HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) Recommendations For The Designation of Gene Fusions
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) Recommendations For The Designation of Gene Fusions
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) Recommendations For The Designation of Gene Fusions
com/leu Leukemia
Gene fusions have been discussed in the scientific literature since they were first detected in cancer cells in the early 1980s. There is
currently no standardized way to denote the genes involved in fusions, but in the majority of publications the gene symbols in
question are listed either separated by a hyphen (-) or by a forward slash (/). Both types of designation suffer from important
shortcomings. HGNC has worked with the scientific community to determine a new, instantly recognizable and unique separator—
a double colon (::)—to be used in the description of fusion genes, and advocates its usage in all databases and articles describing
gene fusions.
BRIEF HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF GENE FUSIONS light chains [2–4]. As a consequence of these translocations, the
Technical developments at the end of the 1970s enabled the MYC gene becomes transcriptionally deregulated, often over-
identification of genes in the breakpoints of chromosome expressed, owing to the influence of regulatory elements of the
rearrangements, which in the early 1980s led to the discovery immunoglobulin genes.
and characterization of gene fusions in neoplasia. While the The alternative mechanism, the creation of a hybrid gene, was
products of translocation events are referred to by several terms, documented at the same time in CML with the demonstration that
including fusion genes, hybrid genes and chimeric genes, here we the Philadelphia chromosome, i.e., the derivative chromosome 22
largely choose to use the term fusion genes as this is most widely resulting from the recurrent reciprocal translocation t(9;22)(q34;
used in this context. Analyses of the recurrent balanced q11), juxtaposed the 5′ part of the BCR gene at 22q11 with the 3′
translocations in Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and chronic myeloid part of the ABL1 tyrosine kinase-encoding gene from 9q34. This
leukemia (CML) proved particularly pivotal. The picture to emerge leads to an in-frame fusion of parts of the two genes and results in
was that reciprocal translocations exert their effects by one of two an abnormal protein, which displays increased tyrosine kinase
alternative mechanisms: deregulation, usually resulting in the activity [5–8] (see Fig. 1).
overexpression of a seemingly normal gene in one of the These and similar molecular insights into how cancer-specific
breakpoints, or the creation of a hybrid, chimeric gene through chromosomal abnormalities act pathogenetically sparked an
fusion of parts of two genes, one in each breakpoint [1] (see enormous interest in cytogenetics as a powerful means to
Fig. 1). pinpoint the locations of genes important in tumorigenesis, and
BL provided the first conclusive evidence for the deregulation an impressive amount of information has been accumulated
mechanism. This tumor type was found to harbor one of three through these efforts. Almost 1000 gene fusions have been found
translocations: t(8;14)(q24;q32), t(2;8)(p11;q24) or t(8;22)(q24;q11). by genomic characterization of breakpoints in cytogenetically
In all three, the breakpoints in chromosome 8 were found to be identified aberrations, balanced as well as unbalanced, in various
within or adjacent to the MYC oncogene (8q24), and the other leukemias, lymphomas, and solid tumors. The accumulated data
breakpoint in an immunoglobulin gene, encoding the heavy chain have shown that the consequences of practically all gene fusions
(IGH in 14q32) or the kappa (IGK in 2p11) or lambda (IGL in 22q11) are in principle the same as those originally elucidated in BL and
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC), European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK.
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK. 3Department of Pathology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, USA. 4Department of Genetics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA. 5University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. 6Howard
Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, USA. 7International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization, Lyon, France. 8Faculty of Medicine, University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK. 9Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK. 10Department of Genetics and Genome Biology,
University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. 11Centre for Haematology Research, Department of Immunology and Inflammation, Imperial College London, London, UK. 12Translational
and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University Centre for Cancer, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 13The Women’s Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals
Foundation Trust, Oxford, UK. 1410 rue des Treilles, Masseuil, Quinçay, France. 15Division of Clinical Genetics, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 17Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. 18Jackson Laboratory for
Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA. 19Department of Neurosurgery, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ✉email: [email protected]
Fig. 1 The chromosomal basis of gene fusions. a Gene fusions may originate through balanced and unbalanced chromosome
rearrangements. Balanced changes comprise translocations (the transfer of chromosome segments between chromosomes), insertions (a
chromosome segment in a new interstitial position in the same or another chromosome) and inversions (rotation of a chromosome segment
by 180°); an example of an unbalanced change is the deletion of an interstitial chromosomal segment. Small arrows indicate breakpoints, and
large arrows indicate the resulting rearranged chromosomes. A and B signify affected genes. Note that a reciprocal gene fusion may be
generated on the partner derivative chromosome as a result of a reciprocal translocation, but this is not shown. b Both balanced and
unbalanced aberrations may lead to the deregulation of either gene A or gene B by the juxtaposition of the coding sequences with the
regulatory sequences of the other gene, or to the creation of a chimeric gene through the fusion of parts of both genes.
CML, i.e., deregulation of a seemingly normal gene or the creation PROBLEMS WITH THE NOMENCLATURE USED TO DESCRIBE
of a hybrid gene. However, not all gene fusions have translational GENE FUSIONS
consequences, and some could result in gene inactivation The SYMBOL-SYMBOL notation, e.g., BCR-ABL1, to denote fusion
[1, 9, 10]. genes has three important shortcomings:
The advent of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) has recently (1) The HGNC has approved the use of the hyphen separator, in
provided a radically new means to identify fusions at the DNA or collaboration with all contributing genome annotation groups
RNA levels without any prior information on the cytogenetic features involved in the Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) Project [12],
of the neoplastic cells. The results of such unbiased gene fusion for denoting readthrough transcripts, e.g., INS-IGF2.
detection efforts during the last decade have dramatically changed (2) A hyphen is often used in the literature to denote members
the gene fusion landscape. More than 30,000 gene fusions, the great of a complex, e.g., MRE11-NBN, MRE11-RAD50-NBN.
majority involving previously unsuspected genes, have now been (3) There are also specific groups of approved gene symbols
identified through deep sequencing in a wide variety of neoplasms containing hyphens as separators within the symbol, e.g., TRX-
and these are reported in a number of online resources, e.g., https:// CAT1-2.,, Hence, it is difficult to search specifically for gene fusions in,, databases and in the literature using the hyphen symbol., A major The SYMBOL/SYMBOL notation, e.g., BCR/ABL1, has at least four
challenge will be to verify by functional studies which of the alleged major disadvantages:
gene fusions are pathogenetically important in carcinogenesis, and (1) The forward slash is an accepted symbol in the established
which are either secondary progressional changes or non- cytogenetic International System for Human Cytogenomic
consequential “noise” abnormalities, e.g., by-products of the genetic Nomenclature (ISCN) to denote different clones, both constitu-
instability that characterizes many cancer cells. It is important to note tionally (mosaicism) and in cancer cells; the Human Genome
that while gene fusions are a hallmark of neoplasia, they can also Variation Society (HGVS) guidelines (
occur in heritable disorders such as the formation of the Lepore and recommendations/general/) also use a forward slash to indicate
anti-Lepore haemoglobins from the HBD and HBB genes [11]. mosaicism [13].
There has never been a generally recommended, standardized (2) The forward slash is often used in the literature in place of
way to denote gene fusions. Instead, multiple notations have been “either/or”, e.g., BRCA1/2, and to denote involvement of alternative
used with varying popularity over time, though the most common genes in a fusion, e.g., “SS18-SSX1/SSX2”.
designation is SYMBOL-SYMBOL followed by SYMBOL/SYMBOL, (3) Pathway and complex descriptions use this character, e.g.,
both of which we critique below. RAS/RAF/MAPK.