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Dgsoft ProMED V 5.06

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dgsoft ProMED
Version 5.06


LABO dgsoft ProMED Version 5.06 is a new generation image analysis software meant for scientist to do analysis in the simplest way.
This is a single screen window based system. The system is flexible, independent to adopt any capture card, camera and Microscopes.

LABO dgsoft ProMED Version 5.06 can handle monochrome (8 bits) and color (24 bits) images. Multiple images of any size can be
opened and displayed on the screen for analysis or comparison. The software support most common formats BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIP &
PSD. The live image can be observed and captured on the same platform. Since system is made in window environment, graphs and
charts displayed on the monitor can be quickly transferred into other window based program like MS Word, MS Excel or any other
commercial window based software for the use in reports and presentation.

dgsoft ProMED Installation

SPECIFICATIONS OF dgsoft ProMED Version 5.06

1. Cut, Copy, and Paste.
2. Selected copy by free hand AOL controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard or mouse with zoom preview.
3. Crop, duplicate, restore
4. Resize
5. Compression
6. Conversion to other format BMP, JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF & PSD
7. Flood fill or spray with selected color at selected portion.
8. Grid creation; 5X5, 10X10 & 100X100 lines.
9. Drawing tool curve, line, square, and circle with node control and provision to change color & thickness of the line.
10. Write text in any color or font.
11. Pointer to place on an object in four directions with provision to change its color & thickness.
12. Eraser works only on line, arrow or on any drawing tool.(not on original image)
13. Camera Lucida
14. Montage feature to merge stored image together. Useful to Merge different focuses of same image.
15. Image stitching.
16. Highlighter.
17. Pixel by Pixel Correction by key board.
18. Multiple image folder with Search facility.
19. Filter application on selected area
1. Zoom in/out
2. Zoomed preview
3. Rotation at 90, 180,270 or custom
4. Image flipping; horizontal or vertical axis
5. Intensity histogram.
6. Image Information
7. Redo/Undo on all operations.
8. Ruler in Various units.
9. Slide show.
1. Background subtraction and contrast enhancement of color or monochrome images
2. Arithmatic image functions (Boolean Math; Add, AND, OR, XOR, DIFF, MIN, MAX, +, -, /, *, And Simple).
1. Invert, Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation, Blur, Noise Remove, Emboss, Engrave, Gamma R, Gamma G, Gamma B, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan,
Mosaic, Smooth, Desaturation, Pseudo Color, Colorize, Oilify, Despeckle, Postarize.
High Boost, High Spatial, Low Pass Spatial, Ranking (Max, Med, Min), Point detection, Line detection, Homogeneity
Laplacing, Sobel, Kirsch, Prewitt Gradient, Shift & Difference, Combine, Contrast Base, Quick, Range And Variance.
Skelotizing, Pruning, SKIZ, Histogram Equalization, Histogram Smoothing, Histogram Peak, Histogram Valley, Segmentation by Over/Under and
Quantized, Contouring, Dilation / Erosion on Binary, Gray & colored Images, Opening/ Closing on Gray & Binary Images, Special
Opening/Closing, Split/Combine Of RGB, YUV, YIQ, XYZ, & HSL, Changing any Image to 1, 4, 8 & 24 Bits, Medial Axis. Transformation, Halftone.
Image Addition, Image Average, Image Subtraction, Image Multiplication.
a) Spartial calibration
b) Line measurements for Distance, Length, Width, Perimeter, Angle, Three Point Radius.
c) Area by enclosed line controlled by four arrow keys available on keyboard arrows with zoomed preview.
Identification of objects in an image, count them, obtain several features measurements. Objects identification by user or automatically. User
defined classification on basis of size or intensity.
THRESHOLD PARTICLE MEASUREMENT : Manual, Auto bright and Auto dark methods to identity intensity range defined object to be
measured. Various calculation & measurements available for selected Particle are; Dimensions, Area, Perimeter, Ferrite Length, Min/Max Radius,
Thread Length, Thread Width, Fiber Length, Fiber Width.
Roundness, Shape, Orientation, Elongation, Equal Circular Diameter, Equal Sphere Volume.
Centroid X, Centroid Y, Major X1, Major Y1, Minor X1, Minor Y1, Major X2, Major Y, Major X2, Minor Y2, Box X1, Box X2, Box Y, Box Y2 & Box Area.
Measure area fraction & volume fraction. Identify multiple phases within Microstructure. Also delineate phases from the histogram. REPORT
a) Three options: Direct printout with original image processed Image & Tabular results
b) Export to MS Office or Excel for further modification.

dgsoft ProMED Installation

File Menu
The command is to create an empty window of the specified dimensions and class. After creating an empty image window; Image data
can be copied into it using the paste command.
The command open existing image file. It is also useful to view miniature of the image. dgsoft ProMED opens many format types listed
in type of file.
The option will replace the old image with newly transformed image.
The list box shows the available folders and files. The new file can
be saved with the new name and if required save as in new file
type and location you specify. It also saves the current image
under different format extensions such as .bmp, .jpeg, .tif etc.

Click this button to cancel all previous operations performed to get original image properties and size.

The details available on opened image are:
a) Format of Image.
b) Location.
c) Size of image in bytes.
d) Size on disk.
e) Date of its creation.
f) Date of Modification.
g) Date of last accessed.
h) Dimensions like width, height, horizontal resolution, vertical resolution, bit depth frame count.
i) Image route can also be changed under this menu.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Prints a document.

Print Preview
Displays the document on the screen as it would appear printed.

Selects a printer and printer connection.

Sends the active document through electronic mail.

Exits all documents & program.

Use the UNDO command reverse to the most recent action performed on an image. You can UNDO upto the last five
operations.This operation is applicable to all modules including Horizontal/Vertical flip, Zoom in /out, Rotation and Resize.
Key short cut Ctrl+Z. Once you save any operation it will not work. This is not applicable to independent modules of
Analysis namely Measurement, Count, Segmentation, Particle Size, etc.
The special tool ARROW KEY allow the user to precisely cut or copy an object from the image and can be pasted either on new blank
image or any other existing image as per your requirement.
The four arrow keys are available on keyboard to move line in all four directions. The line is move pixel by pixel precisely on outer of
image. The zoom preview is available for precise movement. Once line joins the starting point clicks COPY and open either new
platform or an image where pasting is required.
With the help of mouse move the copied object to desired location. Save it to the appropriate folder.

Use Selection tools command to outlining an object. Four tools available are Rectangle, Ellipse, Free Form, and Arrow Keys to be used
with Cut/Copy/Paste.


Paste the selected image as new image.

To show the toolbar/ status bar on the view menu, click tool bar, a check mark appears when the tool bar is shown.To hide the toolbar
on the view menu, click to clear the check mark.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

View Menu

This is applied on an image to

calculate of percentage of selected
part of image in total image.
This is applied an image
which can not be analyzed in
Phase/Segmentation module
for its limitation to segregate on
the basis of its intensity/gray-
scale. The Grid is available in
5x5, 10x10, and 100 x 100 lines.
To remove grid either click UNDO
or click NONE available in
GRID size box.

Zoom Preview :

This command helps in

zooming of the desired
area by marking selection.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

A HISTOGRAM will show you what kind of brightness/contrast deficiencies exist in an
image. Image with low contrast will have histograms that are clustered around a very
narrow portion of the color image. The Gray scale image will display 0-255 intensity scale on
x-axis.The true color image will display of Red, Green & Blue separately.

Use the ZOOM IN
command to
double the view of
the image in the
window. To double
the view a second
time repeat the
Use the ZOOM OUT
command to reduce
by half the view of
the image in the
window. To half the
view a second time,
repeat the process.


Use the RESIZE

command to create
a new image of
existing image at a
specified size. This
process actually
changes spatial
resolution by adding
or removing pixels
to achieve the

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Flip :

This command enables

the user to flip the active
image on either vertical,
horizontal or both axes.

Use the rotate command
to rotate the image. When an
image is rotated in 90°
increments, the dimensions
of new image are adjusted
to match the new image.
Several quick step methods,
in pre-defined increments are
offered, along with choices
that let you specify the precise
angle and origin of rotation.
The type of rotation are:-
90°, 180 °, 270°, Any Angle

dgsoft ProMED
Image Menu
Gray Scale :

This command introduces a

gray scale filter to the image.
The gray scale colour in the
image is based on the
brightness of the original image.

Spray & Picker

Many of specimens have

foreign unwanted material
causing hindrances in analysis.
The picker picks the neighbor
color of foreign material.
Choose SPRAY and slowly spray
it on foreign material till
unwanted particle disappears
and merge in the background.
This tool also can be used
on an image, which has darker
periphery than other part of
the image.
Pick up color from correctly
illuminated portion and spray it
to darker part till the whole
image gives uniform
background color.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

The tool replaces the conventional Camera Lucida to draw a line diagram of an object. Select CAMERA LUCIDA. Draw a line slowly on the
object. Click the line diagram button. The line diagram appears without original image. The diagram can be saved in appropriate folder
for future use.

Alpha Blending :

This command will allows the

user to create enhanced image
by blending a sequence of
image captured at two or more
focused depths.

Alpha Blending :

After choosing the images

blend can be adjusted by the
slider and the result is
simultaneously shown in the
bottom window.

dgsoft ProMED

Alpha Blending :

By clicking OK a final image

is created.

Pencil :

It allows to mark &

highlight a particular
area of an active image.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Pencil :

It allows to choose a
different brush size and
colour to make multiple
markings on the active

ERASER is applicable on Pencil, Arrow, Rectangle, Ellipse,Text. It will not effect original image.

Text :

Click left mouse button

to choose appropriate
point where text is
required. The text Box will
appear. Choose color,
type of font, size etc and
type out the text.
Press OK to paste it on
the image.

dgsoft ProMED

It can be pasted in any

direction in various sizes.
Color option is available
in Pallet box. Hollowed
& Filled options are
available. Once you click
OK, paste arrow at any
place with click on left
mouse button.


Use this tool to draw

boxes (Outline) on an
image. A rectangle is
drawn by placing the
cursor in the upper left
corner of the object.
Dragging the cursor down
to the lower-right corner
of the rectangle.
The width of line can be
changed by clicking right
mouse button which
display the various sizes
available for line width.
The color of line can be
altered from Pallet box.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Ellipse :

Use this tool to draw

circles or ellipses. The
ellipse is drawn by d
ragging the cursor, until
an ellipse of the size and
shape you need is
produced. The width
of line is selected from
box which appears on
right mouse button click.
The color of line is selected
from Pallet box.

Color :

The command change

color of Marker, Arrow,
Text, Camera Lucida, Grid,
lines in measurement.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Filters :

This menu provides

routine filters as :

Invert, Brightness, Contrast,

Hue, Saturation, Blur,
Noise Remove, Emboss,
Engrave, Gamma R,
Gamma G, Gamma B,
Yellow, Magenta, Cyan,
Mosaic, Smooth,
Pseudo Color, Colorize,
Oilify, Despeckle, Postarize.

dgsoft ProMEDo User Guide

Enhancement :

This menu provides

special filters as :

High Boost, High

Spatial, Low Pass Spatial,
Ranking (Max, Med, Min),
Point detection,
Line detection,
Edge Detection
Laplacing, Sobel,
Kirsch, Prewitt Gradient,
Shift & Difference,
Combine, Contrast Base,
Quick, Range
And Variance.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Morphological Operations :

This menu provides

routine filters as :

Skelotizing, Pruning, SKIZ,

Histogram Equalization,
Histogram Smoothing,
Histogram Peak,
Histogram Valley,
By Over/Under And
Quantized, Contouring,
Dilation / Erosion On
Binary, Gray & Colored
Images, Opening/ Closing
On Gray & Binary Images,
Special Opening/Closing,
Split/Combine Of RGB,
Changing Any Image
To 1, 4, 8 & 24 Bits, Medial
Axis. Transformation,

Image Addition,
Image Average,
Image Subtraction,
Image Multiplication.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Phase Effect :

The user can choose the

direction of phase effect
as negative or positive to
create this effect on the
image. It can be adjusted
by using the slider.

Dark Field :

This filter is specially

useful for displaying the
images with enough
contrast with background.

dgsoft ProMED
Calibration :

The CALIBRATION should be performed on all objectives of

Microscope where Digital camera is installed. Once all
hardware and equipment are finally fixed then only
CALIBRATION should be perform. In case of readjustments
or new replacement of any part, the CALIBRATION should
be done again.

a) Focus stage Micrometer under the first objective of Microscope in X-Direction, Capture image with proper nomenclature.
Move stage micrometer in Y-Direction, capture image under proper nomenclature.
b) Repeat above procedure for other objectives like 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x & 100x (as per availability).
c) Load image captured in X-axis for first objective. Move line slowly with the help of zoom preview and release the line once
it reach to other line.

For example, if line is drawn between thirty microns, feed value in scale X for same value.
d) Repeat the same procedure for Y-scale.
e) Give suitable names and click SAVE.
f) Repeat same procedure for other objectives.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide


Measurement :

With the Measurement module one can obtain measurement on manually drawn lines on traces, shapes on by outlining an object
which can not be distinguished from background of an image. All measurement can be accumulated and logged on to the results
worksheet from where they can be stored to a file, printed or transferred to spread sheet for further analysis or statistics. The unit of
the measurement depends on the currently selected spatial calibration. The following set of measurement can be obtained using
this mode:-

STRAIGHT LENGTH: Distance between the end points of a straight line.

ANGLE: Angle is a degree between two straight lines.
THREAD LENGTH: Length of irregular object.
WIDTH : The minimum, maximum and mean distance between the two lines or irregular traces or outlines.
AREA: Area of an enclosed shape by outlining with any one of the tools provided in the software.
RADIUS: Three points radius of enclosed shape.
PERIMETER: Length of line surrounding an object.

dgsoft ProMED

a) Select the appropriate spartial calibration applicable for the image to be analyzed.

b) Select the measurement to be performed from the measurement list.

c) Length: Click left button of mouse on starting point of an object and drag it to the last point. Zoom preview is available to
identify two points.

d) Thread Length: Move smoothly clicked mouse button on the object and release it to the last point. The moment, mouse
button is released, the result gets displayed. Do not release mouse till the last point.

e) Angle: Click three points of an object to get angle between two lines.

f) Radius: Click on three points on the boundary of an object to get results of Radius.

g) Perimeter: Move a line surrounding an object and release mouse when original starting point is very near. The line
automatically meets original co-ordinates (starting point) and result gets displayed immediately.

h) Area: Four tools are available to outline the object to be measured . These are Rectangle, Circle, Free Hand Line Movement &
Arrow Keys Line Movement with Zoom Preview.

i) Rectangle: This is a tool to get approximate & quick area of an object which is rectangle or fits in rectangle. Draw a rectangle
from upper co-ordinator and drag it to last bottom co-ordinates.

j) Circle: This is applicable to circular object and is useful to get approximate and quick result. Draw a circle, which enclose the
object. The moment you release the button of mouse, results are displayed. Press OK to transfer results for printout/database.

k) Freehand: Useful for irregular object. Move Outline precisely an object and release the left button of mouse when line is near to
starting co-ordinates (starting point). The line will automatically meet the starting point to enclose area of an object. Results
are displayed once the button of the mouse is released. Press OK to transfer results on Print sheet or to store it in Database.

l) Keyboard: Four arrows are provided on keyboard. The function is controlled with these arrow keys. Since zoom preview is
available, move lines precisely pixel by pixel with the help of arrow keys. The line should be drawn on the outer of an object. To
start line, Press left button of the mouse. Use arrow keys to change direction of line. Once lines join the starting point, press the
ENTER key. The result gets displayed. OK is used to print results on print sheet and transfer it to database.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Particle :

This command is related to different measurements of a specific particle identified on the basis of their grayscale/intensity range.
This has to be either defined by the user or can be automatically determined by the software. The objects should have a gray
scale/intensity different from the background.

Three options are provided to specify grayscale/intensity range which defines the objects to be identified and counted. The options

Set this option if you manually want to mark the intensity range.

Set this option if you want the software to automatically identify the grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be identified. This
option will assume that objects are brighter than the background.

Set this option if you manually want to mark the intensity range in the image.

dgsoft ProMED

a) Activate the image to be analyzed.

b) Attach the appropriate calibration.

c) Choose any of the three-intensity range selection mode.

d) Move cursor till you get the objects pseudo colored.

e) In case AUTO BRIGHT & AUTO DARK, the objects are pseudo colored with predefined intensity/grayscale range.

f) Click on any specific particle to obtain the results.

g) Procedure can be repeated unlimited times to obtain results for various other Particles.

h) Color of tagged numbers can be selected from pallet box.

i) The results are displayed and measurement parameters are Length, Width, Area & Aspects Ratio. Roundness, Shape,
Orientation, Elogation, Equal, Circular Diameter, Equal Sphere Volume, Centroid X, Centroid Y, Major X, Major Y, Minor X, Major
X2, MajorY2, MinorY2, Box X, Box X2, BoxY, BoxY2, Box Area.

j) Results can be printed by clicking REPORT.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide

Count :

This command on COUNT & CLASSIFICATION is used to automatically identify objects in an image, count them and to obtain the
several features of the measurements provided in the module. Objects are identified on the basis of their gray scale/intensity,
which has to be either defined by the user or can automatically be determined by the software. Additionally the objects to be
counted should have a gray level/intensity different from the background and distinct from other features in the image. Counted
objects could also be classified on the basis of their measurement.

Three options are provided to specify the grayscale/intensity range that defines the objects to be identified and counted. The
options are:-

MANUAL: Set this option if you manually want to mark the intensity range in the count window.
AUTO BRIGHT: Set this option if you want the software to automatically set the grayscale/intensity range for objects to be identified.
This option will assume that the objects to be identified are brighter than background.
AUTO DARK: Set this option if you want the software to automatically set the grayscale/intensity range for the objects to be
identified which are darker than the background.

dgsoft ProMED
The numbers of each particle can be tagged in any color selected from Pallet box for numbering.

Four ranges can be viewed and calculated by choosing the size ranges.


a) Load the image to be analyzed.

b) Attach appropriate calibration.

c) Select count module.

d) Choose either of three modes available for analysis.

e) 1. Manual 2. Automatic Bright Object 3. Automatic Dark Object.

f) Manual is meant to choose particles of specific intensity range by manual thresholding.

g) Choose Bright or Dark Objects as per requirement.

h) Press OK once pseudo color is over.

i) Select either one or more than one range to be analyzed on the basis of size.

j) Click SHOW to tag number with particles and change color with LABEL COLOR button available in DESCRIPTION.

k) Total number of Count, Max/Min, Perimeter, Max/Min Area get displayed with various parameters of each particle like
Length, Width, Area, Perimeter & Aspect Ratio in DESCRIPTION & RESULT folders.

l) Report can be printed /previewed by clicking on REPORT.

dgsoft ProMED
Report :

The report will be

displayed as shown in
the image and the same
can be edited.
Division of Pathology & Neuroscience
NinePath Hospital and Medical School, DD1 9SY
Tel: 44 (0)82 6321886 Fax: 44 (0)282 6335

Delete :

This command
will delete the different
reports created for a
particular image.

dgsoft ProMED
Cascade :

This command is useful

to display windows
stacked and cascading
from the upper left to
the lower right of the

Tile :

Tile command allows

you to display windows
edge to edge.

dgsoft ProMED User Guide








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© LABO Microsystems 2006. LABO & dgsoft ProMED are the registered trade marks of LABO Microsystems .
LABO Microsystems follows a policy of continuous innovation. Designs & specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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