Ewc661 - Group 7 Proposal - The Perception Among The Student of Uitm Seri Iskandar, Perak
Ewc661 - Group 7 Proposal - The Perception Among The Student of Uitm Seri Iskandar, Perak
Ewc661 - Group 7 Proposal - The Perception Among The Student of Uitm Seri Iskandar, Perak
From 2000 until the present, students working part-time during non-school hours have been
prevalent. Students are regarded as potential labour force members since they have strong
health, knowledge, and manual labour skills, allowing them to work in any relevant occupation
to supplement their income for the rest of their lives. This is a wonderful opportunity for
students to receive practical experience with social life, gain soft skills and social knowledge,
and gain experiences that they would not be able to obtain if they sat at home. The purpose of
this study is to clarify the importance of students' opinions regarding part-time employment
and the effects it may have on their academic and personal growth. It is crucial to investigate
how part-time work affects academic achievement. The qualitative method will use as our
research instrument. Student opinions can give important insights into how balancing job and
school impacts their capacity for concentration, punctuality, and meeting deadlines. This
research will also investigate into students' perspectives of how part-time occupations affect
their academic and health performance. This study extended students' perspectives and raised
their knowledge of the consequences of part-time work. Aside from that, it can help to reduce
the negative effects on student activities and to always care for their health and keep a healthy
Alhamdulillah, we thank and praise Allah SWT for His magnificence and for providing us with
the courage to fulfil this assignment. We learned a lot over this process, not only academically
but also in terms of personality. Our humblest gratitude to the holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
(Peace be upon him) whose way of life has been a continuous guidance for us.
First and foremost, in preparation of this assignment, we had to take the help and
guidance of some respected persons who deserve our deepest gratitude. We would like to
sincerely thank our lecturer, Pn Sheema Liza Binti Idris instructors of English For Report
Writing (EWC 661), at University Technology MARA Perak Branch Campus Seri Iskandar
for her guidance, understanding, and most importantly, she has provided positive
encouragement and support to us throughout our assignment with her patience, compassion
and expertise while providing us the freedom to work on our own terms. It has been an honour
and a joy to have her as our instructor.
Furthermore, A special thanks to our groupmates, Aini, Fazarul, Haafizh, Zhafri, and
Amanina, who assisted with the assembly of each chapter as well as pointing out ideas and
suggestions during the process of compiling and completing this report. Our grateful
appreciation also goes to all our family members because it would not have been possible
without their support, especially our parents who deserve special mention for their unwavering
support and prayers.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our dear friends who were with
us and supported us through storms and rainbows. May God grant the individuals’ success and
honour in their lives. We would also like to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped
us, both directly and indirectly, with this assignment. Finally, we'd like to thank everyone who
helped make this assignment a success, as well as apologise for not being able to thank
everyone individually.
Students working part-time during non-school hours have been common from 2000 until the
present. According to the Muluk, 2017, due to their good health, education, and ability to
perform manual labour, students are viewed as potential labour force members who can work
in any relevant occupation to earn additional revenue for the rest of their lives. This is an
excellent opportunity for students to gain practical experience with social life, equip themselves
with soft skills and social knowledge, and gather experiences that they would not be able to
obtain if they sat at home However, part-time occupations have a negative impact on students'
academic performance and quality because they spend too much time working and not enough
time studying.
Compared to full-time occupations, part-time jobs need shift work and typically demand fewer
hours worked per week (Woodhouse, 2017). Furthermore, part-time jobs indicate that people
do not need to be engaged for the entire day but will profit from working. According to the
report, students in tertiary or higher education are driven to work part-time for a variety of
reasons. The majority of students say their study costs are more than anticipated. Due to hefty
tuition fees and other living expenditures, parents are under financial stress. As a result,
students try to save money and pay for their studies.
Furthermore, Part-time job affects kids not just academically, but also physically and
psychologically. Combining study and work may also have negative effects on students' mental
health, such as stress and weariness, resulting in lower grades. This study at UITM Seri
Iskandar focused on diploma and undergraduate students with part-time job experience. The
sample of this UITM student is selected to ensure that this research is conducted in more detail
and precisely so the effect of the part-time job on the students’ performance can be stated. This
study will also investigate students' perceptions of the influence of part-time jobs on their
academic and health performance. This study broadened students' perspectives and awareness
of the impact of part-time work. Aside from that, it can assist to minimise the negative impacts
on student activities, as well as to always care for their health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Mostly the students nowadays were working part time to support their financial. But
sometimes, they were having a lot of issue that give impact to their academic achievement and
health performance. According to the Mark Richardson, 2014 overall the influence of working
a part-time job on a student's academic and health performance is determined by factors such
as the number of hours worked, the sort of work done, and the student's ability to manage their
time successfully. Numerous recent studies demonstrate that students' ability to manage their
time better when they work part-time. According to their findings, students who work part-
time have strong confidence and time management skills. This assurance and abilities that can
be applied in the academic setting. Study after study has shown that students, who work 30-39
hours a week, with 39% of those students working full time, are less likely to do well in school.
Because of the time and energy spent at work, many people believe that students will have a
low GPA because they will not have time to study. One of the issues is that student’s loss their
focus on study because spending a lot of time in part time work causes them to feel tired due
to lack of sleeping hours. This can also lead to health problems such as depression, stress and
anxiety. In the end, it will affect their academic performance and their achievement.
Furthermore, according to the Moses (2014) stated that previous research on student
part-time jobs of students found contradictions about the impact of employment on their health
and well-being. The problem and issue that related is health performance in their life.
Combining study and work may also harm students' mental health, such as stress and
exhaustion, leading to decreased results. According to studies, students' work-related concerns
have a negative impact on their health, causing persistent tension, anxiety, and a lack of social
integration. Changes in energy, lack of sleep, appetite, loss of interest or pleasure in activities,
difficulties concentrating, and feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or
guilt are all examples (Cefai,2011)
In this section, there are two (2) research objectives that have come out for the perception
among the student UiTM Seri Iskandar towards the impact of part time job. The objective of
this study is to identify whether the ability to do part-time job can have a positive or negative
impact on UiTM Seri Iskandar students.
1. To identify the reasons why part-time jobs can affect students' academic performance.
2. To determine whether weekly work hours can impair students' ability to concentrate on
their studies.
This study explains and focuses on how some UiTM students see the implications of working
part-time. There are two (2) research questions that we found from the research objective that
we did.
1. What the reasons that part-time jobs can affect students' academic performance?
2. Why whether weekly work hours can impair students' ability to concentrate on their
Higher education is becoming more and more expensive; therefore, students are looking for
part-time jobs to help them pay for it. The purpose of this study is to clarify the importance of
students' opinions regarding part-time employment and the effects it may have on their
academic and personal growth.
The perception of students regarding the balance between work and personal life is
crucial in understanding their overall well-being. By exploring how part-time jobs impact their
social life, mental health, and overall satisfaction, the study can provide recommendations for
maintaining a healthy equilibrium between academic and work-related commitments.
In conclusion, studying the perceptions of students at UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak,
towards the impact of part-time jobs holds significant implications for various stakeholders,
including educational institutions, employers, and students themselves. The findings from this
research can inform the development of policies and support systems that enhance the overall
student experience, ensuring a balanced journey through higher education.
The study’s findings may be influenced by the small number of participants due to
constraints such as time, resources and access. The generalizability of the results to a broader
population of UiTM Seri Iskandar students may be limited. Moreover, the findings may
primarily apply to the specific group of Diploma and Degree students of UiTM Seri Iskandar
and may not be fully generalizable to other students of PhD or Masters.
According to Safrul Muluk (2017), a sort of employment that requires fewer hours per week
than full-time employment is referred to as part-time work. Also, part-time jobs usually occur
in less than 30 to 35 weeks (Muluk, 2017). Some argue that the meaning of part-time work
should be clarified. This is since there is no legal reference to calculate the number of hours for
part-time occupations or the distinction between part-time and full-time jobs. Besides that, the
employer will decide on part-time jobs to determine how many hours (Woodhouse, 2017).
During the university studies, students acquire not only knowledge but are actively involved in
part time employment. Part-time employment means any additionally work, besides major
activities and learning (Tengiz, 2022).
Furthermore, Employment among University students has become a trend as the part-
time job has been overgrowing since recently. State economic variables influence patterns in
careers among university students for various reasons (Khai, 2023). Employment among
university students has become a trend, as part-time employment has recently increased.
Because of job trends among university students, there are reasons that express economic
Combining academic education with paid labour has a negative impact as well.
According to studies, employed students struggle with managing their lives. the amount of
work they do and the duties they have to their studies (Tengiz, 2022).
The survey will be focused on the student at University Technology Mara (UITM) Seri
Iskandar. The criteria that needed for this respondent participant are all the student including
diploma and bachelor student which is currently study at UITM Seri Iskandar and other criteria
others then the listed will not be taken to the data collection.
The quantitative method will use as our research instrument. The data collection will be run by
the online questionnaire in google form platform to easing the data collection and analysis. The
survey will consist 4 sections which is part A, part B, part C and part D. Part A will consist the
demographic information which is email, gender, major of study and current semester. The part
B will consist the experience of part time work among student such as rate your experience
with friends that do part timework, what are the major concerns that you know when student
want to do part time job during their study and the other related question. The part C will consist
the perception of part time work among student while the part D will consist the future
aspirations of part time for student. For the part B, C and D there are the questions that have
yes and no choices. There also question that require the respondents to give their opinion. This
method chosen to easy to get the accurate data about the topic.
The survey will be given to 50 up to 100 students in University Technology Mara (UITM) Seri
Iskandar. There are 5 level education in UITM Seri Iskandar which is pre-diploma, diploma,
bachelor, master and PhD student but we only take diploma and bachelor student as our
respondent because they easier to contact. The online survey will be given using the Google
Form platform. By early December 2023, the survey will be given to the respondent via their
social media platform such as WhatsApp and Telegram and they will have 2 weeks to complete
the survey. The information gathered will be share with the participant only when they have
given their respond and the date will be kept for future study.
Basic statically analysis will be using as our data analysis method. All the data will be
accumulating and analysing by all the researchers. To make the data more understandable, all
the responds from Google Form will be transfer to the Google Sheet and will be presented in
the graph and chart.
The questionnaire consists of four parts which are part A, B, C and D. Part A is
demographic information, part B is about part-time work experience, part C is about part-time
work perception and the last part are about future aspirations. This questionnaire was
distributed to ninety student respondents from other courses at UiTM Seri Iskandar, Perak. Of
the ninety respondents, there are 61 male students and 29 female students. There is a total of
27 diploma students and 63degree students who have answered this questionnaire.
Chart 3.2: The Respondent Experience with Friends That Do Part Time Job
Based on the chart 3.2, from 90 respondent that 94.4% have a friend that do part time job and
5.6% do not have friend that do part time job. The total of respondent is 90 people. So, we
can conclude from the chat 3.2, that many students doing a part time job.
Chart 3.3: Respondent Opinion About Their Experiences with Friends That Do Part Time Job
Based on the chart 3.3, it is rate of respondent that have experience with friend that do part
time job. 35.6% rate 1 for the experience with 32 respondents, with rate 2 is 27.8% with 25
respondents, with rate 3 is 18.9% with 17 respondent, rate 4 is 11.1% with 10 respondent and
the last rate 5 is 6.7% with 6 respondents only. The total of respondent is 90 people. From that
bar chart 3.3, we can conclude many of respondent.
Chart 3.4: Respondent Opinion About the Types of Part Time Job That Respondent’s Know
the Student Usually Do
Based on chart, first part time job is Online business with 34.4% of 31 respondent. Secondly is
stockiest/dropship/reseller with 11.1% represent of 10 respondents. Thirdly, Runner/delivery
service with 38.9% represent of 35 respondents. Next, grab car is 5.4% with 6 respondents.
Then, Other part time job with 1.8% represent 2 respondents. Other, service crew, cashier,
retail, waiter, warehouse assistant, catering and Food and beverage service with 0.9% represent
to 1 respondent only. The total of respondent is 90 people. So, from the chart we can determine
that the higher type of part time job is Runner/Delivery service with 38.9% of 35 respondent.
Chart 3.5: Respondent Opinion About the Types of Part Time Job That Respondent’s Know
the Student Usually Do
Based on the chart 3.5, the first major that concern student to do part time job is Financial
development with 73.3% represent to 66 respondents. Secondly is Fill free time with 12.2%
with 11 respondent and for Experience is 12.2% with 11 respondents too. Next, Family
Financial Demand and Time and study balance with 0.9% that represent to 1 respondent only.
The total of respondent is 90 people. In conclusion, we can conclude that the most major
concern student to do part time job is Financial development with the higher percentage from
90 respondent.
Chart 3.6: Respondent Opinion About the Impact of Part Time Job on His/her Friend’s
Academic Performance
Based on chart 3.6, it is impact of friend that do part time job on his/her academic performance.
Firstly, it is 20 respondent rates for 1 with 18%. Secondly, 24 respondents that rate 2 with
21.6%. Thirdly, 35 respondents have rate 3 with 31.5%. Next, 8 respondent rates for 4 with
represent 7.2% and lastly, 3 respondents have rate 5 for the impact of part time job on his/her
academic project with 2.7% only. The total of respondent is 90 people. The most rate based on
this chart is 3 with 31.5% represent to 35 respondents, so we can conclude that impact of friend
that do part time job on his/her academic performance is neutral.
Chart 3.7: Respondent Opinion About the Impact of Part Time Job on His/her Academic
Based on chart 3.7, the impact of your friend that do part-time job on your academic
performance with rate 1 is 22.5% with 25 respondents. Secondly, with rate of 2, as 18%
represent to 20 respondents. Next, 33.3% represent of 37 respondent rate 3. Other, 5
respondents with 4.5% have rate 4. Lastly, 2.7% represent to 3 respondents that rate 5 for the
impact of your friend that do part-time job on your academic performance. The total of
respondent 90 respondent. So, the impact of your friend that do part-time job on your academic
performance, we can conclude that rate 3 is the higher percentage with 33.3% represent of 37
For Part C, we listed the opinion from the respondent’s perception to the student that do the
part time job. For this section, respondent required to choose only one option.
Chart 3.8: Respondent Opinion About the Student That Do Part Time Job Can Balance
Between Study and Working
We use the scale method to determine the student agree and disagree. Scale 1 for strongly agree
and scale 5 for strongly disagree. Based on the bar chart, there are 29 respondents (32.2%)
select the strongly agree and 21 respondents (23.3%) select the agree option. The sum of
respondent that agree are 50 (55.5%). There are 27 respondents (30%) select the natural option
which is option number 3. There are 3 respondent (3.3%) that select strongly disagree and 10
respondents (11.1%) select the disagree option. The sum of respondent that disagree are 13
(13.4%). Most of the respondents agree that the student that do the part time job can balence
between study and working.
Chart 3.9: Respondent Opinion About the Part Time Job gives a Positive or Negative Effect
in University Experience
We use the scale method to determine either the respondent believe part-time job gives positive
or negative effect in university experience. Scale 1 for the strongly positive and scale 5 for the
strongly negative. Base on the bar chart, there are 24 respondents (26.7%) select the strongly
positive and 21 respondents (23.3%) select the positive option. The sum of the respondent that
believe part time job gives the positive effect in university experience are 45 respondents
(50.0%). There are 37 respondents (41.1%) that select the natural option which is option
number 3. There are 1 respondent (1.1%) that select the strongly negative and 7 respondents
(7.8%) select the negative option. The sum of the respondent that believe part time job gives
the negative effect in university experience are 8 respondents (9.9%).
For Part D, we listed the opinion from the respondent’s perception to the student that do the
part time job in future aspiration aspect. We allow respondent to choose multiply choices for
this question. We use the scale method to determine the student opinion.
Chart 3.10: Respondent Opinion on role of part time job in the future career or professional
Base on the chart, there are 43 total respondent (47.8%) that choose the time management, total
12 respondents (13.3%) for both communication skill and confident, 11 total respondents
(12.2%) for both team work and resume enhancement and lastly the total one respondent
(1.1%) that choose others aspect. Form the statistic, most of the respondent agree that the time
management gives the most role model in the future career or professional development.
Chart 3.11: Respondent Opinion on Recommendation of Part Time Job to Other University
Based on the chart, there are total 84 respondent (93.3%) that choose to recommend the part
time job to the other student and total 6 respondent (6.7%) that choose the opposite option.
From this statistic, most of the respondent agree to recommend the part time job to the other
university student.
In conclusion from finding, financial development is a primary concern for students seeking
part-time employment during their studies. The cost of education, coupled with the rising
expenses of daily living, often creates a financial burden on students. Many students face
challenges such as accommodation costs and the need to cover academic materials. As a result,
part-time jobs become a crucial avenue for them to support themselves (Lessky & Unger,
Moreover, many students acknowledge that working a part-time job does not always
have a negative impact on academics, in fact it can have the opposite effect. Finding shows that
working part-time can improve time management in their future career development. Managing
employment and university obligations teaches people how to set priorities, keep to deadlines,
and manage their time well. These crucial time management abilities developed through part-
time work prove to be priceless assets in the workplace. The capacity to successfully manage
time, prioritise tasks, and organise tasks becomes essential for success as people enter the
On top of that, many students agreed to recommend part-time job to other university
students as it is not a burden based on their experience. As students who work for part-time
job, they believe that it would give massive benefits soon such as communication skills, team
work, resume enhancement and boost confidence (Tessema, Ready & Astani, 2014).
Students should proactively arrange their schedules to optimise time management and create a
healthy balance between their career and academic obligations in order to improve their overall
academic experience. This deliberate planning develops vital life skills in addition to promoting
academic success. Furthermore, students need to practise financial responsibility, which
emphasises the value of setting aside funds and only making necessary purchases. Students can
reduce financial stress and cultivate a more sustainable and responsible relationship with
money by taking a modest approach. Understanding the financial difficulties that students
encounter, the student affairs department is essential in providing them with assistance.
It is essential that the department think about coming up with ways for students to get
money on big university occasions like sports day, entrepreneurship day, and so on. In addition
to enabling students to obtain priceless real-world experience, this also lessens financial
obligations, creating a more encouraging and comfortable studying atmosphere. Universities
may play a major role in the overall growth and achievement of their students by addressing
both the financial and time management components of their programmes.
Cefai C, Camilleri L. The dietary habits of Maltese university students. Malta Medical Journal.
Lessky, F., & Unger, M. (2022). Working long hours while studying: A higher risk for first-in-
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Education, 13(3), 347–366. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2022.2047084
Muluk, S. (2017). Part-time job and students’ academic achievement. Jurnal Ilmiah
Peuradeun, 5(3), 361. https://doi.org/10.26811/peuradeun.v5i3.154
Richardson, M., Evans, C., & Gbadamosi, G. (2014). The work–study nexus: The challenges
of balancing full-time business degree study with a part-time job. Research in Post-
Compulsory Education, 19(3), 302–309. https://doi.org/10.1080/13596748.2014.920582
Tessema, M. T., Ready, K. J., & Astani, M. (2014). Does part-time job affect college students’
satisfaction and Academic Performance (GPA)? the case of a mid-sized public university.
International Journal of Business Administration, 5(2).
Woodhouse, A. (2017, October 27). What is a part-time job? Retrieved from Kash Flow Blog:
Sample Questionnaire
The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please read the questionnaire
carefully and respond to each item precisely. This is strictest an academic exercise and you are
assured that all information given by you will be kept in strictest confidence and that you shall
remain anonymous in any report of the research findings. By answering the questions in this
questionnaire, you have voluntarily participated in this study.
Please contact me if there are any queries regarding this survey questions.
Researcher: Nurul Amanina binti Ismail
[email protected]
I greatly appreciate every response and thank you for your time.
Demographic Information
1. Email (Required)
2. Gender (Male/Female)
3. Major of study
4. Current semester of study
Strongly good
Strongly bad
3. What are the types of part time job that you know usually famous among student?
Online business
Runner/delivery service
Grab car
Other (Please state): _____________
4. What are the major concerns that you know when student want to do part time job during
their study?
Financial development
Fill free time
Family finance demand
Time and study balance
5. How do you perceive the impact of your friend that do part-time job on his/her academic
Strongly good
Strongly bad
6. How do you perceive the impact of your friend that do part-time job on your academic
Strongly good
Strongly bad
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
2. Do you believe that part-time job has positively or negatively affected in university
Strongly positive
Strongly negative
Future Aspirations
1. How do you envision the role of part time job in your future career or professional
Time Management
Team Work
Commutation Skill
Resume Enhancement
Other (Please state): _____________
2. Would you recommend part-time job to other university students based on your