LPENGTS Assignment 2

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STUDENT NO: 61392022
Unique number: 631717
Question 1

Will You Ever Love Me?

– Derek S. Weaver

When I’m missing you,

I feel a million miles away.
I long for your touch.

When I’m missing you,

I miss that angelic voice
And the laughter that comes with it.

When I’m missing you,

I imagine your lips connecting with mine
And your arms embracing me.

When I’m missing you,

I feel the distance
That separates you from me.

When I’m missing you,

I can’t imagine my life without you.
No more separation.

When I’m missing you,

I know when the time is right
I’d get down on bended knee.

When I’m missing you,

I sometimes dream of you and me,
Happily ever after.

But sometimes…

When I’m missing you,

My heart gets heavy
Not knowing for sure if you miss me.

When I’m missing you,

I often wonder if we’ll ever be together
Or if you even care.
When I’m missing you,
I wonder if I just fill the void
That fills the hole in your heart.


When I’m missing you,

The thought crosses my mind…
Will you ever love me like I love you?

1.1 The audience for the poem would be someone who is

missed by their loved one as we see in stanza 5 the poet
says “When I’m missing you,
I can’t imagine my life without you.
No more separation.”

1.2 The poet is expressing how much they miss someone they
love as the poet says “When I’m missing you,
My heart gets heavy”

1.3 The tone of poem is a bit sad as the poet is missing their
loved one that they haven’t seen in a while because the poet
even wonders if they will be able to fill the void.

Question 2

• Questions should be worded in such a way that they are clear
and concise and the terns used should fit the abilities and ages of
the learners. It is very unreasonable to ask a learner questions
containing big vocabulary of words which you have never taught

• Questions should avoid vague, general queries which do not

allow learners the opportunity to respond sufficiently. Questions
must be specific, thus with the intention of receiving a specific

• Questions must not be asked in a way which makes learners feel

intimidated. Learners must feel free to answer questions and
willing to share responses, therefore the teacher needs to ask it in
a quiet and encouraging manner.
• Questions should be asked in such a way that they do not merely
elicit a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response but they should be able to
allow learners to answer with complete responses.

• Questions asked should not just be one type of question such as

recall questions or compare and contrast questions but should
include a variety of question types including application questions,
processing questions, etc, which will allow learners to be able to
think differently in order to respond in a variety of ways.

Recall questions - With recall questions, you have to remember
something or something has to be recalled. Example: A teacher
asks his students a question so that they remember the material
from the last lesson.

Processing questions - are designed to test the depth of your

knowledge about a subject and your ability to analyze how the
various components (i.e. processes) of a system contributed to
create the whole.

Application questions - let you and the applicant communicate

about any aspect of the application process. Normally, the
applicant will ask you questions, but you can also initiate a
question yourself.

- Identify any figure of speech from the poem.
- Explain the significance of the figure of speech.
- Was the writer successful in a choice of words used?

Question 3

3.1 30%

- Reads aloud a prepared text
- Reading comprehension of a story / factual recount / news report
- Reflects on stories/text read independently
- Language structures and conventions in context
- Reading comprehension of a procedural text/poem/song
- Writes simple instructions using a frame / a simple poem with a

3.4 20%

3.5 The percentages are the same.

3.6 10%

3.7 30%

Question 4


Skimming - ‘To skim’ means ‘to take a quick glance’. Skimming

can be understood as the technique of speedy reading wherein the
reader pays attention to the main point or essence within the
passage only, so as to get a general concept of the content. In
skimming, the text containing unnecessary details, stories,
examples or other data is purposefully skipped.

In other words, skimming does not require intimate reading but it

should be focused.

The reader mainly reads the introduction, summary, bold/italic

words, bulleted points, names, heading and subheadings, dates,
figures, etc. This technique is generally used while reading
newspaper, mails and messages. Skimming is said to be effective
when the reader is able to grasp the main information correctly and

With skimming a lot of time of the reader is saved, because you

don’t have to spend hours to read the entire material in full. But,
this technique should not be applied every time, except you are in
a hurry. However, it is also possible that when you skim a reading
material you skip the relevant points, or misunderstand something.

Scanning - ‘To scan’ means ‘to look for something’. Scanning

refers to a selective reading method generally used by the reader
when he/she is in search of some specific information or text,
contained in the passage, without reading the text thoroughly.
Hence. when you scan some material you already know what are
you looking for, you just have to spot and swoop it down.

It involves rolling the eyes over the study material until you locate
the keywords or information of your need. It has more to do with
searching, rather than reading. Therefore, it can be said that
scanning is a search-oriented reading process, which is used to
find out answers to the specific questions, and once the answer is
found, the reading process is stopped.

Basically, when you perform scanning, there is a specific purpose

or question at hand, and you go through with the given text so as
to find the answer to that question and thus avoid reading the text
which is irrelevant to your purpose or question.

For effective scanning, the reader should, first of all, understand

the way in which the material is organized/presented and discern
whatever is read, to easily identify the required information.


Subject line : Error when submitingsubmitting an assignment

Good day

I am a student of the module LPENGTS with a student number


Kindly please assist, I am trying to submit my assignment 2

however I am unable to submit, as the system keeps on saying the
portal has been closed and the due date has not yet passed, my
pdf file gets rejected by the system.

I would really appreciate your assistance.

Kind regards
Nelisiwe MahanguMahlangu

Question 5

COVID-19 has undoubtedly presented the biggest test of the
resilience and relevance of Higher Education institutions in recent
times. With the necessity for behavioral change to halt the spread
of the virus, Higher Education institutions have been forced to think
differently and contribute innovative responses to the pandemic.

COVID-19 has impacted a lot of things which I will name a few in

the following paragraphs, firstly in a way that we used to register
our modules at university before the pandemic, during registration
time we used to go straight to the campus to complete our
registrations we would even be assisted by the university marshals
and it was easier because if you do not understand what you have
to do, but you will be assisted and get a proper registration,
however with the pandemic now we do the registrations virtually
and it comes with lots of mistakes whereby students end up
registered wrong modules which are not for their courses.

Covid-19 also had an impact on how we receive the study material

because before the pandemic we used to go straight to the
campus to collect our study materials and we would get full study
materials but now during covid, the university couriers the study
materials to our addresses and we do not get the full study
material which makes us to delay to write our assignments and
submit, sometimes when you even track the status of the courier
you find that your material is at an address that you not even
familiar with.

The way we even prepare and submit our assignments, has also
been affected as we get delayed in preparing the assignments
because of the delay for study material, we also face some
challenges when we need to submit on the portal as sometimes it
gives errors and before the pandemic, we were able to go to the
campus and hand deliver the assignments.

Preparing and writing of examinations has been hard during

COVID-19 because we had to adjust to a lot of new things that we
were not used to, before Covid-19 we used to have venue based
exams which were very much easy and less of confusions
however during covid we had to divert to online and virtual exams
which came with lots of challenges and confusions, and it is not
even easy to submit your exam online as we all submit at once
then the system crashes, or when you try to submit you struggle
from a stable network connection.
As a university student I had to adapt to a lot of things, I had to
adapt on being independent as from registering I have to now
register alone at home I can’t go to the campus there is no
assistance received, even when you try to communicate with the
university via email you hardly get back any feedback and that
makes things worse as we are left with lots of confusions. I had to
adapt doing everything online and doing follow ups on everything I
do like double checking if my assignment was submitted.

As an university student I have learnt that things change due to

circumstances that occur in our way, as much as covid had an
impact on our studies we may say that it is a good and bad impact
because as much as we were not really dependent on the virtual
and online things I personally feel that some of the things are
easier done virtually even though there are challenges occurring
but that is because of it is still the beginning of it and as we go on
all the challenges are overlooked and we will get solutions.

Stage 1 – Pre-writing
The key to a great paper is in the planning. Before you sit down to
write something, you need to figure out what you are going to write
about. Most of us start with a topic, and then decide what we have
to say about this topic.

Stage 2 – Drafting
Once you have planned out your ideas, the next step is to start
drafting. As you write, refer back to the notes from stage 1.

Stage 3 – Revising
Revision works best when you have some time to let your writing
sit. When revising you check out the audience and the purpose of

Stage 4 – Editing
Revising focuses mainly on making your content clear for your
readers, editing focuses on making your documents meet the
conventions of stands written English.

Stage 5 – Publishing
Writing is communication, if you have written something you must
have intended for someone to read it even if that person is only
yourself. When you publish a document, you are releasing it to the
public for others to read.

Question 6


- Achieve goals - When you use your journal to write down your
goals, you can keep better track of your intentions. This will
help you stay accountable and serve as a reminder of what
you need to do to accomplish them. Be sure to get specific.

- Track progress and growth - If you make journaling a regular

habit, you can see how much progress or growth you’ve
made by revisiting previous entries.
- Gain self-confidence - Seeing your progress can also give
you a serious confidence boost. You can feel proud looking
back at the challenges you faced and seeing how far you’ve
- Improve writing and communication skills - Writing, like
anything, improves with practice. When you journal every
day, you’re practicing the art of writing. And if you use a
journal to express your thoughts and ideas, it’ll help improve
your overall communication skills.
- Stream of consciousness - Write down your thoughts as they
happen. The words and thoughts don’t need to make sense,
you’re simply capturing your thoughts in action.

Module Code: LPENGTS Assessment Date: 03 June 2022

1. I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas,

writings, works or inventions of another as if they were one’s own. I
know that plagiarism not only includes verbatim copying, but also
the extensive use of another person’s ideas without proper
acknowledgement (which includes the proper use of quotation
marks) or any attempt to cheat the plagiarism checking system. I
know that plagiarism covers the use of material found in textual
sources and from the Internet.
2. I acknowledge and understand that plagiarism is wrong.
3. I understand that my assignment/exam answers must be
accurately referenced.
4. This assignment/exam file/portfolio is my own work. I
acknowledge that copying someone else’s work, or part of it, is
wrong, and that submitting identical work to others constitutes a
form of plagiarism.
5. I have not allowed, nor will I in the future allow, anyone to copy
my work with the intention of passing it off as their own work.
6. I understand that I can be awarded 0% if I have plagiarized.
7. I understand that my assignment/exam file/portfolio may be
submitted automatically to Turnitin.
8. I confirm that I have read and understood the following UNISA
8.1 Policy for Copyright and Plagiarism
8.2 Policy on Academic Integrity
8.3 Student Disciplinary Code

Name: Nelisiwe Mahlangu

Student No: 61392022
Signed: N.Mahlangu
Date: May 31, 2022

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