Fitting Shop
Fitting Shop
Fitting Shop
Fitting Shop
Machine tools are capable of producing work at a faster rate, but there are occasions when
components are processed at a bench. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace or repair a
component that must fit accurately with one another or reassemble. This involves a certain
amount of hand fitting. The assembly machine tools, jigs, gauges etc., involves certain amount of
bench work.
Holding tools: -
Bench vice
V-block with clamp
Bench vice: -
It is a work holding device. When vice handle is turned in a clockwise direction the sliding jaw
forces the work against the fixed jaw, the greater the force applied to the handle, the tighter is the
work held.
V-block with clamp: -
It is a rectangular (or) square block with v-groove on one or both sides, opposite to each other. It
holds cylindrical work pieces.
C-clamp: -
This is used to hold work against an angle plate or v-block.
Surface plate: -
It is used for testing flatness of work piece, for marking out small works.
Combination cutting pliers: -
This is made of tool steel and is used for cutting as well as for ripping work.
Taps and die holders: -
Tap and wrenches are used for cutting internal threads in a drilled hole.
Dies and die holders: -
They are used for making external threads. Dies are made either solid (or) split type.
Hand file: -
It is a rectangular section tapered in thickness but parallel in width.
Flat file: -
Rectangular in section and tapered for 1/3rd length in width and thickness.
Square file: -
Square in section and tapered for 1/3rd length on all sides.
Half round file: -
It has one flat face, connecting by a curved (surface) face & tapered for 1/3rd length.
Round file: -
Circular in cross section and tapered for 1/3rd length, it has double cut teeth.
1. Hacksaw
Hacksaw is used for cutting of rods, bars, pipes, flats etc. It consists of a frame, which is made
from mild steel. The blade is placed inside the frame and is tightened with the help of a flange
nut. The blade is made up of high carbon steel or high-speed steel.
Ball peen hammer: -
It has a flat face, which is used for general work and a ball end is used for riveting.
Screw driver: -
It is designed to turn the screws. The blade is made of steel and is available in different lengths
and diameters.
Spanners: -
It is a tool for turning nuts and bolts. It is usually made of forged steel.
Chipping: -
Removing metal with a chisel is called chipping and is normally used where machining is not
Fitting: -
1. Pinning of files: -
Soft metals cause this; the pins are removed with a file card.
2. Checking flatness and squareness: -
To check flatness across thickness of plate.
Tools required: - Bench vice, Steel rule, Try square, Ball peen hammer, Scriber, Hack saw with
blade, Dot punch and Centre punch, Surface plate, Venire height gauge, Rough and smooth flat
files & Flat chisel and triangular file
Procedure: -
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked with a steel rule.
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the outer mating edges are filed by using rough
and smooth files.
3. The flatness, straightness, and square ness i.e., right angle between adjacent sides are checked
with help of Try-square.
4. Chalk is then applied on the surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given dimensions of the T-fitting are marked with help of vernier height gauge carefully.
6. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the above scribed lines.
7. Using the hack saw, the unwanted portions are removed.
8. Using the flat chisel, the unwanted material in the piece B is removed.
9. The cut edges are filed by the half round file.
10. The corners of the stepped surfaces are filed by using a square or triangular file to get the
sharp corners.
11. The pieces (A and B) are fitted together, and the mating is checked for the correctness of the
Safety precautions: -
1. Care is taken to see that the marking dots are not crossed, which is indicated by the half of the
punch dots left on the pieces.
2. Apply pressure in forward direction during hack sawing.
3. Don’t rub steel rule on the job.
4. Fix blade in hack saw frame with correct tension.
5. Use precision instruments like vernier calipers and vernier height gauge carefully.
6. Files are to be cleaned properly after using.