Dahilig BDP Final Draft 2024-2029
Dahilig BDP Final Draft 2024-2029
Dahilig BDP Final Draft 2024-2029
Allow this to serve as a projection of our policies and tactics for completing
the assignment assigned to us with the utmost care, accountability, and
dedication to our people.
We hope that these initiatives will serve as a model for our fellow public
officials as they draft development plans that will promote sustainable
Punong Barangay
The smallest political unit is the barangay, where the first responder provider of essential services
to its populace. To guarantee that essential services are provided, thrived as a result of its assigned
responsibilities and in accordance with the terms of the. creation of the Barangay Development Plan and
the Local Government Code of 1991(BDP) is required. BDP discusses this local government unit's
direction. It's the road map that local planners and implementers need to review and direct each significant
development stage to ensure the realization of the goal without compromising any industry, the
beneficiaries, or future generations come on. The plan's development adhered to the authorized policies
and included all representatives of the sector. A beginning step in addressing development is the Barangay
Development Plan provided here issues and concerns in the barangay. It’s the roadmap wherein the local
planners as well as implementers should look into and guide each crucial step in development so that the
vision will be achieved without sacrificing each sector and the beneficiaries or the generations yet to
come. The formulation of the plan was consistent with the approved policy and involved all sector
representatives. The herein Barangay Development Plan is an initial step to address development issues
and concerns in the barangay. It serves as a roadmap for the recently elected officials who will direct
development initiatives in the direction of their goals planned state of affairs. The municipality's
development efforts are harmonized the national government and the province.
2.1 Barangay History
Long time ago, the residents of Dahilig were known as Higaonon tribe. The name Dahilig was acquired by
the condition of its location described as “bakilid” in local term. The higaonon dialect “dahili”, means
slippery due to elevated topography of the land. Beyond such meaning, “dahili” means eroded soil caused
by heavy rains due to hilly topography.
Main source of income of the residents were livestock raising that is backyard in nature. Livestock include
poultry, carabao, horse, goat, and cow. These animals were raised and marketed in the town proper or
neighboring barangays. This are bartered also with fish products such as fish, dried fish and bagoong and
also some utensils needed in the households. The place is quite far and is located in the upland area of
Balingoan municipality.
In the year 1957-1967, the residents were encouraged to appoint one trusted leader that would lead the
people in the place. This was the first time that the residents engaged into a political selection of their
leader. They appointed Mr. Simplicio Mansiguiao. He was the first leader of the barangay. He was being
followed by Severino Yamoay. These are the leaders that were trusted to run and lead the place and
represented Barangay Dahilig in the town political events. These leaders were able to access assistance in
the construction of Barangay Health and Nutrition Center and Primary School for children to have access
to go to school.
Dahilig used to be a sitio of Barangay Mapua under the political leadership of Teniente del Barrio
Olimpio Macamay. Barangay Mapua officials sees the good agricultural production of Dahilig and its
increasing population annually. That fact, gave a good reason for Mapua officials in deciding to separate
dahilig from Mapua. To realize their desire and dream of becoming a barangay, the Mapua barangay
officials passed a resolution to the municipal council of Balingoan municipality and was then submitted to
the President of the Philippines, Ferdinand E. Marcos on the objective of making Dahilig a barangay that
is part of Balingoan. In 1968, sitio Dahilig became a barangay with the declaration of the President of the
Philippines. And the barangay is composed of 4 puroks namely: Langit-langit, gindocdocan, sanggaya and
nabanyaran. Political election was then facilitated to elect barangay officials. In the same year, the
following officials were elected:
In 1972, the 2nd barangay election was then again conducted, and residents elected Hon. Ernesto Llacuna
as the Barangay Captain along with his councilors. They served the barangay until 1988. The 3 rd barangay
election was done in 1988, and residents elected Hon. Conchito Cano along with his elected councilors.
They served the barangay until 1994.
From 1994- 2007, barangay Captain Roquito with his elected barangay councilors were elected. Under his
political leadership they were able to establish a barangay hall, basketball court, and installed electricity,
and organized the Sangguniang Kabataan Barangay. The barangay stage was also constructed.
Recollecting the event that traumatized the residents in the barangay, it was in 1982 when the place was
attacked by NPA group. In 1983, with the NPA occupying the place, the people were displaced and been
evacuated to neighboring barangays to get away from danger. But after 6 months, Barangay Kagawad
Donato Dadang Dantes return to his home in dahilig along with his family. The barangay secretary Ms.
Salome Nantes also went back in the place. Few families went back in the place and slowly started their
lives with farming as their source of income. It was in the same year, when the government responded and
began to protect the place by setting-up a military camp in the place. The Philippine Army 59 IB did
patrolling and monitoring of the place. And from then on, residents started to slowly go back in their
respective homes.
In the year 2007, another election followed, and Hon. Alfredo L. Pihaynon was elected along with his
active barangay councilors. The leaders struggled to make dahilig a better place to live. It was also during
the period, that the school was rehabilitated and operationalized. In 2009, a new school building was
constructed under the financial assistance of Governor Oscar Moreno. Rehabilitation of barangay
infrastructures was also undertaken to include Barangay Hall, health center, and repair and maintenance of
barangay farm to market roads, and also construction of new reservoir.
All these developments and improvements were humbly requested by the residents to the God Almighty
God to help restore back Barangay Dahilig.
This chapter shows information about the barangay survey conducted by the Purok Presidents,
BHW’s and barangay officials.
Table 1 shows that Barangay Dahilig has a total population of 438 individuals and 116
Category Number
Total Population 438
Total No. of HH 122
Average HH size 3
Total Population
The barangay has a total population of 438 persons, with 122 total households. Majority
of the population are male consisting of 222 individuals, while female population is only 216
persons. Purok 4 has the biggest share of household population with 46%, while Purok 3 has the
lowest household population. Table below shows the distribution of household population by
purok and sex/gender status.
Among the total population of 438 individuals, majority are male (52%), having a slight
difference from the female population (48%). Highest percentage share of population by age group are
ages bracket 18-30 and 31-59 years old with a share of 25 to 31%. This shows that mostly of the
population belongs to the economically active group. An opportunity that will contribute in the
improvement of the local economy of the barangay.
Civil Status
Table 4 shows the civil status of the barangay that Single status has the highest number with 323
individuals or 74% by both sexes. Followed by the Married status by both sexes with a total of 99 or 22%
and last is the Widow status by both sexes with a total of 16 or 4%.
Civil Status Male % Female % Total %
Single 162 37 161 36 323 74
Married 60 14 39 9 99 22
Widow (male/female) 4 1 12 3 16 4
Total 226 52 212 48 438 100
Bisaya dialect is dominant with all of its inhabitants are using furthermore those strangers that
inhabited the place long time ago had adapted the said dialect.
Length of Residency
Majority (80%) of the residents are “lumad” or locals in the barangay and have lived more
than 10-15 years in the barangay. Only 20% are not locals from the barangay, which means that
they are residing in the barangay because they married with the local residents in the barangay.
Ethnic Groups
Tribal group existing in the barangay is “higa-onon” tribe. Higaonon dialect is vanishing
because the old generation were gone already and said language has been passed on fully to the
next generation. But the current generation continue to practice with the tribal ritual.
Religious Affiliation
With regards to religious affiliation of Barangay Dahilig, Roman Catholic has the highest
number in the barangay which account to 90% of the total population, while the Non-Roman
Catholics such as Seventh Day Adventist and PBCM are consists of 10% of the total
The barangay is mainly dependent on agriculture, of which farming is the main source of
income of residents in the barangay. The table below shows that Majority of the residents are Farmers
that has 27.85% and a total of 47% labor force and employment of the barangay.
Educational Attainment
Most of the people in Barangay Dahilig are still studying and non- schooling with 42.23% on the
other hand the highest educational attainment of economic active individuals is in Elementary and
Highschool graduate with 13.92% and 17.12% of the total population.
Being an upland barangay, Dahilig is the most hilly and mountainous barangay of Balingoan
municipality. It has an elevation of 700-1,400 above sea level. That is why, economic trees cannot grow
tall and big in the place due to its high elevation having cold temperature. High value trees/crops like
Falcatta and coffee cannot grow productively in the area. Not all crops can grow in the place due to its
cold temperature of the place.
The barangay like any other barangays in the municipality has two types of seasons, the
dry and wet season. However, the wet season covers the longest months from 6-7 months due to
the high elevation of the place.
Classification of soil in the area is described as Camiguin clay and mountain soil, where
70% of the soil is mountain soil. Lower area is very much suited for permanent crops like banana,
coconut, fruit trees, root crops and even for pasture.
Land Capability
There are certain portions of the land area of the barangay capable for agricultural
cultivation and even other purposes such as for pasture requirement for the livestock.
Few vegetable growers were assisted by financiers in growing vegetables such as pepper,
tomatoes, watermelon and other types of high value crops, especially that there is available
irrigation system in the area. At present, jackfruit is considered as one of the major crops in the
barangay due to its high demand and good monetary value.
Majority of the agricultural land is tilled by farmers. 30% are planted with falcatta trees, and the
whole area is mostly coconut intercropped with other crops. Aside from crop production, farmers
also engaged into livestock and there is one household having a fishpond that is backyard in
nature. Livestock raised include Carabao, Cattle, Goats, Swine and chicken. Majority of the
livestock raised by households are cows.
Cropping Pattern
Most of the farmers in Barangay Dahilig, they commonly planted corn, vegetables, root
crops and watermelon during the month of March to August and harvested in every 2 to 3 months
and a year-round on coconut, fruit trees the farmers harvested every three months and the banana
is twice a month interval.
Labor Requirements
Mostly in Barangay Dahilig the planting and harvest months require more labor
commonly during months of February, March, May, June, August, September, November and
December while the rest of the months are minimal and low.
Carabao, Cattle, and Goats – Worms, Ticks and Lice, Diarrhea, External/Internal parasites, and
Bacterial infections.
Agricultural Facilities
As an agricultural barangay, farm tools are useful in the different stages of production.
Many of the farmers have their own tools does not have equipment to facilitate production
processes. Most commonly farm tools they have are plow, hatchet, spade and bolo.
The lack of financial assistance or capital for farming is one of the major concern of
farmers in the barangay. Another concern is the climate, as the geographical location of the
barangay is prone to heavy rains and strong winds. Farming is also seasonal because it has to
adopt to the weather condition. Planting of high value crops should be planned out carefully to
avoid failures in production.
The Barangay Dahilig Known for its underdeveloped tourist spot called “
Salag” with a wonderful view “ Langit-Langit falls”
Social Services
The barangay council is effective in the delivery of basic social services to its constituents
to include: education, health services, health and sanitation, nutrition program, peace and order,
and water and power supply. Provision of these basic services are assisted by the different
concerned government agencies namely: DSWD, MLGU, DOH, RHU, MORESCO and other
agencies who have contributed to the improvement of the barangay’s basic social services.
Social Welfare
The barangay through the assistance from the DSWD is providing financial assistance or
social pension to 37 Senior Citizens of Php 1,500.00 quarterly. There are also 9 PWDs assisted
by DSWD. A total of 48 families were 4Ps members and provided with monthly financial
assistance. They were also given trainings on housekeeping, welding, carpentry and beauty care.
Nutritional Status
The barangay has zero record of malnourished children, with 4 children underweight and
3 children severely underweight. A total of 25 children are reported normal. The barangay has a
feeding program intended for the malnourished children and daycare pupils assisted by the
DSWD and MSWDO. The feeding program assisted ages 2-4 yrs. old. There is also supplemental
feeding done to elementary pupil’s grades 1-6 every day for 120 days done in 2017 being assisted
by the MLGU through Gawad Kalinga. The barangay also facilitated a Mother’s Class program
last June 2017 initiated by the BNS and MLGU.
Housing Status
Majority of the households are having houses built with light materials (wood, bamboo
and lumber). This type of materials is susceptible to any calamities that may strike the barangay.
While only few families with houses built of concrete materials.
The barangay has Elementary school and Day Care center with 63 pupils enrolled from
Grades Kinder to Grade 6. The kindergarten has the highest enrollees for the school year 2023-
2024 with 22% enrollees, followed by grade 4 with a total of (19%) and grade 5 (17) enrollees
respectively. The lowest population is grade 1 with only 8% students enrolled. The school is run
by the school head with 5 teachers. Table below shows the population of the school by grade
Barangay Dahilig has 1 basketball court located in the barangay proper it also serves as
volleyball court and commonly used in Barangay activities, meeting and assembly.
There are few numbers of men and women tasks to serve and become officers or leader in
the community organization and are members of groups which require their services moreover,
women are usually tasked to attend meetings because men are normally attending the farm
Commonly engage in governing people some Like men, some women are Barangay official, TANOD
became barangay officials and barangay and members or leader of the organizations.
Mostly involved in physical activities Most often attending religious activities
Purok leader and organization leader or Responsible in financial matters of the organizations
Do the heavy works in the community Food and preparation for community activities
Majority attending general assembly /meetings
Mostly assigned on documentation role
Table 13 shows, the household tasks of men and women. In the modern society some
woman capable of what man can do. In Barangay Dahilig mostly both man and woman engage
farming activities.
Men Women
Head of the household Assist the husband in farm activities
Decision-maker Serve as the light of the family
Breadwinner Budget and finance of the family
Assist the wife in doing household chores Doing household chores
Tending the Farm and livestock Rearing the children
Preparing firewood Taking cared of the husband needs
Fetching water Backyard gardening
Doing construction and repair of the house Assist the husband in livestock and poultry taking
Strengthened spiritual life of the family Commonly attending educational needs of children
(meetings, nutrition activity)
Serve as the protector of family Assist in fetching water
Setting rules for good discipline of family Ensure spiritual uprightness of the family
When it comes to water supply in the Barangay Dahilig only Purok 3 and the households
who lives far flung in the barangay proper used bodies of water such as springs and creeks as
source of potable water while most households used faucets (gripo)especially who positions in
the center or near the barangay.
Most of the residents followed the traditional way of fuel for cooking they use firewood /
charcoal as fuel for cooking and only 1 to 2 families use gas stove.
Mode of Transportation
Barangay Dahilig is accessible to any transportation facilities, but the most common
means of transportation from barangay going to the different puroks are by motorcycle however,
in going to the municipal some residents used “Tricab or Bao-bao” especially in transporting and
importing goods for daily needs or consumption.
Telecommunication Services
Not all populace of the barangay has access to all type of telecommunication services that
are based in the Municipality of Balingoan such as internet cafes and other mobile and android
phone networks. Only selected places of the barangay have access to mobile android phone
Broadcast media facilities that reached the area are the radio network, televisions, and
karaoke / DVD / VCD / CD.
The present composition of the Barangay Council was elected on October 2023 and
serving up to present. It has 8 elected officials, 1 Punong Barangay with 7 Barangay Councilors
and 2 appointive officials, namely: Barangay Secretary and Barangay Treasurer. The barangay
has 4 Purok Presidents,1 Barangay Record Keeper, 10 barangay Tanod, 3 Barangay Health
Workers, 1 Barangay Nutrition Scholar, 9 Lupon Members, and 1 Daycare worker. Table Below
are the list of Barangay Councils and its functionaries:
Barangay Dahilig has complied with the provision of the Local Government Code
regarding the organization of Lupon. It is composed of the Punong Barangay and chairman of LT
with 9 members. The following are the function normally performed by the Lupon.
To maintain peace and public safety, the barangay ensures that Civilian Volunters
Organization (CVO) or Barangay Tanods is organized. The barangay has active CVO/Barangay
Tanod members representing the different puroks of the barangay. They are doing roving activity
in the barangay. Prior to deployment, the CVO members undergo training to gain knowledge and
skills regarding their duties and responsibilities.
Disaster Timeline
The historical timeline shows the disaster events of the barangay that caused great
damaged to crops, farms, livestock, housing, and infrastructures and also putting population at
risks. The armed-conflict was the longest so far that the residents have experienced from 1982-
1986. It causes panic, fear, anxiety, danger and phobia among residents affected by the
encounter between the military and NPA. In 1972 the barangay experienced strong typhoon
accompanied with heavy rains and strong winds causing heavy landslides which totally
devastated the barangay making them vulnerable. Drought followed in 1973 which also took for
3 months that caused great damaged to farms, crops and livestock. Thus, locals learned to be
vigilant and implemented a number of adaptation measures to minimize impact from the
adverse effects of climate change. Residents have learned to cope with man-made calamities
and natural disasters through observation of early signs and warnings that may lead destructing
hazards. Table below shows the disaster timeline of the barangay.
The types of hazards of the barangay that caused devastation of the place include:
typhoon, strong winds, flooding, landslides, drought and Armed-conflict. Most of the hazards as
described occurs during rainy and dry season, except for the drought and armed conflict that falls
on a dry season. The hardest and challenging hazards experienced was on armed-conflict as this
takes longer and created psychological problem due to phobia, fear and anxiety putting the
population at high risks. Impact of the Armed Conflict is described as high as it affects and
disrupt the economic growth of the barangay. It affects as well the governance and leadership of
the town as control and command of securing the place is in danger. Below are the major hazards
identified by the barangay with greater magnitude of impact:
Table 16. Hazzard Assessment of Barangay Dahilig
3-6 Entire Entire observations;
Drought 3-5 yrs 1-6 months unpredictable degree of
months barangay barangay no advisory &
barangay High
Strong June to 60 Entire Weather advisory
Yearly 3-4 mos degree of
winds September seconds barangay and pattern
The entire
barangay Presence of
1982-1983 affected High
Armed 6-7 months Nov-Dec Entire unusual persons
2012 2 weeks degree of
Conflict encounter Jan-Feb barangay and military
2017 impact
Typhoon barangay High
During Nov-Dec Entire Weather advisory
induced 3-4 days 2-3 hours degree of
typhoon Jan-Feb barangay and pattern
landslides impact
purok Actual
During rainy Nov-Dec observation,
Flooding 1-3 days 3-4 hours Purok 3,2,1 degree
season Jan-Feb PAGASA
map of the barangay indicating the different hazards identified, the number of populations at risk
at different category level from low-medium-high risks, the evacuation experience of the
barangay particularly on flooding, the seasonal calendar that assessed the months indicating the
production, celebrations, income-flow, health status, and disaster season. Under this section, the
health-Livelihood- attitude Status of the barangay before, during and after disaster was also
Health-Livelihood-Attitude Matrix
The health-Livelihood-Attitude matrix tool, looks into the condition of the barangay before,
during and after disaster. This considers the status, performance and condition of the barangay,
its resources and population during the three phases of disasters: before, during and after. As
observed, even before disaster strikes, the barangay also has issues and concerns on health,
livelihood and behavior of the people which may contribute to the impact and magnitude of
damage once disaster strikes. Table below shows the condition of the barangay on Health,
livelihood and attitude before-during and after disasters:
During these months of weather disturbance, health illness cough and colds, fever and flu were
experienced mostly by children. Livelihoods during these disaster months are also affected
contributing to low income of households that affects their vulnerability and capacity to easily
recover once they are hit by disasters, which in turn, affects the slowing economic growth of the
barangay. Table below shows the seasonal calendar of the barangay:
Table 18. Seasonal Calendar
Disaster Events:
Strong winds
Armed Conflict
Health Hazards:
Coughs & colds
Fever & flu
Root Crops
Supplemental Livelihood:
Agricultural labor
Scarcity of Food
Scarcity of Water
Scarcity of Medicines
Community Events:
Nutrition month
New year
Since 1972 until at present, hazards such as, typhoon, landslides, strong winds, flooding
and armed-conflict heavily affected high risks puroks, and subsequently the whole barangay.
DRR interventions were mainly heavy on relief distribution, early recovery and rehabilitation.
From the lessons learned in the series of calamities that hit the barangay, families and the BLGU
are now implementing measures on preparation, prevention mitigation and climate change
adaptation. The Social Venn Diagram and the on-going DRR initiatives of the barangay shows
how the barangay council and its residents move towards preparedness, prevention, mitigation
towards climate change adaptation. Initiatives like DRRM trainings on awareness building,
contingency planning, planning workshops, and CCA interventions are on-going in the barangay.
Table 20. Coping Measures and Initiatives for Armed Conflict Hazard
Table 21. Community-Based Early Warning System For Typhoons: Heavy Rains
and Strong Winds
LEVEL Weather is hot House-to-house to Prepare Coordinate Barangay
0 inform residents firewoods and every household Captain
food for
cooking BDRRMC
LEVEL Cold air and area Info house-to- Listen to Weather Barangay
1 is foggy, started to house BDRRMC monitoring Captain
rain w/ anunsyo and Prepare
thunderstorms PAGASA evacuation BDRRMC
advisory. center and
equipment for
LEVEL Heavy rainfall Listen to Weather BDRRMC
2 start for 2-4 hours ALERTO! advisory monitoring Volunteers
Continue House- And keep BHWS
to-house assets and Ready relief BNS
dissemination livestock in a goods
safe place
Level 3 Continuous rains Prepare Continuous BDRRMC
for 2- 3 months ALERTO! necessary weather BHWS
Continue House- things incase of monitoring and CVOs
to-house emergency contact
Barangay is the primary potential for development. With regular dialogue within the
constituents, the current situation can be addressed properly. Some problems identified
based on the five development sectors that required actions in coordination with
higher LGUs and National Agencies. After reviewing the current situation of Barangay
Dahilig major issues and problems identified.
Table 24. Situational Analysis
Infrastructure Economic
Lack of farming tools and facilities
Inadequate waterworks system Low production of crops due to weather
Poor internet services/ low frequency of condition
Poor condition of existing unpaved roads
Inadequate post-harvest facilities
Occurrence of pest and diseases
Fluctuation of market price
Poor condition of school facilities
Inadequacy of health facilities
Poor and unsafe drinking water supply for a number of households
Inadequate supply of medicines
No resettlement area
Insufficient equipment and facilities for Barangay police
Lack of communication facilities
Inadequate sports facilities
Environment Institutional
Lack of information and dissemination
Lack information and education on
proper garbage management at the Lack of communication and cooperation to
household level; partner agencies
Key Findings
Furthermore, Agriculture has great impact of the economic status of the barangay
however, the geographical location of the barangay is prone to heavy rains and strong winds a
reason for the farmers to adapt farming seasonal calendar. In connection, the lack and
adequate equipment/facilities of the barangay limits the people to go beyond their capabilities
in reaching progressive living.
4.1 Vision
By 2034, Barangay Dahilig envisions as a Food Basket in the Municipality of
Balingoan with a Progressive, Sustainable, United, God-loving and
Environmental-friendly constituents.
4.2 Mission
To Sustained and Preserve Food Security. Providing Agricultural Services
among Constituents Equally. To uplift the standard life of every resident. To
became active partner of the municipality and other partner agencies.
To educate/teach the
right farming practices.
To purchased farm
equipment and
To provide draft
animals for farmers.
To accept and
To collaborate and participate all the
linkages agency for programs.
Sustainable Livelihood
To conduct training
To Maintain and about marcotting,
enhance economically grafting, and budding.
vibrant environment;
To produced high
quality seedlings to the
To educate the
community by
conducting seminars
and orientation.
To establish strong
To Improve Tourism of social media platform.
the Barangay
- To train women’s
-To Established
Pasalubong Center
To construct access
road sitio upper
To construct opening
road from kawalaan
road to guindokdokan
To construct standard
To construct barangay
Environment To improve environment To intensify the
protection and implementation of solid
management waste management
Protective Services
Anti Drug after Care Education Information Executive Order
Programs per R.A campaign. constituting the
9165 Barangay Anti-Drug
Abuse Council
Mini Library Reading Program
Housing Program Construction of Coordination with NHA Create Ordinance
Residential Units for the construction of Prohibition
residential housing.
Medical Charity Purchased Medicine Submit projects proposal Appropriation
program and Equipment. to National Agencies and Ordinance
Purchase Request resolution
emergency/ rescue
Purchase of Request resolution
communication and Appropriation
early warning ordinance
device (hand held
radio, mega phone,
flashlight, laptop,
printer and wifi).
Storing, Packaging:
Designing and
producing packaging
that protects the
enhance value of
Eco Tourism Establishing Strong Tourist guide training Resolution adopting
Promotion Social Media Platform Cultural Heritage site,
Training of Women’s Promotion and
To Establish group for making Conservation
Pasalubong Center Handy crops
Strengthen the
functionality of the
Barangay Council.
High Quality Planting To Establish Nursery Training, for Appropriation
Materials marcotting grafting, Ordinance
budding and Layering
Security of Tenor
Table 28. Environment Sector
Programs Projects Non-Projects Legislations
Environmental Management and Governance
Clean and Green Establishment of Plant and Grow trees Appropriation
Seedling Nursery along steep slope and Ordinance
within protection
Construction of ECDC
Children Playground
Post-Harvest Program Construction of Post- Resolution Request
Harvest Facility
Irrigation System Construction of Water Request to National Resolution for request
Impounding Facility Irrigation funding
Access Road Concreating market Formulate road Resolution requesting
road from purok 2 to network plan funds
purok 3
Concreating Barangay
road from purok 1 to
Elementary School
Programs Projects Non-Projects Legislations
BRGY. SITE Procurement of Lot Ordinance &
Compliance to Filling up of Appropriation
Requirement Mandatory required ordinance
Strong well- Strengthen people Resolution
coordinated organization
Social welfare
Purchase of medicine and BLGU 2024 2029 Medicine, 2 MLG 100,000.00 100,000.0
Weighing 0
equipment Scale, 5 U/
Thermomete DOH
r, 5 BP
BNS and BHW training BLGU 2024 2029 Skills and BLGU 40,000.00 40,000.00
Purchase of emergency/rescue BLGU 2024 2029 1 Vehicle PLGU 1,000,00.0 1,000,00.00
Training for marcotting, BLGU 2024 2029 Skills and DA 50,000.00 50,000.00
grafting, budding and layering
Purchased Planting fruit trees BLGU 2024 2029 2,000 DA 500,000.00 500,000.0
-Agro Forest Fruit
Purchased Planting Bamboo BLGU 2024 2029 1,000 DA 50,000.00 50,000.00
Monitoring & Objectives What to Monitor Frequency Responsible Report, Expected Users of the
Evaluation Groups Means of Monitoring
Activities Verification Outputs
BLG Partne
U r Unit
Barangay Determine 5-Year AIP Twice a month Barangay Committee BLGU,
Council updates of officials reports, Minutes MLGU, PLGU
Regular different of the session
Session concerns of the
Barangay Assess the AIP Twice a year Barangay Minutes of the BLGU,
assembly progress of the implementation, officials, meeting MLGU, PLGU
whole CBDP poverty reduction community,
implementation agenda MLGU,
Purok Determine Purok project Once a month Barangay Minutes of the BLGU,
meeting successful implementation officials, meeting MLGU, PLGU
implementation VMGO community,
of programs & attainment facilitator
Output Determine the Capability Every after Barangay Minutes of the BLGU and
Presenta- impact of the said trainings and trainings and Officials Meeting and or Implementing
tion activity to the Seminars seminars other sorts of Body
participant documentation in
connection of the
Observation/ Observe the Ongoing Projects Every Barangay Pictures and other BLGU and
Actual Area ongoing program or Program Programs Officials Documentations Implementing
Visit Implemented Body
Ocular To know the 5-Year AIP Quarterly Barangay Pictures & written BLGU,
inspection / actual project officials, report / MLGU, PLGU
Inspection implementation community, documentation
House to Determine Poverty reduction Twice a year Purok officials, Monitoring BLGU, Purok
house changes / agenda, land use BHW, BNS matrix, pictures & Officials
survey improvement plan documentation
from baseline
data / profile
Operation Determine Health & Quarterly BNS, BHW BHW, BNS Health Center,
timbang / decrease in sanitation sector monitoring matrix DSWD, DOH
Actual malnutrition
Interview Know from Whole CBDP Yearly MLGU Monitoring BLGU,
individual implementation facilitators matrix, picture / MLGU, PLGU.
perspective the documentation
usefulness of the
Actual Update Tax Implementation of Everyday BLGU, Reciepts and BLGU
Collection Paying Activities the Tax Info. Treasurer Income Statement
of Taxes Program
No. of HH
Solid Waste Ordinances Ocular Quarterly Barangay Officials, BLGU, BSI,
Management Adoptors inspection, Community MENRO
Program Affectivity of interview
the program
Development of SPECS Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials, Committee on
Eco Tourist Spot Usefulness Interview, BC implementation Community Tourism, BLGU,
Regular Session Municipal
Road Rehabilitation SPECS Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials, MLGU, BLGU,
/ Concreating road Usefulness Interview, implementation Community
from purok 1 to No. of HH Barangay
elementary school/ benefited Assembly
Concreating road
from purok 2 to
purok 3/ Road
opening kawalaan
to guindokdokan/
Road opening sitio
Cons. of Water SPECS Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials, MLGU, BLGU,
Impounding Usefulness Interview, implementation Community NIA
Facility No. of HH Barangay
benefited Assembly
Cons. of outpost No. of post Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials/ Committee on
with holding area installed Interview implementation Community Peace and Order,
Cons. of Barangay SPECS Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials, MLGU, BLGU,
hall / Cons. of CDC Usefulness Interview, BC implementation ECCD
building/ Cons .of No. of HH regular Session
Barangay benefited
playground /
Improvement of
Covered Court
Housing/Cons. Of SPECS Inspection, During & after Barangay Officials, MLGU, BLGU
Residentials Unit Usefulness Interview, House implementation NHA
No. of HH to House Survey
Feeding program No. of children Interview, House Quarterly Midwife, BNS & BLGU, PLGU,
for Senior citizen fed to House Survey, mother of the DSWD, MHU
and 0-5 years old No. of Senior Operation children, Senior
Citizen Timbang, Actaul Citizen
Frequency of Feeding Organization
Effectiveness of
the activity
Provision of Mini SPECS Inspection, During & after the Barangay Officials, BLGU, DepEd,
Library Usefulness to Interview purchase / provision CDC, School Head MSWD, PNP, SK,
the school of the facilities NGO PLGU
Usefulness to
the people in the
Acquisition of SPECS Inspection, During & after the Barangay Officials BLGU
Brgy. Lots and No. of lots and interview acquisition of the
Titles / Acquisition titles acquired lots and titles /
of Brgy. Facilities No. of facilities facilities
Livelihood No. of training Inspection, During & after the Barangay Officials, PLGU, BLGU,
training / conducted Interview, Output activity Comm. On PNP,
Handicraft Training No. of Presentation Tourism, comm.
/ Community individual On Agriculture
Organizing / trained Women’s
Center / BNS-
BHW Training
Tree Planting / No. of trees Inspection and After the tree Barangay Officials MENRO, Kgd. on
Agro-Forestry Planted Interview planting (Twice a Environment,
No. of Fruit year) DENR
Trees Planted
Table shows the implementing structure of the BDP. This is purposely prepared to ensure
proper coordination among different key implementers of the BDP. The barangay ensures that all
responsible committee for each sector are in place. This effort will basically facilitate collaborative
and synchronized efforts between and among various stakeholders in the entire BDP implementation.