ample competitive space for competing firms to occupy
their own unique positions, which in the language of Porter constitutes their competitive strat-
egy. Price/cost is shown as the y-axis and customer expectations as the x-axis.The points which
populate the figure represent customers with specific utilities for price, quality, and functionality.
Some customers will be interested in low cost and have little appetite or no need for quality
and functionality. These customers are represented in the lower left-hand corner of Figure 8.2.
Other customers will demand extremely high quality and functionality, and be willing to pay
a substantial price premium for this need. Meanwhile, a further set of customers will desire
medium levels of quality and functionality and will pay a medium price premium for the
product/service.These varied customer preferences allow sufficient competitive space for a cost
leader and differentiators to emerge as is shown in Figure 8.2.
The relatively minor amount of overlap among the competitive spaces of the five firms sug-
gests that in a stable market the strategic competitive positions of the five firms could endure.
Markets, however, are fluid and dynamic. Changes in market supply are bound to happen. Existing
competitors will exit, new competitors will arrive (and may subsequently exit), and substitute
products/services will appear. These changes will invariably cause movement in the competi-
tive positions firms assume. Also affecting an industry’s supply are the significant technologi-
cal advances (e.g., computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, factory automation)
that have dramatically reduced production costs and improved product quality. Supporting these
technological advances and helping to fuel further efficiency gains and boosts in quality are such
organization-wide and systemically-oriented improvements systems as total quality management
and just-in-time (see Adler, 1999).The end result of these various producer-initiated changes is a
near-constant downward pressure on price and a near-constant upward pressure on quality.These
forces pave the way for the producers’ inexorable migration towards the lower right-hand corner
of Figure 8.2.This reality is well captured by Toshiro Shimoyama, the former chairman and CEO
of Olympus Optical Co., Ltd, who stated, “Competition has become a treadmill of exhaustion
from which there appears to be no escape” (as cited in Cooper, 1995: 2).
In addition to producer-related, supply-side influences, demand-side, customer-driven
influences further serve to shape an industry’s competitive space. Just think how often we hear
companies describe themselves as “customer-centric” or utter the refrain, “The customer is
FIGURE 8.3 Collapse of survival zones and implications for cost leaders and differentiators.
always right.” According to Cooperstein (2013), today’s market environment has moved well
beyond these superficial adages. He believes the business world has moved from the age of
manufacturing (1900–1960) to the age of distribution (1960–1990) to the age of information
(1990–2010) to now the “age of the customer.”
Customers have grown quite fond of their new power. The purchasing benefits globaliza-
tion has brought to customers are readily evidenced by their ability to flit between producers
with minimal to no switching costs. Increasingly, a change between providers can be made at
the stroke of a few keys on a keypad. As a result, customers increasingly, if they do not already,
expect producers to be both low price and high quality.
Competitive strategy 103
The combination of supplier actions and customer expectations culminates in the customer
utilities being concentrated in the lower right-hand corner of an industry’s customer resource
grid. This situation is visually illustrated in Figure 8.3. The arrows pointing from each firm to
the figure’s lower right-hand corner indicate the migration path each firm must undertake to
relocate itself where the customers now reside.
According to Cooper (1995), industries whose main products/services have reached the
mature stage of their product lifecycles and which feature high levels of competition are likely
to experience the shrinking survival zone illustrated in Figure 8.3.While Cooper has recounted
the experiences of the automobile, computer, and telecommunications industries to demon-
strate his point, Adler (2011) has identified further industries (e.g., whiteware and banking) that
have followed a similar trajectory towards a limited industry competitive space.
Firms that operate in mature industries with high levels of competition will be both unable
to distance themselves from their competitors and unable to adopt a unique competitive strat-
egy. Instead, these firms must learn how to compete head-to-head and toe-to-toe. They will
be required to pursue what Cooper calls a confrontation strategy. Cooper (1995: 11) offers the
following description of this strategy:
A generic strategy that does not rely on avoiding competition is confrontation. Firms that
adopt a confrontation strategy do not attempt to collude nor do they attempt to become
cost leaders or differentiators. Instead, they compete head-on for their share of the mar-
ket by developing and exploiting temporary competitive advantages. While they still try to
differentiate their products by introducing new features or try to develop a price leader-
ship position by dropping prices, they do not expect such actions to lead to a sustainable
competitive advantage. Instead, they assume that their competitors will rapidly bring out
products that are equivalent and match any price changes.
(Emphasis in original)
Cooper’s confrontation strategy is not unlike Mintzberg and Waters’ (1985) idea of an imposed
strategy. Mintzberg and Waters view organizational strategies as spanning a continuum, with
deliberately-planned strategies at one end of the continuum and emergent, environmentally-
determined strategies at the other end. Imposed strategies, one of the eight strategies identified
in Mintzberg and Waters’ model, occupy a space close to the environmentally-determined end
of the continuum. According to these scholars, the environment strongly influences the organi-
zation’s action to the point that the environmental pressures become “inescapable” (p. 268).This
idea of inescapability is similar to Cooper’s ideas, although the latter largely views the environ-
ment in terms of competition. Lee (2004) and Melnyk et al. (2010) represent two additional
sets of scholars who have more recently discussed the need for blended strategies when strategic
positions such as cost leadership or differentiation no longer offer long-term defendable posi-
tions on their own.
Why Cooper’s confrontation strategy has failed to resonate with practitioners and
scholars is a mystery. While Cooper’s book When Lean Enterprises Collide: Competing Through
Confrontation had 525 Google Scholar citations at the time of 12 August 2022, Porter’s book
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance has accumulated thousands
of citations, has had over 30 printings, and has been translated into 13 languages. As previously
noted, Porter’s impact on the field of strategy has been immense and enduring, and the
fact that his seminal book has received such rave attention is far from surprising and richly
deserved. But it remains a strange curiosity why Cooper’s work has attracted signficantly less
Three likely reasons help to explain the comparative anonymity of Cooper’s work. One
reason is the largely esoteric nature of the scholarly peer review process and what ultimately
receives the nomenclature of “quality” research. Cooper’s use of largely qualitative research
methods, which predominantly consisted of interview data, is an example of swimming against
the tide. In particular, accounting research during the 1990s, and this was especially true in the
US, was associated with the rise of quantitative research methods and the associated demise of
qualitative research methods. Bennis and O’Toole (2005) discussed the then newfound fascina-
tion of US business schools with quantitative research methods and the detrimental effects they
were having on scholarship and student learning. In spite of Bennis and O’Toole’s (2005) and
Ghoshal’s (2005) passionate admonitions against this trend and their calls for the re-evaluation
of business schools’ research and teaching agendas, the hegemony of the quantitative research
method, which has now established itself far beyond the shores of the US, certainly did not help
Cooper’s ideas become mainstream.
A second likely reason that scuppered Cooper’s ideas from garnering greater attention is
related to his sample’s setting. During the 1980s and early 1990s, Japan was a darling of the eco-
nomic world, and research on Japanese companies and their management practices frequently
featured in the scholarly and practitioner literatures. But when Japan’s economic bubble burst
in the mid-1990s, so too did scholarly and practitioner interest in Japan and its companies.
Unfortunately for Cooper, it was a classic case of bad timing.
A third reason for the failure of Cooper’s work to resonate more widely may be traced
to Porter, who was a colleague of Cooper’s at Harvard up until the mid-1990s. Cooper’s ideas
were in significant opposition to Porter’s ideas. Although others were beginning to question
Porter’s strident opposition to the possibility of hybrid strategies (see, for example, Johnson
and Scholes, 1993), Cooper, as a colleague who shared office space with Porter in the Harvard
Business School, must have been a particularly irritating thorn in Porter’s side. In fact, when
reading Porter’s 1996 Harvard Business Review article “What is strategy?”, the reader gains the
impression that Porter is feeling cornered by scholars like Cooper. From the opening sen-
tence, and even the very heading that precedes this sentence (i.e., “Operational Effectiveness
Is Not Strategy”), it appears as though Cooper’s 1995 book When Lean Enterprises Collide:
Competing Through Confrontation has released a ghost that is haunting Porter and causing him
significant angst and turmoil. On Page 3 of Porter’s article, he includes a sidebar on “Japanese
Companies Rarely Have Strategies.” While Porter does an excellent job in his 1996 article
defending and further enunciating his cost leader and differentiator taxonomy, his article
misses the point that Cooper is trying to make about the effects a maturing industry and high
competition will have on the competitive strategies firms can pursue. Cooper, who failed to
receive tenure at Harvard, lost his foothold there. Being cast adrift from Harvard meant he
lost the preferential privileges Harvard faculty have in publishing their work in the Harvard
Business Review.Without these platforms for name recognition (i.e., Harvard Business School)
and publication outlets (i.e., Harvard Business Review), Cooper’s ideas concerning confronta-
tion strategy largely withered.
Competitive strategy 105
Blue ocean strategy is meant to conjure up the idea of a firm being so unique in the value
proposition it offers customers that there is no competitor in sight. The successful pursuit of
blue ocean strategies enables the firm to trawl customer-rich seas without interference from
any competitors and the need to share this market space with any competitor(s). The path to
these blue waters involves creating new markets. In contrast to seeking finer segmentation of
existing markets, blue ocean strategies involve converting non-customers into customers. More
specifically, it comprises converting customers using alternative or substitute products/services
to the blue ocean firm’s set of product/service offerings. Southwest Airlines qualifies as a suc-
cessful implementer of a blue ocean strategy. Through its introduction of low-cost and friendly
service, it converted ground transport users (train and bus riders) into fliers. Uber Technologies,
Inc., is another example of a blue ocean strategy. This firm is transforming the short-distance
transportation habits of people throughout the world. Some of its customers were previous bus
riders, while others simply would not have made the trip previously.
Blue oceans move beyond Porter’s ideas of building sustainable competitive advantage
through either differentiation or low cost. Blue ocean strategies demand the simultaneous pursuit
of differentiation and low cost. As Kim and Mauborgne state: “In reality, a market-creating move
breaks the value-cost trade-off. It is about pursuing differentiation and low cost simultaneously …
A market-creating move is ‘both-and,’ not an ‘either-or,’ strategy” (2015: 72). The need for a dual
differentiation and low-cost focus explains why blue ocean strategy firms’ products/services are
characterized by their ability to offer “a leap in productivity, simplicity, ease of use, convenience,
fun, or environmental friendliness” (Kim and Mauborgne, 2015: 72). Kim and Mauborgne’s dual
focus can be contrasted with Porter’s admonition to eschew such conflation. It is also worth not-
ing how Southwest Airlines is used by Porter to showcase the quintessential cost leader, while Kim
and Mauborgne use Southwest Airlines to illustrate the successful pursuit of a blue ocean strategy.
While Southwest Airlines’ emergence and disruption of the airline industry occurred largely due
to its low airfares, a fact which supports Porter’s choice to classify Southwest as a cost leader, Kim
and Mauborgne are equally correct in contending that Southwest’s customer value proposition
went beyond low fares, adding further weight to the growing numbers of scholars who view the
successful pursuit of hybrid strategies as possible and even necessary.
Earlier in this chapter, the topic of OWC was discussed.We now use this concept of OWC to gain
further understanding of the four strategic orientations just presented. A single order-winning
criterion is fully consistent with Porter’s ideas and also captures Miles and Snow’s defender and
prospector strategic orientations. Porter is quite adamant that each firm must, if it wants to be
successful, excel on a particular product/service attribute. Focusing on more than one product/
service attribute is likely to result in the firm being what Porter calls “stuck in the middle” and
with no demonstrable sustainable competitive advantage, which will ultimately imperil the
firm’s survival. Miles and Snow, although not nearly as prescriptive as Porter, also advocate a
single order-winning criterion, or at least this is true with its defender and prospector strategies.
Defenders will typically excel at low cost as a way to minimize competition and maintain their
market dominance. Prospectors will seek to push boldly into the lead by emphasizing a particu-
lar non-cost product/service attribute.
In contrast to adopting a single order-winning criterion approach, Cooper’s and Kim and
Mauborgne’s views on strategy, as well as Miles and Snow’s analyzer, promote a multiple OWC
approach. What distinguishes the strategic orientations of these respective models is the extent
of manager choice. Kim and Mauborgne argue that blue ocean strategy is the “both-and” (i.e.,
dual differentiation and low-cost) focus that managers will undertake in their quest to create
new markets. In other words, managers will choose to adopt multiple OWCs. Analyzers’ mul-
tiple OWC approach derives from their pursuit of a strategy that lies between the prospector’s
focus on innovation and the defender’s focus on efficiency. Again, managers choose this path.
In contrast, Cooper’s confrontation strategy is environmentally mandated (it results from the
collapse of an industry’s survival zone) and lacks manager choice. As previously noted, a con-
frontation strategy is equivalent to an imposed strategy. Figure 8.4 summarizes the relationship
between these ideas on OWC and the strategic orientation taxonomies of Miles and Snow,
Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne.
As shown in Figure 8.4, there are situations where external environmental forces determine
either the price an organization charges or the non-cost-related OWC an organization must
deliver. The latter situation commonly occurs when a product, but more often a service, is gov-
ernment or industry regulated. For example, a notary public (who is a government appointee
with the primary responsibility of witnessing signatures on legal documents), a US enrolled tax
agent (who is a federally-authorized tax practitioner), and a health practitioner or centre that
is a registered government service provider all must ensure their services conform to a set of
regulated standards. Although there is no flexibility on the nature of the provided service, there
is flexibility in pricing, or at least the pricing used for a non-government party.The notary pub-
lic can charge different prices, and even offer services pro bono, for different clients. So too can
the enrolled tax agent. Meanwhile, health care practitioners can levy surcharges on top of what
the government pays. These surcharges can be different for different groups of patients. In New
Zealand, patients under the age of 14 or who hold a Community Services Card are charged
reduced doctors’ fees or no fees at all.
Situations where a product’s OWC is cost-based and the price being charged is deter-
mined by external environmental forces invariably involve a commodity product. For example,
a seller of crude oil would find itself subject to an imposed, price-taker strategy. Crude oil is
priced based on its established chemical characteristics: the oil’s American Petroleum Institute
(API) gravity and its sulphur content. Oil with lower API gravity and lower sulphur content is
more highly prized and therefore commands a higher price. North Sea Brent Crude, which is
extracted from the part of the Atlantic Ocean located between the UK, Scandinavia, Germany,
the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, has relatively low API gravity and low sulphur content.
It commands a higher price than other types of crude oil such as North America’s West Texas
Intermediate Crude (WTI) and the UAE Dubai Crude.
Since the characteristics of crude oil are straightforward functions of where the oil is
sourced, there is nothing an oil producer can do to customize or change the properties of its
product. Once an oil producer transports its product to the appropriate collection point (e.g.,
Competitive strategy 107
FIGURE 8.4 the relationship between oWC and the strategy taxonomies of Miles and
snow, Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne.
Sullom Voe, an island north of Scotland, for Brent Crude), the producer receives the prevailing
spot price (the current market price at which an asset is bought or sold for immediate payment
and delivery).Whether it is Royal Dutch/Shell or British Petroleum that delivers the oil has no
influence on the spot price, for any given barrel of Brent Crude is deemed indistinguishable
and is wholly substitutable by another barrel. Neither Royal Dutch/Shell nor British Petro-
leum can do anything to alter the product they deliver. Both companies will find they must
accept the fact they are price-takers and do whatever they can to keep their cost structures as
low as possible.
Other companies that produce commodity products will also likely find themselves
beholden to a price-taker position. Agricultural producers of such commodities as corn, wheat,
and soybeans will typically be price-takers. So too will miners of copper, silver, and gold, as well
as producers of energy. Commodities by definition are fungible, which means that due to their
equivalence any unit of a particular commodity can be replaced by another unit of this same
commodity in satisfaction of a contractual obligation. For example, every bushel of Number 2
corn (which is defined as possessing 15.5% moisture content) can be substituted by any other
bushel of Number 2 corn. This idea of indistinguishability explains why commodity producers’
products can be mixed together and why these producers are price-takers.
Although it is generally true that producers of commodities are price-takers, it must also
be recognized that even with commodities like maize, wheat, and energy, opportunities for
differentiation are increasingly occurring. In particular, farmers who employ organic farming
practices can differentiate their products. Likewise, energy producers who use renewable sources
(wind, hydro, and solar power) can also differentiate their products from energy producers who
rely on non-renewables (coal, gas, and nuclear power). Accordingly, the number of organizations
with commodity-like products that demand a price-taker position is far smaller than the num-
ber of organizations that fall into the other strategic classifications of cost leaders, differentiators,
defenders, prospectors, analyzers, blue ocean, and confrontation.
Review Question 8.3: How do Miles and Snow, Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne
conceptualize strategy?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 8.4: What are order-winning criteria, and how do they relate to com-
petitive strategy?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Similar to the discussion provided in the previous chapter, which offered high-level understand-
ings of the relationships between corporate-level strategy and performance management system
design, we now examine some of the basic patterns in the relationships between competitive
strategy and performance management system design. As noted in Chapter 7, a fuller and more
detailed discussion of these relationships require your understanding of the key performance
management elements that are the featured topics of Chapters 10–12.
Table 8.2 provides a description of the expected generalized performance management
characteristics associated with different competitive strategies. Cost leaders and defenders will
be likely to operate performance management systems exhibiting high formality and high stan-
dardization. In particular, these organizations, which crave stability, will want their members to
follow tried-and-tested work procedures. Formalized rules that are standardized and repeatable
will be prized by these organizations. Since these organizations are committed to keeping their
costs low, they will eschew organizational structures that feature duplication. As a result, these
organizations are likely to adopt functional structures. And finally, these organizations will pos-
sess cultures characterized by conservatism. Such cultures reinforce these organizations’ desires
to maintain stability and retain the status quo.
In contrast to cost leaders and defenders, differentiators and prospectors will adopt systems
and processes that accentuate informality and are customized to the setting.These organizations
embrace change and will therefore want to allow and encourage their employees to seek out
new ways of undertaking work tasks and procedures. Differentiators and prospectors recognize
that the recipe that may work for today is unlikely to be the one that will succeed tomorrow.
Consequently, the formalization/codification of systems and processes will be unhelpful, waste-
ful, and merely interfere with their employees’ abilities to seize new opportunities and devise
better ways of conducting their work. The organizational structures will be divisional, for these
structures are associated with quicker organizational action and decision-making.The organiza-
tional cultures will be distinguished by high entrepreneurialism.
The performance management systems of the organizations pursuing analyzer, blue ocean,
and confrontation strategies will feature characteristics that borrow from both ends of the con-
tinua shown in Table 8.2. It is premature and unnecessary at this point in the book to discuss the
general performance management design features of this final set of competitive strategies until
more developed understandings about organizational systems, processes, and procedures, organi-
zational structures, and organizational cultures have been achieved. Accordingly, this discussion
is postponed until later in the book.
CoMPetItIVe strateGy 109
Review Question 8.5: Provide an example of at least one firm for each of the following
competitive strategies: cost leader, differentiator, defender, prospector, analyzer, and
blue ocean.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 8.6: What are the general associations between the competitive strate-
gies of Miles and Snow, Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne and performance
management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
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Porter, M.E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free
Porter, M. E. (1996) What is strategy?, Harvard Business Review,Vol. 74, No. 6, pp. 61–78.
Shortell, S.M. and Zajac, E.J. (1990) Perceptual and archival measures of Miles and Snow’s strategic types:
a comprehensive assessment of reliability and validity, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 33, No. 4,
pp. 817–832.
Subramanian, R., Fernandes, N. and Harper, E. (1993) An empirical examination of the relationship
between strategy and scanning, Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business,Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 315–330.
This chapter examines organizations’ evolving use of digital business transformation (DBT)
and the effect on performance management design and practice. As the chapter will show, an
organization’s use of DBT has impacts on its strategy, organizational structure, employee work
practices, leadership, and organizational culture. Accordingly, this concept comprises themes that
address multiple aspects of the book’s performance management model. In recognition of the
wide-ranging influence DBT has on performance management design and practice – especially
in terms of how an organization conceives, implements, and tracks the progress of its strategy –
this chapter has been purposefully positioned to appear just after to the book’s twin chapters
on strategy.
The chapter begins by discussing the distinguishing characteristics of DBT, including the
organizational outcomes it is intended to promote. Being more customer-centric, promoting
deeper engagement with stakeholders, and developing additional revenue streams are some of
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-11
the more commonly expressed outcomes. In fact, the significantly consequential nature of the
strategic and operational opportunities DBT makes possible means that a manager’s task of
designing and implementing performance management systems in a DBT environment is both
especially challenging and potentially highly advantageous. Accordingly, the issue of perfor-
mance management design comprises much of the chapter’s focus.
The early roots of DBT can be traced back to organizations’ efforts in the early 1990s
to offshore the processing of accounting data, populating of call centres, and undertaking of
research and development. Since these attempts were invariably pursued for the purpose of
reducing costs, they fail to meet today’s threshold requiring the holistic use of digitized envi-
ronments, digital technologies, and redesigned organizational structures, organizational cultures,
and organizational systems, processes, and procedures to achieve improved organizational agility,
more satisfied customers, and better financial performance. Other slightly more recent, but still
embryonic, examples of DBT can be observed in Dell’s late 1990s strategy of using the World
Wide Web to sell personal computer systems directly to customers and Netflix’s 1997 founding
as the world’s first online DVD-rental store. Again, these examples are emblematic of DBT’s
budding beginning, rather than representative of its contemporary defining characteristics. In
particular, these early manifestations lacked today’s expected standard of AMPS integrated use
and had yet to implement the management, organizational culture, and system and process
changes needed to realize the full set of benefits DBT offers.
In contrast to its initial foray into DBT and as an example of a firm’s sophisticated use of
big data and AMPS, Netflix now not only digitally delivers films to the internet-enabled devices
of its subscribers, but it routinely collects and analyzes data on each subscriber’s film watching
habits, including what they watch (i.e., what kind of movie genres) and when they watch. This
information helps the company to improve its marketing of existing films to customers, as well
as determine the type of future films it should commission.
It is important to realize that far from being only relevant to high-tech companies, DBT is
equally relevant to more ordinary, less sexy organizations. As an example, Howden, a UK-based
application engineering company that provides solutions in air and gas handling, is known for
its use of DBT to improve its service offerings and provide better customer support (PTC,
n.d.). Furthermore, i-SCOOP (n.d.) claims DBT is relevant to all organizations wishing to
become “..agile, people-oriented, innovative, customer-centric, streamlined, efficient and able
to induce/leverage opportunities to change the status quo and tap into big data and new,
increasingly unstructured data sources.”
DBT’s customer-centric focus and its use of AMPS, which serves to produce fuller and deeper
engagement with its stakeholders, has a variety of implications for the practice of performance
management. These include impacts on strategy formulation, organizational structure, organiza-
tional culture, and organizational system, process, and procedure design. In other words, DBT affects
four major elements of the book’s performance management model. The reader should note that
the succeeding sections’ discussion of DBT’s impact on performance management is preliminary.
More will be said about its impact in later chapters dedicated to each of the four topics.
Before discussing the impact of DBT on performance management design, it is important
to caution against interpreting DBT’s creation of greater engagement with outside stakeholders,
especially in regard to customers becoming co-creators in the company’s value proposition, as an
invitation to expand the definition of performance management to include influencing external
stakeholders’ implementation of an organization’s strategy. Although it can undoubtedly be highly
beneficial for an organization to leverage DBT to gain these co-creation opportunities, performance
management should, and only where applicable, go as far as influencing employees to encourage
customer engagement/participation in value co-creation. In other words, performance manage-
ment’s reach should be indirect, as opposed to direct, on customers and other key stakeholders.
Review Question 9.1: Define each of the following terms: data, information, knowledge,
digitized, digital technology, and digital business transformation.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 9.2: Describe and provide examples of some of the early manifestations
of digital business transformation.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
To the uninformed, DBT may sound like a functional strategy that can be pursued by an
organization’s marketing department. For example, DBT may be mistakenly seen as a
marketing-level strategy that attempts to create extra sales channels or enable more customized
advertising. Such a view is gravely misguided and neglects DBT’s potential for enabling and
supporting competitive advantage. As noted above, DBT requires organization wide, coordi-
nated action aimed at leveraging a range of digital technologies to improve customers’ value
propositions (i.e., the benefit/utility customers receive relative to the cost they pay).
Just as it is incorrect to view DPT as a functional strategy, it is also wrong to view it as
equivalent to a competitive strategy. For our present purposes it is useful to view DPT as an
important element of, and perhaps even a linchpin to, an organization’s existing competitive
strategy. DBT should further be understood as an enabler of a new competitive strategy. In
other words, DBT affects both strategy formulation (due to its role in enabling a new competi-
tive strategy) and strategy implementation (due to its role in supporting existing competitive
DPT’s ability to support an organization’s existing competitive strategy is largely a func-
tion of the deeper, real-time insights it offers into customer preferences. These insights allow
an organization to calibrate better the value proposition it offers its customers. As an example,
DBT can help an organization understand how customers value (i.e., what utility they attach
to) the various pieces of its product/service. An organization can use these insights to make
and prioritize decisions about what product/service attributes to change, as well as the prices
to charge. For example, airlines for the past two decades have employed DBT to segment their
customers and optimize ticket pricing by collecting and analysing data that is useful to identi-
fying individual product features (e.g., seat location) and their perceived customer utility (i.e.,
customer willingness to pay).
In addition to supporting an organization’s existing competitive strategy, DBT also offers
organizations the opportunity to alter their existing business models, build new ones, and
migrate to entirely new strategies. Customer product/service reviews help an organization
identify areas for improvement (e.g., problematic product features, call centre performance).
DBT further offers organizations the opportunity to enhance their product lines and create
additional revenue streams. Some organizations, for example, provide a basic version of a prod-
uct or service for free but impose a charge for users who want to use advanced versions of the
product/service. These advanced versions offer additional features and capabilities. Adobe uses
Connections to competitive strategy 115
this strategy, which is popularly known as a freemium strategy, for its Adobe Acrobat products.
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is offered free, while the company’s premium Adobe Acrobat Pro
DC product is offered to those who are willing to pay for such added features as advanced
search and editing options, convenience with working with interactive objects, and the ability
to be used on nonstandard documents. USA Today, the American daily newspaper and news
broadcasting company, also uses this freemium strategy, whereby it offers many of its news sto-
ries for free while reserving others for its fee-paying subscribers.
DBT additionally offers organizations the chance to migrate their competitive strategies
to whole new ones. For example, DBT can unshackle an organization from a geographically-
constrained market. DBT can also permit an organization to move from a generalist market
position (i.e., catering to the average customer) to a more focused market position (i.e., focused
on a particular group or groups of customers). A fuller and more comprehensive discussion of
these generalists and focused competitive strategies is provided in Chapter 8.
DBT seeks to streamline customer processes as part of its quest to enhance the customer experi-
ence.To accomplish this objective, it is essential that an organization’s customer-serving employ-
ees are given both the means (i.e., real-time access to complete sets of customer data) and the
authority to make customer-related decisions. Ideally, an organization’s structure should be flat,
allowing networked employee groups to transcend functional silos.
Customers commonly have queries or needs that cut across multiple, traditionally-
constituted organizational departments. For example, a new customer might want to place a
purchase order, provide special delivery instructions, and negotiate customer credit. A conven-
tionally structured organization would require the customer to contact several internal depart-
ments, starting with its customer credit department. After the credit terms were negotiated, the
customer would then be directed to the sales order department. Finally, the customer would
be connected with the shipping department. Far from being streamlined, this process is time-
consuming and customer unfriendly.
The New Zealand IRD offers a good example of how DBT has improved the customer/
taxpayer experience. Whereas in the past a taxpayer wishing to apply for child support and hav-
ing questions about their student loan and their business’ GST would have been required to
make multiple phone calls to speak with multiple specialists (a child support specialist, a student
loan specialist, and a GST specialist), now the taxpayer can speak with one IRD agent who can
resolve all three matters. This change has been facilitated primarily by DBT’s decentralizing
of information that was once shuttered in separate IRD departments and other government
agencies. Aided by this integrated database, an IRD agent can view a taxpayer’s full set of tax
information and provide a seamless, one-stop customer solution service.
The enablement of streamlined, customer-centric services requires an organization’s con-
tinuous facilitation of frontline workers engagement with IT specialists and business intelligence
analysts. Frontline workers will have detailed understandings of customers’ expectations and
requirements. Supported by business intelligence analysts, these understandings can be comple-
mented by other sets of customer-specific information (e.g., socially-informed knowledge that
Review Question 9.3: Is digital business transformation more or less relevant for certain
types of organizations? Explain your belief.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 9.4: Digital business transformation is often described as a journey that
requires the holistic integration of business practices. Discuss and provide examples
of why digital business transformation is likened to a journey and provide examples
of what business practices require holistic integration.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
is perhaps gained through such big data sets as FB and Google) to enable the creation of fuller
customer profiles. These in turn can be used to hone advertising campaigns and predict/nudge
customer behaviour. IT specialists will, of course, be an essential piece of the overall process, for
they will be the designers of the hardware and software systems needed to collect the various
data and instruct the frontline workers on how to use this hardware and software. Remember,
a main purpose of DBT is to enable frontline staff to leverage relevant digital technology
for the purpose of providing customers an improved experience. Organizations may find that
their DBT journeys lead to a point where organizational structures, especially physical loca-
tions, become redundant. As Joe Whittinghill, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President of Talent,
Learning, and Insights, has remarked, “In the digital age, the modern workplace is no longer a
place, it is a mindset in which both people and organizations support and celebrate purpose,
creativity, and growth” (CECP, Imperative, and PWC, 2018).
DBT requires that organizational systems, processes, and procedures contribute to an organi-
zation’s efforts to become more agile and customer-focused. Computer-driven processes and
AI-supported decision making offer part of the answer, for they provide broader and faster
communication among relevant organizational stakeholders. These stakeholders may be inter-
nal to the organization (e.g., frontline workers and IT specialists) or internal and external to
the organization (e.g., customers and employees producing co-designed customer solutions).
An example of the latter can be found in towns and cities’ increasing use of citizens to iden-
tify and report on problems needing fixing. In particular, municipalities throughout the world
have adopted electronic “fix it” forms. These forms allow citizens to use their internet-enabled
devices to report a problem they are seeing in a public space (e.g., a leaking pipe, an abandoned
vehicle, overgrown vegetation, a pothole in a road, an issue with a public toilet). The citizens
benefit by seeing the problem fixed quickly, while the town/city benefits from helping ensure a
satisfied citizenry and addressing a problem in its early and less costly stages.
In addition to enabling faster and broader communication channels to promote data-
driven decision making, DBT requires the presence of organizational systems, processes, and
procedures that can successfully bridge the in-store and virtual experiences. Virtual shopping
Connections to competitive strategy 117
seeks to embed human interaction into the traditional online shopping experience, which relies
on shoppers self-navigating product catalogues. The objective of virtual shopping is to pro-
duce an omnichannel experience that offers customers the same shopping experience regard-
less of whether they are shopping in-store or online. This seamless shopping experience is
accomplished by providing in-store sales associates with simple and reliable virtual interfaces to
instantly connect via text, chat, or video with a customer shopping from home. It is important
that the virtual shopping experience includes the ability for the customer to ask questions, view
all parts of the product line, and receive recommendations from a knowledgeable sales associate.
A good example of such a shopping experience is Gucci Live, something which Gucci adver-
tises as the virtual replication of its personalized in-store service experience.
As part of supporting sales associates’ ability to provide the high level of personal service
an omnichannel approach requires, organizations will find they need to create an environment
that encourages community knowledge sharing. Again, this means dismantling the typical silo
mentality that pervades traditional organizational structures, thinking, and action.To help enable
the realization of highly-networked communities of knowledge sharing, organizations must be
willing to delayer their organizational structures (i.e., create flatter organizational structures),
upskill and provide the technical/digital support to allow employees to make effective data-
driven decisions, and provide the tools and discretion to allow employees to work from any-
where and at any time.
For many people, change can be worrying and even alarming.The phrase that humans are crea-
tures of habit is not merely the product of anecdotal musings. Neuroscience provides support
for the assertion.To begin with, it is important to recognize that everything a person does, feels,
or thinks is a function of their brain’s neuron activity. In particular, every thought and action
of an individual is the result of a circuit of neurons firing/communicating with neighbouring
neurons in a specific pattern. As Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuroscientist, has shown, once a
pattern/circuit of neurons has been establihsed, when one neuron fires, the others fire too. Over
time, the circuit becomes strengthened to the point that the interconnected set of neurons are
the internal body’s formula for what others see as a person’s set of habits. The important point
to understand here is that there is a physiological reason for why habits form and why people
are generally averse to change.
DBT is all about change (Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019; Warren et al., 2015). Some would
even term it highly disruptive change.The challenge for managers who are responsible for over-
seeing their organizations’ introductions of DBT is ensuring that workers will not merely accept
it, but will actively welcome and support its introduction and future development. As history
points out, this task can be difficult, which is illustrated in the following story.
In the early 19th century, textile workers in England formed a radical faction called the
Luddites. The group opposed textile factories’ use of machines, believing that their introduc-
tion would lead to workers losing their jobs. Calling the use of machines a fraudulent and
deceitful practice intended to circumvent standard labour practices, the Luddites regularly
destroyed textile machinery (Conniff, 2011). Although initially confined to Nottingham, the
Luddite movement grew into a region-wide and bloody rebellion that lasted from 1811 to
1816. Rebelling workers were shot by textile mills and factory owners, and it was only when
the might of legal and military force was applied that the movement was finally suppressed.
Although this story of the Luddite movement is a classic example of workers’ fear of
change and loss of jobs, more contemporary examples can be found. For example, US coal
workers blame their loss of jobs on the political lobbying efforts of environmentalists.While this
is partially true, the main reason for today’s lower demand for coal is the presence of cheaper
alternative forms of energy. Whether there is a rational or irrational basis to a person’s fear of
losing their job is not what matters. All that matters is that the person is likely to resist change.
Should an organization find that there is a widely held belief among its employees that a pro-
posed organizational change will lead to job losses, then this is not a conducive environment for
implementing change. The consulting firm i-SCOOP (n.d.) describes the danger of adopting a
change like DBT when workers are not ready when it writes:
However, change management first and foremost obviously is about the human dimension:
internal customers, stakeholders, the broader ecosystem within which organizations reside.
No organization, business, government or NGO, can realize a profound digital transforma-
tion without putting people first and having people on board. If things change too fast for
people or we are not taking into account the individuals that are touched, as well as their
concerns, this can be a recipe for failure and at broader scale even resistance.
TABL E 9 .1 World economic Forum’s list of top 15 skills workers will need in 2025
Rank Skill
Review Question 9.5: Identify and explain which elements of the book’s performance
management model are affected by an organization’s adoption of digital business
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 9.6: Explain how and provide specific examples showing the influence
of digital business transformation on performance management practice and design.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
employees will make correct decisions without the need for continuous supervision. It is worth
noting that the need to operate with trust is not the same as granting employees a free pass to
do anything. As will be discussed in later parts of this book, placing trust in employees does
not mean an organization loses its ability to manage or influence employees. High-trust orga-
nizational cultures and strong processes for employee accountability can be mutual. In fact, in a
DBT environment, an organization will find that its newly created systems and processes offer
improved real-time information on business activities and performance. Employee accountabil-
ity therefore will be easier to demonstrate by the employee and determine by the organization.
DBT is best viewed as a journey involving an organization’s strategic and prioritized use of
digital technologies to enable and support its competitive strategy. The fresh technologies DBT
allows organizations to leverage leads to new strategic opportunities and challenges, evolving
120 orGanIZatIonaL strateGy
CECP, Imperative, and PWC. (2018) Making work more meaningful, Retrieved from https://
fulfilling-employee-experience.pdf on 5 March 2022.
Conniff, R. (2011) What the Luddites really fought against, Smithsonian, Retrieved from 13 February 2022.
i-SCOOP. (n.d.) What is digital business transformation? The essential guide to DX, Retrieved from on 05 February 2022.
Marchand, D.A., Wade, M.R. and Liu, F. (2014) Digital business transformation, Retrieved from https:// on 10 February 2022.
Moll, J. and Yigitbasioglu, O. (2019) The role of internet-related technologies in shaping the work of
accountants: new directions for accounting research, British Accounting Review,Vol. 51, No. 6, pp. 1–20.
PTC. (n.d.) Howden adapted and accelerated digital transformation in the face of disruption, Retrieved from
the-face-of-disruption on 10 February 2022.
Warren, Jr., J.D., Moffitt, K.C. and Byrnes, P. (2015) How big data will change accounting. Accounting
Horizons,Vol. 29, pp. 397–407.
World Economic Forum. (2020) The future of jobs report. Employment, skills and workforce, Retrieved
from on 13 February 2022.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-13
organizational structure, in combination with the other two main performance management
levers (i.e., organizational systems, processes, and procedures and organizational culture), should
be designed to promote employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy.
Some scholars liken organizational structure to the structure of a building. Just as buildings can
have many different types of design, so too can organizational structures. Buildings can be com-
pact or sprawling, single-storied or multiple-storied, and feature fixed or flexible floor plans. In
a similar manner, organizations can be located in single or multiple sites, comprise many or few
layers of middle-level management, and feature formality (i.e., many rules and procedures) or
flexibility (i.e., few rules and procedures). According to organizational theorists, the structure an
organization adopts is connected not merely to the costs an organization incurs, but, even more
importantly, serves as a critical driver of an organization’s performance.
An obvious question to ask is why senior managers at different organizations choose differ-
ent organizational structures. In answering this question, it must be understood that structure,
whether it is the structure of a building or that of an organization, influences the behaviour
of those who use or are governed by it. It should not be surprising therefore that churches
exhibit different physical designs than factories, and factories that produce cheeses have different
designs from factories that produce automobiles.
The idea of superiors leveraging their power to influence/control their subordinates’
behaviour is a key defining element of organizational structure (Ranson et al., 1980). As Blau
(1974: 12) pointed out long ago, organizational structure involves “the distributions, along vari-
ous lines, of people among social positions that influence the role relations among these people.”
In other words, the ultimate purpose of organizational structure is to establish order in an orga-
nization’s social relationships. In particular, it is about controlling who performs what tasks and
with whom.
Hall and Tolbert (2005) contend that organizational structure serves three main purposes:
• Aids the production of organizational outputs and the achievement of organizational goals.
• Minimizes/attenuates the effects of employee mistakes/variations on an organization’s pro-
duction of outputs.
• Determines the flow of information in an organization and how and by whom organiza-
tional activities are performed.
It should be readily recognized that all three purposes of organizational structure outlined by
Hall and Tolbert are relevant to performance management. In particular, all three purposes are
associated with influencing employee behaviour to help ensure the execution of particular
sets of actions/activities that will aid in the organization’s implementation of its strategy and
achievement of its goals and objectives. And it is for this reason that organizational structure
serves as a key lever of performance management.
The designing of organizational structure involves deciding how an organization will group its
human resources, as well as control and coordinate these groups’ interactions. Employees are
typically grouped among specific organizational departments. At the typical bank, for example,
each employee will report to the manager of (or be the manager of) one of the following
• Retail banking
• Loan servicing
• Wealth management
• Investment banking
• Deposit operations
• Wire transfer operations
• Cash management
• Electronic banking
• Commercial banking
• Mortgage banking.
While the use of departments is certainly the most visible manifestation of organizational struc-
ture, the less evident, but arguably more powerful mechanisms that define organizational struc-
ture are complexity, formalization, and centralization. Each of these mechanisms is discussed
Complexity is measured by the amount of horizontal differentiation, vertical differentiation,
and spatial dispersion an organization displays. Horizontal differentiation is defined as the range
of tasks or activities a worker has the authority to undertake. It equates to specialization. For
example, a factory employee working on one of Bosch’s dishwasher production lines would
probably have a very limited number of job tasks and responsibilities (i.e., high specialization)
and would therefore be viewed as having low horizontal differentiation. In contrast, teachers
of primary school students, who are responsible for teaching an inevitably non-homogenous
group of students (due to IQ, family backgrounds, etc.) on a variety of subjects (mathematics,
Review Question 10.2: What are the three dimensions of organizational structure?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
history, science, etc.), will be required to carry out a wide range of constantly fluctuating roles
and duties. These teachers will accordingly display low specialization and therefore high hori-
zontal differentiation.
It is worth noting that horizontal differentiation can differ not only across organizations
operating in different industries but also within the same organization. For example, a hospital’s
kitchen workers will probably be highly specialized and feature low horizontal differentiation,
while the same hospital’s emergency department’s nurses and doctors, who are responsible for
treating patients with a variety of ailments ranging from bee stings to severe traumas, will display
low specialization and therefore high horizontal differentiation.
Vertical differentiation is defined as the number of supervisory levels in an organization.
It is often measured as the number of supervisory layers between an organization’s CEO and
the employees who deliver the organization’s outputs (e.g., the factory workers who produce
iPhones at Samsung or the nurses who care for patients on a hospital ward). Organizational
charts are a common method used to express an organization’s vertical differentiation. Figure
10.1 depicts the organizational chart of a hypothetical landscaping firm. As this organizational
chart shows, there are three layers between the landscape firm’s owner/CEO and the workers
providing the landscaping services (i.e., the crew members for each of the three main work units
of earthworks, lawn care, and garden care).
As can be well imagined, some organizations display tall structures featuring many orga-
nizational levels, while other organizations display squat structures that feature few layers.
The classic case of the former would be a large governmental agency like the US Inter-
nal Revenue Service (IRS), or what is often termed an Inland Revenue Department by
other governments. A commissioner sits at the top of these organizations, with many lay-
ers existing between this commissioner and the employees who answer taxpayer queries,
input tax returns, and undertake field investigations. In contrast to various governments’ tax
agency’s tall organizational charts, a firm like Scribd, the San Francisco-based digital library
and document-sharing platform company, maintains a very flat structure. The close interface
between its nearly 100 employees and its CEO makes this company not only flat, but also a
good example of a network structure. Instead of the rigid reporting lines that dominate the
typical organizational structure, a network structure prioritizes soft structure connections
between individuals, groups, and communities. A visual representation of the linkages pro-
duces a map that resembles a spider web design.
Spatial dispersion, which is the final element of complexity, is defined as the extent of geo-
graphic range associated with an organization’s units, activities, and personnel. A small family-
operated commercial cleaning service might operate from and provide cleaning services in one
localized area. Meanwhile, a firm like Cleaning Services Group, a UK commercial cleaning
company, provides cleaning services to customers and employs personnel from throughout the
UK. Accordingly, the Cleaning Services Group would be viewed as possessing high complexity
on spatial dispersion.
Since organizational complexity is the combination of horizontal differentiation, vertical
differentiation, and spatial dispersion, any attempt to characterize a particular organization’s
complexity will require an assessment and summation of these three dimensions of complexity.
Figure 10.2 provides a three-dimensional portrayal of three firms’ organizational complexity.
As this figure shows, Firm A exhibits low horizontal differentiation, vertical differentiation,
Organizational structure 127
and spatial dispersion, and therefore it would be classified as possessing low organizational
complexity. Meanwhile, Firm B, which displays medium amounts of the three forms of orga-
nizational complexity, would be classified as having medium organizational complexity. Finally,
Firm C, which is characterized by high amounts of each form of organizational complexity,
would be classified as featuring high organizational complexity.
Although Figure 10.2 displays each dimension of organizational complexity as being simi-
larly low, medium, or high for Firms A, B, and C, respectively, it is possible for heterogeneous
classifications to prevail across the three complexity dimensions for any given organization. For
example, an organization could be high on two of the dimensions of organizational complex-
ity and medium on the third dimension. This organization would most likely still be viewed
as displaying high organizational complexity. An even more common occurrence might be an
organization exhibiting offsetting combinations of low and high complexities, which might
result in it being classified as possessing medium organizational complexity.
As will be discussed in more detail later in this chapter, the adoption of complex organiza-
tional structures is often associated with the presence of challenging, turbulent, and unpredict-
able environments. These environmental conditions are often caused by shifts in technology or
the changing circumstances of competitors and the methods of competition. Not surprisingly,
and as will subsequently be discussed more fully, certain corporate and competitive strategies are
associated with different patterns of organizational complexity.
Formalization refers to the presence of detailed rules and procedures. Highly-formalized
organizations will have many rules and procedures. As Hall and Tolbert (2005) note, the adop-
tion of formalized structures is an indication that the organization’s senior managers do not
trust their employees to exercise good judgement and/or self-control. An example of a highly-
formalized organizational structure is the typical assembly-line manufacturer. These manufac-
turers are characterized by their standardized production practices, whereby all work moves in a
unidirectional flow and undergoes the same set of work procedures undertaken by the same set of
employees in the same amount of time. In contrast, organizations with low formalization allow
their employees to exercise individual judgement and discretion in the performance of tasks. A
classic example of a low-formalized work environment is a computer games software developer.
In general, less formality is likely to feature at organizations that rely on employee creativ-
ity and innovation. Innovation is by its very nature the opposite of abiding by proven recipes.
It requires a willingness to experiment, be novel, and accept the possibility of failure. Creativity,
which is the driver of innovation, is customarily viewed as synonymous with risk-taking. In
other words, risk-taking involves removing the safety nets (i.e., formalized rules and procedures)
and taking (calculated) bets or leaps of faith about a new way of doing something.
In addition to high-tech companies, universities are further examples of organizations that
rely on creativity and innovation to power their success. Although university structures have
historically featured low-formalization environments, ever since the New Public Management
(NPM) approach was introduced throughout parts of the Anglo-American world in the 1980s
universities have and continue to become more formalized. NPM was developed by various
governments to make the public services more “business-like” (Hood, 1991). The motivating
idea was to make these public service organizations, whether they were universities or social
services departments, more efficient by using private sector management models.
Many managers of public sector organizations show their commitment to NPM prac-
tices by adopting highly-formalized structures. These managers have adopted a one-size-fits-
all approach. They have essentially regressed 70 years back in time in their desire to embrace
Weber’s (1947) bureaucratic model, including its high reliance on hierarchal authority, limited
employee discretion, high division of labour, incentive-based rewards, and extensive rules and
procedures.These public sector managers have apparently either never learned or forgotten that
private sector firms that rely on creativity and innovation, such as Apple and Google, use less
formalized structures. These same managers have also either never learned or forgotten that the
NPM approach, in its encouragement of “customer service,” often promotes decentralized ser-
vice delivery models, whereby the employee who interfaces with the customer is given greater
decision-making authority.
It is interesting to note that a growing number of Fortune 500 companies are becoming
less formalized and more decentralized. In the process, many companies are abandoning their
once-a-year employee performance evaluation programmes. These companies, which include
Microsoft, Yahoo, and Accenture, want to change the focus from after-the-fact control and
evaluation to creating opportunities to support and position workers to perform better in the
future. As Accenture CEO Pierre Nanterme says:
The art of leadership is not to spend your time measuring, evaluating. It’s all about select-
ing the person. And if you believe you selected the right person, then you give that person
the freedom, the authority, the delegation to innovate and to lead with some very simple
(Cunningham, 2013)
In spite of the changed approach being adopted by today’s for-profit companies, especially
those that pursue strategies based on innovation, universities are increasingly adopting formal,
centralized structures that feature backward-looking, quantitatively-focused performance mea-
surement. As Kallio et al. (2016) have noted, this choice is having negative effects on university
employees. These authors describe the views of one lecturer in business and economics who
[It is] yet another thing that consumes our time [with] administrative nonsense and for
which we need to hire more administrative staff (so that we can hire more administrative
staff in order to run their business, so that we can hire more administrative staff in order
to …). It’s an endless bloody cycle, and the administrators not only make up work for
themselves and each other, but also for us here at the operational level. It annoys me a lot.
(Kallio et al., 2016: 696)
Meanwhile, a lecturer in humanities who responded to Kallio et al.’s (2016) survey said:
I do not understand how anyone could be tempted by the never-ending reporting and
accountability. People get used to it, however, little by little. Maybe the younger people do
not know anything else and think that control is a part of the job.
(Kallio et al., 2016: 699)
Kallio et al.’s (2016) study serves as a strong reminder of the need to ensure a good fit when
designing a performance management system. Academics, or at least those who have earned
a PhD, are meant to have been trained and inculcated with the ability and desire to be intel-
lectually curious, self-motivated, and hard-working. In other words, their social programming
should assure harmony between the academics’ goals and those of their academic institutions.
Although some level of formalization may be useful in universities, adopting the same high
levels of formalization as banks, meat processing plants, or nuclear power stations is unlikely to
prove helpful for universities. Since university academics are, at least in theory, meant to arrive
at their respective universities highly motivated and with goals about teaching and research
that should be similar to their universities’ goals, creating a high-formalization environment is
more likely to be counterproductive. Remembering that Hall and Tolbert (2005) refer to the
adoption of formalized structures as an indication that the organization’s senior managers do
not trust their employees to exercise good judgement and/or self-control, it is no wonder that
Kallio et al.’s business and economics lecturer complained that his university’s high reliance on
formalization annoyed him a lot.
Centralization refers to the distribution of organizational power.When power is held mainly by
employees occupying the top echelons of an organization, the organization is said to be central-
ized. Conversely, when power has been devolved throughout the organization, the organization
is seen to be decentralized.
Although some scholars, and in particular accounting scholars who uncritically borrow con-
cepts from other disciplines, view centralization (and formalization as well) as related to organi-
zational decision-making processes but not organizational structure, this view is not supported by
the organizational theory literature. Since it is the latter literature that has a significantly longer
history studying the concept of organizational structure, and since the vast majority of the research
Organizational structure 131
on organizational structure is housed in this body of literature, this book adopts the organizational
theorists’ treatment of centralization as part of organizational structure.
It is important to understand that the assessment of an organization’s centralization/
decentralization is based on the types and not simply the quantity/number of decisions being
made. In particular, it is necessary to know who makes the critical and meaningful organiza-
tional decisions that matter most as opposed to the ordinary and mundane ones that have small
and/or highly localized impacts. In general, decisions relating to an organization’s strategy are
the ones that truly matter. These decisions typically involve determining or influencing an
organization’s product/service offerings, the scope and geographical dispersion of its operations,
and/or the key sets of operating processes and work practices it uses. Decisions about where to
hold the company Christmas party, who should captain the company’s social softball team, or
who should decide whether a kosher option should be included among the company’s cafeteria
offerings represent non-strategic, non-critical, ordinary decisions. Whether senior managers or
low-level subordinates make these decisions has no bearing on the assessment of an organiza-
tion’s degree of centralization/decentralization.
In centralized organizations, relevant information is captured by lower-level employees, who
then pass this information up the organizational hierarchy. During its transmission up the organi-
zational hierarchy, the information becomes increasingly consolidated and analyzed. As an exam-
ple, each of Cadbury’s manufacturing departments (e.g., Cadbury Roses, Cadbury Favourites)
will assemble information about its production defect rates. This information will be combined
to produce section-wide defect rates and manufacturing plant defect rates. Further consolidations
of these defect rates will occur at regional levels (i.e., country and continent) until a worldwide
defect rate has been produced and presented to a senior manager or the senior management group.
Sometimes analyses and even recommendations are appended to the information flowing up the
organization’s hierarchy, but it is only when the information reaches the senior management ranks
that the decisions are made or finalized. Senior managers’ decisions in the form of commands and
expectations for how employees should best act are then returned down the hierarchy, where they
become actioned by the appropriate lower-level employee(s).
Centralized structures, due to their reliance on a few key decision-makers at the upper orga-
nizational levels, reduce the need for conflict resolution among lower-level departments and work
units. Without the authority to make key decisions, middle- and lower-level employees will be
unlikely to come into conflict over such issues as who should take leadership on a given initiative,
the price to charge for the transfer of products/services between departments, and the circum-
stances that permit the internal movement of employees from one department to another.
Centralized organizational structures are usually a lower-cost option compared with
decentralized organizational structures. The latter normally feature duplication of responsibili-
ties/duties. As will be discussed more fully in Chapter 14, centralized structures work best in
environments that are more certain and predictable. In contrast, decentralized structures are
better suited to less certain and more unpredictable environments.
Decentralized structures are usually preferred when an organization’s environment features
substantial change – perhaps because of rapid changes in product or process technology, or
perhaps due to changes in customers’ preferences – which makes it impossible for any single
individual or small group of individuals to keep up to date. It is also the case that in some indus-
tries more democratic cultures are expected and therefore decentralized structures are required.
Review Question 10.3: How does organizational structure influence employee behaviour?
Provide some examples.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 10.4: How are the three dimensions of organizational structure related
to one another?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Hospitals, universities, and software manufacturers are examples. Finally, some countries, espe-
cially European countries, have legislation that mandates employee participation in their com-
panies’ decision making, including representation on company boards. More will be said about
these issues in Chapters 13 and 14.
One way organizations attempt to ensure the success of their operations is through the appoint-
ment of particular individuals to lead specific elements of their respective organization’s activities.
Organizational structure 133
This lead employee, who is generally termed a manager, and the employees he/she supervises
create what is called a responsibility centre. Each responsibility centre will be responsible for
a given type and breadth of work activities. Some units, which are headed by employees at
lower levels of the organization’s hierarchy, will frequently be responsible for a small set of
operationally-focused activities (e.g., number of units of product produced, number of employee
hours worked). Other units, especially ones headed by employees working at senior organiza-
tional levels, will be assessed using financial and non-financial metrics across a wide range (or
the entire range if it is the CEO) of organizational activities.
The creation of responsibility centres is closely related to an organization’s use of central-
ization and decentralization, an idea that is discussed more fully below. There are four main
types of responsibility centres: revenue centres, expense centres, profit centres, and investment
centres. Each type of responsibility centre is now discussed.
Revenue centre
Revenue centres are responsible for their sales. Senior managers provide each of their revenue
centres with a sales target, which is usually decided as part of the organization’s budgeting pro-
cess. Since sales are solely an output measure, there is no opportunity to measure efficiency; for
such a measurement would require comparing outputs to inputs.
Revenue centres are mainly used by marketing/sales departments.These organizational units
frequently have control over the amount and mix of products/services they sell, but generally do
not have control over the cost of the goods they are selling. Other organizational units, such as
manufacturing or purchasing, control these costs. Under such conditions, and especially when the
purpose of the performance measurement is to evaluate managers, the use of a revenue centre is
the correct choice of responsibility centre. Generally, the performance evaluation will consist of
comparing actual sales or orders booked against budgets or predetermined sales quotas. It is some-
times the case that the revenue centre will also be held accountable for expenses incurred directly
within the revenue centre (i.e., salespersons’ salaries, salespersons’ travel expenses, etc.). However,
such accountability will be secondary to the revenue centre’s primary focus on revenues.
Expense centre
Expense centres are responsible for managing the costs associated with their respective centres’
activities. For example, the fire chief of any given fire department would normally be responsible
for managing his/her fire department’s costs relative to a budget. Unlike a revenue centre manager,
the fire chief would not be responsible for sales. Not only are most fire departments government
funded, but it is also the case that there would be something perverse about making a fire depart-
ment responsible for revenues.The objective of fire departments is to extinguish fires. Although it
might be reasonable to encourage fire departments to advertise and be responsible for an ancillary
service like their fire prevention services, the same cannot be said about its core activity of extin-
guishing fires. Surely it is not in a community’s interest to have its fire department promoting/
encouraging fires so that it can then extinguish them and charge for this service.
There are two types of expense centres: discretionary expense centres and engineered
expense centres. Discretionary expense centres are used to focus manager attention on input
and process costs alone. The managers of these units are given a set amount of resources to
operate their respective units. In other words, they are given the authority to spend up to a cer-
tain amount. No attempt is made to assess the outputs associated with the discretionary expense
unit’s efforts (i.e., its input and conversion costs). As such, and as was the case with revenue
centres, no opportunity exists for measuring the unit’s efficiency.
In spite of this inability to measure efficiency, discretionary expense centres still serve the
useful purpose of drawing their managers’ attention to managing their units input and process
costs within the means (i.e., the budget) they have been allocated. Furthermore, for some types
of discretionary expense centres it is possible to use surrogate measures of output. For example,
although an organization is unlikely to measure each of the outputs of its human resource (HR)
department, it may benchmark the size of its department’s discretionary expense budget and
the number of employees served against the size of another organization’s HR department’s
discretionary expense budget and the number of employees it serves. Should the size of the
discretionary expense budget of the benchmarked organization not be available, this fact alone
may not prevent calculating a relative performance comparison. A head count of the two orga-
nizations’ HR departments can be used in lieu of the budget size. For support departments like
an organization’s HR department, the primary expense it incurs is the payroll costs of its staff.
Nonwage costs – including computer costs, office occupancy costs, and consumables – usually
represent a minor amount of these departments’ costs. It is important to note, however, that
relative comparisons between an organization’s support department and an outside organiza-
tion’s support department assume that the activities performed and the workforce it supports
are reasonably equivalent. Deviations from these assumptions would call into question the utility
of benchmarking.
Typical discretionary expense centres are administrative and support units. The latter
include the accounting, finance, research and development, human resources, customer rela-
tions, legal, and public relations departments that comprise most organizations, or certainly most
large organizations. Each discretionary expense centre is given a budget at the start of the year
to cover the coming year’s expected quantum of work. A senior manager, usually the CEO or
his/her designated vice president, will set these expense centres’ budgets, hence the reason for
the adjective “discretionary” that precedes this type of expense centre. The employee who sets
a unit’s budget will not only need to anticipate likely events (e.g., how much customer service
will be demanded in the coming year), but will also probably need to make trade-offs between
the size of an administrative or support service’s budget and the expected quality (including the
timeliness) of the work. For example, the senior manager responsible for setting the customer
service department’s budget will have to trade off the amount of resources devoted to his/her
company’s call centre with the waiting times customers will experience.
Engineered expense centres are used when there are predictable relationships between the
amount of inputs required and the number of saleable outputs produced. In particular, engi-
neered expense centres conform to the following characteristics:
Although factories are classic examples of situations where optimum relationships between
inputs and outputs can be specified in advance, there are many service companies where this
relationship can also hold. For example, an auto insurance company’s claims department would
normally be able to predict the number of hours needed to process and pay an approved claim.
Similarly, a bank would generally know how many hours are required to process a loan applica-
tion for an average customer’s purchase of a new home. Accordingly, with engineered expense
centres it is possible to measure efficiency, and therefore the managers of these units will be
responsible for their respective centres’ costs relative to their achieved levels of production.
Although a budget will probably be prepared for engineered expense centres, differences in
the volume of planned versus actual production will be recognized. If the production volume
is 50% greater than what was budgeted, then the allowable variable costs will be increased to
reflect this increase in volume. If the production volume is 10% lower than what was budgeted,
then the allowable variable costs will be decreased to reflect this decrease in volume. In other
words, the budget for engineered expense centres is flexed.
Profit centre
Profit centres are responsible for managing both their revenues and expenses. As such, they are
responsible for their unit’s bottom lines (e.g., revenues minus expenses). Although some orga-
nizations like Kyocera create profit centres at their lowest hierarchical levels – such as a plating
department in one of its factories – for many organizations the creation of profit centres occurs
at higher organizational levels when revenue and expense centres come under the combined
control of a higher unit/manager. For example, a hotel manager at one of Hilton Hotel’s prop-
erties would be responsible for his/her hotel’s revenue centres (e.g., its sales department) and
expense centres (e.g., housekeeping department).
Since profit is an integral objective of most organizations, profit centres are viewed as an ideal
way to align employees’ goals with the company’s profit motives. Horngren et al. (2009) report
how Office Products Depot (OPD), an office products distributor, changed its sales department
from a revenue centre to a profit centre. Prior to the change, OPD’s salespeople received a 3%
commission on all sales, regardless of such cost considerations as ordering and delivery costs. Based
on a customer profitability study, many of OPD’s customers with high numbers of orders but
low quantities per order were found to be unprofitable. After changing the sales department to a
profit centre and amending its sales incentive system from a straight 3% commission on sales to a
15% bonus on a salesperson’s customers’ monthly profits, the salespeople began encouraging their
customers to consolidate their many separate orders into fewer orders. The change in customer
ordering behaviour produced a 40% reduction in ordering and processing costs for OPD, leading
to greater profits per order and increased overall customer profitability.
In addition to helping to align employee and organizational goals, profit centres are associ-
ated with the following further advantages:
• Quicker decision making because the decisions are being made at the profit-centre level
and do not require head office approval.
• Senior managers, by virtue of being relieved of the day-to-day decision making that the
profit-centre employees have assumed, can now focus on strategic issues.
• Higher-quality decision making because the employees most familiar with the issues are
making the decisions.
• The decision making required of profit-centre managers helps them acquire all-important
general management skills, which assists with their career development and helps senior-
level managers identify and target employees for promotion to higher-level jobs.
Although profit centres certainly possess several key advantages, they are not panaceas for orga-
nizational success. Some of the challenges associated with their use are as follows:
Investment centre
An investment centre has responsibility for the profits it generates and the asset base it oper-
ates. Profits on their own convey only part of an organization’s health. For example, a conve-
nience store that achieves a $300,000 profit and has an investment base of $1 million offers a
better current financial return than a large utility company that achieves a $100 million profit
and has an investment base of $1 billion. Using a measure like return on investment (ROI), it
can be shown that the convenience store has an ROI of 30% ($300,000/1,000,000), and the
utility company has an ROI of 10% ($100 million/$1 billion). Although a profit centre may
help promote goal congruence between employees and their organization, an investment-
centre approach possesses heightened potential for supporting employee and organizational
goal harmony. More specifically, an investment-centre approach encourages employees to
invest only in additional resources when the expected return is equal to or greater than the
organization’s cost of capital and disinvest in resources when the ROI falls below its cost of
As with profit centres, it is often the case that investment centres will operate at higher
hierarchical levels of an organization. In particular, as profit centres are consolidated under a
high-level organizational unit/manager, these units/managers will be responsible for the profits
the consolidated profit centres generate as well as the investment bases they use. Returning to
the Hilton Hotel example referred to previously, a regional manager will be responsible for
supervising the individual hotel managers. This regional manager, who has authority for new
hotel projects, will be responsible for the profits generated by his/her region’s hotel managers
and the investment base associated with all the hotel properties.
Organizational structure 137
signals and its failure to encourage consistent inter-unit project investment. In terms of the first
shortcoming, subunits and their managers should always be encouraged to invest whenever the
projected returns equal or exceed the strategic business unit’s cost of capital. If the benchmark
cost of capital is 15%, then all projects with expected returns equal to or greater than 15%
should be accepted. Instead of basing their investment decisions on cost of capital benchmarks,
managers who are evaluated using ROI will accept/reject projects based solely on whether a
contemplated project will increase their respective units’ currently-achieved ROIs. Such deci-
sion making relies on irrelevant benchmarks that may discourage investment when it should be
occurring and encourage investment when it should not be occurring.
As a second shortcoming, ROI fails to encourage consistent inter-unit project investment.
Unless the inconsistency solely derives from senior management’s beliefs about the risks of the
different organizational units, the outcome will be suboptimal for the organization as a whole.
For example, if one business unit is currently achieving a 20% pre-tax ROI, it will be uninter-
ested in any projects that offer returns below 20%. Meanwhile, a different business unit that is
achieving a 5% pre-tax ROI will be uninterested in projects with expected returns below 5%,
but interested in projects with returns above 5%. As such, this second business unit will accept
a range of projects that the first business unit will reject (i.e., projects earning returns between
5% and 19%).
In contrast to ROI, RI and EVA offer reliable and consistent inter-unit project invest-
ment signals. In particular, any project earning returns equal to or above an organization’s
cost of capital will be accepted by all business units of this organization. Scholars have dem-
onstrated that ROI is an unreliable management tool when used to aid proforma investment
decision making. As such, ROI should never be used for budgeting purposes. Instead, its use
should be limited to measuring past business unit performance and evaluating this perfor-
mance relative to some benchmark or expectation. As an example, a vineyard might measure
its ROI performance over the past ten years and compare this ROI with either its cost of
capital or with the expected return that could have been generated if the land were used for
some other purpose than growing grapes and making wine (e.g., to grow another plant or to
subdivide the land into a housing development). Meanwhile, for all budgeting purposes, RI
or EVA should be used.
Whether an organization chooses RI or EVA is irrelevant; for as Adler and McClelland
(1995) have shown, the two are one and the same. The only difference is that EVA has been
backed up by a very slick marketing campaign to make it appear as if it is new wine when it is
really only old wine in new bottles.
expenses revenues revenues and revenues, expenses,
expenses and assets
sufficient expense centre revenue centre Profit centre Investment centre
authority Pseudo expense Pseudo revenue Pseudo profit Pseudo investment
centre centre centre centre
Review Question 10.7: What is meant by the terms controllability and separability? How
are they relevant to responsibility centre design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 10.8: From a contingency theory perspective, what organizational struc-
tures are commonly encouraged for each of the competitive strategies discussed in
Chapter 9? Explain why.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Organizational structure represents one of the three main levers of performance management.
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures and organizational culture represent the other
two main levers and will be discussed in Chapters 11 and 12, respectively. Senior managers
can utilize different organizational structures to influence employee behaviour. These organiza-
tional structures will include different amounts of complexity, formalization, and centralization.
Although managers can systematically vary these three dimensions of organizational structure,
these dimensions are not mutually exclusive. Changes in one may cause changes in another.
Senior managers must be cognizant of this fact when choosing the type of structural configura-
tions they desire.
Certain organizational structures are more likely to support particular corporate and com-
petitive strategies. Single-industry firms, especially ones that exhibit stability and predictability,
are likely to benefit from adopting centralized structures. This form of structure will almost
certainly be the case if a cost-focused strategy is pursued. It is also likely that these firms (i.e.,
single-industry and cost-focus) will adopt high formalization. In particular, because these orga-
nizations crave stability, they will want their employees to adhere to well-established rules and
procedures based on documented best-practice assessments. And finally, it is likely that these
firms will adopt high specialization. This practice is well suited to high-volume approaches,
which are commonly associated with cost-focused strategies.
Unrelated-diversified firms will benefit from decentralized structures. Due to the range
of companies operating under an unrelated-diversified firm’s umbrella, it is unlikely that any
one manager or small group of managers will possess sufficient, timely information or have the
multi-industry skills and understandings to make high-quality decisions. Since organizational
size is positively correlated with formalization, unrelated-diversified firms will typically exhibit
high formalization. It is also the case that their supposed superior management expertise and/
or control of abundant financial resources, which form the guiding rationale for an unrelated-
diversified firm’s existence (see Chapter 7), will lead to greater formalization. Kyocera is an
example of a conglomerate with supreme confidence in its superior management expertise,
which is embodied in its amoeba management system. All divisions, departments, and units must
use amoeba management. The requirement produces high formalization in Kyocera’s internal
financial and management reporting.
For unrelated-diversified firms that base their success on the adroit ability to transfer finan-
cial resources among their respective network of firms, a formalized programme for contrib-
uting and receiving financial resources will prevail. In particular, a set of formalized rules and
procedures will determine by whom, how much, and when financial resource transfers will
Responsibility centres are a key manifestation of organizational structure. An organization’s
choice of revenue centre, expense centre, profit centre, or investment centre should be based on
the criterion of fitness for purpose. Part of the process of ensuring fitness for a purpose is ensur-
ing that managerial responsibility is commensurate with managerial authority.
orGanIZatIonaL strUCtUre 141
Adler, R.W. and McClelland, L.A. (1995) EVA: reinventing the wheel, Chartered Accountants’ Journal, Vol.
74, No. 4, pp. 35–36.
Blau, P.M. (1974) On the Nature of Organizations, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Cunningham, L. (2013) Accenture CEO explains why he’s overhauling performance reviews, Washington
Post, 23 July. Retrieved from
Hall, R.H. and Tolbert, P.S. (2005) Organizations: Structures, Processes, and Outcomes (9th Edition), Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Hood, C. (1991) A public management for all seasons? Public Administration, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 3–19.
Horngren, C.T., Data, S.M., Foster, G., Rajan, M.V. and Ittner, C. (2009) Cost Management: A Managerial
Emphasis, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Kallio, K., Kallio, T.J., Tienari, J. and Hyvönen, T. (2016) Ethos at stake: performance management and
academic work in universities, Human Relations,Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 685–709.
Ranson, S., Hinings, R. and Greenwood, R. (1980) The structuring of organizational structures,
Administrative Science Quarterly,Vol. 245, No. 2, pp. 1–17.
Spiller, E.A. (1988) Return on investment: a need for special purpose information, Accounting Horizons,
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1–9.
Weber, M. (1947) The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, New York: Oxford University Press.
The previous chapter discussed one of the three main levers of performance management,
namely organizational structure. The present chapter discusses the second main lever of control:
an organization’s systems, processes, and procedures. This lever of control has consumed the
bulk of the performance management literature’s descriptions of how organizations seek to
influence their employees’ implementations of their organizations’ strategies (see, for example,
Malmi and Brown, 2008). Organizational systems, processes, and procedures represent formal-
ized approaches to directing and encouraging specific types of employee behaviour (i.e., those
behaviours that will support the implementation of an organization’s strategy). As such, this
lever of performance management is similar to what Hopwood (1974) terms “administrative
control” and what Anthony (1956) calls “formal control.”
The primary organizational systems, processes, and procedures relied upon by orga-
nizations are performance measurement systems, employee incentive systems, and human
resource systems. Each of these is separately discussed in the three main chapter sections that
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-14
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 143
• Establish position
• Communicate direction
• Influence behaviour
• Stimulate action
• Facilitate learning.
The characteristics of a good performance measurement system include the use of financial and
non-financial performance measures (Cheng et al., 2007; Franco-Santos et al., 2007; Ittner et al.,
2003); the ability to translate business strategies into deliverable results (Hall, 2008), alignment
of management processes (including target setting, decision-making, and performance evalua-
tion) with the achievement of chosen strategic objectives (Ittner et al., 2003), and the adoption
and linking of diverse key performance indicators (KPIs) to the organization’s business strategy
(Franco-Santos et al., 2012).The succeeding chapter sections discuss each of these topics, begin-
ning with the collection and reporting of organizational data that is financial, non-financial, or
a combination of these two.
Budgets can range from operating budgets to fixed asset budgets; the former is the main type
of budgetary system relied upon. An operating budget has several key characteristics, including:
Review Question 11.1: What are the main purposes of a performance measurement system?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
• Once approved, the budget is fixed and should only be modified under exceptional
conditions (e.g., a major and unexpected currency devaluation).
• At specified intervals, often monthly, any differences between the budgeted and actual
figures are analyzed and explained.
The process of creating budgets, and in particular what types of budgeting approaches to use,
has received significant scholarly and practitioner attention. As a general rule of thumb, incre-
mental budgeting is found to be best suited for stable environments. For example, the relatively
stable demand a utility company experiences would enable its use of incremental budgeting.
Meanwhile, zero-based budgeting is recommended for unpredictable environments. These lat-
ter environments are characterized by instability, complexity, and resource scarcity, requiring
organizations to be nimble and highly responsive/highly opportunistic to the rapidly occurring
changes. A company operating in the nanotechnology field would likely benefit from a zero-
based budgeting approach.
Many organizations combine the performance measurement aspects of budgets with the
use of employee incentive systems. Although the use of incentive and reward systems will be
discussed more fully later in this chapter, for now, it is worthwhile to understand that budgets
on their own have significant motivating potential. Goal-setting theorists would argue that the
use of budget targets acts to motivate behaviour. As Latham and Baldes (1975) showed, when
the drivers of logging trucks were set the ambitious goal of filling their trucks to at least 94% of
their capacities, log loads per truck increased significantly from their pre-goal level. Moreover,
this increase in load capacity occurred despite there being no effect on employee remuneration
(i.e., there were no rewards or punishments offered).
Budgets can be used in a tight or loose manner. Tight budget control means employees are
expected to achieve the budget. Excuses for its non-achievement are not tolerated. It is the respon-
sibility of employees to ensure they meet their budgets. Often a reward for achieving the budget or
a penalty for failing to do so is used to incentivize employees. Although the use of tight budgets is
associated with a unit’s/manager’s more consistent reporting of budget attainment, such reporting
may or may not be genuine. It may be the product of manipulation or fraud. Employee manipula-
tion occurs when managers, in an attempt to meet the budget, accelerate sales (e.g., encourage a
customer to place an order earlier than it would otherwise do by offering a higher sales discount
for doing so) and/or defer expenses (e.g., delay repairing or overhauling a piece of machinery).
In contrast to employee manipulation, fraudulent behaviour could involve the fictitious reporting
of events (e.g., a sale that never occurred) and/or the purposeful misrepresentation of financial
statements (e.g., omitting liabilities from the balance sheet as Enron did). Senior managers must
be very careful when budgets are used in a tight-control manner, for they must guard against the
possibility that these budgets will spawn dysfunctional employee behaviour.
Loose budget control means the budget serves primarily for planning and coordination
purposes. The evaluation of sub-units or employees is not undertaken, and no thought is given
to attaching incentives and rewards to a budget’s achievement. The use of loose budget control
can avoid the dysfunctional employee behaviours that can occur under tight budget control.
One large French multinational reportedly used its annual strategic retreat to develop ambi-
tious stretch budgets. The company’s CEO would encourage his senior managers at the retreat to
put forward best-case scenarios. He would ask them to develop a budget based on the organization
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 145
experiencing favourable conditions and the organization doing everything right to match this
favourable environment. The organization’s senior managers would then create an organization-
wide budget based on these best-case scenarios.The CEO would end the retreat by remarking on
the exceptional performance this budget heralded and would encourage his senior managers to do
all they could to realize the budget’s goals. Interestingly, and something that all the senior manag-
ers knew, the CEO would file the budget in his bottom desk drawer and never refer to it again.
Accordingly, it can be understood that the CEO was using the budget purely as a signalling tool.
He wanted to signal to his managers that they should be prepared to achieve high goals; for unless
they did, they would be undermining the efforts of their peers (e.g., the production department
needed to achieve high production volumes to support the high sales orders the sales department
was forecasting and vice versa). Essentially this CEO was following the advice of Henry David
Thoreau, who wrote: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where
they should be. Now put the foundations under them” (1854: 241).
Tight budget control is more suited to stable and predictable environmental conditions. In
particular, the internal and external environments should feature foreseeable customer demand,
stable production technologies, and predictable competitive conditions. A refiner of petroleum
would typically fit this set of conditions and therefore tight budget control would be suitable. In
contrast, when an organization’s internal and external environments are not stable and predict-
able, then loose budget control would be preferred. A start-up organization or an organization
in a high-growth phase like Scribd, the world’s largest online digital library, would be prime
candidates for loose budget control.
Cost drivers play an important role in the development of budgets. Although many academ-
ics and practitioners would argue that cost drivers should be primarily selected on their ability to
provide high cause-and-effect relationships between cost objects (e.g., products/services, depart-
ments, customers) and cost pools, others would argue that cost drivers need to focus more on an
organization’s strategic intent rather than on being faithful to a cause-and-effect maxim.
Toshi Hiromoto (1991) offers a good example of a Japanese manufacturer that used cost
drivers in a highly strategic manner. He recounts a story of a factory with high levels of factory
automation using direct labour hours to allocate its manufacturing overhead. The western aca-
demics and practitioners who were touring this plant scoffed at the idea of using direct labour
hours when machine hours seemed like the much more logical choice. Labour costs repre-
sented only a small fraction of the product’s cost, while the costs associated with its automation
(i.e., machines and robots) were significant.The Japanese accountants, however, were unfazed by
the criticism and replied that since the goal of the factory was its full automation, using direct
labour provided a very clear and strong message to the factory’s department managers to ensure
full automation. Using direct labour hours as the cost driver meant that departmental manag-
ers who were slow to automate would be allocated relatively large amounts of manufacturing
overhead. If a manager wanted to reduce the amount of manufacturing overhead allocated to
his/her department, then all he/she needed to do was to increase his/her department’s level of
automation faster than others were doing. In fact, a department manager could eliminate all
allocations of manufacturing overhead to his/her department by fully automating.
Budget slack, whereby employees underestimate revenues and overestimate expenses, is a
perennial problem for organizations that rely on budgets to evaluate employee performance.
Employees, being eager to increase their likelihood of receiving organizational rewards and
avoiding penalties, may try to introduce slack into their budget targets. Although too much
budget slack is certainly detrimental to organizations, it is not necessarily the case that organi-
zations should insist on no budget slack. According to some scholars, slack in an organization
is crucial to discovery and innovation. Having the time and freedom to be curious has led to
major scientific advancements (Soyer and Hogarth, 2015). Companies like Google and 3M give
their employees free time during work hours to follow their passions. This free time usually
equates to one day a week. And it is not just large companies that claim to benefit from using
innovation time off (ITO) programmes. Atlassian, a Sydney-based developer of collaboration
software, credits its innovation success to the ITO it operates.
As Merchant and Manzoni (1989) point out, some budget slack can actually be useful. It may,
for example, reduce hoarding, free management from the otherwise more frequent need to follow
up on unfavourable variances, and promote innovation. Readers interested in delving deeper into
the topic of setting budget targets are advised to read Stringer and Shantapriyan (2012).
As the above discussion indicates, although some budget slack may actually benefit an orga-
nization, excessive budget slack is detrimental and should be avoided. There are two main ways
to minimize the occurrence of excessive budget slack. One way is to separate budget evaluation
from employees’ performance evaluation. Lacking the same incentives to game the budgeting
process, employees will be more likely to provide accurate budget estimates. The second way
to avoid excessive slack is to encourage/incentivize employee honesty in the budget-setting
process. The generic term used to describe this technique is truth-seeking budgets.
In contrast with the typical budget, which rewards employees when a certain level of per-
formance has been achieved, truth-seeking budgets contain both explicit rewards and penalties.
In particular, employees are:
The following bonus-based formula is used to support this set of rewards and penalties:
Since actual and budgeted performance variances can only be favourable (actual performance is
better than planned) or unfavourable (actual performance is worse than planned), only one of
the penalty multipliers can apply in the above formula. Furthermore, although different senior
managers are likely to choose multipliers of different sizes – mostly due to these individual man-
agers’ preferences for encouraging/discouraging risk – it is always the case that the multipliers
will be ordered in the following way:
This ordering is purposeful. Since the penalty associated with underestimating performance
is smaller than the penalty associated with overestimation, employees are encouraged to
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 147
be ambitious without overpromising what they can deliver. There are significant costs and
reputational risks associated with overpromising. If, for example, a manufacturing unit’s bud-
geted production prompts its sales division to source orders for all its budgeted production, then
customers who fail to have their purchase orders delivered will be unhappy. This circumstance
may lead to a customer’s cancelation of their current or future order(s). If, on the other hand, the
sales department has overpromised on what it can achieve in sales orders, then the manufactur-
ing department will have overproduced.This overproduction will result in excess inventory and
lead to higher costs of working capital. As Table 11.1 illustrates, employees will maximize their
compensation when budgets are set high and attained.
The Volkswagen Group’s financial target system centers on continuously and sustainably
increasing the value of the Company. We have been using value contribution … which
3 $100,000*0.10.
6 $100,000*0.10.
corresponds to the Economic Value Added (EVA) … for a number of years, in order to use
resources in the Automotive Division efficiently and to measure the success of this.
The concept of value-based management allows the success of our innovative, environ-
mentally oriented product portfolio.
EVA is calculated as the difference between the net operating profit after tax and the cost of all
capital employed to generate such profit. The following formula is used to calculate EVA:
EVA = (r – c) * K
r = return on capital employed
c = cost of capital
K = economic value of capital invested in the business
The return on capital employed is essentially ROI, with some adjustments made to both the
profit figure and investment base as a means of better approximating the economist’s definition
of wealth creation. Some of the more common adjustments involve modifications to deferred
income taxes; operating leases; last-in-first-out (LIFO) inventory reserves; unrecorded goodwill
and its amortization; asset revaluations; successful efforts expensing; unusual gains and losses;
provisions for bad debt, inventory obsolescence, warranties, and deferred income; and such
intangibles as research and development (R&D), patents, trademarks, new product development,
and up-front marketing costs. Table 11.2 sets out the effect each of the adjustments has on the
computation of a firm’s net operating profit after tax (NOPAT) and capital employed.
An adjustment should also be made to the depreciation charge whenever the book amount
(i.e., the amount appearing on the financial statements) does not closely approximate the eco-
nomic depreciation. Should this occur, the asset should be revalued at its current economic cost,
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 149
minus any estimated residual value, and depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated
life of the asset. Estimated asset lives should be based on such considerations as likely obsoles-
cence through technological change, deterioration through use, and the effects of the competi-
tive environment.
In addition to the various adjustments noted above, NOPAT must always be adjusted for
interest expense. In particular, interest expense must be added back to net income when calcu-
lating NOPAT. This adjustment is made for the purpose of maintaining the division between a
company’s operating performance and how it chooses to finance its activities (i.e., the propor-
tion of debt versus shareholder funds used).
The following example provides a comprehensive illustration of the various equity and
NOPAT adjustments that are necessary for calculating EVA.When reviewing the example, keep
the following two points in mind: the company’s first year of operations was 2015, and its cost
of capital is assumed to be 12%.
Before calculating Solar Panel, Inc.’s EVA, let’s first perform some traditional financial
accounting analyses. First, an examination of the income statement reveals that net income
has increased from $157,000 to $197,000. This is an increase of 25.6% to 25.5%. Next looking
at the balance sheet we see that total assets have increased from $1,536,000 to $1,772,000, an
increase of 15.&5 to 15.4%. Combining these measures of net income and total assets we can
calculate Solar Panel, Inc.’s return on assets (ROA). In 2015 its ROA was 10.2%. In 2016 the
ratio rose to 11.1%. In sum, traditional accounting performance measures are providing signals
that the company is performing well. Now let’s look at the answers that an EVA analysis pro-
vides. This EVA analysis is presented in Tables 11.3–11.6.
There are two important lessons to be learned from the above EVA example. First, accounts
payable are generally not included in the calculation of a firm’s capital employed. Instead, due to
what is a generally constant or expanding dollar amount of vendor financed working capital, it
is commonly viewed as a free source of capital.
2015 2016
(in US$’000s) (in US$’000s)
2015 2016
(in US$’000s) (in US$’000s)
2015 2016
(in US$’000s) (in US$’000s)
TABL E 11.5 eVa for 2015 (assuming a 12% cost of capital) (in Us$)
TABLE 1 1.6 eVa for 2016 (assuming a 12% cost of capital) (in Us$)
The second lesson to be learned from the EVA example is the sometimes contrary signals
that EVA and other accounting performance measures may provide. In contrast with the
improvement in performance that ROA indicates, EVA suggests a very different view. In par-
ticular, although Solar Panel, Inc. has managed to add shareholder value in both 2015 and 2016,
its performance worsened between the two years. EVA fell by 15.4% from $152,680 in 2015 to
$129,160 in 2016. Due to EVA’s focus on company performance in relation to what a com-
pany’s investors expect, it is the preferred technique for measuring corporate financial perfor-
mance and should therefore be relied upon.
Review Question 11.7: What are the benefits of using EVA rather than ROI?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 153
senior managers who continue to put at peril their organizations’ fortunes remains high. These
managers neglect to rein in excessive inventories, overlook cost-reduction opportunities, and
fail to harness their respective organizations’ intellectual capital.
The singular use of financial performance measurement systems fails to capture the com-
petitive bases of today’s organizations. In the past, cost efficiency largely determined an orga-
nization’s success. As a result, the need for financial information, particularly cost information,
was essential and, by itself, largely sufficient.Today’s organizations compete on a range of factors,
including cost, quality, flexibility, and innovation.
The need for non-financial performance measures results from twin causes. On the one
hand, it is partly in response to the changed characteristics of businesses and CEOs, and on the
other hand, it is partly due to the changed basis of firm competition. In the ensuing subsections,
two of the more notable non-financial performance measurement systems are discussed.
Unlike Hall et al.’s (1991) non-financial performance measurement system and the hybrid per-
formance measurement systems to be discussed later in this chapter, Drucker’s system, if one
can label it as such, stays well clear of providing formulas or setting forth categories on which
to judge performance. Instead, he seeks to highlight the management mindset that must prevail
during the development of measures of performance. The qualitative measures he proposes,
which are actually more akin to open-ended questions, are more concerned with assessment
than they are with measurement. However, as Drucker properly points out, the ability to
answer questions is not nearly as important as the ability to pose the right questions. Senior
management’s value-added contribution is less about answering questions, for this is typically
the job of the various operating and support groups. Instead, the value senior managers add
comes from posing the right questions, which equates to focusing employee attention on truly
important matters, and providing a framework within which the employees can address these
Quality measures are divided into three main groups: external quality, internal quality, and qual-
ity improvement processes. External quality defines the product or service goodness that cus-
tomers or other people outside the organization ascribe to its products or services. Examples of
external quality measures include customer surveys, service call effectiveness, and warranty and
reliability rates. Internal quality represents the calibre of the organization’s operations and pro-
cesses. Examples of internal quality measures include overall yields, process capabilities, inspec-
tion ratios, and defect and rework rates.
The quality improvement process defines the programme or set of formalized steps an
organization adopts to ensure high levels of external and internal quality. As such, today’s quality
improvement process determines tomorrow’s internal and external quality. Although generally
difficult to measure, Hall et al. point to the measurement and scoring criteria used to determine
the winner of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award as an excellent point of reference
when trying to assess an organization’s quality improvement process.
Lead Time
Lead time defines the length of time required to transform raw materials into finished products.
Examples include tooling turnaround time, equipment repair time, time to change layout, engi-
neering change time, tooling design time, and tooling build time.
The measurement of lead times is important for two reasons. First, such measures help the
firm to focus on potentially rich areas of value-added or, more to the point, non-value-added
activities. Any lead-time measure greater than zero implies waiting time. Although it may be
said that wines improve with age, this relationship seldom holds with other business activities.
How, for instance, does waiting in a queue at the supermarket or waiting for the product to be
shipped improve value? Surely it does not.
A second important reason for measuring lead times is the valuable information such
measures provide about an organization’s flexibility. In today’s business markets, where the
“customer is king,” the ability to tailor products and services to customers’ unique needs is
critical. To accomplish this, organizations must evolve their businesses in the direction of make-
to-order. Lead-time measures show just how far an organization has progressed.
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 155
Resource Use
Measurements of resource use quantify the amount of particular resources consumed and the
cost associated with their consumption. Examples of some typical measures of resource use are
direct labour dollars, materials consumption, space utilization, and machine utilization. While
the first two measures quantify the direct costs associated with using labour and materials to
make products or provide services, the latter two measures contain both a direct cost element
and an indirect, opportunity cost element.
One of the factors that limits the precision, if not usefulness, of resource use measures is the
reliance placed on the accountant’s conception and formulation of costs. As Hall et al. point out,
the various assumptions and aggregations that generally go into the computation of a cost figure
make its use suspect. In particular, how can one distinguish between small, but still unfavour-
able, changes? Might they be indications of something wrong or mere “measurement chatter?”
People Development
People measures comprise Hall et al.’s fourth category. Other than noting the need for organiza-
tions to maintain human resource inventories and implement systems that fairly and appropri-
ately recognize and reward employees, Hall et al. offer little additional advice on this category.
This is an unfortunate occurrence, especially in light of the fact that scholars and practitio-
ners alike are underscoring the increasingly important role played by an organization’s human
resources. Later in this chapter, we discuss how human resource systems contribute to perfor-
mance management.
It appears that Hall et al.’s underdeveloped set of people measures could be substantially
improved by incorporating into it Thomas Stewart’s work on intellectual capital. In particular,
Thomas Stewart (1994) has studied various companies’ attempts to record and report their
intellectual capital. One company, Skandia Assurance and Financial Services (AFS), a Swed-
ish company selling annuities, variable life insurance policies, and other savings and insurance
instruments, appears to be leading in this area. Rather than relying on such conventional prac-
tices as the skill levels attained by its employees or the amount of money spent upgrading
employees’ skills, AFS is more interested in developing ratios that reveal how effectively it lever-
ages its intellectual assets. As Stewart (1994: 9) notes in his summary of AFS’s approach to intel-
lectual capital,
It is less important to find the grand total value of intellectual capital than to develop gauges
that show whether AFS is moving in the right direction – creating more of the stuff this
year than last, and using it better.
Examples of the trends that AFS charts are the growth in its broker network and the size of the
accounts they manage.
Hall et al. stress the need for the average organization to make substantial improvements across
all four performance fronts or risk elimination by its competitors. Although Hall et al. realize the
difficulty (if not impossibility) of making a simultaneous across-the-board improvement, they
are confident that organizations can make incremental improvements over time to each of the
four performance criteria without jeopardizing the organization’s past achievements. For instance,
improvements in lead times should be sought without regression on some other measure, such as
quality. Similarly, improvements in quality should occur without sacrificing resource use.
Review Question 11.8: What are non-financial performance measurement systems, and
why are they used?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
to improve and create value. Some of the measures that are commonly associated with this per-
spective are employee satisfaction, employee retention, and employee productivity; percentage
of processes with real-time feedback; number of employee suggestions; and measures of team
building and team performance.
Information from each of these perspectives is vital to the organization’s continued success.
As Kaplan and Norton (1993) like to point out, the successful management of an organization
requires the ability to view performance in several areas simultaneously. Similar to an aeroplane
pilot – who needs constantly updated information on fuel, air speed, altitude, bearing, and
destination – an organization and its managers need information comprising a broad set of
performance criteria.
All organizations need information from each of the four performance perspectives; how-
ever, the specific set of items comprising each perspective will most likely be different for each
organization.The differences will arise from variations in organizational strategies, as well as fac-
tors that are unique to an organization’s internal and/or external environments. As Kaplan and
Norton (1993: 135) note: “The balanced scorecard is not a template that can be applied to busi-
nesses in general or even industry-wide. Different market situations, product strategies, and com-
petitive environments require different scorecards.” Accordingly, effective balanced scorecards are
ones that have been tailored to fit the organization’s mission, strategy, and internal and external
environments. The decisive test of a well-designed balanced scorecard is an observer’s ability to
see beyond the specific scorecard measures and correctly divine the organization’s strategy.
As a way to illustrate likely differences in the balanced scorecards between organizations
pursuing dissimilar strategies, imagine an organization with OWC (order-wining criteria) that
include sustainability and good corporate citizenship.This organization will find that its financial
perspective will benefit from such measures as the percentage of sales earned from socially and
environmentally targeted products/services, dollars saved from accident reductions, dollars saved
from product life cycle reviews, dollars spent on employee health and safety projects, dollars spent
on remediation programmes (e.g., habitat restoration), dollars spent on worker accident preven-
tion programmes, and dollars spent on community improvement projects. Customer perspective
measures might include the tonnes of post-consumer waste recycled, number of consumer-
focused environmental education campaigns conducted, number of safety/environmental safety
brochures downloaded, number of products with safety failures, dollar amount of products/
services donated, and number of good citizenship awards won. Internal business process measures
could feature CO2 and methane emissions produced, percentage of solvents recycled, tonnes
of solid waste produced, tonnes of hazardous waste produced, number of environmental fines
received, and energy used. And finally, the organizational capacity perspective might have mea-
sures for the number of ergonomic reviews conducted, workforce diversity achieved relative
to the organization’s region of operation and/or customer base, number of ISO 14001 (which
relate to international standards specifying requirements for effective environmental manage-
ment systems) certifications, and number of product life cycle reviews performed.
A number of organizations have adopted the balanced scorecard. A partial list of such
adopting organizations includes Apple, Rockwater, CIGNA Corporation, Bank of Montreal,
Airways Corporation, Telecom New Zealand, ICI Australia, New Zealand Post, and Ericsson
Australia Limited. According to Kaplan and Norton, the typical company testimonial centres on
the balanced scorecard’s ability to help drive organizational change and enhance management
planning and control.
If there is one major shortcoming with the balanced scorecard it is the often inconsistent set
of performance measures that appear under the organizational capacity perspective. For example,
in their seminal 1993 Harvard Business Review article showcasing Rockwater’s experience with
using the balanced scorecard, Kaplan and Norton placed under this perspective (which had the
original name of “innovation and learning perspective”) such measures as percentage of rev-
enue from new services, rate of improvement index, staff attitude survey, number of employee
suggestions, and revenue per employee. It seems, however, that many of these performance mea-
sures can be, and perhaps are better, categorized under different performance perspectives from
the one Kaplan and Norton used. Percentage of revenue from new services, which is essentially a
specific type of market-share statistic, appears better categorized with customer performance mea-
sures. Likewise, the rate of improvement index, which is defined for Rockwater as the improve-
ment made in relation to product rework and safety issues, appears better categorized with internal
business performance measures. Furthermore, staff attitude surveys might be better placed with
measures of internal business performance, and revenue per employee might be better placed with
financial performance measures. In sum, Kaplan and Norton have never offered a compelling list
of measures that might feature as part of their organizational capacity perspective.
In fairness to Kaplan and Norton, they appear to be aware of the deficiency inherent
in their organizational capacity perspective. In their book, Translating Strategy into Action: The
Balanced Scorecard (1996: 146), they admit that the measures in the organizational capacity per-
spective are “less developed than those of the other three balanced scorecard perspectives.” In
their most current rendition of this perspective, as shown on the Balanced Scorecard Institute’s
webpage, the historical confusions associated with this perspective are slowly being addressed.
To help reduce the confusion relating to this fourth balanced scorecard perspective, it is sug-
gested that the name of this perspective be changed to the “learning perspective.” In fact, such a
name change is more a rediscovery than a reorientation. In the balanced scorecard’s original ver-
sion, the perspective was labelled “innovation and learning.” Additionally, the name change would
mirror the importance that today’s writers are ascribing to an organization’s ability to learn.
Focusing on learning and avoiding words like “growth” will improve the conceptual clar-
ity of this perspective and harmonize better with the management literature on continuous
improvement. In particular, the idea of growth or improvement should not be seen as unique to
any one perspective. Improvement is required across all four perspectives. To operate otherwise
jeopardizes an organization’s survival.When organizations become complacent and merely seek
to maintain performance, they are in danger of slipping backwards and losing competitiveness.
The measures to assess this renamed learning perspective can be researched in the management
literature focusing on learning organizations. Measures comprising an organization’s learning capac-
ity will draw attention to the organization’s ability to generate new ideas and subsequently gener-
alize and disseminate them on an organization-wide basis. In more specific terms, items likely to
feature under this learning perspective are measures of an organization’s ability to harness its human
assets and should include measures of employee empowerment, the adoption of best practices, the
creation of flatter organizations, and unlocking synergies between employees and structural capital.
Most recently, Kaplan and McMillan (2020) have provided an amended version of their
balanced scorecard as a way to accommodate those organizations wishing to align their bal-
anced scorecards with a triple bottom line approach. The main changes feature changing the
organizational capacity perspective to enablers, changing the customer perspective to stakehold-
ers, and changing the financial perspective to outcomes. These changes in terminology allow
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 159
recognition of the fact that, when compared with earlier balanced scorecard versions, a triple
bottom line approach requires a wider purview of the groups one must account for and the
consequences (i.e., financial, social, and environmental) one must report on.
Before leaving this topic of the balanced scorecard, it is worth noting some similarities
between Kaplan and Norton’s work and the work of Brignall and his colleagues. Based on a
multi-year field project seeking to uncover key performance measures in for-profit service busi-
nesses, Brignall et al. (1991) propose a set of six generic performance dimensions: competitive-
ness, financial, quality, flexibility, resource utilization, and innovation. Although in some respects
the framework is very much like Hall’s, sharing many of the same performance category names,
it has even more in common with the balanced scorecard. The similarity becomes increasingly
evident when the performance measures underlying Brignall et al.’s six dimensions are com-
pared with the performance measures comprising the balanced scorecard’s four perspectives. In
particular, the competitiveness and financial performance measures tap the same theme as the
balanced scorecard’s financial perspective. Additionally, the quality performance measures map
onto the balanced scorecard’s customer perspective, while the flexibility and resource utilization
performance measures equate to the balanced scorecard’s internal perspective. And finally, the
innovation performance measures are similar to the balanced scorecard’s organizational capacity
perspective. It is interesting to note that the Brignall et al. and Kaplan and Norton performance
measurement systems were developed at about the same time, although on different sides of the
Atlantic Ocean, and largely ended up with the same results.
Finally, the strategic objectives are translated to the work centres. Here they are represented
by quality, delivery, process time, and cost targets. The actual performance achieved for qual-
ity and delivery combines to comprise an organization’s customer-satisfaction measure, while
delivery and process time combine to comprise an organization’s flexibility measure, and pro-
cess time and cost combine to comprise an organization’s productivity measure.
Performance measurement information is meant to percolate up through the organization
as actual performance is achieved. As these measures of performance move up the organization,
they undergo increasing aggregation and summarizing. Senior managers, the ultimate target
of the performance information, will use the information to focus their organization’s future
strategic objectives and the communication of these objectives.
In addition to highlighting the critical role played by organizational strategy in determining
performance measures, Cross and Lynch’s performance pyramid makes two further important
contributions. First, it shows the intertwined nature of performance targets and performance
measures. Second, it reveals the cascading and iterative process by which strategic targets move
down and operational measures move up through various levels of an organization’s hierarchy.
The main weakness of the Cross and Lynch performance pyramid is its failure to recognize
or mention the importance of organizational learning. As noted above, scholars and practitio-
ners are increasingly emphasizing this critical organizational factor. Perhaps, therefore, it is this
lack of comprehensiveness that explains the model’s low rate of adoption by organizations.
coupled with the modern CEO’s common lack of tenure and experience with the company
he/she runs, have given impetus to the need for hybrid performance measurement systems.
These hybrid systems must incorporate a sufficiently broad-based set of performance measures.
Otherwise, employees’ strategies for maximizing their own goals, typically at the expense of the
organization’s goals, may develop.
As examples of the dysfunctional behaviour that can occur when the performance mea-
surement focus is too narrow, consider the following two real-life stories. The first story is
about a major UK airport that tried to improve the speed of delivery of passengers’ luggage
to the baggage collection area by measuring how long it took for the initial bag to arrive at
the baggage carousel. The performance measure became commonly known as “the first bag to
the belt.” Although the airport’s measurement approach would appear quite logical, it did not
take long for the baggage handlers to figure out a successful strategy, at least when viewed from
their perspective. Upon a plane’s arrival, one of the baggage handlers would quickly unlock the
cargo door, disappear for a few moments inside the cargo hold, reappear with as small a bag as
he/she could find without spending too much time searching, throw this bag to another wait-
ing baggage handler, who would then sprint directly to the baggage claim carousel. Based on
the airport’s performance measurement system, the baggage handlers’ performance was judged
excellent. In reality, however, their performance was anything but exemplary. They stepped on
other passengers’ bags in the process of selecting the small and easily portable bag, sometimes
dropped this bag when making the throwing exchange, and generally undertook a lot of waste-
ful activities trying to beat the system.
A second story about a performance measurement system that had too narrow a focus
involves Penfold Wineries. Penfold implemented a performance measurement system that mea-
sured productivity as the number of litres of wine produced per worker hour. The employees
quickly recognized that they could improve this productivity measure by decreasing their per-
formance on a range of other non-recorded activities, including product waste and overtime.
Consequently, although the measured productivity was quite high, the performance measure-
ment system was actually undermining the firm’s competitiveness.
As the above two case examples highlight, performance measurement systems must tap a
broad range of organizational activity or risk unleashing dysfunctional employee behaviour. Of
course, it must also be understood that just as there is a danger in having too few foci and too
narrow a focus, there is also a danger in having too many foci and too broad a focus. The exis-
tence of too many performance measures may produce information overload or may trivialize
the importance of any single performance measure. Either way, the performance measurement
system breaks down and loses its motivational purpose.
But even when the “right” number of performance measures is used, which according to
Kaplan and Norton is about 15–20, there is still the problem of knowing what to do when the
performance measures provide mixed messages. In other words, what action should a manager
take when one performance measure signals good news while another performance measure,
either within or across performance categories, signals unfavourable news?
There appear to be two approaches a manager can take when confronted with conflicting per-
formance signals.The first approach is based on Hall et al.’s idea that performance on a given mea-
sure should be maintained or improved without any sacrifice of performance on any other measure.
In other words, slippage or backtracking on any given dimension of performance is unacceptable.
Review Question 11.9: What are hybrid performance measurement systems, and why are
they used?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
The second approach involves the weighting of the various performance criteria and
thereby constructing a composite score. The weighting scheme is based upon senior man-
agement’s preferences for successfully achieving the various performance measures. Multiple
methods can be used to develop a weighting system, ranging from Delphi techniques to paired-
comparison rankings. A discussion of these techniques, however, is beyond the scope of this
book. Readers who are interested in gaining more information about these weighting tech-
niques can read the ample, primarily management-based literature that exists on this topic. In
addition, Chan and Lynn’s (1991) Journal of Management Research article, which is referenced at
the end of this chapter, can be consulted.
As one final comment before leaving this discussion about performance measures, it can
sometimes be the case, despite its counterintuitive feel, that good performance could comprise
doing less. For example, success for an organization providing budgeting services for low-income
people might be viewed as the number of people being offered budgeting services, with more
meaning more success. However, if the budgeting service is actually changing how people behave,
and these individuals find they are now capable of balancing their financial inflows and outflows
and are no longer coming into financial strife, then seeing fewer people could be a good thing.
The same could be said for a foodbank. Serving fewer people could be a very good sign, for it
is hopefully showing that the foodbank has succeeded in serving as a temporary backstop until
people regain their feet and can now be independent again. In other words, for both the budgeting
service provider and the foodbank, achieving lower on a measure could be the very best outcome.
Types of incentives
Incentives can be categorized in several ways. First incentives can be non-financial or financial.
The former consists of:
• Recognition
• Promotion opportunities
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 163
Non-financial incentives are more closely associated with the use of intrinsic factors to motivate
workers. Although past worker surveys suggest that non-financial incentives are more influential
than financial incentives in attracting and retaining employees, some recently conducted surveys
suggest the opposite. For example, The 2016 Deloitte Millennial Survey: Winning over the Next
Generation of Leaders states, “Pay and financial benefits drive Millennials’ choice of organization
more than anything else” (p. 19). Many organizations point to these results as evidencing the
primacy of financial incentives over non-financial incentives. However, a more recent, 2018
study conducted by CECP (a CEO-led coalition of more than 200 of the world’s biggest
companies), Imperative (an enterprise peer coaching platform), and PricewaterhouseCoopers
suggests that foremost on employees’ minds is the desire for meaningful work, which is defined
as work that aligns with employees’ values and leads to a sense of purpose and fulfilment. The
study finds that 70% of its surveyed employees would consider leaving their current role for a
more fulfilling job opportunity. Furthermore, one in three employees were willing to accept
lower pay for more meaningful work. Susan Podlogar, the Executive VP and Chief Human
Resource Officer at MetLife, hints at the benefits organizations can obtain by the introduction
of more meaningful work when she says,“Fulfilment goes beyond engagement and productivity
to maximize human energy, spirit, and potential” (CECP, Imperative, and PWC, 2018: 8). As will
be shown when discussing the theory and literature examining what motivates employees, the
usefulness of financial incentives has long been questioned by scholars and practitioners alike.
Financial incentives consist of:
• Salary increases
• Bonuses
• Benefits
• Perquisites.
Salary increases usually result from an employee’s promotion. For example, a bank teller may be
promoted to head bank teller. With this promotion comes further job responsibilities, and this
in turn is accompanied by greater remuneration.
Bonuses are typically one-off payments to employees who perform particularly well.
A bank teller, as an example, may receive a bonus because he/she exceeds a performance target.
As an illustration, Wells Fargo recently offered its employees bonuses for cross-selling the bank’s
While many bonuses, especially at the senior management level, are individual-based,
group-based bonuses are quite common for lower-level employees. The only real difference
between individual- and group-based bonuses is that the former is based on a single indi-
vidual’s accomplishments, while the latter is based on a group’s accomplishments (e.g., a par-
ticular department or branch of a company). Generally, a predetermined quantitative formula
is used to determine the size of the overall bonus, which is then divided among the group of
employees. Some scholars are critical of such programmes, citing the potential for free riders,
for individuals to see themselves as detached from the group, and for a lack of perceived equity
in the distribution of rewards. Other scholars argue that group-based programmes engender
peer/social pressure that creates a culture of ownership and responsibility. Merchant and Van
der Stede (2007) and Rosen et al. (2005) conclude group-based plans are effective and argue
for their greater use.
Bonuses can be further distinguished based on whether the bonus is available immediately
to employees or whether they must wait until some future point in time. The reason for defer-
ring the bonus payment is to ensure the performance is genuine and not the result of either
employee manipulation (accelerating revenues or deferring/delaying expenses) or an account-
ing artefact.
Handelsbanken Group provides an illustration of a group-based bonus system with a
deferred payment structure. Each year, if certain conditions have been met, a portion of the
bank’s profits are paid to a profit sharing pool for employees. The main criterion used to deter-
mine whether and how much of the bank’s profits will be contributed to the profit sharing plan
is a comparison of Handelsbanken’s return on shareholders’ equity to its peer group. The bank
places an upper limit on its contribution to the profit sharing plan at 25% of the total dividends
paid to shareholders. Furthermore, employees are only eligible to a share of the monies when
they reach the age of 60, at which point they receive a payout based on the number of years
they worked for the bank.
Some companies operate company-wide bonus plans that allow employees to earn com-
pany stock. Proctor & Gamble’s long-running stock ownership programme has resulted in an
estimated 10–20% of its shares being owned by a wide cross section of its employees. About
13% of Southwest Airlines stock is owned by its employees, while H-E-B, the Texas-based
supermarket chain, pledged in 2015 to give its employees 15% of the company’s shares. H-E-B
employees who were at least 21 years old, had worked for the company at least a year, and had
logged a minimum of 1,000 hours of work during 2015 were rewarded with stock equal to
3% of their salary plus $100 for each full year of work at the company. Although it is true that
higher-paid employees typically benefit the most from these profit sharing and stock ownership
plans, the bonuses can still meaningfully benefit lower-paid workers, who can earn bonuses that
often range between 10 and 15% of their base compensation.
The third category of financial incentives is benefits, which are non-wage incentives given
to employees. Examples include employer-provided or paid housing, insurance (health, dental,
life, disability, etc.), sick leave, holiday/vacation (paid and unpaid), retirement benefits, childcare,
profit sharing, university tuition reimbursement, and matching of employee charitable giving.
At Netflix, employees are granted unlimited family leave, providing employees the autonomy to
decide what works best for them.
In spite of the literature’s compelling evidence for how employee benefit programmes
motivate employees and more than pay for themselves (sometimes multiple times over), many
organizations eschew this advice and limit their employee benefits to full-time employees. Major
retailers – including Walmart, Home Depot, and Target – are only hiring temporary workers
(i.e., employment contracts specifying less than 35 hours of work per week) and are converting
full-time employees to part-time as a way to avoid paying health and holiday/vacation benefits.
Perquisites, or simply perks as they are more commonly called, are the fourth and final type
of financial incentive. Perks are specific kinds of benefits that are discretionary in nature and
generally only offered to employees with high-rank or long seniority. Perks include take-home
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 165
Review Question 11.10: What types of employee incentives can an organization use?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
vehicles, hotel stays, free refreshments, leisure activities during work time (company gyms,
squash courts, etc.), and allowances for lunch. The senior employee team, and only the senior
employee team at Comcast, for example, enjoys executive dining on the company’s 52nd floor
of the Rockefeller Center that features linen tablecloths and a daily lunch menu with sushi, a
selection of salads, seasonal soups, fresh-baked breads, and much more.
its “Gr-eight initiative.” As readers who are familiar with Wells Fargo will know, in attempting
to meet this lofty goal, the bank’s employees engaged in a variety of dishonest behaviour. In
particular, the employees resorted to using fraudulent and unethical cross-selling tactics, includ-
ing fabricating customers and assigning PIN numbers to ATM cards without the customer’s
authorization. The US Congress held hearings into the fraud and, following the filing of a case
against the bank by regulators and the city and county of Los Angeles, Wells Fargo agreed to
pay a fine of $185 million.
Frederick Herzberg (2003), who first wrote on this subject of employee rewards 50 years
ago, argues that monetary rewards can never motivate employee behaviour. Instead, they can
only serve to demotivate employees. In particular, when employees believe their remuneration
is too low, they will become demotivated. Increasing these employees’ pay will alleviate their
feelings of demotivation. Once the pay reaches a level that the employees perceive as being
fair, the employees will no longer feel demotivated. Not feeling demotivated, however, is not
the same as feeling motivated. Rather than residing at opposite ends of a single continuum,
motivation and demotivation occupy two separate continua. Other factors beyond pay are what
ultimately motivate workers; and these factors include responsibility, achievement, and learning
and growth opportunities.
Pay constitutes what Herzberg terms a hygiene factor. Similar to poor work conditions
or poor relationships with one’s supervisor, these hygiene factors can either be unmet and
therefore lead to employees’ dissatisfaction, or the hygiene factors can be met and lead to no
employee dissatisfaction. Although hygiene factors on their own cannot produce satisfied and
motivated workers, it is always the case that organizations must ensure the hygiene factors have
been met before they can successfully use motivating factors to stimulate employee behaviour.
Alfie Kohn is equally dismissive of the use of monetary rewards to motivate employees.
Kohn (1993: 55) writes: “Research suggests that, by and large, rewards succeed at securing one
thing only: temporary compliance. When it comes to producing lasting change in attitudes
and behavior, however, rewards, like punishment, are strikingly ineffective.” Meanwhile, Dan
Ariely (2016), the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke
University, similarly debunks the idea that incentives increase performance. In his book Payoff,
Ariely not only calls into question the positive effect of incentives on human motivation, but he
explicitly notes their potential to be demotivating.
Patty McCord, the Chief Talent Officer at Netflix from 1998 to 2012, recounts a set of
experiences that echoes the sentiments of Herzberg, Kohn, and Ariely (McCord, 2014). She
describes how Netflix didn’t pay performance bonuses, because they believed they were unnec-
essary. According to McCord (2014), if you hire the right people, and in particular, “[i]f your
employees are fully formed adults who put the company first, an annual bonus won’t make
them work harder or smarter.” Netflix’s employee compensation philosophy was based on pay-
ing market-based rates, being honest, and treating employees fairly. McCord (2014) further
states that she always encouraged her employees to talk with head hunters and tell her the sal-
ary they were being offered. This information allowed her to ensure Netflix was in fact paying
market-based salary rates.
The sceptic at this point might argue that Herzberg, Kohn, and Ariely, however eminent
their scholarly reputations may be, as well as the compensation practices reported at Netflix
are examples of employee compensation outliers. Surely others have contributed work on this
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 167
subject, and what do these other findings show? The reality is hundreds of laboratory and
field experiments examining the association between financial incentives and employee perfor-
mance appear in the management, accounting, and economics literatures. The overall picture
this research paints is one of no consistent relationship. For example, in a meta-analysis draw-
ing on the findings of 98 studies examining the impact of worker incentives on employee
performance, Guzzo et al. (1985) observe no significant overall effect. They further find that
the number of workers who were absent or quit their jobs was virtually unrelated to financial
incentives. Bonner et al. (2000), who conduct a review of 85 financial incentive studies, reach a
similar conclusion. They observe that only about half of the studies show a positive relationship
between financial incentives and employee performance. Furthermore, for the studies that do
report a positive relationship, it is invariably for the quantity of work (i.e., doing more of some-
thing or doing it faster) and not the quality of work (Jenkins et al., 1998).
Compounding the lack of a consistent relationship between financial incentives and
employee performance, more recent research shows both a failure to lift employee performance
and an increase in dysfunctional risk-taking behaviour. A 2017 publication by Financial Institute
Services of Australasia (FINSIA), co-authored by Elizabeth Sheedy and Le Zhang, shows that
study participants whose compensation was profit-based exhibited no significant increase in
productivity relative to their fixed-pay counterparts. The former group of employees did, how-
ever, exhibit significantly less risk-management compliance than the fixed-compensation group.
Labelling these findings as “surprising,” since the whole purpose of incentives is to encourage
staff to work harder, Sheedy and Zhang conclude their research by writing: “Given the signifi-
cant adverse impact on compliance noted above, the study supports the elimination of profit-
based incentives currently being debated within the financial services industry” (2017: 3).
The unconvinced reader may wonder if the failure to find supporting evidence for pay-
for-performance plans is due to the failure to focus on the right groups of people. For example,
CEOs of major corporations, whose mandate is to maximize shareholder wealth, would surely
be positively influenced by financial incentives. Again, disappointment awaits. A tongue-in-
cheek story by the New York Times published in 1998 describes a study that searched for
CEO-related factors associated with a company’s stock performance (Bryant, 1998). The lone
statistically significant factor was a CEO’s golf handicap. Lower handicaps were correlated with
higher performance, which led Graef Crystal, a consultant on executive compensation, to quip,
“… corporate directors may want to give out stock options that vest only if the chief executive
lowers his handicap by a certain amount.”
Recent data that focuses on CEO pay and company performance provides even more
sobering news, showing a negative association between the two. As an example, MSCI, a US-
based, global finance company, found that “[t]he best-paid CEOs tend to run some of the
worst-performing companies and vice versa – even when pay and performance are measured
over the course of many years” (Francis, 2016). In particular, the 2016 study shows that $100
invested in the 20% of companies with the highest-paid CEOs would have grown to $265 over
ten years, whereas the same amount invested in the companies with the lowest-paid CEOs
would have grown to $367.
In contrast to the absence of reliable findings linking incentive pay schemes with improved
performance, a more consistent set of findings emerges when employee motivation is separated
into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Kuvaas et al., 2017; Pink, 2011). Intrinsic motivation is
defined as the desire to perform an activity for its own sake because of the inherent pleasure
and satisfaction it offers, while extrinsic motivation is defined as the desire to perform an activ-
ity because of the tangible rewards (e.g., incentive pay) it brings (Deci et al., 1989; Deci and
Ryan, 2000). Research undertaken in the field of behavioural economics shows that the use
of extrinsic motivators reduces individuals’ willingness to perform a task for its own sake and
is associated with a decline in performance (e.g., Bowles and Polanía-Reyes, 2012; Frey, 1993;
Frey and Jegen, 2001). Frey and Jegen (1999) refer to this effect as “crowding out.” In other
words, far from being additive or synergistically positive, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are
negatively correlated.
Support for this crowding out effect is observed in Deci et al.’s (1999) meta-analysis of
128 laboratory experiments. Similar and more recent findings are observed by Kuvaas et al.
(2017) and Cerasoli et al. (2014). Kuvaas et al.’s (2017) work is particularly instructive. In their
field study of 106 gas station managers and employees, they find not only a negative correla-
tion between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation but also an insignificant correlation between
extrinsic motivation and employee performance, as well as a significant positive correlation
between extrinsic motivation and turnover intentions. In contrast, a significant positive correla-
tion was observed between intrinsic motivation and employee performance and a significant
negative correlation between intrinsic motivation and turnover intentions. When summarising
their work, Kuvaas et al. (2017: 253) state:
Our data are consistent with the widely held belief that intrinsic motivation has a greater
influence on performance than does extrinsic motivation, and they refute the hypothesis
that “if there is an undermining effect on intrinsic motivation, it is usually dominated by
the positive effect of PFIP (pay-for-individual-performance) on extrinsic motivation” …
Nevertheless, we do not suggest that extrinsic motivation cannot positively influence work
performance … extrinsic motivation can be a potent motivator where there is little poten-
tial for intrinsic motivation and when it is relatively easy to monitor and measure results
and outcomes. Kuvaas et al. (2016), for instance, found a small positive association between
extrinsic motivation and increased sales effort, but they also found a positive relationship
between extrinsic motivation and increased turnover intention (which is in line with the
findings of the present study).This small increase in work effort may be outweighed by the
increase in turnover intention.
Carl Davidson, the founder of Research First Ltd, an NZ-based business market research and
consulting firm, in drawing upon his experiences with helping organizations improve, suc-
cinctly captures the essence of the above discussion. He states, “Most professionals care about
their craft, they care about performing well for the people around them, and if you set them
up to compete with one another, you will undermine the team dynamic as well as their per-
formance” (as cited in Leggatt, 2021). Davidson’s counsel is clear and simple: if you want to
motivate workers, then build an environment with “lots of laughter” and institute an intrinsic
reward culture that supports and acknowledges performance (as cited in Leggatt, 2021).
In spite of what the literature’s findings reveal, pay-for-performance plans continue to
be a mainstay of many organizations’ attempts to influence employee behaviour. They have
proven especially popular among higher-skilled individuals working with low (easy) versus
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 169
Review Question 11.11: How do scholars and practitioners generally perceive the value of
employee incentive systems?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
high (hard) thresholds (Banker et al., 2001; Dohmen and Falk, 2011; Román, 2009; Shields and
Waller, 1988). While it is one matter for a production worker to be paid a piece rate for each
good unit of product produced, it is a very separate matter to institute a pay-for-performance
scheme for a senior executive. In the former case, it is quite evident what has been produced.
For senior managers, however, their quantity and quality of performance are not nearly as clear.
As an example, basing a senior manager’s incentive compensation on a formula that compares
his/her company’s actual and budgeted earnings per share neglects such important factors as
accounting-related timing issues, the quality of the earnings, and the opportunistic influence
senior employees can exert on the setting of incentivized targets. Enron serves as a classic case
in point. Organizations that insist on using pay-for-performance plans should proceed with a
high level of caution.
Human resource management (HRM) is primarily concerned with the relationship between
the management of an organization’s human resources and the organization’s performance.
Typically, this performance is viewed in terms of achieving organizational objectives and com-
petitive advantage. As Delery (1998: 303) notes, HRM practices influence a “firm’s resources,
such as the human capital of the firm, or employee behaviours, and it is these resources and
behaviours that ultimately lead to performance.”
As noted earlier in this chapter’s discussion of hybrid performance measurement systems,
the effective management of an organization’s employees is a critical lead factor to customer
satisfaction and an organization’s financial performance. Becker and Gerhart (1996) show that
good people management practices produce positive and significant economic results. HRM
practitioners and scholars have a long tradition of trying to understand and design good people
management practices aimed at encouraging high employee commitment, motivation, and per-
formance. Some of the efforts have focused on building resilient organizational cultures, which
are defined as work settings that help employees to concentrate on what matters by encouraging
them to learn from the past and providing them time and training to develop innovative think-
ing. Other efforts have focused on building high-performing work cultures. This term refers
to a shared workforce expectation whereby all employees want to set and achieve challenging,
organizationally relevant goals in a manner that supports, or at least does not harm, the efforts
and ambitions of other stakeholders (e.g., co-workers, customers, owners).
According to the HRM literature, worker performance is a function of individual worker
characteristics (Cardy et al., 1995). The critical importance ascribed to the individual worker
means that the prime imperative of an organization is to recruit and select the right people. In
particular, organizations must initially develop recruitment and selection systems, processes, and
procedures that ensure they attract employees with the right knowledge, right skills, and right
attitudes. Upon successfully hiring these employees, the organization will next want to ensure
they continually perform at a high level. To enable this ongoing high level of employee perfor-
mance, organizations must put in place systems and processes that ensure the proper training and
effective management of their workforce.
Every organization, regardless of the strategy it pursues, desires a high-performing work
culture. Whether it is a cost leader, which wants its workers to remain vigilant to cost-saving
approaches, or an innovator, which wants its workers to develop its next generation of unique
products/services, all organizations will be interested in ensuring their HRM systems are capa-
ble of attracting, training, and retaining the right types of employees. Unlike the choice an orga-
nization can make about whether to operate an employee incentive system, no similar choice
exists when it comes to the use of HRM practices.There are benefits to be gained (or lost) from
operating (or not) best practice HRM systems, processes, and procedures.
When it comes to recruiting, many organizations employ sophisticated psychometric test-
ing. These tests measure a job applicant’s job-relevant cognitive abilities (which are sometimes
referred to as a candidate’s aptitude) and personality, and are used to help identify applicants
who are best suited to a given job.
Cognitive abilities tests typically comprise test items that measure an applicant’s verbal rea-
soning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning, spatial ability, technical ability, and clerical ability.
These tests are usually delivered as paper and pencil exercises (although they can be computer-
administered) and are generally time-limited. An applicant’s results are measured against those of
others who have previously taken the test in order to make relative assessment comparisons. Exam-
ples of cognitive reasoning tests are the Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (RANRA),
the Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA), and the GTI Online Solutions (GTIOS)
psychometric tests.The GTIOS is especially popular among the main accounting firms.
Personality tests are used to explore the way applicants do things (e.g., do they enjoy tak-
ing risks), how they behave in certain situations, and their preferences and attitudes. Unlike
cognitive ability tests, personality tests do not have right and wrong answers. Instead, applicants’
results are compared with the characteristics considered essential for the job to gauge if these
individuals are suited for the given work environment and job. These tests are usually paper-
based questionnaires, but some are taken on computers. Classic examples of these tests are the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),
and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI).
Good recruiting practices will be of little help unless an organization can retain its employ-
ees. The low, single-digit employee resignation rates of the mid-2010s, which averaged around
2% in the US, spiked to over 8% in the US in early 2020 (Economic Policy Institute, 2021).
Anthony Klotz, a professor of management at Mays Business School at Texas A&M University,
termed the mass exodus the Great Resignation. Causes for the unprecedented quantity of res-
ignations have included changed worker perceptions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Workers not only reassessed their employment because of the risk their jobs exposed them to in
catching COVID-19 but also because they discovered that the lockdowns that forced them to
work from home offered freedom from the drudgery and expense of long commutes to work.
Furthermore, workers found work from home offered greater work flexibility and greater scope
to gain better work-life balance.
Organizational systems, processes, and procedures 171
Other countries are preparing for high levels of employee resignations to reach their shores.
In Australia and New Zealand, for example, various worker surveys show a significant amount
of pent-up worker dissatisfaction. PwC’s 2021 report What Workers Want: Winning the War for
Talent shows that 38% of surveyed workers plan to leave their employer within the next year.
Meanwhile, Auckland University of Technology’s Wellbeing@Work study found a substantial
increase in workers with the intention to change jobs, rising from 35% in May 2020 to 46% in
April 2021. The desire to be part of organizations that offered flexible working arrangements,
hybrid working guidelines, and greater scope for paid and unpaid leave opportunities were
commonly aired themes. In addition, workers expressed a call for more autonomy in the work
they do and greater support from their bosses/leaders. The latter were expected to show empa-
thy, and to prize and promote worker wellbeing.
Ongoing employee training is a further essential ingredient for retaining good employees,
as well as promoting optimal employee performance. Unlike the previous section’s discussion of
the absence of reliable evidence linking incentive pay with employee performance, Guzzo et al.
(1985) report that training and goal-setting programmes have far more influence on worker
productivity than pay-for-performance plans. When devising employee training and develop-
ment programmes, it is important that these programmes:
• Are strategy-driven
• Are adequately resourced, both in terms of financial resources and time resources (i.e.,
employees are provided time off from work to complete the training)
• Employ the most appropriate delivery method, whether this is a classroom lecture,
e-learning, simulation, case study, role plays, etc.
• Are rigorously evaluated to assess the short- and long-term benefits achieved.
Discovery Health, a South African health insurer, operates a training programme called “The
Discovery Person,” which is intended to support the organization’s strategy by growing employ-
ees who are optimistic, entrepreneurial, results-driven, intelligent, honest, and humble. Kyocera’s
ongoing training includes daily group-based meetings, which often include reading excerpts
from the company founder’s book on being successful in business, to showcase and reinforce
the toughness and hunger it expects its employees to display. Meanwhile, at Adobe, employees
are supported with access to learning funds that offer up to $10,000 per year for an employee’s
study of certain degrees and certificates (Adobe, n.d.).
In addition to ensuring an organization attracts employees with the right knowl-
edge, right skills, and right attitudes, and then invests in these employees’ ongoing training
and development, organizations must also ensure the right organizational culture prevails.
Although human resource systems certainly have a role to play in making this happen, orga-
nizational culture is impacted by a myriad of internal and external organizational elements.
For example, such factors as the leadership styles of an organization’s senior managers, the
professional orientations of the employees, and the societal norms that comprise an organi-
zation’s environment all serve to shape an organization’s culture. The next chapter discusses
what defines an organization’s culture and how senior managers can shape their organizations’
cultures to encourage employee motivation and commitment to implementing their respec-
tive organizations’ strategies.
172 LeVers oF ControL
Review Question 11.12: How do scholars and practitioners generally perceive the value of
employee incentive systems?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
This chapter discussed how an organization uses operating systems, processes, and procedures
to influence employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy. This particular lever of
control relies on formalized approaches to directing and encouraging specific types of employee
behaviour. Three main organizational systems (and the processes and procedures embedded in
these systems) were discussed. Performance measurement systems are the most popular type
of organizational system, with budgets representing the classic and ever-enduring method
to motivate and focus employee attention. In addition to discussing other types of financial,
non-financial, and hybrid performance measurement systems, this chapter discussed the role
employee incentive systems and human resource systems play as part of an organization’s overall
performance management system.
It is important to note that just because an organization can measure some elements of
input, process, or output does not mean that it necessarily should be doing so. Two exam-
ples of the dysfunctional employee behaviour that can occur if an organization’s performance
measures are not fit-for-purpose were provided. Unfortunately, there is a growing trend in
such industries as healthcare and education to track and continuously monitor performance.
Governments, which are often the main benefactors of these two industries, are rightfully
concerned about ensuring they are receiving good value for the investments they are making.
Using simplistic measurements of performance, however, and this often occurs because no
other measures exist, will not prove helpful. In education, for example, the desired outcome
is not simply to graduate students but to graduate engaged citizens who can effectively con-
tribute to their country’s economy and wider set of societal institutions. Accordingly, con-
centrating on graduation rates alone is a foolhardy measure. Government employees, who
have oversight for their respective countries’ education sectors, must either show the needed
patience to await multi-year longitudinal performance data or be willing to rely upon other,
more informal and subjective forms of control. Ensuring that the right organizational culture
exists in these harder-to-measure industries is one highly useful measure of control, which is
the topic of the next chapter.
Adobe. (n.d.) Education reimbursement, Retrieved from
discounts-and-perks/learning-fund/education-reimbursement on 3 March 2022.
Anthony, R. (1956) Management Accounting:Text and Cases, Homewood, IL: Irwin.
Ariely, D. (2016) Payoff:The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations, New York: TED/Simon & Schuster.
orGanIZatIonaL systeMs, ProCesses, anD ProCeDUres 173
Franco-Santos, M., Lucianetti, L. and Bourne, M. (2012). Contemporary performance measurement sys-
tems: a review of their consequences and a framework for research, Management Accounting Research,Vol.
23, pp. 79–119.
Frey, B.S. (1993) Motivation as a limit to pricing, Journal of Economic Psychology,Vol. 14, No, 4, pp. 635–664.
Frey, B.S. and Jegen, R. (1999) Motivation crowding theory: a survey of empirical evidence, Institute for
Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zurich Working Paper Series, ISSN 1424–0459.
Frey, B.S. and Jegen, R. (2001) Motivation crowding theory, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 15, No, 5,
pp. 589–611.
Ghoshal, S. (2005) Bad management theories are destroying good management practices, Academy of
Management Learning & Education,Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 75–91.
Guzzo, R.A., Jette, R.D. and Katzell, R.A. (1985) The effects of psychological based intervention programs
on worker productivity: a meta-analysis, Personnel Psychology,Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 275–291.
Hall, M. (2008) The effect of comprehensive performance measurement systems on role clarity, psy-
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surement in financial service firms, Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 28, No. 7–8, pp. 715–741.
Jenkins, G.D.J., Mitra, A., Gupta, N. and Shaw, J. (1998) Are financial incentives related to performance?
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Harvard Business School Press.
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This chapter discusses organizational culture and its role as one of the three main levers of
performance management. As noted in Chapter 11, the study and practice of performance
management have typically focused on the operation of performance measurement systems.
The use of organizational culture as a lever of performance management has been much less
studied and practised (Malmi and Brown, 2008). Such an underuse of organizational culture
is unfortunate, for it misses an important opportunity for influencing employee behaviour
and supporting organizational success. As an example, Deloitte’s 2016 Global Human Capi-
tal Trends (n.d.), which surveyed 7,000 business and human resource leaders in more than
130 countries, shows that 86% of respondents believe corporate culture is important or very
important to business success, and 82% of respondents believe that culture is a potential com-
petitive advantage.
The present chapter begins by defining organizational culture. It next identifies and dis-
cusses the six dimensions of organizational culture. The discussion draws on various organiza-
tional examples to illustrate the six dimensions. Based on these developed understandings, this
chapter proceeds to discuss how senior managers can create organizational cultures that encour-
age employees to implement their respective organizations’ strategies.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-15
Organizational culture 177
Despite the fact that organizational culture is intangible, to the attentive person its existence
is unquestionable. If you have worked at an organization, you will have felt its presence. Think
back to one of these work experiences and try to attach descriptors to how your fellow work-
mates behaved or what McKinsey and Company refer to as “how people do things around
here.” Would you, for example, describe your work colleagues as hardworking or lazy? Did you
find them friendly or exclusive? Were they entrepreneurial or creatures of habit? Did they come
across as unassuming or elitist? While far from exhaustive, these descriptors help to define an
organization’s culture; which in turn influences, for better or worse, how people behave. This
behaviour determines the overall mood of the organization and is responsible for establishing
whether a worker is accepted or shunned, whether teams will feature harmony or disharmony,
and ultimately whether the individual and collective behaviour of an organization’s members
will support or detract from the implementation of the organization’s strategy.
Organizational cultures are invariably idiosyncratic. Furthermore, they take time to develop
and are slow, and even resistant, to change.These characteristics help to explain why the merger of
two companies can be so fraught with uncertainty both before the combination (i.e., when project-
ing the anticipated synergies) and after the amalgamation (i.e., when trying to realize the planned
synergies). A merger will be especially problematic when one of the combining organizations fea-
tures a culture marked by secrecy and elitism.Without the level of sharing and transparency that is
generally needed to support a merger’s success, the likelihood of a successful outcome is reduced.
Schein (2004, 2017) refers to culture as the pattern of shared, basic assumptions of how
people are to behave in the organization. Organizational culture, at least implicitly, specifies the
roles, norms, and values inherent in an organization. According to Camerer and Vepsalainen
(1988: 115), organizational cultures form when organizational members agree to be governed
by a specific “set of broad, tacitly understood rules.” These rules become the organization’s
guiding principles. They determine which behaviours are deemed acceptable. Should members
exhibit unacceptable behaviour, they will be pressured to conform or, assuming they refuse to
conform, will be ostracized or exiled.
Norms and expectations of behaviour are often influenced by organizational policies, pro-
cedures, and even prevailing reward systems. When employees observe who gets rewarded/
punished, powerful signals about the organization are revealed. An organization’s leaders, by
virtue of being the overseers of employee reward systems, will play a pivotal role in shaping
organizational strategy. In addition, organizational leaders’ behaviour will significantly shape an
organization’s culture. Employees observe the actions of their leaders and come to associate the
organization’s values with what these leaders do (Willmott, 1993). Leaders who “walk the talk”
will find their employees have reinforced conceptions of what is expected. However, when
leaders act inconsistently with what they preach, employees will interpret the leaders’ actions as
the more important cue for what is expected and accepted (Willmott, 2003).
According to Camerer and Vepsalainen (1988), effective cultures require both appropriate-
ness and consistency. Appropriateness means the culture is well aligned to the strategic needs
of the organization. Consistency involves an organization’s managers and employees being in
agreement about the unwritten rules that define the organization’s culture.The benefits a healthy
and conducive organizational culture can provide an organization are manifold. They include
more committed employees, longer-serving employees, and more productive employees. Jon
Katzenbach, the founder of The Katzenbach Center at Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting
business, refers to organizational culture as:
… a source of positive emotional energy that you can’t get anywhere else. When an orga-
nization is at its best, the culture will energize people, and they will feel good about what
they are doing to advance the strategic and operating goals of the company.
(CECP, Imperative, and PWC, 2018: 11)
Organizational culture can exist at the macro/organizational level as well as at the micro/
subgroup level. The latter might be a division, department, or work team. At the macro level,
certain institution-wide tacit beliefs and rules will operate. These beliefs and rules influence
behaviour. It is also the case that the unique cultures that operate in subparts of the organization
will exert a further influence on employee behaviour. For some employees, especially those who
are part of tightly-knit work groups that feature member stability and a sense of separateness
(perhaps due to functional specialization and/or geographical location), the employees’ work
groups and their cultures strongly govern employee behaviour.
A good example of the operation of micro-level cultures comes from the Broadway play
A Few Good Men. In this play, the accused US Marine recites his order of personal identifica-
tion and accountability as “unit, corps, country, God.” In other words, the implicit set of rules
that the Marine felt most governed his behaviour, and thus the reason for his unwillingness to
divulge information about the investigated murder, was his Marine unit. And this Marine unit’s
culture, which demanded in the circumstances that he remains silent, took precedence over the
Marine Corps’ obligation to investigate the murder, the victim’s family’s desire to discover the
truth, and his Christian upbringing. It is essential that senior managers understand that these
micro-level organizational cultures can exist; for, without this understanding, they will not be
able to shape or leverage their organization’s culture for the purpose of encouraging the type of
employee behaviour they desire.
The influence and management of organizational culture are thought to occur in a variety
of ways. Critical or novel incidents can set precedents that serve to define an organization’s
culture (Adler and Hiromoto, 2012). These incidents may include the embedding of the per-
sonality of an organization’s founder into the organizational culture (Akroyd and Kober, 2020;
Collier, 2005; Giovannoni et al., 2011; Koiranen, 2003). Strong or charismatic leadership may
also guide culture (Camerer and Vepsalainen, 1988). Finally, employment policies and practices
that feature strong socialization practices and/or selection strategies that emphasize person-
culture fit can further shape organizational culture (Guest, 1994; O’Reilly et al., 1991). In the
remainder of this chapter, we look at the six dimensions of organizational culture and how
senior managers can shape and subsequently leverage these dimensions as part of the total per-
formance management package these managers are responsible for overseeing. The six dimen-
sions of organizational culture are:
• Shared beliefs
• Shared values
• Shared experiences
Organizational culture 179
• Symbols
• Exemplars
• Power structures.
Table 12.1 is used to connect these dimensions of organizational culture with actual organi-
zational practice and helps guide the ensuing discussion. The Wolf on Wall Street, which is one
of the three organizations referred to in Table 12.1, is a major film based on Jordan Belfort’s
founding and operation of the brokerage house Stratton Oakmon, Inc. Enron, the second orga-
nization featured in Table 12.1, was the American energy, commodities, and services company
that spectacularly failed and went into bankruptcy in 2001. The final organization is Kyocera,
the Japanese conglomerate that has been referred to in previous chapters.
Shared beliefs
For any given organization, employees will possess shared beliefs about the purpose of the
organization and the collective role they are meant to play in realizing this purpose. Employees
at one organization might view their organization’s purpose and their employee role as serving
others. These “others” might be shareholders, customers, or benefactors. In contrast, another
shared beliefs Money is the screw or be screwed act as the customer’s servant
scorecard of life Contribute to the
advancement of society and
shared values Unbridled greed Macho Long hours
Vanity risk-taking respect
Misogyny Competitive humility
shared experiences Drug-fuelled parties Daredevil expeditions reading Dr Inamori’s books
on management
symbols expensive cars Corporate jets open-plan work areas
Big yachts Ferraris
Lavish parties strip clubs
exemplars Leonardo DiCaprio jeff skilling, the Dr Inamori, founding Ceo
company’s Ceo
Power structures you eat what you kill rank and yank employee ability and
perceived competence
organization’s employees might view their organization’s purpose and their employee role as a
vehicle for maximizing their individual self-interests. Such an organization would be described
as displaying highly egocentric behaviour. Although this behaviour is highly dysfunctional and
undermines an organization’s long-term success, it is endemic in some undeveloped countries’
governmental offices and agencies (e.g., police departments, customs departments) and has been
observed among what were once considered some of the most venerable firms (e.g., Waste
Management, Enron, Parmalat, and Worldcom).
As shown in Table 12.1, Kyocera’s set of shared beliefs comprise employees viewing their
role as being their customers’ servants. Customers, incidentally, are defined as anyone, whether
internal or external to the organization, who is provided with a good or service by a Kyocera
employee. Moreover, far from being seen as a means to an end (e.g., treating customers well to
create loyal and more profitable customers), Kyocera employees forge these excellent employee-
customer relationships as an end in itself. Kyocera’s mission statement is, after all, to “contribute
to the advancement of society and mankind.”
Unlike Kyocera, the shared beliefs displayed in The Wolf on Wall Street and Enron were
highly self-centred.The former’s shared beliefs could be summed up as “Money is the scorecard
of life,” while the latter’s would be “Screw or be screwed.” At both Enron and the Wall Street
firm, employees subscribed to the idea that the end justifies the means. They also felt that mon-
etary incentives and rewards serve as the best motivators of workers. In many ways, the underly-
ing gestalt at these two companies was the belief that money is everything.
Shared values
Organizational culture is also defined by the values its employees share. When defining these
values, it is often the case that adjectives can be used. For example, Ahmad (2010) describes
AirAsia’s shared values as innovation, openness, youthfulness, an audacious sense of fun, and a
never-say-die attitude. Founded as an innovator and disruptor of the Southeast-Asia market
by Tony Fernandes, it seems quite logical and helpful for the airline’s employees to share the
founder’s values of innovation and disruption. For other organizations, especially ones that are
pursuing a cost leadership strategy, sharing such values as conservativeness, cost consciousness,
and frugality would seem appropriate.
At Kyocera, which pursues a confrontation strategy, its shared values include long hours,
respect, and humility. The first value of long employee working hours would certainly appear
to support its strategy. Although it would also seem that its strategy would require emphasis
on innovation, this value is implicit in its values of respect and humility. In particular, being
a respectful and humble servant of the company’s customers includes being attentive to and
anticipating their needs.
The most defining shared value at both the Wall Street firm and Enron was ultra-materialism.
A poignant anecdote from each firm serves to capture their respective greed. At the Wall Street
firm, it was the employee who brought a house plant to personalize his work cubicle on the
same day the firm was managing its first initial public offering (IPO) on behalf of a client. The
employee was ridiculed and immediately fired for his whimsical sentimentalism. There was
money to be made, and his supervisors were offended that anything should interfere with their
quest for wealth. The plant creates the perfect foil for the firm’s quintessential employee. The
former is an oxygen-producer, life-enabler and the latter is an oxygen-sapping, business parasite.
Organizational culture 181
Likewise, at Enron, one of its former employees stated in an interview, “If I’m going to my boss’s
office to talk about compensation, and if I step on some guy’s throat and that doubles it, then
I’ll stomp on that guy’s throat.”
In addition to its ultra-materialism, the Wall Street firm was further characterized by its
unbridled selfishness, vanity, and misogyny. Its employees would stop at nothing in their pursuit
of money. Far from believing they had any ethical responsibility relating to how they made their
money, the employees felt they were inherently deserving of the money. This culture of greed
and entitlement, which operated in a predominantly male work environment, helped fuel a
misogynistic orientation.
Complementing Enron’s ultra-materialism were the shared values of risk-taking, machoism,
and hyper inter-employee competition. Each year employees were ranked against one another,
and the bottom 20% were automatically fired. This performance evaluation system promoted a
high-risk, dog-eat-dog environment. The top performers were respected and unquestioningly
obeyed, while the poorer performers were mocked and bullied.
Shared experiences
The shared experiences of employees further help to determine an organization’s culture.These
shared experiences can come in several forms. Being part of an organization’s start-up and the
struggles that are usually associated with these experiences can serve as a particularly forma-
tive shared experience. So too can being part of an organization’s successful emergence from
a bankruptcy. Shared experiences can also occur through social, after-work-hours events like
company sports teams and parties.
At Kyocera, a significant shared experience is employees’ reading of Dr Inamori’s books
on management. Dr Inamori was the founder of the company. Prior to his role as the com-
pany’s CEO, he was a recent university graduate and an engineer at Shofu Inc., a ceramics
manufacturer that now specializes in dental products. Being inexperienced and with no one to
mentor him, he had to figure out his Kyocera CEO role on his own. He quickly decided that
his success depended on empowering and turning those around him into valued business part-
ners. Dr Inamori felt that by working together he and his “business partners” could share their
business experiences and help one another to become more effective leaders. Towards this end,
Dr Inamori wrote a series of books on management for his colleagues to read. At today’s
Kyocera, employees at all levels read Dr Inamori’s books. Often, a work team’s daily morning
meeting includes reading a page from one of these books. With titles like Respect the Divine and
Love People (1999) and A Passion for Success (2007), these shared reading experiences serve to
support the company’s values of hard work, respect, and humility.
The shared experiences of the Wall Street firm primarily revolved around drug-fuelled
parties. Nothing was out of bounds at these parties. Everything was seen as having its price, and
money was seen as no obstacle to ensuring whatever was wanted could be purchased.
At Enron, there were legendary tales of daredevil expeditions to the Australian outback, the
glaciers of Patagonia, and a 1,200-mile dirt-bike race through Baja, Mexico. These senior man-
agement bonding experiences were so extreme that the managers often returned not simply a
little bruised and tired, but with lacerations and broken bones. Ken Rice, the chief executive
of Enron’s High-Speed Internet Unit, believed Enron’s CEO Jeff Skilling’s goal was to find an
adventure “where someone could actually get killed.” Photo albums of these out-of-control
adventures were disseminated throughout the company, allowing all of Enron’s employees to
at a minimum vicariously share the experiences that served to support the company’s values of
risk-taking, machoism, and hyper inter-employee competition.
Symbols are physical manifestations that communicate meaning. Students, for example, will be
very familiar with the grading symbols used to evaluate their work. An “A+” and an “F,” as two
examples, have significant meanings, even though both are really nothing more than a series of
lines arranged in a particular manner. Nevertheless, an A+ has come to represent much more
than five lines. Instead, it stands for academic performance and achievement at the highest level.
Furthermore, its appearance on a piece of academic work – whether it is that of a school-aged
child or university student – is highly likely to produce a smile and elicit great pride.
The most prominent organizational symbols usually comprise company logos, the look of
a company’s headquarters (e.g., a tall skyscraper or a modest building adjoining a factory), and
the dress code it has. Each of these symbols is intertwined with and helps constitute an organi-
zation’s culture. The informal dress codes of Silicon Valley firms and the formal dress codes of
London banks reinforce the values held by these two very different sets of business organiza-
tions. The former holds the values of innovation and uniqueness, whereas the latter represents
values of trustworthiness and discretion. Of course, these symbols may be more fancied than
real. Some banks may wish to project an image of being trustworthy, even though they are char-
latans. These occurrences of inauthenticity retain their claim as potent organizational symbols,
but they do so because they are sham symbols.
Arthur Andersen, the former “Big Five” international accounting firm, had a set of oak
doors at each of its offices. The oak was a symbol of its unbending service to the needs and
interests of the public. This commitment to the public included exhibiting high integrity and
moral judgement. This author still remembers, when being recruited to join Arthur Andersen’s
Minneapolis, Minnesota office, having lunch with two junior Arthur Andersen accountants
who waxed lyrical about the firm’s oak doors and the meaning they conveyed.
The author can also remember audit assignments at General Mills and Cargill, Inc.The for-
mer is a Fortune 500 company. Its employees were impeccably tailored and groomed.The latter
company is a private company. Its annual revenue of US$ 120 billion and 153,000 employees is
significantly larger than General Mills’ annual revenue of US$ 16 billion and 39,000 employees.
In contrast with General Mills’ employees, the average Cargill, Inc. employee wore un-ironed
shirts and didn’t sport nearly the same amount of hair gel and make-up. This simple matter of
dress and grooming spoke volumes about the company’s unassuming ways and concentrated
focus on getting jobs done.
As Table 12.1 shows, the defining symbols at the Wall Street firm were expensive cars, big
yachts, and lavish parties. Enron’s symbols were corporate jets, Ferraris, and strip clubs. In con-
trast to the Wall Street firm and Enron’s bacchanalia, a telling symbol at Kyocera is its open-plan
work designs. All employees work in a common, shared area. No one, and this includes the
company’s president, has their own private office. These open-plan designs help to support and
reinforce the company’s values of hard work (for it can easily be seen if someone is working)
and humility (no one is more privileged than another).
Organizational culture 183
Exemplars comprise who and what the company chooses to immortalize. An organization’s
exemplars identify its values and help convey what is perceived as superior behaviour. Founding
members often comprise an organization’s exemplars. This is certainly the case at Kyocera.
In particular, the rags-to-riches story of the company’s founder, Dr Inamori, is known by all
employees. Kyocera’s employees exhibit the same respect, awe, and admiration for their com-
pany’s founder as music fans do for their favourite pop musician. Employees at Kyocera can tell
endless stories about Dr Inamori’s business acumen, work ethic, and generosity.
The exemplar at the Wall Street firm was Jordan Belfort, the antihero played by Leonardo
DiCaprio. Belfort epitomized his firm’s unquenchable thirst for wealth. He was dismissive of
anything that did not contribute to his accumulation of greater wealth.
Jeff Skilling was Enron’s exemplar. He exemplified Enron’s arrogance. It is reported that
during his interview at Harvard Business School he was asked if he was smart. His reply was,
“I’m fucking smart.” His answer shows how superior he considered himself to others; and it
was this belief that helps explain how he and others at Enron were so certain that they deserved
whatever they could take.
Power structures
As described in Chapter 10, all organizations exhibit different concentrations of power. In some
organizations, one or two key senior executives are all powerful. In other organizations, a whole
group of executives or even a whole department (e.g., the marketing departments at Nike and
Budweiser) wields the main power. Remember, power is based on who in the organization has
the greatest amount of influence on the organization’s strategic decisions and direction.
At Kyocera, power is shared broadly and deeply in the organization. Dr Inamori’s goal
to create business partners meant that he was willing to share power. This sharing of power
extended well beyond his immediate group of senior executives and included the team lead-
ers who oversaw their respective groups’ production activities, housekeeping activities, etc.
Dr Inamori always thought of the amoebas, the base work units, and the leaders who manage
these units as akin to mobile food carts and their owners. He wanted his amoeba leaders and
their teams of employees to exhibit the same agility that a food stall seller experiences when
making decisions about location, menu/product offerings, and pricing.
At the Wall Street firm, power was held by whoever brought in the largest amount of
money in the current period. Past performance was irrelevant. Either you earned your keep and
had sufficient influence to be retained or you were thrown out. Accordingly, an employee who
was powerful one day could be on the scrap heap the next day.
Enron’s power was also a function of who was making the company money. Perhaps due
to its large size, Enron formalized its power structure by rating all its employees every six
months. Employees were rated from 1 (best) to 5 (worst). The ratings were almost exclusively
based on how much money a worker made for the company. To reinforce its competitive, cut-
throat environment, the company specified a particular distribution of ratings.The top 5% were
designated “superior” and the bottom 15% were labelled “needs improvement.” In between
these two ends of the distribution were the categories “excellent” (30% of employees), “strong”
(30% of employees), and “satisfactory” (20% of employees). Anyone who remained rated as
needing improvement in the succeeding half-yearly evaluation was summarily fired.This system
of ranking and yanking, something Time magazine likened to “cull[ing] employees as if they
were head of cattle,” placed power with those employees rated as “1”s.These employees received
the designation of “superior” and exercised their “superiority” for self-aggrandizement at every
opportunity (Greenwald et al., 2001: 38).
When viewing Table 12.1, it is clear that Kyocera’s organizational culture is markedly different
from the other two firms. From a performance management perspective, the interesting point
about the variation seen in the three organizational cultures has less to do with the actual dif-
ferences than how their respective organizational cultures link together with the other two
main levers of performance management (i.e., an organization’s structure and its organizational
systems, processes, and procedures) to support and promote employees’ implementation of the
organization’s strategy. At Kyocera, the three performance management levers fit well with each
other to support the company’s confrontation strategy. In particular, the company’s organiza-
tional culture (as shown in Table 12.1) complements its use of:
In contrast to Kyocera, the organizational cultures of the Wall Street firm and Enron, while
seemingly well suited to their respective organizational structures, performance measurement
systems, and employee incentive systems, could never have supported anything other than an
organizational strategy premised on short-term profit maximization and short organizational
life. These latter two firms’ organizational cultures were simply too toxic to support long-term
sustainability. As the sidebar describes, Uber, the transportation network company, hit the news
in early 2017 for all the wrong reasons when a story appeared in the Financial Times reporting a
growing problem with its own toxic organizational culture.
Although organizational cultures can be difficult to objectively assess and define, they are
certainly amenable to subjective measurement and understanding. In addition to being able to
measure and understand organizational culture, it is also true that an organization’s employees –
and especially its senior managers – can influence the culture.
The detection of misaligned organizational cultures involves measuring what currently
exists and comparing this with an ideal state. When an organization’s senior managers detect
Organizational culture 185
Consider this …
Susan Fowler, a former site reliability engineer at Uber, published an entry on
her personal blog in February 2017 called “Reflecting on one very, very strange
year at Uber.” In her blog, she describes alleged incidents of sexual harassment
by her superiors. She further describes how Uber’s human resource department
refused to discipline a manager who propositioned her on her first day of work.
The human resource department claimed this was the manager’s first complaint
against him and no formal disciplinary action would be taken. Fowler was told
she had two choices: she could accept a transfer to another part of the company
or she could remain in her current role with the understanding that this deci-
sion could lead to unfavourable performance reviews from her superior. Fowler
elected to leave Uber and has since learned that other female Uber employees
experienced similar forms of sexual harassment that preceded Fowler’s com-
plaint and were reported to Uber’s human resource department. Since some of
the complaints involved the same manager who sexually harassed Fowler on her
first day of work, the representations made by the human resource department
to Fowler appear untrue. In response to Fowler’s blog, early Uber investors Mitch
and Freada Kapor reported that that they had tried in vain for years to change
Uber’s “destructive culture.”
gaps between their organization’s current and ideal states, they will want to effect organizational
culture change.This change can be achieved in two main ways.The first is a function of an orga-
nization’s leadership, and the second involves how an organization operates its human resource
systems. More will be said about each of these forms of influence later in the chapter.
The measurement of an organization’s organizational culture involves what is called an
organizational culture audit. When undertaking such an audit, the assessor will pose a series of
questions related to each of the six dimensions of organizational culture discussed above. Each
of these six dimensions and the questions associated with each are now separately discussed.
Shared beliefs
Different organizations strive to fulfil different purposes. The purpose of a car manufacturer,
for example, is quite different from the purpose of a real estate developer. As a result, the shared
belief among Google employees that you can be serious without the need to wear a suit and
that being formal does not equate to being productive may not be as applicable to a major bank
like JPMorgan Chase & Co. Furthermore, even for organizations operating in the same industry,
their different strategies will invariably demand different purposes. H&R Block, the US tax-
preparation company with operations in North America, Australia, Brazil, and India, states its
purpose as being “the leading global consumer tax company bringing tax and related solutions
to clients year-round.” This purpose would differ from a small, regionally-focused tax firm’s
purpose. Unlike H&R Block’s cost leader approach, small tax practitioners would typically seek
to provide personalized tax return preparation and advice to a particular set of geographically-
targeted customers. Based on these different strategies and purposes, we can expect to find dif-
ferent shared beliefs operating at different organizations. Answers to the list of questions below
will help identify what an organization’s shared beliefs are:
Shared values
An organization’s shared values are connected to its shared beliefs. Beliefs, for example, about
what an organization sees as important in the short and long run and how its employees should
approach new problems will inevitably help shape and be shaped by the organization’s shared
values. At Google, shared values revolve around being actively involved, working with great
people, and earning customer trust every day (Li, 2020). The following list of questions can be
used to gain insight into an organization’s shared values:
Shared experiences
An organization’s shared employee experiences, whether these experiences have been
directly or vicariously lived, will significantly influence an organization’s culture. Often it is
the handed-down folklores that exert the strongest influence on an organization’s culture,
for these stories are frequently tweaked, embellished, and retranslated to match the organiza-
tion’s evolved culture. An organization’s founders are usually immortalized as trendsetters if
the organization’s strategy is based on innovation or as financial geniuses if the organization’s
strategy is based on cost leadership. Apple Computers’ official website, for example, describes
the company’s start-up as a “fairytale of one garage, three friends and very humble begin-
nings.” Although it is true that three young inventors began work in a garage, the garage was
located in Los Altos Hills, California. This neighbourhood was at the time and continues to
be one of the wealthiest suburbs in the US according to Forbes Magazine, which provides
an annual ranking of the wealthiest zip codes in the US. Thus, to say that the beginnings of
Apple were very humble appears to be an intentional disregard of the company’s location
advantages for the apparent purpose of promoting the narrative of a company that rose to
prominence against the odds and disrupted an established industry with its innovative ideas
and products.
The following set of questions helps assess and understand an organization’s shared
• What are the main stories/myths/folklores that employees most often hear and tell?
• What do employees talk about when they think of the history of the organization?
• What stories do they tell new people who join the organization?
• What do these stories say about what the organization believes in?
• How does it feel to be a worker at the organization?
• What employee behaviours (and the organizational routines that support these behaviours)
are most common?
• How are work practices and procedures created? How are they enforced?
• Do employees work in groups or individually?
• How are key decisions made?
• How do employees learn about important organizational news? Is it through such formal,
written forms as memos, emails, and newsletters? Or is it through formal but oral chan-
nels like group meetings and company assemblies? Or does it happen through informal
• What is the tone of communication between employees?
• Is profanity commonplace?
• Are first names or are titles and last names used to greet people?
• Do employees socialize together during breaks or after work?
• Are these social groups exclusive to some employees or open to all employees? Are new
hires included?
• What programmes are in place to develop employees?
• Does the organization operate an employee mentoring programme?
• Do mentors and mentees believe the programme is effective?
All organizations possess symbols that give clues about their organizational cultures. As noted
above, these symbols can range from company logos to the look of a company’s headquarters to
the dress code it enforces. Each of these symbols reveals something about an organization’s cul-
ture. For example, if the manager of a supermarket wears a suit and tie that says something very
different about an organization’s culture than if he/she wears a shopkeeper’s apron. Likewise,
the use of colour can be very revealing. As an illustration, the use of single, bright, garish colours
often symbolizes an organization’s no-frills, no-nonsense approach to business. Similarly, the
use of stickmen in advertising, as opposed to notable celebrities, can also convey a cost leader’s
frugal intentions to provide the lowest prices.
Answers to the following list of questions can help reveal what an organization’s symbols
suggest about the organization’s culture:
• Where is the organization located? Is it located in the central business district or in the
outskirts of a town/city?
• Do the organization’s external premises comprise a large amount of undeveloped, unused
land? Does this land have a water feature such as a lake, river, or fountain?
• If the organization is located in a building in a town/city’s central business district, does the
organization occupy one of the building’s top floors?
• Does the organization lease or own all or part of an iconic building?
• What do the work areas look like? Are they clean? Are they tidy? Are they small or large?
Are they minimalist or extravagant?
• What is on the walls or displayed in the organization’s common areas (e.g., foyers, vesti-
bules, meeting rooms, corridors)? Are these displays expensive artworks, company history
lines, or company products?
• How do people dress? Does the organization have different dress codes for different
• What kind of gift, if any, is presented to a retiring employee?
Exemplars are usually highly successful organizational members, either current or retired, who
have been elevated to exaggerated levels of conspicuous prominence. These individuals occupy
a canonized status that is not unlike the sainthoods the Roman Catholic Church bestows on
those it deems to be miracle workers. The main difference between the two is that the latter
is a highly formalized process with plenty of pomp and pageant attached to the distinction,
whereas the former is the informal manifestation of an organizational group’s collective belief
that someone epitomizes the essence of the organization and deserves to be idolized. Generally,
the idolized person is a current or former employee. It is, however, possible that the exemplar
could come from outside the organization. W. Edwards Deming, the prominent total quality
management innovator and practitioner, could (and the author has seen this to be the case for
several manufacturing companies he consulted for) serve as an exemplar. So too might a team
like the All Blacks (New Zealand’s national rugby team) serve as an exemplar for other sporting
Organizational culture 189
codes. In fact, National Football League (NFL) teams from the US have increasingly attempted
to study and understand the basis of the All Blacks’ winning formula, in the hope that they can
apply these learnings to their own success.
Exemplars do not always have to be people. Not only can the exemplar transcend one
person, as was just discussed in the above paragraph about how a team can serve as an exemplar,
but it can also be an event or an idea. For example, Apollo 11, which produced the first man
to walk on the moon, can be an exemplar. This space mission might, for example, be used as
an exemplar by an organization that sees itself as trying something very new and challenging.
Remember, exemplars are simply an organization’s elevation of somebody or something to
an idolized state. Accordingly, when assessing an organization’s exemplars, the following set of
questions will prove useful:
• In the stories employees recount about their organization, who are the stories’ heroes,
villains, and mavericks?
• What employee behaviours get rewarded?
• What employee behaviours get punished?
• What is the typical reward offered? For example, is it a raise or bonus? Or is it a plaque,
gift, or time off?
Power structures
Understanding an organization’s power structure is essential to understanding the organiza-
tion’s culture. Organizations that operate highly-centralized structures, especially when these
occur in environments characterized by significant change and unpredictability, convey a lack
of faith and trust in their employees. For some senior managers, this lack of faith and trust
in their employees is based on the belief that employees are inherently untrustworthy (see
Chapter 4’s discussion of agency theory). For other managers, their lack of faith and trust in
their employees is rooted less in their wariness of their employees and more in their micro-
managing leadership style (see Chapter 13’s discussion of leadership styles based on initiating
Just as highly-centralized power structures reveal insights into an organization’s culture, so
too do highly-decentralized structures. Although decentralization can indicate an organization
has faith in and trusts its employees to make good decisions, it is also possible that it denotes
senior management laziness and incompetence. US journalists have questioned whether
President Donald Trump’s management style is simply a cover for his laziness and incompe-
tence, for instance.
When judging an organization’s power structure, and what it reveals about the organiza-
tion’s culture, answers to the following set of questions will be helpful:
• Who has the real power in the organization to make or influence decisions?
• What do these people believe and champion within the organization?
• How does the organization define leadership?
• Is there a predominant leadership style and, if so, what is it?
• How is power used or abused by the leaders?
The sidebar summarizes a news story about the changed power structures employees at the
University of Otago staff claimed to have experienced in the mid- to late 2010s under the lead-
ership of its vice-chancellor. Notice the news story’s use of such terms as centralized control,
low trust, and fractured communication.These terms describe a power structure that is opposite
to what a knowledge-based organization should possess. A supportive power structure should
instead be one that is characterized by decentralization, high trust, and collaborative, highly
networked employees.
The University of Otago employees’ description of their organization’s power structure as
“toxic” would have likely set off alarm bells among the university’s board of trustees. Time and
again, these types of organizational settings have been shown to be not only counterproductive
to an organization’s achievement of its goals, but they are prime breeding grounds for unethical
employee behaviour. As discussed in Chapter 6, such environments permit one of the three trig-
gering factors for employees acting unethically: the ability to rationalize the unethical behav-
iour. It is for this very reason that astute organizations conduct annual employee surveys. In fact,
an organization’s failure to organize regular employee surveys should be viewed as a problem in
itself, for it invariably signals a senior management team that is fearful of constructive criticism.
The disregard for and discouragement of employee input prominently featured at Wells
Fargo in the mid-2010s. In particular, the independent report into the bank’s cross-selling
scandal noted that the head of the Community Banking Division Carrie Tolstedt and her inner
circle “… were insular and defensive and did not like to be challenged or hear negative informa-
tion. Even senior leaders within the Community Bank were frequently afraid of or discouraged
from airing contrary views” (Shearman and Sterling, 2017: 8). As will be discussed later in this
chapter, particularly perceptive organizations conduct not simply annual employee surveys but
also perform periodic cultural audits.
Consider this …
On 9 March 2020, the newspaper the Otago Daily Times reported on a story
about University of Otago staff members feeling betrayed and disheartened by
the actions of top management. The staff members called the University “very
sick” and in need of “radical action.” Those interviewed described and decried
an organization that had “… gone from a place of devolved responsibility, high
trust, collegiality and strong goodwill to centralised control, fractured communi-
cation, curtailed freedoms, low morale and high stress.”
The news story cited a 2019 survey undertaken by the union representing the
University’s staff members, which found that 68% of the University’s employ-
ees said their job satisfaction was either worse or much worse than before,
21% reported being bullied in the previous six months, 40% felt their health
and wellbeing had suffered because of work, and only 44% would recommend
the University as a good place to work. One of the interviewees said several
years ago close to 100% of the University’s staff would have recommended the
Organizational culture 191
by police at an accident scene, where they say, “There is nothing to see here.
Move along.”
The dire and dysfunctional nature of the University’s power structure had
been enabled or at least allowed to continue by the university’s senior manage-
ment group, which consisted of the vice-chancellor, chief financial and operat-
ing officers, a director of human resources, two other directors, three deputy
vice-chancellors and four pro-vice chancellors. The collective culpability of this
group led one of the interviewees to wonder, “Is this a situation where the entire
[university] government needs to be swept away, so we get a new set of leader-
ship we have confidence in?” (Otago Daily Times, 2020).
Answers to the six sets of questions listed above provide a composite of an organization’s culture.
This profile can then be compared with the organization’s ideal profile. This ideal profile is the
one which best fits with the other performance management elements shown in Figure 3.1
(i.e., organizational structure; organizational systems, processes, and procedures; and internal and
external contingent factors) for the purpose of supporting employees’ implementation of the
organization’s strategy.
Should an organization find differences or gaps between the actual and ideal organizational
culture, it will want to implement changes to close these gaps. Implementing cultural change
is far from easy. It involves re-moulding employee values, beliefs, and behaviour. Although the
challenges involved in effecting organizational culture change must not be underestimated, its
difficulty should not be a reason for lack of action.
Before leaping into organizational culture change, the organization’s senior managers
should be quite clear about what they are trying to change. For example, if an organization’s
senior managers discover that their organization’s work environment is highly competitive and
not the collaborative setting it was hoping for, then these managers must carefully consider how
this supposed gap interferes with their employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy.
As a way of more fully teasing out this last point, imagine a research and development
department that prior to the audit of its organization’s culture prided itself on having a collegial
work environment. Imagine further that the results of the audit identify its employee culture
as competitive. Such a finding should not be assumed to mean that a problem exists and needs
correction. Employee competition is neither bad in itself nor indicative that collegiality cannot
exist. Healthy employee competition is both possible and can in fact be quite useful. Inter-
employee rivalry that might focus on the number of published articles between employees of
a research and development department need not undermine collegiality, and its presence may
enhance the chances of positive organizational outcomes.
There are of course limits to the amount of employee competition that can occur before
it becomes dysfunctional. For example, the employee competition discussed above involving
the Wall Street firm and Enron was far from healthy. Competitions that result in employees
Organizational culture 193
demeaning one another or allowing someone to brag about stomping on a colleague’s throat
if doing so will better one’s bonus, as the Enron employee stated, are harmful to any organiza-
tion that maintains ambitions of long-term survival. Accordingly, any organization with similar
levels of employee competition will want to find ways to create greater employee cooperation
and empathy.
An organization’s employees, and especially its senior managers, can influence their orga-
nization’s culture in two main ways. The first is through leadership. Senior managers can act as
leading lights and model the behaviour they expect. This behaviour is commonly referred to as
“leading by example.” Mayer et al. (2009) have studied what they term to be the trickle-down
effects of ethical leadership. Their findings report a direct negative relationship between ethical
leadership and group-level deviance, and a positive relationship between ethical leadership and
group-level organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). This topic of leadership is discussed
more fully in Chapter 13. For now, it is sufficient to realize that managers, in their role as orga-
nizational leaders, influentially shape their respective organization’s cultures, either for the better
or for the worse. Cecily Joseph, the VP of Corporate Responsibility at Symantec, well captures
this idea when he says,
Leadership style’s critical to the kind of culture we want. If we want a culture
that’s inclusive—that wants you to bring your whole self to work—we want leaders who
aren’t afraid to be themselves, and even to acknowledge their weaknesses.
(CECP, Imperative, and PWC, 2018: 13)
The second main way senior managers shape their organizations’ strategies is through the human
resource systems they operate. Chapter 11 discussed how human resource systems can be used
to encourage high employee commitment, motivation, and performance. It is no wonder that
organizations with superior human resource practices are commonly perceived as the better
place to work. In fact, Glassdoor, a Californian company, regularly collects salary and other
feedback from employees working at over 600,000 predominantly large companies located
throughout the world about what it is like to work at these organizations. Each year, Glassdoor
publishes its list of “The Best Places to Work” in the US. In 2017, the top ten companies were:
A common thread among these companies is their ability to build organizational cultures
that recognize and value the contributions of their employees. For example, Jane Gonnerman,
a partner of Bain & Company, stated, “We create an environment where people want to come
to work and can individually create a career that works for them.” An examination of exactly
how today’s organizations promote the development of high-performing organizational cul-
tures is the topic of the ensuing discussion.
Flextime, compressed workweeks, extended holidays (six weeks and sometimes more), gyms at
work, and opportunities to work from home are just some of the ways that today’s organizations
are trying to improve their employees’ perceptions of their work environments and ultimately
the organizational cultures that operate. A study conducted by the Society for Human Resource
Management reveals that 57% of employers in 2016 offered workers the option of telecom-
muting.This and other novel approaches to reshaping work practices are not intended as quirky
fads. As Michael Mahoney, the vice-president of consumer marketing at GoHealth Insurance,
a health insurance comparison website, says, his company’s decision to move to a more casual
dress code was not predicated on making the employees more comfortable but making the
employees more productive. He further states, “if we were able to measure an increase in pro-
ductivity for everyone who wears suits and a tie, then great.” In other words, if coming to work
dressed as one’s favourite superhero resulted in higher employee productivity, then for compa-
nies like GoHealth that would be their adopted dress code.
Grant McCracken (2013), an anthropologist and research affiliate at Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, notes that employees are working longer hours and technology is continuing to
blur the line between work and personal life. Employees can now, no matter the time of day or
whether they are in or out of the office, access emails and other work documents. In response,
and in an attempt to make these extra working hours tolerable, companies are permitting
Some managers may be uneasy with the practice of allowing employees to work from
home. However, such reservations are not supported by the literature. Studies have consis-
tently shown that telecommuting workers are equally as productive or more productive than
their office-dwelling colleagues (Bloom et al., 2015). More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic
has provided the conditions for a natural experiment, offering the opportunity to compare
employee performance between the two modes of working. A study by Awada et al. (2021)
reports that pre-COVID-19 and working from home productivity levels were unchanged.
Organizational culture 195
Meanwhile, some positive correlations were observed between female, older, and high-income
workers and increases in reported productivity. In addition, studies that have examined the cor-
relation between telecommuting and employee creativity show a positive correlation between
the two (Covarrubias et al., 2021).
Today’s conflating of work and personal life is certainly recognized at Burton Snowboarding,
a snowboard manufacturer in Burlington,Vermont. Burton recognizes the strain that company
travel places on employees, especially employees with families. Accordingly, in addition to oper-
ating a subsidized childcare centre, when employees are away travelling for work, the company
will pay babysitters either to watch the employees’ children at home or to accompany the
employees and their children if they travel together. The company also allows its employees to
bring their dogs to work.
Keen to see its employees practice their snowboarding skills, Burton encourages them to
grab a workmate and get in a few runs of snowboarding before or after work. The company
even gives its employees a free season pass to a local mountain and free snowboarding lessons.
Moreover, on days when it snows more than 60 cms in 24 hours, the company closes its business
for the day, and everyone heads to the mountains.
GoHealth has implemented unlimited vacation days, shorter hours on Fridays, and a gym
membership subsidy. Each of these programmes was developed as part of the company’s initia-
tive to help its employees juggle their many work and non-work tasks and find some balance
between the two.The unlimited vacation days, for example, alleviate employees’ fears about hav-
ing to come to work sick (because they are out of days they can take off) or having to use vaca-
tion days at the end of the year because of a “use-it-or-lose-it” policy. Far from abusing these
generous human resource policies, companies find that these human resource policies often
help to support an organization’s work-hard, play-hard culture. Senior managers at Morningstar,
the Chicago-based investment research firm, find that they must encourage their employees to
take vacation/holiday time and the paid sabbaticals for which they are eligible.
Of course, just because employees are not at work – whether it is because they are work-
ing from home, on vacation, or on a sabbatical – does not mean that they are not engaging
with their work. Often these employees will be checking their work emails and checking in
with their colleagues while away from the office. As Morningstar’s CEO Joe Mansueto says, his
workers are “overachievers.” The purpose of adopting more flexible human resource policies,
especially ones that allow greater employee discretion about where and when they do their
work, is to create organizational cultures that allow workers the freedom to think in new and
Review Question 12.5: Explain the need for organizational cultures to support organiza-
tional strategy and align with an organization’s structure and the systems, processes,
and procedures it operates.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 12.6: If a cultural audit identifies a mismatch between the organization’s
culture and the desired culture, what are the two main ways senior managers can
create organizational culture change?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
196 LeVers oF ControL
creative ways. Since the success of many of today’s organizations depends on their employees’
ability to be creative innovators, it is far from surprising that these organizations are willing to
invest significant resources into promoting organizational cultures that value employee creativ-
ity and innovation.
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• Identify the four primary internal contingent factors that constrain performance
management design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of leadership styles on performance man-
agement design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of organizational lifecycle on performance
management design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of organizational size on performance
management design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of organizational ownership on perfor-
mance management design.
This and the following chapter identify and discuss internal and external contingent factors that
help determine an organization’s use of the three levers of performance management. Internal
contingent factors, which are the focus of the present chapter, consist of factors that reside inside
the organization.These internal factors comprise leadership styles, organizational lifecycle, orga-
nizational size, and organizational ownership. External factors, which are examined in Chapter 14,
are factors that reside outside the organization.These external factors consist of industry, national
culture, government regulation, and labour markets.
As this chapter and the succeeding one will demonstrate, successful performance manage-
ment design requires not only ensuring good fit between an organization’s strategy and the
three primary levers of performance management, but it also requires ensuring alignment – or
at least understanding when alignment is not present and compensating for it – between an
organization’s contingent factors and the types of performance management levers it uses. As
a point of illustration, some organizations have CEOs whose leadership style is democratic.
These CEOs like to empower their employees by encouraging their participation in decision-
making. In contrast, other organizations’ CEOs exhibit an autocratic leadership approach.These
leaders are loath to delegate responsibility and instead make all the organizationally important
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-17
Review Question 13.1: What are internal contingent factors? Why are they important to
performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
decisions themselves.These two contrasting leadership styles can significantly impact the choice
of performance management design an organization uses. For example, an organization that is
pursuing Miles and Snow’s prospector strategy is generally best advised to adopt a decentral-
ized organizational structure. For CEOs with democratic leadership styles, this is not a problem.
However, for prospectors with autocratic CEOs, the ability to implement decentralized organi-
zational structures may prove difficult.
Some people may rightly argue that it is possible to replace a CEO. It must be understood,
however, that this decision is the prerogative of the organization’s board and not the performance
management designer. Accordingly, the latter will need to adjust the performance management
design to take account of this contingent factor. A performance management designer might, for
example, recommend the adoption of a balanced scorecard that features an organizational capac-
ity measure related to the number of employee suggestions made over a specific period of time.
Formalizing an organizational expectation requiring employees to participate in suggesting new
and/or improved products, services, and processes will help counteract the autocratic leader’s
propensity to be the sole decision maker. Although this type of leader will likely wish to deter-
mine alone the value of the employee suggestions being made, the institutionalized support for
an employee suggestion system will ensure that a more diverse set of viewpoints and opinions are
being offered than would otherwise be the case. Such an outcome is sure to benefit a prospector.
Just as leadership style will impinge on what performance management design an organi-
zation can adopt, so too might the other internal and external contingent factors. This and the
following chapter identify and describe these contingent factors, as well as discuss how each
factor influences performance management design.
Understandings of leadership have evolved substantially over the years. In its early discussions,
leadership was dominated by case studies of larger-than-life, “known” leaders. Typically these
case studies focused on high-profile statesmen or military generals. The intention was to glean
core, common characteristics that defined these archetypal leaders.
Beginning in the 1940s, researchers embarked on a purportedly more scientific approach to
the study of leadership. Similar to the research approach taken by the Yale University-based psy-
chologist William Sheldon, whose somatotypes research sought to connect people’s personali-
ties with their body types (e.g., a belief that overweight people, whom he termed endomorphs,
are extroverted and jolly, while thin people, whom he termed ectomorphs, are introverted and
anxious), the study of leadership began a phase of studying connections between physical traits
and skills and the likelihood of being a leader. For example, this research examined such physical
Internal environment 203
traits as height and attractiveness and the propensity to be a leader. The research also studied
relationships between aptitudes (e.g., being an extrovert) and communication (e.g., being a
good orator) and leadership likeliness. This stream of research failed to find any scientifically-
demonstrable evidence to connect physical traits and skills with leadership capability, and even-
tually it withered as a field of enquiry.
By the 1950s, the seat of leadership study became consolidated at the universities of Ohio
State and Michigan. Researchers at these two universities embarked on a set of pioneering
leadership studies that became referred to as the Ohio State Leadership Studies. Unlike the pre-
vious trait approach used to study leadership, the Ohio State and Michigan University research-
ers sought to identify observable behaviours of leaders. Drawing upon a variety of research
methods, including surveying leaders and observing them in laboratory settings, these studies
culminated in the production of two broad factors of leadership: initiating structure and consid-
eration. Initiating structure involved a leader being task oriented. Such a leader exhibits a keen
interest in determining the set of tasks that should be accomplished and by whom. Furthermore,
this leader seeks to define and ensure conformity with specific task standards. In his/her attempt
to minimize worker deviation from task standards, this type of leader will promulgate rules and
procedures aimed at regulating worker behaviour.
Unlike the task focus of the initiating structure leader, the consideration leadership style is
characterized by a leader who is people-focused. This leader consults with his/her staff, keeps
them apprised of changes that could affect their working conditions, and is willing to be flex-
ible to help the worker balance the demands of work and life more generally. In other words,
this leader is attentive to the psychological needs of the staff and is committed to protecting
their personal welfare. The application of this leadership style can be seen in the leader who
spends time learning about the jobs of his/her subordinates. For example, a former CEO at
Christchurch International Airport reported that when he was hired, he inherited an airport
with disgruntled and disengaged employees. As a way of demonstrating his sincerity in valuing
the contributions they make, he spent a half day each month working alongside employees in
each of the major airport functions (fire brigade, parking services, airport security, etc.). Far
from trying to gain insight into how the work processes could be improved, he used these
half day work experiences to meet with his employees, learn their names, and understand how
they were hoping to contribute to the airport. The employees displayed an immediate positive
response. After getting over their initial shock of meeting with the CEO, for some employees
reported having worked at the airport for over 30 years and never once meeting with the CEO,
the employees reported feeling like they were being listened to and felt more willing to increase
their engagement with the company.
According to the Ohio State researchers who led the research project on leadership during
the 1950s, depending on the organizational situation, the preferred leadership style might be
initiating structure or consideration. Additionally, since the researchers defined the two leader-
ship styles as being mutually exclusive (i.e., a leader who is high on initiating structure must
be low on consideration and vice versa), this conception of leadership dictates that there is a
right type of leader for each organizational setting. As a result, this theory of leadership became
known as the theory of situational leadership.
The application of this theory of leadership to organizational practice was quite clear. If,
for example, an organization was plagued by members who lacked focus and discipline, then the
correct match of a leader would be someone who was high on initiating structure. In contrast,
if the organizational situation featured a group of employees who were technically strong but
lacked confidence, then the desired leader should be high on consideration.
The Ohio State Leadership Studies comprised the forefront of leadership theory until the
late 1970s when it began to be challenged by the work of Burns (1978) and Bass (1985). Bass,
whose work is based on the earlier work of Burns, proposed a two-factor model comprised
of transactional leadership and transformational leadership. The transactional style embodies
a quid pro quo relationship, whereby the leader provides worker-desired rewards for achieving
some mutually-agreed-upon level of performance. For this leadership style to be effective, the
leader must know what specific types of rewards will motivate each worker. In essence, the
transactional leader is buying the worker’s compliance. This purchasing of worker compliance
leads Yukl (2002) to state that this leadership style is unlikely to generate worker enthusiasm or
long-term commitment to task objectives.
Transformational leadership is easily contrasted with initiating structure, consideration, and
transactional leadership. Unlike these alternative three styles of leadership, which some scholars
label as traditional forms of leadership, transformational leadership adopts a change orientation
and emphasizes emotions, values, the importance of symbolic behaviour, and the role of the
leader in making events meaningful for followers (Brandt et al., 2019; Busari et al., 2019; Yukl,
1999). In other words, transformational leaders try to appeal to their followers’ brains and hearts.
A noteworthy outcome of the transformational leader is his/her ability to inspire follow-
ers to go beyond their normal comfort zones of exertion and ambition. Through the leader’s
efforts to instil pride, communicate personal respect, facilitate creative thinking, and provide
inspiration, followers develop strong mental and emotional attachments to the leader. The fol-
lowers grow to see no leader-directed task as too large or too difficult. As an example, an Apple
employee once described Steve Job’s ability to hypnotize people to do the impossible because
they did not realize it was impossible.
Although it is incorrect to do so, some scholars and practitioners refer to transformational
leadership as visionary leadership, inspirational leadership, or charismatic leadership. The reason
these three descriptions are incorrect is that each of them refers to a subpart of transformational
leadership. As Bass and Avolio (1990) pointed out long ago, transformational leadership involves
leadership styles that include visionary, inspirational, charismatic, individualized consideration,
and intellectual stimulation.
Today’s scholars and practitioners continue to draw upon the Ohio State Leadership
Studies’ initiating structure and consideration leadership styles (although this usually occurs
under the more popularized names of autocratic leaders and participative leaders), as well as
adopting the more contemporary concepts of transactional and transformational leadership. In
addition to regularly employing all four of these leadership styles, current thinking (contrary to
what the Ohio State researchers originally claimed) no longer views these leadership styles as
being mutually exclusive. Instead, leaders can elicit one or more of these styles at any given time.
In fact, scholarly research shows that leaders who combine transactional and transformational
leadership styles, what researchers refer to as the augmentation hypothesis, create the highest
levels of worker motivation and organizational performance.
As noted in this chapter’s introduction, leadership style influences an organization’s perfor-
mance management system design. In particular, it was briefly discussed how autocratic leaders
Internal environment 205
(i.e., initiating structure leaders) would be partial to centralized organizational structures and
participative leaders (i.e., consideration leaders) would be better suited to decentralized orga-
nizational structures. We can now build on these understandings to incorporate the leadership
styles of transactional and transformational. Transactional leadership is likely to be effective in
both centralized and decentralized organizational settings. Transformational leadership, due to
its worker-empowering characteristics, is more appropriate for decentralized settings.
Leadership style affects more than just the amount of centralization/decentralization an
organization possesses. It is also connected to the complexity and formality that characterize
an organization. Transactional leadership, for example, works best when there is low complex-
ity. This need exists because the ability to enable worker compliance is a function of linking a
worker’s ability and effort to his/her performance. Variables outside the worker’s control that
impact on performance need to be excluded or controlled for. High-complexity environments,
where workers have responsibility for many different tasks that might also be co-dependent on
what other workers are doing, create difficulties for assigning rewards to worker performance.
Low-complexity environments are much better suited to this leadership style. This compat-
ibility with low complexity will also be true of initiating structure leadership styles, for it is
much easier for leaders to prescribe rules and processes when the task features low complexity.
In contrast, consideration and transformational leadership styles are amenable to work environ-
ments featuring both low and high complexity.
Formality, a further dimension of organizational structure, is additionally related to leader-
ship. Initiation structure and transactional leaders are more compatible with high organizational
formality.The emphasis on task accomplishment, which is the essence of initiating structure and
transactional leadership styles, is most effective when tasks are simple and therefore amenable to
the prescription of rules and procedures. Meanwhile, consideration and transformational lead-
ership styles are better suited to informal organizational structures. These latter two leadership
styles are receptive to worker diversity and eschew attempts to demand workers comply with
prescribed rules and procedures.
Besides affecting the organizational structure lever of performance management, leader-
ship is also associated with the other two levers of performance management. All four leader-
ship styles can influence how an organization’s systems, processes, and procedures are designed
and operated. For example, transactional leaders will place a strong emphasis on and attach
rewards to a worker’s attainment of pre-specified financial and non-financial performance mea-
sures, which is entirely consistent with these leaders’ quests to direct worker behaviour and
reward good performance. Initiating structure leaders are also likely to place high reliance on
both financial and non-financial performance measurement and attach incentives to employees’
achievement of performance targets. In contrast, leaders who exhibit consideration and trans-
formational leadership styles are likely to emphasize human resource systems over performance
measurement and incentive systems. In particular, these leaders are likely to focus on ensuring
their respective organizations attract the right employees, invest in their ongoing training and
development, and create work settings that support and recognize the valuable contributions
their employees make.The support of their employees may occur through the adoption of such
organizational work practices as flextime, telecommuting, and compressed workweeks.
Leadership can also affect the organizational culture lever of performance management.
As previously mentioned when discussing the leadership styles of initiating structure and
consideration, the former leadership style is often used to instil discipline and focus in an
organization that lacks these qualities, and the latter is used to redress problems with employee
confidence and morale. In addition, an initiating structure leadership style would be best
paired with a conservative organizational culture and is compatible with organizational cul-
tures featuring low independence and low interdependence. These low-independent and low-
interdependent cultures are called collective cultures.
Consideration leadership styles support an entrepreneurial culture. Furthermore, this style
of leadership is consistent with the presence of either collective or collaborative cultures. The
latter type of culture exhibits high independence and high interdependence.
Transactional leadership is likely to influence organizational culture by promoting an envi-
ronment based on meritocracy. Although this style of leadership can support both conservative
and entrepreneurial organizational cultures, its transactional focus would principally support a
collective culture. Once again, transactional leadership thrives in an environment where per-
formance is controlled by the worker and is easy to measure. Collective cultures provide this
Transformational leadership is likely to have the greatest impact on organizational culture
because of this leadership style’s ability to appeal to the minds and hearts of followers. In fact,
it is almost always the case that transformational leaders will feature as some of the exemplars
that help define an organization’s culture. Due to the inspirational element associated with this
style of leadership, it is especially relevant to organizations with entrepreneurial cultures that are
powered by learning and innovation (Coun et al., 2019).Transformational leaders inspire work-
ers to dream and take risks, which is the essence of entrepreneurial organizations. Additionally,
its ability to inspire workers means transformational leadership will succeed for both collective
and collaborative cultures.
Table 13.1 summarizes the relationships just discussed. These relationships should be viewed
as being more illustrative than comprehensive. The reader should hopefully by now appreciate
that the full richness of internal contingent factors and performance management levers can only
ever be partially captured in an illustration like Table 13.1. In addition to showing the relationships
between leadership styles and providing an abbreviated description of the three levers of perfor-
mance management, this table also summarizes the compatibility that exists between the three
levers of performance management and the other internal contingent factors of organizational
lifecycle, organizational size, and organizational ownership, each of which will now be discussed.
Low high Low high Centralized Decentralized high high high Conservative entrepreneurial Collective Collaborative
Key: FPM = financial performance measures, nFPM = non-financial performance measures, U = unspecified.
Internal environment 209
non-financial measures will include sales growth, market share, patents filed, and patents awarded.
The organization is also likely to attach incentives, including cash bonuses, to employees’
achievement of its non-financial goals and objectives. Having survived its infancy, the organi-
zation should have succeeded in generating internal or securing external sources of capital to
embark on its expansion plans. Cash will therefore not be a constraining factor, or at least not
during the initial expansion period. Further expansion or the undertaking of a staged expan-
sion will likely require the organization to go back to the market (or its benefactor if it is a
not-for-profit) to secure additional capital. A high emphasis on its human resource systems will
also characterize organizations during this growth stage. Although it may prove challenging to
keep up with the new numbers of employees needed to support its growth, ensuring the right
employee will be critical to its success.
Entrepreneurial and collaborative organizational cultures will best suit this lifecycle stage.
Since these organizations are still embarking on producing or providing something that is better
than or different from what currently exists, they need to be innovative, creative, and possess an
appetite for risk. Now that the organization is large relative to its previous lifecycle stage, the orga-
nization will find that a culture of collaboration is essential to supporting its entrepreneurialism.
Maturity represents the third lifecycle stage. This stage of an organization’s life is character-
ized by decelerating or static growth.The organization’s product/service is as well-established as
it will become and its market share has peaked. The organization adopts a more measured and
financially-calculating approach to any additional investment. Maintaining/defending its market
share becomes its prime imperative.
The mature organization’s structure displays high complexity and high formality. Although
in its earlier lifecycle stage the organization exhibited decentralization as a way to meet its
greater complexity, as the organization matures it develops a wide array of rules, customary
processes, and standard operating procedures that erode its earlier decentralization. Depending
on whether the organization is pursuing a cost leader strategy or a differentiator strategy will
determine whether the organization continues being mostly decentralized or swings further
towards centralization.
At this point in its life, the organization will place a high reliance on financial performance
measures. It will resist sacrificing profit margins for market share. As part of its efforts to main-
tain its profit margins, the organization will also carefully track non-financial measures relating
to efficiency. These efforts will include benchmarking its core activities against others who are
considered best at the activity being measured (e.g., inventory management, throughput rates,
etc.). In other words, inspiration and prescriptions for improvement can be found by looking
outside one’s industry. For example, in an attempt to achieve its ambitious goal of a 10-minute
turnaround time for its planes, Southwest Airlines studied Formula 1 and Indianapolis 500 pit
crews in an attempt to change how its ground crews operated.
Mature organizations typically provide incentives to employees who attain the financial
and non-financial performance targets. The incentives are both monetary (e.g., bonuses, stock
options) and non-monetary (e.g., recognition, increased autonomy). High importance is also
commonly given to the operation of these organizations’ human resource systems to ensure
they regularly attract, train, and retain the right employees.
The organizational cultures of these mature organizations change from their earlier life-
cycle stage of being entrepreneurial to now being conservative. At this point in their existence,
Review Question 13.5: What are the four stages of organizational lifecycle? Describe how
each of these stages is related to performance management design.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
the organizations no longer view risk as an opportunity to be seized, but instead as a threat to
be avoided. Due to their relatively complex structure, and in particular their relatively large size,
mature organizations will feature collaborative cultures.
The final lifecycle stage of decline also constrains/influences performance management
design. During this stage, an organization will focus on maintaining its profit margins even if
this means losing market share. Being in decline, the organization will be losing market share.
The focus of senior managers in declining organizations – or certainly those that are for-profit –
is on squeezing out all the profit they can from their dwindling pool of investments and on
preparing for an orderly exit from the industry.
These organizations’ structures will feature low complexity (due to their decreasing spatial
dispersion and decreasing vertical differentiation), high centralization (due to their quest to
reduce cost by avoiding duplication of services), and high formality (due to their desire for
employees to adhere to strict policies on spending and divestment). These organizations will
place a high reliance on financial performance measures. The use of incentives, however, will
be limited, for these organizations will be continuously striving to cut costs. As a further cost-
cutting initiative, these organizations will pull resources from their human resource systems.
The cultures of these organizations will be highly conservative (based on their obsession with
current profit margins) and have a collectivist orientation.
• Few people
• Few financial resources
Internal environment 211
Review Question 13.6: How does organizational size influence performance management
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
spatial dispersion and high vertical differentiation. The high degree of organizational complex-
ity means senior managers will lack the breadth and depth of knowledge to make informed
decisions across the wide set of issues impacting their organizations. Accordingly, managers
of large organizations will feel obligated to decentralize. To compensate for the devolution of
decision-making, senior managers will introduce formalized systems. For example, an IBM vice
president of marketing may require each regional sales manager to submit an annual budget for
the vice president’s approval prior to their undertaking any sales activities. The regional sales
managers may also be required to report monthly on their actual performance relative to the
budgeted performance.
Large organizations will place a high reliance on financial and non-financial performance
measurement systems, and generally, they will attach incentives to their employees’ achievement
of the performance measures. Since senior managers of large organizations lack detailed knowl-
edge of each day’s production, customer, and employee issues, the managers will mandate regular
reporting by their subordinates on key financial and non-financial performance measures.These
reports will provide the formal control and aggregate-level understanding senior managers need
to run their organizations effectively. Human resource systems will also feature prominently
in these organizations’ performance management designs. As previously mentioned, the most
popular definition of organizational size is based on employee numbers. Due to their relatively
high numbers of employees, large organizations will require comprehensive human resource
systems to manage their employees successfully.
The organizational cultures of large organizations will have a tendency towards conserva-
tism and collaboration. Large organizations are generally the product of years of growth. Often
these companies have reached the later stages of their growth cycle or are in their mature stage.
As noted above under the section discussing organizational lifecycle, these mature organizations
have lost their appetite for risk and instead favour stability. Additionally, the complex structure
and decentralization that characterizes these large organizations mean collaborative cultures are
The final internal contingent factor examined is organizational ownership. Two forms are dis-
cussed: tightly controlled and dispersed ownership. The former is characterized by the presence
of few owners. It might be an organization that is owned by a single family, or it might be an
organization that has just a handful of non-family-related owners.Tightly-controlled companies
are often small in size, but not always. For example, Cargill, a company that was referred to in
the previous chapter, has annual revenues of US$ 120 billion and 153,000 employees. Certainly,
this company is anything but small.
Internal environment 213
becomes the legitimizing force for the adoption of formal performance management systems
featuring the decentralization of authority and the implementation of formal financial and
human resource systems (Hiebl and Mayrleitner, 2019; Marett et al., 2020; Monticelli et al., 2018;
Pagliarussi and Leme, 2020).
This chapter identified the four internal contingent factors of leadership style, organizational
lifecycle, organizational size, and organizational ownership, and discussed how each of these fac-
tors helps influence and determine an organization’s performance management design. Schol-
ars and practitioners alike must be aware of these factors. Although the matching of the right
organizational structure, organizational systems, processes, and procedures, and organizational
culture to a given organization’s competitive strategy is a demanding and exacting task by itself,
successful performance management designers will find they must go beyond this first-order
level of linking performance management designs with competitive strategy. In addition, the
designers must develop an appreciation of and make an accommodation for their organizations’
internal contingent factors. As mentioned at the beginning of this book, far from being a simple
or straightforward task, the study and practice of performance management is highly complex
and challenging.
The inherent complexity and challenge associated with the field of performance manage-
ment must not deter the scholar or practitioner in their/them quest to ensure employees imple-
ment the strategies of the organizations in which they work.The fact that no two organizational
situations are ever likely to feature exactly the same set of facts and circumstances makes the
effort to produce the most relevant and appropriate performance management design all the
more rewarding.
Of course, it is not only an organization’s internal contingent factors that affect perfor-
mance management design. External contingent factors also influence this design. Identification
and examination of these external contingent factors are the topics of the next chapter.
Bass, B.M. (1985) Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations, New York: Free Press.
Bass, B.M. and Avolio, B.J. (1990) The implications of transactional and transformational leadership for
individual, team, and organizational development. In W. Pasmore and R.W.Woodman (Eds), Research in
Organizational Change and Development 4,Vol. 7, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 231–272.
InternaL enVIronMent 215
Brandt, E., Andersson, A. and Kjellstrom, S. (2019) The future trip: a story of transformational change,
Journal of Organizational Change Management,Vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 669–686.
Burns, J.M. (1978) Leadership, New York: Harper.
Busari, A.H., Khan, S.N., Abdullah, S.M. and Mughal, Y.H. (2019) Transformational leadership style,
followership, and factors of employees’ reactions towards organizational change, Journal of Asia Business
Studies,Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 181–209.
Coun, M.J.H., Peters, C.P. and Blomme, R.J. (2019) Let’s share! The mediating role of employees’ self-
determination in the relationship between transformational and shared leadership and perceived
knowledge sharing among peers, European Management Journal,Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 481–491.
Gibb, A.A. (2000) SME policy, academic research and the growth of ignorance, mythical concepts, myths,
assumptions, rituals and confusions. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship,
Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 13–35.
Helsen, Z., Lybaert, N., Steijvers,T., Orens, R. and Dekker, J. (2017) Management control systems in family
firms: a review of the literature and directions for the future, Journal of Economic Surveys,Vol. 31, No. 2,
pp. 410–435.
Hiebl, M.R.W. and Mayrleitner, B. (2019) Professionalization of management accounting in family firms:
the impact of family members, Review of Managerial Science,Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1037–1068.
Jawahar, I.M. and McLaughlin, G.L. (2001) Toward a descriptive stakeholder theory: an organizational life
cycle approach, The Academy of Management Review,Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 397–414.
Marett, K., Niu, Z. and Barnett, T.R. (2020) Professionalizing the information security of family firms: a
family essence perspective, Journal of Small Business Management,Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 390–408.
Monticelli, J.M., Bernardon, R. and Trez, G. (2018) Family as an institution, International Iournal of
Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research,Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 54–75.
Pagliarussi, M.S. and Leme, M.A. (2020) The institutionalization of management control systems in a fam-
ily firm, Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management,Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 649–673.
Senftlechner, D. and Hiebl, M.R.W. (2015) Management accounting and management control in family
businesses, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change,Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 573–606.
Yukl, G. (1999) An evaluation of conceptual weakness in transformational and charismatic leadership
theories, Leadership Quarterly,Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 285–305.
Yukl, G. (2002) Leadership in Organizations (5th Edition), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
• Identify the four primary external contingent factors that constrain perfor-
mance management design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of industry on performance management
• Discuss the constraining influence of national culture on performance man-
agement design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of government policies on performance
management design.
• Discuss the constraining influence of labour markets on performance man-
agement design.
This chapter identifies and discusses the external contingent factors that influence an orga-
nization’s operation of its three levers of performance management. Similar to the previous
chapter’s discussion of internal contingent factors and performance management design, the
current chapter examines the composition of four contingent factors that are external to an
organization and discusses how each of these external factors helps determine performance
management design. The four external contingent factors discussed are industry, national cul-
ture, government regulation, and labour markets.
Organizations have limited, if any, control over these external contingent factors, or at least
this is the case once senior managers have chosen the industry/industries they will compete in
and the countries they will operate from. As an example, if an organization elects to be a nano-
medicine manufacturer, then it will become subject to all the technological and competitive forces
associated with this industry. If this same company decides to locate its manufacturing and sales
operations in Boston, Massachusetts, then it will become subject to the laws, labour market, and
national culture of this state and the US. As this chapter will soon show, these external contingent
factors determine not only how much tax an organization pays and the health and safety regimes
it operates, but the external factors also help determine the organizational structures, operating
systems, processes and procedures, and organizational cultures an organization will adopt.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-18
External environment 217
Review Question 14.1: What are external contingent factors? Why are they important to
performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
development and constantly changing products. Furthermore, these firms’ production processes
were defined as “turbulent,” whereby the inputs (in the form of scientific knowledge) and out-
puts (in the form of customer satisfaction) were highly uncertain.
As a point of comparison with the firms in the plastics industry, Lawrence and Lorsch stud-
ied firms from the packaged foods and container industries.The latter was intended to showcase
firms that faced low levels of environmental change, while the former was meant to showcase
firms with intermediate levels of environmental change. In particular, the container industry
was characterized by very predictable rates of sales growth (essentially the industry’s sales growth
tracked the national economy’s average rate of growth) and a near-total lack of new product
introductions (no significant new products had been introduced in two decades). The packaged
foods industry, meanwhile, featured new product introductions and sales growth rates that were
more than the container industry but less than the plastics industry.
The findings of Lawrence and Lorsch were twofold. First, successful firms, as defined by
market and economic indicators, were ones that matched the extent of their organizational
structures’ centralization/decentralization with the complexity of the environment. Generally
speaking, complex environments, meaning highly competitive, unpredictable, and/or turbulent
environments such as the ones faced by the plastics firms, required decentralized structures.
Firms with complex environments but centralized structures were observed to be less successful
than their decentralized counterparts. In contrast, firms with simple environments, such as those
the container firms operated in, were most successful when they adopted centralized organi-
zational structures. The stable and predictable environments of the container industry meant
that many of the associated advantages of decentralized structures became irrelevant. Instead of
improving such outcomes as decision response time, decision quality, etc., all that happened to
firms using decentralized structures in the container industry was the incurrence of a higher
cost structure (due to the additional management, staff, and record keeping that accompanies
decentralized structures) than their centralized counterparts. As a result, the decentralized con-
tainer firms were less successful than the centralized ones. Successful firms in the packaged
food industry were found to have organizational structures that fell in the middle of the range
between centralized and decentralized structures.
The second main finding of Lawrence and Lorsch was the recognition that the achievement
of organizational effectiveness in complex environments demanded organizations do more than
merely adopt decentralized structures. Decentralized structures will inevitably generate organi-
zational conflict.This conflict is due to the decentralized units holding differing ideas about the
critical imperatives facing their overall organization and how best to satisfy these imperatives.
Also, it is often the case that decentralized units will come into direct competition with one
another, perhaps over the formulation of a transfer price or perhaps even the recruitment of the
same customer or employee. As Lawrence and Lorsch observed, far from seeking to suppress
this conflict, the better performing organizations were the ones that understood this conflict
was healthy for, and even essential to, the survival of their organizations. Accordingly, one of the
important roles of senior managers in these decentralized firms is to manage the conflict.
It must be remembered that for firms which operate in rapidly changing and unpredict-
able environments, such as the plastics firms in Lawrence and Lorsch’s study, the decisions are
seldom easy or straightforward. Furthermore, a decision made today, due to the instability of the
environment, might require altering or rescinding in the future. Added to these complications
External environment 219
is the fact that the nature of the intra-organizational conflict in decentralized organizations,
including which departments are involved in the conflict and even the origins of the conflict,
is often highly dynamic. Allied departments can quickly change to competing departments,
controversial issues can abruptly lose relevance, and one-time orthodox practices can suddenly
fuel rebellion.
Although these descriptions of the conflict associated with decentralization may sound
overwhelming to the point of being unmanageable, they clearly are not. Lawrence and Lorsch
observed that if an organization can construct conflict-resolving mechanisms, or what the
researchers termed integrating mechanisms, then the benefits associated with decentralization
can be realized.
Lawrence and Lorsch (1967: 47) defined integration as “the quality of the state of collabo-
ration that exists among departments that are required to achieve unity of effort by the demands
of the environment.” Integration is needed by decentralized organizations to ensure that the
decentralized units are acting in a coherent and coordinated fashion. Lawrence and Lorsch
observed that the most effective decentralized firms were the ones which anticipated conflict
and established conflict-resolving departments and individuals, what they termed integrators.
The role of integrators is not to demand compromise or arbitrate on conflicts, but to main-
tain an orderly forum in which the conflicting departments can resolve their differences. This
understanding should help you appreciate why in prior chapters decentralization and formality
are invariably paired.
True to contingency theory’s philosophy, no single generic or best way is purported to
exist for establishing integrators. Instead, its achievement can be realized in a variety of ways.
Referring back to the firms studied by Lawrence and Lorsch, the decentralized firms in the
plastics industry achieved conflict resolution through the efforts of integrators who resided at
relatively low levels in the organization’s hierarchy. It was observed that effective conflict resolu-
tion for these firms could only occur if the integrators had adequate specialized knowledge and
familiarity of the situation. Invariably, this requirement meant that the integrators needed to be
hierarchically close to the disputing units.
In addition to noting the generally low hierarchical levels occupied by these integrators,
Lawrence and Lorsch also observed that the integrators needed to occupy an organizational
space that was equidistant from the conflicting departments. This idea of equidistance was
important for promoting impartiality.
In contrast to the conflicts that existed within the decentralized plastics firms, Lawrence
and Lorsch observed that the conflicts in the centralized container firms were much less com-
mon and best resolved by senior managers. The stable environment and lack of specialized
knowledge meant that senior managers had a strong understanding of their firm’s operations
and the critical factors that underpinned their firm’s success. In fact, in combination with the
stable environment and the lack of specialized knowledge, the typically greater years of experi-
ence of these senior managers compared with their lower-level employees meant that the senior
managers were in the best position to adjudicate the conflict or even simply prescribe a solution
at the outset.
From the works of Woodward (1958, 1965), Burns and Stalker (1961), and Lawrence and
Lorsch (1967), the idea that there is no one single or best way to organize was developed into
an organizational theory called contingency theory. In stark contrast to bureaucracy theory’s
one-size-fits-all approach, contingency theory argued that organizational structure will always
be a function of and is contingent upon the nature of the organization’s environment. Chief of
these contingent factors is industry type. In a nutshell, industries characterized by low environ-
mental uncertainty are best served by centralized organizational structures, whereas industries
characterized by high environmental uncertainty are best served by decentralized organizational
Before leaving the topic of industry, it is also worth noting how a further, and often over-
looked, dimension of industry can influence performance management design. In particular, the
degree of professionalization that characterizes an industry should factor into the organizational
structures and organizational systems, processes, and procedures that are adopted.
A profession refers to a group of individuals who have achieved a common education and
training experience that prepares them to apply this knowledge and exercise their skills in the
interest of society. Professionals (e.g., doctors, lawyers, and accountants) profess a commitment
to altruism, accountability, excellence, duty, honour and integrity, and respect for others in their
chosen domain of expertise. For example, according to the International Accounting Education
Standards Board, accountants are meant to share:
a commitment to (a) technical competence and professional skills, (b) ethical behaviour
(e.g., independence, objectivity, confidentiality, and integrity), (c) professional manner (e.g.,
due care, timeliness, courteousness, respect, responsibility, and reliability), (d) pursuit of
excellence (e.g., commitment to continual improvement and lifelong learning), and (e)
social responsibility (e.g., awareness and consideration of the public interest).
(IAESB, 2017, IES 4, paragraph, A5, p. 59)
Organizations in industries that possess significant professional groupings (e.g., hospitals and
universities) will have different performance management designs from organizations with the
same or a similar set of strategic and situational characteristics, but which lack the same degree
of professionalism as the former organizations. As an example, the senior managers of a hospital
can typically assume that its doctors and nurses will share the hospital’s prime mandate of car-
ing for the sick. Doctors’ and nurses’ education and training orient them to exhibit behaviour
that aligns with the goal of caring for patients. The Hippocratic Oath a doctor takes is certainly
consistent with a hospital’s most basic and core aim.
Since doctors and nurses display goal congruence (i.e., a situation in which the employ-
ees share the same goals as their organization), the hospital’s performance management system
should recognize this fact. When a substantial part of an organization’s workforce possesses a
professional orientation that aligns with the organization’s goals and objectives, then senior
managers should endeavour to leverage this orientation. In particular, the doctors’ and nurses’
social programming, which derives from their professional orientations, means that substantial
influence already exists in the performance management lever of organizational culture. As
discussed in Chapter 3, senior managers are well advised to avoid performance management
designs that feature significant redundancy. Designs that include multiple forms of performance
management that merely serve to duplicate one another should be eschewed. Significant redun-
dancy not only slows employee execution of tasks, but it also runs the risk of eroding employee
morale and motivation.
External environment 221
Review Question 14.2: How does industry type influence performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
This danger of excessive control is well captured by Kallio et al. (2016), who write about
university academics’ experiences with their institutions’ ever-increasing use of procedural
controls (i.e., the formulation of standard operating procedures) and outcome controls (i.e.,
each academic is given generic targets for publication and teaching performance based on
their/them position/title). These authors show how today’s academics are experiencing a
serious decline in morale and motivation. The following representative quote comes from a
lecturer in educational sciences. The abbreviation of PM in this quote stands for performance
Thanks to [PM], no one sensible will pursue an academic career if (a) s/he is aware of the
circumstances at work, and (b) there are other possibilities. Apparently, the system seeks to
turn academia into a game of pathetic losers living in misery and competing with each
other instead of being genuinely creative and protective of a good academic culture.
(Kallio et al., 2016: 697)
Reiterating the advice given in Chapter 3, senior managers should support and leverage profes-
sional orientations that are consistent with their organizations’ missions. These managers can
accomplish this task by providing a supportive environment that helps the professional orienta-
tions to flourish unhampered by additional forms of performance management, which are likely
to prove less supportive than antagonistic.
National culture refers to the shared mental programming that a nation’s people display. The
presence of these shared conceptions means that business activities that are successful in one
particular country do not necessarily translate across to another country. As a case in point,
when Walmart in 1997 decided to expand its operation into Germany, it found that several
of its quintessential features flopped when brought to Germany. For example, the Walmart
greeter, who was stationed at the front door to make customers feel welcome, was instead found
off-putting. Additionally, Walmart’s policy of spreading out popular products throughout the
store only served to annoy German shoppers, who wanted to shop quickly and efficiently. An
even worse translation of practices involved Walmart’s mandatory policy requiring employees
to report co-workers who violate company rules. Germany’s WWII history of Gestapo infor-
mants and neighbourhood spies led to employee suspicion and disgust with such a company
policy. These and other failures by Walmart to understand the cultural clashes contained in its
set of everyday organizational practices resulted in an inglorious exit from and significant loss of
money from its botched German expansion.
In contrast with Walmart’s failure in Germany, McDonald’s has been successful in India
due to its willingness to adapt. In particular, starting at an early point after its arrival in India,
McDonald’s accepted the need to adjust its practices to align with India’s informal work culture
and specific food tastes. For example, workers in India expect their organizations to be hierar-
chically structured and highly centralized. Furthermore, workers value friendly, relaxed relation-
ships with their peers. The idea of worker competition was alien. Meanwhile, the significant
number of vegetarians in India meant McDonald’s needed to change its meat-heavy menu for
one that included a greater number of vegetarian options.
Geert Hofstede’s pioneering work, which he began in the late 1970s, remains the most
influential source for practitioners and scholars working in this field of enquiry. Hofstede’s
(1980) foundational work is based on one very large multinational organization, with employ-
ees working in 40 countries and 20 separate languages. The organization was IBM. From sur-
veying 117,000 IBM employees, Hofstede initially proposed four intercountry norm values:
individualism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. In subsequent research
studies, he uncovered two additional dimensions of national culture: long-term orientation and
indulgence (Hofstede, 1991).
Individualism represents the extent to which the goals of the individual are emphasized
over the goals of the greater society. New Zealand scores high on individualism, whereas a
country like South Korea scores low. A practical manifestation of this national culture dimension
can be shown when a New Zealand worker and a South Korean worker are asked to describe
themselves. The New Zealand worker is likely to use words/phrases like outgoing, enjoy sports,
interested in music, etc. In contrast, the South Korean worker is likely to use such words/
phrases as father, eldest son, and employee of Samsung. The New Zealand worker’s description
highlights the individualist New Zealand national culture, whereas the South Korean worker’s
description underlines the collectivist national culture of South Korea.
Power distance refers to the different ways in which nations address the issue of inequality
among their members. High power distance cultures are accepting of high inter-member inequal-
ity. South Korea displays a relatively high power distance. Low power distance cultures expect a
more equal sharing of power. New Zealand is an example of a low power distance country. The
old adage that “Jack is as good as his master” epitomizes New Zealand’s power distance.
The two dimensions of individualism and power distance have practical implications for
performance management system design. A country like South Korea, which exhibits low indi-
vidualism and high power distance, is better suited to a centralized organizational structure. In
contrast, a country like New Zealand, which displays high individualism and low power dis-
tance, is better matched with a decentralized organizational structure.
Hofstede’s third dimension of national culture is masculinity. High masculinity national
cultures are characterized by members’ belief in gender-specific work roles (e.g., males are doc-
tors and females are nurses) and where the pursuit of money is widespread. Low masculinity
cultures, which are sometimes called feminine cultures, view work as gender-neutral, place a
high value on quality of life, and emphasize the importance of congenial relationships among
societal members. New Zealand scores high on masculinity, and South Korea scores low on this
cultural dimension.
When studying this dimension of national culture, it is important to avoid becoming
bogged down with the terminology Hofstede has chosen. The word masculinity is likely to
External environment 223
conjure up thoughts of brawn, power, and risk-taking, whereas the word femininity is likely to
suggest being caring, protective, and affectionate. These traditional meanings must be avoided.
Instead one must accept the definitions applied by Hofstede.
Masculinity’s influence on performance management design is principally linked to the
organizational systems, processes, and procedures an organization operates. When measuring
and rewarding employee performance, masculine national cultures are likely to adopt extrinsic
rewards. These rewards will include bonuses, pay rises, and promotions. Meanwhile, feminine
cultures are likely to rely on intrinsic rewards, which involve initiatives to enrich the job and
make it more satisfying for the worker.
Uncertainty avoidance refers to a society’s appetite for risk. High uncertainty avoidance
means a low appetite for risk, whereas low uncertainty avoidance implies the opposite. New Zea-
land scores low on uncertainty avoidance, and South Korea scores high on uncertainty avoidance.
The most common way high uncertainty avoidance cultures try to reduce their exposure
to risk is by adopting a large number of highly-specific rules and regulations. Since employ-
ees are themselves members of the society that values predictability and dislikes uncertainty,
the workers will benefit from and be averse to breaking their organization’s rules. Based on
this assumption, high uncertainty avoidance cultures will crave formality and centralization. In
contrast, low uncertainty avoidance cultures will be more receptive to fewer rules and greater
employee involvement in decision-making.
Long-term orientation is a function of the extent to which a society stands for tradition
and steadfastness or adaptation and pragmatic problem-solving. South Korea exemplifies the
former type of national culture. Even the most casual observer of South Korean culture will
quickly perceive the profound influence tradition plays in these people’s lives. Status, age, and
gender punctuate a myriad of personal interactions ranging from everyday encounters to infre-
quent rituals and rites of passage. New Zealand is an example of a country with a low long-term
orientation. Although part of the reason for its orientation derives from its fairly recent history,
western cultures in general are known to display relatively low long-term orientations.
Long-term orientation will influence the organizational structures organizations adopt.
Organizations located in countries with high long-term orientations will be likely to use formal
organizational structures. Organizations situated in countries with low long-term orientations
will tend to use informal organizational structures.
Indulgence is Hofstede’s final national culture dimension. This dimension refers to peo-
ple’s ability/inability to control their desires and impulses. In high indulgent cultures, such as
New Zealand, people seek immediate gratification. Meanwhile, in low indulgent countries, like
South Korea, people exhibit a greater willingness to delay their present cravings and invest in
the future.
A nation’s propensity for indulgence will likely influence the organizational systems, pro-
cesses, and procedures performance management lever. Organizations located in indulgent
countries will employ performance measurement systems that have an annual or even quarterly
focus. In contrast, organizations situated in countries with low indulgence will construct perfor-
mance measurement systems featuring long planning periods and extended evaluation periods.
Before ending this discussion on national culture, it is important to recognize that Hof-
stede’s national culture taxonomy is not the only framework that exists. In addition to the
scholarly contributions of Hall (1976) and Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars (1996), Jonathan
Review Question 14.3: How does national culture influence performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Haidt, in his book The Righteous Mind (2012), offers the idea that national culture can be defined
by the collective morality of a nation’s citizens. Haidt identifies six dimensions of morality: care/
harm, liberty/oppression, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, and sanctity/
The taxonomies of Hofstede and Haidt share a commonality. For example, Hofstede’s
power distance dimension appears to be equivalent to Haidt’s authority/subversion. And just as
it is possible to connect Hofstede’s dimensions of national culture to performance management
design, so too can this mapping be accomplished with Haidt’s dimensions. As one example, the
dimension fairness/cheating would have a strong association with organizations’ use of formal
organizational structures. Organizations located in national cultures known for cheating will
want to place a strong emphasis on formal systems as a way to reduce their organizations’ expo-
sure to this cheating behaviour and the harm it can cause.
As a final thought before leaving this topic of national culture and performance manage-
ment design, it must be understood that national culture represents an average member’s pro-
pensity to behave in a particular way. Although most people will behave in an average way, or
otherwise there would be no such construct as national culture, this does not mean that every-
one behaves this way. For whatever reason, whether it is due to someone’s newness to a culture
or a significant event that changed a person’s outlook from that of other societal members, cul-
tural diversity can and does occur. The presence of intra-country cultural diversity means that
a company like Kyocera – which relies upon finding employees who are willing to work long
hours, accept paternalistic management styles, and identify with a wider group of employees
than just their immediate department – can find the right type of employee irrespective of its
various organizational units’ very different national settings.
National governments have the ability to influence organizations on everything from the strate-
gies they pursue to the organizational systems, processes, and procedures they use. Governments
operate commerce commissions, federal trade commissions, or other offices with similar names
that have the authority to sanction or prohibit various organizational mergers. The main reason
a government would prohibit a merger is if it believed the merger would not be in the best
interests of the public (i.e., there would be a significant erosion in competition). A recent exam-
ple of when this occurred was Vodafone NZ’s attempt to merge with Sky TV.The New Zealand
Commerce Commission refused this billion-dollar merger, stating it would have a detrimental
effect on competition in the telecommunications industry. Thus, no matter whether it is the
case of a firm that is pursuing a single-industry strategy and wants to improve its economies of
scale by purchasing a competitor or a firm that wants to pursue a related-diversified strategy
External environment 225
0.152 + 0.152 + 0.152 + 0.152 + 0.152 + 0.152 + 0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012 +
0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012 + 0.012
By contrast, in an industry where there are again 16 firms, but in this second case the top firm
controls 80% of the market, 5 firms control 2% each, and the final 10 firms control 1% each, the
HHI is 64.3%. Although the number of firms comprising the industry has remained the same,
a higher HHI is to be expected now that one firm has a very large share of the market. The
calculation of the HHI is as follows:
In the US, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) use the
HHI. The Antitrust Division of the DOJ views HHIs between 15% and 25% as indicative of
“moderately concentrated” industries and HHIs above 25% as representing “highly concen-
trated” markets. Irrespective of these bands, proposed mergers that produce an HHI increase of
2% or more (e.g., HHI changes from 12% to 14%) will generally result in enhanced scrutiny.
Beyond constraining what mergers an organization can undertake, governments can also
dictate the employee rights an organization is obligated to offer its employees. For example, EU
Articles 5, 114, 115, 151, and 153 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) state that employees have a right to information, consultation, and participation in such
matters as restructurings, work-life balance, working hours, and occupational health and safety.
In other words, EU legislation mandates a measure of organizational decentralization which
may constrain what an organization might otherwise have implemented.
In addition to influencing an organization’s strategy and structure, government legisla-
tion can impact the employee benefits an organization offers. These benefits, which would be
captured in the performance management lever relating to human resource systems (which is
itself a subset of organizational systems, processes, and procedures), are often used to support an
organization’s competitive strategy. For example, an organization that is pursuing a cost leader
strategy would generally make sparse use of employee benefits. The cost leader would usually
see employee benefits as an extravagance. Furthermore, since the cost leader typically sticks to
tried-and-tested products/services and process technologies, it would not feel it is in the same
race for the best employees as its competitors who pursue a differentiation strategy, especially
those that differentiate on their products/services’ innovation. However, an industry’s innova-
tors, or what Miles and Snow (1978) would term prospectors, would likely place quite a high
value on attracting employees with above-average skill sets. To help attract these employees,
prospectors would probably offer relatively generous employee benefits.
Some countries, however, have national legislation that mandates the minimum levels of
employee benefits organizations can offer. Generally speaking, European countries have rela-
tively high thresholds on the minimum standards organizations must give their employees. In
Denmark, for example, workers who are made redundant receive 90% of their earnings for
the previous 104 weeks. In the US, redundant workers receive just 40–50% of their previous
weekly earnings for every week (up to a maximum of 26 weeks) that they remain redundant.
Table 14.1 shows a variety of employee benefits and the different entitlements employees in
various European countries and the US are entitled to.
Based on Table 14.1, European countries have very generous employee benefits compared
with the US. Although any given European employer can exceed their nation’s minimum enti-
tlements in an attempt to attract better-qualified employees, in the US, which starts from a very
low base, it is relatively easier for organizations to differentiate themselves from their competi-
tors. Google is one such company that tries to use its employee benefit programmes to stand
out from its competitors.
Google’s very generous set of employee entitlements include running a free bus between
areas all around the Bay Area and its Googleplex in Mountain View, California. Similar to Face-
book, the company offers bikes to commute around its Googleplex and a fleet of electric cars
to drive for off-campus business. In addition to the bikes and electric cars, the Googleplex has
on-site fitness centres, as well as doctors, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and masseurs/masseuses.
Not only does the company offer advice to employees on managing their finances for retire-
ment, but if an employee dies, his/her spouse/partner receives 50% of the deceased employee’s
salary for the next decade. On top of this, the surviving children receive $1,000 a month until
they reach 19 (or 23 if they are studying full-time). Google further offers free on-site smoking
cessation programmes, cooking classes, and more. The company supports its employees’ higher
TABLE 1 4.1 employee benefit entitlements for various european countries and the Us
degree studies, and even funds something as tangentially related to work as guitar lessons. Based
on this plentiful array of employee benefits, it is easy to see how Google can differentiate itself
from other organizations competing for similar employees.
In the earlier discussion on industry’s effect on performance management design, the presence
of employees’ professional orientations was examined. Although professionalism is certainly
an employee characteristic associated with various labour markets, it was viewed as a defin-
ing dimension of industry and therefore included in this topic’s discussion. Unlike employee
characteristics that can be associated with particular industries, this section of the chapter dis-
cusses employee characteristics and other factors that are more generally associated with labour
The level of unemployment in a labour market exerts a key constraint on an organization’s
performance management design. If unemployment is low, then organizations will need to
compete for what are scarce, due to the low unemployment, human resources. As part of their
competition, organizations are likely to make more liberal use of employee benefits. In contrast,
in times of high unemployment, organizations will have less need to be so generous with their
employee benefits.
Besides unemployment, labour markets can be characterized by the general abilities and
personalities of the employees. For example, an often overlooked characteristic is the attitude
employees have for challenge. Hackman and Oldham (1980) have argued that employees can
be distinguished by their growth need strength (GNS). GNS, which is generally assessed by
administering a questionnaire (in other words, it could be part of a battery of psychometric
tests), measures an individual’s propensity for challenge. Low-GNS workers do not like chal-
lenge, whereas high-GNS workers do.
The application of GNS to work settings is quite simple but profound. Attempts to enrich
work environments through such programmes as worker empowerment and participative
decision-making are likely to fail if the workers possess low GNS. These workers simply do
not want the challenge associated with these enriched working environments. As a consultant
at Stanley Tools, I observed this predisposition firsthand. The company had called me in to help
implement a job enrichment programme in one of its production departments. After interview-
ing several employees, it became apparent that these employees were not interested in, and in fact
were keen to do anything they could to avoid, becoming part of an enriched work environ-
ment. They saw their work as solely a vehicle for purchasing life’s necessities and whatever
luxuries the leftover component of their pay cheques could buy. Because these workers had so
228 ContInGent FaCtors
Review Question 14.5: How do labour markets influence performance management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 14.6: What is growth need strength? Provide examples of organizational
settings where it is likely to differ. How is its presence associated with performance
management design?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
little desire for challenge, the idea of creating higher satisfaction and motivation by providing
them with more control and responsibility for aspects of their job was never going to be real-
ized. As one worker explained, “Managers are responsible for the decisions here and should not
be ducking this responsibility by telling me to make the decisions for them. I am here just for
the pay cheque.”
Understanding employees’ GNS is fundamental to and must be understood prior to mak-
ing any decisions about organizational structure, especially decisions about the amount of
centralization/decentralization to operate. Employees with low GNS are better matched with
centralized organizational structures, and high-GNS employees are compatible with decentral-
ized organizational structures.
This chapter identified the four external contingent factors of industry, national culture, gov-
ernment regulation, and labour markets and discussed how each factor serves to influence
performance management design. External contingent factors are seldom discussed in the per-
formance management literature; and on the rare occasions they are discussed, only the most
nondescript, passing remarks are made.
As was the case when discussing the effect of internal contingent factors in Chapter 13,
scholars and practitioners must be aware of the set of external contingent factors that can influ-
ence an organization’s performance management design. Without these understandings, schol-
ars may produce specious findings and practitioners may develop performance management
designs that are not fit for purpose.
Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M. (1961) The Management of Innovation, London: Tavistock.
Hackman, J. and Oldham, G. (1980) Work Redesign, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Haidt, J. (2012) The Righteous Mind, New York: Random House.
Hall, E.T. (1976) Beyond Culture, New York: Doubleday.
Hampden-Turner, C.M. and Trompenaars, F. (1996) A world turned upside down: doing business in Asia.
In P. Joynt and M. Waner (Eds), Managing Across Cultures: Issues and Perspectives, London: Thomson,
pp. 275–305.
eXternaL enVIronMent 229
Hofstede, G.H. (1980) Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values, Beverly Hills,
CA: Sage.
Hofstede, G.H. (1991) Cultures and Organizations, London: McGraw-Hill.
International Accounting Education Standards Board. (2017) International Education Standard 4: Initial
Professional Development – Professional Values, Ethics, and Attitudes 2015, New York: International Federa-
tion of Accountants.
Kallio, K., Kallio, T.J., Tienari, J. and Hyvönen, T. (2016) Ethos at stake: performance management and
academic work in universities, Human Relations,Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 685–709.
Lawrence, P.R. and Lorsch, J. (1967) Organization and Environment, Boston, MA: Harvard Business School,
Division of Research.
Miles, R.E. and Snow, C.C. (1978) Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Weber, M. (1947) The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, Glencoe, IL: Free Press.
Woodward, J. (1958) Management and Technology, London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Woodward, J. (1965) Industrial Organisations:Theory and Practice, London: Oxford University Press.
This chapter extends and concludes the book’s previous discussions on the interconnected
nature of the elements of performance management. Throughout the book, the idea that
performance management represents an integrated package of influence of and control on
employee behaviour has been promoted. Further and final comments on the interconnectivity
of an organization’s performance management system are provided.
The chapter ends with a discussion of the research opportunities that exist in the field of
performance management. This discussion covers examinable research propositions, issues asso-
ciated with construct specification, and research method choice.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003267195-19
Conclusion 231
book has shown, far from operating in isolation, these three performance management levers
are interconnected. It is for this reason that Figure 3.1 represents the performance management
process as jigsaw pieces that interlock with each other and the organizational strategy they are
trying to enable. Significant discussion was devoted to describing how organizational strategy
(see Chapters 7 and 8) illuminates and gives purpose to the decisions an organization makes
about the organizational structure (see Chapter 10), organizational systems, processes, and pro-
cedures (see Chapter 11), and organizational culture (see Chapter 12) it will adopt.
Unlike the singular prescriptions of agency theory, the approach taken in this book empha-
sizes the more holistic performance management designs that contingency theory promotes.
This theory recognizes that although general relationships exist between competitive strategies
(e.g., cost leadership, differentiation, and confrontation) and performance management system
designs, these relationships are only ever provisional. In particular, the final specification of
an organization’s performance management design must await the further specification of an
organization’s internal contingent factors (i.e., leadership style, organizational lifecycle, organi-
zational size, and organizational ownership) and external contingent factors (industry, national
culture, government regulation, and labour markets). These contingent factors were extensively
examined in Chapters 13 and 14.
The book’s visualization of performance management as a combination of interlocking levers
of employee influence that fuse together to support employees’ implementations of their respec-
tive organizations’ strategies is consistent with previous literature’s claims about the superiority of
conceptualizing performance management from a holistic perspective, or what is called a package
or system approach (see Demartini and Otley, 2020), rather than a reductionist perspective that
views performance management elements in isolation of one another. For example, Malmi and
Brown (2008) have forcefully argued for viewing performance management as a unified pack-
age of interconnected organizational systems that serve to direct employee behaviour. Malmi and
Brown proceed to list five types of controls that comprise their particular performance manage-
ment framework: planning, cybernetic, rewards and compensation, administrative, and cultural
controls. Figure 15.1 presents an adapted version of the Malmi and Brown model.
The perceptive reader will see significant similarities between this book’s Figure 3.1 and
Malmi and Brown’s framework. For example, Malmi and Brown’s cybernetic controls – most
notably the parts they label as budgets, financial performance measurement systems, non-inancial
performance measurement systems, and hybrid performance measurement systems – are similar
to and form part of this book’s organizational systems, processes, and procedures performance
management lever. Malmi and Brown’s planning control can also be mapped to this book’s
organizational systems, processes, and procedures lever of performance management. The plan-
ning control these authors refer to is part of the budgeting process described in this book (see
Chapter 11). A key part of budgeting does after all involve planning.
Malmi and Brown’s reward and compensation control parallel this book’s employee incen-
tive systems. Moreover, the components of what Malmi and Brown refer to as administrative
control would map across two of this book’s main levers of performance management. There
is an obvious one-to-one correspondence between what Malmi and Brown and this book call
organizational structure. The only real distinction between Malmi and Brown and this book is
that organizational structure assumes greater prominence in this book, by virtue of it being one
of the three main levers of performance management. Policies and procedures, which is the
second component of Malmi and Brown’s administrative control, feature as part of this book’s
organizational systems, processes, and procedures lever of performance management.
There are, however, two elements of Malmi and Brown’s model that fail to match well
with this book’s performance management framework. The first is their governance structure,
which they describe as “the company’s board structure and composition, as well as its various
management and project teams” (2008: 294). Although the second half of their description
harmonizes with this book’s organizational structure performance management lever, their first
part (i.e., board structure and composition) would fail to be seen as relevant by the majority of
performance management practitioners and scholars.
Malmi and Brown’s cultural control presents the most problematic fit with this book’s
model. At first glance this would not seem to be the case. This book, after all, extensively dis-
cusses culture. The problem is that although this book is quite clear about the need to view
organizational culture as separate from national culture, the Malmi and Brown model seems to
ignore the need for such a distinction. This oversight is most unfortunate. Organizational cul-
ture serves as a powerful lever of performance management. In contrast, national culture is an
external contingent factor that scholars and practitioners must be aware of when studying and
designing performance management systems.
Conclusion 233
The lack of recognition and understanding awarded to organizational culture and national
culture continues to handicap the study and practice of performance management. Sometimes
it is due to conflating these two separate cultural constructs, and on other occasions, it occurs
when scholars relegate culture to the status of a contextual variable. For example, Ferreira
and Otley (2009: 267) refer to organizational culture as “a notable contextual variable.” The
end result of these misrepresentations of organizational and national culture is the failure by
practitioners and researchers to award these two constructs the full and separate attention they
In fact, a strong case can be made for how the literature’s inability to recognize and docu-
ment the role organizational and national culture play in performance management can at least
partly explain why the average senior manager takes insufficient interest in organizational cul-
ture. How frequently, for example, does an organization’s newly appointed CEO look to revamp
organizational structures and decree new organizational budgeting, planning, and employee
incentive systems? The answer is almost invariably. In comparison, how often do new CEOs try
to mould their organizations’ cultures to better support their organizations’ respective strate-
gies? Here the answer is seldom. Although modifying an organization’s culture will always be
highly challenging and will always require significant commitments of time and resources, the
rewards for those who are willing to make the investment are substantial. Perhaps if the litera-
ture was clearer about the separate compositions of organizational culture and national culture
and this literature was able to convey the powerful contribution organizational culture makes
to employees’ implementation of their organizations’ strategies, then maybe more CEOs would
be willing to invest in their organizations’ cultures to ensure they fully support the strategies
being pursued.
One further commonly overlooked element of performance management is the influ-
ence of human resource management practices. Although this book does not recognize human
resource systems as a separate lever of performance management, the book does present it as one
of the three main pillars that comprise the performance management lever called organizational
systems, processes, and procedures. A section of Chapter 11 was devoted to enunciating the
components of human resource systems and explaining how they contribute to an organiza-
tion’s attempts to influence employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy.
In contrast to the recognition human resource systems receive in this book, other per-
formance management writers either ignore it (e.g., Anthony and Govindarajan, 2007), make
vague reference to it (Ferreira and Otley, 2009), or assume it resides under various performance
management elements (Malmi and Brown, 2008). The closest Ferreira and Otley (2009: 278)
come to discussing human resource systems is when they write, “Targets [are] generally set
centrally by the board of directors after consultation with human resources, finance, and plan-
ning and control managers.” Meanwhile, Malmi and Brown claim that an organization’s human
resource practices and systems are subsumed under various components of their five perfor-
mance management controls.They assume that employee selection is part of their cultural con-
trol, employee placement falls under their organizational control, and employee training belongs
to both their administrative control and cultural control. With the exception of this book, the
performance management literature’s relegation of human resource systems to an insignificant
or ancillary role contradicts organizational scholars’ general consensus that these systems play a
key role in encouraging high employee commitment, motivation, and performance.
In sum, compared with other performance management frameworks, the model presented
in this book offers a strong holistic model, one that Ferreira and Otley (2009) would likely term
as a tightly coupled, holistic model.These scholars view such performance management models
as representative of one endpoint on a wide-ranging continuum for describing performance
management models. Drawing on contingency theory, Ferreira and Otley (2009) view positions
along this continuum as being more or less amenable to organizational success depending on
the specific set of contingent factors an organization faces. According to Demartini and Otley
(2020: 2), the loose or tight coupling of an organization’s performance management system
should be based on the organization’s need for responsiveness and distinctiveness. Responsive-
ness is regarded as enabling organizational control and efficiency, while distinctiveness is seen
as enabling autonomy and innovation. Organizations with high needs for both responsiveness
and distinctiveness should use loosely coupled performance management systems, while orga-
nizations with low needs for both responsiveness and distinctiveness should use tightly coupled
performance management systems. Organizations with intermediate needs for responsiveness
and distinctiveness should use medium coupled performance management systems.
Otley and his colleagues’ approach to the design of performance management system cou-
pling requires careful scrutiny. As previously mentioned, Otley and his colleagues view organi-
zational culture as a “notable contextual variable” (Ferreira and Otley, 2009: 267) rather than
a critical performance management lever of influence. Not only do Otley and his colleagues
overlook organizational culture’s centrality to performance management, but their description
of coupling invariably involves formal measures of control. For example, Demartini and Otley’s
(2020: 8) “three pairs of couplings” comprise budgeting and non-financial performance mea-
surement, budgeting and performance appraisal, and non-financial performance measurement
and performance appraisal. The idea of how formal mechanisms of budgeting, non-financial
performance measurement, and performance appraisal can be combined with informal sys-
tems like organizational culture is never discussed. This book’s readers will know that the three
performance management levers of influence can be relied upon in varying amounts to create
the desired amount and type of overall employee influence an organization requires. Using
Demartini and Otley’s (2020) terminology, organizations with high needs for responsiveness
and distinctiveness will wish to implement flat, organically-operating organizational structures
and foster organizational cultures defined by employee collaboration and empowerment. The
performance management lever of organizational systems, processes, and procedures should play
a subdominant role. As a point of contrast, organizations with low needs for responsiveness and
distinctiveness would feature tall organizational structures, industrious, as opposed to creative,
organizational cultures, and place high reliance on organizational systems, processes, and proce-
dures as a way to ensure organizational activities are standardized and reliably repeated.
This book has consistently adopted the position that it is the combined effect of the three
main levers of influence that allow an organization to achieve the right employee motivation
and performance. As illustrated in Figure 3.2 in Chapter 3, successful managers will find they
must use judicious combinations of the three levers of influence; otherwise, they risk creating
too little or too much influence, with both states being detrimental to organizational perfor-
mance. This idea of using different combinations of employee influence to achieve desired
organizational outcomes, along with the idea that different combinations can substitute for one
another, can be likened to Sandelin’s (2008) concept of equifinality.
Conclusion 235
As noted at the book’s outset, the novel performance management model presented draws
upon the business disciplines of management accounting, strategic management, organizational
behaviour, and organizational theory. Accordingly, beyond offering a model featuring greater
holism, this book’s model provides clear recognition of the formal/informal and constraining/
enabling influence of performance management. No true understanding of performance man-
agement can exist without an appreciation of these different properties.
As discussed in Chapter 10, organizational structure involves the specification of the
amount of formality or informality an organization operates. The extent to which an organiza-
tion prescribes many rules and procedures (and therefore displays high formality) will depend
upon a host of salient organizational and environmental factors, including the competitive
strategy, the existence of various internal and external contingent factors, and the design and
operation of the organization’s other performance management levers. Some situations will call
for more formal organizational structures and others for more informal structures. Although this
observation seems natural and obvious, as Cardinal (2017) has shown, the performance manage-
ment research has overwhelmingly studied formal control. Future research needs to redress this
imbalance, and hopefully this book’s model can serve as the theoretical foundation from which
these research studies can be built.
Cardinal (2017) has also demonstrated that the literature focuses mostly on the employee-
constraining influence of performance management. Largely overlooked is the enabling influ-
ence of performance management. As this book has discussed, it is invariably the case that
performance management will serve the dual role of constraining/coercing and enabling/
empowering. For example, budgets – which are represented under the performance manage-
ment lever of operating systems, processes, and procedures – serve to both constrain and enable.
In particular, on the one hand, budgets dictate the means within which employees and their
subunits must operate. On the other hand, budgets bestow authority and resources on employ-
ees and enable them to make decisions and take action. As another example, organizational cul-
ture will support employee behaviour that is consistent with the organizational group’s values,
norms, and beliefs, but it will also sanction and punish employees when their behaviour falls
outside the group’s shared conceptions of acceptability. In other words, performance manage-
ment will invariably exert a dual constraining and enabling role.
Today’s organizations and the organizational environments they are operating in are becom-
ing increasingly complex and turbulent. Furthermore, the key drivers of organizational success
are more and more a function of organizational innovation and learning. Ensuring an organiza-
tion’s employees fully understand and are continuously working to support their organization’s
strategy implementation has never been so important. The margin for organizational error has
decreased markedly over the past decade and continues to do so.
In my long experience of working with organizations, the differences between highper-
forming and poor-performing organizations are surprisingly small. I have witnessed exam-
ples of quite good, and even exemplary, management practices among some of the laggards
and sometimes even among the organizations that failed. In fact, no matter how poorly
performing the organization may be, it is a rarity to find an organization with performance
that is deficient across the board. Instead it is usually a small subset of things, and often just
a handful, that the good organizational performers do better than their underperforming
Review Question 15.1: How does this book’s model of performance management repre-
sent a strong holistic model?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 15.2: How does this book’s performance management model compare
to Ferreira and Otley’s (2009) and Malmi and Brown’s models?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Review Question 15.3: How does this book’s performance management model feature both
constraining and enabling influences on employees? Give examples of these constrain-
ing and enabling influences for each of the three performance management levers.
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
Invariably, however, the one factor that sets apart the good and poor performers is the
fitness for purpose of their performance management systems. I have yet to witness a poorly
performing organization that did not also have an ill-suited performance management system.
Having reached this point in the book, I trust that the meaning of ill-suited can be recognized
as an organization’s inability to appropriately design the three main levers of performance man-
agement in a manner that supports employees’ implementation of the organization’s strategy.
When designing these three levers, senior managers will need to take into consideration the
organization’s internal and external contingent factors.
My hope in writing this book is that practitioners and managers will be better able to
understand the composition of performance management and the vital role it plays in enabling
organizational success. For no matter how good an organization’s products/services may be,
how loyal its customers are, how hard its employees work, or how much charisma its leaders
exude, organizations that fail to properly design their performance management systems will
themselves fail too.
Review Question 15.4: What are some of the future performance management research
opportunities awaiting today’s scholars?
Answer: Please see the Answer section starting on page 283
their research designs. To do otherwise, by perhaps omitting key internal and external con-
tingent factors and focusing on only the relationships between competitive strategies and the
design of the three levers of performance management, would contravene this book’s thesis that
performance management must be understood as a holistic and integrated package of employee
behaviour influence and control.
Researchers will of course find that before they can even embark on studying the relation-
ships that are inherent in Figure 3.1, they must initially provide fuller enunciation and ultimately
operationalization of the constructs presented in Figure 3.1. And once they have accomplished
this task of construct specification and operationalization, researchers must also be prepared to
develop survey instruments capable of capturing the underlying phenomena.
Case study work is likely to be the favoured research method. Despite Otley’s (1980)
long-standing call for performance management research to incorporate an integrated-package
approach, it has received only the faintest response in reply. Until sufficient inductively-
developed theory exists, larger and cross-sectional studies must await their appointed time.
In fact, it may be wiser not to rush into, or even eschew altogether, cross-sectional research.
Longitudinal studies may be necessary to reveal and account for delayed or intermittent effects
between the variables comprising performance management.
There will be no shortcuts to the programme of research required. Although this may
frustrate some researchers, hopefully, the challenge presented will inspire others. As Mihaly
Csikszentmihalyi (2008) once stated, “The best moments in our lives are not the passive, recep-
tive, relaxing times …The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to
its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” Or perhaps
inspiration for action can be gleaned from John F. Kennedy’s impassioned 1962 speech, when
he announced the goal of landing an astronaut on the moon, saying, “We choose to go to the
moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are
hard.” In a similar vein to Csikszentmihalyi and Kennedy, I challenge my peers who work in the
field of performance management to refrain from undertaking research that is easy but unlikely
to significantly advance our knowledge. Instead, I urge them to traverse a path that is more dif-
ficult and arduous, but ultimately more meaningful and rewarding.
Anthony, R. and Govindarajan, V. (2007) Management Control Systems (12th Edition), New York:
Cardinal, L. (2017) An examination of organizational control-outcome relationships and the challenges
of 21st century organizations, Performance Measurement Association Australasia Conference, Dunedin, New
Zealand, 1–3 March.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1st Harper Perennial Modern
Classics ed.), New York: Harper Perennial.
Demartini, M.C. and Otley, D. (2020) Beyond the system vs. package dualism in performance management
systems design: a loose coupling approach, Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 86, pp. 1–16.
Ferreira, A. and Otley, D. (2009) The design and use of performance management systems: an extended
framework for analysis, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 263–282.
Malmi, T. and Brown, D.A. (2008) Management control systems as a package – opportunities, challenges
and research directions, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287–300.
Otley, D. (1980) The contingency theory of management accounting: achievement and prognosis,
Accounting, Organizations and Society,Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 413–428.
Sandelin, M. (2008) Operation of management control practices as a package: a case study on control
system variety in a growth firm context, Management Accounting Research,Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 324–343.
For instructors: Detailed case analyses notes and sample answers are available online at
In spite of the seasonal nature of our business, the sale of ice cream is generally easy to predict from
one quarter to the next. Because of this high predictability, decision making is centralized. The New
Zealand home office experiments with and decides on the introduction of any new ice cream flavours.
And I, as the US-based regional manager, make decisions, in consultation with our home office, on
where to locate new stores or what existing stores should be expanded or closed. Presently we have
stores in five areas of California: San Diego, Los Angeles, Monterey, Carmel, and San Francisco.
I also decide, again in consultation with home office, on the menu prices.The company is in an expan-
sion mode. We presently have 45 stores throughout Australia, Asia, and Europe and are planning on
opening five more stores over the next 15 months. One of the stores is planned for Portland Oregon
and the other for Seattle Washington. It is a truly exciting time to be part of the company.
Ann Cotton, US Regional Manager
Ann Cotton was the US-regional manager of Aotearoa Pure. She had worked in this role for
the past three years, being instrumental in the opening of Aotearoa Pure’s first store, which was
the Los Angles store located in Venice Beach.
Hector Rodríguez was the Los Angeles store manager. He managed the store with the help of
two part-time employees. Each part-time employee worked an average of 20–25 hours per week.
Hector described the last three months of operations as “frustrating,” stating:
This summer has been frustrating.There has been terrible weather as a result of the El Niño that has
prevailed since May. An El Niño is a climate pattern defined by warmer-than-average Pacific Ocean
water that brings wetter and colder weather to California. Some long-time residents say it was the
worst summer that they can remember. Sunny southern California just didn’t live up to its reputation.
Instead it was cold, rainy, and at times downright nasty … at least for southern California standards.
Everyone knows ice cream sells best when the weather is sunny and hot. And furthermore, not only
240 Cases
was the weather bad, but the road construction that took place outside the store for most of July and
part of August surely didn’t help matters.
Each of the five California ice cream stores was treated as an investment centre. For Hector, the
three months ending 31 August were associated with sub-par performance. In fact, he had just
finished reading an email from Ngaire Hapeta, the company’s CFO, criticizing his performance.
Exhibit 1 provides a copy of this email, and Exhibit 2 provides a copy of the budget and actual
results of the store’s performance referred to in Ngaire’s email.
According to Ann, careful attention was paid to the construction of each store’s budget.
As Ann proceeded to say, “We take into consideration such factors as a store’s previous perfor-
mance, local competitors’ strategies, the company’s growth expectations for each individual
store, and even historical weather data. Essentially nothing is omitted.” Exhibit 3 reports key
budget assumptions and weather statistics pertaining to the latest quarter’s performance.
As explained by Hector, Aotearoa Pure sought to appeal to customers’ love for ice cream,
as well as their fascination with New Zealand. Hector noted:
We have a reputation as a shop selling premium ice cream at premium prices. Generally speaking, our
menu prices are about 20–30% higher than our competitors. We also try to showcase a bit of New
Zealand in our stores. Our walls display photos of bungie jumping in Queenstown, Great Walks like
the Milford Track, and whales, penguins and other wildlife in New Zealand’s coastal waters.
Customer service is a vital component of our strategy. We pride ourselves on the high level of customer
service we offer.We match our use of the finest ice cream ingredients with ensuring our stores are immacu-
late, tidy and welcoming.We are proud to be the servants of our customers and will do all we can to please
them. For example, while most ice cream shops only mix different flavours of ice cream if it is for full
scoops, we are happy to cater to any of our customers’ calls for multiple ice cream flavours. If a customer
wants five different flavours, that’s okay. It might mean serving half or even quarter scoops, but we’ll do it.
We want our customers to thoroughly enjoy their experience. In fact, a key to our plans for expansion is cus-
tomer service.We know, and our customers always testify to this, that we have the best ice cream. But because
we charge relatively high prices, we need to have exceptional customer service. One way we encourage this is
through the way my salary, travel and other expenses are allocated. Previously, we allocated these costs, which
are about $100,000 per year, equally to the five stores. In other words, each store was allocated $20,000 per
year. Starting in the current year, we changed the cost driver from stores to customer satisfaction.
Out of my budget, we hire an independent marketing company to measure each store’s customer
satisfaction every quarter. Customers choose from one of four categories: very happy with service,
somewhat happy with service, somewhat unhappy with service, and very unhappy with service. For
each store we add together the percent of customers who report being somewhat or very unhappy
to create a store-specific dissatisfaction score. We next sum the five store’s dissatisfaction scores to
produce an aggregate total. A ratio comprised of the numerator showing a particular store’s score
and the denominator showing the five store’s aggregate total is used to allocate the overhead costs
associated with my regional manager’s role. Exhibit 4 contains the calculated allocations of overhead
costs for the past quarter.
Cases 241
It has been an unusual three months. I know head office is not pleased with my store’s performance, but
I think my staff and I performed quite well under what were very trying conditions. It is just unfortunate
that this is not being reflected in the performance measures. I know our customer satisfaction showed a
significant decline, but this I feel can be largely attributed to the road construction which caused all sorts
of problems with noise, dust and even parking. As a result, the annual ROI-based bonus I usually count
on is shot.There is no way I will be able to make up for this past quarter.
Store performance was well below expectations for the summer period.This is meant to be our
busiest time of year. We normally record 35% of our profits during this three-month period.
I note that revenue was nearly 33% lower than budgeted and profit was over 90% lower than
Cash $8,100
Inventory $750
Prepaid insurance $900
Leasehold improvements $180,000
equipment $50,000
total $239,750
accounts payable $15,750
Debt $140,000
owners’ equity $84,000
total $239,750
242 Cases
budgeted. In addition, when the exchange rate is taken into consideration, your revenues and
profits fare even worse. We budgeted an average cross rate of USD/NZD1 of 1.47, but the
average rate turned out to be 1.43. In other words, we expected NZD profit before taxes to
be $56,124 (Exhibit 2’s budgeted profit of $38,180 * the exchange rate of 1.47). Instead, the
converted profit was only $5,949.
I further note that based on the capital your store employs, which is detailed in your store’s
balance sheet which I reproduce below, your ROI before taxes was only 1.7% for the three
months ended 31 August (i.e., your store’s profit of $4,160 divided by assets of $239,750). Even
annualizing this rate would produce an ROI well below corporate expectations of 20%. In fact,
at the ROI your store is generating, the company should probably be thinking of investing in
AAA corporate bonds instead of tying its money up in your Los Angeles store.
Immediate corrective actions are required. We cannot afford another period like this past
one. In fact, the very survivability of your store is at stake.
nB: Bracketed numbers in the “Variance” column are unfavourable and non-bracketed numbers are favourable.
1 This ratio of United States dollars to New Zealand dollars should be interpreted as how many New Zealand dol-
lars one United States dollar will buy. In other words, a rate of 1.47 means one United States dollar buys 1.47 New
Zealand dollars.
Cases 243
Days of bad weather (rain ≥ 1 mm and/or temp < 20℃) 3 18
Days of good weather (rain < 1 mm and temp ≥ 20℃) 27 12
average daily number of customers 389 231
average revenue per customer (1 june–31 august; in UsD) $5.00 $5.24
Days of bad weather (rain ≥ 1 mm and/or temp < 20℃) 1 14
Days of good weather (rain < 1 mm and temp ≥ 20℃) 30 17
average daily number of customers 410 278
average revenue per customer (1 june–31 august; in UsD) $5.00 $5.35
Days of bad weather (rain ≥ 1 mm and/or temp < 20℃) 2 17
Days of good weather (rain < 1 mm and temp ≥ 20℃) 29 14
average daily number of customers 400 247
average revenue per customer (1 june–31 august; in UsD) $5.00 $5.38
Jim strode into the office. Jim looked unusually sombre. When asked by Joe if there was any-
thing wrong, Jim replied, “Plenty! For starters, just look at this.” Jim thrust out a set of company
financial statements (see Exhibit 1). John and Joe quickly read down the Income Statement’s
year-to-date column and understood the reason for Jim’s concern.
JOHN: “I don’t understand. I mean, I understand why we had the small profit for our first six
months. Our accountant encouraged us to take high salaries to avoid the double taxation
situation of our company being taxed on its profits and then we being taxed when the
company’s profits are distributed to us as dividends. However, I worked particularly hard
during the past six months to bring in extra business and cannot understand how our sales
could have decreased from the first half of the year. It just makes no sense.”
JOE: “Are you sure you have these numbers right, Jim?”
JIM: “Yes, I am. I worked most of the weekend preparing these statements. At first, I too was
surprised. But I double checked my work and am quite certain it is right.”
JOHN: “I think getting to the bottom of these numbers has to be our top priority. Let’s cancel
today’s scheduled meeting. Jim, I see you have copies of the financial statements. Please give
one to Joe and leave the other for me. I suggest that each of us takes an independent look
at the numbers and come up with some ways to improve what is an apparently sinking set
of company fortunes.We will reconvene in my office at 8:30 tomorrow morning to discuss
your ideas.”
roll widths of less than 30 inches.These special fabrics were largely demanded by the Los Ange-
les market for its production of women’s sports tops. The length of a roll could be almost any
amount but usually was between 50 and 100 yards.
The vast majority of the US knitting mills were located in southern California, typically
Los Angeles, or the US’s southeast. In recent years, Miami, Florida had become the Southeast’s
main centre for knitting mills. The knitting mills that once flourished in South Carolina had
either migrated to Miami or closed down altogether. The major reason for this consolidation
into Miami was the ever-increasing price competition exerted by overseas mills. Japan and
Korea had historically supplied this competition. More recently, the Chinese had become the
main competitive threat. Although the reputation of these Chinese knitting mills was for low
cost and quality, their product quality had – and was continuing – to improve. In an attempt
to meet this overseas threat, many of the Southeast mills had relocated to Miami, where they
employed Hispanic workers for one-half to two-thirds of the salaries they had been paying.
Fabric destined for the high fashion market was divided into three broad categories. The
low end consisted of fabric that fetched prices between $2.50 and $6.00 per yard. The medium
market supported fabric prices between $7.00 and $15.00. The high end was characterized by
fabric prices between $16.00 and $30.00. The Chinese, already a dominant player in the low
end of the market, were now trying to muscle into the medium market as well.
On many occasions, and this was always the case for Ellington Knitting Mill, the convert-
ers provided the knitting mills with the yarns for spinning. As a result, the knitting mill’s sole
responsibility was to spin the yarns according to the converters’ specified designs.
Tuesday, 8:30 am
John began the meeting by tabling the financial statements and reiterating his concern about the
company’s deteriorating financial performance. He asked his brothers for their ideas. Jim said he
felt the problem was due to the drop in sales. He noted that there had been a large unfavourable
volume variance.The company had estimated production of 8,000 “standard-sized” rolls for the
second six months of operation, exactly the same as was achieved during the first six months.
Instead, only 6,500 rolls were produced. A standard-sized roll was 5 feet wide by 50 yards long.
JOHN: “Well, don’t look at me. During the second half of the year, I went out and brought in
plenty of extra business. In fact, some of the converters are now calling me daily to find out
why their orders haven’t been delivered. I’m starting to look pretty silly.”
JOE: “Not so fast, John. And you too, Jim. I can see what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to
put all the blame on me.Yeah, I can see that you think it’s all my fault that the orders aren’t
getting shipped on time. But the kind of orders you keep winning for us John are the
ones that require lots of machine set-up time. And furthermore, the orders seem to be for
increasingly small quantities. The changeovers keep getting quicker and quicker.”
JOHN: “Well, that is the nature of business these days, Joe. Either we compete with the other
industry players or we’re toast. We all agreed at the end of our first six month period of
operations, when we discovered that we were slightly below 80% of capacity, that we
needed to bring in more business. Well, I have done that for us.”
JOE: “But is it the right business?”
246 Cases
JOHN: “Business is business. And furthermore, we get a premium price for work that is more
complex and involves more time-consuming machine set-ups. Isn’t that right, Jim.”
JIM: “That’s right. The more complex the work, the higher the price we charge. All work is
meant to provide us with a 50% gross profit.”
JOE: “Jim, remind me again how you achieve that.”
JIM: “Sure. Our product costs are made up of a variable and a fixed charge. The variable charge
consists of power, supplies and maintenance. I estimated these at $.05 per yard of fabric.
This number was calculated from a pilot study I performed on one of the machines and is
consistent with what the CFO from the knitting mill we bought the machines from said
his firm experienced. The fixed charge consists of machine depreciation, rent expense on
the factory premises, and production labour (which is your salary, Joe, and the two machine
operators you employ). These annual costs are estimated at $400,000.”
Before I could figure out the fixed cost per yard of material, I needed to know our expected
annual production. Now we all have a pretty good idea about the amount of production we
should achieve when the work is simple. We learned about this first hand when we called
around to the company that sold us the machines.We watched these machines produce at a rate
that equated to 111 rolls per machine per month, when operated over two eight-hour shifts per
day. We even have experience with achieving this rate ourselves.”
Of course, this number of 111 is achieved when the machine is operating near its ideal
capacity. When setting prices, we assumed that our machines would operate at 80% of ideal
capacity. Using this 80% benchmark, I calculated that each machine should produce 89 rolls per
month. And this equated to just around 16,000 rolls per year. Next, it was a simple matter of
dividing the annual costs of $400,000 by the 16,000 rolls. This resulted in a cost of $25.00 per
standard-sized roll or $.50 per yard. As a result, the cost for a typical, simple job would be $.55
per yard, comprised of the variable cost of $.05 and the fixed cost of $.50. I then doubled this
number to ensure that we achieved the 50% gross profit margin we wanted.”
JOE: “Why did you double this number? And where have you made a provision, as you say we do,
for a job’s complexity in the price we charge? I keep trying to tell you that I find the set-up
time varies considerably from one job to the next depending on the fabric design requested,
and yet I don’t see any reflection of this in the pricing scheme you have outlined.”
JIM: “I doubled the number because that allowed us to achieve the same gross profit margin as
the average company in our industry. As for all jobs receiving the same pricing, this is not
true.You are forgetting that I grade each job based on its relative complexity. Simple work
is graded 1 and is priced using the formula I have just outlined. Moderately complex work
is graded 2 and attracts a surcharge of 5%. Highly complex work is graded 3 and attracts a
surcharge of 10%.”
JOHN: “I think we have a good pricing system, Joe. It certainly seems to support our ability to
win orders.”
JOE: “If that is so, then why aren’t we still winning the less complex orders?”
JOHN: “I don’t know, Joe. But I think we have to stop blaming things around us. I say we get
our tails up and start working a bit harder.”
Cases 247
$’000 $’000
sales $440 $825
Cost of goods sold* $220 $438
Gross profit $220 $387
selling and administrative† $210 $420
net income before interest and taxes $10 $−33
Interest expense $8 $16
net income before taxes $2 $−49
taxes $1 $0
net income $1 $−49
selling and administrative:
$’000 $’000
assets: Debt:
Cash $10 accounts payable $5
accounts receivable $100 Deferred Liabilities $4
Inventory $10 Long-term notes payable $160
Machinery & fixtures $360 total debt $169
stockholders’ equity:
Common stock $360
retained earnings $−49
total stockholders’ equity $311
total assets $480 total debt and stockholders’’ quity $480
Company background
Jelly Company manufactured a wide variety of ink cartridges for use in computer printers.
Jelly’s ink cartridges were sold to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and to wholesalers.
The wholesalers resold the ink cartridges to retailers who in turn sold them as replacement parts
to the end customer. The latter market was called the “aftermarket” (AM). Exhibit 1 shows the
company’s profit and loss statement for 2014.
Responsibility centres
As shown in Exhibit 2, Jelly operated a divisionalised structure, whereby each of its two divi-
sions was responsible for product manufacturing (i.e., the Ink Cartridge Division) or warehous-
ing (i.e., the AM Division), as well as the marketing and distribution of its respective products.
The Ink Cartridge and AM Divisions were managed by separate vice-presidents.
The Ink Cartridge Division manufactured its products at an Australian plant, a Singapore
plant, and a Japanese plant. Each plant maintained its own set of finished goods inventories and
shipped parts directly to OEM customers. About 60% of each plant’s output was sold to OEMs,
with the other 40% being sold internally to the AM Division.
The AM Division was responsible for supplying Jelly’s ink cartridges to AM wholesalers.
To support its mission, the division operated large, state-of-the-art distribution warehouses in
Sydney, Singapore, and Tokyo.
Cases 249
Customer requirements
Jelly’s senior management listed the Ink Cartridge Division’s order-winning criteria as the abil-
ity to provide reliable, innovative, and cost-effective ink cartridges that were delivered on time
to meet their customers’ just-in-time manufacturing requirements. Cost control was critical
because the market was very price competitive.
The primary order-winning criterion for the AM Division was the ability to ensure cus-
tomers’ orders could be quickly filled. All of the AM Division’s customers maintained electronic
inventory connections with its suppliers and expected delivery within 48 hours of ordering.
Quality and price were seen as further, though secondary, order-winning criteria.
Performance measurement
Until the start of the 2014 fiscal year, Jelly had treated all its divisions and the business units under
each division as profit centres. In particular, the vice-presidents of the two divisions, as well as the
three plant managers and the three distribution warehouse managers, were all evaluated by com-
paring their respective business units’ budgeted profits to their actual profits. Because each manu-
facturing plant and each AM distribution warehouse had completely different sets of customers
(i.e., based on OEMs versus wholesalers and geographic locations), senior management felt it was
only logical that each business unit should maintain its own sales team. Budgets were flexed to
ensure changes in volume did not unfairly penalize or advantage a business unit or its manager.
Starting in July 2013, the company changed the performance evaluation of its business
units and managers to return on investment (ROI). The CEO made this change because he
felt the business unit managers were paying insufficient attention to controlling their respective
business units’ asset bases. The divisional vice-presidents had full autonomy over capital invest-
ment decision making in their respective divisions. While this autonomy for capital investment
decision making did not formally extend to either the plant or distribution warehouse manag-
ers, the CEO felt these managers had substantial influence over such decisions, stating he had
never seen a good capital investment request turned down. The CEO further chose to change
to ROI because he believed it produced more accurate performance comparisons across the
different business units and the business units’ responsible managers.
Each business unit and its manager had an annual ROI target to meet. The ROI targets
for the Ink Cartridge and AM Divisions’ managers were set by the Chief Operating Officer
and were based on ensuring the ROI targets she set would support Jelly’s five-year strategic
plan. The ROI targets for the manufacturing plant managers and the distribution warehouse
managers were set by their respective divisional managers. These targets were set to ensure
the overall divisional ROI targets, as established by the Chief Operating Officer, would be
The budgeted and actual ROI was calculated as profit (including allocations of corporate
and divisional overheads and an allocated income tax expense) divided by average-year assets
minus current liabilities. Property, plant and equipment were valued at gross book value.
250 Cases
Jelly’s accounting system permitted the tracing of sales; cost of goods sold; accounts receiv-
able; inventories; property, plant, and equipment; and current liabilities to each division and to
each business unit within each division. Corporate overhead and income tax expenses were
allocated to business units based on each unit’s actual sales to the total company’s actual sales. An
adjustment to each business unit’s asset base was made to reflect the fact that Jelly’s corporate
headquarters maintained one companywide cash account. Exhibit 3 presents the computation
of the Melbourne plant’s actual 2014 ROI.
Senior management’s reason for including allocated overhead expenses and taxes in the
calculation of profit was to instil market discipline by ensuring its managers were aware of the
full costs of doing business. Furthermore, these allocations ensured that the sum of the business
units’ profits equalled Jelly’s companywide profit. Meanwhile, an average of the opening and
ending net asset balances was used to calculate the investment base because senior management
felt this approach provided the fairest representation of the assets used to produce the year’s
30 June 2014
Chief Executive
Quinn Snyder, the VP of Miramar Industries’ Earthworks and Excavation Division, located in
Wellington, New Zealand, sat at his desk trying to make sense of the numbers that lay before
him. Tomorrow morning he was due to make his year-end divisional report to the company’s
Board of Directors. Based on the numbers themselves, he could see that he would face an uphill
battle trying to convince the board that he and his division had performed well.
Although his sales had increased significantly (see Exhibit 1), his division recorded a loss
for the year. Since the company used ROI to evaluate performance, he realized that his perfor-
mance for the year would look particularly bad.While Quinn had always been suspicious of the
utility of the company’s ROI system, he was especially perturbed this year.
Looking at the numbers, he could see that there had been a substantial increase in the amount
of corporate service costs allocated. Part of the reason was due to the five week power outage suf-
fered in Auckland during February 1998, which caused the shutdown of the corporate services unit
for nearly a month. A significant amount of overtime was incurred getting the unit current again.
252 Cases
Just then the phone rang. It was Denise Green, the VP of the Landscape Design Division.
She asked Quinn if he had seen the latest corporate results (see Exhibits 1 and 2). Denise went
on to crow about how this year’s results represented the fourth straight year that her pre-tax
ROI was at or above 45%, and this was after her division had paid a massive $300,000 dividend
to the parent company during 1998. Quinn groaned to himself. “Why,” he asked himself, “does
Denise always come out smelling so sweet?” Quinn wished his conversation with Denise would
end, and the sooner the better.
Company background
Miramar Industries was formed in 1982 to provide earthmoving and excavation work through-
out the North Island. The company enjoyed good growth throughout the 1980s and early
1990s. In fact, by 1994 the company’s cash reserves were at such a high level that the company’s
founder and president, Ben Gooding, began looking for ways to productively use this cash.
Initially his goal was to acquire another earthmoving and excavation company. But his
search failed to identify a suitable company. Then, by sheer chance, he met Nigel Evans. Nigel
was an investment banker, who specialised in the construction industry. As it happened, Ben and
Nigel were seated together on the same plane. Ben warmed to Nigel right away. As they left the
airplane, Ben invited Nigel to come to his office and discuss how Nigel might assist Ben in his
search for a company to buy.
Nigel visited Ben the following week. He listened patiently as Ben discussed his attempts to
date. When Ben had finished, Nigel asked Ben to elaborate on how Miramar’s strategy related
to his choice of a firm to acquire. Ben appeared puzzled by the question, so Nigel went on
to explain the three corporate strategies of single business firms, related diversified firms, and
unrelated diversified firms. He noted that Ben’s approach to date had been narrowly focused on
pursuing the strategy of a single business firm, but wondered whether he shouldn’t branch out
into a related diversified firm strategy. Ben said that he was unaware of the issue and asked Nigel
to elaborate further. Accordingly, Nigel told him the following:
Companies that pursue a single business firm strategy choose to commit themselves to a single
segment of a particular industry.They seek to focus and concentrate their energies in one area.
Meanwhile, companies that pursue a related diversified strategy choose to participate across a
range of business segments in a given industry and sometimes across industry boundaries. It
is always the case, however, that a common set of core competencies and operating synergies
underlies the related diversified’s business nexus. Companies that adopt the related diversified
strategy seek to benefit from risk diversification, economies of scale, and economies of scope.
The idea of pursuing a related diversified strategy intrigued and interested Ben. When Nigel
mentioned that he knew the managing director of an Auckland-based landscape design firm,
who was looking to sell his business and retire, Ben became even more intrigued and interested.
He felt that an excellent opportunity presented itself for growing the firm and leveraging its
core competencies. Furthermore, he could see great potential for business referrals between the
two companies. Not only would there likely be a flow of business from landscape design to
earthworks, but also the major task of finding and disposing of fill would likely be facilitated by
the combined operation of the two businesses.
Cases 253
Immediately following his meeting with Nigel, Ben was on the phone with his accountant
and next his lawyer. He told them of his desire to buy the landscape design firm and instructed
them to research, appraise, and value the potential acquisition. Within a month, Ben had com-
pleted the purchase of the landscape business.
Following the acquisition, Miramar structured the two businesses (earthmoving & excava-
tion and landscape design) as autonomous divisions and left them to operate from their original
locations (Wellington and Auckland).While the Earthworks and Excavation Division continued
to operate from an office and warehouse building that had been purchased in 1982, the Land-
scape Design Division rented its office space. Furthermore, since Ben knew he had much to
learn about the business of landscape design, he moved himself and his support staff – consisting
of human resources, law, accounting, and tax – up to Auckland. This corporate services unit
rented office space that adjoined the Landscape Design Division.
The next couple of years proved to be especially challenging for Ben and his staff as they
tried to come to grips with the landscape design business. Ben recalls those days as follows:
My staff and I were terribly naïve when we first entered the landscape design business. We
found ourselves on a steep part of the learning curve during the first couple of years. At times I
felt we were totally out of our depth. But we devoted a lot of time and energy to understand-
ing the landscape design business. Today we are feeling more confident and a lot better about
the decision, although I would be the first to admit that we still have more learning to do.
Performance evaluation
The two divisions were evaluated using ROI.When calculating ROI, all corporate service expenses
were allocated to each of the divisions. These corporate service costs were allocated based on the
percentage of each division’s sales to the combined divisions’ sales. Top management’s stated rea-
sons for doing this were that it gave the divisional managers a clearer perspective of the true costs
of doing business, it provided greater insight into each division’s contribution to the corporate
bottom line, and it made comparisons between outside standalone companies easier.
All assets were included as part of the investment base. As shown in the balance sheet, these
assets were comprised of cash, marketable securities, and accounts receivable. Additionally, in the
case of the Earthmoving and Excavation Division, the investment base also included machinery
and equipment and land and buildings. A more detailed description of these assets is provided
believed that the central control of cash would lead to a better matching of cash inflows and
outflows than if each division maintained its own separate cash balances. This in turn would
minimize the amount of cash needed.
Accounts receivable
All accounts receivable were collected and managed by the corporate controller’s office. The
company’s terms on accounts receivable were 2/10, E.O.M. (i.e., 2% discount if paid within ten
days of the end of the month).
It was the responsibility of the corporate controller’s office to check the credit worthiness
and risk of customers.There was a firm company policy that no sales contracts could be entered
into prior to the undertaking of a customer credit check and the issuance of a satisfactory credit
report. Furthermore, company policy did not permit cash sales in situations of poor credit.
Around the 20th of each month, an accounts receivable report was prepared by the corpo-
rate controller’s office and sent to each division. This report was titled “An Analysis of Accounts
Receivable by Age.” It included a grand total of each customer’s accounts receivable and an
aging of this total.
1 How would you rate the respective performances of Quinn and Denise?
2 Do you feel that the accounting system adequately captures the managers’ performance?
3 What weaknesses, if any, do you believe exist in Miramar’s management control system?
4 Do you have any suggestions for improving the management control system of Miramar?
Valerie Latta, the Chief Operating Officer of Plaintree Holdings Australia, addressed her com-
pany’s Board of Directors at its April 2018 meeting. The meeting was a particularly important
256 Cases
one, for Valerie was proposing that her company enter a new industry. Addressing the board,
she said:
Our company has performed really well financially over the past five years, earning an aver-
age annual after-tax ROE of 15%. As you know, we hold strong positions in three separate
industries: cruise ships, private country clubs, and five-star hotels. Although the three lines of
business are quite different and demand different operational competencies, the obvious com-
mon connection is the service industry. Of course, our competitive success is built on much
more than the service theme. In all three industries, we are focused on providing high quality,
personalised service to customers with high disposable incomes and highly demanding expec-
tations. For example, each of the two country clubs we operate, one in Scotland and the other
in southern California, offers a world-class golf course designed by a previous World Number
1 golfer. Both country clubs also feature an assortment of clay and grass tennis courts, and each
club has a restaurant headed by a Michelin-starred chef.2 Our cruise ship business and five-star
hotels similarly cater to the very rich. We employ Michelin starred-chefs at each location and
ensure our staff pamper our guests in the manner they have become accustomed. In other
words, we apply to all three industries our particular adeptness in knowing how to offer a dif-
ferentiated, high value service for the discriminating customer, who is in turn willing to pay
a price premium. Or to put it more crassly, we understand rich people, know how to pamper
them well and in the process we make a good profit.
Building on our ability to know people and leverage this into making profits, an opportunity
to buy a small rest home in North Otago, New Zealand has arisen. The rest home build-
ing was the former estate of a wealthy early 20th century industrialist. In the late 1960s,
the home was converted into a retirement home. In 2010, the home’s 14 bedrooms, two
lounges, dining room and kitchen were extensively renovated.
The current owner of the rest home wants to retire and head to Sydney to be closer to
her daughter’s family. She is both the rest home’s facility manager and its RN. She employs
five caregivers to comply with NZ rest home regulations requiring at least one carer being
present at all times. The other two employees are a chef and a cleaner.
Valerie proceeded to hand out reports on the rest home’s financial statements (see Exhibits 1
and 2) and a brief background report on NZ rest homes (see Exhibit 3). She then continued
her presentation, saying:
The rest home’s financial statements for the past three years have been audited. Exhibit 1
shows the income statements and Exhibit 2 shows the most recent balance sheet. As you
can see, the rest home has been quite profitable. Its owner is willing to sell at a price of
$1.75M. Using a free cash flow valuation model, our accountants estimate the rest home’s
fair value at $1.96M.The WACC used for the business valuation comes from a recent Grant
Thornton report on aged residential care (see Exhibit 4). Our company has sufficient cash
reserves to buy the business.
2 Michelin is a rating system of chefs, whereby a chef can be awarded up to three stars. A three-star chef is exceedingly
rare, with there being only five in the UK and 13 in the US. Earning a single star is a notable achievement.
Cases 257
Purchasing the rest home would give us a foothold in NZ’s growing rest home market.
With the NZ population continuing to age, rest homes play an essential role. Exhibit 5 uses
the GE Matrix to show the strategic profiles of our current three lines of business and our
expectations for the rest home business.
Rangi Ellison, Plaintree Holdings Australia’s Chairman, thanked Valerie for her presentation
and asked his board members if they had any questions. Shannon Tait asked what risks would
accompany the company’s entry into the NZ rest home market. She mentioned that she had
read the full Grant Thornton report and learned that NZ’s Ministry of Health had set ambitious
targets aimed at significantly cutting the per capita rate of people over 65 living in rest homes.
The latest initiative was its “Home is my First Choice” campaign.Valerie responded, saying:
Good question Shannon, but the overall numbers still work in our favour. The growth in
elderly people is simply too great for any government initiative to make a dent. We’ll be
more than fine. Furthermore, once we introduce the rest home employees to our Service
Quality Programme (SQP), the same programme we use to ensure exceptional customer
service in the current industries in which we compete, I am more than confident that
our customer base will grow. We will purchase and probably even get into the construc-
tion of additional rest homes. With more rest homes and more rest home residents, we
will achieve economies of scale that will enable our charging lower fees and enhance the
value proposition we offer residents. Furthermore, applying to the rest home the same
profit sharing programme we use in our other companies will encourage the rest home
workers to provide excellent customer service and in turn produce increased numbers
of residents.
Scott Richards, another board member, asked why carer salaries had increased by 17% between
2016 and 2017. Valerie explained this was due to the NZ government’s pay equity settlement,
which sought to redress the past undervaluation of care and support work (a job that is primar-
ily undertaken by women). Starting on 1 July 2017, the minimum hourly rate for care and sup-
port workers increased from the existing national minimum wage to $19. As noted in Exhibit 3,
the government sets the fees rest homes charge.The government increased the fee by an amount
equal to the increase in carer salaries, which also mostly explains the increase in the rest home’s
revenues between 2016 and 2017.
With no further questions forthcoming, Rangi again thanked Valerie and proposed a
motion that the company enter negotiations with the rest home owner to purchase her busi-
ness. The motion was unanimously passed.
1 Identify and comment on what you believe is the strategy of Plaintree Holdings Australia.
2 Calculate and comment on what you believe is the fair price/price range Plaintree Hold-
ings Australia should pay for the North Otago rest home.
3 Would you recommend that Plaintree Holdings Australia purchase the rest home? Why or
why not?
258 Cases
31 December 2017
Cash $3,500 accounts payable $15,346
Rest homes in NZ are highly regulated by the NZ government’s Ministry of Health. A vari-
ety of codes and regulations apply to the operation of rest homes. For example, every rest
home must engage a manager who holds a current qualification or has experience relevant
to both management and the health and personal care of older people. Furthermore, rest
homes must pay for their residents’ GP visits and prescriptions, and they must ensure that
residents have a minimum of two hours contact with a registered nurse (RN) each week.
On top of all this, the NZ government was the dominant buyer of rest home services,
paying the full fees of about 70% of rest home residents, which meant that it ended up
setting the price for all rest home residents.3 The NZ government’s reimbursement rate of
$123.89/day was the same rate that every other resident paid. In sum, the regulated nature
of NZ rest homes meant there was no opportunity to compete on price or any other
significant service feature. Rest homes could, however, supplement the daily charge with
modest fees related to providing a TV in a resident’s room, providing a room with a nicer
view, etc. These fees amounted to about $10/day.
D/V 40.0%
e/V 60.0%
tc 28.0%
Cost of debt Low High
rt 5.9% 5.9%
DrP 2.5% 3.5%
Kd = rt + DRP 8.4% 9.4%
Cost of quity Low High
ti 28.0% 28.0%
tt(1 − tl) 4.2% 4.2%
βa 0.60 0.70
βθ = βa(1 + D/e) 1.00 1.17
taMrP 7.5% 7.5%
sCrP 3.0% 4.0%
3 The NZ government means tested rest home residents; and for those residents whose assets were less than a specified
threshold, their rest home fees were fully paid by the NZ government.
260 Cases
High Country
Industry attractiveness
Medium ships Rest homes
Southern Plantation was built in 1709 by the Davis family in Greenville, North Carolina.
Initially, its workforce comprised European indentured servants and Native Americans. But
this changed in 1719 with the arrival of the first captive Africans to the United States’ colonies.
After more than 250 years of growing tobacco, the ever-decreasing demand for US-grown
tobacco prompted Southern Plantation to scale back its production. By 1985, Southern Plantation
completely stopped growing tobacco. The Davis family turned its attention to leasing its farm-
land to local pig and vegetable farmers. Due to a series of bad stock market investments and the
family members’ extravagant lifestyles, the family fell upon hard times in the early 2000s and its
fortune dwindled. Initially, the family sold parcels of its extensive farmland to property developers.
When these land sales had been exhausted, the family turned to refinancing its remaining prop-
erty. Unfortunately, the Global Financial Crisis ended up being the final straw. Unable to cover its
instalment loan and pay its property taxes, what remained of the plantation was repossessed.
Cases 261
Greenville City and the Davis family’s bank were the primary creditors. Together they
approached the Organization for Equality of Rights (OER) with a proposal. If OER would
agree to take ownership of the remaining land and buildings and create a museum dedicated
to preserving and displaying the history embodied by the Southern Plantation, the city would
waive all back taxes owing and the bank would slash the debt owed down to $1 million. The
actions of the city and bank were motivated by the potential for local employment and, in
the case of the bank, receiving sole corporate sponsorship rights for the next ten years. On
28 September 2010, OER agreed to purchase the plantation for $1.
The mission of OER is:
The Organization for Equality of Rights is dedicated to creating a society in which all
individuals have equal political, educational, social, and economic rights, thus eliminating
race-based discrimination and ensuring the health and well-being of all citizens. We will
accomplish this by using democratic processes to remove any and all racial discrimina-
tion barriers, seeking the enactment and enforcement of all laws (both US-based and
international) aimed at securing civil rights, educating the public about the US’s history
of racial discrimination and the social and economic injustices caused, and informing
people on their constitutional rights and how to take lawful action to secure their exer-
cise of these rights.
Following the purchase of the Southern Plantation, OER spent $2 million over the next three
years faithfully restoring to their original conditions the plantation’s slave cabins, outbuild-
ings, the Davis mansion, a freedmen’s church, and memorials built to honour the enslaved.
OER’s board of trustees expressed great satisfaction with the end result, with the board’s
chairman stating she looked forward to seeing the Southern Plantation Museum (SPM) sup-
porting the piece of OER’s mission dedicated to educating the public about racial injustice
in the US by using the museum to preserve and display a particularly shameful and painful
period of US history.
SPM opened its doors to the public in July 2013. Today it is recognized as one of the US’s
premier, not-for-profit museums dedicated to the United States’ slavery period. In 2017, the
SPM was included in USA Today’s annual list of best museums.
SPM’s popularity led OER’s board of trustees to conclude a full-time CEO at SPM was
needed. The ensuing CEO search led to the hiring of Scarlett Johnson. She had previously
been managing a large adventure park in the US’s southern state of Alabama and came highly
Scarlett began working for SPM in July 2016. Shortly after she arrived, SPM published
its 30 June 2016 fiscal year ending financial statements that showed an operating deficit for
the third year in a row (see Exhibit 1). After touring the museum facilities, Scarlett felt the
museum did not provide an exciting enough visitor experience. She noted that the museum
exhibits were largely static, consisting of tools hanging from a wall or a room that could
be viewed but not entered. Often there was a placard that described a particular scene, and
sometimes a visitor could use a headset to hear a narrator provide more background about
what was on display.
262 Cases
Scarlett, wanting a more invigorating visitor experience, came up with the idea of con-
ducting Civil War battle re-enactments on a large tract of land that once comprised the Davis
family’s sprawling gardens. Following years of neglect, the gardens had become completely
overgrown, the sculptures broken, and the fountains inoperable. Scarlett remembers it as one of
her easiest decisions when she ordered the land be cleared and replanted with grass. Nowadays,
a 45-minute battle re-enactment comprised of local volunteers is conducted at 1 pm every
Saturday and Sunday, an initiative that Scarlett credits with increasing SPM’s visitor numbers by
70% since starting her job.
In July 2017, Scarlett introduced a second change. She converted the largest of SPM’s
slave quarters into a gift shop and appointed a full-time sales manager to run the shop.
Beau Smith, the new shop manager, initially filled the gift shop with wall art prints, water
colours, and books that invariably featured themes relating to the antebellum era (i.e., the
US plantation era). Although the gift shop turned a small profit of $10,000 during its first
year of operation, Scarlett felt much more could be achieved if only she could properly
motivate Beau to be more entrepreneurial. This thinking led Scarlett to establish a gain-
sharing programme for Beau, whereby Beau would share 50:50 in any increase in profits
from one year to the next. (Profit was calculated by subtracting the controllable costs of
Beau’s base salary of $45,000 and the cost of the merchandise sold.) In response to Scarlett’s
gainsharing programme, Beau began stocking the gift shop with Civil War memorabilia
(e.g., Union and Confederate4 military uniforms and flags), fireworks, and even locally-
distilled southern whisky.
By the start of the 2018 northern summer, visitor numbers had almost doubled from when
Scarlett first started at SPM. In response to the higher visitor numbers, Scarlett sought and
received approval from OER’s board of trustees to hire a full-time manager to oversee the
staffing and operations of the museum buildings and a second part-time manager to oversee
the battle re-enactments. Next, wanting to empower these managers to be more business-
focused, she gave both managers the responsibility for operating as investment centres. In
particular, she would trace revenue to each investment centre whenever possible. For the
purposes of general admission revenue, this would be evenly shared by the two investment
centres.The gift shop would not receive any of the admission revenue because it was already
receiving revenue from the items it sold. The two investment centres’ expenses would be
comprised of their share of employee payroll expense, insurance expense (i.e., the museum
buildings and the antiques they housed), property tax expense, and depreciation expense
(e.g., the buildings and the equipment used for the battle re-enactments). Scarlett decided
the advertising expenses would be shared equally between the two investment centres, and
the interest expense would be allocated based on the asset book values of the two invest-
ment centres. Finally, the profit generated by each investment centre would be compared
to their respective assets (i.e., book values of land, antiques, and buildings for the museum
manager and book values of land and battle equipment for the battle re-enactments man-
ager) to create a return on assets measure.
4 Union is the name of the Northern warring party in the American Civil War and Confederate is the name of the
Southern warring party.
Cases 263
Scarlett’s changes prompted immediate action by the newly appointed manager overseeing
the museum’s buildings. He made renovations to the mansion’s kitchen and ballroom and began
taking bookings for large parties wanting to use SPM for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays,
Christmas parties, or other types of special occasions. Meanwhile, the part-time manager over-
seeing the battle re-enactments partitioned the land for the battles into two pieces. One piece
was retained for the battle re-enactments and the second was subleased to a North Carolina-
licensed state grower of medicinal marijuana.
Following a full year of Scarlett’s latest changes, the financial statements for the year ended
30 June 2019 were published (see Exhibit 1). Scarlett felt immensely satisfied by the significant
surplus. She noted that 2019’s surplus produced an ROA of nearly 12% and a return on total
accumulated funds of nearly 14%. OER’s CFO had previously told her that SPM’s weighted
average cost of capital was simply computed as the interest rate on its bank loan, which was
5%. Being a recognized charity, the museum paid no taxes. As she prepared for her upcoming
annual performance meeting with OER’s board of trustees, Scarlett felt she had good reason
to be proud of her achievements and looked forward to meeting with the board to discuss her
accomplishments in more detail.
employee salary expense $320,000 $250,000 $210,000 $138,000 $133,900 $130,000
Gift shop merchandise $77,500 $55,000
Catering expenses for $78,000
special functions
264 Cases
Current Assets
Cash $11,500 $9,900 $10,100 $9,800 $8,600 $9,250
short term inverstments $497,200 $55,000
accounts receivable $16,900 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Total Current Assets $525,600 $64,900 $10,100 $9,800 $8,600 $9,250
Noncurrent Assets
Property and chattels $3,468,950 $3,474,150 $2,892,200 $2,819,550 $2,874,000 $2,925,000
Land $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000
Total Noncurrent Assets $3,668,950 $3,674,150 $3,092,200 $3,019,550 $3,074,000 $3,125,250
$4,194,550 $3,739,050 $3,102,300 $3,029,350 $3,082,600 $3,134,250
Total Assets
Bank loan $550,000 $600,000 $650,000 $700,000 $750,000 $800,000
Total Liabilities $550,000 $600,000 $650,000 $700,000 $750,000 $800,000
$3,644,550 $3,139,050 $2,452,300 $2,329,350 $2,332,600 $2,334,250
Net Assets
Accumulated Funds
Capital contributed by owners $2,400,000 $2,400,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000
Donated capital $364,500 $364,500 $364,500 $364,500 $364,500 $364,500
accumulated surpluses / $880,050 $374,550 $87,800 $−35,150 $−31,900 $−30,250
Total Accumulated Funds $3,644,550 $3,139,050 $2,452,300 $2,329,350 $2,332,600 $2,334,250
Cases 265
Blue Sky Limited (BSL) was a large publicly-traded company headquartered in Perth Australia.
The company prided itself on identifying companies that were underperforming and turning
them into market leaders. Its CEO Jing Lee stated, “Our company has a particular knack for
sniffing out hidden gems, or at least companies that have the potential with a bit of work to be
polished into gems.”
BSL consists of six companies operating in six separate industries: rocket manufacturing,
medical instruments, robotics, solar technology, pharmaceuticals, and organic farming. Exhibit 1
presents BSL’s organizational chart, and Exhibit 2 presents a GE Matrix showing the strategic
positions of the six companies.
Nature’s Best Ltd (NBL) was the strategic business unit in charge of BSL’s organic farming.
NBL owns 15 free-range egg farms, 30 apple farms, and 10,000 beehives in various locations
in Tasmania, Australia, and the North and South islands of New Zealand. While its customers
ranged from large supermarkets to small restaurants, the common thread connecting its custom-
ers was their willingness to pay premium prices for products perceived as superior in quality and
produced using sustainable and ethical farming practices.
Jack Wells became president of Happy Hen Farms (HHF), a division of Nature’s Best, in
January 2016. Exhibit 3 presents the company’s organizational chart. Prior to working for HHF,
Mr Wells was the plant manager at a large New Zealand brewery. He felt egg farms and brewer-
ies were a lot more similar than one might expect, stating:
In my previous job, ensuring high production volumes was a key performance indicator.The
same is true for egg farming. Chickens are assets in a production process in exactly the same
way the plant equipment is in a brewery. The only difference in my mind is that we call the
former biological assets and the latter plant and equipment. But the reality is that in both
settings the key to success is ensuring you get the maximum output possible from the assets.
Anahera Potene, the new farm manager at HHF’s Timaru egg farm (which is shown in Exhibit
3’s organizational chart as South Island HHF 2), discussed the significant changes that preceded
his arrival, stating:
The farms used to be treated as profit centres, but that, or so I have been told, was before
Mr Wells arrived. He felt it was crazy to treat a factory as anything but an expense centre.
So now all the farms are engineered expense centres. We have standards assigned to every
cost aspect of egg production. As Mr Wells continually reminds us, we need to decrease our
cost per egg if we are going to be successful. In addition to screwing down variable costs
such as feed costs, Mr Wells has also emphasised increasing production volume so we can
reduce the per unit fixed costs. To help me focus my attention on costs, Mr Wells recently
announced that he plans to reduce my salary by 25% and introduce a gainsharing plan that
would allow me to recoup and potentially surpass my previous salary.
266 Cases
We used to have nearly three hectares of grassy yard between the farm’s two main
chicken sheds for the birds to free range in. If you can imagine three rugby fields lined up
side by side, that is about the size of the old yard. The farm’s previous manager built rain
and wind shelters in the yard to help protect the birds during bad weather. But by the end
of 2016, the shelters were removed and the two sheds were both doubled in size.Today, the
yard is about the size of a single rugby field.
When I first arrived at HHF, I ran into a battle with a couple of the South Island farm
managers. They were a bit set in their ways, you might say. They were understocking their
farms and needlessly encouraging their flocks to be outside.
Free-range is defined by birds having “access” to outdoor spaces. All our birds certainly
have this, and I would always be one of the first to insist this be the case. But building outside
shelter breaks, like some of the farm managers were doing, was excessive and wasteful. After
all, everyone in the free-range industry knows that one-third to one-half of free-range birds
never venture outside their sheds. And why should they? The birds have everything they need
inside, including the food we specially formulate for their high protein needs.
Just as a brewery, carmaker or any manufacturer for that matter wants to control each
variable that influences production, so too must our farms do the same thing. Having
chickens needlessly venturing outside means we can’t control their nutrition, waste time
trying to find where eggs are being laid and incur higher egg losses than is necessary.
Amelia Wilson, one of the two marketing employees at the Timaru egg farm, recounted the
changes she had witnessed over the five years she had been in her job, stating:
Prior to Mr Wells’ arrival, we were treated as a discretionary expense centre. Mr Wells told
us this made no sense, and he changed us to a revenue centre.
It used to be the case that my co-worker and I were glorified order takers.We sat by the
phone and waited for buyers, who were willing to pay a premium price for everything we
produced. However, I have seen this situation change over the past three years. For example,
the large orders we once received from restaurants from Christchurch to Dunedin aren’t
happening as much. While I don’t know why this is occurring, I happened to be sitting next
to the mother of a teammate on my son’s basketball team who said her brother’s restaurant
in Dunedin, which used to buy from us, now buys its eggs from a local farmer. She said the
restaurant’s chef cited a drop in the quality of eggs as the reason for switching suppliers. I sug-
gested to Mr Wells that we might want to conduct an investigation into what is happening,
but he said that we are selling all the eggs we produce and we’d just be wasting our time.
While it is true that we still sell everything we produce, and this is no small feat seeing how
our production has doubled during the past three years, I do note that our average prices are
down by 19%. Mr Wells says this is to be expected, for pricing is a simple function of supply
and demand. Now that we are supplying more, our prices will naturally have to come down.
I also note that my co-worker and I are working harder than ever to maintain our
take-home pay at the levels we were accustomed to. To motivate us, Mr Wells reduced our
salaries in two stages. There was a $2,500 decrease in 2017 and a similar decrease in 2018.
Cases 267
That’s the bad news. The good news is that for every dollar of sales we book, we each earn
a one-half of one percent sales commission. Mr Wells says his approach has something to
do with goal setting theory. I don’t know what that means, but what I do know is that my
co-worker and I can no longer wait by the phone and take orders. Nowadays, we are much
more proactive. Over the past year and a half, we have each spent on average 1–2 days
a week traveling the lower east coast of the south island looking for new customers and
trying to promote further consumption by existing customers. And it appears we might
be doing even more travelling in the future. Mr Wells advises us that he wants to add a
further 5,000 hens to our laying stock, which will mean an additional output of 1.5M eggs
per year.
Chloe Martin, BSL’s Chief Financial Officer, said the financial performance of the South
Island HHF 2 had largely kept pace with BSL expectations, especially in relation to Happy
Hen Farms’ weighted average cost of capital of 8.5%. Exhibit 4 presents three years of HHF 2’s
income statements and Exhibit 5 presents its 2018 balance sheet. Ms Martin said the one nota-
ble change over the past three years was Mr Wells’ restructuring of the HHF 2 office staff. He
said that various advances in accounting software meant it was more economical to outsource
HHF 2’s accounting. This led to his releasing one of the office workers at the start of 2018.
1 Do you agree with Mr Wells that egg farms share similar characteristics to factories and
should be treated as expense centres?
2 What is your view about the changes made to HHF 2? When considering these changes,
relate them to the company’s strategy.
3 What would you recommend the company should do?
Chief Executive
Chief General
Manager Legal Chief Financial
Services Officer
Chief Operating
Nature’s Best
Ltd Ltd
Solar Technology
Medium Ltd
MD MD NZ North MD NZ South
Australia Island Island
Marketing Marketing Marketing
Manager Manager Manager
Income statement
For the years ended 31 December 2016, 2017, and 2018
2018 2017 2016
Zeus Industries began as a small, for-profit energy consulting company in 2005. Initially, it
provided energy consulting services to a wide range of companies located on New Zea-
land’s South Island. Through a rapid series of mergers, it grew from a single Dunedin office
to a network of ten offices located throughout New Zealand and Australia. Each office had
an average of 13 professional employees and two support staff. The latter two took turns
staffing the reception desk and answering incoming phone calls. They also managed the pro-
fessional staff ’s travel, offered some typing assistance, helped with IT/computer issues, and
performed some of the more basic accounting and finance functions not performed at the
corporate level (e.g., processing travel reimbursement claim forms). The company’s founder,
Doug Richards, took the company public in September 2015, with the idea that he would
retire within the next few years. On 30 November 2015, an international investment fund,
which saw great potential in Zeus, acquired 51% of its shares. Doug stepped down as CEO
on 1 January 2016 and Aria Parata, a seasoned CEO with an excellent reputation for leading
knowledge-intensive companies, assumed the CEO’s job. She, along with her four senior
executives (CFO, VP-ECD, VP-EVD, and VP HR), retained the company’s Dunedin-based
In July 2016, the company added to its business operations the retailing of new electric
vehicles (EVs). Soon afterwards, the company was split into two operating divisions: Energy
Consulting Division (ECD) and Electrical Vehicles Division (EVD). Exhibit 1 presents Zeus’
organizational chart.
Karen Collins, the vice-president of EVD, recalled Zeus’s entry into the retailing of EVs
and the opportunities it offered, stating:
The establishment of EV dealerships in Dunedin and Sydney in July 2016 was a truly excit-
ing day for us. I am confident that 20 years from now, shareholders will look back at this
decision as a transformational point in our organisation’s history.
We made a bold choice to enter early and get in on the ground floor of this fast-growing
industry. EVs are the future of the world’s car fleet.The growth in EV ownership is increas-
ing exponentially. Two years ago, for example, there were a handful of EVs in Otago. Today,
there are over 300 such cars.
Most people want an EV because its annual operating costs are about NZ$2,000
cheaper than a petrol or diesel engine car. This savings is based on driving 12,500
kilometres a year, which is what the average New Zealanders and Australians do. Such
a substantial cost savings creates a compelling sales proposition. Driving an EV has the
further benefit of letting owners feel like they are doing something positive for the
An EV’s relatively high initial purchase cost is the only thing stopping everyone
from buying EVs. A new Renault Zoe EV costs about NZ$47,000, which is about
NZ$20,000 more than a new petrol or diesel engine car like a Toyota Corolla. Some
car owners can’t see past this $20,000 higher cost. We need to help them understand
that the financing costs on this extra amount is more than compensated for by the EV’s
Cases 271
annual cost savings. Ideally, for example, a buyer would extend his/her home mortgage
by an amount equal to the cost of the new car. Assuming a home mortgage rate of 5%,
the financing costs on the additional $20,000 would be $1,000 per year. This results
in an overall annual savings of $1,000 ($2,000 annual operating cost savings - $1,000
annual additional financing costs). If we can raise the financial literacy of car buyers, EVs
will own the entire market. This dominance will accelerate as the price of EVs contin-
ues to drop. We know we are riding a winner in the form of EVs, and that is why we
entered the market when we did.
Dimensions of competition
ECD had a strong reputation for offering its customers unparalleled total customer solu-
tions. In particular, ECD provided a full range of sustainable energy consulting services,
spanning the provision of energy audits to the design and construction of small to medium-
sized energy generation plants. The company had a proven record in designing and con-
structing wind, water, and solar-powered energy generation stations. When invited by
prospective customers to tender a price for a project, ECD was seldom the lowest bidder.
What invariably won them a customer’s contract was ECD’s reputation for providing com-
plete solutions to customers’ needs. Underpinning this ability was the willingness of the ten
offices’ employees to share their ideas and sometimes collaborate on projects. Aria expanded
on this competency stating:
EVD competed in the competitive and highly congested new car sales market. Since the
purchase of a car was a large investment for the vast majority of customers, a car’s price,
functionality, and quality were carefully weighed up as part of the purchase decision. As a
result, no car dealership could ignore or trade-off any of the order-winning criteria. In fact,
there was a constant need to improve the customer value proposition embodied by these
payable were viewed as a free source of capital. Exhibits 2–5 present the financial statements
of ECD and EVD divisions.
The divisional and regional managers of ECD and EVD were partly compensated based
on their achieved ROIs versus their budgeted ROIs. For every tenth of a percent their respec-
tive ROIs were above the budgeted ROI, the manager earned an annual bonus of $1,500. Aria
explained the ROI-based compensation plan saying:
We set an ambitious companywide ROI target for our four regional managers and two
divisional managers. Our CFO calculates our company’s weighted average cost of capital
(WACC) each year. For 2017, as well as 2018, he calculated it at 11%. I then set a compa-
nywide after-tax ROI target above this level to motivate employees to achieve beyond the
WACC’s minimum level of required performance. Similar to 2017, I set 2018’s after-tax
ROI target at 15%. If at the end of this year a manager posts an ROI of, say, 16%, this man-
ager will receive a bonus of $15,000.
The company operated profit sharing and gain sharing plans for employees below the level of
regional managers for both ECD and EVD. In terms of the former, when an office’s or dealership’s
actual ROI exceeds the companywide ROI target, then each employee of that office receives an
automatic bonus of 10% of their salary. Meanwhile, the gain sharing plan rewards employees for
their cost savings ideas, whereby 50% of the derived cost savings are shared equally among an
office’s or dealership’s employees. In 2017, for example, EVD-Sydney changed its dealership loca-
tion and pocketed savings of $60,000.This meant that the EVD dealership’s three employees each
received a $10,000 bonus (i.e., one half of the $60,000 divided by three employees).
Aria, and her four senior executives were capable of earning stock options. Aria set goals for
each senior executive at the start of the year. Depending on an executive’s performance against
his/her goals, it was possible to earn stock options valued up to 30% of the employee’s base sal-
ary. A similar stock option performance plan was used for Aria, with the one difference that it
was overseen by Zeus’ Board of Directors.
Organizational culture
Aria believed workers needed to be constantly challenged. She likened her leadership approach
to applying “heat,” stating:
I believe that for people to grow, they need to be put under heat. Workers need to be taken
out of their comfort zones, otherwise they grow stale and stodgy. My favourite approach for
creating heat is to encourage inter-employee competition. Peer rivalry weeds out compla-
cency and ensures everyone stays sharp and focused. As an example, we compare the ROI
performances of the 10 ECD offices and two EVD dealerships with one another. In times
of poor economic growth, like a recession, these peer comparisons allow us to reward rela-
tive performance. For example, one of the ECD offices may discover midway through the
year that due to an economic slowdown it is unlikely to meet the companywide ROI target.
Rather than giving up, this office can still earn that bonus if its ROI places it among the top
25% of the combined set of ECD offices and EVD dealerships. Since there are 10 offices and
two dealerships, this means a business unit must be among the top three performers.
Cases 273
Zeus organizational chart
Christchurch Hobart
Dunedin Melbourne
Hamilton Perth
Wellington Sydney
Sales 22,500
operating expenses:
salaries (including bonuses) 19,200
rent 1,250
travel and client entertainment 380
Utilities 240
Insurance (malpractice) 150
Depreciation 190
Miscellaneous 34 21,444
net income before interest, tax and allocated corporate expense 1,056
other expenses:
Corporate overhead 506
Interest expense 45 551
net income before taxes 505
Income tax expense 152
net income 353
Assets Liabilities
Assets Liabilities
Assets Liabilities
Pierre’s Hair Salon comprises three hair salons operating in eastern Canada. Its owners,
Martha and Jeff Kuhn, started the first salon in Saint-Sauveur, Canada in 2010. Saint-
Sauveur is located 70 kilometres northwest of Montreal amongst Montreal’s most popular
ski resorts. Pierre’s quickly amassed a reputation for offering cutting-edge hair design in a
private, relaxing, and elegant setting, one that features sparkling crystal chandeliers, plush
sofas and chairs, and elegant full-length mirrors. The pampered environment Pierre’s offers,
which includes offering clients pastries, cappuccinos and lattes when they arrive, under-
pins their charging a relatively high price. While the median price for a haircut in eastern
Canada is about $25, Pierre’s charges $55. Part of the premium price derives from Pierre’s
employment of highly experienced stylists. To attract these stylists, Pierre’s pays $25/hour,
which is about 25% higher than a Montreal stylist’s hourly rate. Another difference between
Pierre’s and other hair salons is that a Pierre’s stylist typically sees 5–6 clients per day,
whereas a stylist elsewhere averages 10–12 clients. One additional characteristic that sets
Pierre’s apart from its competitors is the high emphasis it places on cross-selling, which
involves stylists convincing clients to buy additional hair products, such as curl creams, spray
foams, and scalp exfoliators.
Within months of its opening, the salon became exceedingly popular. Over the course of
the next six months, Martha and Jeff installed three additional stylist stations and hired three
new stylists. These additions, which brought the salon to full capacity, proved to be only a tem-
porary fix. Even with everyone putting in six 6.5-hour shifts per week (i.e., 39 hours per week),
they could not keep up with demand.
Noting that many of their clients travelled from Montreal to Saint-Sauveur exclusively
to have their haircut, Martha and Jeff believed opening a salon in Montreal could work
well. Fortunately for Martha and Jeff, a former tailor shop that was located in what is called
Old Montreal became available for rent. After further enhancing the shop’s elegance with
elaborate and ornate furnishings and hiring a replacement for himself at the Saint-Sauveur
Cases 277
salon, Jeff and two newly hired stylists began working at the Montreal salon. This salon too
quickly became popular and two further stylists were hired, which brought the salon to full
After several years of strong financial success (see Exhibit 1’s most recent income statements),
Martha and Jeff were presented in early 2019 with an interesting business proposition. Jessica,
one of the first employees they hired, was moving to Halifax, Canada. She proposed that Martha
and Jeff establish a Pierre’s salon there and make her its manager. To sweeten the deal, Jessica
offered to base her entire salary on the salon’s profitability. She proposed that they make her a
profit centre and allow her to share 50:50 in profit before interest and taxes up to a maximum
of 125% of her current salary of $50,700. In other words, her minimum salary could be zero,
while her maximum salary could be $63,375.The reason for choosing profit before interest and
taxes was because she felt all the items comprising it were controllable by her, or at least under
her influence. After speaking with their own accountant and performing some independent
research on the Halifax hair salon market, including learning that the average salary for a hair
salon manager in Halifax is between $50,000 and $70,000 per year, Martha and Jeff agreed to
Jessica’s proposal.
Jessica spent her first month in Halifax searching for a suitable property. She identified
three possible sites, and Jeff flew to Halifax to help make the final selection. Photos and detailed
descriptions of each were sent to Martha. Following a further three weeks of back and forth
communications, Jeff, Martha, and Jessica decided to rent a suite of rooms in a building on
Beaufort Avenue that had once served as the Nova Scotia governor’s residence. Over the next
three months, Jeff and Jessica oversaw significant leasehold improvements, supervised the instal-
lation of $20,000 worth of hair salon equipment (i.e., salon chairs, backwash units, and hair
styling stations), hired a hair stylist to work with Jessica, and outfitted the salon with the luxuri-
ous trappings Pierre’s had become synonymous with (i.e., chandeliers, plush sofas and chairs,
and full-length mirrors). Jeff remained on hand for the salon’s 1 June opening. When he left the
following day to return to Montreal, he did so with strong confidence in the Halifax salon’s
prospects for success.
During its first three months of operation, the Halifax salon’s client numbers averaged nine
per weekday and 12 per Saturday. The financial statements relating to the Halifax salon’s first
three months of operation are shown in Exhibit 2.
The results were disappointing. Although the reported loss was small, Jessica’s self-designed
compensation plan meant she was entitled to $450 in salary (i.e., her 50% sharing of the $900
profit before interest and taxes). Jeff and Martha felt uneasy about this outcome and suggested
that the salon be closed. Jessica pleaded that she be given one more month to see if she could
turn the situation around. With trepidation, Jeff and Martha agreed.
Jessica noted that other than the cost of the hair treatment supplies used during haircuts of
about $3/client, the cost of pastries, cappuccinos, and lattes served to clients of about $4/client,
and the cost of the stylist she hired at $22/hour (plus the associated payroll taxes of 7.37%),
nearly all the remaining costs were fixed. Based on the high fixed cost structure, she decided
the answer to her problem was getting more clients. Observing that Halifax was not as affluent
as either Saint-Sauveur or Montreal, and thus the reason she could hire a highly experienced
stylist for 12% less ($22/hour versus $25/hour) than Pierre’s does in Saint-Sauveur or Montreal,
278 Cases
she figured the best way to attract more clients was to lower the price of a haircut closer to
eastern Canada’s median price of $25. While more clients would require more stylists, the salon
was presently operating at 40% of its capacity. It had always been anticipated that there would
be a gradual build up from the two stylist stations currently being operated to the five stations
Jessica and Jeff had installed.
Using information supplied by the Allied Beauty Association (Canada’s sole beauty pro-
fessional organization), Jessica estimated the three impacts of dropping the price of a haircut
to $45, $35, and $29, with the assumption that these new prices would produce average daily
client numbers of 14, 32, and 45 respectively. To compensate for the lower prices, Jessica
planned to decrease the time of a client’s haircut modestly for the $45 option, slightly more
for the $35 option, and significantly for the $29 option. The anticipated changes would
require no new personnel for the $45 option and two additional stylists for both the $35 and
$29 options. Jessica further planned to fill any required stylist positions with junior stylists at
$20/hour rather than the current $22/hour. Exhibit 3 presents pro forma income statements
for each option, which shows that the highest profit before tax is associated with the $29/
haircut option. A 50:50 profit sharing of the $96,520 pre-tax income would mean she would
earn about $48,260, which would bring her close to the $50,700 she used to make in the
Saint-Sauveur salon.
In a rather fortuitous twist of circumstances, Jessica was then approached by the workers’
union representing Dalhousie University, Saint Mary’s University, and Mount Saint Vincent
University. As an added benefit to its members, the union was making exclusive deals with a
select set of Halifax-based businesses. In return for promoting Pierre’s among its members,
the union was asking that Jessica offer discounted haircuts to its members that matched the
Halifax average price of $25. Representing over 5,000 employees, Jessica estimated that, of
the likely group of employees such an offer would appeal to, the incremental impact on
her business would be 72 extra clients per week. Since the salon was already outfitted with
five stylist stations, there was capacity available to accommodate this increase in clients.
A quick marginal cost calculation indicated a highly profitable outcome (see Exhibit 4).
Sharing 50:50 in this additional expected profit meant Jessica would earn an annual salary
close to $58,885 ($48,260 from the $29 pricing option plus another $10,625 from the work-
ers’ union offer).
With great excitement, Jessica wrote the email which is reproduced in Exhibit 5. After
sending the email, she reflected on the experience that had been gained over the past few
months and the positive platform she felt was now in place for going forward.
sales – haircuts $204,120 $362,880 $413,424
sales – hair products (net of cost) $18,144 $41,472 $57,024
total revenue $222,264 $404,352 $470,448
Cost of sales:
salaries $46,332 $130,572 $130,572
Payroll taxes $3,414 $9,621 $9,621
hair treatment supplies $13,608 $31,104 $42,768
Depreciation on equipment $8,667 $8,667 $8,667
Gross Profit $150,243 $224,388 $278,820
rent $51,600 $51,600 $51,600
Power and lighting $5,280 $5,300 $5,320
Insurance $14,400 $14,400 $14,400
salon licence $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
amortisation leasehold improvements $9,000 $9,000 $9,000
Depreciation of furniture and fixtures $15,000 $15,000 $15,000
Maintenance $660 $660 $660
Marketing and advertising $18,000 $18,000 $18,000
Cleaning supplies $6,876 $6,876 $6,876
Pastries, cappuccinos & lattes for clients $18,144 $41,472 $57,024
other (water, phone, rubbish removal) $3,360 $3,390 $3,420
sub-total expenses $143,320 $166,698 $182,300
net income before interest and taxes $6,923 $57,690 $96,520
Interest $11,250 $11,250 $11,250
net income before taxes $(4,327) $46,440 $85,270
Federal and provincial taxes $6,966 $12,791
net income $($4,327) $39,474 $72,480
282 Cases
I believe I have found the key to our success in Halifax.The price we now use for haircuts, which
is the same as our Saint-Sauveur and Montreal salons, is just too high for Halifax. I ran three
reduced-price scenarios and found that if we reduce the price of a haircut to $29, have faster
workflows, and hire two more stylists to manage the added business we will get, we can make
a more than $96,000 annual net profit before interest and taxes prior to calculating any profit
sharing I would be entitled to (please see Exhibit 3). On top of this, I have been approached
by a workers’ union that represents the three main universities in Halifax. They have agreed to
promote our salon if we give their members a preferential price of $25. I have calculated the
financial implications of this proposal, which would require our hiring an additional stylist, and
find that we would make a contribution margin of a bit over $21,000 (please see Exhibit 4). In
other words, our annual net profit before interest and taxes would be approximately $117,000
before any profit sharing. And this profit is conservative, for it does not include the cross-selling
sales we can expect.
I have some ideas about the type of stylists we should hire and how I will motivate them.
First off, there are plenty of young hair stylists in Halifax that are looking to gain experience. I
can save costs by hiring them at the average Halifax stylist rate of $20/hour. Being young, they
will not come with any preconceived work ideas and will be amenable to the fast growth, fast
work culture I want. We will, after all, be looking at moving from our current average of 5.5
clients per stylist per day to an average of 11–12 clients per day. I will also be looking to measure
the stylists’ performance, and perhaps at some point incentivise them on it, based on such objec-
tive measures as the number of clients they see per day and the variable costs used per client. I
read an article about the importance of cost-effectively using hair products, which you can find
In sum, with the changes I am proposing, I am sure we will now succeed.
Kind regards,
1.1 What four business disciplines contribute to the study and practice of performance
The four business disciplines that contribute to the study and practice of performance
management are:
• Strategic Management
• Organizational Behaviour
• Organizational Theory &
• Management Accounting
1.2 What are some examples of the insights each of the four business disciplines provides to the
study and practice of performance management?
Strategic management involves the formulation, implementation, and control of orga-
nizational strategy. An organization’s senior managers, for example, will employ principles
of strategic management to grow and leverage their business units’ competencies as part of
their construction of and pursuit of competitive advantage.The pursuit/implementation of
an organization’s strategy has particular and direct relevance to performance management.
Organizational behaviour is essentially applied social psychology in workplace settings.
Its focus on employee motivation, leadership, and communication helps to facilitate the
understanding and practice of performance management.
Organizational theory involves the study of the organization as a whole and the sub-
groups of people and agents within the organization. A key use of organizational theory
is to design and structure organizations in light of internal and external contingent fac-
tors. This process of alignment is especially relevant to performance management’s goal
of achieving good supporting mechanisms to support employees’ implementation of an
organization’s strategy.
Management accounting involves the gathering, assimilating, and communication of
information sets specific to an organization’s internal decision making. Budgets are a clas-
sic feature of management accounting and also occupy a prominent place in performance
management. For example, budgets serve to allocate resources based on strategic intentions
and priorities.
284 Review Question Answers
other hand, budgets serve to constrain employee action by virtue of the limited resources
expressed in a budget. This idea of limited resources means that employees must learn to
operate within the means of their budget.
Another example of performance management’s dual influence is the use of organi-
zational charts. These charts communicate the devolved powers an employee possesses, as
well as the reporting responsibilities they must meet. In other words, organizational charts
promote the exercise of authority, while at the same time regulating and constraining how
and where the delegated power can be used.
3.6 Can an organization have too much performance management? Discuss why.
The “Goldilocks” principle applies to the design of performance management systems.
Neither too much, nor too little, but just the right amount of performance management
is required. Too little influence will mean employees are being insufficiently energized and
directed. Too much influence will lead to information overload and employees being dis-
tracted from going about their core tasks.
4.4 What theory or theories do you believe are best suited to the field of performance
Contingency theory offers the greatest insight into the various elements of perfor-
mance management. With the exception of strategy formulation, it helps explain all the
other aspects of performance management design, including the setting of performance
targets, the types of and reliance on information flows, and the choice of organizational
structure. Its broad application shows why it is the most often used theory for conduct-
ing performance management research. Stakeholder theory also features extensively in
performance management research. Similar to contingency theory, stakeholder theory’s
relevance to a broad range of performance management elements makes it a popular
second choice.
4.5 What are the implications of goal-setting theory on performance management design?
Goal setting follows the SMART acronym, which is based on ensuring goals that are
Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Reasonable, and Time-targeted. Such goals create a con-
ducive environment for managers to set appropriate motivation and for employees to attain
good performance. From a performance management perspective, goal setting suggests that
the creation of SMART goals with connections to an organization’s strategy must be a top
priority of senior managers.
statement is meant to be a company’s raison d’être and serves to motivate and even inspire
the key stakeholders connected with the organization. While mission statements declare
what an organization is about, vision statements declare what the organization wants to be.
A company slogan is a further distillation of a vision statement’s essence, often to the point
that it is captured as a catch phrase that can fit on a T-shirt.
Mission statements are meant to be succinct (about a paragraph in length), factual,
clearly described, focused on the present to the near future and reference stakeholders,
market segments to compete in, and the organization’s values and objectives. Vision state-
ments are meant to be succinct (a sentence or two in length), clear, timeless in appeal, and
inspirational. Company slogans tend to be highly succinct (a few words long), catchy, have a
peculiarity or mystery about them and capture the attention and imagination of the reader.
5.5 Describe the relationships between an organization’s mission statement, vision statement,
strategy, and goals and objectives.
The mission statement establishes an organization’s fundamental purpose. A vision
statement distils the vision statement into a very succinct declaration of what an organiza-
tion wants to become. An organization’s strategy indicates how the organization’s vision
will be achieved. The pursuit of this strategy, assuming it is a viable strategy, will result in
the organization’s achievement of its goals and objectives.
5.6 Why are the goals and objectives of many for-profit firms similar?
Being for-profit, all these organizations will automatically share the goal of profit-
ability or the need to be financially sound. Furthermore, because organizations are gener-
ally conceived with the idea of existing in the long-term, and not simply the short-term,
organizations will find they need to operate as good community citizens. A major part of
this undertaking will require them to be responsive to their customers/clients, fair and
respectful to their employees, and faithful to their suppliers.
5.7 How is the mission statement of a not-for-profit related to its strategy?
The goals and objectives of not-for-profit organizations tend to be unique in nature.
In particular, not-for-profit organizations are created to provide a service that typically no
other organization is able or willing to provide. This fact (i.e., that no other organization
provides the service) means the need for a competitive strategy is unnecessary. Accordingly,
not-for-profit organizations will find that their mission statements substitute for a strategy.
6.1 Define ethics. How is it related to such concepts as morality and lawfulness?
Ethics comprises how moral principles guide and proscribe individual behaviour.
Although abiding by prevailing laws forms a part of ethics, the concept encompasses much
more and includes striving to live a good life, being a responsible citizen, and making good
moral decisions.
6.2 In what way is ethics a fundamental part of a professional such as medicine, accounting, and
law? Provide an example for each of these three types of professions.
The existence of a code of ethics is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a
profession. Medicine, accounting, and law each have stringent codes of ethics by which
290 Review Question Answers
their members must abide. One of the ethical mandates of accountants is that they must
maintain independence at all times, both in action and appearance. Lawyers have profes-
sional ethical standards that require them to act for their clients in a manner that is free from
compromising influences or loyalties. Part of a doctor’s ethical responsibilities is related to
the Hippocratic Oath they swear, which includes the responsibility of ensuring they do no
harm and commit to helping the sick.
6.3 What are the names of the common documents organizations and professional bodies use
to convey ethical expectations and standards to their members?
Organizational codes of ethics, organizational codes of conduct, and organizational
employee handbooks are the three common terms used to describe the codified ethical
standards and practices professional members/employees are required to meet.
6.4 Explain how ethics is related to performance management.
Performance management comprises the practice of ensuring employees are being
influenced to implement their organisation’s strategy. Since the very essence of strategy is
focused on the long-term, as opposed to short-lived, performance, unethical behaviour will
never be congruent with strategy and the performance management practices that help
guide its implementation.
6.5 What are the main cost categories associated with organizational ethical failing? Give
examples for each type of cost category.
Organizational ethical failings result in both direct and indirect costs to the offending
organization. Direct costs include fines and penalties, as well as lawsuit settlements and the
legal fees to defend these actions. Indirect costs include employee turnover, lost employee
productivity, decreased share prices, and reputational harm.
6.6 Beyond the committees and boards different professions may operate to investigate, judge,
and discipline members’ ethical violations, and identify the main public bodies and organi-
zations that police organizational ethical failings.
The main public bodies that police organizations’ ethical failings are respective coun-
tries’ financial markets authority (e.g., the Financial Markets Authority in NZ), federal/
national departments/ministries of justice (e.g., the US Department of Justice), and public-
funded oversight agencies dedicated to industry-specific organizational reporting activities
(e.g., the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board).
6.7 What is the 10-80-10 rule?
The 10-80-10 rule is a consulting practitioners’ rule of thumb which claims that 10%
of employees are always honest, 80% are honest most of the time, and 10% will commit
fraud or act unethically whenever an opportunity presents.
6.8 What are the main factors associated with employees making bad ethical decisions?
The three factors associated with employees making bad decisions are opportunity,
rationalization, and motivation. These factors are simultaneously represented in the model
known as the fraud triangle.
6.9 Name three approaches an organization can take to minimize the likelihood that employ-
ees will behave unethically.
Three approaches to minimizing unethical behaviour include the Institute of Internal
Auditors’ three lines of defence, Daniel Kahneman’s system 2 thinking, and the judicious
design and use of employee incentives.
Review Question Answers 291
7.6 What are the general associations between corporate-level strategies and performance
management design?
Single-industry firms will feature simple organizational structures, loose organizational
systems, processes, and procedures, and singular cultures. In contrast, unrelated-diversified
firms will have complex organizational structures, tight organizational systems, processes,
and procedures, and pluralistic cultures. Related diversified firms will exhibit performance
management designs that fall somewhere in the middle between single-industry and
unrelated-diversified firms.
Cooper believes that for some industries competition will by necessity adopt a strat-
egy comprising the same order-winning criteria. Industries likely to feature this generic,
industry-wide strategy, which he terms confrontation strategy, are ones that are characterized
by significant maturity and high competition. Firms that compete with a confrontation strat-
egy do not shy away from the competition. Rather, they compete head-to-head for customers.
Kim and Mauborgne introduce the concept of blue ocean strategies. A blue ocean
strategy consists of offering so unique and appealing of a value proposition that there is no
competitor in sight.This strategy demands the simultaneous pursuit of segment differentia-
tion and the provision of low prices. It involves using hybrid strategies that deliver simplic-
ity, ease of use, superior productivity, environmental friendliness, and fun.
8.4 What are order-winning criteria, and how do they relate to competitive strategy?
Order-winning criteria or OWC are the tangible representations of competitive strat-
egy; that is, these criteria are the reason that customers choose to buy from one firm and
not another. Porter and Miles and Snow capture the need and essence of having a single
order-winning criterion. But Cooper and Kim and Mauborgne insist on promoting a
multiple OWC approach.
8.5 Provide an example of at least one firm for each of the following competitive strategies:
cost leader, differentiator, defender, prospector, analyzer, and blue ocean.
Cost Leader: Bank of America, HSBC, Celtic Bank
Differentiator: Apple Computers, Tesla
Defender: British Telecommunications, Four Seasons
Prospector: 3M Company, Meta/Facebook
Analyzer: IBM, Anheuser-Busch, Kyocera
Blue Ocean: Southwest Airlines, Uber Technologies
8.6 What are the general associations between the competitive strategies of Miles and Snow,
Porter, Cooper, and Kim and Mauborgne, and performance management design?
As Table 9.2 shows, cost leaders and defenders are supported by performance manage-
ment designs that feature formal and standardized organizational systems, processes and
procedures, functional organizational structures, and conservative organizational cultures.
Differentiators and prospectors are supported by performance management designs that
feature informal and customized organizational systems, processes and procedures, divi-
sional organizational structures, and collaborative and entrepreneurial organizational cul-
tures. The performance management systems for organizations pursuing analyzer, blue
ocean, and confrontation strategies will feature characteristics that borrow from both ends
of Table 9.2’s continua for each of the three levers of influence.
9.1 Define each of the following terms: data, information, knowledge, digitized, digital tech-
nology, and digital business transformation (DBT).
Data are raw, unanalyzed, unorganized, unrelated, and uninterrupted facts, figures, num-
bers, and records. Information is the set of data that has been processed, analyzed, and struc-
tured in a meaningful way. Knowledge is the combination of information and experience that
294 Review Question Answers
helps managers take action and make successful decisions. Digitized refers to an environment
that consists wholly of binary coding (i.e., a world where 0s and 1s are used to represent char-
acters, instructions, and literally everything). Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems,
devices, and resources that generate, store, or process data.These technologies include analyti-
cal tools and applications, mobile tools and applications, platforms to build shareable digital
capabilities, and social media. DBT describes an organization’s journey to harness a digitized
environment by leveraging the opportunities and evolving practices of digital technologies
and their impact on society in an operationally optimal and strategic manner.
9.2 Describe and provide examples of some of the early manifestations of DBT.
The offshore processing of accounting data and overseas situating of call centres are some
of the earliest forms of DBT. Dell Computers’ late 1990s foray into selling personal comput-
ers directly to customers and Netflix’s 1997 establishment as one of the world’s first online
DVD-rental stores are two slightly more recent, but still embryonic, examples of DBT.
9.3 Is DBT more or less relevant for certain types of organizations? Explain your belief.
DBT is as relevant to high-tech companies as it is to more ordinary, less sexy organi-
zations. It is helpful to all organizations wishing to become more agile, efficient, people-
focused, innovative, and customer-centric. As an example, Howden, a UK-based application
engineering company, which provides solutions in air and gas handling, is known for its use
of DBT to improve its service offerings and provide better customer support.
9.4 DBT is often described as a journey that requires the holistic integration of business prac-
tices. Discuss and provide examples of why DBT is likened to a journey and provide
examples of what business practices require holistic integration.
Rather than being viewed as a large, quantum, single step, DBT is best viewed as
a journey involving an organization’s strategic and prioritized use of digital technolo-
gies. It requires significant changes to workplace practices, usually entailing the creation of
seamless transitions between work processes and workers themselves. Organizations that
implement DBT will invariably observe that success requires winning over both the hearts
and minds of a wide set of stakeholders residing both inside and outside the organiza-
tion. As such, this requires time and patience. Some of the required holistic integration
of DBT comprises ensuring not only the integration of digital technologies like social
media, internet-connecting devices, and software and apps, but also the high collaboration
between customer-facing workers, IT specialists, and business specialists.
9.5 Identify and explain which elements of the book’s performance management model are
affected by an organization’s adoption of DBT.
DBT affects all three levers of performance management: organizational structure,
organizational systems, processes and procedures, and organizational culture. DBT affects an
organization’s strategy formulation by virtue of its ability to help the organization enhance
its product lines and create additional revenue streams. In other words, DBT’s connection
with organizational strategy means there will be a natural association between DBT and
performance management.
9.6 Explain how and provide specific examples showing the influence of DBT on performance
management practice and design.
DBT’s presence will influence all three levers of performance management. First, it
will affect organizational structure, for the preferred type of organizational structure will
Review Question Answers 295
be flat, decentralized, and promote the ability for networked employee groups to transcend
functional silos. Second, DBT will influence an organization’s design of its organizational
systems, processes, and procedures. In particular, an organization’s systems, processes, and
procedures must be designed to enable greater agility and better customer focus. Third,
DBT will affect organizational culture, by requiring the culture to feature high trust, the
democratization of information, and the empowerment of people.
10.4 How are the three dimensions of organizational structure related to one another?
Centralization and formalization are closely linked. As one increases or decreases, so
too does the other. Also, complexity and centralization are linked. The more complex an
organization becomes, the more need there is for decentralization. This in turn sets off a
need for greater formalization of systems, procedures, and processes, as senior managers
may feel a loss of control over the decentralized unit(s) and seek to compensate for this
fact by introducing codified rules and procedures that communicate expected standards
and set boundaries on work practices and behaviour.
10.5 What is a responsibility centre?
A responsibility centre is a group of employees comprising a lead employee, usually
called a manager, and the remaining group of employees. Each responsibility centre will
be responsible for a given type and breadth of work activities.The creation of responsibil-
ity centres is closely related to an organization’s use of centralization and decentralization
and is seen as a manifestation of organizational structure.
10.6 What are the four main types of responsibility centres an organization can choose from?
Describe each type and give examples of the organizational units that are likely to adopt
each type.
There are four main types of responsibility centres: revenue centres, expense centres,
profit centres, and investment centres.
Revenue centres are mainly used by marketing and sales units. These business units
are responsible for sales. Senior managers generally provide revenue centres with a budget
and sales targets to reach. Since sales volume is the only measure, efficiency cannot be
measured. Revenue centres can also be responsible for expenses incurred but they are pri-
marily in charge of revenues. A revenue centre approach is usually preferred by marketing
and sales business units. This is because they usually control and navigate a product and
service mix in terms of number of units but not the cost of the units.
Expense centres are responsible for managing and being accountable for costs cor-
responding to their respective centres. They can be of two types: discretionary expense
centres or engineered expense centres. Discretionary expense centres focus on input and
process alone. They are under the control of the respective managers. Typical discretion-
ary expense centres are support departments found inside a company and include such
departments as accounting, finance, research and development, human resources, customer
relations, legal, and public relations. Engineered expense centres are used when there is
predictable, cause-and-effect relationship between the number of inputs and the number
of good/quality outputs. Factories are typically run as engineered expense centres.
Profit centres are responsible for managing both expenses and revenues. Profit cen-
tres are seen as an ideal way of aligning employee behaviour with an organization’s most
fundamental need to be profitable, or to at least generate an adequate surplus. Due to the
delegated powers profit centres have, this type of organizational structure is associated
with quicker decision making and aids a profit centre manager’s professional development
and future promotion prospects. Examples of a profit centre include a hotel manager who
is responsible for the revenue and expenses of his/her hotel.
An investment centre is responsible for managing its profits and its assets. Whereas
profit centres are helpful in aligning employee behaviour with an organization’s goal of
Review Question Answers 297
profit, investment centres extend the goal congruence a further step. This outcome is
achieved by encouraging employees to invest in additional resources only if the expected
return is greater than or equal to the organization’s cost of capital. A regional manager of
a hotel chain is a good example of an investment centre. This manager is responsible for
the profits of the hotels in his/her region and these hotels’ assets.
10.7 What is meant by the terms controllability and separability? How are they relevant to
responsibility centre design?
Spiller (1988) introduces the twin mandate of controllability and separability.
These principles make sure that the right items are measured for the right purpose.
For example, if you want to measure the performance of the manager of a responsi-
bility centre, you have to measure the factors that are under the control/influence of
the manager. This is the principle of controllability, wherein an employee should view
and have control over the measure being used to assess their performance. Separability
refers to only assigning revenues and costs where there is a direct link to their receipt/
incurrence. This principle is used when evaluating a business unit’s, as opposed to man-
ager’s, performance.
10.8 From a contingency theory perspective, what organizational structures are commonly
encouraged for each of the competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 9? Explain why.
Cost leader and defender strategies are supported by centralized, functional organiza-
tional structures featuring high formalization. Differentiator and prospector strategies are
supported by decentralized, divisional organizational structures featuring lower formality
and higher amounts of informal control. Analyzer, blue ocean, and confrontation strate-
gies are supported by lean organizational structures featuring equal doses of formalization
and informal control.
11.3 What are tight control and loose control? Provide examples of each.
Budgets can be controlled in a tight or loose manner. Tight budget control means
employees are expected to achieve the budget and no excuses are tolerated. It is also
often the case that a reward is attached to achieving the budget and a penalty for non-
achievement. Tight control is amenable to certain organizational settings (e.g., companies
in mature stages of their organizational life cycle facing stable, predictable environments).
When used in unsuitable environments (e.g., a start-up organization that is trying to dis-
rupt its market with revolutionary technology), it can produce unwanted dysfunctional
behaviour that includes introducing slack, earnings management, and even fraud.
Loose budget control means the budget serves primarily for planning and coordi-
nation purposes. The evaluation of sub-units or employees is not undertaken, and no
thought is given to attaching incentives and rewards to a budget’s achievement. Loose
budgets can avoid some of the dysfunctional employee outcomes that tight control may
encourage. However, it may be less motivating for employees who work in more predict-
able environments, who crave ongoing feedback on how they are performing, and who
like to be rewarded when their performance meets or surpasses agreed-upon targets.
11.4 What are strategic cost drivers?
Strategic cost drivers allocate common costs based on long-term, strategic consider-
ations. This approach can be contrasted with traditional cost drivers (e.g., machine hours,
number of production set-ups, etc.) that rely on identifying and reinforcing cause-and-
effect relationships or use an approach that applies common costs to the ability for a cost
object (e.g., a department, product) to bear the costs.
11.5 What are the limitations of using profit as a measure of performance?
Performance is a complex phenomenon that involves a lot more than the dollar
value attached to it. Thus, the use of a performance measure based on profit will be insuf-
ficiently holistic, may undermine employee achievement on other aspects of performance,
and can lead to employees creating budget slack.
11.6 What is budgetary slack? Is it good or bad? How can senior managers influence its occurrence?
Budget slack occurs when employees deliberately underestimate revenues and over-
estimate expenses in an attempt to inflate their performance. In essence, budgetary slack
involves the creation of low-hanging fruit goals that can be easily achieved. Employees,
being eager to increase their likelihood of receiving organizational rewards and avoiding
penalties, may try to introduce slack into their budget targets.
Too much budgetary slack is problematic for an organization. It presents a false picture
of what can be reasonably expected of employees and it fails to encourage management
and employees’ goal alignment. Although too great an amount of budgetary slack is seen as
unwanted and to be avoided, some scholars believe that small amounts of budgetary slack
can be beneficial. In particular, budgetary slack gives time for employees opportunities to
experience success (by meeting their performance targets) and to reflect and learn from their
performance, which in turn opens up possibilities for employee innovation and creativity.
Senior managers can do two things to minimize the occurrence of budgetary slack.
First, they can decouple budget evaluation from employee rewards. Second, senior manag-
ers can incentivize honesty in the budget-setting process through a budgeting technique
like truth-seeking budgets.
Review Question Answers 299
11.7 Why might a manager submit a budget that is biased, and how should senior management
Managers may submit biased budgets in an attempt to gain an advantage for them-
selves or their business units. Senior management can respond by either decoupling bud-
get evaluation and employee rewards or by introducing truth-seeking budgets. The latter
seeks to incentivize honesty in budget-setting. Instead of merely rewarding employees
when unambitious budget targets are achieved, truth-seeking budgets incentivize employ-
ees for nominating and achieving highly ambitious budget targets.
11.8 What are the benefits of using EVA rather than ROI?
ROI, which is computed as net income divided by investment, produces a ratio. This
ratio is often compared to a benchmark like weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to
determine if a business unit and its responsible manager have been financially successful.
Ratios above WACC indicate success and below WACC indicate failure.The trouble with
ROI is that managers will be uninterested in pursuing projects/investments for which
the ROI is below the ROI currently being achieved. Furthermore, and what serves to
make ROI an unsuitable managerial performance measure, is that this disinterest will
occur in spite of a project/investment being desirable (i.e., having a return above the
organization’s WACC). In other words, ROI produces a lack of goal congruence.
In contrast to ROI, EVA measures value creation. Its formula, which is net operating
profit before taxes minus a cost of capital charge, leads to either a positive number (mean-
ing value has been created) or a negative number (meaning value has been destroyed).
Managers will always be motivated to pursue projects/investments with positive EVAs.
This means that goal congruence exists between managers and their organizations.
11.9 What are non-financial performance measurement systems, and why are they used?
Contemporary organizations are complex in size and scale. Unlike past generations of
organizational managers, in which the senior managers had long tenures in the industry
and the companies they led, today’s senior managers typically lack the same degree of
company and industry familiarity. Unlike their predecessors who could appreciate what
caused the financial performance measures, present-day leaders require the additional
help non-financial performance measurement systems offer. In addition, non-financial
performance measures offer broader and early signal insights into financial performance
Although lacking financial measures, non-financial performance measurement
systems include information that invariably contributes to the financial performance
measures observed at a future date. Common non-financial performance measures are
shipment rates, defect rates, machine capacity, lead times to the introduction of new prod-
uct lines, etc. According to Hall et al. (1991), the four main non-financial performance
measurement groupings are quality, lead time, resource use, and people development.
11.10 What are hybrid performance measurement systems, and why are they used?
Hybrid performance measurement systems rely on a combination of financial and
non-financial performance measures. Kaplan and Norton’s balanced scorecard and Cross
and Lynch’s performance measurement hierarchy are two examples of hybrid systems.
These hybrid measures are used to portray a holistic view of performance in organi-
zations. In particular, it enables the viewing of the whole picture rather than just the
300 Review Question Answers
financial aspects. Hybrid measures are based on the premise that performance is a complex
phenomenon and cannot be viewed with one lens only. The balanced scorecard, for
example, assesses enterprise performance from four broad perspectives: financial, internal
business, customer, and organizational capacity. The financial perspective relates to how
the organization answers shareholder needs, while the other three perspectives relate to
client management, improving the delivery of products and services, and assembling and
marshalling resources that will enable the required employee foundational behaviour.
11.11 What types of employee incentives can an organization use?
Employee incentives can be financial or non-financial. Non-financial incentives
can be recognition, promotion, increased job responsibilities, and increased autonomy.
Non-financial incentives are more closely associated with the use of intrinsic factors
to motivate workers. Financial incentives can take the form of salary increases, bonuses,
enhanced benefit packages, and perquisites. Financial incentives can be time dependent
and goal dependent.These incentives are aimed at directing motivation for better perfor-
mance, such as using a bonus to increase sales.
11.12 How do scholars and practitioners generally perceive the value of employee incentive
Employee incentive systems play a key role in both agency theory and goal-setting
theory. Agency theory views workers as self-interested and lazy. This theory contends
that incentives are needed to overcome employees’ inherent selfishness. Goal-setting
theory argues that the use of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Reason-
able, and Time-bounded) motivates workers. HR and compensation practitioners like
to extend this acronym to SMARTER by including the additional elements of Evaluate
and Reward.
The literature on incentives shows that the relationship between the use of incentives
and such outcomes as greater worker productivity, less absenteeism, and higher organi-
zational commitment is often ephemeral and can have the perverse effect of diminishing
employees’ intrinsic motivation. Organizations that insist on using pay-for-performance
plans should proceed with a high level of caution.
11.13 Describe how organizations use human resource management systems to attract, train,
and retain employees.
Human resource management (HRM) is primarily concerned with the relationship
between the management of an organization’s human resources and the organization’s
performance. It therefore seeks strategic alignment between an organization’s employee
hiring, training, and retaining cycle and the organization’s strategic vision, performance,
and culture.
HRM promotes the use of pre-hiring tests and analysis of prospective employees to
analyze their suitability to the firm. Pre-hiring tests measure cognitive abilities, personal-
ity, learning styles, reasoning, and decision-making styles. Training at both the beginning
of employment and conducted during employees’ time with their employers is critical to
the employees’ and their respective organizations’ success. It is important to ensure that
training programmes are strategy-aligned, adequately resourced, rigorously evaluated,
and utilize the best delivery methods. Retention of the right employees with the right
knowledge, right skills, and right attitudes depends on such factors as an organization’s
culture and the leadership styles enacted by its senior managers.
Review Question Answers 301
and model the behaviour they expect. Second, human resource systems can be used to
not only energize and direct employees but also to attract and retain the most qualified
employees. Research shows that superior human resource practices are associated with
employee recruiting advantages and higher employee retention rates.
13.1 What are internal contingent factors? Why are they important to performance manage-
ment design?
Internal contingent factors are salient organizational properties situated within an
organization’s boundaries.They can be contrasted with external contingent factors which
sit outside the organization’s boundaries. Similar to external contingent factors, internal
contingent factors may either reinforce or constrain an existing or planned performance
management design. In situations where the contingent factors undermine the design
that is required, such as an autocratic leader heading up an organization that is pursuing
a prospector strategy and therefore would benefit from a decentralized organizational
structure, the performance management designer must compensate for this misalignment.
Prominent internal contingent factors include leadership style, organizational size, orga-
nizational life cycle, and ownership type.
13.2 What defines a leader?
In most basic terms, leaders are individuals that followers get behind. Leaders are
responsible for energizing and giving direction to followers’ actions. A leader’s motiva-
tion of his/her followers can produce good or bad outcomes. John F. Kennedy inspired
a nation to travel to the moon. In contrast, Adolf Hitler led his country into a world war
and oversaw mass genocide.
13.3 Are people born to become leaders or can they be taught to be leaders?
Two opposing views predominate. Some believe that leaders are predisposed to
assume their positions of authority. Studies, for example, have correlated the presence of a
gene, MAOA-L, with leadership. This gene is often found in entrepreneurs. Other studies
have observed links between the amount of testosterone a fetus is exposed to during criti-
cal prenatal periods and later leadership roles. In contrast to the view that leaders are born,
other scholars believe that leadership is a function of leadership skills that can be learned,
in the event they are missing or insufficient. An entire industry of leadership training has
emerged over the past three decades.
13.4 Identify and describe four main leadership styles. Describe how each leadership style
influences performance management design.
The four main leadership styles are initiating structure, consideration, transactional,
and transformational. Initiating structure leadership involves a leader being task oriented.
Such a leader exhibits a keen interest in determining the set of tasks that should be accom-
plished and by whom. Consideration leadership style is characterized by a leader who is
people-focused. This leader consults with his/her staff, keeps them apprised of changes
that could affect their working conditions, and is willing to be flexible to help the worker
balance the demands of work and life more generally. Transactional leadership embod-
ies a quid pro quo relationship, whereby the leader provides worker-desired rewards for
Review Question Answers 303
particular lifecycle stage in which the organization finds itself, then the desired employee
influence is reinforced. When incompatibility is present, then the performance manage-
ment designer needs to compensate for the lack of compatibility.
13.6 How does organizational size influence performance management design?
Table 13.1 summarizes the relationships. Small organizations are associated with
low complexity, low formality, and centralization. Furthermore, these organizations
show a high reliance on human resource systems and entrepreneurial and collectiv-
ist organizational cultures. Large organizations are associated with high complexity,
high formality, and decentralization. These organizations also display a high reliance
on financial performance measures, non-financial performance measures, and human
resource systems, and are conservative and have high collaboration. When an organi-
zation’s strategy is supported by the performance management characteristics related
to its size, then the desired employee influence is reinforced. When incompatibility is
present, then the performance management designer needs to compensate for the lack
of compatibility.
13.7 How does organizational ownership influence performance management design?
Table 13.1 summarizes the relationships. Tightly controlled organizations are associ-
ated with low complexity, low formality, and centralization. Furthermore, these organi-
zations show a high reliance on financial performance measures, incentives, and human
resource systems. Organizations with dispersed ownership are associated with high com-
plexity, high formality, and decentralization. These organizations also display a high reli-
ance on financial performance measures, non-financial performance measures, and human
resource systems, and feature organizational cultures with high employee collaboration.
When an organization’s strategy is supported by the performance management charac-
teristics related to its ownership, then the desired employee influence is reinforced. When
incompatibility is present, then the performance management designer needs to compen-
sate for the lack of compatibility.
14.1 What are external contingent factors? Why are they important to performance manage-
ment design?
External contingent factors are salient properties situated outside an organization’s
boundaries that must be accounted for when designing an organization’s performance
management system. They can be contrasted with internal contingent factors which sit
inside the organization’s boundaries. Similar to internal contingent factors, external con-
tingent factors may either reinforce or constrain an existing or planned performance
management design. In situations where the contingent factors undermine the design
that is required, such as government regulation that may prevent an organization’s pursuit
of concentric diversification, the performance management designer must compensate
for this misalignment. Prominent external contingent factors include industry, national
culture, government regulation, and labour market.
Review Question Answers 305
medicine, law, etc.), labour market shortages and surpluses refer to particular employee
groupings. Knowing the overall unemployment rate is not nearly as important as knowing
what is happening in the relevant labour market.
14.6 What is growth need strength? Provide examples of organizational settings where it is
likely to differ. How is its presence associated with performance management design?
Growth need strength (GNS) is defined as an individual’s desire for challenge.
Employees with high GNS crave challenge, and those with low GNS are creatures of
habit who actively avoid change and challenge. Work settings that are characterized by
low innovation are likely not to need workers with high GNS. An example of such a set-
ting would be the industrial laundry services industry. In contrast, a company that prides
itself on innovation, for example, Apple, would want workers with high GNS. When
workers have low GNS, performance management designs should not include attempts
to decentralize or encourage employee participation, for workers will resist these efforts.
Conversely, high GNS workers will expect, and even demand, decision-making respon-
sibility around the design and execution of their work. In other words, organizations will
want to ensure high levels of decentralization for their high GNS employees.
15.1 How does this book’s model of performance management represent a strong-holistic
The book’s model is holistic in its attempt to bring together four main fields of
study, each of which offers insights into the theory and practice of performance manage-
ment.These four fields are management accounting, strategic management, organizational
behaviour, and organizational theory. The model is strongly holistic in its fuller inclu-
sion of the performance management influences that each of these fields discusses. For
example, organizational culture is often marginalized or neglected in other performance
management models, whereas in the present model it is shown as one of the three main
levers of employee influence.
15.2 How does this book’s performance management model compare to Ferreira and Otley’s
(2009) and Malmi and Brown’s models?
In contrast to the Ferreira and Otley (2009) model, this book’s model gives explicit
recognition to human resource systems and specifically designates organizational culture
as its own, direct lever of employee influence. The closest Ferreira and Otley (2009: 278)
come to discussing human resource systems is when they write,“Targets [are] generally set
centrally by the board of directors after consultation with human resources, finance, and
planning and control managers.” Meanwhile, Ferreira and Otley (2009: 267) essentially
ignore organizational culture, referring to it as “… a notable contextual variable.”
Unlike Malmi and Brown’s model, this book’s model divides organizational culture
from national culture. As noted in the book, organizational culture serves as a powerful
lever of performance management. In contrast, national culture is an external contingent
factor that scholars and practitioners must be aware of when studying and designing per-
formance management systems. As a further contrast to the Malmi and Brown model, this
Review Question Answers 307
Abdullah, S.M. 215 audits 22, 36, 60, 68, 69, 71, 72, 94; see also cultural
accountability: employee 16, 26, 119, 130, 178; audits
organizational 47, 48 authoritarian budgets see budgets
accountants’ independence 60, 220; see also business authority see management authority; worker
ethics authority
accounting-based incentives see employee incentives autocratic leadership 35, 191, 201; see also leadership
accounting controls 65, 67, 69 automated production processes 17, 101, 145
accounting fraud 63, 64–65, 68, 72, 139, 144 autonomous work groups 14; see also total quality
accounting information systems 16 management
accounting measures see performance measurement Avolio, B.J. 204, 214
systems Awada, M. 194, 196
accounting profession 60, 67, 95
action control 25, 26; see also performance backward integration see vertical integration
management frameworks Bagnoli, M. 66, 77
Adler, R.W. 14, 19, 27, 30, 35, 44, 57, 89, 90, 101, balanced scorecard 156–159, 202; see also
103, 109, 138, 141, 178, 196 performance measurement systems
administrative control 25, 26, 232, 233; see also Baldes, J.L. 37, 44, 144, 174
performance management frameworks Banker, R.D. 169, 173
agency theory 5, 32, 33, 36–37, 43, 165, 189, 231 Bardes, M. 197
agents: divergent objectives 36–37; information Barnes, D. 16, 19
asymmetry 36–37 Barnett, T.R. 215
Ahmad, R. 180, 196 Baron, D. 66, 77
Akroyd, C. 27, 30, 178, 196 Barry, C. 109
ambidexterity see organizational ambidexterity Bass, B.M. 204, 214
amoeba management 83, 140 Becerik-Gerber, B. 196
analyzer strategy see strategy Becker, B.E. 169, 173
Andersen, B. 19 behaviour see employee behaviour
Andersson, A. 215 Belfort, J. 179, 183
Anthony, R. 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21–22, 24, 25–26, Benchmarking 94, 134, 138, 209
30, 142, 172, 233, 237 Bennis, W.G. 104, 109
arbitration 219; see also integrators Bernardon, R. 215
Ariely, D. 166, 173 Bertelli, A.M. 36, 44
at-risk incentives 71; see also employee incentive beyond budgeting see budgets
systems Biersteker, T.J. 12, 19
Subject index 313
contextual factors see external contingent factors; decentralization: advantages of 135–136; definition
internal contingent factors of 130–131; disadvantages of 136; see also
contingency theory 5, 32, 33–35, 43, 217, 219–220, organizational structure
231, 234 Deci, E.L. 168, 173
contingent factors see external contingent factors; decision authority see management authority; worker
internal contingent factors authority
control system package 28, 196, 230–236 decision-support systems 16, 112
controllability/manager influence 139 defender strategy see strategy
Cooper, R. 6, 57, 91, 92, 100. 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, deferred compensation see employee incentives
106, 107, 109 Dekker, J. 215
Cooperstein, D.M. 102, 109 Delery, J.E. 169, 173
core competencies 3, 41, 153; see also strategy Demartini, M.C. 231, 234, 238
corporate citizenship 80, 157, 193 Deming, W.E. 189
corporate diversification see diversification Denning, S. 38, 44
corporate-level strategy 79, 82, 87, 88, 90, 108; see also depreciation 22, 41, 148–149, 150
strategy differentiation: organizational structure 125–126,
cost allocation 3, 17, 145; see also strategic cost drivers 128, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 217; product 101,
cost drivers see strategic cost drivers 106–107, 114–115; role in strategy 55, 97–100,
cost leader strategy see strategy 103, 105, 106, 107, 226, 231
cost of capital 136, 138, 148, 151, 152 differentiator strategy see strategy
Costley-Wood, D. 69 digital business transformation 6, 112–120
Coun, M.J.H. 206, 215 digital technology 116; see also digital business
Covarrubias, L.P.C. 195, 197 transformation
creativity see employee creativity discretionary expense centres see responsibility centres
Cross, K. 159, 160, 173 dispersed organizational ownership see organizational
Cruz, P.D.A. 197 ownership
Crystal, G. 167 diversification: concentric 82–83; corporate 82–83;
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 237 industry 82; related 82–83; and unrelated 83, 84
Cui, J. 17, 19 division of labour 22, 129, 217; see also scientific
culture see national culture; organizational culture management theory
culture audits 185, 190, 192; see also organizational divisionalized structure 93, 96, 108, 109; see also
culture organizational structure
Cunningham, L. 129, 141 Dobbins, G. 173
customer-centric 101, 111, 112, 113, 115 Dohmen, T. 169, 173
customer perspective see balanced scorecard Drucker, P.F. 153, 173
customer satisfaction 39, 211, 218; see also balanced duplication of responsibility 108, 131, 136, 210
scorecard; performance pyramid DuPont, E.I. 152
customer survey 72, 154, 156 dysfunctional behaviour see employee behaviour
customer value 99, 105, 112 Dysvik, A. 174
cybernetic control 231, 232
earnings management 71, 139, 144, 164; see also
Daniels, A.C. 11, 18, 19 employee behaviour
Data, S.M. 141 economic value added (EVA): definition of 147;
Datar, M.D. 31 measuring 148–152; using as a measure of
Davidson, C. 168 profitability 137; versus residual income (RI) 138;
Davis, E.W. 110 see also performance measurement systems
Dearden, J. 17, 18, 19 economies of scale 82, 83, 99, 224, 252, 257
Subject index 315
effectiveness see organizational effectiveness employee participation 74, 76, 132, 165; see also
efficiency see organizational efficiency budgets
effort-directing incentives see employee incentive employee perquisites see employee incentive systems
systems employee productivity 22, 23, 38, 66, 157, 161, 163,
effort-inducing incentives see employee incentive 194, 195
systems employee promotion 136, 162, 163, 186, 223, 293
emergent strategy 103; see also strategy employee recruitment and selection see human
Emmanuel, C.R. 24, 27, 30 resource management
employee accountability see accountability employee responsibility see accountability
employee autonomy 70, 163, 164, 171, 191, 209, 234 employee stock ownership see employee incentive
employee behaviour: competition 181, 182, 192–193, systems
222; dysfunctional behaviour 36, 73–74, 136, employee suggestions 157, 158, 202
139, 144, 161, 165, 167, 172, 180, 192; ethical/ employee surveillance 36; see also agency theory
unethical behaviour 6, 58–59, 61, 63, 64, 67, employee survey 72, 158, 163, 171, 190, 191
69–70, 71, 72, 73, 76, 165, 190, 220; fraudulent employee training see human resource management
behaviour 29, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69–70, 71, 72, employee turnover: factors for 66, 168, 186, 191; cost
74, 139, 144, 166; gaming 71, 139, 144, 164; of 66, 76
monitoring of 12, 16, 36, 37; motivation 5, 27, 70, engineered expense centres see responsibility centres
73, 139, 167, 171, 234; opportunistic behaviour environmental change 211, 217, 218
37, 67, 169; self-interested behaviour 36, 63, 180; environmental scanning 97
short-term behaviour 45, 139, 184 environmental uncertainty 35, 218, 220
employee benefits 164, 225, 226–227; see also Esser, D. 47, 57
employee incentive systems ethical behaviour see employee behaviour
employee bonuses see employee incentive systems ethical failures/failings: cost of 64–67, nature of
employee competition 181, 182, 192–193; see also 67–70; see also business ethics
organizational culture ethical leadership 193; see also leadership
employee creativity 29, 34, 116, 119, 129, ethical standards 59–61, 67; see also business ethics
186, 195, 196 ethical work environment 66
employee development see human resource ethics see business ethics
systems ethics training/programmes 62, 63, 69, 71
employee discretion 71, 117, 129, 132, 182, 195 expense centres see responsibility centres
employee empowerment 14, 89, 118, 158, 184, 227, external contingent factors: government regulation
234 224–227; industry 217–221; labour markets
employee handbooks 16, 60, 71; see also formal 227–228; national culture 221–224
control external quality 154
employee incentive systems: bonuses 5, 71, 72, 73, external resources 40, 41, 55; see also resource
135, 146, 148, 163–165, 166, 189, 193, 209, 223; dependency theory; strategy
deferred compensation 164; financial 71, 162, 163, extrinsic motivation 167–168; see also employee
164, 167; non-financial 163, 172; non-wage 164; incentive systems
perquisites 163, 164–165; stock ownership 71,
164, 167, 207, 209; theory about 165–169; types Falk, A. 169, 173
of 162–165 FCPA violations 65
employee learning see human resource systems femininity see national culture
employee line of sight 74; see also employee incentive Fernandes, N. 110
systems Fernandes, T. 180
employee manuals 16; see also formal control Ferreira, A. 6, 7, 18, 27, 30, 42, 43, 44, 233, 234, 238
employee motivation see employee behaviour financial incentives see employee incentive systems
316 Subject index
hierarchy see organizational structure information asymmetry 36–37; see also agency theory;
high goals 38, 74, 145; see also budgets; goal-setting budgets
theory information systems see accounting information
high-performing work culture 169, 170, 184, 194 systems
high-trust organization 89, 119, 190, 211, 292 innovation: organizational culture 28, 39, 119, 180,
Hinings, R. 141 182, 186, 187, 196, 206; organizational knowledge
Hiromoto, T 44, 89, 90, 145, 174, 178, 196 123, 129, 146, 156, 157, 158–159, 235; product/
historical targets see budgets service 14, 92, 98, 99, 112, 153, 226; role in
Hofstede, G.H. 222–224, 229 competitive strategy 29, 93, 95–96, 106, 129, 234;
Hogarth, R.M. 146, 175 see also strategy
Hood, C. 129, 141 innovation time off programmes 146
Hope, J. 88, 90 input measures 22, 52, 133–135, 172, 218
Hopwood, A.G. 13, 19, 24, 25, 26, 30, 142, 174 integrating mechanisms: definition of 219; purpose of
Hoque, Z. 92, 110 89, 219; use of integrators 219
horizontal differentiation see organizational structure intellectual capital 153, 154
horizontal integration 93 interactive leadership 35; see also leadership
horizontal product differentiation 101; see also interdependence see organizational structure
strategy internal audit 69, 72
Horngren, C.T. 24, 31, 135, 141 internal business perspective see balanced scorecard
human relations theory 23, 30 internal contingent factors: leadership 202–206;
human resource management 169, 195, 233; see also organizational lifecycle 207–210; organizational
human resource systems ownership 212–214; organizational size
human resource policies 55, 195 210–212
human resource systems: employee recruitment and internal controls 69, 70, 71
selection 28, 66, 67, 129, 169, 178, 211, 217, 218, internal quality 154
233; employee retention 55, 66, 67, 156, 163, internal resources 41; see also strategy
170, 171, 183, 209; employee training 28, 33, 38, intrinsic motivation 35, 167–168; see also employee
59, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 76, 169, 170, 171, 184, 205, behaviour
220, 233; importance of 169–170, 172, 193; lever intrinsic rewards see employee incentive systems
of performance management 6, 27, 169–171; investment base 136–137, 148; see also economic
reliance on 205, 207, 209–213 value added; responsibility centres
hybrid strategy 104, 105; see also strategy investment centres see responsibility centres
Hyvönen, T. 141, 229 Ittner, C. 141, 143, 174
imposed strategy 103, 106, 107; see also strategy Jawahar, I.M. 207, 215
Inamori, K. 179, 181, 183, 197 Jegen, R. 168, 174
incentives see employee incentive systems Jenkins, G.D.J. 167, 174
incremental budgeting 144; see also budgets Jensen, M. 36, 44
individual performance 35, 37, 73, 163–164, 168 Jette, R.D. 174
individualism see national culture Jo, H. 19
indulgence see national culture job specialization see task specialization
industry analysis see Five Forces Model Jobs, S. 204
industry attractiveness see GE/McKinsey Matrix Johnson, G. 104, 110
industry diversification see diversification Johnson, H.T. 174
industry effects see external contingent factors Johnston, R. 173
informal communication see informal control Joseph, C. 193
informal control 16–17, 25, 207 just-in-time management 14, 40, 101
318 Subject index
organizational capacity perspective see balanced interdependency 35, 206, 211, 213; vertical
scorecard differentiation 125–126, 128, 207, 210, 211, 212,
organizational charts 27, 126 213, 217; spatial dispersion 125–127, 128, 207,
organizational code of ethics 60; see also business 211, 212
ethics organizational systems, processes, and procedures
organizational complexity see organizational structure see employee incentive systems; human resource
organizational culture: appropriateness 178; systems; performance measurement systems
consistency 178; culture audit 185, 190, 192; organizational theory 2, 3, 130, 219, 235
definition of 177–179; dimensions of 178–179; Orlitzky, M. 66, 77
exemplars 179, 183, 188–189, 206; gaps 6, 184–185, Otley, D. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 27, 30, 34, 42,
192, 196; norms 17, 27, 28, 177, 235; shared beliefs 43, 44, 231, 233, 234, 237, 238
178, 179–180, 185–186; shared experiences 178, Ouchi, W.G. 13, 19, 25, 26, 31
179, 181–182, 187; shared values 27, 178, 179, output measures 22, 133–135, 172, 218
180–181, 186; power structures 179, 183–184,
189–190; and symbols 27, 179, 182, 188 Pagliarussi, M.S. 214, 215
organizational effectiveness 35, 218 participative budgets see budgets
organizational efficiency 133, 134, 135, 209, 217, 234 participative leadership see leadership
organizational goals and objectives: connection to Paul, B. 19
organizational structure 124, 136; connection pay-for-performance see employee incentive systems
to strategy 54–56, 57; formalization of 51–54; Pemberton, J. 42, 44
stakeholder effects on 43, 48–51 perceived environmental uncertainty 35, 220; see also
organizational hierarchy see organizational structure contingency theory
organizational layers see organizational structure Pérez, P.A. 197
organizational learning 33, 156–158, 160 perfect information 36; see also agency theory
organizational legitimacy 61, 66; see also social license performance appraisal see performance measurement
organizational lifecycle: decline 207, 208, 210; growth systems
207–209; inception 207, 208; and maturity 208, performance-based compensation see employee
209–210, 212 incentives
organizational norms see organizational culture performance criteria see performance measurement
organizational ownership 28, 201, 206, 212–214, 231 systems
organizational rules 16, 60, 71, 108, 124, 128, 129, performance evaluation 15, 42, 43, 129, 133, 143,
132, 140, 177, 178, 186, 203, 205, 209, 217, 221, 146, 181
223, 235; see also formal control performance management: coercive role 27,
organizational size 28, 201, 206, 210–212, 214, 231 235; definition of 16; enabling role 27, 235;
organizational strategy see corporate-level strategy; frameworks of 25–27; holistic 6, 230–231, 234,
strategy 237; theory of 32–43; too little 28–29; too
organizational structure: centralization 6, 125, much 28–29; see also external contingent factors;
130–132, 133, 137, 140, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, 213, internal contingent factors; organizational
218, 223, 228; complexity 6, 35, 125–127, 128, culture; organizational structure; organizational
132, 140, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213; systems, processes, and procedures; performance
decentralization 90, 130–132, 133, 136, 189, 190, measurement systems
205, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 225, 228; performance measurement systems: determining how
flat 14, 33, 115, 117, 126, 158, 234; formalization many measures to use 160–161; financial-based
6, 108, 125, 128–130, 132, 140, 205, 207, 209, systems 27, 143–152; hybrid systems 156–160;
210, 211, 213, 217, 235; hierarchy 131, 133, 160, non-financial-based systems 27, 152–156; reliance
219; horizontal differentiation 125–126, 128; on 205, 207–210, 211–212, 213; weighting of
networked structures 96, 115, 117, 126; subunit performance measures 162
Subject index 321
performance pyramid 159–160; see also performance professionalism 60, 220, 227; see also professional
measurement systems orientation
performance scorecard 73; see also balanced scorecard profit see performance measurement systems
performance targets 35, 73, 74, 159, 160, 205, 209, profit centres see responsibility centres
213; see also performance measurement systems profit sharing see employee incentive systems
perquisites see employee incentive systems profit sharing plan 164; see also employee incentive
Perrone, M. 110 systems
personality tests 170; see also employee selection profitability measures see performance measurement
personnel control 25; see also performance systems
management frameworks prospector strategy see strategy
Peters, C.P. 215 pseudo responsibility centres 139
Peters, T.J. 82, 90 psychometric tests 170, 227; see also employee
Petrovits, C. 77 selection
Pfeffer, J. 55, 57 public service organizations 129
Pink, D.H. 167, 174 punishment 67, 144, 166, 177, 189, 235
planned strategy 103; see also strategy
plant and, equipment 16, 150 quality see product/service quality
Platts, K.W. 19
Podlogar, S. 163 R&D expenditures 109, 111
Polanía-Reyes, S. 168, 173 Radhakrishnan, S. 77
population ecology theory 34 Radnor, Z.J. 16, 19
Porter, M.E. 6, 40, 41, 44, 55, 57, 80, 84, 90, 91, 92, Rahman, N. 78
97–100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, Rajan, M.V. 141
109, 110 Randall, T. 174
Potoski, M. 44 Ranson, S. 124, 141
Potter, G. 173 Raphaelson, M. 74
power distance see national culture Rasche, A. 47, 57
Prahalad, C.K. 90 Reckard, E.S. 73, 78
predetermined standards 71, 133 recruitment see human resource systems
predictable environment see organizational structure red ocean strategy see strategy
price-discrimination strategy 107 regulation: government 71, 94, 95, 201, 216,
price premium 99, 101 224–227, 228, 231; industry 68, 71; see also
price-taker strategy 106–107 external contingent factors; national
Priem, R.L. 41, 44 culture
product lifecycle 103 related diversification see corporate-level strategy;
product/service attribute 55, 92, 96, 99, 105, diversification
106, 114 relative performance evaluation see performance
product/service quality 71, 72, 101 measurement systems
production incentive plans see employee incentives reputational harm 66–67, 76, 147
production technology 211; see also contingency residual income (RI) 137, 138; see also performance
theory measurement systems
professional code of conduct 60; see also business resource-based theory 32, 33, 40–42
ethics resource dependency theory 55
professional ethics see business ethics responsibility centres: definition of 132–133;
professional judgement 60; see also business ethics; discretionary expense centres 133–134, 139, 140;
external contingent factors engineering expense centres 133–135, 139, 140;
professional orientation 171, 220, 221, 227 investment centres 136–137, 139, 140; profit
322 Subject index
centres 135–136, 139, 140; revenue centres 133, self-organizing systems 14; see also total quality
139, 140 management
results control 25; see also performance management Senftlechner, D. 213, 215
frameworks separability 139
return on assets (ROA) 137, 149, 152; see also service attribute see product/service attribute
performance measurement systems service quality see product/service quality
return on investment (ROI) 83, 136–138, 148; see also Shafaei, A. 77
performance measurement systems Shantapriyan, P. 146, 175
revenue centres see responsibility centres shared beliefs see organizational culture
rewards see employee incentive systems shared experiences see organizational culture
Riccaboni, A. 197 shared values see organizational culture
Rice, K. 181 shareholder theory 39–40; see also stakeholder theory
Richards, A.H. 19 shareholder value creation 87, 147, 152, 167
risk-taking 36, 129, 146, 167, 170, 179, 181, 182, 206, shareholders 39, 40, 48, 49, 50, 79, 164, 179
209, 210, 212, 223 shareholders’ equity 25, 149, 150, 164, 207
Roberts, J. 196 Shaw, J. 174
Roll, S. 196 Sheedy, E. 167, 175
Román, F.J. 169, 175 Sheldon, W. 202
Rosen, C. 164, 175 Shields, M.D. 19, 169, 175
Rosen, T. 11, 18, 19 Shimoyama, T. 101
Rosenberg, E. 62, 78 Shirley, R. 81, 90
Rothaermel, F.T. 41, 44 Shortell, S.M. 96, 97, 110
rules see formal control short-term behaviour see employee behaviour
Ryan, R.M. 168, 173 short-term incentives see employee incentive systems
Rynes, S.L. 77 short-termism see employee behaviour
Sika, P. 69, 78
salaries see employee incentive systems Silva, A.A. 197
sales incentive plans see employee incentive systems Silvestro, R. 173
sales targets see budgets Simon, H.A. 75, 78
Salvador, R.B. 197 Simons, R. 24, 31
Sampath,V.S. 65, 66, 78 single industry see corporate-level strategy
sandbagging see budgets situational factors see external contingent factors;
Sandelin, M. 234, 238 internal contingent factors; leadership
Sandor, J. 110 Sizer, J. 24, 31
Schein, E.H. 177, 197 Skilling, J. 179, 181, 183
Schmidt, F.L. 77 Sloan, A. 13, 152
Scholes, K. 104, 110 Smith, C.R. 36, 44
scientific management theory 22, 30, 33, 217 Snow, C.C. 6, 91, 92, 93–97, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110,
scorecards see balance scorecard 202, 226, 229
Seet, P.S. 77 social control 25; see also performance management
segmentation strategy 98, 99, 105, 114; see also frameworks
strategy social licence 61, 66; see also legitimacy theory
self-control see national culture; professional social programming see also national culture
orientation Soyer, E. 146, 175
self-interested behaviour see agency theory; employee spatial dispersion see organizational structure
behaviour specialist strategy 97–98; see also strategy
self-managing teams 14; see also total quality Spekman, R.E. 110
management Spiller, E.A. 139, 141
Subject index 323