C.E. Sandalcı - Project
C.E. Sandalcı - Project
C.E. Sandalcı - Project
World's Continuously Sufferring Due to
Sicknesses and Diseases,
How Can We Find Sollutions?
Supervisor: Carlo Smith
Company: Creative Writers Online
For a Better World
The most common topic to discuss about have altered beyond all recognition in
recent years. With economy, politics, scientific discoveries or global warming
staying far behing, we have a subject that we can talk for days. One that left us all
witha burden worldwide; diseases.
The world has suffered so much through the past three years with the pandemic,
an outbreak that hasn't been seen like for ages. The pandemic effected the
population of the whole globe and made it impossible for us to focus on anything
else for a long period of time. With all the socio-economical, political,
international reagarded aspects being neglected, only one thing left that
mattered; our survival.
We were in constant danger anywhere we go! That, of course, forced us to put
every other thing aside. Which led us to search for a cure, thrive for life and be
more aware of how important health is.
Once people became more aware of what's going around, and that health itself
became the major thing to provide, all the sentient individuals and the medical
field have focused on reasearching all types of diseases, causes and treatment
methods to find a cure.
So what is a disease? Why do we get them? How come some of us get effected
while the others do not? How is that some people can overcome diseases while
the others cannot?
The body, is a very complex material. The inner workings and exposes of the
body had being studied by mankind since the beginning of time and they're still
not fully understood. Even medicine - with thousands of years accumulation of
knowledge and experience, and all the top-of-the-edge medical technology -
admits that there's much more to learn about body system and its ways. That's
why we often hear phrases like; 'We're not sure yet...', 'We need to make a few
more tests...' or 'Only the time will show...' from the health professionals. We
might think that it's their job, and they should know everything and provide
certain information, apply a sudden treatment... Unfortunately, that is not the
There are so many occasions through the history where the modern medicine
couldn't come up with an explanation for them. You may often see headlines like,
'Man who had a fatal disease with 6 months left to live, miraculously recovers
from cancer' or 'Stillborn baby starts to cry after half an hour since it was
announced dead.' No one knows how, but things happen. It seems like no matter
how much we discover and learn, there's still going to be something unknown
about the workings of the body and mind.
Luckily, we live in an age where the modern medicine can come up treatments
for many diseases and disorders by searching the reasons behind; although there
has been darker ages throughout history, where sickness was believed to come
from bad fortune, or as in return of a bad deed.
The evolution of the medical field is a pretty extensive study field. The first
exlusive discoveries for the inner body system are considered to be done in
Ancient Egyptian times. It is for their belief system of afterlife, Egyptians used to
apply a special embalming procedure on dead bodies called mummification. It
was believed that if the body could be preserved in a life-like form, the dead could
come back and live again after death. So, to prevent the body to rotten they used
to remove all the liquid from the corpse, remove the brain and all the internal
organs, treat these organs with special chemicals and lock them in jars to keep
them safe and sound until their owner comes back from dead.
During these processes of playing with the dead body, Egyptians had the
opportunity to discover many things about the inner system of the body;
something that no other culture dared before. Let along cutting up a corpse and
removing the organs, at that time, people in most cultures were afraid to touch or
even to look at them as 'death' was perceived as the ultimate curse, rather than a
natural phase of life.
No matter what their belief system was based on and how accurate it was, it
allowed Egyptians to go beyond the old-school herbal remedies. They'd stepped
into a new age of surgical treatment around the time of 2700 BC.
Naturally, it was all a trial and fail sort of progress at first. Though, Egyptians
were consistent about the medicine and kept developing in the field throughout
time. So, the purpose behind the mummification, the procedure that's been
invented in order to preserve life, actually did lead to finding ways to preserve life;
not to restore the dead, but to keep the living ones alive.
Throughout history, the word has gone through countless deadly and infectious
diseases. The most catastrophic ones were the worldwide pandemics that went
for years, decades. They've taken so many lives and left the ones behind with a
The major pandemics and epidemics like Plague, Cholera, Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome SARS-COV and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome MARS-
COV have all came and gone.
Now we are dealing with Coronavirus Disease COVID-19. Most of these diseases
came from zoonotic pathogens, meaning they were transmitted to humans due to
close contact with animals. In order to find the right treatment and prevention
measurements, the mechanisms of transmission of these pathogens had to be
When there's a right, there's a remedy. Although it takes time and a lot of work,
medical researchers have placed their heart in medicine and came up with
solutions to save the humankind, each and every time.
Plague, also referred to as Black Death, the infectious disease caused by the
bacteria named Yersinia pestis. It can be transmitted in many ways such as direct
physical contact, indirect contact, through the air, contaminated food and water
and from insects and animals.
After getting infected with the bacteria, symptoms usually begin a week later,
and they include fever, headache, feeling weak. There are three forms of plague
affecting different parts of the body; neumatic plague that affects the lungs and
causing difficulty in breathing, coughing and chest pain; bubonic plague that
affects the lymph nodes in the throat and makes them swell; and septicemic
plague that infects the blood that leads to tissue damage.
The earliest plague outbreak dates back to 1346, known as The Siege of Caffa in
Crimea which later spread over Europe, though Kyrgyzstan is thought to be the
location where the plague was first transmitted to humans from animals.
Plague has been used as a biological weapon over the years multiple times.
Historical notes from ancient China and medieval Europe reveal the detail how
the infected horses and cows were used during wartimes.
It also happened during the World War II when the Japanese Army developed
weaponized army using infectious fleas and infected Chinese, Korean and
Manchurian civilians and prisoners of war with bubonic plague. In a result, both
the United States and the Soviet Union developed weaponized pneumonic plague
for defense and stocked them, though they're known as not being used.
The first vaccine for plague was developed in 1897 by the bacteriologist
Waldemar Haffkine and from that date to 1925, rates of the disease were 50–85%
Today, plague disease still exists, but it can easily be treated with antibiotics.
Though only those who lived in the past would know what a nightmare it has
been when there was no cure.
Cholera is an infectious disease caused by Vibrio cholerae bacteria that effects
small intestine system and the symptoms of it can be none, mild or severe due to
individual's health condition. The symptoms typically start two hours to five days
after getting infected and cause diarrhea, vomiting, muscle cramps. In severe
cases dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may occur within a few hours and
cause elasticity deficiency in skin, wrinkling of the hands and feet, sunken eyes
and also cold bluish skin due to dehydration.
Throughout history, there has been 7 Cholera pandemics that are known. The
most recent outbreak that occurred in 1961 still continues worldwide, effects 3 to
5 million people every year and 28,000 to 130,000 of them result in death.
Cholera is considered to be highly related with poverty. While rates are high in
countries located in Africa and Southeast Asia, cases in high-income countries are
pretty rare. As the disease is usually transmitted through water and food that's
been contaminated with human feces that contain the bacteria, lack of sanitation
and eating unsafe food puts poor countries in jeopardy.
According to World Health Organization, the best prevention measures include
being prepared for a potential spread of cholera and ensuring an effective system
of surveillance that would be provided by the Governments.
Vaccination is also considered as effective. Cholera vaccines applied through
mouth can be an efficient preventative measure up to 6 months from both
Cholera and a specific type of diarrhea caused by E.Coli. Treatment for Cholera
includes antibiotics, a diet with high sodium and lots of fluid intake.
Influenza is a highly infectious disease caused by influenza viruses. Also known as
the flu, the disease has many variations and it's very common. Symptoms may
occur in 1 to 4 days after getting infected and often include fever, sore throat,
coughing, muscle pain, headache, and fatigue; and in cases of children diarrhea
and vomiting.
The types of influenza virus are classified as A, B, C, and D. Virus A mostly come
from a aquatic birds and effects various mammals and humans while B virus and C
virus mostly affect humans, and virus D can be found in farm animals like cattle
and pigs.
The large outbreaks of influenza started in late 1800s and turned into pandemics
that occurred in every 10 to 15 years ever since then and took many lives. Since
1900 there has been 5 flu pandemics. The most severe one know was Spanish Flu
in 1918–1920. There were also the Asian flu (1957), the Hong Kong flu (1968), the
Russian flu (1977), and the swine flu pandemic (2009).
Nowadays, flu can often be treated with self-measurements, though deadly in
high-risk groups may need medication. Nearly 5–15% of the world population gets
influenza in a year with 3–5 million severe cases and high-risk groups that include
children, the elderly, and people with chronic health conditions may result in
COVID - 19
Coronavirus disease 2019 was first emerged in China and identified in a city
named Wuhan in December 2019. Being highly contagious, the disease took over
rapidly and caused the pandemic of COVID - 19. When an individual gets infected,
the virus becomes infectious in the first 1–4 days and the disease develops within
4 to 5 days. With common symptoms of cough, fever, difficulty in breathing,
fatigue, loss of smell and taste senses experienced within 2 to 7 days after getting
infected; the patient may also not show any signs or symptoms at all. In hence,
some individuals who get the virus may not get sick at all, but they may carry it
and infect others.
This was the hardest part in the beginning of the pandemic; it was impossible to
tell if we had the diseases or not. The fear of uncertainty and the high risks of the
disease caused a worldwide chaos and from almost every aspect, and the world
shut down.
It was nothing like humankind has experienced over many years. The fact that
even the top of the edge modern technology in medical field couldn't come up
with an effective treatment and prevention measure for a long time did not make
things any better. Though the advantages of living in modern world, with the help
of media and worldwide health organizations, all the possible preventions have
quickly taken and people have begun to enforce them all over the world. Though
it took a while before some individuals to understand how serious it was,
eventually we all came to our senses and adapted habits of sanitation, wearing
face masks and keeping distance. The hardest part for many of was, surely, the
isolation process.
Not only we had to cut down from all our daily routines, education and career
plans and everything; we had massive social barriers came into our lives. We
couldn't even share household items due to the risk of contamination. We
couldn't get near to people that are closest to us. Lots of people have developed
obsessions about washing hands more than enough or isolating themselves from
the rest of the world in an unhealthy way with top levelled anxiety.
The economy went down pretty quickly and all the stores got closed. Losing their
jobs, friends and family members led people to enormous financial and
psychological problems. So it was much more than the risks came from the
disease. We actually got mentally and emotionally sick, and we didn't know how
to handle the suffering.
Meanwhile, the researches in medical field were continuing rapidly, and the first
COVID-19 vaccine came out and got approved in 2dn of December 2020 by the
healthcare organization MHRA, UK. After having the authorization status for the
emergency use, the first dose have has started being regulated in US and some
other countries. The main purpose of the vaccine was to prevent symptomatic
and severe illness and to slow down the infection rates. Although the doses were
relatively effective and needed to be taken again after a certain amount of time.
There were cases where the vaccine was not working at all and people were still
getting infected with disease.
In April 2022, several medications have been approved in different countries
around the world in order to be used mostly on people with high risk; mostly the
elderly and people with severe health conditions. There were also additional
treatments like fluid therapy, oxygen support and prone positioning in order to
support affected vital organs in the severe cases.
As the time pass by, the infection rates have slowed down with emerge of
vaccination. It was until mid 2022 that we weren't able to take off the facemasks
anywhere we go. Getting back to our normal lives was a long and consuming
progress. As the virus is still out there and the risk of getting it is still on the table,
we shouldn't just abandon all the prevention measures because we don't see
cases nearby. It's best that we keep ourselves safe and sound until it is gone for
Contagious Diseases
Diseases can be transmitted to humans by external factors called pathogens, in
another word, germs. Infectious microorganisms such as virus, bacteria, viroid,
fungus and small animals such as insects and helminths called parasites have the
ability to evade the immune system of the host organism and cause diseases by
producing microbial toxins. Some of these pathogens and parasites can be
transmitted to other living organisms through air, food, and close contact.
Viral Diseases
Viruses, considered to be the most dangerous and infectious type of pathogen.
These 20 to 200 nanometric germs ensure their survival and replication by
injecting their own genomes to the host organism's cells. They start to reproduce
and spread by bringing down the host's normal functioning cells.
Viruses that have affected human health and well-being through the ages by
causing diseases such as Chickenpox, Hepatitis, Herpes, Rubella, Dengue Fever,
Ebola, HIV and -our nightmare in recent years- COVID-19.
Vaccination counts as the most common and effective preventative
measurement in most cases. By endorsing the pathogens to the potential host in
a very small amount that they wouldn't be able to reproduce, vaccines introduce
the virus to the immune system. So that when the body would be able to identify
the pathogen and defend itself against a potential invasion.
The concept of vaccination is a continuing argument among people all over the
world. Some people are sternly against it, while a large group of people try to cut
the line to get a shot whenever a new vaccine pops up. Surely, in most cases, it is
a personal choice.
Although, by perceiving the scientific facts, we can conclude that there's no harm
in getting vaccinated. 'If it works, it'll work. If it doesn't, well, I've done my part,'
sort of thinking helps most people to worry less. Though, there are also people
who might go too much at ease with the prevention measures after vaccination.
They are out there, wherever you go. The only thing we can do, is to keep
protecting ourselves, and warn our families and friends. The more people become
aware and seize this thought, the better it will be.
Bacterial Diseases
Diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria may lead to fatal conditions as well.
Most species of bacteria are harmless, and the body system gets exposed to many
species of bacteria through the skin and internal system continually. The defense
mechanism of the body is able to resist microbial invasions with its natural
However, there are almost a hundred types of pathogenic bacteria that cause
infectious diseases. These harmful types of bacteria have specially adapted
mechanisms for overcoming the host defense mechanism and invade in body
system where bacteria are not normally found, such as bloodstream, circular
system and lymphatic organs. The symptoms may be wounding, intoxication,
chilling, fatigue, and malnutrition.
Pathogenic bacteria are the reason behind common dangerous diseases like
pneumonia, caused by the bacteria named Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and
Pseudomonas that affect inflammation in the lungs; foodborne diseases caused
by bacteria such as Shigella, Campylobacter, and Salmonella; and infections such
as tetanus, typhoid fever, syphilis, and diphtheria. Each of these illnesses were a
burden for humankind when they first emerged and infected large populations
until the right treatments came along. Diseases caused by these bacteria are
often can be treated with antibiotics. Although in some cases it takes very long
time to come up with a solution.
Tuberculosis is considered as the most dangerous disease the world has
suffered. It is caused by the pathogenic bacteria named Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. The disease dates back to 17,000 years ago with the evidence from
the remains of a bison infected with the bacteria, although the fact that how
exactly it emerged and infected humans is still unknown.
Tuberculosis has a very long worldwide history that includes many remedy
searches and severe death cases over the years. Before the Industrial Revolution
and the discoveries of treatment, tuberculosis was often associated with mythical
creatures such as vampires. While people were loosing one family member after
another, they started to believe whoever brought the disease first, was draining
the life from the others.
Until the 1820s, tuberculosis was not counted as a single disease. In order to
find an effective treatment, medical researchers through the history kept working
over the earlier discoveries, and each of them contributed to the studies during
their own time. Eventually, through a combination of all the hard work and with
development of the antibiotic named streptomycin in 1946, a real treatment
became possible.
Though even before that, during the 1900s, rates were already deceased when
people became more aware and precautious than the old times. With the media
effect, the measurements and enforcement provided by the public-health
organizations and rapidly developing health technologies, and especially with the
improvements in sanitation and vaccination, things turned out for the better.
Although tuberculosis is much less of a serious threat than it used to be, it still
affects some countries. The records show that in 2021 over 1.6 million people
were killed, mostly in Africa and Southeast Asia, because of tuberculosis.
In 2014, The World Health Organization (WHO) came up with a strategy that
aims to reduce the spreading of tuberculosis by %80 and death rate by %90 by the
year 2030. Though, when we analyze the milestone rates for the past few years, it
doesn't seem like they're going to meet the expected rate numbers.
So, within time medicine has come a long way from the point when sicknesses
were believed to occur due to spells and witchcraft, demons and demigods,
curses and karma; and shifted through the modern medicine which is structured
upon research fields and fine treatments with the mixed use of chemicals and
natural ingredients.
The belief systems have enormous effects on public, and being close-minded is a
huge barricade standing in front of development. It was not easy for people to put
behind thousands of years old reliance and superstitions and put faith in the hand
of a doctor. In many cultures, it took many years until societies finally overcame
their fear of the unknown and come to their senses to accept modern treatments.
In the earlier days, individuals of the communities were more interdependent to
each other than today. For that matter, people were likely to get affected from
one another and stay away from receiving any professional help.
In 19th century there were large populations on each and every country, still
insisted on going with the false beliefs and neglecting modern treatments despite
the scientific proofs.
Individuals and societies with deeply rooted beliefs tend to reject any idea that
collides with their own, while science frankly admits the uncertainty and
changeability of the facts and statements, even with the evidence on the hand.
For instance, before the MTA (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) bacteria was
discovered in 1882, from the doctor's point of view, the reason behind
tuberculosis thought to be effecting people with a genetic disorder, inactive
lifestyle, depression or a bad diet. Though the as the studies went by, and the
truth was revealed, medical researchers were not to be upset about it. It would
be absurd for a field that is dedicated to provide solutions to hold a grudge.
Science grows and expands over time like a living organism by seizing the
unknown in order to make a way for it to contribute something new to humanity
and the whole being. Each new discovery goes through a long process of being
analyzed, having researched and getting tested before they're introduced to us. It
is important for people to understand the amount of work and time being spent
on these discoveries to be able to benefit from them.
Non-contagious Diseases
Diseases caused by internal dysfunctions, also known as non-infectious diseases,
occur due to abnormality in the immune system of the body. The reason behind
them can be genetics that comes from the birth; external factors such as
mutations due to chemicals or harmful habits that cause abnormality over time;
or in some cases psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety that
cause imbalance of the inner workings of the body.
Internal Dysfunction Diseases
Looking at the most dangerous internal dysfunctional diseases, we can easily see
the cardiovascular diseases at the top of the list.
Because heart diseases may not always show a sign or symptom and that the
results of a sudden incident may cause irreversible fatal damages, it's really
important for individuals with high risk due to family history or harmful lifestyle to
have their regular check-ups and live accordingly to their conditions.
The deadliest internal dysfunctional disease is considered to be the coronary
artery disease. By causing abstraction of the blood flow in heart muscles the
disease may lead to a sudden death. It's closely followed by cerebrovascular
disease that affects the blood vessels and bloodstream in the brain. And the third
one is, the lower respiratory disease that may occur due to genetic disorders in
inhaling system such as bronchitis that occurs in acute or chronic ways.
Cancer is one of the most vicious diseases that the world population suffers from
well enough. Healthcare organizations, public services and education systems in
schools are doing what they can by providing information and spreading the news
about risk factors, preventative measurements. But is that enough?
Environmental studies that search for solutions to pollution; activists that fight
against chemical use in food production; charities that provide funding for the
treatments of the poor; health professionals and motivate speakers that
give worldwide seminars, producers that make expository
documentaries, celebrities that hold events to raise awareness, writers and
journalists that use the power of ink to spread consciousness... There's an army of
people out there, working for the global well-being; and we can be one of them.
The economy goes down, people lose their jobs and can't afford to look after
their families; there comes depression. Political arguments take over and war
threats fly around; there comes anxiety. People get influenced by the media and
become obsessed about their body sizes; there comes eating disorders. The list
can go on and on.
In the community life we live in, kids are not raised learning how to cope with
stress. We were taught to run away from any event that makes us uncomfortable.
Surely, in some cases it's a necessity for survival; but not when we were eight, and
had to perform in the drama class at school that day, and we pretended to be
sick, begging our moms for not to make us go. This kind of behavior is not to be
dropped as years go by. The kid that begged to stay at home that day had grown
up, got a job, and two months later he called in sick and took a day off from work
because he had an important presentation to give that day. Escaping, is not a
solution. On the contrary, the manner of escape is a sickness itself.
When it comes to the matter of stress, the important thing is not to run from it,
not to pressure it, and not to release it in a harmful manner; but to deal with it.
People with high level of stress may go through many difficulties living with the
emotional and physical pain caused by it. They tend to find an escape point which
drives them into use of harmful substances like tobacco, drugs and alcohol that
eventually causes cancer and many other diseases..
The health conditions due to abnormality in the genome are called genetic
disorders. These conditions may occur from the mutation of a single gene or
multiple genes, or due to abnormality in chromosomes X and Y in the DNA. The
mutation phase for a disorder to develop can either occur during the embryonic
development of the baby, or it can be inherited from parents who carry mutated
genomes or inherited just from one parent with a genetic disorder.
Genetic disorders have a wide range, and sometimes can be complex structured;
meaning the body can have more than one disorder. In the case of multiple
mutated genes combining with a non-beneficial lifestyle and harmful
environmental factors, the body can have multiple disorders; the condition
named multifactorial disorder.
For instance, a person who has a genetic disorder can also develop heart
diseases, hypertension or diabetes due to multiple mutated genes in their system.
To name a few more; asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases, intellectual
disability, mood disorder, infertility, cleft palate and bowel diseases may also
occur due to this condition. Complex disorders remain difficult for the medical
field to identify and find the right treatment for; because their causes and effects
varies person to person, and the fact that environmental effects on each patient
can be different.
Chromosomal disorders are even harder cases to find a treatment for. This
condition occurs directly during embryonic phase, due to the chromosomal DNA's
abnormalities; mismatching of chromosome numbers.
In normal cases, the baby gets 23 chromosomes from each parent and form in
46 total chromosomes during fertilization phase. Any abnormality in these
numbers causes a chromosomal disorder. For instance, Dawn syndrome occurs by
the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21, and the condition results in
developmental delays, mental disability and characteristic physical appearances
for those who have it. The same thing happens with diseases such as muscular
dystrophy and Huntington's disease due to mismatching in DNA.
Scientists suggest in order to be able to correct the genetic order, the reason
behind the occurring must be understood; which remains unclear to this day.
Considering that every cell in the body contains the same mismatching DNA
sequence - with either missing, extra or irregular portions - in order to fix the
body, each DNA must be fixed individually. As the studies keep going, we can only
hope such remedy will come by one day.
There are more than 6,000 genetic disorders that are known for human species
and more than 600 of them considered to be treatable. Though, the researchers
continually study to develop new treatments through advanced medical
technologies and provide worldwide gene therapies that focus on improving the
life quality of the patients. In these sessions, healthy genes are being inserted to
the patient's system for slowing down the faulty gene's abnormal functioning. It is
like placing a character-wise straight A student into a class full of lazy,
mischievous students and hoping that he'll be able to bring out the best in them.
Clearly, as individuals out of the medical field, there's nothing we can do about
the microbiological discoveries to treat genetic diseases, and it's pretty hard to
estimate their time to emerge, if they will. We may look back to our decades of
old family photo albums and mark on those who had genetic disorders, biting our
nails and tapping our feet on the ground while doing so... Or, instead of fearing
that something might happen someday, we can choose to live the day we have
with people around us. Be there for those who do have these conditions, and
have them enjoy the life as much as anyone else does. This could be the cure
everyone is searching for.
It is neither money nor success that make us truly happy and mentally stable.
Focusing on just yourself and thriving more and more in life never result in
satisfaction. Health lays within the inner balance that we maintain, and the
adaptation we perform throughout the rest of the world.
Psychopathy is a mental condition that causes abnormalities in the way of
thinking, feeling and behaving and results in anti-socialism, lack of empathy and
feeling of remorse, impulsiveness; and in severe cases, offensiveness and violence
that may lead to a sudden aggression. Like schizophrenia, psychopathic disorder
can be genetically inherited, or it can develop later on.
Sociopathy, an alternative to the concept of psychopathy, is a condition when
individuals perform antisocial behaviors, cannot adapt to the social norms and
cannot tell what is right and what is wrong.
Sociopathy develops over time due to social relations and environment
conditions and does not come as severe as psychopathy. Whereas, psychopathy is
a serious condition that can be dangerous for the patients themselves and the
people around them. As they are capable of acting impulsively without thinking
about the consequences and that they are incapable of feeling any remorse; they
are likely to commit crimes, and they do not hesitate to harm others in any way.
Unfortunately, treatment of psychopathic disorder is considered almost
impossible. There are no medication known to be working on this condition; and
even though Psychotherapy is accepted as a treatment method, the results do not
turn in satisfactorily. As a prevention measurement, health professionals advise
the proper child care to reduce the chances of a potential disorder to a minimum.
Bi-Polar Disorder
Bi-Polar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychotic condition that
causes excessive mood changes for a specific period of time between depression
and highly elevated state of mind. Duration of these moods may be days or
The highly elevated mood is called mania; and if it's not too severe, hypomania.
During the period of mania, patients may feel highly energetic, happy or ill-
tempered, and impulsive while making a decision; while during depression
periods they attract negative feelings, cry often, may experience social
withdrawal, have tendency to commit suicide and self-harm.
Bi-Polar mostly comes from family genetics with percentages of 70–90% and the
reason behind it remains unknown.
Due to the high intensity of moods and the behavioral abnormalities, and the
fact that time or the duration of the next episode is not possible to know
beforehand, medication treatment becomes a necessity in most cases. Although,
medication can be pretty tricky when it comes to patients with bi-polar. While
mood stabilizers—lithium are used for balancing patient's intense moods,
antidepressants are given for reducing depression, yet they can trigger manic
episodes. In that case, the patient is usually given antipsychotics, as the mood
stabilizers may not be too effective in severe cases.
Bi-polar is a very complex disorder and is very hard to manage because of being
mostly related with emotions rather than mind. People with this condition often
suffers through not only their mood swings but also with social, financial and
work related problems. Bi-polar disorder is considered to be one of top 20 causes
of disabilities in the world, and it costs a lot to society.
Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are one of the top level factors that lead to many dangerous
health conditions. They're associated with mental, emotional, physical,
economical and environmental well-being altogether.
Types of eating disorders vary person to person due to their lifestyle,
personality, physical features and morality. It can occur as overeating, irregular
eating, or not eating at all. They may result in health problems such as
gastrological problems, obesity, heart diseases, low blood pressure, hypertension,
dehydration, organ failure, brain damage, tooth damage, irregular menstrual
cycles, infertility, stroke.
Having a healthy diet is essentional in order to live a healthy life. The body
system needs certain nutritions and fibres to be able to function in desired way.
Without the right elements and functionings it is not possible for any individual to
have mental and emotional balance as their physical inner balance would be
People with eating disorders often experience emotional imbalance throughout
their life, and it affects them from every aspect. Which may result in either major
failures in life that may just bring more bad habits; or if the individuals become
aware of their condition, take the wake-up call and chose to make efficient
changes in their lifestyle, they can restore their well-being.
Eating disorders can either occur by a genetic factor or they can be adapted in
any phase of life due to social, environmental and economic conditions.
For the treatment of this disorder, medication alone is not considered as
sufficient. Individuals themselves need to truly understand the reasons behind
and act on them in order to make a change.
The thing is, it is not something just happens over a night out of nowhere; but
something that you perform everyday by choosing what to eat, while disregarding
what might happen later on if you keep eating like that.
Coming to the realization of the harm you do to yourself is the first step that
needs to be taken. That's the first thing a health professional does when you book
an appointment with them. If the person wants to be truly treated from this
condition, they must be persistent and change their eating habits; adapt a high in
nutrition diet, apply daily exercises and health routines into their lives.
All mental disorders occur due to some sort of abnormality, and as we're able to
categorize them by their specific behavioral outcomes, we may think they're
Although, a specific psychiatric disorder can easily alter and interchange into
another mental disorder. People with a disorder like anxiety or depression can
later suffer from an eating disorder or develop OCD, and vice versa. They can
even live all together at once.
It can be really hard to manage all these harmful conditions without being able
to understand what is going on, and what is the reason behind it.
Especially if they're having a busy life with their families, friends and
relationships, careers, all the additional daily tasks... They might have no time to
even come to the realization to be aware of their problems until a break down.
That happens very often in the modern age we're living in, and the results can be
What is the point of having the same routine, reliving the same dreadful
experiences without making a single change, keeping everything under the
blanket and forcing yourself to act cool in front of the others if you're feeling
unhappy and unwell all the time?
If an individual is lucky enough to know there's something wrong with them and
become aware of the fact that it can be changed, they should immediately go to
search for help.
There are a lot of people that you can reach who's been through the same as you
have. There's nothing wrong with asking for help and advice from family, friends,
health specialists, and sometimes even from random people if you feel like it's
When people feel like there's no hope for them and that no one would
understand, they tend to distance themselves from the rest of the world; which
causes more problems.
There's one thing for sure; if you get stuck, in anything, in anywhere, anyhow;
without a movement, you will keep staying there.
A movement is a movement. Either from outside force, or voluntary self act.
Waiting for something to happen is no use. Finding the right thing to do and
acting on it, no matter what the conditions may be, is bravery.
In order to have a healthy life, number one priority should be removing the things
that are unhealthy from your life. It's just like cleaning the house. In order for it to
be cleaned, the stuff that makes it unclean must be thrown out, the garbage,
dust, stains, even the air that needs refreshing.
Just like that, in order to restore health, the garbage in the body and mind must
be gone. Though it might be a longer process then house cleaning. Because when
it comes to your body and mind, you don't see the dust. You'll have to sense it.
Researches show, people who are gone through so much difficulty in a short
amount of time, often suffers from exhaustion, which gives them a depressing
mood. Therefore, they may come to a level where they can't perform their daily
tasks and feel like they're not doing anything worthwhile, as they can't even feel
right in their own bodies.
In recent years, we have all been through so much. We developed so many
unnecessary habits, forced to go against our natural flow of energy, we've lost
jobs, friends, family members, our goals, hopes, plans, motivation... Even just
losing is enough for massive exhaustion.
Although, the sun is up again. You might find it hard to believe if you'll ever be
able to feel like you used to... That's a quite common feeling we all share.
That's why, as all the leading psychiatrists suggest, start with the basics.
Trying to figure out your mental and emotional problems before doing something
about your body can be immensely challenging. When your body doesn't feel
well, thoughts and emotions follow it. Just like the body's reactions to feelings
and thought. It's a two-way street. When we have headache, we don't feel good.
When we hear some good news and get excited, our heart skips a beat. Body and
mind keep talking to each other, without even asking us!
People who achieved great things often say, the key is the balance. That, is a fact.
Managing your daily life can be pretty tough if you're out of you're off the course.
Especially after a break-down or a life-changing event that altered your whole
The important thing to remember is, if you feel like thing changed, then they
have. Don't look back. Don't try to go back to relive the old one. There'a reason
that it is old now. This is an opportunity for you to grow and expand, be more
than what used to be.
I know it't hard if you liked what you had one very much. Burt there are many
people who do achieve to get back their old life back, and they all say the same
thing: 'Something feels off'
Because you feel off. You're not there anymore. If you try to go back in time, the
imbalance will occur. The past is in the past, and there's no way to bring it back.
Forming a new life might be the hardest thing you'll ever do. At some point in our
lives, we all go through this process. Perhaps several times you've already done it.
Remember those days. You did it back then, now there's a new you that can do
even better, because you know more now.
To be able to success in life, to be able to help anyone else, be useful to society,
to a country, to the world, we need to be able to help ourselves first. That is the
beginning of everything. Without it, soon or late, all the attempts will go down
the drain.
You might not know where to start, what to do, who to contact. And you can't
possibly know if you think and worry about them in the same time. But once you
start, take a few steps, you'll see that it will all just come to you. You will know
what to do while you're doing it.
Plus, even though having a plan or program, any kind of mind map, that's safe and
motivating. But if you're already in a hard place, trying to follow that plan might
stress you out even more if things don't go accordingly
This kind of start needs some outside of the box thinking.
Just start.
Once things start to come to you from today's daylight, not from the yesterday's
shadow you had in your mind, the new plan will work accordingly.
We hear many stories; people who were able to achieve what they wanted
against all odds.
You may feel like, 'well, I'm not strong enough,' or 'What's the point? I'd be a
waste of time if I won't be able to get it.'
That's the exact opposite way of thinking of the thing you just read a few seconds
Having a condition, especially a health condition, a matter that we have no
control over.
How can you progress without knowing what to do? Even if you do know
the answer to that on that, the second question arrives.
'How am I going to keep this job? No one knows I have pneumonia. They'll kick
me out.'
Instead of focusing on how to solve the problem; you should focus on to regain
your inner power that will allow you to solve the problem.
So, get up, go out now and take a walk. Call your friends, get some hot chocolate,
pet a dog, listen some music, buy something new, just get out of the box.
Once you feel good, your whole system will reply to it.