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SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0 SP 13

Document Version: 2.13.0 – 2021-05-24

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



1 SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 About the SAP HANA Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3.1 SAP HANA Cockpit Hardware and Software Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Software Download. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 SAP HANA Cockpit Deployment Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4.1 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
4.2 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Graphical User Interface
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.4 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Command-Line
Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.5 System Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.6 Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5 Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

6 Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.1 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.2 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.3 Download Components from SAP Support Portal Using the Web User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.4 Prepare the Software Archive for the Update. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.5 Upload and Extract SAP HANA Components Using the Web User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
6.6 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Web User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

7 Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

7.1 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.2 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
7.3 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit from an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Graphical User
Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
7.4 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit from an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Command-Line
Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

8 Important SAP Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

9 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

2 PUBLIC Content
1 SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and
Update Guide

This guide describes how to install and update the SAP HANA cockpit.

Related Information

SAP Note 2380291

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide PUBLIC 3
2 About the SAP HANA Cockpit

SAP HANA cockpit is the main administration tool for SAP HANA.

The SAP HANA cockpit provides tools for the administration and monitoring of SAP HANA databases, and for
development capabilities through the SAP HANA database explorer. You can manage multiple databases, each
running version SAP HANA 1.0 SPS 12, or later. databases running version SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 01 or later run in
multi-container mode, but you can also monitor single-container systems running earlier versions of SAP

 Note

While the cockpit was an integral part of earlier versions of SAP HANA, the new SAP HANA cockpit for SAP
HANA 2.0 is installed separately. This provides more flexibility, as it allows you to manage more than one
SAP HANA system in a single administration environment. SAP HANA cockpit runs on an SAP HANA
Express database, which is included in the installation. The SAP HANA cockpit can also be installed in an
existing SAP HANA system in a separate tenant database (shared database).

The SAP HANA cockpit provides aggregate, system and database administration features, for example,
database monitoring, user management, and data backup. Administrators can use the SAP HANA cockpit to
start and stop services, to monitor the system, to configure system settings, and to manage users and
authorizations. Cockpit pages that allow you to manage separately-installed contexts (for example, SAP HANA
dynamic tiering) are only available if they are installed.

Through the Cockpit Manager, you, as the cockpit administrator, need to register resources and create groups
of resources that other cockpit users will be able to access with SAP HANA cockpit. A resource is an SAP HANA
system, identified by a host and instance number. Suppose that a business unit has set up a new SAP HANA
system and wants it to be managed through the cockpit. The first step is to register the SAP HANA system, or
resource, in the cockpit.

Initially, the SAP HANA cockpit displays data at a landscape or enterprise level. You can quickly drill down to an
overview of an individual resource. Links, data, cards, and different parts of a single tile are drillable, providing
access to more detailed information and functions.

Integrated into the cockpit is the SAP HANA database explorer. The database explorer provides the ability to
query information about the database using SQL statements, as well as the ability to view information about
your database's catalog objects.

The connectivity between SAP HANA cockpit and managed resources includes:

● SAP HANA SQL port (3xx13, 3xx15, …)

● sapstartsrv (5xx13, 5xx14)
● SDS (3xx26)
● saphostagent (1129)

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

4 PUBLIC About the SAP HANA Cockpit
Related Information

SAP Note 2380291

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

About the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 5
3 SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and
Update Overview

This SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide describes how to install or update the SAP HANA
cockpit with the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM).

3.1 SAP HANA Cockpit Hardware and Software


For SAP HANA cockpit, a number of hardware and software requirements apply.

Supported Hardware Platforms

SAP HANA cockpit is available for:

● Intel-Based Hardware Platforms

● IBM Power Systems

Supported Operating Systems

For information about supported operating systems for SAP HANA cockpit, see the Related Information in this

Hardware Requirements

In production environments, you have the following options to install the SAP HANA cockpit:

● The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed on dedicated hardware. A minimum of 16GB of RAM and 16GB of
disk space is required. Additional disk space is required for data generated as the cockpit runs. We
recommend that the installation directory is not located in the root file system.
● The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed in an existing SAP HANA system. For sizing guidelines, see SAP
Note 2780721 (SAP HANA 2.0 Cockpit Recommended Sizing Guidelines).

 Example

Each configuration snapshot consumes about 5 MB of storage. You will therefore need about 1 GB to store
200 snapshots.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

6 PUBLIC SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview
 Note

The XS advanced runtime environment supplied with the SAP HANA cockpit on dedicated hardware in a
separate SAP HANA system cannot be used to deploy XS Advanced applications.

Related Information

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

SAP Note 1944799 - SAP HANA Guidelines for SLES Operating System
SAP Note 1984787 - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.x for SAP Applications Configuration Guide for SAP
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)
SAP Note 2009879 - SAP HANA Guidelines for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Operating System
SAP Note 2002167 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x Configuration Guide for SAP HANA
Supported Hardware Platforms
SAP Note 1943937 - Hardware Configuration Check Tool - Central Note
SAP Note 2493172 - SAP HANA Hardware and Cloud Measurement Tools
SAP Note 2055470 - HANA on POWER Planning and Installation Specifics - Central Note
SAP Note 2218464 - Supported products when running SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems
General Links
SAP Note 52505 - Support after end of mainstream/extended maintenance
SAP Note 2235581 - SAP HANA: Supported Operating Systems
Product Availability Matrix
SAP Note 2780721 - SAP HANA 2.0 Cockpit Recommended Sizing Guidelines

3.2 Software Download

In the SAP Software Download Center, you have access to the installation media and components for SAP
HANA cockpit. For more information and a link to the SAP Software Download Center, see Related Information.


You require the SAPCAR archiving tool to be able to unpack software component archives (*.SAR files), which is
the format of software lifecycle media and tools that you can download from the SAP Software Download
Center .

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview PUBLIC 7

 Note

It is recommended that you update your system to the latest support package for SAP HANA cockpit.
Support packages and patches for SAP HANASAP HANA system.


1. Open Software Downoads .

2. Click Installations and Upgrades and search for SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION 2.0.
3. Choose the Installation Product category.
4. Click Support Packages and Patches and search for SAP HANA COCKPIT 2.0
5. Download the installation media.
6. Unpack the installation media using the following command:

SAPCAR -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF -xvf SAPHANACOCKPIT<version number>.SAR

Related Information

SAP Support Portal Home

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

8 PUBLIC SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview
3.3 SAP HANA Cockpit Deployment Options

SAP HANA cockpit can be deployed on dedicated hardware, on shared hardware, or in an existing SAP HANA
system (shared database). All deployment options are approved for production environments, but note that
deploying on shared hardware has restrictions.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview PUBLIC 9
SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide
10 PUBLIC SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview
Considerations for Production Environments

SAP HANA Cockpit Considerations for Production Environments

Option Benefits Drawbacks

Dedicated Hardware ● Provides maximum performance ● Requires an additional machine

● Full control of how cockpit is instal­ (increases maintenance and cost)

Shared Hardware ● Leverage existing infrastructure ● Contention for computing resour­

ces may occur
● Need to adjust the global allocation
limit of the instances

For more information, see SAP Note


Shared Database ● Leverage existing infrastructure ● SAP HANA system must be prop­
erly sized to handle memory re­
quirements for your applications
and the cockpit
● Requires SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 02 or
higher and SAP HANA XS Ad­
vanced runtime 1.0.86 or higher

Be sure to implement High Availability (HA) for the cockpit, particularly in a production environment. For
information on how to set up HA for the cockpit, please refer to this document: How To: High Availability for SAP
HANA cockpit using SAP HANA system replication.


The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed in either a dedicated virtual machine, or in a virtual machine that is
shared with an SAP HANA system. For best results, a dedicated virtual machine is preferable.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browsers do not cache content from sites that use self-signed SSL
certificates, meaning that each time a site loads that uses such a certificate, the content must be downloaded
over the network rather than from the browser’s cache. Please configure SSL for the SAP HANA cockpit to
improve response times when using those web browsers.

Related Information

Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit [page 25]

How to Configure Replication between two SAP HANA Cockpits for High Availability Step-by-Step Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Overview PUBLIC 11
4 Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit

The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) is used to install the SAP HANA cockpit in a graphical
user interface or the command-line interface. The SAP HANA cockpit can be uninstalled using the resident
version of the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM).

Installation Configuration

You can review the existing configuration settings for the SAP HANA cockpit. Installation settings can be found
in the auto_install.cfg file (standalone installation) or auto_install_hdb.cfg file (installation in an
existing SAP HANA system) inside the HDB__LCM_LINUX_X86_64/configurations or
HDB__LCM_LINUX_PPC64LE/configurations folder, depending on your hardware platform. The default
database server properties can be found inside the *.ini files inside the custom folder inside the
configurations folder of the database (HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64 or HDB_SERVER_LINUX_PPC64LE).


Ports, through which the SAP HANA cockpit and the cockpit manager can be accessed, are assigned
automatically by the installer. Once the cockpit installation is successfully completed, information about host
and ports is displayed. If this information is no longer available, you can determine the ports through the XS
console. For more information, see Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager.

You can also assign free ports to SAP HANA cockpit during installation. For more information, see SAP Note

Batch Mode

You can run the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) from the command line in batch mode using
default values for unspecified parameters. Every value listed in the auto_install.cfg file can be overridden
by passing new values in the command line. If mandatory values are omitted or if invalid values are specified,
the program issues an error message. For more information on installation parameters, see Parameter
Reference in the SAP HANA Server Installation and Update Guide.

./ --action=install -b

 Example

Override the default name of the org_manager_user:

./ --action=install -b --org_manager_user=XSA_ADMIN

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

12 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit
Related Information

Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface [page 13]
Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface [page 15]
Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Graphical User Interface [page 16]
Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA System Using the Command-Line Interface [page 18]
Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager [page 22]
SAP Note 2389709 - Specifying the port for SAP HANA Cockpit before installation

4.1 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User

The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) graphical
user interface.


● You are logged in as root user.

● Any user has read and execute permissions for the directory that contains the installation medium.


In standalone cockpit installations, during the installation process, the installer creates a single, fully
authorized, administration user, COCKPIT_ADMIN, and associates it with the master password, which you are
prompted to enter. Ports, through which the SAP HANA cockpit and the SAP HANA cockpit manager can be
accessed, are assigned automatically by the installer. The local host name, ports, and the master password are
required to set up the SAP HANA cockpit. Make sure that you pass this information along to the cockpit


1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the graphical user interface:


SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 13
The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager graphical user interface appears.
3. Select Install New SAP HANA Cockpit System, then select Next.
4. Specify the SAP HANA system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
5. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select Install.


The selected components are installed. A log file is available. The most recent log file is always available
under /var/tmp/hdblcmgui.log. Additionally, a copy of the log files is archived in the directory

Next Steps

Configure your firewall to allow access to the host and port of the cockpit-web-app https://
<hostname>:<port> and https://<hostname>:3<instance number>32

After installation, and before other users are able to access the SAP HANA cockpit, there are several steps that
you, as a cockpit administrator, have to perform. This includes launching the cockpit manager using the URL
created during installation, signing in to the cockpit manager as the COCKPIT_ADMIN user and registering
resources. For more details about these and other post-installation steps, see Set up SAP HANA Cockpit for the
First Time in SAP HANA Administration with SAP HANA Cockpit.

Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager [page 22]
SAP Note 2535229
SAP Note 2594513

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

14 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit
4.2 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line

The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM)
command-line interface.


● You are logged in as root user.

● Any user has read and execute permissions for the directory that contains the installation medium.


In standalone cockpit installations, during the installation process, the installer creates a single, fully
authorized, administration user, COCKPIT_ADMIN, and associates it with the master password, which you are
prompted to enter. Ports, through which the SAP HANA cockpit and the SAP HANA cockpit manager can be
accessed, are assigned automatically by the installer. The local host name, ports, and the master password are
required to set up the SAP HANA cockpit. Make sure that you pass this information along to the cockpit


1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the command line:


3. Select Install new SAP HANA Cockpit system, then select Enter.
4. Specify the SAP HANA system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
5. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select y.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 15

The selected components are installed. A log file is available. The most recent log file is always available
under /var/tmp/hdblcm.log. Additionally, a copy of the log files is archived in the directory

Next Steps

Configure your firewall to allow access to the host and port of the cockpit-web-app https://
<hostname>:<port> and https://<hostname>:3<instance number>32

After installation, and before other users are able to access the SAP HANA cockpit, there are several steps that
you, as a cockpit administrator, have to perform. This includes launching the cockpit manager using the URL
created during installation, signing in to the cockpit manager as the COCKPIT_ADMIN user and registering
resources. For more details about these and other post-installation steps, see Set up SAP HANA Cockpit for the
First Time in SAP HANA Administration with SAP HANA Cockpit.

Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager [page 22]
SAP Note 2535229
SAP Note 2594513

4.3 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA

System Using the Graphical User Interface

The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed in an existing SAP HANA system using the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) graphical user interface.


● You are logged in as root or <sid>adm user.

● Any user has read and execute permissions for the directory that contains the installation medium.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

16 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit

If the cockpit is installed in an existing SAP HANA system, during the installation process, the installer creates a
new tenant database and a separate XS advanced space that is mapped to it. The cockpit XS advanced apps
are installed in this space. If you are running the SAP HANA system in high isolation mode, a tenant database
must be created manually in advance. A tenant in which cockpit is installed is excluded from the license
capacity calculation as long as it is only used for administrative purposes.


1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the graphical user interface:


The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager graphical user interface appears.
3. Select Install on SAP HANA Database and the system in which you want to install the cockpit, then select
4. Select the components you would like to install, then select Next.
5. Specify the SAP HANA cockpit system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
6. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select Install.


The selected components are installed. A log file is available. The most recent log file is always available
under /var/tmp/hdblcmgui.log. Additionally, a copy of the log files is archived in the directory

Next Steps

Configure your firewall to allow access to the host and port of the cockpit-web-app https://
<hostname>:<port> and https://<hostname>:3<instance number>32

After installation, and before other users are able to access the SAP HANA cockpit, there are several steps that
you, as a cockpit administrator, have to perform. This includes launching the cockpit manager using the URL
created during installation, signing in to the cockpit manager as the XSA_ADMIN user and registering
resources. For more details about these and other post-installation steps, see Set up SAP HANA Cockpit for the
First Time in SAP HANA Administration with SAP HANA Cockpit.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 17
Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager [page 22]
SAP Note 2535229
SAP Note 2594513

4.4 Install the SAP HANA Cockpit in an Existing SAP HANA

System Using the Command-Line Interface

The SAP HANA cockpit can be installed in an existing SAP HANA system using the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) command-line interface.


● You are logged in as root or <sid>adm user.

● Any user has read and execute permissions for the directory that contains the installation medium.


If the cockpit is installed in an existing SAP HANA system, during the installation process, the installer creates a
new tenant database and a separate XS advanced space that is mapped to it. The cockpit XS advanced apps
are installed in this space. If you are running the SAP HANA system in high isolation mode, a tenant database
must be created manually in advance. A tenant in which cockpit is installed is excluded from the license
capacity calculation as long as it is only used for administrative purposes.


1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the command line:


3. Select the index for Install SAP HANA Cockpit on SAP HANA Database version <version number>, then
select Enter .

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

18 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit
4. Select the components you would like to install, then select Enter .
5. Specify the SAP HANA cockpit system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
6. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select y.


The selected components are installed. A log file is available. The most recent log file is always available
under /var/tmp/hdblcm.log. Additionally, a copy of the log files is archived in the directory

Next Steps

Configure your firewall to allow access to the host and port of the cockpit-web-app https://
<hostname>:<port> and https://<hostname>:3<instance number>32

After installation, and before other users are able to access the SAP HANA cockpit, there are several steps that
you, as a cockpit administrator, have to perform. This includes launching the cockpit manager using the URL
created during installation, signing in to the cockpit manager as the XSA_ADMIN user and registering
resources. For more details about these and other post-installation steps, see Set up SAP HANA Cockpit for the
First Time in SAP HANA Administration with SAP HANA Cockpit.

Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit Manager [page 22]
SAP Note 2535229
SAP Note 2594513

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 19
4.5 System Properties

SAP HANA cockpit system properties can be defined during installation. Default values are provided for all
properties except for the master password. Some parameters may not apply, depending on your installation

System Properties

In standalone cockpit installations, during the installation process, the installer creates a single, fully
authorized, administration user, COCKPIT_ADMIN, and associates it with the master password, which you are
prompted to enter. Ports, through which the SAP HANA cockpit and the SAP HANA cockpit manager can be
accessed, are assigned automatically by the installer. The local host name, ports, and the master password are
required to set up the SAP HANA cockpit. Make sure that you pass this information along to the cockpit

SAP HANA Cockpit System Properties

Property Description

Installation Path Specifies the path to the installation directory.

We recommend that the installation directory is not located in the root

file system.

The default for this parameter is /hana/shared.

Local Host Name Specifies the host name of the machine.

Restrictions apply to host names in SAP HANA systems. Alphanumerical

string of lowercase alpha characters [a-z] and digits [0-9] and the hy­
phen (or minus) character "-" are permitted. Although the newer RFCs
permit hostnames beginning with digits, we recommend hostnames to
begin with an alpha character. The period character "." is only allowed to
delimit components of domain names like (

The default for this parameter is the host name of the current machine.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

20 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit
Property Description

SAP HANA System ID Specifies a system ID. The SAP system ID (SID) is the identifier for the
SAP HANA system.

The default value for this parameter is H4C.


● The ID must be unique throughout your organization and consistent

throughout your SAP system installation landscape.
● If you want to install an additional application server instance, make
sure that no gateway instance with the same SAP SID exists in your
SAP system landscape.
● The ID must consist of exactly three alphanumeric characters. Only
uppercase letters are allowed. The first character must be a letter
(not a digit).
● The following IDs are reserved and cannot be used: ADD ALL AMD

Instance Number Specifies the instance number of the SAP HANA system.

The instance number must be a two-digit number between 00 and 97.

The default value for this parameter is 96, or, if 96 is already in use, the
next successive un-used instance number.

Master Password Specifies the master password for all users created during installation.

The master password must contain at least eight characters including at

least one upper-case letter and at least one digit.

Cockpit Tenant Database Name Specifies the cockpit tenant database name (default: COCKPITDB).

Cockpit Tenant Database User Password Specifies the password for the cockpit tenant database user.

XS Advanced Runtime Properties

XS Advanced Runtime Properties

Property Description

Automatically assign XS Advanced Runtime roles Assigns XS_WORKER and XS_STANDBY host roles. The host role
to the hosts with database roles XS_WORKER will be assigned to all worker hosts, the host role
XS_STANDBY will be assigned to all standby hosts. To create a multiple-
host system with dedicated xs_worker and xs_standby hosts, assign host
roles to each host individually during installation. Do not choose the op­
tion to assign XS Advanced host roles automatically.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 21
Property Description

Organization Name For Space "SAP" Sets the name of the customer organization. Organizations enable devel­
opers to collaborate by sharing resources, services, and applications. Ac­
cess to the shared resources, services, and applications is controlled by
the organization manager (default: orgname).

Customer Space Name Sets the name of the customer space for the SAP HANA XS advanced
runtime. In an organization, spaces enable users to access shared re­
sources that can be used to develop, deploy, and maintain applications
(default: PROD).

Run Applications in Customer Space with Run applications in customer space with a separate OS user
Separate OS User

Routing Mode Specifies the routing mode to be used for XS advanced runtime installa­
tions. For more information on routing configurations, see SAP Note
2245631 .

XS Advanced Admin User Creates an SAP HANA XS advanced runtime admin user. An admin user
can add and manage users, view users, edit organization roles, view the
organization quota, and perform other administrative tasks (default:

XS Advanced App Working Path Specifies the XS advanced runtime app working path for runtime data of
application instances. For best performance, specify a local directory,
which is then created on all XS_WORKER hosts.

XS Advanced Domain Name Specifies the domain name of an xs_worker host. The domain name has
to resolve to the SAP HANA host which is running the xscontroller and
xsuaaserver service.

XS Advanced SAP Space OS User ID OS user ID used for running XS advanced runtime applications in SAP

XS Advanced Customer Space OS User ID OS user ID used for running XS Advanced applications in customer space

XS Advanced Space for Cockpit Specifies the name for XS advanced space for the SAP HANA cockpit
(default: COCKPIT).

4.6 Determine Ports for SAP HANA Cockpit and Cockpit


The ports for SAP HANA cockpit and the Cockpit Manager can be determined in the XS console after the
cockpit installation.


● You are logged in as <sid>adm user.

● You know the XS organization manager user password. The password matches the master password,
which is set during installation.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

22 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit

Ports, through which the SAP HANA cockpit and the Cockpit Manager can be accessed, are assigned
automatically by the installer. Once the cockpit installation has successfully completed, information about host
and ports is displayed. If this information is no longer available, you can execute the following commands in the
XS console to determine ports.

You can also assign free ports to SAP HANA cockpit during installation. For more information, see SAP Note
2389709 in the Related Links section.


1. Change to the directory that contains the XS Advanced installation:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/xs/bin

By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.

2. Log on to the SAP HANA XS advanced runtime by using the following command:


3. Enter the password for the XSA admin user.

4. Display a list of the applications running in the current space. In the command shell, run the following

xs apps

A list of all running apps is displayed. Information on host and ports is displayed in the urls column. The
SAP HANA cockpit is listed as cockpit-web-app. The Cockpit Manager is listed as cockpit-admin-

 Output Code

Getting apps in org "HANACockpit" / space "SAP" as COCKPIT_ADMIN...

Found apps:
name requested state instances memory
disk urls
auditlog-db STOPPED 0/1 16.0 MB
<unlimited> <none>
auditlog-server STARTED 1/1 256 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51002
auditlog-broker STARTED 1/1 64.0 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51003
deploy-service STARTED 1/1 280 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51004
auditlog-odata STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51005
component-registry-db STOPPED 0/1 16.0 MB
<unlimited> <none>
auditlog-ui STARTED 1/1 64.0 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51007
product-installer STARTED 1/1 256 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51006

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 23
hrtt-service STARTED 1/1 512 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51009
sqlanlz-svc STARTED 1/1 256 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51010
sqlanlz-ui STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51011
hrtt-core STARTED 1/1 512 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51012
sapui5_fesv2 STARTED 1/1 256 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51015
sapui5_fesv3 STARTED 1/1 256 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51025
cockpit-adminui-svc STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51022
cockpit-collection-svc STARTED 1/1 768 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51016
cockpit-hdb-svc STARTED 1/1 768 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51018
cockpit-hdbui-svc STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51020
cockpit-landscape-svc STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51019
cockpit-persistence-svc STARTED 1/1 768 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51017
cockpit-telemetry-svc STARTED 1/1 768 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51026
cockpit-xsa-svc STARTED 1/1 768 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51024
cockpit-admin-web-app STARTED 1/1 128 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51023
cockpit-web-app STARTED 1/1 512 MB
<unlimited> https://<hostname>:51021

Related Information

SAP Note 2389709 - Specifying the port for SAP HANA Cockpit before installation

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

24 PUBLIC Installing the SAP HANA Cockpit
5 Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit

Configure SSL for the SAP HANA cockpit where you have an SAP HANA system installed on a single host with
incoming connections from SQLDBC and HTTP clients for database and administrative access.


● SSL must already be configured on the server

● You must have COCKPIT_ADMIN access to the XSA server of the SAP HANA cockpit system.
● You must be using file-based trust stores (PSEs)
● You must have the INFILE ADMIN system privilege

The global.ini file of your HANA database has the following parameters settings:

● sslenforce=true
● sslvalidatecertificate=true


 Note

The steps below must be performed after each update of SAP HANA Cockpit.

If you have configured your HANA database to enforce SSL mutual authentication, then you can set up SAP
HANA cockpit to use a client certificate and private key. For HANA Cockpit the cockpit-hdb-svc must be
updated to add these variables using the xs set-env command.

For completeness, SAP HANA Cockpit also supports injection of the CA root certificate using the
HANA_CA_CERTIFICATE environment variable. This should not be needed but is supported if required.

You can obtain the certificate from sapsrv.pse/sapcli.pse by running the sapgenpse command. For

sapgenpse export_p8 -p $SECUDIR/sapsrv.pse -z "" sapsrv-keyfile-$


Use the following procedure for connections via the SAP start service and for XSA applications.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 25

1. Import the public-key certificate of the server or the root certificate into the XSA trust store of the SAP
HANA system using the following xs CLI command:

xs trust-certificate <alias> -c <path>

<alias> is an arbitrary name and <path> is the fully-qualified file name of the root certificate, which must
be an x.509 certificate in PEM format.

In the sapsrv-keyfile-${SAPSYSTEMNAME} file, the certificate block starts with -----BEGIN

CERTIFICATE----- and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----. There may be multiple certificate
blocks for the whole certificate chain; get the root certificate in the last block.

To get access to an offline HANA server, you also need a trusted certificate to SAP Control. This can be
derived from the SAPSSLS.pse file (root certificate).
2. Ensure that the Encrypt the database connection setting is set for your resource.
a. In the SAP HANA cockpit, go to the Database Directory and then click Manage Resources.
a. In the Cockpit Manager set the Encrypt the database connection option either by editing an existing
resource or when you're registering a new resource.
3. Specify a client certificate and a private key by setting specific environment variables for SAP HANA
cockpit and SAP HANA database explorer.
a. Use the xs set-env command to update the cockpit-hdb-svc to add the environment variables:

Insert your private key into a separate file, for example <cockpit.key> and insert your certificate
chain into another file, for example, <cockpit.cert>.

$ xs set-env cockpit-hdb-svc HANA_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE --from-file

$ xs set-env cockpit-hdb-svc HANA_CLIENT_KEY --from-file <cockpit.key>
$ xs restage cockpit-hdb-svc
$ xs restart cockpit-hdb-svc

If you are inserting your certificate chain from another file, e.g. xs set-env cockpit-hdb-svc
HANA_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE --from-file <file.cert> then you do not need put the content
all on one line. If you are inserting the certificate content directly, e.g. xs set-env cockpit-hdb-
svc HANA_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE <cert content>, then the certificate content should be all on
one line.

If your system has more than one certificate block, run the following command to show the validity of
the certificates:

sapgenpse get_my_name -p sapsrv.pse -v

b. Set the following environment variables for SAP HANA database explorer:

$ xs set-env hrtt-svc HANA_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE '"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

<varname>ASCII data</varname>-----END CERTIFICATE-----"'
$ xs set-env hrtt-svc HANA_CLIENT_KEY '"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
<varname>ASCII data</varname>-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"'
$ xs restage hrtt-svc

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

26 PUBLIC Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit
$ xs restart hrtt-svc

The certificate and private key must be in PEM format and be all on one line.


All database connections for the specified resource are encrypted using SSL.

Related Information

SAP Note 2631903

SAP Note 2243019
How to Secure SAP HANA Cockpit Step by Step

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Configure SSL for the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 27
6 Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit

The SAP HANA cockpit can be updated using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM).

To update an SAP HANA cockpit, you need to first download the installation files from Service Marketplace
(SMP). This can be done manually using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) Web user
interface. Once the component packages have been prepared, the system update can be triggered from any of
the three SAP HANA database lifecycle manager user interfaces.

 Caution

Do not update the SAP HANA cockpit components individually. Always use the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) to update the cockpit and all of its components in one step.

Related Information

Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface [page 28]
Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface [page 29]
Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Web User Interface [page 35]

6.1 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical

User Interface

The SAP HANA cockpit can be updated using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) graphical
user interface.


● You are updating from an installation medium or you have prepared for update.
● You know the <sid>adm, the database administrator, and the XS organization manager user passwords.
The passwords of these users match the master password, which is set during installation.


The following procedure describes the update of the SAP HANA cockpit in interactive mode and entering
parameters interactively.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

28 PUBLIC Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit

1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Run the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager as root or <sid>adm user:


The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager graphical user interface appears.
3. Select Update Existing System, and choose the SID from the drop-down menu. Then select Next.
4. Select the components you would like to update, then select Next.
5. Specify the SAP HANA authorization information.
6. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select Update.

Related Information

Download Components from SAP Support Portal Using the Web User Interface [page 30]
Prepare the Software Archive for the Update [page 32]

6.2 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-

Line Interface

The SAP HANA cockpit can be updated using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM)
command-line interface.


● You are updating from an installation medium or you have prepared for update.
● You know the <sid>adm, the database administrator, and the XS organization manager user passwords.
The passwords of these users match the master password, which is set during installation.


The following procedure describes the update of the SAP HANA cockpit in interactive mode and entering
parameters interactively.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 29

1. Change to the directory where you unpacked the SAP HANA cockpit *.SAR archive:

cd <installation medium>

2. Run the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager as root or <sid>adm user:


3. Select the index for the system to be updated, then select Enter .
4. Select the components you would like to update as a comma-separated list, then select Enter .
5. Specify the SAP HANA authorization information.
6. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select y.

Related Information

Download Components from SAP Support Portal Using the Web User Interface [page 30]
Prepare the Software Archive for the Update [page 32]

6.3 Download Components from SAP Support Portal Using

the Web User Interface

You can use your SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) Web user interface to check for available
software component updates and download them from SAP Support Portal.


● The SAP HANA cockpit is up and running.

● The SAP HANA cockpit has access to the Internet.

 Note

Alternatively, you can download the components to a shared location to which the SAP HANA cockpit
has access or copy the downloaded components to the SAP HANA cockpit host manually.

You should verify that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before trying to access the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager from a Web browser.

● The communication port 1129 is open.

Port 1129 is required for the SSL communication with the SAP Host Agent in a standalone browser via

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

30 PUBLIC Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit
● The following Web browser requirements are fulfilled:
○ Microsoft Windows
○ Internet Explorer - Version 9 or higher
If you are running Internet Explorer version 9, make sure that your browser is not running in
compatibility mode with your SAP HANA host. You can check this in your browser by choosing
Tools Compatibility View Settings .
○ Microsoft Edge
○ Mozilla Firefox - Latest version and Extended Support Release
○ Google Chrome - Latest version
○ SUSE Linux - Mozilla Firefox with XULRunner 10.0.4 ESR
○ Mac OS - Safari 5.1 or higher

 Note

For more information about supported Web browsers for the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager
Web interface, see the browser support for sap.m library in the SAPUI5 Developer Guide in Related

● You are logged on as the system administrator user <sid>adm.


1. Access the SAP HANA HDBLCM Web user interface.

Enter the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) URL in an HTML5-enabled browser:


 Note

The URL is case sensitive. Make sure you enter upper and lower case letters correctly.

2. Select the Download Components tile.

3. Specify the download mode. Then select Next.
You can choose between downloading the software archives to the SAP HANA host or via the Web browser
to your local computer. If you choose to download the archives to your local computer, you will have to copy
them to the host manually.
4. Specify the HTTPS proxy properties. Then select Next.
5. Provide the SAP Support Portal credentials, then select Next.
6. Select the components for download. Then select Next.
Note that you can also select and download SAP HANA core components which are not currently, but can
be installed on the system. To display all components available for download, select Show Components
(Only Updates) and then select All.
7. Specify the download properties. Then select Next.
8. Select Download to download the components.
9. Once the downloads have finished, select Close to return to the main screen.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 31
Next Steps

After downloading components from the SAP Support Portal using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager
(HDBLCM) Web user interface, prepare the software archive so that it is detected by the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager during update. For more information about preparing the software archive, see Related

Related Information

SAPUI5 Developer Guide

Prepare the Software Archive for the Update [page 32]
Upload and Extract SAP HANA Components Using the Web User Interface [page 33]

6.4 Prepare the Software Archive for the Update

After downloading the software components from SAP Support Portal, the software archive must be prepared
for the update.


● You are logged in as root user.

● You have downloaded the software components from SAP Support Portal (SAP Service Marketplace) using
the SAP HANA studio or the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) Web user interface.
● You have copied the download directory to the SAP HANA host or in case it is a shared file system, make
sure it is accessible from the SAP HANA host.


1. Change to the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/hdblcm

By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the command line:

./hdblcm --action=extract_components

3. Enter the location of the SAP HANA component archives which you want to prepare for the update.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

32 PUBLIC Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit
4. Enter the target directory to extract the software component archives to. The target directory must be
5. Review the summary, and select y to finalize the configuration.

Next Steps

You can now update the SAP HANA system with the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager.

If the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager doesn't detect the installation kit, you should run it with the
parameter component_root specifying the root directory displayed at the end of the

./hdblcmgui --component_root=<component root directory>


./hdblcm --component_root=<component root directory>

6.5 Upload and Extract SAP HANA Components Using the

Web User Interface

You can upload and extract SAP HANA component archives that were downloaded from the SAP Service
Marketplace for installation or update using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) Web user


● The SAP HANA cockpit is up and running.

You should verify that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before trying to access the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager from a Web browser.

● The communication port 1129 is open.

Port 1129 is required for the SSL communication with the SAP Host Agent in a standalone browser via
● The following Web browser requirements are fulfilled:
○ Microsoft Windows
○ Internet Explorer - Version 9 or higher
If you are running Internet Explorer version 9, make sure that your browser is not running in
compatibility mode with your SAP HANA host. You can check this in your browser by choosing
Tools Compatibility View Settings .
○ Microsoft Edge

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 33
○ Mozilla Firefox - Latest version and Extended Support Release
○ Google Chrome - Latest version
○ SUSE Linux - Mozilla Firefox with XULRunner 10.0.4 ESR
○ Mac OS - Safari 5.1 or higher

 Note

For more information about supported Web browsers for the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager
Web interface, see the browser support for sap.m library in the SAPUI5 Developer Guide in Related

● You are logged on as the system administrator user <sid>adm.


1. Access the SAP HANA HDBLCM Web user interface.

Enter the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) URL in an HTML5-enabled browser:


 Note

The URL is case sensitive. Make sure you enter upper and lower case letters correctly.

2. Select the Upload/Extract Components tile.

3. Select the upload method.

Option Description

The Archives are Ac­ Use this option if the archives are located on a file system accessible from the SAP HANA host.
cessible from the
SAP HANA Host Specify the directory which contains the component archives under Location of SAP HANA
Component Archives. Then select Next.

Upload Archives to Use this option if the archives are accessible only from your local machine.
the SAP HANA Host
Select one or more component archives that you want to upload to the SAP HANA host. Then
select Upload.

4. Specify an empty target directory to extract the software component archives to under Temporary Extract
Directory. Then select Next.
5. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select Extract.

Related Information

SAPUI5 Developer Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

34 PUBLIC Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit
6.6 Update the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Web User

A standalone installation of SAP HANA cockpit can be updated using the SAP HANA database lifecycle
manager (HDBLCM) Web user interface.


You should verify that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before trying to access the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager from a Web browser.

● The communication port 1129 is open.

Port 1129 is required for the SSL communication with the SAP Host Agent in a standalone browser via
● The following Web browser requirements are fulfilled:
○ Microsoft Windows
○ Internet Explorer - Version 9 or higher
If you are running Internet Explorer version 9, make sure that your browser is not running in
compatibility mode with your SAP HANA host. You can check this in your browser by choosing
Tools Compatibility View Settings .
○ Mozilla Firefox - Latest version and Extended Support Release
○ Google Chrome - Latest version
○ SUSE Linux - Mozilla Firefox with XULRunner 10.0.4 ESR
○ Mac OS - Safari 5.1 or higher

 Note

For more information about supported Web browsers for the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager
Web interface, see the browser support for sap.m library in the SAPUI5 Developer Guide in Related

● You are logged on as the system administrator user <sid>adm.

● The installation medium must be owned by the root user and should not have write permissions for the
group (except for when the group ID is 0) and others.

● You are updating from an installation medium or you have prepared for update.
● You know the <sid>adm, the database administrator, and the XS organization manager user passwords.
The passwords of these users match the master password, which is set during installation.


The following procedure describes the update of the SAP HANA cockpit using the SAP HANA database lifecycle
manager (HDBLCM) Web user interface.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 35

1. Access the SAP HANA HDBLCM Web user interface.

Enter the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) URL in an HTML5-enabled browser:


 Note

The URL is case sensitive. Make sure you enter upper and lower case letters correctly.

2. Select the Update System and Components tile.

3. Enter the file path of the installation medium in the location field:

Option Description

Intel-Based Hardware Platforms <installation medium>/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64

IBM Power Systems <installation medium>/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_PPC64

If you downloaded the components to a different directory, enter the file path to the directory where you
unpacked the server archive.

4. Select Proceed with Update.

The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) detects all available components for the given file
5. Select the components you would like to update, or install if they are not already available on your system.
The select Next.
6. Specify the SAP HANA authorization information.
7. After specifying all system properties, review the summary, and select Update.

Related Information

SAPUI5 Developer Guide

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

36 PUBLIC Updating the SAP HANA Cockpit
7 Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit

If required, you can uninstall the previously installed SAP HANA cockpit by running either the SAP HANA
database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) from the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory.

Related Information

Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical User Interface [page 37]
Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-Line Interface [page 38]

7.1 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Graphical

User Interface

You can uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) graphical
user interface.


● You are logged in as root user.


 Caution

Uninstalling the SAP HANA cockpit removes all data volumes and log volumes associated with the
persistence of SAP HANA cockpit. It is a permanent action that cannot be undone! The persistencies of the
managed SAP HANA systems, including the system hosting the cockpit, are not affected by this action.


1. Change to the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/hdblcm

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 37
By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.
2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the graphical user interface:

./hdblcmgui --action=uninstall --components=all

The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager graphical user interface appears.
3. Select Uninstall SAP HANA Cockpit Components from the activity options. Then select Next.
4. Select Uninstall SAP HANA Database and all other components from the components options. Then select
Next .

5. Review the summary, and select Uninstall to finalize the configuration.


The SAP HANA cockpit is uninstalled. A log file is available.

7.2 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit Using the Command-

Line Interface

You can uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit using the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM)
command-line interface.


● You are logged in as root user.


 Caution

Uninstalling the SAP HANA cockpit removes all data volumes and log volumes associated with the
persistence of SAP HANA cockpit. It is a permanent action that cannot be undone! The persistencies of the
managed SAP HANA systems, including the system hosting the cockpit, are not affected by this action.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

38 PUBLIC Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit

1. Change to the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/hdblcm

By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the command line:

Option Action

To uninstall a standalone SAP HANA cockpit Run the following command:

./hdblcm --action=uninstall --

To uninstall an SAP HANA cockpit that is bundled with Run the following command to uninstall cockpit:
./hdblcm --action=uninstall --

To uninstall the XS engine, first confirm that no other ap­

plication is using it and then run the following command:

./hdblcm --action=uninstall --

3. Review the summary, and select y to finalize the configuration.


The SAP HANA cockpit is uninstalled. A log file is available.

7.3 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit from an Existing SAP

HANA System Using the Graphical User Interface

You can uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit from an existing SAP HANA system using the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) graphical user interface.


● You are logged in as root or <sid>adm user.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 39

 Caution

Uninstalling the SAP HANA cockpit removes all data volumes and log volumes associated with the
persistence of SAP HANA cockpit. It is a permanent action that cannot be undone! The persistencies of the
managed SAP HANA systems, including the system hosting the cockpit, are not affected by this action.

If you no longer require the XS advanced runtime environment for other applications, you can uninstall it
together with the SAP HANA cockpit.

 Note

Always use the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) to fully uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit.
Do not drop the COCKPITDB database.


1. Change to the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/hdblcm

By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the graphical user interface:

./hdblcmgui --action=uninstall

The SAP HANA database lifecycle manager graphical user interface appears.
3. Select Uninstall SAP HANA Database Components from the activity options. Then select Next.
4. Select Uninstall SAP HANA Cockpit Stack from the components options. Then select Next .
5. Specify the SAP HANA cockpit system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
6. Review the summary, and select Uninstall to finalize the configuration.


The SAP HANA cockpit is uninstalled. A log file is available.

Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

40 PUBLIC Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit
7.4 Uninstall the SAP HANA Cockpit from an Existing SAP
HANA System Using the Command-Line Interface

You can uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit from an existing SAP HANA system using the SAP HANA database
lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) command-line interface.


● You are logged in as root or <sid>adm user.


 Caution

Uninstalling the SAP HANA cockpit removes all data volumes and log volumes associated with the
persistence of SAP HANA cockpit. It is a permanent action that cannot be undone! The persistencies of the
managed SAP HANA systems, including the system hosting the cockpit, are not affected by this action.

If you no longer require the XS advanced runtime environment for other applications, you can uninstall it
together with the SAP HANA cockpit.

 Note

Always use the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) to fully uninstall the SAP HANA cockpit.
Do not drop the COCKPITDB database.


1. Change to the SAP HANA resident HDBLCM directory:

cd <sapmnt>/<SID>/hdblcm

By default, <sapmnt> is /hana/shared.

2. Start the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager interactively in the command line:

./hdblcm --action=uninstall

3. Select the index for cockpit, then select Enter .

4. Specify the SAP HANA cockpit system properties.
For a list of all system properties, see System Properties in Related Information.
5. Review the summary, and select y to finalize the configuration.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit PUBLIC 41

The SAP HANA cockpit is uninstalled. A log file is available.

Related Information

System Properties [page 20]

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

42 PUBLIC Uninstalling the SAP HANA Cockpit
8 Important SAP Notes

SAP Notes contain important information that can help you to successfully install, update, administer, and
work with an SAP HANA system.

SAP Note Number Title

1514967 SAP HANA: Central Note

2380229 SAP HANA Platform 2.0 - Central Note

2844322 SAP HANA Platform 2.0 SPS 05 Release Note

2932865 SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 05 Database Revision 050

2372809 Guideline for Upgrading a SAP HANA 1.0 to SAP HANA 2.0

1948334 SAP HANA Database Update Paths for Maintenance


2503043 Global temporary ROW table could not be dropped

2378962 SAP HANA 2.0 Revision and Maintenance Strategy

2380291 SAP HANA 2.0 Cockpit Central Release Note

2373065 SAP HANA Runtime Tools 2.0 Release Notes

2714742 SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 04 - Central Release

2078425 Troubleshooting note for SAP HANA platform lifecycle

management tool hdblcm

2000003 FAQ: SAP HANA

2235581 SAP HANA: Supported Operating Systems

1944799 SAP HANA Guidelines for SLES Operating System

2009879 SAP HANA Guidelines for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

2055470 HANA on POWER Planning and Installation Specifics -

Central Note

2218464 Supported products when running SAP HANA on IBM

Power Systems

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Important SAP Notes PUBLIC 43
SAP Note Number Title

52505 Support after end of mainstream/extended maintenance

1681092 Support for multiple SAP HANA databases on a single SAP

HANA appliance

1976729 Application Component Hierarchy for SAP HANA

1661202 Support for multiple applications on SAP HANA

1927949 Standard Behavior for SAP Logon Tickets

1906576 HANA client and server cross-version compatibility

1637145 SAP BW on HANA: Sizing SAP HANA Database

1793345 Sizing for Suite on HANA

2428875 Full-text index creation runs endlessly in Preprocessor


2435642 Deprecation of legacy text mining implementation.

Check the current SAP Notes for the various parts of SAP HANA by searching for any of the following
application areas:

SAP HANA Native Applications

● HAN-APP - SAP HANA Native Applications
● HAN-APP-DCI - Please use HAN-APP-IOA
● HAN-APP-DWS - SAP HANA Data Warehouse Services
● HAN-APP-DWS-DDO - SAP HANA Data Distribution Optimizer
● HAN-APP-DWS-DLM - SAP HANA Data Lifecycle Manager
● HAN-APP-DWS-DSO - DataStore Object
● HAN-APP-DWS-DWS - Data Warehousing Scheduler

SAP HANA Application Services

● HAN-AS - SAP HANA Application Services
● HAN-AS-INA - SAP HANA InA Tools and Infrastructure
● HAN-AS-INA-FL - SAP HANA InA File Loader
● HAN-AS-INA-UI - SAP HANA InA Toolkit, Fiori Search UI
● HAN-AS-RPO - SAP HANA Repository
● HAN-AS-RST - SAP HANA Development Environment REST API
● HAN-AS-RUL - SAP HANA Rules Framework
● HAN-AS-XS - SAP HANA Extended Application Services
● HAN-AS-XSA - SAP HANA XS Basis Applications
● HAN-AS-XS-ADM - SAP HANA XS Administration
● HAN-AS-XSA-LIB - Please use HAN-AS-XS
● HAN-AS-XSA-SHN - SAP HANA Interactive Education (SHINE Model)

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

44 PUBLIC Important SAP Notes
● HAN-AS-XSA-TM - SAP HANA Task management
● HAN-AS-XSA-WF - HWF (Deprecated)
● HAN-AS-XS-JOB - SAP HANA XS Scheduled Jobs

SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE

● HAN-ASE - SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE

HANA adaptive transaction processing

● HAN-ATP - HANA adaptive transaction processing

HANA Cloud Services

● HAN-CLS - HANA Cloud Services
● HAN-CLS-CPT - HANA Cockpit as a Service (Cloud Service)
● HAN-CLS-DB - HANA Database as a Service
● HAN-CLS-DB-ALI - HANA Service for Alicloud
● HAN-CLS-HC - HANA Cloud Services HANA Cloud
● HAN-CLS-HC-HDL - HANA Cloud HANA Data Lake
● HAN-CLS-SRC - Enterprise Search as a Service

SAP HANA Cockpit

● HAN-CPT - SAP HANA Cockpit
● HAN-CPT-ADM - SAP HANA Administration Core
● HAN-CPT-ASE - SAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE Administration
● HAN-CPT-BAC - SAP HANA Backup and Recovery
● HAN-CPT-CNR - SAP HANA Workload Capture and Replay
● HAN-CPT-CPT2 - SAP HANA Cockpit version 2
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-ADM - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Administration Core)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-ASE - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Accelerator for SAP ASE Administration)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-BAC - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 Backup and Recovery
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-CNR - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Capture and Replay)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-DBX - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 Database Explorer
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-DYT - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Dynamic Tiering Administration)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-EWA - SAP HANA Cockpit Early Watch Alert Support
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-LA - SAP HANA Cockpit Landscape Administration
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-MDC - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (MDC Tenant Handling)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-MGC - SAP HANA Cockpit Manager
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-PM - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Performance Monitoring)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-REC - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Recommendation Application)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SA - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 SQL Analyzer
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SDA - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Smart Data Access )
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SDI - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Smart Data Integration)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SDS - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Smart Data Streaming Administration)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SEC - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Security)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SR - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (System Replication)
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-SYN - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (remote data sync)

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Important SAP Notes PUBLIC 45
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-TEL - HANA Express Telemetry
● HAN-CPT-CPT2-WA - SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Workload Analyzer)
● HAN-CPT-DCC - SAP DB Control Center
● HAN-CPT-DP - Please use HAN-DP-SDI
● HAN-CPT-DYT - SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering Administration
● HAN-CPT-SDS - SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming Administration
● HAN-CPT-SEC - SAP HANA Cockpit Security
● HAN-CPT-WA - HANA Workload Analyzer
● HAN-CPT-XS - Please use HAN-AS-XS-ADM

SAP HANA Database

● HAN-DB - SAP HANA Database
● HAN-DB-AFL - Appl. Function Library - SAP Note 2198403 for subcomponents
● HAN-DB-AFL-DQ - SAP HANA Data Quality Library
● HAN-DB-AFL-EML - SAP HANA External Machine Learning Library
● HAN-DB-AFL-GEN - SAP HANA AFL Shipment and general AFL topics
● HAN-DB-AFL-PAL - SAP HANA Predictive Analysis Library
● HAN-DB-AFL-POS - SAP HANA On-Shelf Availability
● HAN-DB-AFL-SAL - SAP HANA Self Service Analytics Library
● HAN-DB-AFL-SCA - SAP HANA Supply Chain Algorithm Library
● HAN-DB-AFL-SOP - SAP HANA Sales and Operations Planning
● HAN-DB-AFL-TEC - SAP HANA AFL Technology and SDK
● HAN-DB-AFL-UDF - SAP HANA Unified Demand Forecast
● HAN-DB-AFL-VCH - Variant Configuration Library (VCH AFL)
● HAN-DB-ANO - SAP HANA Data Anonymization
● HAN-DB-BAC - SAP HANA Backup and Recovery
● HAN-DB-CDS - SAP HANA Activation of HDBDD-files (CDS Definitions)
● HAN-DB-CLI-CVAPI - JS API to generate SAP HANA calculation models
● HAN-DB-CLI-MLAPI - HANA machine learning API
● HAN-DB-DI - SAP HANA DI (HDI): diserver, HDI pluginsand client libs
● HAN-DB-ENG-ESH - SAP HANA Enterprise Search Engine
● HAN-DB-ENG-GPH - SAP HANA Graph Engine
● HAN-DB-ENG-IM - Please use HAN-DB-SDQ
● HAN-DB-ENG-MDS - SAP HANA Multidimensional Services MDS / InA
● HAN-DB-ENG-PLE - SAP HANA Planning Engine
● HAN-DB-ENG-SPA - SAP HANA Spatial Engine
● HAN-DB-ENG-SPA-ESRI - SAP HANA Spatial - Esri Geodatabase
● HAN-DB-EPM - SAP HANA Enterprise Performance Management Platform

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

46 PUBLIC Important SAP Notes
● HAN-DB-HA - SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.)
● HAN-DB-MDX - SAP HANA MDX Engine/Excel Client
● HAN-DB-MON - SAP HANA Monitoring
● HAN-DB-NSE - SAP HANA Native Storage Extension
● HAN-DB-PER - SAP HANA Database Persistence
● HAN-DB-PERF - SAP HANA Database Performance
● HAN-DB-R - SAP HANA Integration with R
● HAN-DB-SDA - SAP HANA Smart Data Access
● HAN-DB-SDQ - Information Mgmt Platform - smart data quality
● HAN-DB-SEC - SAP HANA Security and User Management

Dynamic Edge Processing

● HAN-DEP - Dynamic Edge Processing
● HAN-DEP-CTE - Core to Edge Processing

Data Provisioning
● HAN-DP - Data Provisioning
● HAN-DP-BC - SAP HANA Blockchain Adapter
● HAN-DP-DS - Data Services
● HAN-DP-DXC - SAP HANA Direct Extractor Connector
● HAN-DP-ESS - SAP HANA Enterprise Semantic Services (ESS)
● HAN-DP-LTR - Landscape Transformation Replication Server
● HAN-DP-SDI - SAP HANA smart data integration

SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering

● HAN-DYT - SAP HANA Dynamic Tiering

HANA Hardware and Cloud Optimization Tool

● HAN-HCO - HANA Hardware and Cloud Optimization Tool

SAP HANA Lifecycle Management

● HAN-LM - SAP HANA Lifecycle Management
● HAN-LM-APP - SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management
● HAN-LM-INS - SAP HANA Installation
● HAN-LM-INS-DB - Installation of HANA Database
● HAN-LM-INS-SAP - Installation of SAP Systems on HANA
● HAN-LM-PLT - SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management
● HAN-LM-UPG-DB - Upgrade of HANA Database
● HAN-LM-UPG-SAP - Upgrade of SAP Systems on HANA

SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming

● HAN-SDS - SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Important SAP Notes PUBLIC 47
SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse)
● HAN-STD - SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse)
● HAN-STD-ADM - SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse) Tooling
● HAN-STD-ADM-BAC - SAP HANA Studio Backup and Recovery
● HAN-STD-ADM-DBA - SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse) Admin Tooling
● HAN-STD-ADM-PVZ - SAP HANA Plan Visualizer
● HAN-STD-ADM-SEC - SAP HANA Security and User Management (Studio)
● HAN-STD-DEV - SAP HANA Development Tools
● HAN-STD-DEV-CDS - SAP HANA Core Data Services Tools
● HAN-STD-DEV-DP - SAP HANA Data Provisioning Modeler
● HAN-STD-DEV-MOD - SAP HANA Analytical Modeling
● HAN-STD-DEV-MOD-CLT - SAP HANA Analytical Modeling Client
● HAN-STD-DEV-MOD-SRV - SAP HANA Analytical Modeling - Server Component
● HAN-STD-DEV-REF - SAP HANA Tools for Where-used, Refactoring and Mass Copy
● HAN-STD-DEV-SCR - SAP HANA SQL Script Editor/Debugger
● HAN-STD-DEV-TP - SAP HANA Team Provider
● HAN-STD-DEV-TP-CM - SAP HANA Development Change Management
● HAN-STD-DEV-UIS - SAP HANA UI Integration Services
● HAN-STD-DEV-UIS-FLP - SAP HANA UI Integration Services
● HAN-STD-DEV-XS - SAP HANA XS Editors and Wizards

SAP Web IDE for Hana

● HAN-WDE - SAP Web IDE for Hana
● HAN-WDE-BLD - SAP Web IDE for Hana building applications
● HAN-WDE-BLD-HDB - SAP Web IDE for Hana HDB Build
● HAN-WDE-CPS - SAP Web IDE for Hana user and project settings
● HAN-WDE-DBG - SAP Web IDE for Hana debugging applications
● HAN-WDE-DBX - Database Explorer in Web IDE for SAP HANA
● HAN-WDE-DOC - SAP Web IDE for Hana documentation
● HAN-WDE-EDT - SAP Web IDE for Hana text editors
● HAN-WDE-EDT-CDS - SAP Web IDE for Hana editor for Core Data Services
● HAN-WDE-EDT-GCDS - Graphical Editor for HANA CDS
● HAN-WDE-EDT-JAVA - Java Support
● HAN-WDE-EDT-MOD - SAP Web IDE editor for HANA Analytical Modeling
● HAN-WDE-EDT-NJS - Node.js Tools
● HAN-WDE-EIM - Flowgraph, RepTasks and other SDA Tools
● HAN-WDE-FPM - SAP Web IDE for Hana feature management
● HAN-WDE-GIT - SAP Web IDE for Hana GIT
● HAN-WDE-INS - SAP Web IDE for Hana Installation
● HAN-WDE-MTA - SAP Web IDE for HANA Multi Targeted Application
● HAN-WDE-PLF - SAP Web IDE for Hana platform
● HAN-WDE-RTT - SAP Web IDE for Hana Runtime and SQL Tools

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

48 PUBLIC Important SAP Notes
● HAN-WDE-RUN - SAP Web IDE for Hana running applications
● HAN-WDE-RUN-UI - SAP Web IDE for Hana - Run web and SAP Fiori applications
● HAN-WDE-SDS - Smart Data Streaming Tools
● HAN-WDE-TPL - SAP Web IDE for Hana Project creation, template and wizards
● HAN-WDE-TXT - Text Analysis Web IDE extensions
● HAN-WDE-XSC-EIM - Flowgraph, RepTasks and other SDA Tools
● HAN-WDE-XSC-MOD - Modeling
● HAN-WDE-XSC-PVZ - Performance Visualization Plugin

SAP HANA XS Advanced

● BC-XS - HANA XS Advanced
● BC-XS-CDX - SAP Cloud application programming model
● BC-XS-CDX-JAV - SAP CAP – Java runtime
● BC-XS-CDX-JAV-V1 - Java Runtime Version 1
● BC-XS-CDX-JAV-V2 - Java Runtime Version 2
● BC-XS-CDX-COR - SAP CAP– Compiler and CDS language
● BC-XS-CDX-NJS - SAP CAP – node.js runtime
● BC-XS-CDX-TLS - SAP CAP – tools, IDEs, build, deployment
● BC-XS-SRV - Services
● BC-XS-SRV-ODT - OData Service
● BC-XS-SRV-ODT-JS - OData Node.js (XSOData XS Classic use HAN-AS-XS)
● BC-XS-SRV-ODT-JAV - JAVA Runtime for Cloud Application Programming Model
● BC-XS-SRV-HSB - HANA Service Broker
● BC-XS-SRV-GIT - Git/Gerrit
● BC-XS-SRV-PTL - Hana XS Advanced Portal Services (for Fiori Launchpad)
● BC-XS-SRV-JBS - Job Scheduler
● BC-XS-SRV-ADT - Audit Log Service for XS advanced
● BC-XS-SL - Software Logistics
● BC-XS-SL-PI - XSA App Installation and Update via xs install/HALM
● BC-XS-SL-DS - MTA Lifecycle Management Operations
● BC-XS-TLS - Tools
● BC-XS-TLS-MIG - XSC to XSA Migration Assistant tooling
● BC-XS-PY - Python Runtime
● BC-XS-APR - HANA XSA / Cloud Foundry Application Router
● BC-XS-JAV - Java Runtime
● BC-XS-RT - OP Runtime / XS Controller
● BC-XS-ADM - Admin Tools
● BC-XS-SEC - UAA and Security for XS engine
● BC-XS-JS - Javascript runtime

SAP HANA Database (CCMS, Porting and DB Interface)

● BC-DB-HDB Use HAN-DB*. Here CCMS, Porting, DB Interface issues only
● BC-DB-HDB-PFW Parallelization Framework

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Important SAP Notes PUBLIC 49
● BC-DB-HDB-SYS Database Interface/DBMS for SAP HANA
● BC-DB-HDB-CCM CCMS / Database Monitors for SAP HANA

End User Clients

● BI-BIP Business intelligence platform (formerly known as BOE)
● BI-BIP-CMC Central Management Console (CMC)
● BI-BIP-CRS SAP Crystal Reports Server
● BI-BIP-IDT Information design tool
● BI-RA-AO-XLA MS Excel Add-In
● BI-RA-CR SAP Crystal Reports
● BI-RA-EXP SAP BusinessObjects Explorer
● BI-RA-WBI Web Intelligence
● BI-RA-XL Dashboard Designer

The search also supports using the wildcard asterisk (*), so you can, for example, also search for BC-DB-HDB*
or similar and you will get results for all subcomponents.

Reporting Incidents

If you encounter any problems with the software, report an incident at .

In addition, the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is available 24 x 7 in every region to help you resolve any
issues you may run into ( ).

The CIC requires a valid S-user number.

When reporting an incident, you can choose from the above list of components for the relevant software part.

For information about the capabilities available for your license and installation scenario, refer to the Feature
Scope Description for SAP HANA.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

50 PUBLIC Important SAP Notes
9 Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP

For information about the capabilities available for your license and installation scenario, refer to the Feature
Scope Description for SAP HANA.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

Important Disclaimer for Features in SAP HANA PUBLIC 51
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We try not to use gender-specific word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP may use masculine word forms to refer to all genders.

SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide

52 PUBLIC Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
SAP HANA Cockpit Installation and Update Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information PUBLIC 53

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