Cruise Reviewer
Cruise Reviewer
Cruise Reviewer
CLIA 2023 Industry Facts and Trends ➢ North America remains the largest
2023-clia-state-of-the-cruise-industry- source market with other markets
report_low-res.ashx ( increasing in popularity, especially
1. Younger generations are the future of the Med
cruise ➢ The Caribbean remains the top
2. There is more interest than ever before destination for cruise travelers
among Millennials and Gen-X travelers
to take their first cruise
3. To attract more first-time cruisers and
meet the needs of repeat cruisers, cruise
lines are offering both shorter and longer
cruise itineraries.
4. Solo cruise travel is on the rise
5. There is an acceleration of
environmental technologies and
practices present on cruise ships
➢ The future of cruise is the
6. The commitment of cruise travelers and
younger generation—and
potential new-to-cruise travelers to the
getting younger. GenX and
environment is on the rise
Millennials are the most
7. Cruise lines are increasingly offering
enthusiastic about planning a
environmental education and sustainable
cruise holiday
tour experiences for passengers
➢ Many cruise lines are increasing Ship’s Registry, Nationality and Flag
the number of single cabins as - When a ship is registered, it is recorded
an increasing number of cruise officially and is indicative that the ship
travelers choose to cruise solo. possesses a certain nationality
➢ A cruise holiday meets the - The flag is symbolic and flown at the
needs of travelers with limited ship's stern as a mark of identification,
mobility more often than other but otherwise the term “flag” is
holiday travel options shorthand for the nationality of a vessel
➢ Younger generations are using
travel advisors to book cruises A cruise ship has many options for
at a higher rate than other registration with states or countries that
generations (who are more may be other than the owner's nationality.
seasoned cruisers) The reasons and benefits for this are many,
Three Main Types of Itineraries 1. Creates neutrality in the event of conflict
1. Perennial - the region covered by the 2. Reduces the tax liability
itinerary is serviced throughout the year 3. Leads to reduced registration fees
as the demand remains resilient 4. Reduces crewing costs When registering
2. Seasonal – weather is the dominant a vessel for international travel, one
factor explaining seasonality must choose a nation under the flag of
3. Repositioning - because of the which that vessel will sail. The term
seasonality of the cruise industry the "flag of convenience" refers to
repositioning of ships between seasons registering a ship in a sovereign state
is required different from that of the ship's
owners. For workers onboard, this can
Caribbean Itineraries - the cradle of the cruise mean:
industry o low wages
- Caribbean is the world's largest cruise o poor on-board conditions
shipping market o inadequate food and clean
drinking water
Mediterranean Itineraries - The Mediterranean o long periods of work without
is the world's second largest cruise shipping proper rest, leading to stress and
market fatigue
- offers seaside resort destinations as well
as world class cultural amenities Why Register a Flag of Convenience?
- By "flagging out, ship owners can take
Cruise Destinations advantage of:
- cruise destinations include the o minimal/ reduced regulation
Caribbean, Alaska, Europe, Asia, South o cheap registration fees
America and even full world cruises o low or no taxes
o freedom to employ cheap labour
from the global labour market
o lower administrative fees
o greater number of friendly ports
compliance with applicable standards
What is a flag state? and managed responsibly.
- is the ship's registration country under
whose laws it is registered/licensed Prevention, Surveillance, and Response
Onboard plan is based on:
Closed and Open Registries c. Isolation
1. "Open Registries" are organizations d. Containment
that will register foreign-owned ships. e. Disinfection
2. "Closed (national) Registries" require f. Investigation
that a cruise ship be owned and g. Information / Education
constructed by national interests and to
be fully or partially crewed by its Environmental Stewardship - responsible
citizens. environmental practices and innovative
CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND 1. Air - build ships powered by liquefied
PREVENTION - CDC natural gas (LNG) - implement Ship
- is the nation's leading, science-based, Energy Management Plans for route
data-driven, service organization that planning and maintenance
protects the public's health. 2. Energy - high priority on energy
efficiency as part of their environmental
- Promotes good practice, provides 3. Ocean Planning - participates in
information and training, and identifies regional ocean planning efforts with
potential hazards that could lead to the maritime stakeholders and provides
emergence of risk for passengers and direct input and feedback to address
crew. ocean management challenges and the
sustainable use of oceans
Inspection and Enforcement 4. Transparency - cruise ship receives
1. Port States - any country whose ports dozens of inspections each year from the
or waters are visited by cruise ship has ports they visit, countries where they are
full authority to make sure that it registered and other independent
follows international, national and local agencies
regulations 5. Waste Management - cruise lines
2. Countries of Registration - the country carefully follow waste management and
or flag state where a cruise ship is recycling practices to prevent waste in
registered must make certain that oceans by reducing, reusing, donating.
registered ships meet all international recycling and converting waste into
requirements energy
3. Classification Societies - Independent
agencies, called classification societies, A. Ensuring Safety and Security at Sea
conduct inspections on behalf of Flag a. Comprehensive Security
States, cruise ship owners, insurers and b. Highly Trained Security
other members of the maritime Personnel
community to ensure that ships are in B. Ensuring Health at Sea
a. Sanitation - Know the plan, procedures, and
b. Screening instructions lo be given when leading an
c. Medical Facilities evacuation.
d. Inspected for Health - Know the equipment that can be used
e. Crewmember Training when leading an evacuation and the
C. Cruise Industry Policies equipment that is useful.
a. Operational Safety - Have immediate access to the passenger
b. Common Elements of Musters list in order to check gatherings of
and Emergency Instructions passengers, and to know emergency
c. Shipboard Security instructions for gathering passengers.
d. Environmental Protection
e. Health What is PANIC?
D. Crowd Management - A feeling of extreme fear or alarm
a. STCW 1978 – Standards of - A loss of self-control and group
Training, Certification, and belonging
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, - When people become impulsive and
adopted to promote safety of life misled
and property at sea and - An irrational, potentially dangerous
protection of marine behaviour, which may become very
environment contagious
b. Crowd Control Management - - Panic reaction is less when crisis
training program competence is high
c. Crowd Safety – involves using
right kind of communication Emergency Codes
and effectuating the perfect ➢ CODE ALPHA - Medical emergency
leadership skills ➢ CODE BRAVO - Fire
d. Crowd Management – ➢ CODE OSCAR - Man overboard
intelligent and disciplined ➢ CODE PAPA - Pirate attack
application of practical skills to ➢ CODE RED - Bomb threat
control a crowd ➢ CODE BLACK - Oil spill
e. Emergencies - situations which ➢ BRIGHTSTAR - Life threatening
passenger ship faces a situation situation for guest or crewmember
places the lives aboard in danger ➢ DACOTEAM - Structural damage
E. Psychology and Actions of People in ➢ 30-30 - Clean up required
Emergence ➢ Charlie, Charlie, Charlie - Security
Basic Knowledge for Crowd Control ➢ Code ADAM – Missing child
- Know the movements of the passengers, ➢ Code BABY RUTH - Feces in the baby
where they are, and when, etc. pool
- Know that if the ship is listing, ➢ Code DELTA - Damage to the ship and
passengers generally have a tendency to might have detail to follow and teams
move to the higher part. called
➢ Code ORANGE - Colors are used for Power - Helps you to influence the passengers
illness outbreak- so orange is early to get them to do what you want them to do.
stages of norovirus infection Kinds of Power:
➢ Code RED - Illness has broken out, 1. Coercion power - using fear or force to
normally norovirus get passengers to do something
➢ Code YELLOW - Is a lesser illness 2. Connection power - this is based on
alert your connection with important people,
➢ Code SIERRA - Medical emergency such as the Captain
needing a stretcher 3. Expert power - this is based on your
➢ Code WINNIE - Feces in the pool skill and ability to do something
➢ ECHO - The ship is drifting, often 4. Information power - this is based on
caused by strong winds your knowing something that other do
➢ FALLEN STAR - death not know
➢ Kilo - All personnel to report to their 5. Position power - this is based on the
emergency posts rank or authority you have
➢ Mr. Mob - Some use to indicate a 6. Personal power - this is based on your
passenger or crew member has fallen relationship with the passenger
overboard 7. Reward power - this is based on your
➢ Operation Rising Star - A passenger ability to get others to see things in a
has died onboard positive way and can be useful even in
➢ PVI - Public vomiting incident difficult situations
➢ Red parties - Potential fire onboard
Style - choosing a way of communicating with
Emergency Communication people you think is right for them you are in
4 Modes of Behavior when Communicating Types of Style:
1. Passive Behavior – fails to express his 1. “X” style - this is the hard way of
thoughts communicating with people; if you think
2. Assertive Behavior – standing up for it is right to use this style, then you will
own rights and expressing own be telling them what to do
thoughts 2. "Y" style - this is the soft way of
3. Aggressive Behavior – expressing communicating with people; when using
thoughts and feelings and depending his this style, you will be asking them to do
rights in a way that is usually something
inappropriate 3. “X/Y” style - this is a style of
4. Responsive Behavior – sensitivity for communication that is somewhere
expressing other’s thoughts, standing between the X and Y styles
up for rights and feelings in right way 4. Leadership Style – autocratic,
dictatorial, and directive.
Communication Onboard the Cruise a. A ship’s leadership must
Stages of Crowd Management successfully exercise command
authority to overcome of contain
Stage 1: Gathering Information problems as well as generate an
Stage 2: What can you do? atmosphere of good order and
confidence among crew
members and passengers and 2. Preparedness - includes all preventive
facilitate problem solution. and damage minimizing actions planned
i. Tools - A uniform, for its prevention fails and the situation
brightly colored hat, develops towards a crisis.
tunic or a badge,
Placards and signs,
Megaphones, whistles,
and torches, Other ship's
staff and passengers