IOT Based Obstacle Detector System For Blind People: Preparing Students

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IOT based Obstacle Detector

System for Blind People

Preparing students:

Amir humood Gatea Fatima Ghazi Faisal


A.A Sara Raad kasem

‫الرحِ ِيم‬
‫الرحْ َم ِن ه‬ ‫ِبس ِْم ه ِ‬
‫َّللا ه‬

‫َّللا ِب َما تَ ْع َملُونَ َخ ِبير )‪{ (11‬‬ ‫َّللا الهذِينَ آ َمنُوا ِمن ُك ْم َوالهذِينَ أُوتُوا ْال ِع ْل َم َد َر َجا ٍ‬
‫ت ۚ َو ه ُ‬ ‫} َي ْرفَ ِع ه ُ‬

‫صدق هللا العلي العظيم‬

A dedication to the highest good
‫شكر وتقدير‬
Abstract :
In today’s world millions of people are having problem of vision. According to the
recent survey of WHO about 289 million of peoples are visually impaired. This
problem make them dependent on others. there are different methods are used for
the aid of mobility of the visually impaired people. In this project we will make the
use of Ultrasonic sound to enhance the obstacle detection for the blind people
within the range of 50cm to 1.5m . The project is made by inspiring from the
natural navigation system of a mammal called Bat. Although the navigation for
blind using ultrasonic is a complex process but here we will present only the hurdle
detection procedure. The project make the use of Mega Arduino processor,
ultrasonic sensors, speaker , Arduino cable for burning, and some connecting
wires. All this setup will be arranged on stick and a blind person will use it. The
ultrasonic emitter emit ultrasonic sound of high frequency which is perceived by
the ultrasonic receiver after reflection from the obstacle and then passed to the
processor for further necessary action in the form of some sound.
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figures
Symbols definition
List of abbreviations
Chapter one

‫تبقى فارغة‬
1.1 Introduction:

Vision is the most precious gift from the side of ALLAH

ALMIGHTY. It is vision with which one can enjoy the whole beauty of
life .According to Socrates, vision is life. But millions of people are
visually impaired. Due to this deficiency of vision these people are left far
behind in this challenging world. According to the recent survey. There
are over 286 million of blind and partially sighted people in the world [1]
and out of these about 90% blind solely depend on others for their
survival. They face a huge problem of mobility and survival in an
unknown environment.
In a normal day to day situation a blind person waves the blind
stick ahead of them in order to check for any objects or obstacles. it is
simplest and oldest way but it is not useful at some situation like walking
in the street or a crowded place , for that reason , they can not navigate
alone or have high dependency on them self , Due to this deficiency of
vision these people are left far behind in this challenging world and they
become burden of other people who are they rely on.
Another method for guiding them is the guiding dogs. These are
specially trained dogs which help the visually impaired people to navigate
through the obstacle by alerting the person regarding the hurdles resulting
the person to change his/her path. This method too has large number of
limitations including the complex directions provided by the dogs. Also
this technique is limited to about five to six years after which the dogs has
to be renewed due to some natural phenomenon. These dogs are very
expensive and are out of the range of the poor people to be afforded.
Moreover it is also difficult for visually impaired person to provide extra
care for another living thing.
With the development of sensors after the World War 2, many
devices were made to help the visually handicap people to detect the
hurdles present in their surroundings. In this project the modern
technology has been used of to design such a system which could replace
the guide dog to help the visually impaired people. The use of technology
for such purposes is the highest moral achievement. Many devices were
made to cope up with this issue but all have certain limitations along with
its benefits. Here in this project we will make the use of ultrasound system
by inspiring from the natural navigation of a mammal called Bat. It will
make the use of high frequency sound and its reflection after striking the
obstacle. For this purpose we will make the use ultrasonic sensors i.e.
ultrasonic emitter and ultrasonic receiver. The reason for choosing this
ultrasonic sensor since this sensor is a sensor that is the most effective in
terms of distance measurements [2]. The emitter will produce the high
frequency sound and after its reflection from the barrier, is received by the
receptionist part of the project and then transmitted to the processor for
further action.

1.2 The Aim of The Project :

The aim of this project is to assist the visually impaired people to
travel independently without external aid and monitoring real-time
location information of these individuals. a smart obstacle detection
stick is presented in this project.
The system helps blind and visually impaired people to be highly self-
dependent by assisting their mobility regardless of where they are
outdoor or indoor.
1.3 project outline :
Chapter Two
Tools And Software
2.1 Arduino Ide platform:
In the context of Arduino, "IDE" stands for Integrated Development
Environment. The Arduino IDE is a software application that provides a
convenient platform for writing, compiling, and uploading code to Arduino
microcontrollers. It includes a code editor with features like syntax highlighting
and auto-completion, a compiler to convert the written code into machine-readable
instructions, and tools for uploading the compiled code to an Arduino board.
The Arduino IDE simplifies the development process for those working with
Arduino boards, making it easier to write and upload code without having to use
multiple tools separately. It's a user-friendly environment designed to streamline
the process of programming and working with Arduino microcontrollers.

Fig 2.1
2.2 C++ :
C++ is a general-purpose programming language that was developed as an
extension of the C programming language with additional features. It was created
by Bjarne Stroustrup and first released in 1983. C++ is widely used for developing
a variety of software applications, including system software, game development,
embedded systems, and high-performance applications.
In the context of the Arduino IDE, C++ refers to the programming language
used for writing code for Arduino microcontrollers. Arduino, being an open-source
electronics platform, allows developers to write sketches (programs) for their
Arduino boards using the Arduino IDE. The Arduino programming language is
essentially a simplified version of C++.
In Arduino, programs are commonly referred to as "sketches" . A sketch is written
in the Arduino programming language, which is based on C++. Arduino sketches
typically consist of two main functions: setup() for initialization and loop() for the
main program execution.

2.3 TMRPCM Library:

The TMRPCM library for Arduino is used to play WAV audio files directly from an
SD card. It offers asynchronous playback, meaning your program can continue
running other tasks while the audio plays.
Like all Arduino Libraries it is most define it before setup function Also to use
it correctly it need to create an object, this is happen by write the name of the
library followed by the type of object needed, in our case it was a music, line 6 in
figure below.

Fig 2.1
2.4 Hardware Components
In this section will present the hardware components that are used in our project.

2.4.1 Arduino Mega 2560:

Arduino is an open source hardware and software that can make a user to do
effective operation in it. The Arduino is a microcontroller.
These microcontroller devices help in sensing and controlling the objects in the real-
time situations and environment.
The Arduino MEGA 2560 is designed for projects that require more I/O lines, more
sketch memory and more RAM.
With 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs. Commented [DS21]:

Fig 2.2
The ultrasonic sensor consists of transmitter, receiver and transceiver. The
transmitter convert electrical signal into sound waves. The receiver converts the
sound waves into electrical signal again.
The transceiver performs both the receiver and transmitter operations.

Fig 2.3

2.4.3Lm386 lm386 audio amplifier

The LM386 is a popular audio amplifier integrated circuit (IC) that is
commonly used to amplify audio signals in electronic projects, including those
involving Arduino. It's a low voltage, low power amplifier designed for use in low-
power consumer applications. The LM386 is simple to use and provides a
convenient solution for amplifying audio signals from microphones, sensors, or
other sources.

2.4.4 Speaker (3w,4ohm)




2.4.6 Breadboard

2.5 Smart Stick : Literature Review
2.5.1Smart walking stick
An electronic approach to assist visually disabled persons. It is sensor based
circuitry, such that it consists Ultrasonic Sensor which is used to detect obstacles, A
PIC16F690 microcontroller reads these sensors and drives a buzzer. An audio output
is designated by a buzzer alarm.


2.5.2 Virtual Eye for the Blind

A Smart Guiding Device for the Blind. A new navigation system for the blind
person has been proposed and developed. The system helps blind and visually
impaired people to be highly self-dependent by assisting their mobility regardless of
where they are outdoor or indoor.

[1] World Blind Union (2009). White cane safety day. World Blind Union, Press release, October,

[2] J. D. Armstrong, (1975) Evaluation of man-machine systems in the mobility of the visual
handicapped. Human Factors in Health Care R.M. Pickett and T. J. Trigg’s Eds. Lexington Book,

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