IbrahimNgah1998 UrbanPlanningAConceptualFramework.
IbrahimNgah1998 UrbanPlanningAConceptualFramework.
IbrahimNgah1998 UrbanPlanningAConceptualFramework.
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Faculty of Built Environment
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Skudai, Johor
This paper examines the concept a nd approaches in urban planning. Urban planning is
conceived as physical planning dea li ng with three key systems i.e. activity systems, land
development sys t e m and environme n t a l system. There has been shifting in emphasis in
the p ra c t ic e of urban planning from a purely urban design app roach to emphasis on
env iro nm e n t a l issues, planning methods and development of IT. This paper also touches
on the i mp o rtance of partne rs hip approach in plan making and implementation.
1. 0 Int ro duction
Urban planning basically deals with the key 3. 0 Sh iftin g Themes In Urban Planning
systems that influence the physical structure
of the city . These are activity systems. 3.1 Master Plann ing
development systems and environmental
systems. Activity systems as concerned with Master planning is one of the earlier
how man. through his institutions such Is approaches to planning that is trying to solve
households. firms and governments. urban problems through the medium of the
organises his affairs in the pursuit of human plan or the blue print. Urban development
needs and how these institutions interact regulations are based on land use map,
with one another in time and space. Activity zoning, density control. building regulation
systems determine demands for various urban and planning standards. The approach
spaces such as housing. recreation. a ttempts to influence or direct all acti v it ie s
commercial. urban facilities and related to the physical environment for the
infrastructure (Figure 1). public benefit and amenity. Due to its
physical nature and rigidity. the master
The land development system focusses on planning approach is regarded as failing to
processes that convert space and adapt it for deal with various social issues such as urban
use of activitiy systems. The principal agents poverty. unemployment and urban
in the development systems include pre inequalities. and such unable to cope with
development landowners. developers. the rapid technological and economic change.
consumers, financial intermediaries and The master planning approach incorporated
public agencies. They relate to the supply side under Town Board Enactment or Cap 137
of the urban development process (Figure 2). was practiced in Peninsular Malaysia for at
least 50 years until the end of 1970s. before
The third class of systems that influence it was replaced by a development planning
urban development is the environmental system under the Town and Country
systems that provide the niche for human Planning Act of 1976.
existence and the habitat and the resources
to sustain man . These include plant. animal 3.2 Procedural Planning
life systems and the fundamental processes
relating to water. air and matter. Procedural planning emphasises on solving
Environmental systems function both to urban problems based on rational procedures
constrain and to enhance the functioning of and methods for decision making. The
the other two system classes (Figure 3) . procedures and methods basically focus on
the planning process that begins with the
Urban planning is viewed as the process of clarification of policy goals. systematic
intervention in the urban land use systems to analysis. logical generation of policy
achieve certain goals of urban development alternatives, systematic evaluation of these
that relate to public interest such as alternatives and monitoring performance.
sustainability. health safety. convenience. Urban planning is conceived as a continous
efficiency, energy conservation , environmental process of managing urban change. The plan.
quality. social equity and amenity (Figure 4). although in principle deals with land use
matters, incorporates elements of social and
Household-sustaining activities
Individuals and Socialization activities
households - . Social interaction activities
Recreational activities
Rest and relaxation activities
Goods-producing activities
Firms ~ Service activities to individuals,
households, firms, and
Human development activities
Institutions~ Basic public service activities
Acti~ities for the welfare of
special groups
Developers I-J Land con~ersion or
I Hydrological system
Abiotic-wa ter , air and -~ Aerological system
matter Geological system
Activity Systems t--~
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(decision guides and action
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