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Imaging of the

P o s t o p e r a t i v e Ja w s a n d
Tem p o ro m a n d i b u l a r J o i n t s
Dania Tamimi, BDS, DMSca,*, Michael Gunson, DDS, MDb

 Dentoalveolar surgery  Dental implants  Orthognathic surgery  Total joint replacement

 Preoperative imaging is important for determining the extent of a lesion and the normal anatomic
configuration of the structures.
 Obtaining a baseline image immediately postoperatively is crucial for evaluation of progress and
 Benign lesions with high recurrence rate, such as keratocysts and ameloblastomas, should be fol-
lowed up long term radiographically because recurrences may occur several years later.
 It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the first signs of bony healing to be radiographically visible.
 Nonunion of bony segments after about 3 months may indicate fibrous union or infection. Healed
bony margins may be sclerotic (must be differentiated from early osteonecrosis if history of antire-
sorptive drugs is present).

INTRODUCTION consider, and the radiographic imaging of success

and failure of these procedures. The imaging of
Surgical procedures in the oral cavity and maxillo- postsurgical malignant neoplasia is not included
facial complex are diverse and involve multiple tis- in this article.
sues unique to this region. These procedures are
used to remove pathology and infection, but can
also restore temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and DENTOALVEOLAR SURGERY
masticatory function, optimize jaw and occlusal Extraction of Impacted Teeth
relationships, prosthetically replace teeth and Indication
TMJs, improve esthetics, and increase upper res- Most teeth erupt into the oral cavity normally
piratory tract dimensions. Procedures in the oral without incident. The teeth that erupt last into the
cavity are often complicated by infection stem- oral cavity (the third molars) tend to have a higher
ming from the naturally occurring oral flora incidence for impaction. There are several presen-
because the procedures often expose the underly- tations for these impacted third molars that are
ing bone to the microorganisms that reside within named for their alignment in relation to the dental
the oral cavity, but can also be complicated iatro- midline and arch. Third molars are mesioangularly,
genically. This article introduces the reader to the distoangularly, buccoangularly, linguoangularly,
more commonly encountered surgical procedures

and vertically impacted, with any of these being

through examination of the indications, anatomy to superficial or deep in the bone (Fig. 1). Other teeth

Private Practice in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Orlando, FL, USA; b Private Practice in Oral and Maxil-
lofacial Surgery, 334 South Patterson Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93111, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Neuroimag Clin N Am 32 (2022) 203–229

1052-5149/22/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
204 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 1. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) panoramic and coronal reformations showing different angu-
lation types of third molars impactions. (A) Panoramic shows a transversely oriented right third molar and hor-
izontally impacted left third molars. These are further evaluated on the coronal view (B) to show the
linguoangular orientation of the right third molar with a thin lingual alveolar plate (high risk for injuring the
lingual nerve) and the contact between the left inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) canal and the left third molar (ar-
row). (Courtesy of J Schaumberg, DDS, Fort Lauderdale, FL.)

can also be impacted, but the third molars are by is also an important structure for the surgeon
far the most commonly impacted teeth. The to identify clinically and to protect during the
deeper the tooth is embedded in bone, the more procedure, but this is not readily identifiable
complicated the surgical procedure and the more on computed tomography (CT) or cone-
likely the development of postsurgical beam CT (CBCT) because it is not encased
complications. in bone.2

Radiographic anatomy to consider Maxillary third molars

Mandibular third molars  Maxillary sinus and infratemporal fossa: Maxil-
 Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) canal: The con- lary third molars can be deeply impacted and
tents of this canal can be injured during displaced into the maxillary sinuses (Fig. 3)
extraction of an impacted third molar if the (especially in the case of an associated benign
tooth is in contact with it and more so the mass) or may be positioned more laterally in
more intimate its relationship with the canal. relation to the maxilla with a thin bony separa-
A surgeon and radiologist should evaluate tion between it and the infratemporal fossa.
the relationship of the tooth with the canal Evaluation of the proximity of the tooth to
before extraction. The canal is located these structures is important to minimize the
buccally, lingually, or apically to the tooth. It risk of displacement, which in many cases ne-
is compressed by the roots, in slight contact cessitates another surgical procedure for
with them, or not in contact at all. A canal retrieval.
may present passing through the furcation
area of the root and even with the roots of Imaging of success
the tooth developing around it (Fig. 2).1 Injury A tooth extraction site that has not been compli-
of the nerve within this canal can result in cated by infection heals by deposition of immature
numbness and paresthesia. The lingual nerve (woven) bone on the internal surface of the socket

Fig. 2. CBCT panoramic reconstruction (A) shows distoangular orientation of the mandibular right third molar
and mesioangular orientation of the left third molar. The image of the IAN canal is seen overlapping over the
roots. (B) Axial view of the same tooth shows the IAN canal in contact with the root and partially passing through
the furcation. (C) Axial view of a different horizontally impacted third molar with the IAN canal passing through
the furcation of the roots. The risk of injury to the nerve with surgical removal of the tooth is high. (Courtesy of J
Schaumberg, DDS, Fort Lauderdale, FL.)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 205

that starts to become radiographically visible by 6

to 8 weeks (Fig. 4). This gives the appearance of
bone filling from the outside in. Eventually, the
socket becomes filled with bone and faint outline
of the higher density lamina dura of the socket
can persist or resorb beyond 6 months (see Fig. 4).

Imaging of complications
Tooth extraction is complicated by infection, frac-
ture of the tooth or alveolus, or by violation of the
adjacent anatomy. Osteomyelitis should be ruled
out in these areas of recent extraction if the pa-
tient presents with any clinical signs of infection
Fig. 3. Coronal CBCT shows a maxillary impacted third
molar that has been displaced into the left maxillary
(eg, pain, swelling, pus). The CT and CBCT radio-
sinus by a benign odontogenic lesion that occupies graphic appearance is a delayed organization of
the entire sinus. (Courtesy of M Noujeim, DDS MS, the bone within the socket (when compared
San Antonio, TX) with other extraction sites of teeth that were
removed at the same time), interruption of the
bony cortex of the mandible, and periosteal reac-
tion (Fig. 5).3

Fig. 4. A series of CBCT reformations showing the normal healing after third molar extraction made on the day of
tooth extraction (A), 3 months postoperative (B–E), and 7 months postoperative (F–I). At 3 months, a thin layer of
immature bone is seen lining the walls of the sinus. At 7 months, the right side shows the formation of dense
bone filling the socket and effacement of the lamina dura borders of the socket (arrow). The left side is orga-
nizing but at a slower pace, indicating follow-up to rule out possible complication preventing the healing
from progressing at the same rate as the opposite side. (Courtesy of J Schaumberg, DDS, Fort Lauderdale, FL.)
206 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 5. Panoramic (A) and coronal CBCT (B) shows bilateral third molar extractions that have been complicated by
osteomyelitis. The socket does not show bone deposition within it and there is interruption of the cortices of the
mandible with overlying periosteal reaction noted bilaterally.

MR imaging findings include loss of T1 signal violating important anatomic structures and to
because fatty marrow is replaced by exudate in ensure the success of the dental implant.
acute cases and marked hyperintensity on STIR
because of edema or hyperemia. The surrounding
Radiographic anatomy to consider
soft tissue inflammation has high signal on STIR
and T1 contrast-enhanced and fat-saturated im-
 Maxillary sinuses: The maxillary sinuses tend
ages (Fig. 6).
to pneumatize the maxillary posterior alveolar
processes, notably after the loss of the poste-
Dental Implant Surgery
rior teeth. This creates inadequate bone
Indications height and volume for the placement of im-
Dental implants have quickly become a main- plants. Such sinuses could be grafted using
stream method of replacing missing teeth. Suc- particulate graft, which should not be
cessful osseointegration of these implants confused for fibro-osseous pathology (Fig. 7).
depends on the lack of infection, the vitality of  Anterior superior alveolar canal and incisive
the bone following the osteotomy, the presence canal: These canals are in the anterior region
of adequate bone to support the implant in all di- of the maxilla. The incisive (nasopalatine) ca-
mensions, and a biomechanically sound configu- nal is in the midline posterior to the central in-
ration of the implant and crown replacing the cisors and, together with bone loss on the
tooth. Evaluation of adequate bone height and facial aspect of the alveolar process, can mini-
width and the proximity to anatomy should be mize the amount of bone available of an ante-
evaluated before implant placement to avoid rior tooth implant (Fig. 8). The anterior

Fig. 6. Coronal T1-weighted (A) and axial T1-weighted C 1 fat-saturated (B) MR images show the MR imaging
appearance of osteomyelitis in the mandible. The high fatty marrow signal has been replaced on T1-weighted
(A), and T1-weighted C 1 fat saturation shows diffuse enhancement of the marrow space with masticator space
enhancement. (From Koenig L, Tamimi D, Petrikowski G, Perschbacher S. Mandible-Maxilla Osteomyelitis. In: Koe-
nig L, Tamimi D, Petrikowski G, Perschbacher S, editors. Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial, 2nd Edition.
USA: Elsevier; 2018. p. 387-390; with permission)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 207

Fig. 9. CBCT panoramic reformation shows an ante-

rior dental implant in contact with the anterior supe-
Fig. 7. Custom sagittal oblique CBCT view shows the rior alveolar canal.
high-density granular appearance of a particular sinus
graft in a “sinus lift” maxillary posterior alveolar process
ridge augmentation. (Courtesy of A Schetritt, DDS.) Mandible
 Inferior alveolar canal (IAC): Implants should
avoid contacting the canal because its viola-
superior alveolar canal branches off of the in-
tion may result in paresthesia. This canal can
fraorbital nerve before its emergence through
bifurcate and have multiple branches, which
the infraorbital foramen. It descends along the
should be detected before implant placement
lateral walls of the nasal cavity then converges
(Fig. 10).
toward the midline. This more horizontal ter-
 Mental foramen: The IAC canal travels slightly
minal portion may be injured by canine or
anterior to the mental foramen in the mandible
lateral incisor implants (Fig. 9).4
before making a U-turn to partially emerge
from this foramen. This U-turn is called the
“anterior loop of the IAC” and should be
located to avoid injury.
 Incisive canal: After partially emerging from
the mental foramen, the IAC continues anteri-
orly to the midline in the incisive canal and
should be identified in the case of anterior
implant placement (Fig. 11).
 Lingual canal and foramen: This is a midline
structure that runs from the lingual surface of
the anterior mandible to the center of the
basal bone in this sagittal plane. The lingual
artery enters through this foramen. Injury by
an implant should be avoided.
 Submandibular fossa: With disuse atrophy of
the mandibular posterior alveolar process,
the alveolar process becomes more lingually
(medially) positioned while the basal bone re-
mains in its original position. This results in a
deepening of the submandibular gland fossa
on the medial aspect of the mandible, making
the vertical height of the alveolar process
Fig. 8. Axial CBCT shows a maxillary central incisor available for implant placement shorter. This
implant that is in contact with the incisive canal. should be considered because violations of
208 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 10. Coronal (A, B) and sagittal (C) CBCT shows varying degrees of inferior alveolar nerve canal violation.

the submandibular gland and fossa may occur bone recedes, making the placement of an
(Fig. 12). adequately long and ideally positioned
implant difficult. The dentist should plan on
augmenting alveolar processes that have
Alveolar processes
receded to enable adequate position, form,
 Disuse atrophy of the alveolar processes: The
and function of the implant and final crown
primary purpose of the alveolar bone is to
to prevent failure.
support teeth. With the loss of teeth, the
Imaging of success
The CT radiographic imaging of dental implants
postplacement is often challenging because of
the presence of metal artifact surrounding the im-
plants (Fig. 13), and often two-dimensional intrao-
ral imaging is more useful in detecting bony
defects. The alveolar bone should surround the
implant with about 1- to 2-mm thickness of bone
all around and no visible peri-implant bone loss.
The implant should not violate any of the adjacent
anatomy, including the teeth and adjacent im-
plants if present. Imaging should be supplemented
by clinical examination and probing to detect peri-
implant loss of attachment. When planning the im-
plants’ angulation and insertion, special consider-
ation is made for the final function and esthetics of
the final tooth prosthesis (crown).

Imaging of complications
An implant that fails to osseointegrate loses radio-
graphic bone attachment (peri-implant bone loss)
(Fig. 14).5,6 An implant that violates anatomy
Fig. 11. CBCT panoramic reformation shows a dental should also be evaluated clinically to correlate
implant in contact with the mandibular incisive canal the symptoms to this violation of anatomy.7 Graft
(anterior branch of the IAN canal). material that is used to augment the bone for
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 209

Fig. 12. (A, B) Coronal CBCT shows varying degrees of submandibular fossa violation.

Fig. 14. In some cases, bone loss is evaluated on CBCT

through changing the windowing and leveling and
changing the slice thickness. Creation of a custom
cross-section in the axial plane passing through the
Fig. 13. Axial CBCT demonstrates the metal artifact centers of the implants helps to generate a sagittal
typical in the presence of implants, particularly of oblique section that may show the bone loss. In
multiple implants adjacent to one another. The arti- most cases, the bone loss is best evaluated through
fact resembles bone loss even though the bone may clinical evaluation and plain film vertical bitewing
be intact. radiography.
210 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 15. (A, B) Coronal CBCT shows fragmentation and infection of particulate grafts placed in the maxillary

placement of the implant but that does not resorb for the deposition of bone on the inner surfaces
into the underlying bone shows radiographic signs of the cyst cavity, reducing the size of the defect
of detachment and possible fragmentation before the removal of the cyst lining to prevent a
(Fig. 15). pathologic fracture from occurring (Fig. 16).8,9
Following enucleation, bone regeneration is more
rapid than after marsupialization. However, marsu-
IMAGING OF SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF pialization minimizes the danger of damage to
BENIGN LESIONS adjacent structure and pathologic fracture.
Enucleation and Marsupialization Other large benign lesions may require marginal
Indications or complete mandibulectomy or maxillectomy.
When a benign lesion of the jaws (odontogenic or The more aggressive the lesion and the higher
nonodontogenic) is present, it often requires surgi- the risk for recurrence, the more aggressive the
cal removal. The surgical management of the approach and the wider the excision margin
lesion depends on the size, extent, and location should be.
of the lesion, which dictates the surgical technique
used. Smaller, less aggressive lesions require a Imaging of success
more conservative approach, such as enucleation The remineralization of the inner portion of the cav-
and excisional biopsy, whereas large cysts that ity left behind by an enucleated or excised cyst
inhabit a large portion of the jaws may require a should start to appear radiographically at around
marsupialization approach, which involves crea- 6 to 8 weeks and the cavity should fill in with
tion of a small opening and placing a drain in the bone at 6 to 9 months if it is not grafted (Fig. 17),
cyst wall to relieve the hydraulic pressure of the depending on the size of the lesion removed
growing cyst and evacuation of the fluid, allowing (longer if larger). The lumen of the cavity shrinks

Fig. 16. (A) Axial CBCT of the anterior maxilla shows a large odontogenic keratocyst treated with marsupializa-
tion that has reduced in size over the course of 4 months. The drain is seen in B. (Courtesy of M Noujeim, DDS MS,
San Antonio, TX.)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 211

Fig. 17. CBCT panoramic and coronal cross-sections show the normal healing pattern of a benign cyst that has
been enucleated. (A, B) shows the defect immediately postoperatively. (C, D) Eight months postoperatively, there
is deposition of bone on the internal surface of the cyst margins. This may fill in completely with bone, or may
retain some fibrous scar tissue in the center, which should be differentiated from recurrence. (Courtesy of M Nou-
jeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.)

Fig. 18. Coronal and sagittal CBCTs of two separate patients (A, B) and (C, D) show the healing pattern of odon-
togenic cysts that have been either drained or enucleated through the oral cavity. The walls of the cyst collapse
toward the center of the lumen leaving behind a sclerotic, irregular, and thickened cortex. This appearance is
called a “collapsed” or “involuted” cyst. (Courtesy of M Noujeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.)
212 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 19. Axial (A), sagittal (B), and coronal (C) CBCT shows fibrous healing of an odontogenic keratocyst. The bony
margins are irregular, but well-defined and corticated. The underlying bone is often sclerotic. (Courtesy of M
Noujeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.)

concentrically from the outside in mandibular le- transformation of a previously benign lesion
sions. In maxillary lesions that extend into the should be ruled out in these cases.10 Large cysts
maxillary sinus, the shrinking cystic walls in a mar- that were enucleated may leave behind a weak-
supialized or self-draining cyst leave behind an ened mandible, so pathologic fracture should be
irregular high-density structure called an involuted ruled out especially with recent history of trauma
or collapsed cyst (Fig. 18). Sometimes, the defect to the area.
exhibits fibrous healing, which shows soft tissue
between the well-defined corticated but irregular Excision and Marginal Mandibulectomy/
margins of the often sclerotic bone (Fig. 19). Maxillectomy
Imaging of complications Benign tumors of the jaws require excision but,
An inflammatory cyst that is not completely depending on the behavior of the lesion, the de-
removed can persist as a residual cyst, which is gree of aggressiveness, and rate of recurrence,
often a perfectly circular unilocular low density in the surgical approach may need to be more
the area of the extracted tooth apex (Fig. 20), aggressive to decrease the rate of recurrence.
and an odontogenic keratocyst can recur Common benign lesions that have a high rate of
(Fig. 21) because of incomplete removal of the recurrence are keratocysts and ameloblastomas.
cyst lining and the microscopic “daughter cysts” A wide margin of excision or removal of portions
that are often associated with this lesion. There of the jaws are used for these lesions so the result-
can also be secondary infection of the site, which ing defect does not retain the outlines of the orig-
shows irregular cortical boundaries of a previously inal benign lesion, but rather has more angular or
well-defined cyst or neoplasia. Malignant haphazard outlines radiographically.

Radiographic anatomic considerations

Identifying the anatomy that is in contact with the
lesion before surgery helps in noting post-
procedural changes. The IAN canal is often dis-
placed by benign odontogenic lesions and may
or may not return to a more normal alignment post-
excision of the lesion (Fig. 22). Violation of the
anatomy of the bony canals and decortication is
important to note, because this may indicate either
iatrogenic violation, or may indicate secondary
infection or possible malignancy.

Imaging of success
Fig. 20. Coronal view shows a residual cyst in the Imaging should be obtained immediately postop-
typical location where the tooth apex used to be. eratively in the case of jaw resection to act as a
(Courtesy of M Noujeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.) baseline assessment to refer back to and compare
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 213

Fig. 21. CBCT panoramic and coronal view of an odontogenic keratocyst preoperatively (A, B) and 7 months post-
enucleation (C, D) that largely show filling with bone and a recurrence in the lingual cortex of the mandible ex-
panding into the submandibular gland fossa. (Courtesy of M Noujeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.)

with on subsequent imaging. Small lesions that Imaging of complications

have been excised start to fill with bone that is
radiographically visible at about 6 to 8 weeks post-  Recurrence of odontogenic keratocyst or
operatively (Fig. 23). Large lesion defects may ameloblastoma
need to be reinforced to prevent fracture. This  Graft rejection
reinforcement is achieved through grafting (partic-  Fibrous union or nonunion (see Fig. 19)
ulate, block, or rib/tibial grafts) or through fixation  Loose screws or infection
(Fig. 24). If the lesion is large enough to require  Inaccuracy of repositioning the segments
removal of large sections of the mandible (partial
or total mandibulectomy), the mandible may be
replaced with a partial or total mandibular pros-
thesis metallic frame.
Sequestrectomy, bone debridement, bone curet-
tage, marginal mandibulectomy, and segmental
resection of the mandible are often used for the
surgical management of medication-related
osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ), osteoradio-
necrosis, and osteomyelitis. Marginal mandibulec-
tomy is used when the process leaves at least
10 mm of basal bone unaffected. Segmental
resection of the mandible is used when the pathol-
ogy involves the entire vertical height of the
mandible or when a marginal resection would
compromise the structural integrity of the
Fig. 22. CBCT custom reconstruction showing the mandible. The compromised portions of the
course of an IAC that has been inferiorly displaced mandible may be replaced by autogenous grafts,
by a keratocyst. (Courtesy of D Hatcher, DDS, MS, Sac- such as rib grafts, or may be replaced by a metal
ramento, California.) framework.11
214 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 23. (A, B) Axial CBCTs shows the healing pattern of a simple (traumatic) bone cavity over the course of
3 months. Note the deposition of new bone on the inner surface of the bone cavity from the outside in. (Courtesy
of M Noujeim, DDS MS, San Antonio, TX.)

Radiographic Anatomy Marginal mandibulectomy

The margins should remain smooth and contin-
Inferior alveolar canal
uous on follow-up imaging. Bone sclerosis is a
The cortical borders of the IAC may be interrupted
common finding postresection but should be
in multiple areas when involved in osteonecrosis
monitored because stage 0 osteonecrosis can
present with bone sclerosis (Fig. 25).12
Segmental mandibular resection
The teeth in contact with suspected areas of
The resection margins should be smooth and may
osteonecrosis most likely will be resected. When
be sclerotic. All fixation screws should be intact
evaluating the postoperative imaging, any remain-
and in place with no evidence of low-density
ing teeth and bone should be evaluated for recur-
bone surrounding them, which may indicate infec-
rence, especially in the case of MRONJ and
tion or recurrence. The metallic frame should be
particularly if the teeth show signs of infection
intact and not displaced or fractured. If graft mate-
(pulpal or periodontal), which may encourage the
rial is used, it should be intact and assimilated into
development of a separate MRONJ.
the adjacent bone.

Imaging of Success Imaging of Complications

Imaging should be obtained immediately postop- Irregular bony margins that were previously
eratively to act as a baseline assessment to refer smooth and corticated should raise suspicion of
back to and compare with on subsequent imaging. recurrence or infection (Fig. 26). A challenge of

Fig. 24. (A) Panoramic and (B, C) axial CBCT views of a segmental mandibular resection following removal of a
large benign tumor of the left mandible. A hollow tibial graft was initially used and had integrated into the ante-
rior portion of the mandible. This was followed up with total joint replacement and replacement of the left
ramus and body of the mandible with a metal frame. (C) Shows how the fixation screws are placed perfectly be-
tween the roots of the teeth without injury to the teeth. (Courtesy of A Serrano, DDS, Sao Paolo, Brazil and S
Goncalves, MD, Sao Paolo, Brazil.)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 215

determining such a recurrence arises when the

area surrounding the screws needs to be evalu-
ated because metal artifact may obscure an
area of low density or mimic one. A recurrence
may be at the margins of the resection or may
occur surrounding the adjacent teeth or bone
segments, thus the remaining teeth and bone
should be evaluated carefully. Injury of the adja-
cent teeth or the IAC by the fixation screws
should be detected and noted. In the case of
autogenous grafts, signs of fibrous union or graft
rejection should be detected and noted. Single-
photon emission CT can show areas of metabolic
changes, but CT and CBCT can evaluate the fine
anatomic and morphologic reactions more

Fig. 25. Cropped panoramic radiograph shows the IMAGING OF ORTHOGNATHIC SURGICAL
sclerosis of the alveolar crest (thin arrow) and lamina PROCEDURES
dura of the premolar and molar (open arrows) sug- Introduction
gestive of stage 0 (nonspecific) bisphosphonate-
related changes. (Courtesy of S Perschbacher, DDS, There are several types of orthognathic proced-
MSc; and From Koenig L, Tamimi D, Petrikowski G, ures that aim to increase jaw volume, change the
Perschbacher S. Mandible-Maxilla Osteomyelitis. In: relationships of the jaws and teeth, improve es-
Koenig L, Tamimi D, Petrikowski G, Perschbacher S, thetics and function, and to increase nasal cavity
editors. Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial,
and oropharyngeal dimensions. These procedures
2nd Edition. USA: Elsevier; 2018. p. 387-390; with
are often used to correct significant develop-
mental changes to the maxillofacial region that
may have occurred because of a congenital mal-
formation, to condylar height loss as a result of
arthritis, idiopathic condylar resorption or condylar
fractures, and to growth alteration from pathologic
function.7 The orthognathic surgery is usually per-
formed with orthodontic treatment, but this is not
always the case. The planning and execution of
jaw surgery is complicated and requires complete
diagnosis of the facial system, accurate three-
dimensional planning, and detail-focused intrao-
perative and postoperative treatment.15 Some of
the most commonly used procedures are noted

Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion

This procedure is used to increase the transverse
Fig. 26. Cropped panoramic radiograph shows osteor- dimension of the maxilla in adults or children
adionecrosis in a previous mandibulotomy site. Note whose midpalatine suture has fused and who are
the resorption along the surgical site (arrow) and not candidates for the nonsurgical options of rapid
destruction of the inferior cortex (open arrow). There
palatal expansion or mini-screw-assisted rapid
is also fracture of the surgical plate (curved arrow).
palatal expansion. The increase in transverse
(Courtesy of S Perschbacher, DDS, MSc; and From Koe-
nig L, Tamimi D, Petrikowski G, Perschbacher S. dimension is indicated in cases of maxillary or mid-
Mandible-Maxilla Osteomyelitis. In: Koenig L, Tamimi face hypoplasia to increase nasal and oral cavity
D, Petrikowski G, Perschbacher S, editors. Diagnostic dimensions and create space for the tongue and
Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial, 2nd Edition. USA: to correct posterior crossbites of the dental
Elsevier; 2018. p. 387-390; with permission.) occlusion.16
216 Tamimi & Gunson

Radiographic anatomy
Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion and its
many similar but differently named procedures
involve the presurgical placement of an intraoral
expansion device on the palate. The surgery re-
quires the separation of the midpalatine maxillary
suture. It may also involve other cuts most often
to one, two, or all of the maxillary buttresses: (1)
piriform, (2) zygomaticomaxillary, and (3) pterygo-
maxillary midpalatine suture. After the surgery, the
expansion device is activated daily, opening the
midpalatal suture in the fashion on osseous Fig. 28. CBCT reformatted Panorex postsurgically as-
distraction. Once adequate expansion has sisted rapid palatal expansion shows a failure of
occurred, the device is retained until sufficient bone healing at the midline and disruption of the
left maxillary central incisor’s periodontal space
healing and bony union has occurred across the

Imaging of success
Immediately after the procedure, there is a low- the airway, and correction of facial function and
density zone of separation between the horizontal esthetics. These movements address congenital
processes of the maxillae and palatine bones. This defects, functional growth disturbances, dental
area then condenses and heals and becomes malocclusions, and compromised airways. The
increasingly dense over time. maxilla is often operated in conjunction with the
mandible: bilateral sagittal split osteotomies
Imaging of complications (BSSO), vertical ramus osteotomies, and/or genio-
 Infection plasty. When the Le Fort I and BSSO are per-
formed together for airway expansion to treat
 Inappropriate, asymmetric expansion (Fig. 27)
 Nonunion patients with obstructive sleep apnea it is often
 Tooth disruption (Fig. 28) referred to as maxillomandibular advancement.17

Radiographic anatomy
Le Fort I Osteotomy The Le Fort I osteotomy involves cuts axially from
the piriform aperture to the pterygomaxillary junc-
Indications tion. This cut goes through the lateral nasal walls
The Le Fort I osteotomy is designed for the manip- and the walls of the maxillary sinuses. The axial
ulation of the maxilla in three dimensions (antero- cut is made above the dental root tips and below
posterior, transverse, vertical and rotational) for the infraorbital foramen and the zygomaticomaxil-
the correction of the fit of the teeth, expansion of lary buttresses. The pterygomaxillary junction is
separated completely. The nasal septal foot plate
is separated from the palate. Additional osteoto-
mies may be performed vertically between dental
roots and joined to palatal osteotomies to accom-
plish transverse expansion and vertical leveling of
the dentition to an axial plane.

Imaging of success
The immediate successful result of a Le Fort
osteotomy shows fixation with titanium plates
and screws in the anterior and posterior along
the piriform and zygomaticomaxillary buttresses.
The midline of the anterior maxilla and maxillary
central incisors aligns with the middle of the face
and skull. The posterior segments align equidis-
Fig. 27. CBCT axial slice shows significant maxillary
arch form deformation and asymmetric encroachment tant from the midsagittal plane of the face (no
of the left maxillary posterior arch and tuberosity to- yaw). The canines and molar cusp tips lie level to
ward the left mandibular ramus after surgically assis- the axial plane of the face. The nasal septum ap-
ted rapid palatal expansion. Note the interval pears midline or appears in the same position as
healing of the alveolar bone in the anterior midline. the septum preoperatively. The roots are intact
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 217

Fig. 29. (A) CBCT reformatted panoramic 9 months postmultisegment Le Fort I osteotomy and BSSO. Note sym-
metric overlap of dental structures, healing of the vertical osteotomies between the maxillary lateral incisors and
canines, the centered mandibular condyles, and the bone healing at the piriform buttresses. (B) CBCT three-
dimensional (3D) reformation. (C, D) Coronal views show the osteotomy margins (arrows).

without fracture or dislocation. The maxillary and

mandibular teeth are aligned in an appropriate
symmetric relationship. The TMJs fits into their
fossae symmetrically in all three dimensions.
The long-term successful result shows intact fix-
ation and the screws integrated in the bone. The
three-dimensional position of the maxilla will
have been maintained and the fit and alignment
of the teeth. Bone healing is seen at the buttresses
anterior and posterior. The maxillary sinuses are
clear and the mandibular condyles are without
erosion or size loss (Fig. 29).

Imaging of complications
 Loose fixation (Fig. 30)
 Infection (Fig. 31)
Fig. 30. CBCT axial oblique slice through the maxilla  Septal deviation (Fig. 32)
shows screws outside the bone (black arrow) and  Nonunion (Fig. 33)
elevation of the plate from the cortical plate (white  Inaccuracy of jaw placement (Fig. 34)
arrow) consistent with fixation failure.  Malocclusion
218 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 31. CBCT 3D rendering (A) and Coronal slice though the anterior maxilla (B) in a patient several months post-
multisegment Le Fort I osteotomy with a chronic infection in and around the anterior dentition. Note the resorp-
tion of the left maxillary central incisor root tip and the sequestration of bone under the septum of the nose.

 Injury of tooth roots (Fig. 35) oblique ridge and lateral to the mandibular molar
 Surgical Ciliated cyst (Fig. 36) roots. The sagittal cut is joined to a vertical cut
 Root resorption (Fig. 37) through the lateral cortex of the body of the
mandible. The final cut is in line with the vertical
Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomies cut but through the cortex of the inferior border.
The completion of the osteotomy is performed by
Indications “splitting” the medial cortex along the depression
The purpose of BSSO is the same as the Le Fort I of the mylohyoid groove posteriorly and superiorly
osteotomy but for the lower face. It provides toward the lingula, joining the posterior aspect of
correction of tooth fit, improvement of the esthetic the first axial cut. The design of the osteotomies
and function of the face, and/or improvement in minimizes encroachment on the dental and nerve
the size and shape of the airway. structures, maximizes bone overlap for healing,
and maintains TMJ function.
Radiographic anatomy
BSSOs are performed with an axial cut through the
medial cortex of the body of the mandible superior Imaging of success
to the mandibular foramen and lingula. This cut is The immediate successful result shows separation
joined to a sagittal cut that is medial to the external of the bones as described previously without

Fig. 32. (A) Coronal slice from a CBCT before Le Fort I osteotomy. (B) Coronal slice from a CBCT 9 weeks post Le
Fort I osteotomy, which shows a significant right deviation of the bony septal foot plate with concomitant right
deviation of the nasal septum.
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 219

Fig. 33. (A, B) Coronal slices from a CBCT taken a few years after Le Fort I osteotomy (the fixation hardware was
removed). (A) Failure of bony healing at the piriform buttresses bilaterally. (B) The posterior maxilla without bony
union (arrows). (C, D) 3D reformation of the defect.

Fig. 34. (A) Coronal and (B) 3D CBCT reformats 3 years post Le Fort I osteotomy. The dental and maxillary midline
is significantly to the right of the midsagittal plane.
220 Tamimi & Gunson

Fig. 35. CBCT (A) sagittal slice through the maxillary left lateral incisor and (B) lateral oblique 3D reformation
postmultisegment Le Fort I osteotomy, which shows a horizontal root fracture from the vertical osteotomy be-
tween the canine and the lateral.

violation of the nerve canals by saw cuts, drill anterior dental midlines appear on the midsagittal
holes, or fixation screws. The mandibular condyles plane of the face and the posterior molars, angles
appear concentrically in their fossae in all three di- and bodies are equidistant from the midsagittal
mensions (Fig. 38). The chin, inferior borders, and plane (no yaw). The teeth appear to fit together
angles are level to the axial plane of the face. The and are in alignment with each other.

Fig. 36. Surgical ciliated cyst arising 12 years postmultisegment Le Fort I osteotomy. CBCT coronal view (A) shows
a superiorly corticated expansile lesion with erosion through the alveolar and palatal bone, the sagittal slice (B)
shows root blunting of the premolar and extension of the cyst between the roots of the teeth, and the axial slice
(C) shows expansion laterally and palatally with significant bone loss throughout the alveolus. (D) Panoramic
radiograph of a different patient with multiple surgical ciliated cysts. ([D] Courtesy of M. Nadim Islam, DDS,
Gainsville, FL.)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 221

Fig. 37. (A) CBCT reformatted panoramic showing root blunting of the maxillary lateral and central incisors
before Le Fort I osteotomy. (B) A year after Le Fort I osteotomy, the teeth show continued root resorption and
complete resorption of the right lateral incisor with exposure of the root apex.

Fig. 38. (A–C) CBCT 2 weeks post-BSSO shows mandibular condyles centered in their fossae in all dimensions
without eccentric displacement.

Fig. 39. (A) CBCT coronal view 9 months post-BSSO through the sagittal osteotomy site, which shows good
cortical bone formation and medullary bone density. The screws are well integrated into the cortical bone
with no signs of loosening. (B) Axial showing good bone density along the sagittal osteotomy gap areas.
222 Tamimi & Gunson

fixation screws are well integrated into the bone.

There is good healing between at the sagittal
osteotomy between the distal and proximal seg-
ments (Fig. 39).14

Imaging of complications
 Nonunion (Fig. 40)
 Injury to teeth (Fig. 41)
 Condylar displacement (Fig. 42)
 Condylar resorption (Fig. 43)
 Bad split (Fig. 44)
 Hardware failure
 Incorrect fixation hardware placement
(Fig. 45)
 Violation of the mental foramen or IAN canal
 Asymmetric result (Fig. 46)

Fig. 40. Coronal CBCT 9 weeks post-BSSO through the
area of the sagittal osteotomy showing low density Indications
around the screw and a lack of bone graft and bone The genioplasty is performed to increase or
healing at the sagittal gap. This indicates a nonunion reduce the anteroposterior projection of the chin,
with hardware failure. decrease or increase the vertical dimension of
the lower third of the face, and/or correct asymme-
tries in the anterior mandible. Genioplasties are
The long-term successful result is as described
made for esthetic reasons but also for functional
previously without change from its immediate
reasons, such as decreasing lip incompetence to
postoperative position. The mandibular condyles
promote nasal breathing. Genioplasties are done
are without erosions or interval size loss. The
independently or in combination with other orthog-
nathic surgeries.

Radiographic anatomy
The genioplasty osteotomy is made from an
intraoral incision. The cut is axial and starts more
superiorly in the anterior and descends inferiorly
as it goes posterior. The anterior cut is well below
the roots of the mandibular teeth. The posterior cut
is well below the mental foramen and the anterior
descending loop of the IAN canal. The osteotomy
separates the inferior anterior genial projection
from the rest of the mandible superiorly.

Imaging of success
Fixation is in place with the middle of the genial
segment centered to the midsagittal plane. The
genial segment is without eccentric posterior rota-
tion (yaw) and the inferior borders are level to each
other and the axial plane of the face. The osteot-
omy is away from the IAN canals and mental

Imaging of complications

Fig. 41. CBCT 3 weeks post-BSSO. The sagittal slice at  Fixation failure (Fig. 47)
the right mandibular second molar shows the hypo-  Asymmetry
dense area in the mesial root (arrow) consistent with  Encroachment of the osteotomy on the
a drill-related injury. mental foramen or IAN canal (Fig. 48)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 223

Fig. 42. CBCT TMJ cross-sections 4 weeks post-BSSO, which shows severe medial rotation of the right condyle with
the lateral pole forward and the medial pole posterior to the fossa. The left condyle is posterior in the fossa.

Fig. 43. Multiple CBCTs with sagittal slices through the right condyle. Time points left to right are preoperative,
12 days, 9 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year. The radiographs show progressive hypodensity of the condyles cortex
leading to global bone loss and ending with hypercortication secondary to repair.

Fig. 45. Axial CBCT 2 years post-BSSO. The 2-mm-thick

axial slice shows bicortical screw fixation with the
Fig. 44. Coronal CBCT 2 weeks post-BSSO shows a left screw tips almost 8 mm beyond the lingual cortex
buccal cortical plate fracture with separation from the bilaterally. The position of the screws could violate
inferior border of the proximal segment. Compare the lingual nerve and this correlates with the patient’s
with the right side where the buccal plate is intact. clinical complaint of lingual nerve paraesthesia.
224 Tamimi & Gunson

TJR. Most TMJ treatments are palliative or aim to

offer a biologic or chemical solution to TMJ
dysfunction. TJR is a biomechanical answer rather
than a biologic solution to management of severe
and debilitating end-stage joint disease. It is often
used as a last resort when all other treatments
have failed or when the destruction of the condyle
is so extensive that it cannot perform its functions.
The parts replaced can be the condyle, the
condyle and ramus, or both condyles and the
entire mandible (in cases where the entire
mandible needs to be replaced because of
rampant disease). In many cases, the fossa is
also replaced or lined by a titanium mesh backing
and ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene-
bearing surface. Disk replacement is autogenous
(eg, a muscle or fat flap placed between the
osseous surfaces) or alloplastic. In the past,
Teflon-Proplast grafts were used, but have been
discontinued because of the severe and locally
Fig. 46. CBCT axial view several years post-BSSO shows
mandibular asymmetry in shape and alignment. The destructive foreign body reaction that tended to
shape of the right ramus is more laterally projected occur. These tend to surface from time to time in
than the left, the whole mandible is rotated (anterior the radiologist’s practice so familiarity with this is
left, posterior right) with the genial midline to the important.18–20
left, and asymmetry of the airway can also be seen.
 End-stage degenerative joint disease that
IMAGING OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR cannot be managed otherwise.
SURGICAL PROCEDURES  End-stage inflammatory arthritides with
Definitions excessive condyle volume loss that cannot
TMJ surgery is varied and ranges from diagnostic be managed otherwise, such as rheumatoid
and exploratory (eg, diagnostic arthroscopy) to arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
disk replacement to total joint replacement (TJR).  Ankylosis (fibrous or bony), where the bone is
This section discusses the imaging success and sectioned to create two separate segments
failure of some disk replacement procedures and and the TJR creates a new articulation.
 Failed autogenous tissue grafts, such as rib,
auricular cartilage, or others.
 Loss of vertical mandibular height and/or
disturbance in dental occlusal relationship,
such as in congenital abnormalities (eg, hemi-
facial macrosomia), development distur-
bances (eg, severe condylar hypoplasia or
hyperplasia), or even early onset juvenile idio-
pathic arthritis or idiopathic condylar resorp-
tion, both of which can affect the growth and
development of the mandible (Fig. 49).
 Neoplasia (primary or secondary TMJ
 Trauma (intracapsular or extracapsular).

Radiographic Anatomy

Fig. 47. Sagittal CBCT 2 years postgenioplasty of the For TJR, the condylar process of the mandible is
anterior mandible shows posterior displacement of resected and replaced by a TMJ device. This de-
the fixation completely underneath the superior os- vice may attach to the lateral aspect of the ramus
teotomy and a total lack of bony union between the through fixation screws. Determination of the posi-
genial segment and the mandible above it. tion of the mandibular foramen and IAN canal is

Fig. 48. CBCT reformatted panoramic shows the genioplasty osteotomy bisecting the left mental foramen and
just inferior to the right mental foramen, likely through the right inferior alveolar nerve canal.

Fig. 49. (A) Pre-TMJ and (B) post-TMJ TJR lateral cephalometric analysis shows correction of a steep mandibular
plane (straight arrow) and obtuse gonial angle. (A) Initial presentation with a long anterior face height, short
posterior face height and anterior open bite (open arrow) that will be corrected through TJR. Note that on B
the oropharyngeal dimensions have increased (open arrow) and the anterior open bite has closed (straight arrow)
because of counterclockwise rotation of the mandible through the surgery. Genioplasty was also performed (curved
arrow). (Courtesy of D. Kalant, DDS; and From Tamimi D, Hatcher D. Total Joint Replacement. In: Tamimi D, Hatcher
D, editors. Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint. USA: Elsevier; 2017. p. 846-855; with permission.)

Fig. 50. The radiographic appearance of a successful TMJ TJR. Note the well-adapted fossa component to the out-
lines of the glenoid fossa with fixation screws in the lateral rim of the fossa (A–C). (Courtesy of L Mercuri, DDS;
and From Tamimi D, Hatcher D. Total Joint Replacement. In: Tamimi D, Hatcher D, editors. Specialty Imaging:
Temporomandibular Joint. USA: Elsevier; 2017. p. 846-855; with permission.)
226 Tamimi & Gunson

For disk replacement surgery, the compro-

mised temporomandibular disk is removed and
replaced with either fat or the repositioning of a
temporalis muscle flap into the joint space be-
tween the osseous components. The biologic
and biomechanical properties of these tissues
are not on par with those of the fibrocartilagi-
nous disk, but have been used with varying

Imaging of Success
There should be proper adaptation of the ramus
component of the device to the lateral aspect of
the ramus and the fossa component to the lateral
rim of the fossa and the zygomatic process of
the temporal bone and posterior slope of the
eminence. The fixation by the titanium alloy screws
Fig. 51. Sagittal oblique CBCT of right TMJ shows the
should be integrated with no radiographic signs of
radiographic appearance of an alloplastic disk
implant a slightly higher density membrane line struc-
loosening. The screws should not violate any
ture separating the fossa and the condyle (curved ar- important anatomy. The condylar component
rows). Degenerative changes are seen in the condyle should be in proper relationship with the fossa
and the fossa, but these most likely preceded the component when the teeth are in maximum inter-
implant placement. (From Tamimi D, Hatcher D. TMJ cuspation (Fig. 50). A disk replacement graft
Disc Replacement. In: Tamimi D, Hatcher D, editors. should be centered in the fossa and should sur-
Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint. USA: round the head of the condyle (Fig. 51). A ligation
Elsevier; 2017. p. 856-857; with permission.) wire is often seen fixing the graft to the lateral rim
of the fossa.

important to prevent perforation and injury to these Imaging of Complications

structures. The fossa component is often fixed to
the lateral rim of the fossa. Some types of TJR  Infection
are CAD-CAM milled or three-dimensional printed  Maladaptation or dislocation of the compo-
to follow the exact contours of the fossa. Evalua- nents (Fig. 52)
tion of the fossa for pneumatization by the mastoid  Component or screw fracture (Fig. 53)
air cells and integrity and thickness of the roof of  Violation of the temporal fossa (Fig. 54)
the fossa should be performed to avoid  Heterogenous bone formation (Fig. 55)
perforation.  Foreign body reaction (seen in Proplast Teflon
disk replacement)

Fig. 52. (A) CBCT cropped panoramic reformation shows anterior dislocation of the ramus component (arrow) of
a left TJR prosthesis. (B) Coronal CBCT shows a poorly adapted ramus portion of a TJR (arrow) with accompanying
symptoms of discomfort. (Courtesy of M Ajami, DDS, Kirkland, WA.)
Imaging of the Postoperative Jaws and TMJs 227

Fig. 53. Fractures of the components are noted here. (A) Panoramic radiograph shows the fracture (arrow) of the
ramus component at the level of the condylar neck portion. (B) Coronal CT of an incompletely seated TMJ TJR
fossa component where the metal mesh backing has fractured (open arrow) under functional loading because
of poor adaptation (thin arrow). (Courtesy of L Mercuri, DDS; and From Tamimi D, Hatcher D. Total Joint Replace-
ment. In: Tamimi D, Hatcher D, editors. Specialty Imaging: Temporomandibular Joint. USA: Elsevier; 2017. p. 846-
855; with permission.)

Fig. 54. Violation of the temporal fossa. (A) Sagittal view of a stock TMJ TJR without a fossa component that is
migrating superiorly and eroding into the middle cranial fossa (arrow). (B) The stock fossa component of this TMJ
TJR (curved arrow) has been driven into the middle cranial fossa (open arrows) by the trunnion of the ramus
component because of failure of the polymethylmethacrylate condyle. (Courtesy of L Mercuri, DDS; and From Ta-
mimi D, Hatcher D. Total Joint Replacement. In: Tamimi D, Hatcher D, editors. Specialty Imaging: Temporoman-
dibular Joint. USA: Elsevier; 2017. p. 846-855; with permission.)
228 Tamimi & Gunson

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