A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietari Interventions
A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietari Interventions
A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietari Interventions
DOI 10.1007/s40501-022-00259-1
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Novel Therapeutics in Mood Disorders
Keywords Nutrition · Mood disorders · Bipolar disorder · Depression · Major depressive disorders · Antidepressant
Purpose Despite recent advancements in the treatment of depression, the prevalence of
affected individuals continues to grow. The development of new strategies has been required
and emerging evidence has linked a possible antidepressant effect with dietary interventions.
152 Novel Therapeutics in Mood Disorders (R Mansur, Section Editor)
In this review, we discuss recent findings about the possible antidepressant effect of dietary
interventions with an emphasis on the results of randomized controlled trials.
Recent findings A high consumption of refined sugars and saturated fat and a low dietary
content of fruits and vegetables has been associated with the development of depression.
There is evidence supporting a small to moderate beneficial effect of a Mediterranean-
type diet in depression. In addition, new dietary protocols are being studied for their use
as possible interventions, such as the ketogenic diet, Nordic diet, and plant-based diet.
Summary Lifestyle interventions surrounding diet and nutrition are a relatively affordable
way to enhance response to treatment and to be employed as an adjunct in mental health
care. Most studies, however, are limited by the difficulty in controlling for the placebo
effect. Mediterranean-style diets seem to be the most promising as an adjunctive treat-
ment for mood disorders. Larger randomized controlled trials that could assess predictors
of response to dietary interventions are needed to establish a clear positive effect of diet
and guide clinical care and nutritional recommendations concerning mental health care.
Mood disorders, including major depressive disorder only important cause of mortality in individuals with
(MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD), are highly preva- mood disorders. Replicated evidence strongly indicates
lent mental illnesses which affect mood, energy lev- that individuals with mood disorders, especially BD,
els, sleep, and cognitive function [1]. Despite recent are disproportionately affected by metabolic condi-
advancements in psychopharmacology, neuromodu- tions, including obesity, prediabetes and type 2 dia-
lation, and evidence-based psychotherapies, the treat- betes, and dyslipidemia [12, 13]. Similarly, it is likely
ment of mood disorders remains clinically challenging that individuals with cancer, chronic pain, HIV, and
[2]. Most guidelines indicate symptomatic remission neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis and
as the ultimate objective of the treatment of indi- dementia will present with MDD during their lifetime
viduals with mood disorders, yet it is well known in [14]. The results of this particular combination of met-
clinical practice that most patients will deal with no abolic and mood symptoms contribute to increased
response or residual symptoms [3, 4]. In addition, it is morbidity, early mortality, treatment resistance, and
impossible to examine the limitations of antidepres- the need for highly complex treatment approaches
sant and mood-stabilizing treatments without consid- [15, 16]. Furthermore, improvements in medical care
ering that we are currently experiencing an event with and life expectancy in the general population have not
catastrophic proportions: the Covid-19 pandemic. been reflected in individuals with severe mental ill-
The long-term impact of Covid-19 on mental health nesses and the mortality gap continues to increase [17,
remains to be established, but it is possible that men- 18]. In addition to increased mortality and reduced
tal disorders, especially depression, will become even life expectancy, individuals with mood disorders pre-
more prevalent [5–7]. It will be imperative to absorb sent with psychosocial impairment early in their ill-
the personal, societal, and economic costs of mood ness with significant rates of disability and increased
disorder treatment in the post-pandemic world [8]. societal costs [19, 20].
The significant burden of MDD and BD is extensively The biological underpinnings for the association
documented in multiple domains. Individuals with between mood disorders and metabolic abnormalities
mood disorders experience a higher risk of death by remain largely unknown. Notwithstanding, genome-
suicide [9] despite relatively stable rates of suicide in wide association (GWAS) studies suggest a genetic
past decades [10] and even recent decreases in suicide basis for this association, with some genes contribut-
mortality in the USA [11]. However, suicide is not the ing to increased vulnerability to both mood disorders
A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietary Interventions: Emergent Findings Ceolin et al. 153
and obesity/metabolic syndrome [21]. In addition, cognitive performance is well documented in studies
both groups of conditions share environmental risk involving various methodologies ranging from ani-
factors (e.g., exposure to adverse situations in child- mal studies to large epidemiological cohorts [33–35].
hood, substance use, and sleep deprivation) [22, 23]. However, only very recently has psychiatry focused
The integration of genetic and environmental risk on nutrition using more systematic approaches [36,
factors resulted in the contemporaneous causal para- 37]. Lifestyle modifications including physical exer-
digm in mood disorders in which MDD and BD are cises, smoking cessation, sleep hygiene, and dietary
thought to result from the interaction between genes approaches are beginning to be cited in clinical prac-
and environment during neurodevelopment [24, 25], tice guidelines as important initial interventions for
which creates vulnerability for mood episodes [26, individuals with mood disorders [14, 38]. The objec-
27]. Interestingly, mood disorders have been associ- tive of this review is to discuss the emergent litera-
ated with premature aging [28], with different stud- ture on the antidepressant effect of dietary interven-
ies demonstrating telomere shortening and epigenetic tions with an emphasis on the results of randomized
aging in mood disorders [29–31]. controlled trials (RCT). As a rapidly evolving field,
Among the factors involved in neurodevelopment and we also offer insight regarding current challenges
aging, nutrition has been considered a critical one and solutions for advancing the study of nutritional
[32]. The association between early life nutritional approaches in mood disorders.
environment and risk for brain-based illness and poor
Taken together, the results of the interventional trials, most notably RCTs,
support an antidepressant effect of dietary interventions, especially those
which are similar to the Mediterranean diet [57, 58, 71–73]. Notwith-
standing, the results and the experience derived from the conduction of
these studies also bring some interesting and novel topics to discussion.
First, several of them, more or less explicitly, consider that mood
changes and metabolic abnormalities are part of the same syndrome, the
so-called “metabolic-mood syndrome” [74, 75]. An example is the Multi-
country cOllaborative project on the rOle of Diet, FOod-related behav-
ior, and Obesity in the prevention of Depression (MooDFOOD). In this
trial, a large community sample of 1025 overweight adults with depressive
symptoms who are not currently experiencing a major depressive epi-
sode were randomly submitted to daily nutritional supplements or food-
related behavioral activation with the objective to prevent depression [76].
Even without finding results that support the adoption of the interven-
tions under investigation, this approach has become progressively more
accepted [77]. On the other hand, traditional psychiatric treatments, such
as neuromodulatory approaches, have been investigated to target both psy-
chopathology and metabolic variables with some promising results [78].
It is important to consider that mood disorders display vast pheno-
typical heterogeneity, which may inform the application of nutritional
interventions. For example, over 100 different loci have been associ-
ated with the risk of developing MDD, and genetic studies have identi-
fied mood disorder phenotypes based on a variety of risk factors [79,
80]. Altered neural activity and functional connectivity have even been
associated with different risk factors for depression, such as childhood
trauma [81]. Furthermore, appetite in individuals with mood disorders
may present as increased or decreased which has been linked to differ-
ent actions of neuroendocrine hormones and neurotransmitters [82].
A growing body of evidence suggests that the identification of mood
disorder subtypes based on physiology rather than symptom profile is
paramount to improving our understanding of the mechanisms underly-
ing disordered mood.
Emerging projects aim to improve mood disorder characterization and
treatment according to this heterogeneity in physiological disease correlates
[83]. For example, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) project involves
the conceptualization of mood disorders as a matrix of symptoms and their
proposed biological underpinnings [84]. Opposed to the application of
pharmacological interventions which is largely symptom-based, nutritional
interventions may integrate with the RDoC to address certain aspects of
mood disorder pathophysiology. For example, some authors postulate that
metabolic and nutritional variables could be more strongly associated to
some domains of the depressive psychopathology (e.g., anhedonia) than
to the general depressive symptomatic expression [85]. Therefore, it may
even become clear that some constructs (e.g., mood changes and metabolic
imbalances) should be treated together. According to the RDoC, treatment
A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietary Interventions: Emergent Findings Ceolin et al. 157
Studies with interventions for depression based on nutritional
approaches and lifestyle interventions with diet as an adjunctive treat-
ment show promising results. According to the literature to date, we can
state that high consumption of sugars and saturated fat, and low con-
sumption of fruits and vegetables are associated with depression. The
development of larger RCTs are needed to assess predictors of response
to dietary interventions and to establish a clear positive effect of diet,
therefore, guiding clinical care and nutritional recommendations for
mental health care.
Author contribution
All authors contributed with the conception and elaboration of this article. The first draft of
the manuscript was written by Elisa Brietzke and Gilciane Ceolin and all authors commented
and edited the further version of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
This study was funded by a Department of Psychiatry Internal Faculty Grant 2021 and a Queen’s Univer-
sity Research Initiation Grant. Gilciane Ceolin has received research support from Coordenação de Aper-
feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES/Brazil) Finance Code 001.
Conflict of interest
Gilciane Ceolin declares that she has no conflict of interest. Vitor Breda declares that he has no
conflict of interest. Elena Koning declares that she has no conflict of interest. Arun Chinna Mey-
yappan declares that he has no conflict of interest. Fabiano A. Gomes declares that he has support
from the 2020 Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation (P&S Fund Young Investigator Award),
the Canadian Menopause Society, SEAMO and Queen’s Health Sciences, and received CME mate-
rials honoraria from AbbVie. Júlia Dubois Moreira declares that she has no conflict of interest.
Fernando Gerchman declares that he has no conflict of interest. Elisa Brietzke declares that she has
no conflict of interest.
A Possible Antidepressive Effect of Dietary Interventions: Emergent Findings Ceolin et al. 159
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94. Sanada K, Nakajima S, Kurokawa S, Barceló-Soler A, Ikuse affiliations
D, Hirata A, et al. Gut microbiota and major depressive