Winter 2021
Winter 2021
Winter 2021
Sulfuric Acid
www.H 2S0
Fall/Winter 2021
IN THIS ISSUE > > > > Sulfuric acid prices riding high into
4Q21 page 10
Sulphuric acid & environmental technologies
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Sulfuric Acid
Covering Best PraCtiCes for the industry
Sulfuric Acid
www.H 2S0
Fall/Winter 2021
Vol. 27 No. 2 Covering Best Practices for the Industry Fall/Winter 2021
IN THIS ISSUE > > > > sulfuric acid prices riding high into
4Q21 page 10
Dear Friends, (page 12); Weir Minerals reevaluates customer service during
Welcome to the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of Sulfuric Acid the Covid-19 pandemic with innovative online video training
Today magazine. We have dedicated ourselves to covering the (page 14); DuPont shares some lessons learned regarding hydro-
On the Cover… latest products and technology for those in the industry, and gen generation and ignition in sulfuric acid plants (page 16);
7 Nyrstar’s Port Pirie hope you find this issue both helpful and informative. Ecorobotics performed a project for a fertilizer producer utilizing
With the development and wide distribution of vaccina- their robotic cleaning system (page 18); VIP International shares
tackles NOx at sulfuric tions, as well as the United States opening the Canadian and the proper steps for outage ventilation to ensure the safety of
Mexican borders to vaccinated travelers, we have decided to workers, keep equipment in operation, and minimize disruption
acid plant host our 2022 Sulfuric Acid Roundtable (SAR) in person, April to turnaround schedules (page 20); Beltran Technologies explains
4-7, 2022 in The Woodlands, near Houston, Texas. SAR 2022 how wet electrostatic precipitators can vary greatly in design,
will follow CDC recommendations for proper social distancing materials, gas flow rates, durability, and collection efficiency,
Departments… protocols during the course of the two-and-a-half day meeting and the importance of engineers being able to recognize the key
and we are looking forward to hosting another successful confer- differences among these various systems (page 22); NORAM
4 Industry Insights ence. The event will consist of informative technical presenta- Engineering & Constructors delves into some strategies to
News items about the tions, panel discussions, networking events, and a plant tour of increase the capacity of an acid plant (page 24); Breen shares the
Eco Services’ Houston acid plant. Please see our article on latest in sulfuric acid plant process gas dewpoint/moisture leak
sulfuric acid and related page 34 for more information.
detection (page 28); and Clark Solutions reflects on 30 years of
In the Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Sulfuric Acid
industries their sulfuric acid innovations (page 32).
Today, Acuity Commodities discussed the recovery of
I would like to welcome our new and returning Sulfuric
the sulfuric acid market from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Acid Today advertisers and contributors, including: Acid Piping
Now several months later, key impacts include the
permanent loss of sulfur production because of the pan- Technology Inc., Acuity Commodities, Alphatherm Inc.,
16 Lessons Learned BASF, Beltran Technologies, Breen Energy Solutions, Central
demic and a sustained rally in commodity prices. Please
Case histories from the see Acuity Commodities’ informative article ‘Sulfuric Maintenance & Welding, Chemetics Inc., Clark Solutions, DuPont
acid prices riding high into 4Q21’ on page 10 for further MECS, Ecorobotics, Koch Knight LLC, Mercad Equipment Inc.,
sulfuric acid industry details. NORAM Engineering & Constructors, Optimus, STEULER-KCH
Also in this issue, we have several informative GmbH, Southwest Refractory of Texas, Spraying Systems Co.,
articles regarding state-of-the-art technology and proj- Sulphurnet, VIP International, and Weir Minerals Lewis Pumps.
26 Product News ects. Our cover story, on page 7, focuses on a recently We are currently compiling information for our Spring/
completed NOx abatement project at Nyrstar’s Port Pirie Summer 2022 issue. If you have any suggestions for articles or
Latest developments in complex’s sulfuric acid plant. Abating nitrogen oxides other information you would like included, please feel free to
created from metals processing was part of a continu- contact me via email at [email protected]. I look forward
technology ous improvement plan aimed at increasing sulfuric acid to hearing from you.
quality. Sulphurnet introduces a new process that ana-
lyzes the quantity of sulfur flour as well as provides a Sincerely,
valid end-of-pipe-solution in the sulfur melting section Kathy Hayward
Keystone Publishing L.L.C.
Kathy Hayward
10 Sulfuric acid prices riding high into 4Q21
April Kabbash 12 Gas treatment in sulfur melting plants
April Smith 14 Providing customer support for sulfuric acid plants during the pandemic
Tim Bowers 18 Remote controlled robots clean tanks safely and efficiently
the Ortigueira site will be improved because Citi is serving as lead financial advi-
ANDRITZ to supply the less sulfate needs to be discharged due to the Metso Outotec signs order sor with BMO Capital Markets Corp. as co-
world’s first sulfuric optimized Na/S balance, there is less truck for design and engineering of advisor, and Ropes & Gray LLP is serving as
traffic to the mill due to the chemical savings, legal counsel to PQ in the sale of Performance
acid plant in a pulp mill, and there is also less hazardous truck traffic a copper smelter for Freeport Chemicals. Jefferies, LLC served as financial
producing commercial-grade, because sulfur is transported in solid form and Indonesia Manyar project advisor, and Kirkland & Ellis LLP served as
legal advisor to Cerberus and Koch. Jones Day
not as an acid. The sulfuric acid plant meets HELSINKI, Finland—Metso Outotec has
concentrated sulfuric acid for very strict air emission limits and does not signed a major engineering and technology served as legal advisor to Koch.
“I am extremely proud of the team
Klabin’s Ortigueira facility produce any waste streams.
The technology used for this plant is based
contract as well as license agreements for the
achieving a timely and efficient close of this
GRAZ, Australia—International technology delivery of a landmark copper smelter complex
on ANDRITZ’s self-developed A-Recovery+ to be built in Gresik, East Java, in Indonesia. transaction. Further, we are pleased to pro-
group ANDRITZ has received an order to sup- vide another meaningful return of capital to
ply a sulfuric acid plant for Klabin’s Ortigueira concept that enables pulp mills to extract side The project owner is PT Freeport Indonesia,
streams from the pulping process and turn and PT Chiyoda International Indonesia is the shareholders through a special dividend,” said
mill in Brazil. The plant will be the first of its Belgacem Chariag, PQ’s Chairman, President
kind worldwide and is designed to produce them into commercial-grade products/com- EPC contractor.
modities. ANDRITZ recently completed a suc- Metso Outotec’s scope of delivery is and Chief Executive Officer. “While our name
150 tons of commercial-grade (>98%) sulfuric is changing to Ecovyst, our culture and focus
cessful start-up of the world’s first methanol based on the licensed, well-proven Metso
acid per day from concentrated odorous gases on innovation and customer collaboration will
purification plant based on the A-Recovery+ Outotec Flash Smelting, Flash Converting, and
and elemental sulfur. Once completed, the remain one of our greatest strengths. We are
concept. A-Recovery+ now also offers solu- Lurec® technology. It includes the design and
plant will serve Klabin’s Puma I and Puma excited to move forward with Ecovyst’s strate-
tions for the treatment of odorous gases in the supply of key process equipment and process
II pulp lines at Ortigueira and make Klabin’s gic growth plans, prioritizing and accelerating
pulp and paper industry as well as for produc- control systems for the main areas of the smelt-
Ortigueira site completely self-sufficient in our Growing and Greening initiatives, and put-
tion of sulfuric acid from these gases. er complex, the copper electrolytic refinery, the
sulfuric acid. ting sustainability for a safer, cleaner, healthier
For more information, please visit gas cleaning and sulfuric acid plant, the slag
ANDRITZ will supply technologies on world at the forefront of our strategy.” concentrator, and the effluent treatment plant.
EPCC basis for elemental sulfur handling, sul- After the purchase, PQ Group Holdings
Metso Outotec has previously provided
fur, and concentrated non-condensable gases Inc. became Ecovyst Inc., a pure-play catalysts
certain front-end engineering design (FEED)
(CNCG) combustion to form sulfur dioxide and services company with a sustainability
and other advanced engineering services for
(SO2), sulfur dioxide conversion into concen- focus and industry leading growth outlook.
this 1.7 mtpa copper concentrate smelter com-
trated (98% by wt.) sulfuric acid, and a flue The new company will comprise two high-
plex. This complex is expected to be commis-
gas handling system. The sulfuric acid plant sioned in 2024. growth, high-margin businesses, Eco Services
uses wet-gas sulfuric acid (WSA) technol- “Our joint efforts with Freeport Indonesia and Catalyst Technologies, formerly Refining
ogy developed by Haldor Topsoe. The WSA and Chiyoda will set a new standard for the Services and Catalysts, respectively.
technology has been proven in more than 150 copper smelter industry in fulfilling the strict- Eco Services Operations Corp. provides
references in many industries. est international environmental standards and sulfuric acid recycling to the North American
Once the sulfuric acid plant has been efficiency requirements. We are very happy to refining industry for the production of alkylate
started up, it will help Klabin to control the The sulfuric acid plant producing commercial- work together to implement this game chang- and provides on-purpose virgin sulfuric acid
sodium and sulfur balance and the sulfidity grade, concentrated sulfuric acid for Klabin’s ing copper smelter,” said Pekka Vauramo, for water treatment, mining, and industrial
of the mill. Also, the resource efficiency of Ortigueira facility will be first of its kind worldwide. President & CEO, Metso Outotec. applications. Catalyst Technologies provides
“We have worked with Freeport Indonesia finished silica catalysts and catalyst supports
and Chiyoda for several years to ensure and necessary to produce high strength and high
select the best available process design and stiffness plastics and, through its Zeolyst joint
technologies for the Manyar project,” said venture, supplies zeolites used for catalysts
Jari Ålgars, President, Metals business area at that remove nitric oxide from diesel engine
Metso Outotec. emissions as well as sulfur from fuels during
Metso Outotec has delivered 51 cop- the refining process.
per flash smelters around the world. Metso For more information, please visit
Outotec copper flash smelting is the most Ecovyst’s new website at
widely applied technology for copper smelting
in the world and one of the company’s Planet INEOS Enterprises completes
Positive solutions. Using this technology,
Metso Outotec’s customers avoided more than sale of its sulfur chemicals
1.6 million tons of CO2 emissions in 2020. business to International
For more information, please visit Chemical Investors Group
HEFEI, China—INEOS Enterprises recent-
ly announced the completion of the sale of
Ecovyst launches as a high its sulfur chemicals business to International
growth, pure-play catalysts Chemical Investors Group. INEOS Sulfur
Chemicals business is Spain’s largest dedi-
and services company; cated manufacturer of sulfuric acid and oleum
Performance Chemicals sale serving end-applications ranging from agri-
culture to chemical intermediates. Its 400,000
For the past 30 years VIP International has led the industry in innovative completed tonne state of the art manufacturing facil-
equipment and procedures in maintaining sulfuric acid plants. As the MALVERN, Pa.—PQ Group Holdings Inc., ity with an excellent sustainability footprint is
industry demands longer run times between catalyst screening, VIP’s a leading integrated and innovative global located in Bilbao, Northern Spain.
patented catalyst handling system ensures the longest run time with provider of specialty catalysts and servic- The business will become part of
lowest pressure drops to ensure maximum performance of your es, announced recently that it has completed WeylChem’s advanced intermediates and
converter. Contact VIP International to learn how to reduce your the sale of its Performance Chemicals busi- reagents portfolio which includes an exist-
downtime and increase your production and on stream factor. ness to a partnership established by Cerberus ing sulfuric acid and oleum plant located
Capital Management, L.P. and Koch Minerals in Lamotte, Northern France. WeylChem is
& Trading LLC for a purchase price of $1.1 wholly owned by the International Chemical
billion. Investors Group. The agreement is an impor-
The company plans to use the net cash tant step in the continued development of both
proceeds from the sale to reduce its debt by businesses and presents new opportunities
225-753-8575 approximately $525 million and return cash to the 50 employees based in Bilbao as they
to shareholders through a special dividend of join what will be one of the leading European
6638 Pecue Lane, Baton Rouge, LA 70817-4400 | $3.20 per share, subject to final Board approv- Sulfur Chemicals companies.
al and declaration. “I am very pleased to have completed
the sale of the INEOS Sulfur Chemicals busi- lithium hydroxide, and 174,400 tpa of boric
ness, which now becomes part of a strategic acid. Pending final federal US Department BOILERS
business unit within International Chemical of the Interior (DOI) approval of the Plan of
Investors Group,” said Ashley Reed CEO Operation, the project is expected to begin
INEOS Enterprises. “The business is an attrac- production in the second half of 2024. ECONOMIZERS
tive addition to WeylChem’s advanced inter- Commenting on the contract, ioneer
mediates and reagents portfolio that will help Managing Director, Bernard Rowe, said:
secure future development and growth, to meet “Development of the Rhyolite Ridge lithium-
customer needs in Europe.” boron project is a critical strategic step to
Dr. Uwe Brunk CEO WeylChem Group enable US production of lithium-ion batter-
of Companies stated, “This acquisition under- ies for electric vehicles (EV) and renewable
lines our commitment to bolstering our posi- energy storage. ioneer’s core commitment is to
tion as a strategic partner in advanced interme- produce essential materials in an environmen-
diates and reagents. INEOS Sulfur Chemicals tally and socially responsible and sustainable
and our French operations at WeylChem manner through lowered emissions, reduced
Lamotte complement each other perfectly. water usage, and a minimal surface footprint.
This combined business will be an agile, cus- We are delighted to welcome MECS-DuPont
tomer-focused player with superior services to our team. It is a world-leader in clean tech-
and supply certainty provided to demanding nology and emissions control and will work
customers across Europe.” alongside ioneer to deliver this tier-1 project in
For more information, please visit the US.” Global business leader of DuPont Clean
Technologies, Eli Ben-Shoshan, said: “We
have worked in close partnership with ioneer
ioneer awards sulfuric scid and SNC-Lavalin to be able to guarantee the
plant contract to DuPont precise performance and emissions control
ioneer needs for its Rhyolite Ridge project to
Clean Technologies meet stringent environmental standards and
NORTH SYDNEY, New South Wales— production objectives. We are excited to be
ioneer Ltd, an emerging lithium-boron suppli- part of a project that helps ioneer cleanly pro-
er, recently announced it has awarded DuPont duce lithium essential to advancement of elec-
Clean Technologies (DuPont) a contract for the tric energy markets and to be able to support it
license, engineering, and supply of proprietary with our many decades of expertise in sulfuric
equipment for the planned sulfuric acid plant at acid plant technology.”
the company’s Rhyolite Ridge Lithium-Boron DuPont Clean Technologies brings over
Project in Nevada. 90 years of expertise to best-in-class sulfu-
Specialty technology provider DuPont ric acid plant engineering, processes, energy
will work with engineering partner SNC- recovery and environmental technologies, and
Lavalin on the plant design, providing best-in- also provides a range of specialty products
class MECS® sulfuric acid production technol- and services to numerous other industries. The
ogy for a plant with a capacity of 3,500 tonnes company has designed more than a thousand
per day, and controls that limit emissions to customized plants worldwide to enable pro-
among the lowest in the world for this type of ducers to run efficient, competitive plants with
facility. The DuPont contract is conditional on low CAPEX and OPEX costs tailored to suit
a final investment decision by the ioneer Board their feedstock, location, local environmental
of Directors. regulations, energy requirements, and industry.
Employing advanced technologies, the For more information, please visit
plant will meet stringent NV Class II air
quality standards and water pollution control.
DuPont will also supply its latest generation
MECS® Super GEAR™ catalyst and other Chemetics awarded Bodal
critical proprietary equipment.
The plant will convert sulfur into com-
Chemicals Ltd. new sulfuric
mercial grade sulfuric acid, used to leach acid plant contract
lithium and boron from the crushed rock. The VANCOUVER, Canada – Chemetics Inc. has Op�mus delivered its rst sulfuric acid plant waste heat recovery system
heat released in the process will be recovered been awarded a contract by Bodal Chemicals in 1996. Across the power and process industries, we’ve produced more
to produce steam for electricity. The plant will Ltd., India for a new 1050 MTPD sulfuric acid
generate an initial 35 MW of electricity, which heat recovery boilers, HRSGs, superheaters, and economizers than any
plant using solid sulfur as feedstock. The plant
is sufficient to power the entire Rhyolite Ridge will produce both 32-33% oleum and 98.5% ac�ve company in the USA.
operation and means ioneer will not draw elec- sulfuric acid as products which will be used
tricity from the grid. Rhyolite Ridge will be an Op�mus and its Chanute Manufacturing plant have a long‐standing rep‐
by Bodal Chemicals Ltd. for the production of
energy-independent operation, using primar- dye intermediates. Based on vision and desire
uta�on for high‐quality workmanship and on‐�me performance. Cus‐
ily co-generated, zero-carbon power. The heat of Bodal Chemicals Ltd. for conservation of tomers trust our unique manufacturing exper�se and have condence
generated will also be used for evaporation and water and maximization energy recovery, the in our quality control and comprehensive project execu�on.
crystallization processes required to produce new sulfuric acid plant will be designed using
lithium carbonate and boric acid.
an air-cooled cooling water system and an 50 years of manufacturing experience
The plant’s capability was an instrumen-
enhanced boiler feed water preheating system 99% life�me on‐�me delivery performance
tal part of ioneer’s receipt of a Class II Air
with SARAMET® acid coolers. 20 years experience in Sulfuric Acid waste heat recovery equipment
Quality Permit in June 2021 by the State of
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection This project continues Chemetics suc-
Bureau of Air Pollution Control, which is a cess in serving the Indian sulfuric acid mar-
requirement to begin construction. It is the first ket. In the last three years Chemetics has
sulfuric acid plant permitted in Nevada. signed contracts for three new sulfuric acid Ph: 918‐491‐9191
Once operational, Rhyolite Ridge plants and several sulfuric acid concentration
is expected to produce 20,600 tonnes per plants in India.
annum (tpa) of lithium carbonate, converting For more information, please visit, www. Email: info@op�mus‐
in year four to 22,000 tpa of battery-grade q
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Cover Story
Nyrstar’s Port Pirie
tackles NOx at sulfuric
acid plant
n the heels of a major redo of Nyrstar’s Port Pirie ies in South Australia. The smelter is one of the area’s major greater proportion of value contained in a wider range of
operation in South Australia, the metals producer businesses, employing over 700 people. The community and high-margin feed materials, including internal zinc smelter
recently completed a NOx abatement project at the the smelter are intrinsically linked and Nyrstar has a strong residues and concentrates. The key aspects of the redevel-
facility’s sulfuric acid plant. Abating nitrogen oxides created focus on reducing emissions from the site and has worked opment included replacing the existing sinter plant with an
from metals processing was part of a continuous improve- with the community to reduce exposure and improve com- oxygen enriched bath smelting furnace and replacing the
ment plan aimed at increasing sulfuric acid quality. munity health. existing sulfuric acid plant with a new plant with greater
Nyrstar Port Pirie is part of Nyrstar, a global multi- capacity and upgraded technology.
metals business with a market leading position in zinc and
About Port Pirie lead, and growing markets in other metals. Employing over
Port Pirie is an integrated multi-metals recovery plant
4,000 people, Nyrstar has mining, smelting, and other opera-
Implementing NOx abatement
capable of processing a wide range of lead-rich concentrates A combination of factors in Port Pirie’s furnace opera-
tions in Europe, the United States, and Australia.
and smelting industry by-products. As one of the world’s tion was generating NOx levels in product acid above cus-
largest primary lead smelting facilities and the third largest tomer requirements, which is less than 30 g/t.
silver producer, Port Pirie generates significant economies of Redeveloping the facility Port Pirie uses an Outotec Ausmelt top submerged lance
scale. The facility’s end products are commodity-grade lead, In 2018, Nyrstar completed a major redevelopment (TSL) furnace to produce lead bullion and a high lead slag.
copper cathode, silver dore, and sulfuric acid. project at Port Pirie, converting the operation into an The sulfuric acid plant converts the sulfur dioxide contained
In continuous operation for over 130 years, the smelter advanced metal recovery and refining facility with greater in the furnace’s off gas to produce concentrated sulfuric acid.
is located in the city of Port Pirie, one of the key regional cit- operating flexibility. This enabled the site to capture a A combination of the TSL furnace’s operating temperature,
Major redevelopment of Port Pirie’s metal operation Port Pirie in 2018 after complete redevelopment of the Nyrstar’s Port Pirie operation in South Australia is home
underway in 2017. facility. to one of the world’s largest lead smelters.
feed stock, and fuel type was creating the high NOx levels.
The NOx generated in the TSL furnace enters the acid Quick Facts
plant where it reacts with sulfuric acid to form nitrosylsul-
furic acid (HNOSO4). While NO is essentially insoluble in
H2SO4, NO2 dissolves to create nitrosylsulfuric acid, which Port Pirie sulfuric acid plant
forms fine droplets that are carried to the candle filters of • Metallurgical double-contact double-
both the Intermediate Absorption Tower (IAT) and Final absorption.
Absorption Tower (FAT). The nitrosylsulfuric acid then drips • Converter with four catalyst beds.
into the candle filter seal pots, overflows into the towers, and • Treats TSL furnace off gas containing 7-12%
enters the product acid stream. SO2.
In late 2018, the project team at Port Pirie made some Fig. 1: Percentage NOx reduction in sulfuric acid at Port Pirie. • Feed gas is conditioned in a wet gas cleaning
process adjustments, which reduced the NOx levels in prod- plant using GEA Bischoff technology—
uct acid by 20-50 percent, but further changes were needed adjust to varying NOx inputs,” Wright said. the most robust and efficient system for
to reach the target specifications. The addition of sulfamic acid and hydrogen peroxide removing impurities from metallurgical off
destroys the nitrosylsulfuric acid by making nitrous oxide gas containing SO2.
“So we conducted a thorough literature review and con-
that is vented via the existing suction system through the • Impurities removed include: metallic oxide
sulted with engineering firms to come up with the best solu-
dusts (PbO, ZnO), condensable vapors
tion,” explained project engineer, Amy Wright. They consid- acid plant stack. Table 1 shows the reactions.
(arsenic, selenium, mercury), acid mist,
ered multiple reagents (including hydrazine addition, urea or The team decided to add the reagents to the absorption
water vapor, and hydrogen fluoride.
ammonia) and longer term processes as a second stage to the tower circulating tanks to offset the dilution water that was
project (including scrubbing, Selective Catalytic Reduction, being added, ensuring 98.5 percent acid strength could be
and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction). After a complete maintained during periods of high dosing requirements.
By late 2020, the team further optimized the plant,
assessment, they chose sulfamic acid and hydrogen peroxide Like every project team, the NOx abatement team had
improving operational performance and reducing costs. “It
dosing as the next step on the NOx abatement journey. “This its challenges, the largest one being navigating a global
has been a great success story for the plant,” Wright said.
was the quickest to install and offered the most flexibility to pandemic. “Because of Covid-19, we had to switch our
With the NOx abatement project complete, Port Pirie is
intended supplier of hydrogen peroxide; and it also affected
lead times on some equipment,” Wright said. But strong focused on other continuous improvement projects—some
team dynamics and tenacity ultimately prevailed, and the 280 of them—currently underway. “We are highly motivated
team achieved a consistent 92-98 percent NOx reduction in to improve our process whilst also enhancing our environ-
product acid (see Fig. 1). mental performance across the site,” Wright said. q
Project champion, Amy Wright, in front of the TSL furnace. Table 1: The chemical reactions of nitrosylsulfuric acid with hydrogen peroxide and sulfamic acid.
• Accurate Diagnosis
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Value and Safety
In the Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Sulfuric Acid in the accompanying graph. have adjusted operational rates due to acid pricing and/
Today, we discussed the recovery of the sulfuric acid In the sulfur market, the impact of lower production or its availability, this has been relatively limited.
market from the Covid-19 pandemic. Now several and firm demand for fertilizer production was apparent Also of note is the amount of forward buying to
months later, key impacts remain the permanent loss of when the Tampa molten sulfur quarterly contract price cover consumption requirements amid a tight market.
sulfur production because of the pandemic and a sus- was agreed at an increase of $96/lt, resulting in the raw Rather than looking for cargoes for prompt shipment,
tained rally in commodity prices. material benchmark price doubling to $192/lt DEL, the buyers were in the market as early as July to secure
In terms of the loss of sulfur production, it contin- highest level in almost 10 years (4Q11). cargoes for November arrival. We also saw sales from
ues to constrain availability of the raw material for sul- In the spot sulfur market and resulting quarterly the Far East back in May being made as far forward as
furic acid producers. We previously noted around 2.4m t settlements, prices have remained firm due to the snug for 4Q shipment with demand firm in the west of Suez
of lost production between Europe and the United States availability. This is despite a lack of notable import buy- while nearby markets such as India were not paying up.
alone just last year compared with 2019. ing liquidity in the key import market of China since 2Q. Over the past few months, the growth rate in CFR val-
While on a longer-term basis we still expect overall Despite reduced sulfur supply, there is a notable ues in India and southeast Asia have been much slower
growth in sulfur production as new refining and natural amount of sulfur-based acid moving to meet demand in than most other markets.
gas processing capacity comes online, we anticipate an the merchant market rather than for captive consump- In addition to low prompt availability contributing
impact on trade flows. This is because new sources of tion. In some cases, it is from atypical sources because to higher prices, market participants have been dealing
production will be mainly concentrated east of Suez, of the favorable economics. with higher freight rates. As an example, freight from
helping offset the overall decline in the west of Suez. Meanwhile, we have seen a loss of sulfur-based Japan/South Korea to Chile was within the range of
There is also increasing interest in how the long- supply in the UK with a closure at Runcorn with more $57-68/t CFR in 1Q21 before climbing to the $80s/t in
term shift towards lower carbon emissions and electric challenging sulfur sourcing post Covid-19 a contribut- May where it remained as of late 3Q. Drivers for higher
vehicles (EVs) will effect sulfur produced by the refin- ing factor. The loss of this supply of around 200,000 t/ freight rates include constrained cargo availability and
ing sector, which has historically represented around yr is adding to reduced smelter acid spot exports from Covid-19 impacts.
50% of elemental sulfur output globally. Meanwhile, Europe as buyers seek alternative supply from nearby As we look to 2022 and market participants deter-
the EV trend continues to bode well for sulfur and markets. mine their strategies in a bullish market, freight will be
sulfuric acid demand, including to support production We have also seen several operational issues and a key component of the thought process.
of raw materials such as copper and lithium for key even labor disputes reducing sulfuric acid production, We also note the ongoing gap in sulfuric acid pric-
components. squeezing an already tight market. This has been preva- ing in the east of Suez versus the west of Suez with the
Shifting back to the present, many commodity lent in North America (for example) where a smelter in former lagging behind in terms of pricing. This makes
prices have remained firm in recent months. In our last Canada (Vale – Sudbury) was idled back in June due to preparing for longer-term price discussions rather dif-
article we discussed how copper pricing hit a 10-year strike action. A restart of the acid plant was expected ficult for both the buy and sell sides. The gap between
high in February 2021. Since then, pricing for the red around mid-September. In the United States, notable prices in the east and the west will likely have to close,
metal has firmed even further. We have also continued unplanned operational issues have been seen in part due or at least narrow, before formal price discussions can
to see firm phosphate fertilizer pricing. This is in turn to weather events. progress meaningfully. This begs the question: Will
supporting consumption for both sulfur and sulfuric In the meantime, supply options to cover these CFR prices in the east rise further, or will CFR prices
acid at peak levels. disruptions has been limited with essentially no spot in the west soften?
supply available out of its traditional supply source of Looking to next year, we also continue to focus on
The firm demand as well as tight supply availabil-
Europe. European smelters have been focusing on acid the unpredictability of the Chinese market. This year
ity for both products has of course resulted in a tick up
deliveries to the domestic market that saw a shortage there has been a notable amount of sulfur-based sulfuric
in pricing accordingly. But with pricing for most down-
of molten sulfur in 1H21. Smelters here have also been acid moved offshore due to favorable economics. But at
stream products firm, it has allowed for easier absorp-
prioritizing product to contractual buyer in Morocco– the same time, exports of smelter acid have been limited
tion of higher raw material costs.
fertilizer producer OCP. in part because domestic acid prices in China remain
In the acid market for example, we have seen the
In the world’s largest acid import market of Chile, firm. For 2022, key factors will be the health of the
average Chilean spot sulfuric acid price climb in tan-
we saw strike action averted in June that would have domestic market as well as copper market fundamentals
dem with copper pricing in recent months as reflected
had a notable impact on consumption. Since then, acid that will influence smelter performance accordingly.
prices have risen steadily with a notable amount of spot
demand to cover in 2H. Acuity Commodities provides insight into the sulfur and
Globally some buyers have tried to show resistance sulfuric acid markets through price assessments, data, and
to the price growth. For example, we have seen a few supporting analysis. Offerings include weekly reports on
buyers scrap purchase tenders citing high price offers. the global sulfur and sulfuric acid markets and a bi-weekly
In the end, however, business is usually concluded due report focusing on North America as well as bespoke con-
to lack of other options, and we have seen re-tenders sulting work. Please visit for
attracting even higher price offers. And while some detailed information. q
SO 2
Decrease Reduce Energy
OPEX emissions efficiency
The majority of the sulfur present in the market is pro- to micron size particles. reverse when the pH get neutralized or slightly acidic. The wa-
duced from refinery waste, where hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is Sulfurnet performed some ter that contains the product of the reaction is thus brought to
converted to sulfur by the Claus process. The sulfur is de- practical tests in a sulfur plant that a treatment tank where sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is added
gassed and then prilled, pelletised, and distributed all over the melted 20 m ton sulfur per hour. We to form sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium sulfate (Na2SO4),
globe. This solid sulfur contains low concentrations of H2S measured the sulfur flour produced as seen in reaction 3. The treated water is then sent to a water
and during transport water will accumulate (mainly depending and then compared the experimental cleaning facility for further processing.
on the method of storage). data with the results obtained from
When remelting solid sulfur, gaseous emissions are con- a semi-empirical model that was de- Reaction 3: Na2S + 4 NaOCl 4 NaCl + Na2SO4
stantly being produced. From the evaporated water, H2S will veloped in house. The results found
partially release and a lesser known, invisible, and corrosive during testing came within a devia- The non-reacted sodium hydrogen solution is recycled in
product called sulfur flour is formed. tion as close as 10% of the estab- the system, preventing losses of the water solution.
Due to environmental regulations, the levels of H2S emis- lished model.
sion have to be minimized. This can be done by installing a Based on that outcome a new
conventional gas scrubbing system like a spray tower. In a process was developed that com-
spraying tower, H2S is removed from the gas by bringing it bines the removal of sulfur flour Sulfur flour deposit in
into contact with a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or with a H2S neutralization step. piping.
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The H2S reacts with these chemi- In the initial step, the vapor
cals and is neutralized. from the sulfur melter is intensively mixed with a caustic solu-
However, the amount of sulfur flour formed during sulfur tion. During this step, a large amount of sulfur flour is knocked
melting disturbs the scrubbing process. A conventional scrub- out of the gas stream with the liquid solution. The second step
ber will work only 2-3 days and then an intensive cleaning consists of spraying the gas stream, now almost free of par-
process has to be performed. ticles, with the NaOH solution to neutralize the H2S. This re-
The formation of sulfur flour is a complex process; it de- sults in sodium bisulfide (NaHS) and water (H2O). The NaHS
pends on various parameters such as the humidity of the vapor, reacts further in the presence of the basic environment to form
gas volume, and gas-temperature, as well as the temperature of sodium sulphide (Na2S) as seen in reactions 1 and 2. Fig. 1: Gas treatment sulfur melting tank.
the liquid sulfur. With this new process, Sulphurnet is in the position to
The vapor exiting the melting tank consists of an aerosol. Reaction 1: H2S + NaOH NaHS + H2O analyze the quantity of sulfur flour formed in the process as
The sulfur that nucleates on these particles can be either solid Reaction 2: NaHS + NaOH Na2S + H2O well as provide a valid end-of-pipe-solution in the sulfur melt-
or liquid as mentioned in the research literature. The particle ing section.
size distribution varies widely and can range from sub-micron These reactions happen under basic conditions and may For more information, visit q
Phone: (713) 405-3545 | [email protected]
plants during the pandemic By: Martha Villasenor, Regional Sales Manager, Weir Minerals
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed staff at the customer’s site could not bring to
what customer support looks like for nearly the workshop for inspection. The team suit-
all businesses and organizations worldwide. ed up with appropriate PPE, went inside the
Sales and customer service teams are dis- tower, and realized that the suction strainer
covering new ways to provide help as social was blocked with ceramic fragments, result-
distancing and working remotely become ing in starvation for one of the pumps. The
the standard. What has not changed, how- team advised how this problem could be
ever, is the need for customers to feel con- solved without buying unnecessary parts by
nected and know that they are supported. focusing on the root cause. The customer
These fundamental aspects of caring for the was very thankful that Weir Minerals was
customer remain essential in 2021. willing to accommodate their request and
Prior to the pandemic, we had the oppor- provide a solution.
tunity to visit acid plants around the globe. The maintenance superintendent at the
We went onsite and talked to the process, site said, “Oftentimes, salespeople from
maintenance, purchasing, and engineering other suppliers come and try to sell us their
teams to learn about their needs, upcoming product even if there is no true need and we
turnarounds, and new projects or expan- are misguided. We have to allocate our bud-
sions. These visits also allowed us to become get carefully and your honesty proves to us
acquainted with new hires, understand cus- Cristian Gonzalez, Weir Minerals product that your company has ethical professionals
tomer challenges, and offer advice on how to manager, suited up to inspect pump in genuinely interested in helping us be cost
improve operational uptime based on exam- absorption tower. effective and solve our problems.” Shield was removed from roller bearing in a
ining wear patterns and specific scenarios. As employees started visiting cus- failed maintenance attempt from third-party
As we entered the pandemic, all plants tools prior to Covid-19, they had not been tomer sites under special requirements, it shop.
started to adapt to social distancing and exploited to the extent that was used during was refreshing that we could get to the
the peak of the pandemic. A recent inquiry was sent to one of the
enhanced safety protocols. Operation man- customers who we struggled to reach via
As the pandemic continued and some Weir Minerals sales engineers in Mexico for
agers started coordinating teleconferences video conference. A smelter in Mexico has
restrictions were being lifted, it became pos- a plant that had been experiencing short life
for internal meetings and it became very a policy that restricted the use of computers
sible to visit customers onsite for specific for the roller bearing. The Weir Minerals
difficult to be on site physically. All matters and cell phones except for a few key per-
problems and needs by obtaining special team had a video conference with the cus-
were limited to phone conversations and sonnel. When we met with the Maintenance
approval and Covid-19 antigen tests. Some tomer and discovered that the repair shop
online meetings. Roundtable events were Manager at the site, we discussed 13 main-
countries, like Chile, required us to be removed the shields from the roller bearing
also cancelled, which decreased the amount tenance and process challenges and a solu-
quarantined prior to our site visit. Cristian in an attempt to grease the bearings. This
of information shared, resulting in a lack tion for each one. We discovered why one is not standard practice and is the main
of understanding of new challenges in the Gonzalez, a Weir Minerals product manager of the pumps was drawing more amperage
in Chile, talked about how he and his team reason for the shortened life of the bearings.
customer’s operation. All of these changes that eventually caused a process disruption Weir Minerals also found that the customer
are good and are essential to slowing the had to follow strict guidelines provided by when the motor breakers turned off. We
the Chilean government before visiting a obtained the bearing lock nut and washer
spread of Covid-19, but how do we still pro- were able to identify the pump and while from a third-party and did not use OEM
vide support without being onsite to discuss customer’s operation to inspect one of their it was almost identical to one of the pumps
pumps when its performance decreased. spares. We were able to provide the solution
operational concerns face-to-face? on another line (only ¼” difference on the and offer repairs and other services through
In addition, sulfuric acid plants sudden- “In order to make the visit possible, impeller trim), we advised the customer not
we followed legal procedures to quarantine one of our local service centers.
ly faced a decrease in production due to a to use those pumps as the slightly smaller As the world evolves and acid plant
limited number of onsite staff and a decrease prior to the visit on site; applying for the impeller would overload the pump’s motor.
permit and submitting all the requirements,” knowledge diminishes with staff retiring,
in demand as the global economy slowed. The pumps were not identical as the opera- we need to use technology even more to
As the world realized that the Covid-19 Cristian says. “The maintenance and process tor had assumed.
staff at this customer site were very grate- exchange information, communicate, and
pandemic was not going away soon, we On another visit, we went to a sulfur solve problems for our customers. The
had to reevaluate what it looked like to ful that we agreed to visit them and went chemicals plant in Mexico and met the newly
through the government process to comply Covid-19 pandemic has pushed us all to
provide service and care to our customers. hired Maintenance Superintendent. After become more creative in working around
We understood that we had to adapt to the with Covid prevention regulations. In this the site visit, our Weir Minerals product
particular case, the Superintendent went physical limitations. The world will keep
new landscape of people working remotely manager in Mexico coordinated an online getting smaller as we bridge the physical
and figure out how to remain consistent, through all the steps to make sure we could training in Spanish to familiarize the cus- and knowledge gaps with technology. Our
and even excel in providing support to our get permission to be on site. We inspected tomer with the sulfuric acid nuances when business, like many others, has embraced
customers in this new normal. the pumps that they were able to get out of using vertical pumps. The Maintenance this form of conducting business so we can
One of the first items on our agen- the towers and bring to the workshop.” Superintendent was very pleased to learn be available anytime, anywhere.
da was to reconnect with our customers. During this visit, Cristian and his team the capabilities Weir Minerals could provide Founded in 1871, The Weir Group
We held video conferences with our users found other pumps in the towers that the for Lewis® pumps per the factory protocol. PLC is a premium mining technology busi-
and representatives providing training and “This plant used to have people that had ness whose purpose is to make customers’
seminars. We exchanged video recordings decades of experience with Lewis pumps operations more sustainable and efficient.
with our customers regarding onsite pump and they have all retired,” the Maintenance The Group is ideally positioned to benefit
operations to learn about any new issues and Superintendent said. “We find ourselves from structural trends that support long-
monitor the existing equipment to ensure in a situation where the knowledge was term demand for its technology including
it was running properly. To accommodate not passed on and this reaching out from the need for more essential metals to sup-
the customer’s social distancing guidelines, the Lewis representative and factory is of port economic development and carbon
we repeated several online sessions due to extreme relevance to our team and very transition. Weir’s highly engineered tech-
the limited number of people physically much appreciated.” nology enables these critical resources to
allowed in the conference room at the cus- The General Director expressed his be produced with less energy, water, and
tomer’s location. As supply chains required satisfaction with the reliability of the pumps; waste - reducing customers’ total cost of
longer lead times, we were able to keep cus- the role they play in maximizing uptime for ownership. The Group has 13,000 employ-
tomers updated about delays quickly so they Absorption tower pump shows no evidence their operation; and why this knowledge is ees in over 60 countries.
could react and plan ahead. While many of high acid corrosion from blocked suction of extreme importance for the recently hired For more information, visit
companies were using these communication strainer. maintenance staff. q
● Engineering Studies
Hydrogen generation and ignition in sulfuric acid tion vis-a-vis the gas flowrate is almost undetectable. Most of the stack in low concentration levels. But in a stagnant
plants is an old and well discussed topic, but as we turn plant operators are not aware that it is present. plant, or a plant with low air movement, hydrogen can
over industry personnel, it is advisable to keep it in front of accumulate in high points, such as in the tops of acid
experienced plant operators as well as fresh faces for whom towers. Because hydrogen is diffusive, it mixes well with
it may be new material. This article offers a good general
The impact of process technology process gas which contains oxygen. Even normal process
overview. changes gases such as NO2, NO, and SO2 can participate in the reac-
The relative surface area of steel within an acid plant tion–reducing the LEL and increasing the energy release.
has increased over time with advances in the process tech- Once hydrogen builds up to a value exceeding its lower
Hydrogen formation nology. Introduction of new flow schemes and new equip- explosive limit of 4% (or less), an ignition source will start
Hydrogen forms by way of the following overall
ment designs has provided high points where the hydrogen a fire. If these elements are located within a confined space,
chemical reaction:
may collect if not continuously removed. These changes an ignition source will cause an explosion. There are many
Fe + H2SO4 FeSO4 + H2 over the last fifty years have generated a relatively new set confined spaces within an acid plant.
This reaction involves the exchange of electrons which of risk concerns and requirements for operator attention. The key point is worth repeating: operation of the
the iron loses and the hydrogen gains. This type of reaction As noted, corrosion in sulfuric acid plants generates acid plant’s main compressor will help to reduce hydrogen
is called an electrochemical reaction and can be described hydrogen. Contact of metal surfaces with weak acid can concentrations and minimize the confined space risk factor.
in part by its two half-cell reactions involving the electron increase corrosion rates of these metals by several orders However, if the main compressor is shut down by either
transfer as follows: of magnitude. As corrosion rates rise, hydrogen generation intent or by interlock, the risk of fire and explosion can
Fe Fe++ + 2e− rates also increase. Over time, hydrogen forms gas bubbles increase dramatically. It should be stressed once again that
2H+ + 2e− H2 in the acid. The movement of gas bubbles flowing through maintaining the air flow to purge the plant is key–bypassing
These equations balance both in terms of mass and the acid can disturb the passive oxide or sulfate film that and overriding interlocks if necessary.
electric charge. Neither mass nor energy is being created builds up on surfaces containing sulfuric acid, in turn fur- It is also worth noting that in the last decade or so,
nor destroyed. ther increasing corrosion rates. there have been an average of one or two hydrogen explo-
The iron oxidation reaction (loss of electrons) occurs sion incidents per year, mostly or almost entirely once the
at the metal surface, the anode, i.e. where the acid comes
into contact with iron, nickel, or chromium equipment. The Limiting corrosion plant has been shut down. The energy release even at LEL
concentrations is adequate to significantly damage equip-
hydrogen reduction reaction occurs at the cathode, which, Many common materials used in acid plants cause
ment, cause extensive down time, and incur hefty repair
in the case of a sulfuric acid plant, is in the bulk solution. only acceptable corrosion rates within relatively small
costs. And, most importantly, these incidents can put per-
It can be shown in simple form using the classical electro- concentration ranges and temperature ranges. Acid veloc-
sonnel in harm’s way.
chemical cell sketch in Fig. 1. The conductivity of the solu- ity may also have an effect. Equipment and piping must
be kept within their prescribed operating windows to keep Purging the plant prior to entering a shutdown will
tion allows the transfer of electrons to occur more willingly. help flush hydrogen out of the plant. Installing high point
The higher the acid conductivity (i.e. the weaker the acid corrosion rates low. It is critical to monitor and maintain
appropriate instrumentation for leak detection around vents in accessible locations and opening those vents after
strength) the more rapidly this reaction can proceed. purging the plant will help release hydrogen that can con-
equipment such as acid coolers that have water and acid
Sulfuric acid plants are comprised primarily of various tinue to form. Use of automated valves is recommended to
on opposing sides of metal tubes. Response to acid cooler
steels in the strong acid system, so iron is a necessity. Acid speed response time and to separate workers opening the
leaks must be swift to minimize equipment damage and
hydrogen generation. Not only will the water rapidly dilute valves from the explosion potential. Isolating equipment,
acid outside of the desired concentration range for the acid draining acid and water from equipment, and rapidly react-
cooler materials, but additional heat will also be generated. ing to concentration or temperature upsets can help mini-
Acid dilution produces heat, and corrosion rates increase mize hydrogen generation. In addition, ensuring there are
with rises in acid temperature. Corrosion rates therefore effective concentration controls, dilution water interlocks,
anode cathode intensify dramatically during an acid cooler leak. and process alarms will help reduce risk of a hydrogen
(positive) (negative) The same can be said for loss of acid system concen- incident.
tration control–via control loop failure or from an upstream
oxidation reduction steam system leak. As in the cooler leak example described
earlier, the correct response includes quick detection and
electron loss anions electron gain Facilities need to take steps to prevent hydrogen inci-
(1) rapid separation of the water source from the acid as
(negative) dents: develop and drill emergency procedures, conduct
X- X+e cations M++ e M well as (2) a quick de-inventory of the acid plant equip-
operator training focusing on hydrogen awareness, and
(positive) ment. Once the weaker acid is removed from the system,
consider hydrogen for general work or hot work permitting
and the system is re-inventoried with circulating strong
to minimize hydrogen risks.
electrolyte acid, the corrosion rate subsides, and the amount of hydro-
Other steps plants can take include preventing equip-
gen generation returns to more normal levels.
ment failures by implementing a mechanical integrity
Fig. 1: Simplified sketch of electron exchange involved in program, conducting routine turnaround inspections and
hydrogen formation in a sulfuric acid plant. Preventing hydrogen ignition equipment repairs, replacing equipment prior to failures,
The elements needed for a fire are fuel, an oxidant, and and carefully monitoring process conditions. In other
condensation or maintenance of the right acid concentra- an ignition source. The elements needed for an explosion words, the aim is to prevent leaks from occurring in the first
tion in the sulfuric acid plant environment is governed are the same as those needed for a fire, but the fuel and place.
by the plant design and controlled during operation to oxidant must be mixed and located in a confined space. For Safely starting up, operating, shutting down, and main-
minimize the risk of iron (or nickel or chromium) corro- hydrogen to ignite at its lower explosive limit (LEL), the taining sulfuric acid plants are thus the keys to minimizing
sion and resulting hydrogen evolution. Yet there are certain energy required is very low–almost undetectable. the risk of an incident caused by the presence of hydrogen.
baseline levels of corrosion and hence baseline levels of Hydrogen is a very effective fuel and is extremely For more information, visit
hydrogen evolution that occur on a continuous basis. With buoyant and diffusive. Hydrogen will normally flow com or email Chris Salgado at Christopher.Salgado@
good concentration control, this level of hydrogen genera- through an acid plant with the bulk gas and be carried out q
1 00,000
ours of continuous
operation with no
• Moisture Leak Detection • Control of Weak Acid
• Periodic Dew Point Production
Measurement • Control of Sulfurization Air
• Economizer Water Tube • ESP Performance
Temperature Control • Breen ADM Probe
• Breen SA Probe*
removal process took approximately 41
days. At the request of the client, on the
last shift of the project, confined space
East Canton, Ohio (USA) - Baytown, Texas (USA)
Santiago, Chile - Parramatta, Australia - Seoul, Korea - Istanbul, Turkey
Visit us on the web: | Phone: +1 (330) 488-1651 Cleaning robots are operated from within
climate-controlled cabin set up temporarily
at the job site.
KochKnightSulfuricAcidQtrPageAd.indd 1 9/14/17 4:06 PM
PAGE 18 Sulfuric Acid Today • Fall/Winter 2021
Maximize uptime in combustion furnaces Spent acid producers are changing to Optimize performance based on the
by minimizing downtime caused by clogged high-efficiency air atomizing sulfur guns operating conditions in your furnace
sulfur guns. Our new CBA WhirlJet® sulfur for better decomposition without carryover. prior to purchase. Using Computational
gun is recessed into the steam jacket to Using less air than other guns, our FloMax® Fluid Dynamics, we can determine the
ensure temperature uniformity even when sulfur guns produce small, uniformly-sized ideal drop size and gun placement to
sulfur flow is decreased or turned off and droplets that evaporate quickly and eliminate post-installation problems like
greatly reduces the risk of pluggage. Upgrade maximize process efficiency. wall wetting, carryover and damage
without disruption – the performance of the to downstream equipment.
CBA guns is the same as our BA WhirlJet
sulfur guns.
“Let’s get an air mover on it.” This is a phrase we have must also be considered as multiple bends can lower ef-
all heard time and again during outages. Process-related fective blower capacities. Additional blowers can be used
gases have always presented challenges to operators and in unison to provide the increased capacity if needed. An
maintenance teams alike. They can wreak havoc on out- important point to remember is that any equipment used at
age schedules or worse, put workers and equipment at risk. the manway should not impede access to and egress from
Many factors contribute to the successful ventilation of a the confined space in the event a rescue is required.
work area, particularly when working in confined spaces. Tailoring equipment needs for the duration of an out-
The unique configurations of plant interiors can turn what age is essential to preventing delays. Establishing a plot
seems like an easy solution into a complex undertaking. It is plan of power sources and blowers needed will increase
important that the proper steps are taken to ensure the safety efficiency and ensure that no tasks are overlooked. If an
of workers, keep equipment in operation, and minimize dis- electrical source is unavailable, the use of portable genera-
ruption to outage schedules. tors may be necessary as long as they are positioned where
When planning for outage ventilation, potential pro- engine exhaust cannot affect the work area. Pneumatic
cess gasses must be identified and communicated to af- blowers are also an option when power sources are limited.
fected work groups. Sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide are Electrically powered AC units are an effective way to keep
the obvious offenders in the process, but gases such as NOx temperatures low in the confined space while still providing
may be present due to operating conditions or byproducts of the proper air flow. However, if the entry point is elevated
sulfur, ore, spent sulfuric acid, or weak sulfuric acid. Gases or space is limited, portable fans may be more practical.
that could be introduced to the space should be analyzed as Decontamination: Blowing air in from a bottom manway Radial fans are compact and can move more air in a circular
well. When hot work is performed within a confined space, and out through a top manway can maximize air motion before pushing it outward. Ducts should match the
toxic gases from fluxes or rod coatings can affect the air changes. blower application and should be limited in length so as not
quality. Hexavalent chromium can also become a hazard to reduce the required air flow.
depending on the hot work being performed. Recently, in- There are additional considerations that can assist in
dustry emphasis has been put on hydrogen gas formation the proper ventilation of process vessels during outages. Al-
and its risks throughout the shutdown and outage. Knowing lowing operations enough time to properly blow through
the characteristics of these gases will assist in the creation the system during cooldown can greatly reduce or eliminate
of a ventilation plan and the implementation of respiratory the presence of sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide gases. As-
protection for potentially affected workers. sessing high points and ensuring that any engineered relief
Properly ventilating a work area requires a detailed as- valves are in the open position can prevent hydrogen gas
sessment with calculations. Some confined spaces present pockets from forming due to weak acid or iron oxide forma-
challenges due to their size, shape, and internal configura- tion. Quickly removing sulfates can reduce the presence of
tion. Initially, the volume of the space needs to be calcu- NOx under certain conditions. Isolation and blinding proce-
lated. Prints or drawings of vessels can provide a basis to dures can also contribute if there is a known contamination
get some initial measurements, but they need to be verified. source that can be separated from the work area.
Although the size of the space does not dictate the types Even with the preparation and execution of a ventila-
of ventilation needed, it is necessary to calculate the air tion plan, confined space air monitoring and proper respi-
changes per hour (ACH). ACH is how many times per hour ratory protection must be assessed and implemented. Air
the air is completely replaced in the confined space. ACH Tunneling: Tunneling allows for unimpeded access to monitoring is a requirement that confirms the ventilation
numbers vary based on national, state, and local require- a top entry where only one manway is available. plan is working. If ventilation equipment or power fails
ments. If the ACH is not a requirement, it should still be during confined space entry, air monitoring can provide a
established based on the severity of toxics present. Once warning to the affected workers to exit the confined space
the volume and ACH are determined, they can be multiplied safely. Potential toxics and their concentrations will dic-
then divided by 60 minutes to calculate the velocity needed tate respiratory protection requirements. Workers must be
to replace the air. trained on the potential effects of gases, certified to don the
Ventilation plans are not necessarily interchangeable required respirator, and understand the procedures to fol-
when moving from one vessel to another. Oddly shaped or low should levels become elevated. Ultimately, respiratory
configured spaces may require additional airflow capacity protection is a redundancy needed to protect workers from
or duct work to get the proper exchange rate. A standard the unknowns of gas formation.
vertical vessel without internals can be ventilated easily Ventilation remains a vital component to the safety
using the decontamination method where air is pushed in of outage work. Developing and implementing ventilation
through the bottom and out of the top. If a top entry is re- plans will reduce or eliminate risks associated with process
quired to perform work, the tunneling method can be used gases. Arranging for reliable equipment and power sources
where a blower is installed on a bottom manway and ambi- ensures that work can continue safely and uninterrupted.
ent air is naturally brought in through a top manway. Hori- Air monitoring confirms that ventilation plans are success-
zontal vessels such as certain pump tank designs are more ful and alerts workers of any changes to the atmospheres
likely to require the use of ducting for proper air flow. The within confined spaces. While these steps are not as simple
internals of towers, exchangers, economizers, and convert- Short Circuit: Depending on the location, opening as “getting an air mover on it,” they serve as a fundamental
ers will greatly influence the air flow needed for ACH num- additional manways can cause diminished air reminder that we must follow through on our responsibility
bers. If additional manways are open to atmosphere, a short changes and potentially trap gases. to protect workers.
circuit can occur and reduce air flow. The angles of ducts For more information, please visit q
The BASF Quattro Family
Plant Audit
Start-up &
plant operation
Sulphurnet successfully
installed the first fully
Construction & Self Cleaning
Liquid Sulphur Filter.
E&P Phase
innovative measuring systems monitor con-
to be combined. Conventional measuring centrations, compositions, property chang-
methods often map only one measurand es or substance transformations directly in
and neglect the influence of the resulting Ensuring the complete conversion of toxic the process. Special calculation methods
salts. In addition, in many cases the process components while using scrubbing liquid efficiently and highly developed sensor technolo-
is monitored in a very time-consuming
is often a challenge for process engineers. gies enable reliable and fast measurement
manner by sampling and titration. The results even under difficult process condi-
LiquiSonic® process measuring system tions. For more information, visit www.
analyzes concentrations of both the washing q
[email protected] ●
Since the mid-1980s the sulfuric acid manufacturing point with the Breen probe had similar short term operating
industry has desired a maintenance-free, early indication life and considerable maintenance requirements that made
of moisture ingress (most likely from boiler or economizer the use of traditional continuous acid dew point monitoring
tube leaks) into their sulfuric acid manufacturing process. a failure in the first three months of development.
It was understood that if there was moisture present in the After discussion with industry experts, Breen deter-
process gas, that the acid dew point temperature of the mined that to keep the sensor free of process condensables
gas would increase. So, it was decided that if one could for the long term and provide moisture leak detection, the
measure the acid dew point continuously, producers could probe would have to operate “above dew point cycle.” The
monitor the trends and an increase of acid dew point would above dew point cycle would allow the probe to operate in Fig. 3: Breen-SA Probe normal cycle and check cycle.
indicate a leak, or moisture ingress into the process gas. the duct at a temperature higher than the process gas dew
This desire brought about decades of frustration, point, but low enough to detect an increase, or step change,
while the industry trial and errored an acid dew point meter in process gas dew point. The commercial design for the
technology through various phases of commercial design. Breen-SA Probe can be seen in Fig. 1.
Finally, after multiple attempts, the industry gave up and
the acid dew point meter manufacturer discontinued their
Fig. 4: Leak detection simulation.
In 2016, the industry discovered that there was a sec-
assumed that the air pressure was not powerful enough to
ond manufacturer of acid dew point technology who had
designed a robust system for permanent installation in tra- push sufficient air into the duct.
ditional combustion applications. Breen, part of Mississippi Subsequently, the process engineer put water into
Lime Company, was approached for a solution. the pressure point line and used instrument air to push
The criteria given were “simple”—survive in a stan- that water into the duct. The amount of water added was
dard acid plant process gas condition, without maintenance approximately a gallon. At 13:15 we can see the probe
or failures for a year, and the industry would regard the immediately responded to the event. It was concluded, with
product suitable for use in their applications. Responding a fairly strong certainty, that the probe is very responsive to
to the request from the industry, Breen and the sulfuric acid even small amounts of moisture.
industry collaborated to develop a commercially available There were also other minor responses in the previous
permanently installed sulfuric “acid dew point” monitor. weeks which were believed to have been caused when other
pressure point lines were cleaned out.
Meeting ASTM C279 standards for use in new construction and refurbishment of existing structures in
sulphuric acid plants including towers, process vessels, floors, sumps, pits, etc.
A-103 Mastic® is Still Available and in
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When your plant has a product that has proven successful for
over forty years, why change? With this in mind, Alphatherm
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integral piece of the Sulphuric Acid Tower lining system intact.
Made from the same ingredients with A DECADES OLD RECIPE,
A-103 continues to be the workhorse membrane in Acid Plants
Industrial Linings for Sulphuric Acid Plants.
Absorption Towers, Pump Tanks, Sulphur Pits,
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Accept No Imitations!
This is THE ONLY A-103 Mastic® made with the original
Acid Brick, Acid Resistant Mortar, Membranes,
Carbon Brick, Polymer Concrete, Refractories, Pecora recipe.
Teflon, Ceramic Paper and Blanket, Ceramic
Rope, Borosilicate Block A-103 MASTIC is a registered trademark of Alphatherm Inc.
the plant hesitated to bring the unit offline until the follow- detection test with successful results (Fig. 11).
ing traditional methods indicated a leak: Quoting the customer: “By injecting some small vol-
1 Increase in economizer temperature. umes of water into the duct upstream, the probe responded
2 Condensate in the economizer drains. with a spike in conductivity, whereas none of our existing
3 Indication from the dilution water flow. methods picked up such a small ‘slug’ of moisture. This
was a great achievement in validating early detection in our
plant with the Breen probe, so our next steps would be to
look at making the probe a permanent install and integra-
tion to our DCS.”
To further support the commercialization of the Breen
SA-Probe, the measurement philosophy has been proven
Fig. 6: Leak detection from Breen-SA Probe vs. dilution effective to detect both large and small moisture leaks,
water flow. consistently responding to moisture ingress into the pro-
cess in real-time and demonstrably quicker than traditional
Advanced detection of The dew point measurement provides solid trending
“undetectable” leaks of the process gas dew point over time as well as in situ
In our previous Sulfuric Acid Today editorials, one can verification of sensor function through the automatic and
view the leak detection capabilities of the system. The early Fig. 9: Economizer temperature and dilution water flow. periodic system “check cycle” (dew point measurement).
detection of tube leaks was well documented and confirmed As of the date of this publication, the Breen SA-Probe,
by site operations. The same plant referenced earlier had “acid dew point” monitor, has logged over 100,000 hours
Root cause analysis showed that there was a very
run leak free for almost a year, when, subsequently in June of operation, with zero failures of the measurement system.
small leak in the waste heat boiler shell close to the tube
2020, the Breen SA-Probe system indicated a high process Equally important, there has been zero maintenance hours
sheet/shell weld. This small leak was most likely the source on any permanently installed system, outside of probe
dew point at the waste heat boiler outlet and the economizer
outlet systems beginning on June 16th. Multiple dew point of the original moisture ingress and all indications show cleaning and re-installation during a scheduled production
measurements were taken to verify the higher dew points. that the SA-Probe responded to the leak as expected. The train turnaround.
(See Fig. 7, June 14-June 30) leak then propagated into the tube sheet, causing the further Breen attributes this success to the cooperation of the
rise in dew points and conductivity and ultimately (30 days engineers and staff at our various commercial beta sites and
later) condensate was detected in the economizer drain. the industry acceptance of the “above dew point” measure-
ment logic, which provides for continuous detection of
moisture ingress, and periodic measurement of process gas
The latest data available test results dew point measurement.
From May-July, 2021, a new customer had been run-
For more information, visit q
ning their system continuously, first measuring dew point
weekly and subsequently shifting to daily measurements,
with no sign of probe fouling (Fig. 10). Footnotes
Subsequently this same plant performed a moisture [1] Information developed and presented by the Hydrogen
Safety Workgroup.
Fig. 7: Progressive increase in dew point. [2] “The Latest in Sulfuric Acid Plant Process Gas Dew
Point/Moisture Leak Detection,” Sulfuric Acid Today, Fall/
Winter 2020, Vol. 27, p. 30-32.
As Fig. 7 shows, from June 16th through July 14th, the
dew point temperatures progressed upwards over time.
Finally, around July 16th, the evaporation temperature Daniel T. Menniti, 2020 “Detecting Real-Time Moisture
of the condensate rose above the process gas temperatures Leaks in Acid Plant Process Gas,” Sulfuric Acid Today,
and the condensate could not be evaporated from the sen- 32-33, Spring/Summer 2020, Vol. 26 No. 1.
sors (Fig. 8). Fig. 10: Weekly and daily dew point trends.
Having little experience with the Breen technology, Daniel T. Menniti, 2019 “Detecting Moisture Leaks,”
Hydrocarbon Engineering, 65-67, January, 2020.
Fig. 8: Moisture ingress causing high temperature conden- Fig. 11: Small volume water injection into the process gas Daniel T. Menniti, 2017 “Acid Dew Point Measurement,”
sation without evaporation. duct. Hydrocarbon Engineering, 72-74, October, 2017.
( 2 8 1) 8 2 4 9 3 42 IN FO @S WR - U S . C O M
Clark Solutions: 30 years of continuous
This year Clark Solutions celebrated Southern hemisphere. Developed in 2016 and continually opti-
its 30th anniversary. For three decades, Wire mesh mist eliminators, invented mized since, this model lowers pressure
the company has been solving complex 1959 by Dr. Otto H. York, consist of a mesh drop by 35-50% compared to standard
problems for our industry, developing new formed by extremely fine-knitted metal saddles used to enhance tower capacity.
technologies and bringing state-of-the-art fabric that is woven, corrugated, and lay- In 1997, Koch Industries acquired
solutions to customers. ered in such a way as to provide a very high Otto H. York Company and its mother
This article is a retrospective of what surface area and high void fraction. This company Koch-Glitsch and, in 2003, NC
we accomplished and contributed, espe- construction enhances mist elimination by formed a joint venture with Koch-Glitsch
cially for the sulfuric acid market. inertial impaction and direct interception of to manufacture and improve the line of
droplets, while the gas easily bypasses the solutions in mist elimination and mass
Thirty years of continuous wire obstacles imposing low pressure drop. transfer, creating the company Clark-Koch.
By the time NC started this manufac- At that time, the almost 25 year business
innovation ture, high-capacity eliminator models were relationship with MECS came to an end.
Nelson Clark Engenharia (NC) was improved by employing geometric changes
Fig. 5: Largest sulfuric acid towers in
The production of fiberglass Brownian Brazil, by Clark Solutions.
founded in 1991 as the exclusive rep- and multilayer designs with different wire diffusion mist eliminators started in 2005.
resentative in Brazil and Chile of the characteristics. and many improvement ideas that have
These candle-type filters are mostly applied
former Monsanto Enviro-Chem Systems Also, co-knitting wires with extremely in drying, absorption, and heat recovery been implemented over the years.
(MECS) for Sulfuric Acid Products and fine multi-filaments of fiberglass, PTFE, towers, due to the massive presence of fine Today, Clark Solutions FiberBed®
Technologies. PET, and other thermoplastic or thermoset
(<1 µm) mist generated by condensation fully automated manufacturing allows a
Early in 1992, the company started a polymers radically increased particle col-
chemical reaction. wide variety of arrangements with unique
successful business relationship with Otto lection surface area, which, in turn, pro-
H. York Company Inc., which culminated To efficiently collect such fine drop- capabilities such as fiber variable traction
vided a similar increase in mist elimination
in 1995 with the licensing to NC of the lets, mechanisms that take advantage (density) control, continuous pressure drop
rights and technology for the manufac- of Brownian diffusion phenomena are monitoring, and different winding patterns
Wire mesh 100% capture efficien-
ture of Otto H. York’s wire mesh mist required. When particles are this small, (parallel or angled), along with multiple
cy improved from 10-micron particles to
eliminators. At that time, Clark Solutions they follow a random pattern generated diameters, heights, and bed thicknesses.
2-micron particles due to these develop-
was, and still is, one of the very few wire by the fluid in which they are suspended. In 2018, Clark Solutions introduced an
mesh mist eliminator manufacturers in the They follow their path until they collide innovative DrySeal™ device that seals the
Today, Clark Solution’s MaxiMesh® is
with the glass fibers from the mist elimi-
widely used in the sulfuric acid, petroleum,
and chemical industries, where its applica- nators. The grid that holds the fibers can
tion has provided important lessons learned be made of different materials depending
and technological enhancements to the on the application.
product’s development. Clark’s candle filter manufacturing
By 1999, NC Engenharia devel- started with vast accumulated experience
oped the capacity to manufacture ceramic
saddles for absorption and drying tow-
ers. Mass transfer media also progressed
toward more effective contact area and
Fig. 1: Co-knitted MaxiMesh® model shows lower pressure drops, two often compet-
the increased surface area. ing factors. Due to acid concentrations and
temperatures in the process, acid-resistant
ceramic packing was most commonly used.
The packing’s geometric complexity was
limited to what is mechanically robust and
manufacturable in large-scale. Fig. 6: Testing high efficiency trough-type
One of the first widely known packing acid distributors.
is the cylindric Pall Rings, a geometrical
design dating back to 1907. It has seen
surface area improvements Lessing Rings
and Cross Partition Rings. Other popular
ceramic packing is the Berl Saddle from
the 1930s, which in the 1950s evolved to
saddles, a very successful geometry that
Fig. 3: FiberBed® products can be
became the industry standard for sulfu- customized to meet specific requirements.
ric acid tower applications. Of course,
there were also many improvements to
the geometry and ceramic techniques that
increased the packed bed efficiency and/or
lowered pressure drop.
Using a quality controlled automated
process, Clark Solutions produces its stan-
dard MaxiSaddles® and its very successful
Fig. 2: MaxiSaddle® (top) and novel MaxiSaddle® BPC line, which is a more Fig. 4: Clark Solutions’ innovative Fig. 7: SAFEHR BFW® heat recovery
MaxiSaddle® BPC ceramic packing. open, low pressure drop ceramic packing. DrySeal™ system.
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