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Precision Spray Nozzles

for the Food and Beverage


The food and beverage industry is facing enormous challenges. To offer consumers
a more extensive product range improved processes are required.
At the same time, increasingly strict hygiene regulations and increasing rationalisation
pressure are demanding highly efficient and safe processes.

Lechler develops and manu- mean that we have been at

factures precision nozzles for the forefront of innovation in
various applications. For this nozzle tech­nology for many
we can fall back on a ­ ll the years.
experience of our 1 ­ 40-year
history. The extensive Today, Lechler manufactures we remain a Swabian family Other subsidiary companies
knowledge of nozzles among nozzles in Germany, England, company with the typical pas- plus more than 40 represen­
our 700-strong workforce Hungary, India, China and the sion for precision, innovation tative offices round off our
and a deep understanding USA. But despite this interna- and the drive to always global sales network.
of typical industry processes tional alignment, at our heart become that little bit better.


Applications 4
ADVANTAGES Disinfection and hygiene 5
Product provision 6–7
Product treatment 8–9
Wide product
range Filling and packing 10–11
Process Planning criteria 12–17

Service Tank cleaning nozzles 18–37

Pneumatic atomizing
Process nozzles 38–44
Hollow cone nozzles 45–48
Experience Full cone nozzles 49–55
Flat fan nozzles 56–70
savings Solid stream nozzles 71
Custom made Air nozzles 72–74
solutions Accessories 75–78
VarioSpray 79–80
Other nozzles 81–82

Nozzles for the food and We will support you with Thanks to our detailed Online Service 83
beverage industry our solutions right along the knowledge of the individual
­process chain: process steps, we are also
In this brochure we have able to offer you advice on an
­compiled for you an overview individual basis and work out
of our tried-and-tested nozzles Disinfection custom solutions for you.
for the food and beverage and hygiene
industry. You will find more infor-
mation, ideas and tools for
If you cannot find a suitable Product using nozzle technology
solution for your particular provision and spraying technology at
job, please contact us. Our www.lechler.de.
­applications engineers would
be happy to develop the opti- Product
mum solution for your needs. treatment

Filling and


Product provision Product treatment Filling and packing

Tank cleaning/CIP

Belt lubrication

Belt cleaning

Container washers
„„ Product cleaning
„„ Filler cleaning
Cleaning of fruit and vegetables
„„ Release agent spray deposition
„„ Pasteurisation
Pretreatment of equipment
„„ Dosing
„„ Sterilization
„„ Coating
„„ Sorting cans and bottles
Bottle and barrel cleaning
„„ Degassing of liquids
„„ Sorting with air
Filter cleaning
„„ Concentrating
„„ Anti-scuffing
Belt cooling
„„ PET bottle cooling
Spray drying

Disinfection and hygiene

Hand disinfection
Boot disinfection
Room disinfection
Work sluices


Hand disinfection

Hygiene sluices are a

fundamental element of
production that is as free
from germs as possible.
Hollow cone nozzles
atomize disinfectants
very finely and there­-
by ensure wide
surface coverage
and high disinfectant
Work equipment

Short throughput times are

needed when cleaning and
disinfecting trolleys and
containers for production.
Flat fan nozzles with a
high spray force are the first
choice for that job.

Sole and boot cleaning

These systems are mostly

linked in combination with
hand disinfectant systems.
For cleaning the brushes
and spraying with new dis­
infectant, we recommend
our series 632 and 686
flat fan or tongue-type


Cleaning of fruit
and vegetables

Series 468 full cone

nozzles with a 60° spray
angle clean cut fruit and
vegetables. Simple
assembly via an eyelet
clamp with bayonet quick
release enables the quick
exchange of nozzles.

Bottle and
barrel cleaning

Various types of nozzles

are used in these
systems. Flat fan and
tongue-type nozzles
for powerful cleaning of
heavy soil. Full cone
nozzles for rinsing and
tank cleaning nozzles
for cleaning the i­nsides
of barrels.

Machine cleaning
and tank cleaning

High impact tank

cleaning machines and
tank cleaning nozzles
with con­trolled rotation
speed were specially
deve­loped for tackling Other nozzle applications
very heavy soil. The in the product provision
example shows the high field
impact tank cleaning
machine 5TM in a bottle Humidification
washing machine.
Filter cleaning
Foam suppression
Animal carcass cleaning
Drum and plate washing
systems e.g. for cleaning
Cleaning, lubricating
cutting knives, belts and
other equipment.
Sorting procedures
with air
Blowing off surfaces
with air

Pack washers

In most cases, cleaning is

performed with a mixture
of immersion baths and
spraying stations. The
preferred option for the
latter is flat fan nozzles.
Tongue-type nozzles
produce a particularly
powerful flat fan at low


Tank cleaning

Optimum tank cleaning

requires targeted
harmonization with the
respective application.
Lechler offers a wide range
of rotating nozzles and
will support you in finding
the right arrangement.

Sausage cooling

In the meat-processing
industry, sausage products
are cooled by means of
sausage showers. Full
cone nozzles or cluster
head nozzles are
frequently used for that.

Can cleaning

Before the foodstuffs are

transferred, the cans must
be disinfected on both the
outside and inside. Flat
fan nozzles and full cone
nozzles can be used for

Coating with

Coating or disinfecting
operations are widespread
in food processing. The
VarioSpray nozzle valve
system with pulse width
modulation impresses
with its enormous flexibility
and offers the possibility
of spraying very small
volumes of fluid with

Other nozzle applications

in the product treatment
Product cleaning
Belt cooling Dosing

With belt cooling, the Concentrating

product (e.g. rissoles) is Degassing of liquids
transported on a belt.
The underside of the belt Release agent spray
is sprayed with water or deposition
a coolant. Due to the fine Spray drying
droplets, hollow cone
nozzles are often used Blanching of vegetables
for this process. Sugar production
Tobacco processing



Disinfection is a central step in the

production of food and beverage. The
example shows series 136 pneumatic
atomizing nozzles for the internal disin­
fection of PET bottles.

Filler cleaning

Filling machines are

cleaned regularly via a
permanently installed
nozzle system. For this
job, Lechler supplies
various rotating cleaning
nozzles and hygienically
designed nozzles with
FDA and EHEDG approval.

Belt lubrication

This term refers to spraying

a soapy solution, known
as the belt lubricant, onto
the conveyor belt in order
to reduce the friction co-
efficient. Special series
652 xxx. 8H.03 flat fan
nozzles are used for this.


One of the final production

stages is the targeted
­heating of the product in
a pasteuriser.
The heat is transferred by
means of full cone or
hollow cone nozzles that
apply a dense water film
onto the packaging.

Other applications in the

filling and packing field
Rinsing of bottles
Cooling and moistening bread
Release agent application
Drying labels and bottles

Air nozzles Sorting cans and bottles

Sorting with air
There are numerous appli-
cations in which Lechler PET bottle cooling
air nozzles, such as the
Whisperblast® series,
are preferred due to the
low level of noise produced
compared to the standard
air nozzles.
In the example on the right,
Whisperblast® nozzles are
being used for drying the
seal so that the subsequent
marking is not smudged.


a The fundamentals of As a result, the intensification

a The fundamentals of e Spray angle, spraying cleaning technology of mechanical cleaning
cleaning technology distance, spraying enables the consumption of
behaviour Sinner‘s circle cleaning agents or the dura-
Sinner‘s circle tion of cleaning to be reduced.
f Viscosity The Sinner‘s circle illustrates Consequently, the mechanical
Cost reduction the interplay between the four factor that takes up a greater
by efficient g Droplet sizes main factors for successful part of the Sinner‘s circle,
cleaning processes cleaning: while the other factors can
h Liquid distribution
b Mechanical cleaning end up being reduced.
effects with Lechler rota- i Temperature behaviour of Chemistry (choice of
ting cleaning nozzles nozzle materials cleaning agent) Cost reduction by efficient
Mechanical (removal of
„„ cleaning processes
Mechanical cleaning j Narrowest cross section soil via pressure or friction)
Temperature (at which
„„ This is precisely where our
Comparison of rotating k Connections nozzles and rotating cleaning
cleaning is performed)
cleaning nozzles and l Materials Time (duration of the total
„„ nozzles come into play, having
static spray balls cleaning processes) been specially developed for
m Hygiene requirements delivering a high mechanical
c Influence of chemistry cleaning action. Their greater
The proportion of the indivi-
and temperature n Nozzle wear, material efficiency helps to perma­
dual factors as a part of the
certificates and ATEX entire cleaning can be varied, nently reduce ongoing costs
Foam cleaning with nozzles
provided that the total is for energy and cleaning
d Impact 100 per cent. This results in agents, and also the duration
significant savings potentials. of cleaning. Consequently a
Surface and spray angle one-off investment in impro-
Pressure ved nozzle technology pays
for itself after only a short time.
Flow rate

Figure 1: Sinner‘s circle with equal proportions of the temperature, time, Figure 2: Lechler nozzles and rotating cleaning nozzles have high mechanical
chemistry and mechanical factors. cleaning efficiency. This reduces the proportion of the other factors, as well as
the resulting costs.




b Mechanical cleaning If one of them is too large,

effects with Lechler ro- the fluid will break down into
tating cleaning nozzles smaller droplets (see figs. 3
and 4) and the impact will be

shear stress
Impact and
Mechanical cleaning reduced.

Rotating cleaning nozzles Besides the impact, the fluid

deliver the greatest impact running down the tank wall
when cleaning the surface also has a significant
area of the tank. To achieve cleaning effect. If the formed
this, large droplets must strike film is thick enough, the
at high speed. This enables resulting shear stresses can

Shear stress
thick soil to be removed that remove light to moderate
cannot dissolve in the clea- soil. In that case, unsprayed
ning fluid. Important influen- patches are less of an issue
cing factors are the distance than is the case during
between the nozzle and wall, impact cleaning (see fig. 5). Cleaning effect
and the operating pressure.

Figure 5: Cleaning mechanisms, impact and shear stress

Comparison of rotating jets from spray balls strike
cleaning nozzles and only in concentrated spots.
static spray balls The remaining surface is
simply cleaned by the shear
Due to their simple const- stresses of the fluid running
bar Abstand
MIN bar MAX ruction, static spray balls are off (see fig. 6). The fluid
economical and are likely to consumption is therefore

miss important areas. significantly greater in com-

Whereas rotating cleaning parison with rotating cleaning
nozzles spray the entire tank nozzles.
Figure 3: Rotating cleaning nozzles with recommended operating pressure
wall in a fan-like pattern, the

shear stress
Impact and
Shear stress


Cleaning effect
Figure 4: Rotating cleaning nozzles with operating pressure too high

aa Figure 6: Cleaning with a static spray ball




c Influence of chemistry d Impact Pressure Flow rate

and temperature
The force of impact when The impact increases linear Increasing the flow rate by
The chemical cleaning effect using of a liquid jet on a with the connected pressure. using a larger nozzle increases
takes part in almost all tank surface plays an important If you double the pressure the impact, assuming that the
cleaning applications when role in cleaning technology. while maintaining the same other parameters (spray angle,
the soil is dissolved in the The ratio of the force (F) to flow rate, you also double the pressure and medium) remain
cleaning medium or the the surface (A) is referred to impact. the same.
bonding between soil and as the Impact (I).
tank surface is reduced. Hig-
her temperatures can support Impact force F N
I= =
the chemical cleaning effect. Impact surface A m2

Foam cleaning with nozzles It can be controlled via the

following parameters:
Foam cleaning is primarily bar bar bar bar bar bar
bar bar bar
bar bar bar
based on the chemical Surface and spray angle

cleaning effect. Since the

foam sticks more firmly to The impact surface is the area
the surface, it can be more where the droplet strikes. The l/min
l/min l/min
l/min l/minl/min l/min

effective than cleaning fluids smaller the surface area, the

that drip off quickly. The me- greater the impact values.
chanical cleaning effect plays Nozzles with high impact are,

1/2 h
a correspondingly subordi- for example, solid stream
nate role. Here, the task of nozzles and flat fan nozzles
the nozzle is to distribute the with a narrow spray angle.
foam evenly. Your end result
for this application depends
on the type of foam.

Figure 8: Comparison of the cleaning result of three nozzles with identical

pressure and flow rate

Pressure increase Initial situation Flow rate increase

bar bar bar bar bar bar

bar bar MAX MAX
bar bar
bar bar

l/min l/min l/min

l/min l/min l/min
l/min l/minl/min
l/min l/minl/min

Figure 7: Foam cleaning with a Lechler PVDF MicroWhirly

Figure 9: Comparison of the cleaning result of three nozzles with pressure or

flow rate increase

e Spray angle, spraying Depending on the version, f Viscosity g Droplet sizes
distance, spraying single-fluid nozzles can spray
behaviour the fluid as a hollow cone, Increasing viscosity of the Twin-fluid nozzles can pro-
solid stream or flat fan. The fluid can reduce the flow rate, duce very fine to extremely
Depending on the version and solid stream nozzle does not changes the spray pattern fine droplets. The size
job, we supply single-fluid spray, but rather produces (narrower spraying angle) and depends mainly on the flow
nozzles with differently step- a closed jet that hits at a con- allows the droplet spectrum rate ratio of the compressible
ped spray angles from 0° centrated point. The jet only to become coarser. medium used (m3/h) to the
(solid stream nozzles) to 360° begins to break up after some atomized fluid (l/min): The
(tank-cleaning nozzles). The distance. Twin-fluid nozzles Depending on the fluid greater the ratio, the finer the
quoted spray angles apply have a narrow spray angle properties, it is possible to atomization.
close to the nozzle and in a of approximately 20° due to counteract this to a certain In the case of single-fluid
still atmosphere. Gravity and the high speed at which the extent by means of higher nozzles however, the decisive
air flows influence the spray compressible medium exits. pressure. For very viscous factors are pressure, nozzle
pattern. However, as the distance substances, it is recommen- type and flow rate across the
from the nozzle increases, ded to use twin-fluid nozzles droplet spectrum. Increasing
the spray pattern becomes in most cases. It can also be pressure results in finer atomi-
increasingly less sharply helpful to take account of the zation, but mostly only up to
delimited. Twin-fluid nozzles fluid‘s rheology. a certain level.
normally produce full cone or
flat fan spray patterns.

Height of the nozzle position 120°

5000 mm

mm500 mm



Figure 11: Atomization of gelatine

with a Lechler ViscoMist twin-fluid

The diagram above illustrates how height influences the spray pattern.
Figure 12: Droplet size measurement-

Changing the nozzle pressure

Hollow cone nozzles produce
very fine to fine droplets at
the same pressure and flow
rate. Full cone nozzles pro-
duce slightly coarser droplet
spectrums, and finally flat fan
nozzles have the coarsest
Pressure: Very low Pressure: Optimum Pressure: Very high droplet spectrum.

The following generally ap-

Spraying direction plies: Within a series and at a
given pressure, nozzles with a
lower flow rate produce finer
droplet spectrums than nozz-
les with a higher flow rate.

Spraying upwards Spraying downwards

Horizontal spraying

Figure 10: Spray patterns under different working conditions and installations


h Liquid distribution i Temperature behaviour j Narrowest cross section k Connections

of nozzle materials
An even liquid distribution is The risk of a nozzle blo- Nozzles are mainly construc-
crucial to processes such as Applications with tempera- cking depends greatly on its ted with the thread standards
coating. This requires several tures up to 140 °C are very narrowest cross section (Ø E). ISO 228, DIN 2999
nozzles to be arranged next common. These include Experience has shown that (EN 10226-1) and NPT.
to each other. This is because for example most cleaning for smooth operation, the A distinction is made here
whereas a single nozzle applications and sterilisation maximum particle size in the between sealing and non-se-
would produce a parabolic processes. Applications with fluid should not exceed one aling threads. In the case of
liquid distribution, several higher temperatures are rare, third of the narrowest cross non-sealing threads, Teflon®
nozzles arranged next to each and applications at very low section. Hollow cone and full strip or a thread paste is
other allows an almost even temperatures are even rarer. cone nozzles with axial flow used to provide the seal.
distribution via overlapping. The general temperature have an internal swirl. Hollow
information from material data cone and full cone nozzles Not all nozzles can be
sheets must always be scruti- with inflow at the side (tan- connected with a thread.
nised for every single case of gential or eccentric design) For these we supply flange
nozzle use. Pressure, mecha- do not need a swirl and are solutions conforming to the
nical stress type, chemistry therefore much less prone to standards DIN 2527, EN
and time are decisive factors blockages. In the field of flat 1092-1 and ASME B 16.5.
for the suitability of a nozzle fan nozzles, our tongue-type Aseptic clamp connections
material at increased tempe- nozzles represent a special (Tri-Clamp connections) con-
ratures. Chemical processes design that is less susceptible forming to the standard DIN
can be more aggressive at to blockages. 11864-3 are also possible.
high temperatures. Whether a connection other
than the standard connection
A material may be able to is feasible for a nozzle must
withstand them if this tempe- be decided on an individual
rature occurs for a very short case basis.
period only. In all materials,
high temperatures result in
reduced strength values. Narrow-
The mechanical stress type est
must therefore also be taken cross
into account in high-pressure ØE
applications in particular. hole Ø B
In addition, vibrations in the
Figure 13: Liquid distribution system can cause premature
measurement failure.

Measuring the distribution

The liquid distribution in a

plane can be determined with
the aid of a combination of
Plexiglas cylinders. The filling Chemistry (accelerated
level of the individual cylinders Pressure and mechanical
by high temperatures)
is determined fully automati- stress (e.g. vibrations)
cally. This measuring process
can also record the liquid
distribution of a nozzle over
a moving measuring plane. Temperature behaviour
This enables conveyor belt of nozzle materials
spraying to be simulated, for

Time (permanently
high temperatures)

l Materials

Lechler tank and equipment The product pages for the comply with the requirements The regulation
cleaning nozzles are made of individual nozzles provide of the FDA or conform to (EC) (EC) No. 1935/
extremely high-grade materials information on the materials 1935/2004. 2004 of the
that are designed to meet high available for the different European Parli-
requirements such as resi­ nozzle types. Further information on con- ament regulates
stance to cleaning chemicals formity is provided on the general safety requirements
or temperature influences. In addition to the requirements product pages. to all food and beverage
The large choice of different for material resistance and contact materials.
materials – e.g. stainless steel wear, the materials must also The FDA, the
316L, PVDF, PEEK or PTFE be food grade for use in the U.S. Food & Within this regulation, it is
– allows nozzle selection beverage, food and pharma- Drug Administra- additionally stipulated that
customized to the individual ceutical industries. Depending tion, is a federal plastics must comply with
application and operating on the application area, the agency which (EU) 10/2011.
conditions. In addition, the materials must meet different monitors those two industries.
materials used for the tank demands. Materials used in making The respective logo on the
and equipment cleaning nozz- Lechler products are compli- product pages indicates
les are perfectly matched to A large number of the mate­ ant with the requirements of which requirements are
each other and are thus cha- rials used for Lechler tank and FDA regulation 21 CFR for use met.
racterized by very low wear. equipment cleaning nozzles in food applications.

m Hygiene requirements

Lechler‘s tank and equipment Lechler also offers specially components in the dairy and European
cleaning nozzles are designed certified nozzles for particular food industry. Components Hygienic
so that they meet hygiene hygiene requirements. The and systems are examined Engineering and

requirements. »PTFE Whirly« and 527 series to establish whether germs Design Group.
are 3A-certified, for example. adhere to surfaces or existing The EHEDG
This is reflected, for example, soiling can be removed. also checks and
in the self-draining function, »3-A® Sanitary certifies the hygienic design
minimized dead space in the Symbol Council Components and systems are of components. Its procedure
nozzles as well as an external Administrative awarded a »3-A® certificate« is similar to that of 3-A®. The
design without unnecessary Council for only if they are easy to clean »HygienicWhirly« series is
gaps and edges. At the same Spray Cleaning or if soil cannot be deposited EHEDG-certified.
time, the nozzles are designed Devices (78-01)« in the first place.
with the lowest possible The respective logo on the
surface roughness. The 3-A® council is an organi- product pages indicates
zation in the USA that defines which requirements are
criteria for the cleanability of met.

n Nozzle wear, material

certificates and ATEX
Nozzle Wear Material certificates ATEX

Nozzle wear depends mainly Solids in the fluid and

„„ Material certificates in accor- Lechler offers
on the operating conditions. hard particles dance with DIN EN 10204 specially de-
Use in a chemically
„„ can be issued on request for signed nozzle
Like with all rotating parts, the aggressive environment almost all Lechler tank and series for use in
bearing assembly is subjected Spraying of chemically
„„ equipment cleaning nozzles. explosive atmo-
to the highest amount of aggressive substances spheres. The »MicroWhirly«
stress. The following ope- Operating the nozzle above
„„ and »Whirly« series have an
rating conditions accelerate the recommended pressure ATEX approval that was issu-
wear: range or temperature. ed by an external certification

Rotating cleaning nozzle »PicoWhirly«
Series 500.234

Very compact design

Self rotating
Rotating solid jets
Completely made
„„ Flats 6
of stainless steel
316L SS

Max. temperature: Ø9
200 °C Male thread

operating pressure: Spray Ordering number E V̇ [l/min]
3 bar angle Type Ø

diameter [m]
Max. tank
p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
Operation in every direction at 40 psi
is possible 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

Filtration: 300°
Line strainer with a mesh size 500.234.G9.00 1.8 5.7 8.0 9.8 2.5 0.9
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh
E = narrowest free cross section
Kolsterised slide bearing The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Function video
Scan the QR-code or go to:

Rotating cleaning nozzle »MicroWhirly«
Series 566

Compact design
Self rotating
Effective flat jet nozzles


Max. temperature:
130 °C

operating pressure:
2 bar
Ø 25.4
Ø 21.3
Ø 19.2
Installation: 3/8 BSPP 3/8 BSPP
Operation in every direction 3.3
11 16
is possible Flats 13 11.3

Line strainer with a mesh size 52.5 52.5

of 0.3 mm/50 mesh Flats 10

Slide bearing made of PEEK
Ø 20 Ø 20 Ø 20

Slip-on connection
Male thread Female thread ASME - BPE (OD-tube)

Spray Ordering number V̇ [l/min]


diameter [m]
Max. tank
Function video Connection
p [bar] (pmax = 6 bar)
Scan the QR-code or go to: Type [mm]
www.lechler.com/microwhirly 3/8 BSPP 3/8 BSPP 3/4" at 40 psi
male female Slip-on 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

180° 566.873.1Y AE AF TF 1 12 15 18 5 1.6

ATEX version 566.933.1Y AE AF TF 2.4 15 21 26 7 1.7

on request
180° 566.874.1Y AE AF TF 1 12 15 18 5 1.6

566.934.1Y AE AF TF 2.4 15 21 26 7 1.7

360° 566.879.1Y AE AF TF 1 12 15 18 5 1.6

566.939.1Y AE AF TF 2.4 15 21 26 7 1.7

E = narrowest free cross section · NPT and weld-on version on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering number: 095.022.1Y.50.94.E)

– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 566.873.1Y + AE = 566.873.1Y.AE

Rotating cleaning nozzle »PVDF MicroWhirly«
Series 500.191

Very inexpensive
„„ Hex 24 Ø 27
Self rotating
„„ 1/2 BSPP
Effective flat jet nozzles
Completely made of PVDF

Material: 70
Max. temperature:
90 °C Ø 30
Standard version
Female thread
operating pressure:
2 bar Spray Ordering number E Connection V̇ [l/min]

diameter [m]
Max. tank
angle Type Ø BSPP
[mm] female p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
Operation in every direction at 40 psi
is possible 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

500.191.5E.02 2.2 1/2" 9 13 16 4 0.8
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh
Bearing: 500.191.5E.01 2.2 1/2" 9 13 16 4 0.8
Slide bearing made of PVDF
500.191.5E.31 2.2 1/2" 14 20 25 6 1.1

500.191.5E.00 2.2 1/2" 14 20 25 6 1.1

Function video
E = narrowest free cross section
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/pvdfmicrowhirly The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Hex 15 3/8 BSPP


41 19.8

Ø 30
Compact version
Male thread

Spray Ordering number E Connection V̇ [l/min]

diameter [m]
Max. tank

angle Type Ø BSPP

[mm] male p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
at 40 psi
1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

500.191.5E.21 2.2 3/8" 9 13 16 4 0.8

500.191.5E.22 2.2 3/8" 14 20 25 6 1.1

E = narrowest free cross section

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

20 The PVDF MicroWhirly is not suitable for operation with compressed air or any other gas. Operation above the recommended
operating pressure has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.
Rotating cleaning nozzle »HygienicWhirly«
Series 594/595

EHEDG Version available

Self rotating
„„ 46 Ø 25.4
Effective flat jet nozzles
„„ Ø 25 Ø 19.2 6.4
Very good performance
„„ Ø 19.2 6.4
with foam usage 16

Ø 3.3
Ø 3.3
Flats 30
Flats 19
Materials: 87
316L SS, PEEK, 84
Material: Material:
O-ring made of EPDM
Ø 44
Max. temperature: TYPE EL - CLASS I
SEPTEMBER 2012 Ø 31.5
Dimensions slip-on Dimensions slip-on
100 °C, EHEDG Version connection according to connection according to
short-term up to 140 °C ASME-BPE (OD-tube) ASME-BPE (OD-tube)
59X.XX9.1Y.67 595.139.1Y.67
Recommended Ø 23 Ø 34.8
operating pressure: Flats 21 3/8 BSPP
3/4 BSPP
Flats 30

3 bar 11.3 16

Operation in every direction 67.4
is possible Material:
PEEK Material:
Filtration: PEEK

Line strainer with a mesh size Ø 31.5 Ø 44

of 0.3 mm/50 mesh Female thread Female thread
Standard Version 59X.XX9.1Y.AF 595.139.1Y.AL
Slide bearing made of PEEK
Spray Ordering no. E V̇ [l/min]
angle Ø

diameter [m]
Max. tank
Connection [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)

Type 3/8 3/4 3/4" Slip-on at 40 psi

female female version 0.5 1 2 3 min]

Function video 360° 594.829.1Y AF - 67 1.7 6 8 11 14 3 0.8

594.879.1Y AF - 67 2.5 8 11 15 18 5 1.2
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/hygienicwhirly 595.009.1Y AF - 67 4.0 16 22 32 39 10 1.5
595.049.1Y AF - 67 4.2 20 28 40 49 12 2.0
595.139.1Y - AL 67 5.0 34 47 67 82 21 2.7

E = narrowest free cross section · NPT on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering number: 095.022.1Y.50.94.E).

– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 594.829.1Y + AF = 594.829.1Y.AF

Rotating lance
3/8 BSPP female

131 238
Ø 27.8
Ø 23

Ø 39

Material: EPDM
Material: PEEK

Available on request.

Rotating cleaning nozzle »NanoSpinner«
Series 5NA

Entirely made from

stainless steel Ø 14.5
„„ 1/8 BSPP

Efficient slot design

„„ 8
Modern double ball
„„ Flats 12


316L SS, 440C SS
Ø 17
Max. temperature:
140 °C Female thread

operating pressure: Spray Ordering number E V̇ [l/min]
2 bar

diameter [m]
angle Ø

Max. tank
Type [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
Operation in every direction at 40 psi
is possible 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

Filtration: 5NA.879.1Y.AB 0.5 11 15 18 5 1.4
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.1 mm/170 mesh 5NA.929.1Y.AB 0.5 14 20 25 6 1.6

Bearing: E = narrowest free cross section

Double ball bearing made
The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
of 440C SS only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Function video
Scan the QR-code or go to:

ATEX version
on request

Rotating cleaning nozzle »MicroSpinner«
Series 5MC

Entirely made from

„„ Ø 21.5
stainless steel Ø 12.8

Flats 19 3/8 BSPP
Efficient slot design
Modern double ball
„„ 11 16.7
Ø 2.2
55.6 61
316L SS, 440C SS
Ø 24.5
Max. temperature: Ø 24.5
Dimensions slip-on connection
140 °C Female thread according to ASME-BPE (OD-tube)

operating pressure: Spray Ordering number E V̇ [l/min]
2 bar angle Ø

diameter [m]
Mat. no. Connection p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)

Max. tank
1Y 21
Operation in every direction
is possible
316L SS

at 40 psi
3/8 1/2" [US gal./

Filtration: BSPP Slip-on 1 2 3 min]

Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.1 mm/170 mesh 60° 5MC.022   AF TF05 1.0 16 23 28 7 -

5MC.042   AF TF05 3.0 28 40 49 12 -

Double ball bearing made 180°
of 440C SS 5MC.004 AF TF05 0.8 22 32 39 10 1.8
 

5MC.049   AF TF05 0.9 28 39 48 12 1.8

E = narrowest free cross section

Function video NPT, more slip-on sizes and weld-on versions on request
Scan the QR-code or go to:
The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

ATEX version Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering no.: 095.013.1E.05.59).
– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
on request connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 5MC.042.1Y + AF = 5MC.042.1Y.AF

Rotating cleaning nozzle »MiniSpinner«
Series 5MI

Entirely made from

„„ Ø 36 Ø 36
stainless steel 3/4 BSPP or 1/2 BSPP
Ø 19.2

Efficient slot design
„„ 18
Modern double ball
bearing 90.3 Ø 3.2

316L SS, 440C SS
Flats 34
Ø 42.5
Max. temperature: Ø 42.5
Dimensions slip-on connection
140 °C Female thread according to ASME-BPE (OD-tube)

operating pressure: Spray Ordering no. E V̇ [l/min]
2 bar angle Ø

diameter [m]
Mat. no. Connection

Max. tank
p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
Installation: 1Y
Operation in every direction Type
316L SS

is possible at 40 psi
1/2 3/4 3/4" [US gal./
Filtration: BSPP BSPP Slip-on 1 2 3 min]
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.1 mm/170 mesh
5MI.162  AH - TF07 2.6 45 63 77 20 -

Double ball bearing made 180°
of 440C SS 5MI.113  - AL TF07 1.0 47 67 82 21 2.6

5MI.114  - AL TF07 1.0 47 67 82 21 2.6

360° 5MI.054  - AL TF07 0.5 21 30 37 9 1.8

Function video 5MI.074  - AL TF07 0.6 35 49 60 15 2.1
Scan the QR-code or go to: 5MI.014  - AL TF07 0.9 49 69 85 21 2.3
www.lechler.com/spinner 5MI.209  - AL TF07 1.5 71 100 122 31 2.6

E = narrowest free cross section

NPT, more slip-on sizes and weld-on versions on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
ATEX version only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.
on request
Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering no.: 095.022.1Y.50.60).

– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Example Type + Material no. + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 5MI.162 + 1Y + AH = 5MI.162.1Y.AH

Rotating cleaning nozzle »Whirly«
Series 569

Popular and proven design

Powerful flat jets
Wide range of flow rates

316L SS, PEEK, Rulon 641

Max. temperature:
140 °C

operating pressure:
2 bar
Ø 38
Ø 3.3 19.2 1" Tri-Clamp
Installation: Flats
(25.5) Ø 50
Ø 38
Operation in every direction 33.4
Ø 38
25.4 (28.6) 29.7 (32)
is possible; in horizontal 11
12.7 (16.0)

installation position
Data in
no rotating until 2 bar brackets
105 132 refer to 125
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.1 mm/170 mesh
Ø 57 Ø 57
Ø 61 Ø 61 Ø 57
Bearing: Ø 61
Double ball bearing made Dimensions slip-on connection
of stainless steel Female thread according to ASME-BPE (OD-tube) Tri-Clamp

Spray Ordering no. V̇ [l/min]


diameter [m]
Max. tank
Connection E p [bar] (pmax = 6 bar)
Type 3/4 1" [mm] at 40 psi
BSPP 3/4" 1" Tri- [US gal./
Function video female Slip-on Slip-on Clamp 1 2 3 min]
Scan the QR-code or go to:
270° 569.055.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 3.6 36 48 62 15 1.8
569.135.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 4.8 52 71 87 22 2.1
569.195.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 5.6 69 97 119 30 2.6

270° 569.056.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 3.6 36 48 62 15 1.8

ATEX version 569.106.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 4.8 41 58 71 18 2.1
on request 569.196.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 5.6 69 97 119 30 2.6

360° 569.059.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 3.2 36 48 62 15 1.8

569.139.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 3.6 52 71 87 22 2.1
569.199.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 4.8 69 97 119 30 2.6
569.279.1Y AL TF07 TF10 10 7.1 103 145 178 45 3.0

E = narrowest free cross section · NPT on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering no.: 095.022.1Y.50.60.E).

– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 569.055.1Y + AL = 569.055.1Y.AL

Pop-up rotating cleaning nozzle
»PopUp Whirly«
Series 5P2

For installation in the

tank wall
Cleaning with foam is
Self rotating

316L SS, 316Ti SS (spring),
316 SS (snap ring),
PEEK (slide-bearing),
FKM (O-ring)

Max. temperature:
140 °C


DIN 32676-A DN40

Ø 50.5 Ø 50.5
DIN 32676-A DN40

operating pressure:
2 bar, 24.5
opening pressure 46 Hex 36 46
approx. 1.0 bar, 21.8
closing pressure
approx. 0.5 bar 17 17 60°

Installation: 1 1/4 BSPP for spouts

Ø 38
Operation in every direction
is possible Male thread Tri-Clamp

Line strainer with a mesh size
Spray Ordering no. Tank E V̇ [l/min]
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh

diameter [m]
angle connection Ø

Max. tank
Bearing: p [bar] (pmax = 6 bar)
Slide bearing made of PEEK 1 1/4 Tri- at 40 psi
BSPP Clamp 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

5P2.873.1Y.AP  - 1.1 10.6 15.0 18.4 5 0.8

5P2.873.1Y.00 -  1.1 10.6 15.0 18.4 5 0.8
5P2.923.1Y.AP  - 1.1 14.1 20.0 24.5 6 1.0
5P2.923.1Y.00 -  1.1 14.1 20.0 24.5 6 1.0
Function video The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/popupwhirly Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Nozzle installation
Via thread in idle position Via Tri-Clamp in operating position Information on operation

The PopUp Whirly is not

suitable for operation with
compressed air or any
other gas.
Operation above the
recommended operating
pressure means higher
Tank wall wear and smaller droplets.
Tank wall
This might have adverse
Weld-in flange for Tri-Clamp-Version effects on the cleaning
2.85 8
Ordering number Information
050.020.1Y.01.00 Gasket with a thickness of
Material 2 mm must be used if the
Ø 50.5 Ø 39 Ø 56 316L SS nozzle is installed with this
weld-in flange.
Pop-up rotating cleaning nozzle
»PopUp Whirly«
Series 5P3

For installation in the

tank wall
Cleaning with foam is
Self rotating

316L SS, 316Ti SS (spring),
316 SS (snap ring),
PEEK (slide-bearing),
FKM (O-ring)

Max. temperature:
140 °C
DIN 32676-ADN50

Ø 64 Ø 64

DIN 32676-A DN50

operating pressure:
2 bar, 44.5
66 66
opening pressure
approx. 0.9 bar, 30 Flats 46
closing pressure
approx. 0.5 bar 28 28
1 1/2 BSPP for spouts
Installation: Ø 50.5
Operation in every direction
is possible Male thread Tri-Clamp

Line strainer with a mesh size
Spray Ordering no. Tank E V̇ [l/min]
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh

diameter [m]
angle connection Ø

Max. tank
Bearing: p [bar] (pmax = 6 bar)
Slide bearing made of PEEK 1 1/2 Tri- at 40 psi
BSPP Clamp 1 2 3 [US gal./ min]

5P3.043.1Y.AR  - 1.2 28.3 40 49 12 2.2

5P3.043.1Y.00 -  1.2 28.3 40 49 12 2.2

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
Function video only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Scan the QR-code or go to: Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
www.lechler.com/popupwhirly has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Nozzle installation
Via thread in idle position Via Tri-Clamp in operating position Information on operation

The PopUp Whirly is not

suitable for operation with
compressed air or any
other gas.
Operation above the
recommended operating
pressure means higher
Tank wall wear and smaller droplets.
Tank wall
This might have adverse
Weld-in flange for Tri-Clamp-Version effects on the cleaning
21.5 result.
2.85 8

Ordering number Information

050.020.1Y.01.01 Gasket with a thickness of
Material 2 mm must be used if the
Ø 64 Ø 51.5
316L SS nozzle is installed with this
Ø 70
weld-in flange.

Rotating cleaning nozzle »PTFE Whirly«
Series 573/583

Self rotating
Rotating solid jets
„„ 1)
Recommended for tanks
„„ 14,3
made of glass and enamel
3A® version available
„„ 46,1

Materials: 2)
PTFE 23,8

Max. temperature: 63,9

95 °C
(Versions for use with higher
temperature (130
Ø 33.7
°C) on Ø 41.8
Ø 33.7 Ø 33.7 Ø 33.7
Ø 41.8 Ø 41.8 Ø 41.8
Ø 33.7
request) Ø 19.2 Ø 40.2
Ø 33.7 ØØ33.7
Ø 33.7
40.2Ø 19.2 Ø 40.2 Ø 40.2
(25.5) Ø 3/4
25.5BSPP (25.5) (25.5)
Ø 25.5(25.5) Ø 25.5 Ø 25.5
3/4 BSPP


13 (14.5)
Recommended 13 (14.5) 25.5 13 (14.5)
13 (14.5) 25.5 2

operating pressure: 31 Ø3
.3 14.5
.3 14.5
31 35.2 31
.3 14.5
21.9 21.9
35.2 21.9(35.2) 35.2
2 bar (35.2) 21.9 (35.2) (35.2) 35.2

100 100
74 83 83 74 83 74 74
83 83
83 Data in 83

Operation in every direction refer to

is possible marked with *
Flats 1 Filtration: Flats 1 Flats
Flats 1 1 Flats 1
Flats 1 Flats 1 Flats 1
Ø 78.4 Ø 78.4 Ø 78.4 Ø 78.4
Ø 49 Line strainer with
Ø 49 a mesh size Ø 49 Ø 78.4
ØØ4949 Ø 49 Ø 49 Ø 49
TF10* Ø 78.4 Ø 78.4 Ø 78.4

of 0.3 mm/50 mesh Female thread Female thread 3/4" and 1" Slip-on connection 1" Slip-on connection
(conforming to 3-A®) (conforming to 3-A®)
Bearing: Dimensions according Dimensions according
Slide bearing made of PTFE to ASME-BPE (OD-tube) to ASME-BPE (OD-tube)

Spray Ordering no. E V̇ [l/min] Dimensions

angle Ø

diameter [m]
for female

Max. tank
Connection [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 6 bar) thread version

Type at 40 psi Height Dia-


Function video 3/4 1 3/4" 1" [US gal./ H meter D

BSPP BSPP Slip-on Slip-on 1 2 3 min] [mm] [mm]
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/ptfewhirly 180° 1) 583.114.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 2.1 47 67 82 21 74 49 2.5
1) 583.264.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 3.3 103 145 178 45 74 49 2.8
2) 583.344.55 - AN - TF10 7.1 159 225 276 70 100 78.5 3.2

180° 1) 573.114.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 2.1 47 67 82 21 74 49 2.5

1) 573.264.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 3.3 103 145 178 45 74 49 2.8
Operation with compressed air only for 2) 573.344.55 - AN - TF10 7.1 159 225 276 70 100 78.5 3.2
short-term usage. Operation above the
recommended operating pressure has 270° 1) 583.116.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 2.4 47 67 82 21 74 49 2.5
negative effects on the cleaning result
1) 583.266.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 3.4 103 145 178 45 74 49 2.8
and wear.
2) 583.346.55 - AN - TF10 5.9 159 225 276 70 100 78.5 3.2
Slip-on information:
– R-clip made of 316L SS is included 270° 1) 573.116.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 2.4 47 67 82 21 74 49 2.5
(Ordering number: 1) 573.266.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 3.4 103 145 178 45 74 49 2.8
R-clip 1: 095.022.1Y.50.88.E,
R-clip 2: 095.022.1Y.50.60.E). 2) 573.346.55 - AN - TF10 5.9 159 225 276 70 100 78.5 3.2
– Depending on diameter of the 1) 583.119.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 1.8 41 58 71 18 74 49 2.4
adapter the flow rate can increase
due to leakage between connecting 1) 583.209.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 3.5 71 100 122 31 74 49 2.5
pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle. 1) 583.269.55 AL - TF07 TF10* 4.8 103 145 178 45 74 49 2.8
2) 583.279.55 - AN - TF10 3.7 106 150 184 47 100 78.5 3.0
2) 583.349.55 - AN - TF10 5.6 159 225 276 70 100 78.5 3.2

E = narrowest free cross section · NPT on request · * see drawing 3 for details
The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

of ordering: 583.114.55 + AL = 583.114.55.AL

Rotating cleaning nozzle »Gyro«
Series 577

Self rotating
Effective flat jet nozzles
„„ 1 BSPP or 2 BSPP
Large free cross sections,
less prone to clogging

Max. tank diameter:

5.­5 m

Max. temperature:
90 °C
Spray Ordering no. V̇ [l/min] Dimensions
Recommended angle
operating pressure: Connection p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
3 bar Type at 40 psi Height Diameter
[US gal./ H D
Installation: 1 BSPP 2 BSPP 1 2 3 5 min] [mm] [mm]
Vertically facing downward
180° 577.283.1Y AN - 115 163 200 258 50 72 118
577.363.1Y AN - 182 258 316 408 80 72 118
Line strainer with a mesh size 577.403.1Y - AW 228 322 394 509 100 103 156
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh 577.433.1Y - AW 273 386 473 610 120 103 156
577.523.1Y - AW 452 639 783 1010 170 103 156
180° 577.284.1Y AN - 115 163 200 258 50 72 118
Slide bearing made of PTFE
577.364.1Y AN - 182 258 316 408 80 72 118

Accessories: 577.404.1Y - AW 228 322 394 509 100 103 156

Spare parts set consisting of: 577.434.1Y - AW 273 386 473 610 120 103 156
top seal, bottom seal, bolt, 577.494.1Y - AW 380 538 659 851 170 103 156
nut, sleeve, instructions for use 577.285.1Y AN - 115 163 200 258 50 72 118
577.365.1Y AN - 182 258 316 408 80 72 118
577.405.1Y - AW 228 322 394 509 100 103 156
577.435.1Y - AW 273 386 473 610 120 103 156
577.495.1Y - AW 380 538 659 851 170 103 156

360° 577.289.1Y AN - 115 163 200 258 50 72 118

Function video 577.369.1Y AN - 182 258 316 408 80 72 118

Scan the QR-code or go to: 577.409.1Y - AW 228 322 394 509 100 103 156
www.lechler.com/gyro 577.439.1Y - AW 273 386 473 610 120 103 156
577.499.1Y - AW 380 538 659 851 170 103 156

NPT on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Example Type + Connection = Ordering no.

for Ordering: 577.283.1Y + AN = 577.283.1Y.AN

Rotating cleaning nozzle »XactClean® HP«
Series 5S2/5S3

Controlled rotation
„„ Ø 3.3 (Ø 2.2)
Powerful flat jet nozzles
„„ Ø 19.2 (Ø 12.8) 12.7 (6.35)
Very efficient tank cleaning
„„ Ø 44

30 (16)
nozzle Ø 44

Materials: H
Figures in

316L SS, 316 SS, brackets

are valid
632 SS, PEEK, PTFE, for
Zirconium oxide, EPDM max. max. Ø 76 1/2" max.
68 version max. Ø 76
Max. temperature: Female thread Dimensions slip-on connection
according to ASME-BPE (OD-tube)
95 °C

Recommended Strahl­ Bestell-Nr. E V̇ [l/min]

operating pressure: winkel

diameter [m]

Max. tank
5 bar Connection [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 15 bar)

Type G 3/8 G 1/2 G 3/4 G1 1/2" 3/4" bei 40 psi

Installation: ISO ISO ISO ISO Steck- Steck- [US gal./
Operation in every direction ver­bin- ver­bin-
228 228 228 228 dung dung 2 5 10 min]
is possible
180° 5S2.953.1Y AF AH - - TF05 - 2.0 25 40 57 7.8 3.5
Filtration: 5S3.053.1Y - AH - - - TF07 2.0 41 65 92 12.8 4.0
Line strainer with a mesh size 5S3.113.1Y - AH AL - - TF07 2.0 60 94 133 18.4 6.0
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh 5S3.183.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 89 141 199 27.7 7.0
5S3.233.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 111 175 248 34.3 7.5
5S3.263.1Y - - AL AN - TF07 2.0 135 213 301 41.8 8.0
Double ball bearing
180° 5S2.954.1Y AF AH - - TF05 - 2.0 25 40 57 7.8 3.5
Rotation monitoring 5S3.054.1Y - AH - - - TF07 2.0 41 65 92 12.8 4.0
sensor: 5S3.114.1Y - AH AL - - TF07 2.0 60 94 133 18.4 6.0
Sensor compatible, 5S3.184.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 89 141 199 27.7 7.0
Info: see page 35
5S3.234.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 111 175 248 34.3 7.5
5S3.264.1Y - - AL AN - TF07 2.0 135 213 301 41.8 8.0

270° 5S2.955.1Y AF AH - - TF05 - 2.0 25 40 57 7.8 3.5

5S3.055.1Y - AH - - - TF07 2.0 41 65 92 12.8 4.0
5S3.115.1Y - AH AL - - TF07 2.0 60 94 133 18.4 6.0
5S3.185.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 89 141 199 27.7 7.0
Function video 5S3.235.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 111 175 248 34.3 7.5
Scan the QR-code or go to: 5S3.265.1Y - - AL AN - TF07 2.0 135 213 301 41.8 8.0
270° 5S2.956.1Y AF AH - - TF05 - 2.0 25 40 57 7.8 3.5
5S3.056.1Y - AH - - - TF07 2.0 41 65 92 12.8 4.0
5S3.116.1Y - AH AL - - TF07 2.0 60 94 133 18.4 6.0
5S3.186.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 89 141 199 27.7 7.0
ATEX version 5S3.236.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 111 175 248 34.3 7.5
on request 5S3.266.1Y - - AL AN - TF07 2.0 135 213 301 41.8 8.0

360° 5S2.959.1Y AF AH - - TF05 - 1.7 25 40 57 7.8 3.5

Nozzle dimensions [mm] 5S3.059.1Y - AH - - - TF07 2.0 41 65 92 12.8 4.0

5S3.119.1Y - AH AL - - TF07 2.0 60 94 133 18.4 6.0
Connection Max. Height [H] 5S3.189.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 89 141 199 27.7 7.0
AF 146 5S3.239.1Y - - AL - - TF07 2.0 111 175 248 34.3 7.5
AH 149 5S3.269.1Y - - AL AN - TF07 2.0 135 213 301 41.8 8.0
AL 139
AN 139 E = narrowest free cross section · NPT on request
TF05 148
The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
TF07 164 only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering number: 095.022.1Y.50.60.E (TF07), 095.013.1E.05.59.0 (TF05)).
– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between connecting pipe
and rotating cleaning nozzle.

Rotating cleaning nozzle »XactClean® HP+«
Series 5S5

Controlled rotation
Powerful flat fan
„„ Ø 38.3
Ø 56 Ø 3.2
nozzles 18.6
Flats 50
Very efficient tank cleaning
„„ 15

nozzle, especially for larger Ø 56

tanks 204

316L SS, 316 SS, PEEK,
EPDM max. 90 max. 90
max. Ø 98
max. Ø 98
Max. temperature:
95 °C Female thread Dimensions slip-on connection
according to ASME-BPE (OD-tube)
operating pressure:
3 bar Nozzle dimensions [mm]

Connection Max. Height [H]

Operation in every AN 185
direction is possible AQ 185
AS 187
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.3 mm/50 mesh Spray E
Ordering no. V̇ [l/min]
angle Ø

diameter [m]
Max. tank
Bearing: Connection [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 10 bar)
Double ball bearing
Type 1 1/2"
1 1 1/4 1 1/2 Slip- at 40 psi
Rotation monitoring BSPP BSPP BSPP on 2 3 5 [US gal./ min]
Sensor compatible, 180° 5S5.293.1Y AN - - TF15 3.0 165 202 261 51.2 9.0
Info: see page 35 5S5.323.1Y AN AQ - TF15 3.0 200 245 316 62.0 9.2
5S5.363.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 250 306 395 77.6 9.4

180° 5S5.294.1Y AN - - TF15 3.0 165 202 261 51.2 9.0

5S5.324.1Y AN AQ - TF15 3.0 200 245 316 62.0 9.2
5S5.364.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 250 306 395 77.6 9.4

270° 5S5.295.1Y AN - - TF15 3.0 165 202 261 51.2 9.0

Function video 5S5.325.1Y AN AQ - TF15 3.0 200 245 316 62.0 9.2
5S5.365.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 250 306 395 77.6 9.4
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/xactcleanhpplus 270° 5S5.296.1Y AN - - TF15 3.0 165 202 261 51.2 9.0
5S5.326.1Y AN AQ - TF15 3.0 200 245 316 62.0 9.2
5S5.366.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 250 306 395 77.6 9.4

360° 5S5.299.1Y AN - - TF15 3.0 165 202 261 51.2 9.0

5S5.329.1Y AN AQ - TF15 3.0 200 245 316 62.0 9.2
5S5.369.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 250 306 395 77.6 9.4
5S5.399.1Y - AQ AS TF15 3.0 300 367 474 93.1 9.6

E = narrowest free cross section · NPT on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Operation with compressed air only for short-term usage. Operation above the recommended operating pressure
has negative effects on the cleaning result and wear.

Slip-on information: – R-clip made of 316L SS is included (Ordering number: 095.013.1Y.06.45.0).

– Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and rotating cleaning nozzle.

High impact tank cleaning machine
»IntenseClean Hygienic«
Series 5TA min. Ø 63
min. Ø 83

3/4 BSPP * Flats BSPP *
3/432 Flats 32
Particularly powerful
solid jets
Operating pressures
up to 15 bar possible
Materials: min. Ø 63 106
133 131 143
316L SS, 632 SS, PEEK,
PTFE, Zirconium oxide,

Max. temperature:
95 °C Ø 46.5 32
Ø 46.5 32
(Ø 54) 55 (Ø 74) 55
Flats 32
Recommended 3/4 BSPP
5TA.403.1Y.AL and 5TA.404.1Y.AL 5TA.405.1Y.AL
operating pressure:
5 bar
min. Ø 83
Installation: min. Ø 63

Operation in every direction 106

possible 133

Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.2 mm/80 mesh
Ø 46.5 32 5TA.403.1Y.AL and 5TA.404.1Y.AL 5TA.405.1Y.AL
55 Flats3/4
32 BSPP Flats 32
Bearing: (Ø 54) 3/4 BSPP

Ball bearing
Spray­ Ordering no. E Number.
Weight: V̇ [l/min]

diameter [m]
angle Type Ø Ø Nozz-

Max. tank
0.9 kg [mm] les 106
p [bar] (pmax = 15 bar)106
[mm] 131
133 131 143
Rotation monitoring at 40 psi
sensor: 2 5 10 [US gal./ min]
Sensor compatible,
360° 5TA.403.1Y.AL 1.5 4 x 3.0 24 39 55 7.7 12.0
Info: see page 35
5TA.404.1Y.AL 1.5 4 x 4.0 35 56 79 11.0 12.5
5TA.405.1Y.AL 1.5 4 x 5.0 Ø 46.5 50 79 111 32 15.5 13.0 32
(Ø 54) 55 Ø 46.5
(Ø 74) 55
E = narrowest free cross section · * Slip-on connection on request

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Function video
Cycle time [minutes]

Scan the QR-code or go to: 4

3 5TA.403
2 5TA.405

ATEX version 1
on request
2 4 6 8 10
Pressure [bar]

Cycle time depending on pressure of series 5TA

High impact tank cleaning machine
»IntenseClean Hygienic«
Series 5TB

Particularly powerful
solid jets
Operating pressures
up to 25 bar possible

316L SS, 632 SS, PEEK,
PTFE, Zirconium oxide, min. Ø 130
min. Ø 130
Flats 55Flats 55
Max. temperature:
95 °C 1 1/2 BSPP
1 1/2 BSPP

operating pressure:
5 bar
180 180
232 232 226 226
Operation in every direction

min. Ø 130
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.2 mm/80 mesh
Ø 91 Ø 91 63 63 Flats 55
(Ø 103.4)
(Ø 103.4) 109 109
Bearing: 1 1/2 BSPP
Ball bearing
Spray Ordering no. E Number,
Weight: V̇ [l/min]

diameter [m]
­angle Type Ø Ø Nozzles

Max. tank
4.0 kg [mm] [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 25 bar)

Rotation monitoring at 40 psi

sensor: 2 5 10
[US gal./ min] 226
Sensor compatible,
360° 5TB.406.1Y.AS 6.0 4 x 6.0 107 169 239 33.1 14.0
Info: see page 35
5TB.407.1Y.AS 6.0 4 x 7.0 132 209 296 41.0 14.0
5TB.408.1Y.AS 6.0 4 x 8.0 150 238 336 46.7 15.0

E = narrowest free cross section

Ø 91 63
The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
(Ø 103.4) 109
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Function video 14
Cycle time [minutes]

Scan the QR-code or go to: 12

www.lechler.com/intensecleanhygienic5tb 10 5TB.406
8 5TB.407
6 5TB.408

ATEX version
on request
2 4 6 8 10
Pressure [bar]

Cycle time depending on pressure of series 5TB

High impact tank cleaning machine
Series 5TM

Gear driven
Very powerful solid jets
„„ 1 1/2 BSPP
Popular and proven design
316L, 304 SS, 302 SS, PTFE, 144
PEEK (Ø 22
Max. temperature:
95 °C

operating pressure:

1 1/2 BSPP
5 bar Ø 122

22 150
Operation in every direction
(Ø 22
Filtration: 259
Line strainer with a mesh size
of 0.2 mm/80 mesh

Bearing: min. Ø 230 min. Ø 160 min. Ø 230 min. Ø 160


Ball bearing
Ø 122
(2 nozzles) 5TM.4XX.1Y.AS (4 nozzles)
7.5 kg
Spray Ordering no. E Number,
Rotation monitoring V̇ [l/min]

diameter [m]
angle Ø Ø Nozzles

Max. tank
sensor: [mm] [mm] p [bar] (pmax = 7 bar)
Sensor compatible,
Info: see page 35 at 40 psi
2 3 5 [US gal./ min]

360° 5TM.208.1Y.AS 8 2 x 8.0 125 153 198 39 24.0

5TM.210.1Y.AS 10 2 x 10.0 160 196 253 50 24.0
5TM.406.1Y.AS 6 4 x 6.0 140 171 221 43 18.0
5TM.407.1Y.AS 7 4 x 7.0 170 208 269 53 20.0
5TM.408.1Y.AS 8 4 x 8.0 200 245 316 62 22.0
Function video
5TM.410.1Y.AS 10 4 x 10.0 260 318 411 81 23.0
Scan the QR-code or go to:
www.lechler.com/intenseclean E = narrowest free cross section

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.


Cycle time [minutes]

15 5TM.210
10 5TM.407
5 5TM.410

2 3 4 5 6 7
Pressure [bar]
Cycle time depending on pressure of series 5TM

Monitoring Sensor

Cleaning processes can be

easily and reliably monitored
with the Lechler rotation
monitoring sensor. The sensor
Ø 50
records the quantity of liquid
flowing over the sensor tip. M12

With the aid of the software*,

the sensor function can be
specifically adjusted to the
tank size, pressure and nozzle.

Hex 22

55.5 34


1/2 BSPP

Ø 30

Electrical data Operating principle

„„ Supply voltage: „„Capactive
Ub = 24 V +/-20%
(18 to 32 VDC) Advantages
„„ Power requirements: „„Reliable recognition of any
< 20 mA faults during the cleaning
„„ Output signal: cycle
PNP, 50 mA short circuit „„The process connection of
protected, active the sensor is in compliance
with the hygiene guidelines
Operating conditions of the EHEDG
„„Ambient temperature: „„Simple operation
-10° up to +60°C „„Can be connected to PLC
„„Process temperature: „„Only needs to be set up
0° up to +100°C once using the software
Materials „„Can be specifically adapted
„„Socket (G 1/2"): to each cleaning task
316L SS
„„Probe tip:
303 SS

Ordering data Ordering no.

Rotation monitoring sensor with weld-in sleeve
Cable set for first-time operation

Rotation monitoring sensor Cable set for first-time operation/installation

with weld-in sleeve

Main adapter with cable USB adapter with cable Programming adapter Y-piece Weld-in mandrel

* Software download (free of charge): www.lechler.com/software/rotationcontrolsystem 35

Static spray balls
Series 527

Effective solid jets

3A® certification
316L SS H

Max. temperature:
200 °C
Slip-on connection
operating pressure: ASME - BPE 1997 (OD-tube)
1.5 bar

Installation: Spray Ordering no. E V̇ [l/min] Dimensions approx.

Operation in every direction angle Type Ø [mm]

diameter [m]
Max. tank
possible p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)

at 40 psi Height Dia­

[US gal./ H meter
1 2 3 5 min] [mm] D [mm] B C A

360° 527.209.1Y.00.75 0.8 42 60 73 95 19 68 32 19.0 3.3 12.7 5.2

527.289.1Y.01.50 1.1 120 170 208 269 50 116 65 38.3 4.9 25.4 6.0
527.449.1Y.02.00 1.7 297 420 514 664 127 152 102 51.0 4.9 25.4 8.2

E = narrowest free cross section

The maximum tank diameter shown above applies for the recommended operating pressure and is indicative
only. The cleaning result is also affected by the type of soiling.

Slip-on information: - R-clip made of 316L SS is included.

- Depending on diameter of the adapter the flow rate can increase due to leakage between
connecting pipe and static spray ball.

In most applications, static spray balls do not deliver the

same cleaning power as rotating nozzles, anyway they do
have advantages that make them indispensable for certain

-- No moving parts
-- Self-draining
-- Easy to inspect
-- Proven use in hygienically sensitive environments

Should a rotating nozzle stop turning for some reason,

parts of the tank may remain uncleaned. This cannot
happen with spray balls. However, gaps can occur in the
spray pattern if individual openings are blocked with soil.

Compared to rotating nozzles, static spray balls usually

need two to three times the amount of liquid.

Static spray balls
Series 5B2/5B3

Popular spray ball design

„„ ØB

Powerful solid jets

„„ Ø 2.2

316L SS
R-clip: 316L SS

Max. temperature:
200 °C ØD

Dimensions slip-on connection

Recommended according to DIN 10357 series B
operating pressure:
2 bar
Spray Ordering no. E V̇ [l/min] Dimensions [mm]

diameter [m]
Max. tank
Installation: angle Ø
Con- Distance
[mm] p [bar] (pmax = 5 bar)
Operation in every direction Type
nec- to bore
possible at 40 psi Ø Height tion hole R-
1 2 3 [US gal./ min] D H B A clip

360° 5B2.879.1Y.D0.80.0 0.8 11 15 18 4.7 20 37 8.2 9 1 2.0

5B3.089.1Y.D1.20.0 1.0 35 50 61 15.5 28 42 12.2 9 1 2.2
For additional spray balls 5B3.139.1Y.D1.20.0 1.6 46 65 80 20.2 28 42 12.2 9 1 2.3
please refer to our brochure 5B3.209.1Y.D1.80.0 1.5 71 100 123 31.0 28 42 18.2 9 2 2.5
“Precision 5B3.309.1Y.D2.20.0 1.7 127 180 221 55.8 64 84 22.2 18 2 3.5
Spray 5B3.379.1Y.D2.80.0 2.1 184 260 318 80.7 64 84 28.2 18 3 5.2
Nozzles for
5B3.389.1Y.D4.00.0 2.1 198 280 343 86.9 64 84 40.3 18 4 5.2
Tank and
Equipment 5B3.409.1Y.D3.40.0 2.3 226 320 392 99.3 64 84 34.2 18 4 5.2
Cleaning” 5B3.449.1Y.D2.80.0 3.0 290 410 502 127.2 64 84 28.2 18 3 5.4
5B3.489.1Y.D3.40.0 2.9 361 510 625 158.2 64 84 34.2 18 4 5.5
5B3.499.1Y.D4.00.0 2.8 382 540 661 167.5 64 84 40.3 18 4 5.5
5B3.539.1Y.D5.20.0 3.2 474 670 821 207.8 90 111 52.3 25 5 5.6

180° 5B3.083.1Y.D1.80.0 1.2 35 50 61 15.5 28 42 18.2 9 2 2.2

5B3.253.1Y.D2.20.0 1.8 92 130 159 40.3 64 84 22.2 18 2 3.0
5B3.323.1Y.D2.80.0 2.3 141 200 245 62.0 64 84 28.2 18 3 3.5
The maximum tank diameter 5B3.463.1Y.D5.20.0 3.3 325 460 563 142.7 90 111 52.3 25 5 5.4
shown above applies for the
recommended operating pressure 180° 5B3.114.1Y.D1.80.0 1.4 42 60 74 18.6 28 42 18.2 9 2 2.2
and is indicative only. The cleaning 5B3.274.1Y.D2.20.0 2.3 106 150 184 46.5 64 84 22.2 18 2 3.0
result is also affected by the type
5B3.394.1Y.D2.80.0 3.0 205 290 355 90.0 64 84 28.2 18 3 5.0
of soiling.
5B3.444.1Y.D5.20.0 3.2 283 400 490 124.1 90 111 52.3 25 5 5.2
Slip-on information:
– R-clip made of 316L SS is included. E = narrowest free cross section
– Depending on diameter of the
adapter the flow rate can increase
due to leakage between connecting In most applications, static spray balls do not deliver the
pipe and static spray ball.
same cleaning power as rotating nozzles, anyway they do
have advantages that make them indispensable for certain

––No moving parts

––Proven use in hygienically sensitive environments

Should a rotating nozzle stop turning for some reason,

parts of the tank may remain uncleaned. This cannot hap-
pen with spray balls. However, gaps can occur in the spray
pattern if individual openings are blocked with soil.

Compared to rotating nozzles, static spray balls usually

need two to three times the amount of liquid.

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles, Full cone,
pressure principle, internal mixing
Series 136.1

Fine full cone atomization

and fogging with air or 39.6 mm
10 mm 10 mm
gas. Liquid pressure Hex 11
principle. Internal mixing
of fluids.

1/4 BSPP

1/4 BSPP
19.3 mm

Ø 42 mm
35.8 mm
Humidification of air, cooling,
disinfection (e.g. bottles),
coating, dosing, release agent
Series 136.1 Weight brass: 200 g

Locking plug
D1 Liquid Shut-Off/ Seal- Lockring
Clean-Out Needle ing

<) Liquid Shut-Off/

Clean-Out Needle
Nozzle tip

150 Nozzle body

controlled valve

Series 136.1 Accessories for series 136 please refer to page 42

Spray Ordering no. E Liquid pressure p [bar] Spray dimensions

angle Ø
Mat. no.
1Y 35 0.7 1.5 3.0 4.0

p Water [bar]
Brass plated

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]
V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]
316L SS

D1 D2
[mm] [mm]

20° 0.40 5.90 0.30 1.40 5.80 0.80 2.40 9.10 1.10 3.00 11.00 1.20 0.80 0.70 60 100
0.80 3.80 0.60 1.80 4.10 1.00 2.80 7.50 1.20 3.40 9.60 1.40 1.80 1.50 60 95
1.20 1.70 0.90 2.20 2.20 1.40 3.20 5.90 1.50 3.80 8.20 1.60 2.60 2.00 60 100
- - - 2.60 1.20 1.70 3.60 4.40 1.80 4.20 6.80 1.90 3.20 3.00 55 95
136.115.xx.A2   0.50
- - - - - - 4.00 2.90 2.10 4.60 5.50 2.20 4.40 4.00 55 100
- - - - - - 4.40 2.00 2.50 5.00 4.10 2.50
- - - - - - 4.80 1.10 2.80 5.40 2.90 2.80
- - - - - - 5.20 0.40 3.00 5.80 2.10 3.10
0.80 4.70 1.50 1.20 7.00 1.80 2.80 9.10 3.30 3.40 10.60 3.90 1.40 0.70 55 90
1.20 4.40 1.90 1.60 6.60 2.20 3.20 8.70 3.70 3.80 10.30 4.30 2.20 1.50 55 95
1.60 4.00 2.30 2.00 6.20 2.60 3.60 8.40 4.10 4.20 9.90 4.60 2.80 2.00 55 100
2.00 3.50 2.60 2.40 5.80 3.00 4.00 8.00 4.50 4.60 9.60 5.00 3.40 3.00 60 100
2.40 3.00 3.00 2.80 5.40 3.40 4.40 7.70 4.80 5.00 9.30 5.40 4.20 4.00 60 100
2.80 2.70 3.20 3.20 4.90 3.70 4.80 7.30 5.20 5.40 8.90 5.80
136.125.xx.A2   0.50 3.20 2.00 3.70 3.60 4.40 4.10 5.20 7.00 5.60 5.80 8.60 6.10
3.60 1.60 4.10 4.00 3.90 4.50 5.60 6.60 5.90 - - -
4.00 1.30 4.50 4.40 3.50 4.80 6.00 6.20 6.30 - - -
4.40 1.00 4.90 4.80 3.10 5.20 - - - - - -
4.80 0.60 5.20 5.20 2.70 5.60 - - - - - -
- - - 5.60 2.30 5.90 - - - - - -
- - - 6.00 1.90 6.30 - - - - - -

E = narrowest free cross section (water) Continued on next page.

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 136.115.xx.A2 + 1Y = 136.115.1Y.A2

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles, Full cone,
pressure principle, internal mixing
Series 136.1

Spray Ordering no. E Liquid pressure p [bar] Spray dimensions

angle Ø
Mat. no.
1Y 35 0.7 1.5 3.0 4.0

p Water [bar]
Brass plated

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]
V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]
316L SS

D1 D2
[mm] [mm]

20° 1.20 13.20 2.70 2.00 19.40 3.90 3.00 28.30 5.20 3.80 32.60 6.20 1.80 0.70 55 95
1.60 12.40 3.30 2.40 18.10 4.40 3.40 27.50 5.70 4.20 32.00 6.80 2.80 1.50 60 105
2.00 11.80 3.90 2.80 17.30 4.90 3.80 26.70 6.30 4.60 31.30 7.30 3.80 2.00 60 105
2.40 11.40 4.40 3.20 16.70 5.50 4.20 25.90 6.80 5.00 30.60 7.80 5.20 3.00 65 110
2.80 11.10 4.90 3.60 16.10 6.00 4.60 25.00 7.30 5.40 29.90 8.40 6.00 4.00 65 110
3.20 10.80 5.50 4.00 15.60 6.50 5.00 24.20 7.80 5.80 29.30 8.90
136.134.xx.A2   0.7 3.60 10.60 6.00 4.40 15.20 7.00 5.40 23.60 8.40 - - -
4.00 10.40 6.50 4.80 15.00 7.60 5.80 23.10 8.90 - - -
4.40 10.10 7.00 5.20 14.60 8.10 - - - - - -
4.80 9.90 7.60 5.60 14.10 8.60 - - - - - -
5.20 9.50 8.10 6.00 13.80 9.10 - - - - - -
5.60 9.00 8.60 - - - - - - - - -
6.00 8.50 9.20 - - - - - - - - -
1.40 24.20 5.10 1.60 53.40 4.70 3.20 70.80 8.00 3.80 93.20 9.20 0.80 0.70 60 100
1.80 20.40 6.30 2.00 42.60 5.90 3.60 62.50 9.20 4.20 83.10 10.10 1.60 1.50 65 105
2.20 20.00 7.20 2.40 35.30 7.20 4.00 55.70 10.60 4.60 75.30 11.30 3.00 2.00 60 105
2.60 19.30 8.20 2.80 30.40 8.40 4.40 49.30 11.70 5.00 69.00 12.50 4.00 3.00 65 110
3.00 17.60 9.30 3.20 28.60 9.50 4.80 44.60 12.90 5.40 63.40 13.70 6.00 4.00 65 110
3.40 16.50 10.40 3.60 28.20 10.50 5.20 41.90 14.10 5.80 57.50 14.90
136.142.xx.A2   2.5
3.80 17.00 11.40 4.00 27.30 11.50 5.60 40.40 15.10 - - -
4.20 16.30 12.40 4.40 25.90 12.50 6.00 39.70 16.10 - - -
4.60 15.10 13.30 4.80 24.30 13.50 - - - - - -
5.00 14.00 14.30 5.20 22.30 14.60 - - - - - -
5.40 13.10 15.30 5.60 21.80 15.70 - - - - - -
5.80 12.40 16.20 6.00 21.40 16.70 - - - - - -

E = narrowest free cross section (water)

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 136.134.xx.A2 + 1Y = 136.134.1Y.A2




A1 Liquid supply line Pneumatically controlled valve

1 Ordering no. 013.60x.xx.xx (see Page 43)
A2 Control air for pneumatic valve
Pneumatic atomizing nozzle
Atomizing air supply line 2 Ordering no. 136.xxx.xx.xx

Cereal dampening in a mixing drum

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles, Full cone,
pressure principle, internal mixing
Series 136.2

Fine full cone atomization

and fogging with air or 39.6 mm
10 mm 10 mm
gas. Especially wide spray Hex 11
angle of 60°.
Pressure principle.

1/4 BSPP
1/4 BSPP

19.3 mm
Internal mixing of fluids.

35.8 mm

Ø 42 mm
Humidification of air, cooling,
disinfection (e.g. bottles),
coating, dosing, release agent
Series 136.2 Weight brass: 200 g

Locking plug
D1 Liquid Shut-Off/ Seal- Lockring
Clean-Out Needle ing

Liquid Shut-Off/
Clean-Out Needle
Nozzle tip
Nozzle body
300 controlled valve

Series 136.2 Accessories for series 136 please refer to page 43

Spray Ordering no. E Liquid pressure p [bar] Spray dimensions

angle Ø
Mat. no.
1Y 35 0.7 1.5 3.0 4.0

p Water [bar]
Brass plated

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]
V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]
316L SS

D1 D2
[mm] [mm]

60° 1.00 3.00 1.30 1.60 5.80 1.70 2.80 8.50 2.40 3.80 9.40 3.10 1.00 0.70 200 330
1.20 1.80 1.50 1.80 4.90 1.90 3.20 7.20 2.80 4.20 8.20 3.50 1.60 1.50 230 380
1.40 0.70 1.80 2.00 3.80 2.10 3.60 5.70 3.20 4.60 6.90 3.90 2.40 2.00 230 385
136.215.xx.A2   0.5 - - - 2.20 2.80 2.30 4.00 4.00 3.60 5.00 5.40 4.20 3.20 3.00 245 390
- - - 2.40 1.70 2.50 4.40 2.20 4.10 5.40 3.80 4.70 4.20 4.00 250 410
- - - 2.60 0.80 2.80 4.80 0.80 4.50 5.80 2.30 5.20
- - - - - - 5.00 0.40 4.60 6.00 1.40 5.60
0.80 17.50 2.80 1.60 25.90 4.00 3.00 40.40 5.80 3.80 54.90 6.40 0.80 0.70 250 450
1.00 6.00 4.30 1.80 14.70 5.30 3.20 31.50 6.90 4.00 45.60 7.30 1.60 1.50 245 465
- - - 2.00 6.70 6.70 3.40 22.20 8.20 4.20 37.60 8.50 2.30 2.00 245 465
- - - 2.20 1.90 8.10 3.60 14.60 9.50 4.40 29.60 9.70 3.20 3.00 250 465
136.222.xx.A2   1.0 - - - - - - 3.80 8.50 11.00 4.60 21.60 11.20 4.20 4.00 245 465
- - - - - - 4.00 4.50 12.30 4.80 15.30 12.40
- - - - - - - - - 5.00 9.70 13.80
- - - - - - - - - 5.20 6.00 15.20
- - - - - - - - - 5.40 2.90 16.50
1.60 25.60 5.10 2.60 44.20 7.00 3.60 93.70 7.90 4.20 132.90 7.30 2.00 0.70 235 380
2.00 17.80 6.20 3.00 33.00 8.20 4.00 78.30 9.30 4.60 117.20 9.00 2.60 1.50 245 415
2.40 11.30 7.20 3.40 24.70 9.20 4.40 65.80 10.60 5.00 101.10 10.40 2.40 2.00 255 420
136.231.xx.A2   1.4 2.80 6.90 8.10 3.80 18.10 10.20 4.80 54.90 11.90 5.40 87.90 11.80 3.60 3.00 255 425
- - - 4.20 13.20 11.20 5.20 45.60 13.00 5.80 76.60 13.20 4.20 4.00 265 430
- - - 4.60 9.30 12.00 5.60 38.00 14.10 6.00 71.20 13.80
- - - - - - 6.00 36.10 14.40 - - -

E = narrowest free cross section (water)

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 136.215.xx.A2 + 1Y = 136.215.1Y.A2

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles, Flat fan,
pressure principle, internal mixing
Series 136.4

Particularly fine flat fan 39.6 mm

atomization with air or 10 mm Hex 11 10 mm
gas. Pressure principle.
Internal mixing of fluids.

1/4 BSPP

1/4 BSPP
19.3 mm

Ø 42 mm
39.8 mm
Belt lubrication, cooling,
humidification of goods,
coating, dosing (e.g.
Conveyor belt), release agent
Series 136.4 Weight brass: 200 g

Locking plug
B1 Lockring
Liquid Shut-Off/ Seal-
Clean-Out Needle ing

Liquid Shut-Off/
Clean-Out Needle
Nozzle tip
Nozzle body
300 Pneumatically
controlled valve

Series 136.4 Accessories for series 136 please refer to page 42

Spray Ordering no. E Liquid pressure p [bar] Spray dimensions

angle Ø
Mat. no.
1Y 35 0.7 1.5 3.0 4.0

p Water [bar]
Brass plated

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]
V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]
316L SS

B1 B2
[mm] [mm]

45° 1.00 7.70 1.30 1.40 14.30 1.50 2.20 22.40 2.00 3.00 25.10 2.50 1.40 0.70 85 125
1.20 6.00 1.50 1.60 13.00 1.60 2.60 20.00 2.30 3.40 23.00 2.80 2.40 1.50 100 145
1.40 4.20 1.70 1.80 11.60 1.80 3.00 17.70 2.60 3.80 20.90 3.10 3.20 2.00 105 155
1.60 2.70 1.90 2.00 10.20 2.00 3.40 15.50 3.00 4.20 18.90 3.50 3.80 3.00 120 170
1.80 1.30 2.10 2.20 8.90 2.20 3.80 13.30 3.40 4.60 16.90 3.80 4.60 4.00 130 210
136.414.xx.A2   0.7 - - - 2.40 7.40 2.40 4.20 11.00 3.70 5.00 14.90 4.20
- - - 2.60 5.90 2.60 4.60 8.80 4.10 5.40 12.80 4.60
- - - 2.80 4.60 2.80 5.00 6.60 4.50 5.80 10.80 5.00
- - - 3.00 3.20 3.00 5.40 4.30 4.90 6.00 9.80 5.20
- - - 3.20 2.10 3.20 5.80 2.50 5.30 - - -
- - - 3.40 1.10 3.40 6.00 1.60 5.50 - - -
1.20 13.90 1.50 1.60 26.60 1.60 3.00 37.10 2.60 3.60 45.60 2.90 1.20 0.70 110 165
1.40 11.90 1.70 1.80 24.30 1.80 3.40 33.10 3.00 4.00 41.90 3.30 2.00 1.50 115 190
1.60 9.50 1.90 2.00 22.00 2.00 3.80 29.50 3.40 4.40 38.30 3.70 2.80 2.00 145 190
1.80 7.80 2.10 2.20 19.90 2.20 4.20 26.20 3.80 4.80 35.00 4.00 3.80 3.00 150 210
- - - 2.40 18.00 2.40 4.60 23.00 4.20 5.20 31.80 4.50 4.80 4.00 160 230
136.443.xx.A2   1.0 - - - 2.60 16.20 2.60 5.00 20.20 4.60 5.60 29.00 4.90
- - - 2.80 14.40 2.80 5.40 17.60 4.90 6.00 26.20 5.20
- - - 3.00 12.80 3.00 5.80 14.90 5.30 - - -
- - - 3.20 11.30 3.20 6.00 14.10 5.50 - - -
- - - 3.40 9.90 3.40 - - - - - -
- - - 3.60 8.80 3.60 - - - - - -

E = narrowest free cross section (water) Continued on next page.

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 136.414.xx.A2 + 1Y = 136.414.1Y.A2

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles, Flat fan,
pressure principle, internal mixing
Series 136.4

Spray Ordering no. E Liquid pressure p [bar] Spray dimensions

angle Ø
Mat. no.
1Y 35 0.7 1.5 3.0 4.0

p Water [bar]
Brass plated

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]

V̇ Water [l/h]
V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

V̇n Air [m3/h]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]

p Air [bar]
316L SS

B1 B2
[mm] [mm]

45° 1.20 19.00 2.60 2.00 22.00 2.00 3.00 61.80 4.00 3.80 76.10 4.60 1.20 0.70 120 140
1.60 12.20 3.40 2.40 18.00 2.40 3.40 51.90 4.80 4.00 70.40 5.10 2.40 1.50 120 170
2.00 9.40 4.10 2.80 14.40 2.80 3.80 44.60 5.80 4.20 65.60 5.50 3.20 2.00 120 175
2.40 7.10 4.80 3.20 11.30 3.20 4.20 39.00 6.60 4.40 61.30 5.90 3.80 3.00 140 205
2.80 5.70 5.40 3.60 8.80 3.60 4.60 33.40 7.40 4.60 57.30 6.40 6.00 4.00 145 205
3.20 5.00 6.00 4.00 8.10 3.90 5.00 29.40 8.10 4.80 54.10 6.70
136.462.xx.A2   1.5
3.60 3.60 6.60 4.40 6.20 4.30 5.40 25.50 8.90 5.00 51.30 7.20
4.00 3.20 7.20 4.80 4.60 4.60 5.80 22.00 9.60 5.20 49.30 7.70
4.40 2.20 7.80 5.20 3.20 4.90 6.00 20.60 9.90 5.40 46.50 8.20
- - - 5.60 1.60 5.30 - - - 5.60 43.70 8.60
- - - 5.80 0.80 5.40 - - - 5.80 41.30 8.90
- - - - - - - - - 6.00 39.00 9.30
60° 080 6.50 1.20 1.40 9.40 1.70 2.40 13.20 2.50 2.40 16.10 2.50 1.20 0.70 155 195
1.20 5.50 1.60 1.80 8.70 2.10 2.60 12.90 2.70 2.80 15.50 2.90 2.20 1.50 165 255
1.60 4.70 1.90 2.20 7.90 2.40 3.00 12.30 3.00 3.20 15.00 3.20 3.00 2.00 170 265
2.00 4.00 2.30 2.60 7.20 2.70 3.40 11.80 3.40 3.60 14.50 3.50 3.40 3.00 200 330
2.40 3.20 2.60 3.00 6.40 3.10 3.80 11.10 3.70 4.00 13.90 3.80 5.60 4.00 200 330
2.80 2.60 2.90 3.40 5.70 3.40 4.20 10.40 4.00 4.40 13.40 4.10
136.425.xx.A2   0.5 3.00 2.20 3.10 3.80 5.10 3.70 4.60 9.80 4.30 4.80 12.80 4.50
- - - 4.00 4.80 3.90 5.00 9.20 4.60 5.20 12.20 4.80
- - - 4.40 4.20 4.20 5.40 8.60 5.00 5.60 11.70 5.10
- - - 4.80 3.60 4.50 5.80 8.10 5.30 6.00 11.20 5.40
- - - 5.20 2.80 4.80 6.00 7.80 5.40 - - -
- - - 5.60 2.20 5.10 - - - - - -
- - - 6.00 1.60 5.50 - - - - - -
1.00 18.80 3.90 1.80 31.00 5.30 3.20 50.10 7.70 3.80 70.70 8.20 1.00 0.70 130 185
1.40 8.60 5.70 2.00 25.40 6.30 3.60 39.50 9.40 4.20 58.60 9.60 1.80 1.50 150 240
1.80 7.40 7.00 2.20 20.10 7.20 4.00 31.30 11.20 4.60 48.60 11.20 2.60 2.00 155 245
2.20 4.10 8.40 2.40 15.50 8.00 4.40 24.00 12.90 5.00 41.20 13.10 3.60 3.00 175 280
136.452.xx.A2   1.5
2.60 1.00 9.80 2.60 12.40 8.90 4.80 17.70 14.50 5.40 33.60 14.80 5.00 4.00 180 285
2.80 0.10 10.30 2.80 10.40 9.60 5.20 13.40 16.00 5.80 27.50 16.40
- - - - - - 5.60 10.60 17.50 6.00 24.40 17.20
- - - - - - 6.00 8.60 18.80 - - -
80° 1.00 11.60 2.00 1.80 18.30 2.80 3.00 31.00 3.70 3.80 37.50 4.40 1.40 0.70 150 210
1.20 8.10 2.40 2.00 15.30 3.20 3.40 25.40 4.40 4.20 32.40 5.00 2.20 1.50 185 255
1.40 5.30 2.80 2.20 12.20 3.60 3.80 20.60 5.10 4.60 27.70 5.70 3.00 2.00 205 300
136.433.xx.A2   0.4 1.60 3.70 3.20 2.40 9.80 4.00 4.20 16.30 5.90 5.00 23.40 6.50 3.80 4.00 300 485
- - - 2.60 7.60 4.30 4.60 12.50 6.60 5.40 19.40 7.20 5.20 4.00 260 395
- - - 2.80 5.90 4.70 5.00 9.30 7.30 5.80 15.90 7.90
- - - 3.00 4.40 5.00 5.40 6.50 8.00 6.00 14.20 8.30

E = narrowest free cross section (water)

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 136.462.xx.A2 + 1Y = 136.462.1Y.A2

Accessories for pneumatic atomizing nozzles
Series 136

Regulating device and shutting-off needle:

Ordering no.
Mat. no.
UNEF 9/1”-24 33,5*
42,5 16
SW 18
For all nozzles
SW 11/16 AF
Type of the series 136

UNF 5/16”-24
*max. opened

303 SS
* max. geöffneter Zustand

Weight 303 SS/303 SS: 33 g

015. 600 

Pneumatically controlled valve

Opening pressure 2.1 bar, max. 180 cycles/min.

Ordering no.
Mat. no.
16 35
Needle diameter
For nozzles D

Brass plated
1/8 NPT
46 Type [mm]
Air connection
303 SS

UNF 5/16”-24

013.601.xx.10   136. xx1 2.1

013.602.xx.10   136. xx2 1.2
Weight brass: 120 g
013.604.xx.10   136. xx4 0.6

Quick-cleaning device

Ordering no.
Mat. no.
16 35
Needle diameter
For nozzles D
Brass plated

68 62 [mm]
303 SS

Hex 18
SW 18

UNF 5/16”-24
D 013.601.xx.20   136. xx1 2.1
013.602.xx.20   136. xx2 1.2
Weight brass: 51 g
013.604.xx.20   136. xx4 0.6

Regulating device with quick-cleaning needle

Ordering no.
Mat. no.
16 35
Needle diameter
For nozzles D
Brass plated

Type [mm]
68 62 Hex 18
303 SS

UNF 5/16”-24
D 013.601.xx.20   136. xx1 2.1
013.602.xx.20   136. xx2 1.2
Weight brass: 75 g
013.604.xx.20   136. xx4 0.6

Example Type + Material no. (xx) = Ordering no.

for ordering: 013.601.xx.10 + 16 = 013.601.16.10

Pneumatic atomizing nozzles,
for atomizing viscous media
Series 176 ViscoMist™

The ViscoMist™ series Hex 13

offers independent regula- Ø 39.4
tion of both atomizing air
and fan air, which provides
the user with infinite cont-
rol over the viscous fluid’s
spray pattern and droplet 81

The ViscoMist™ nozzle

features a standard ‘Liquid Flats 41
Shut-Off/ Clean-Out Needle’
function. This design element
activates and deactivates the One nozzle – three spray Fluid cap options
liquid supply, while simulta- characters Ø 0.38 mm to 2.54 mm
neously removing excess fluid „„– Solid stream
from the fluid nozzle – Full cone Valve position
preventing clogging. This – Flat fan Normally closed, fail-safe with
feature is especially vital when „„Independent regulation of loss of air
the viscous liquids are being liquid, atomizing air and
applied in continuous process fan air Signal air pressure
environments. „„Fluid circulation possible Min. 2 bar
(Nozzle body with 5 Max. 3 bar
The modular design of the connections)
ViscoMist™ allows maximum Cycles per minute
flexibility to meet the exact Outside mixing to spray (short term)
spray requirements. viscous liquids, for example: 180 cycles/min
„„ Coating
Interchangeable air caps and „„ Moisturising Material
various flow capacities are „„ Lubrication 1Y (316L SS)
available to suit any spraying „„ Glazing
application needs. „„ Sanitising Ports
01 (1/8" NPT (F))
11 (1/8 BSPP (F))

Atomizing air/Fan air/Signal air Flow rate range

„„ Water: 7.8 to 307 l/h,
The atomizing air causes the liquid to atomize at the at 2 bar
nozzle orifice. The spray character can be adjusted with „„ Air: 7.5 to 32 m3/h i.N.,
the fan air to suit the application. The signal air activates at 2 bar
the nozzle.
Further information and
ordering data on request.

Nozzle body configurations

Nozzle body configuration 2 Nozzle body configuration 4 Nozzle body configuration 5

Atomizing Air/Fan Air Atomizing Air

Signal Air Atomizing Air

Signal Air Liquid Signal Air Liquid

Liquid Liquid

Fan Air Fan Air

3 connections 4 connections 5 connections

Axial-flow hollow cone nozzles
Series 220

Extremely fine, fog-like

hollow cone spray. 1/4 BSPP

Applications: 8 Strainer
Disinfection, humidification,
cooling. 22

Hex 17

Ø 15

Spray Ordering no. B E Mesh Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø size V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no. Code
[mm] [mm] [mm] at p = 5 bar
11 1Y
p [bar] H

Type D
1/4 BSPP
430F SS*

316L SS*


2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 100 mm

60° 220.004   AC 0.10 0.10 0.04 - - 0.013 0.015 0.018 0.026 0.041 0.058 100
220.014   AC 0.15 0.15 0.04 - 0.015 0.019 0.022 0.027 0.038 0.060 0.085 100
220.054   AC 0.20 0.15 0.04 0.017 0.021 0.027 0.032 0.038 0.054 0.085 0.121 100
80° 220.085   AC 0.25 0.25 0.10 0.025 0.031 0.040 0.047 0.057 0.080 0.126 0.179 140
220.125   AC 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.039 0.048 0.062 0.073 0.088 0.124 0.196 0.277 140
220.145   AC 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.052 0.064 0.082 0.097 0.116 0.164 0.259 0.367 140
220.165   AC 0.45 0.45 0.10 0.065 0.080 0.103 0.122 0.146 0.206 0.326 0.461 140
220.185   AC 0.55 0.35 0.20 0.082 0.101 0.130 0.154 0.184 0.260 0.411 0.581 140
220.205   AC 0.60 0.35 0.20 0.106 0.130 0.168 0.199 0.238 0.336 0.531 0.751 140
220.245   AC 0.70 0.50 0.20 0.165 0.202 0.261 0.309 0.369 0.522 0.825 1.167 140
220.285   AC 0.90 0.55 0.20 0.247 0.302 0.390 0.461 0.552 0.780 1.233 1.744 140

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section The integrated strainer avoids clogging of the nozzle and
increases its service life.
Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.
for ordering: 220.004 + 1Y + AC = 220.004.1Y.AC

* Materials
Mat. no. Housing Nozzle insert Strainer
11 430F SS 430F SS 316L SS
1Y 316L SS 316L SS 316L SS

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 45
Axial-flow hollow cone nozzles for retaining nut
Series 226

Hollow cone nozzle for

assembly with retaining
Ø 14.8
nut. Extremely fine,
fog-like hollow cone spray. 2

Applications: 18
Disinfection, humidification,

Ø 12.65

Spray Ordering no. B E Mesh Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø size V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no.
[mm] [mm] [mm] at p = 5 bar
p [bar] H

Type D
303 SS*


2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 20.0 50.0 100.0 100 mm

60° 226.004  0.10 0.10 0.04 - - 0.013 0.015 0.018 0.026 0.041 0.058 100
226.014  0.15 0.15 0.04 - 0.015 0.019 0.022 0.027 0.038 0.060 0.085 100
226.054  0.20 0.15 0.04 0.017 0.021 0.027 0.032 0.038 0.054 0.085 0.121 100
80° 226.085  0.25 0.25 0.10 0.025 0.031 0.040 0.047 0.057 0.080 0.126 0.179 140
226.125  0.35 0.35 0.10 0.039 0.048 0.062 0.073 0.088 0.124 0.196 0.277 140
226.145  0.40 0.40 0.10 0.052 0.064 0.082 0.097 0.116 0.164 0.259 0.367 140
226.165  0.45 0.45 0.10 0.065 0.080 0.103 0.122 0.146 0.206 0.326 0.461 140
226.185  0.55 0.35 0.20 0.082 0.101 0.130 0.154 0.184 0.260 0.411 0.581 140
226.205  0.60 0.35 0.20 0.106 0.130 0.168 0.199 0.238 0.336 0.531 0.751 140
226.245  0.70 0.50 0.20 0.165 0.202 0.261 0.309 0.369 0.522 0.825 1.167 140
226.285  0.90 0.55 0.20 0.247 0.302 0.390 0.461 0.552 0.780 1.233 1.744 140

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section The integrated strainer avoids clogging of the nozzle and
increases its service life.
Example Type + Material-no. = Ordering no.
for ordering: 226.004 + 16 = 226.004.16

* Materials
Mat. no. Housing Nozzle insert Strainer
16 303 SS 430F SS 316L SS

. . p2
46 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Axial-flow hollow cone nozzles
Series 214/216

Fine, uniform hollow cone 1/8 BSPP 3/8 BSPP

spray. Hex 17 Hex 22

6 12
Cooling and cleaning of air 18 29
and gas, dust control,
spraying onto filters, spray
drying, desuperheating.
(Mat. no. 17) Ø 16 Ø 21.3

Series 214 Series 216

Weight brass: 27 g Weight brass: 60 g

Spray Ordering no. G B E Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no. [mm] [mm] at p = 3 bar

17 30 H

Type p [bar] D
316Ti SS


0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 250 mm
60° 214.184   1/8 0.50 0.50 - - 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.25 200

80° 214.245   1/8 1.00 0.50 - - 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.36 0.51 450
214.305   1/8 1.80 0.50 - 0.23 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.72 1.01 450

60° 216.324   3/8 1.00 1.00 - 0.28 0.40 0.49 0.63 0.89 1.26 200
216.364   3/8 1.40 1.40 - 0.45 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.41 1.99 200
216.404   3/8 2.00 2.00 - 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 3.16 200

90° 216.496   3/8 3.00 2.00 - 1.20 1.70 2.08 2.69 3.80 5.38 500
216.566   3/8 4.00 2.00 - 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 7.91 500
216.646   3/8 3.50 2.00 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.32 8.94 12.65 500
216.686   3/8 4.00 2.00 2.50 3.54 5.00 6.12 7.91 11.18 15.81 500
216.726   3/8 5.00 2.00 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 19.92 500
216.776   3/8 6.00 2.00 4.30 6.00 8.50 10.40 13.40 19.00 26.90 500

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

for ordering 214.184 + 17 = 214.184.17

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 47
Tangential-flow hollow cone nozzles
Plastic version
Series 302

Uniform hollow cone

spray. Non-clogging
nozzle, without swirl

Dust control, spraying onto
filters, foam control, pasteu-
rization. (Mat. no.
Type 302.32X–302.48X Type 302.52X–302.99X
Weight: 13 g Weight: 18 g

Spray Ordering no. B E Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no. [mm] [mm] at p = 2 bar

5E 51 53 H

Type p [bar] D

H= H=

0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 250 mm 500 mm

60° 302.364 -   1.30 1.30 0.31 0.45 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.41 200 350
302.464 -   1.95 1.95 0.70 0.99 1.40 1.71 2.21 3.13 300 560

90° 302.326   - 1.05 1.05 0.20 0.28 0.40 0.49 0.63 0.89 400 700
302.366   - 1.30 1.30 0.31 0.45 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.41 400 880
302.406    1.55 1.55 0.50 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 400 880
302.486 -   2.10 2.10 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 400 880
302.526 -   5.00 2.00 1.00 1.41 2.00 2.45 3.16 4.47 400 880
302.566 -   5.00 2.40 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 400 880
302.606 -   5.00 3.20 1.57 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 450 950
302.686 -  - 7.50 3.40 2.50 3.45 5.00 6.12 7.91 11.18 500 1050
302.766 -  - 9.00 4.30 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 17.89 500 1050
302.846 -   11.00 5.20 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.67 27.95 550 1130
302.886    11.00 6.40 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 550 1130
302.966 -  - 11.00 8.60 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 550 1130

130° 302.328  - - 1.35 0.80 0.20 0.28 0.40 0.49 0.63 0.89 700 1380
302.368   - 1.85 1.10 0.31 0.45 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.41 700 1380
302.408   - 3.65 1.30 0.50 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 700 1380
302.488 -   5.20 1.60 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 700 1380
302.528 -  - 5.00 2.00 1.00 1.41 2.00 2.45 3.16 4.47 700 1380
302.568 -  - 5.00 2.40 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 780 1520
302.608    5.00 3.20 1.57 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 780 1520
302.648 -  - 7.50 3.00 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.32 8.94 950 1850
302.688 -  - 7.50 3.40 2.50 3.54 5.00 6.12 7.91 11.18 950 1850
302.728 -  - 7.50 4.10 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 950 1850
302.768 -  - 9.00 4.30 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 17.89 950 1850
302.848 -  - 11.00 5.20 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 27.95 950 1850
302.888 -   11.00 6.40 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 950 1850
302.968   - 11.00 8.60 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 950 1850

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

for ordering 302.364 + 51 = 302.364. 51

. . p2
48 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Axial-flow full cone nozzles
Series 490/491

Non-clogging nozzle
design with a very stable Series 490/491 repre-
spray angle, particularly sents a new generation
even liquid distribution and within the axial-flow full
large free cross sections. cone nozzles product
group. These nozzles
Applications: were developed using
Cleaning and washing state-of-the-art design
processes, surface spraying, (Mat. no. 17) and simulation methods
Container cleaning, foam (CFD).
precipitation, degassing of
liquids. Nozzles of series
Series 490 Series 491
490/491 replace series
460/461 which are still
available on request.

L2 L2

L1 L1

Hex Flats

Code Code

Dimensions [mm]
Code Weight
G L1 L2 D Hex/Flats
CA 1/8 BSPT 18.0 6.5 10.0 11 13 g
CC 1/4 BSPT 22.0 10.0 13.0 14 16 g
CE 3/8 BSPT 24.5 10.0 16.0 17 30 g
CE 3/8 BSPT 30.0 10.0 16.0 17 50 g
CG 1/2 BSPT 32.5 13.0 21.0 22 60 g Subject to technical modifications.
CG 1/2 BSPT 43.5 13.0 21.0 22 85 g Please enquire about the exact
AK 3/4 BSPP 42.0 15.0 32.0 27 190 g dimensions if the installation situation
AM 1 BSPP 56.0 17.0 40.0 36 350 g is critical!

Spray Ordering no. B E Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no. Code [mm] [mm] at p = 2 bar
1Y 30

p [bar]
Type D
3/4 BSPP
1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
316L SS


H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

45° 490.403   CA - - - - - 1.25 1.25 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 160 400
490.523   CA - - - - - 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 160 400
490.603   - CC CE* - - - 2.00 2.00 1.81 2.39 3.15 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 160 400
490.643   - CC CE* - - - 2.45 2.45 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 160 400
490.683 -  - - CE - - - 2.55 2.55 2.87 3.79 5.00 5.88 7.21 8.25 9.52 160 400
490.703 -  - - CE - - - 2.65 2.65 3.22 4.24 5.60 6.59 8.08 9.24 10.66 160 400
490.723   - - CE - - - 2.85 2.85 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 160 400
490.783 -  - - - CG - - 3.45 3.45 5.17 6.82 9.00 10.58 12.98 14.85 17.12 160 400
490.843 -  - - - CG - - 3.80 3.80 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 160 400

60° 490.404   CA - - - - - 1.15 1.15 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 220 560
490.444  - CA - - - - - 1.25 1.25 0.72 0.95 1.25 1.47 1.80 2.06 2.38 220 560
490.484   CA - - - - - 1.45 1.45 0.92 1.21 1.60 1.88 2.31 2.64 3.05 220 560
490.524   CA - - - - - 1.60 1.60 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 220 560
490.564   CA - - - - - 1.80 1.80 1.44 1.89 2.50 2.94 3.61 4.13 4.76 220 560
490.604   CA CC CE - - - 2.05 2.05 1.81 2.39 3.15 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 220 560

* Only available in material 30 · B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section Continued on next page.

( )p2 0.4
. .
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 49
(≤ 10 bar)
Axial-flow full cone nozzles
Series 490/491

Spray Ordering no. B E Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Mat. no. Code [mm] [mm] at p = 2 bar
1Y 30

p [bar]
Type D

3/4 BSPP
1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
316L SS

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

60° 490.644   - CC CE - - - 2.30 2.30 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 220 560
490.684   - CC CE - - - 2.60 2.60 2.87 3.79 5.00 5.88 7.21 8.25 9.52 220 560
490.724   - CC CE - - - 2.95 2.80 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 220 560
490.764   - - CE - - - 3.25 3.25 4.59 6.06 8.00 9.41 11.54 13.20 15.22 220 560
490.804   - - CE - - - 3.70 3.70 5.74 7.58 10.00 11.76 14.43 16.51 19.04 220 560
490.844   - - - CG - - 4.05 4.05 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 220 560
490.884   - - - CG - - 4.65 4.65 9.19 12.13 16.00 18.82 23.08 26.41 30.46 220 560
490.924   - - - - AK - 5.20 5.20 11.49 15.16 20.00 23.52 28.85 33.01 38.07 220 560
490.964   - - - - AK - 5.80 5.80 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 220 560
491.044   - - - - - AM 7.25 7.25 22.97 30.31 40.00 47.04 57.71 66.02 76.15 220 560
491.084   - - - - - AM 8.15 8.15 28.72 37.89 50.00 58.80 72.14 82.53 95.18 220 560

90° 490.406   CA - - - - - 1.20 1.20 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 380 860
490.446 -  CA - - - - - 1.30 1.30 0.72 0.95 1.25 1.47 1.80 2.06 2.38 380 860
490.486   CA - - - - - 1.45 1.45 0.92 1.21 1.60 1.88 2.31 2.64 3.05 380 860
490.526   CA - - - - - 1.70 1.55 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 380 860
490.566   CA - - - - - 1.90 1.90 1.44 1.89 2.50 2.94 3.61 4.13 4.76 380 860
490.606   CA - CE - - - 2.10 2.05 1.81 2.39 3.15 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 380 860
490.646   - CC CE - - - 2.40 2.40 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 390 960
490.686   - CC CE - - - 2.70 2.70 2.87 3.79 5.00 5.88 7.21 8.25 9.52 390 960
490.726   - CC CE - - - 3.20 2.80 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 390 960
490.746   - - CE - - - 3.15 3.15 4.08 5.38 7.10 8.35 10.24 11.72 13.52 390 960
490.766   - - CE - - - 3.40 3.40 4.59 6.06 8.00 9.41 11.54 13.20 15.22 390 960
490.806   - - CE - - - 3.90 3.90 5.74 7.58 10.00 11.76 14.43 16.51 19.04 390 960
490.846   - - CE - - - 4.65 4.00 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 390 960
490.886   - - - CG - - 5.45 4.50 9.19 12.13 16.00 18.82 23.08 26.41 30.46 390 960
490.926   - - - CG - - 5.90 4.50 11.49 15.16 20.00 23.52 28.85 33.01 38.07 390 960
490.966   - - - CG AK - 6.55 4.85 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 390 960
491.006   - - - - AK - 7.55 5.50 18.09 23.87 31.50 37.05 45.45 51.99 59.97 390 960
491.046   - - - - AK - 8.60 6.60 22.97 30.31 40.00 47.04 57.71 66.02 76.15 390 960
491.086   - - - - - AM 9.45 7.25 28.72 37.89 50.00 58.80 72.14 82.53 95.18 390 960
491.126   - - - - - AM 10.40 8.00 36.18 47.75 63.00 74.09 90.89 103.98 119.93 390 960
491.146  - - - - - - AM 11.00 7.50 40.78 53.81 71.00 83.50 102.43 117.19 135.16 390 960

120° 490.368   CA - - - - - 0.85 0.65 0.36 0.48 0.63 0.74 0.91 1.04 1.20 680 1220
490.408   CA - - - - - 1.20 1.20 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 680 1220
490.448   CA - - - - - 1.30 1.30 0.72 0.95 1.25 1.47 1.80 2.06 2.38 680 1220
490.488   CA - - - - - 1.45 1.45 0.92 1.21 1.60 1.88 2.31 2.64 3.05 680 1220
490.528   CA - - - - - 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 680 1220
490.568   CA - - - - - 1.90 1.90 1.44 1.89 2.50 2.94 3.61 4.13 4.76 680 1220
490.608   CA - - - - - 2.10 2.05 1.81 2.39 3.15 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 680 1220
490.648   - CC CE - - - 2.40 2.40 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 680 1330
490.688   - CC CE - - - 2.75 2.75 2.87 3.79 5.00 5.88 7.21 8.25 9.52 680 1330
490.728   - CC CE - - - 3.20 2.80 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 680 1330
490.748   - - CE - - - 3.20 3.20 4.08 5.38 7.10 8.35 10.24 11.72 13.52 680 1330
490.768   - - CE - - - 3.45 3.45 4.59 6.44 8.00 9.41 11.54 13.20 15.22 680 1330
490.808   - - CE - - - 3.90 3.90 5.74 7.58 10.00 11.76 14.43 16.51 19.04 680 1330
490.848   - - CE - - - 4.70 4.00 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 680 1330
490.888   - - - CG - - 5.10 4.50 9.19 12.13 16.00 18.82 23.08 26.41 30.46 680 1330
490.928   - - - CG - - 5.80 4.75 11.49 15.16 20.00 23.52 28.85 33.01 38.07 680 1330
490.968   - - - CG AK - 6.65 4.85 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 680 1330
491.048   - - - - AK - 9.20 5.85 22.97 30.31 40.00 47.04 57.71 66.02 76.15 680 1330
491.128   - - - - - AM 10.80 7.75 36.18 47.75 63.00 74.09 90.89 103.98 119.93 680 1330
491.148  - - - - - - AM 11.40 7.65 40.78 53.81 71.00 83.50 102.43 117.19 135.16 680 1330

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Example Type + Material no. + Code = Ordering no.
Other nozzle materials (special alloys, plastics) for ordering: 490.644 + 1Y + CC = 490.644.1Y.CC
are available on request.

( ) p2 0.4
. .
50 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
(≤ 10 bar)
Axial-flow full cone nozzles
Series 460/461

Very uniform spray pattern.


Applications: L2 L2
Cleaning and washing
process, cooling of gaseous
fluids and solids, surface L1 L1
spraying, spraying onto mats
in air washers, improving of Hex Flats

chemical reactions.
D1 D1
Code G

L1 Hex


Dimensions [mm]
G L1 L2 D1 D2 Hex/Flats
CA 1/8 BSPT 22.0 6.5 13.0 - 14
CC 1/4 BSPT 22.0 9.7 13.0 - 14
CE 3/8 BSPT 30.0 10.0 17.0 - 17 Subject to technical modifications.
CG 1/2 BSPT 43.5 13.2 22.0 - 22 Please enquire about the exact
AK 3/4 BSPP 42.0 15.0 31.5 - 27 dimensions if the installation situation
AM 1 BSPP 52.5 15.0 27.0 34.5 27 is critical!

Spray Ordering no. B E Spray diameter

angle Mat. Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Code [mm] [mm] at p = 2 bar
Type p [bar] H
3/4 BSPP
1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT


H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

60° 460.524  CA - - - - - 1,60 1.60 1.00 1.41 2.00 2.45 2.83 3.16 4.47 220 560
460.644  - CC - - - - 2.40 1.90 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 220 560
460.724  - CC - - - - 2.80 2.10 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 8.91 9.96 14.09 220 560
460.964  - - - - AK - 5.80 4.90 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 220 560

90° 460.326  CA - - - - - 0.80 0.55 0.23 0.30 0.40 0.47 0.58 0.66 0.76 380 860
460.406  CA - - - - - 1.20 0.85 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 380 860
460.486  CA - - - - - 1.45 1.20 0.92 1.21 1.60 1.88 2.31 2.64 3.05 380 860
460.526  CA - - - - - 1.65 1.30 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 380 860
460.606  CA - CE - - - 2.05 1.45 1.81 2.39 3.15 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 380 860
460.646  - CC - - - - 2.30 1.80 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 390 960
460.726  - - CE - - - 2.95 2.00 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 390 960
460.746  - - CE - - - 3.30 1.90 4.08 5.38 7.10 8.35 10.24 11.72 13.52 390 960
460.766  - - CE - - - 3.30 2.40 4.59 6.06 8.00 9.41 11.54 13.20 15.22 390 960
460.806  - - CE - - - 3.70 2.70 5.74 7.58 10.00 11.76 14.43 16.51 19.04 390 960
460.846  - - CE - - - 4.05 3.20 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 390 960
460.886  - - - CG - - 4.70 3.10 9.19 12.13 16.00 18.82 23.08 26.41 30.46 390 960
460.966  - - - CG - - 5.80 3.80 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 390 960
461.006  - - - CG - - 6.40 3.80 18.09 23.87 31.50 37.05 45.45 51.99 59.97 390 960
461.046  - - - - CK* - 7.20 5.30 22.97 30.31 40.00 47.04 57.71 66.02 76.15 390 960
461.086  - - - - - AM 8.40 5.00 25.00 35.36 50.00 61.24 70.71 79.06 111.80 390 860

B = bore diameter Continued on next page.

Example Type + Material no. + Code = Ordering no. E = narrowest free cross section
for ordering: 460.644 + 5E + CC = 460.644.5E.CC * Connection 3/4 BSPT

( )
p2 0.4
. .
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 51
(≤ 10 bar)
Axial-flow full cone nozzles
Series 460/461

Spray Ordering no. B E Spray diameter

angle Mat. Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] D
Code [mm] [mm] at p = 2 bar
Type p [bar] H

3/4 BSPP
1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

120° 460.368  CA - - - - 0.95 0.45 0.32 0.45 0.63 0.77 0.89 1.00 1.41 680 1220
460.408  CA - - - - 1.20 0.85 0.57 0.76 1.00 1.18 1.44 1.65 1.90 680 1220
460.488  CA - - - - 1.50 1.00 0.92 1.21 1.60 1.88 2.31 2.64 3.05 680 1220
460.528  CA - - - - 1.65 1.20 1.15 1.52 2.00 2.35 2.89 3.30 3.81 680 1220
460.608  CA - - - - 2.10 1.40 1.81 2.39 3.5 3.70 4.54 5.20 6.00 680 1220
460.648  - CC CE - - 2.45 1.60 2.30 3.03 4.00 4.70 5.77 6.60 7.61 680 1330
460.728  - - CE - - 3.10 1.90 3.62 4.77 6.30 7.41 9.09 10.40 11.99 680 1330
460.748  - - CE - - 3.30 1.90 4.08 5.38 7.10 8.35 10.24 11.72 13.52 680 1330
460.768  - - CE - - 3.50 1.90 4.59 6.44 8.00 9.41 11.54 13.20 15.22 680 1330
460.808  - - CE - - 3.80 2.40 5.74 7.58 10.00 11.76 14.43 16.51 19.04 680 1330
460.848  - - CE - - 4.20 2.70 7.18 9.47 12.50 14.70 18.03 20.63 23.80 680 1330
460.888  - - - CG - 4.60 3.10 9.19 12.13 16.00 18.82 23.08 26.41 30.46 680 1330
460.968  - - - CG - 5.90 4.10 14.36 18.95 25.00 29.40 36.07 41.26 47.59 680 1330
461.048 X
 - - - - CK* 7.60 4.90 22.97 30.31 40.00 47.04 57.71 66.02 76.15 680 1330

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

X material PP (material no. 53)
* Connection 3/4 BSPT

Example Type + Material no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 460.408 + 5E + CA = 460.408.5E.CA

( ) p2 0.4
. .
52 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
(≤ 10 bar)
Tangential-flow full cone nozzles
Series 422/423


Tangentially arranged G
liquid supply. Without H1
swirl inserts. Non-clogging. L1
Stable spray angle. L2 W1
Uniform spray. L3 Hex1

Applications: H2 L1
G W2
Cleaning and washing L2
process, cooling of gaseous (Mat. no. 1Y) L3
fluids and solids, surface
spraying, spraying onto mats
1/4" – 3/8" version Material:
Hex316L SS/Brass
in air washers, improving on 1
chemical reactions, conti- H1
nuous casting, foam control. W2

L3 Hex1

H2 W2 G


1/2" - 1" version Material: 316L SS/Brass


Dimensions [mm] Weight

W2 G
G L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 W1 W2 Hex1 Hex2 316L SS
1/4 BSPT 28.0 20.0 9.7 Hex 8.0 21.0 15.6 16.0 11 - 44 g
3/8 BSPT 36.0 25.0 10.1 11.0 26.7 23.2 22.0 19 - 101 g
1/2 BSPT 56.0 33.5 13.2 20.0 40.0 32.0 48.0 27 19 370 g
3/4 BSPT 65.5 38.5 14.5 23.5 57.0 40.0 63.0 36 27 830 g
1 BSPT 85.0 48.5 16.8 27.3 66.0 55.0 78.0 41 36 1581 g

Spray Ordering no. B E V̇ [l/min] Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø D
Mat.no. Code [mm] [mm] at p = 1-10 bar
30 1Y H

Type p [bar]
1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT

3/4 BSPT

316L SS


H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 200 mm 500 mm
60° 422.644   - CE - - - 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.32 8.94 225 510

90° 422.406   CC - - - - 1.50 1.45 0.50 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 380 860
422.486 -  CC - - - - 1.90 1.80 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 380 860
422.566   CC - - - - 2.30 2.20 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 380 860
422.606   - CE - - - 2.60 2.50 1.57 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 380 860
422.646   - CE - - - 3.00 2.90 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.32 8.94 390 960
422.726  - - CE - - - 3.70 3.60 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 390 960
422.766 -  - CE - - - 4.15 4.10 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 17.89 390 960
422.806  - - CE - - - 4.65 4.60 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 22.36 390 960
422.846   - CE - - - 5.20 5.10 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 27.95 390 960
422.886   - CE - - - 5.80 5.70 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 390 960
422.966 -  - - CG - - 8.00 8.00 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 390 960

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section Continued on next page.

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 422.644 + 30 + CE = 422.644.30.CE

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 53
Tangential-flow full cone nozzles
Series 422/423

Spray Ordering no. B E V̇ [l/min] Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø D
Mat.no. Code [mm] [mm] at p = 1-10 bar
30 1Y H

Type p [bar]
1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT

3/4 BSPT
316L SS


H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 200 mm 500 mm

120° 422.488  - CC - - - - 1.90 1.80 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 680 1220
422.568   CC - - - - 2.30 2.20 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 680 1220
422.608  - - CE - - - 2.60 2.50 1.57 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 680 1600
422.728   - CE - - - 3.70 3.60 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 680 1600
422.808 -  - CE - - - 4.65 4.60 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 22.36 680 1600
422.848   - CE - - - 5.20 5.10 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 27.95 680 1600
422.888   - CE - - - 5.80 5.70 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 680 1600
422.928 -  - - CG - - 7.30 7.30 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.49 31.62 44.72 680 1600
422.968   - - CG - - 8.00 8.00 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 680 1600
423.008 -  - - CG - - 8.70 8.70 15.75 22.27 31.50 38.88 49.81 70.44 680 1600
423.128 -  - - - CK - 12.70 12.30 31.50 44.55 63.00 77.16 99.61 140.87 680 1600
423.208 -  - - - - CM 19.00 16.00 50.00 70.71 100.00 122.47 158.11 223.61 680 1600

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Cost-efficient design
thanks to metal injection
molding. Tangentially
37 37
arranged liquid supply. 27 27
Without swirl inserts. 12.1 12.1
Non-clogging. Stable spray

3/8 BSPT

3/8 BSPT
angle. Uniform spray. 21.4 21.4 19 19
10.7 10.7
Pasteurization, cleaning and
washing process, cooling of
gaseous fluids and solids,
surface spraying, spraying
onto mats in air washers,
improving on chemical
reactions, continuous casting,
foam control.

Spray Ordering no. B E V̇ [l/min] Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø D
Mat.no. Code [mm] [mm] at p = 1-10 bar
1Y H

Type p [bar]
3/8 BSPT

316L SS

H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 200 mm 500 mm
90° 422.886  87 5.80 5.70 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 390 960

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 422.886 + 1Y + 87 = 422.886.1Y.87

. . p2
54 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Tangential-flow full cone nozzles
Plastic version
Series 422/423

Tangentially arranged
liquid supply. Without swirl
inserts. Non-clogging.
Stable spray angle. Uni-
form spray.

Cleaning and washing
processes, surface spraying,
bottle cleaning, keg cleaning,
sausage showers, foam cont- Material: PVDF
rol, degassing, pasteurization.

Dimensions [mm] Weight

G L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 Hex
1/4 BSPT 28.0 20.0 9.8 8.0 16.0 16.0 7g
3/8 BSPT 36.0 25.0 10.1 11.2 23.0 22.0 16 g
1/2 BSPT 49.5 33.5 13.2 19.2 38.0 32.0 40 g
3/4 BSPT 58.5 38.5 18.5 24.5 50.0 41.0 50 g

Spray Ordering no. B E V̇ [l/min] Spray diameter

angle Ø Ø D at
Mat. Code p = 1-10 bar
no. [mm] [mm]
5E H

p [bar]
1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT

3/4 BSPT

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 mm mm
60° 422.724  - CE - - 3.60 3.60 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 225 510

90° 422.406  CC - - - 1.50 1.45 0.50 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 380 860
422.566  CC - - - 2.30 2.20 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 380 860
422.606  - CE - - 2.60 2.50 1.57 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 380 860
422.646  - CE - - 3.00 2.90 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.32 8.94 390 960
422.726  - CE - - 3.70 3.60 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 390 960
422.806  - CE - - 4.65 4.60 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 22.36 390 960
422.846  - CE - - 5.20 5.10 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 27.95 390 960
422.886  - CE - - 5.85 5.85 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 390 960
422.926  - - CG - 7.30 7.30 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.49 31.62 44.72 390 960
422.966  - - CG - 8.00 8.00 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 390 960
423.006  - - CG - 8.70 8.70 15.75 22.27 31.50 38.58 49.81 70.44 390 960
423.126  - - - CK 12.00 12.00 31.50 44.55 63.00 77.16 99.61 140.87 390 960

120° 422.408  CC - - - 1.50 1.45 0.50 0.71 1.00 1.22 1.58 2.24 680 1220
422.448  CC - - - 1.65 1.60 0.62 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.80 680 1220
422.488  CC - - - 1.90 1.80 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 680 1220
422.568  CC - - - 2.30 2.20 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 680 1220
422.728  - CE - - 3.70 3.60 3.15 4.45 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 680 1600
422.888  - CE - - 5.80 5.70 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 35.78 680 1600
422.968  - - CG - 8.00 8.00 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 55.90 680 1600
423.008  - - CG - 8.70 8.70 15.75 22.27 31.50 38.58 49.81 70.44 680 1600
423.128  - - - CK 12.70 12.30 31.50 44.55 63.00 77.16 99.61 140.87 680 1600

B = bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

of ordering: 422.724 + 5E + CE = 422.724.5E.CE

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 55
Flat fan nozzles
Series 632/633

Standard design with

conical, self-sealing thread
1/8 BSPT
connection. Stable spray 1/4 BSPT
angle. Uniform, parabolical
distribution of liquid. Spray

pipes equiped with these
nozzles show an extremely

uniform total distribution 303 SS/ 303 SS/ Hex 14
of liquid. (Mat. no. 316Ti SS/Brass 316Ti SS/Brass Hex 14
16/17/5E) (<) 20°-75°) (<) 90°-120°)
Flats 10 Flats 10
Cleaning (e.g. surfaces,
filters, belts), crate washers, Weight Brass: 17 g Weight Brass: 20 g
lubricating, coating.

Version with short length on request.


1/2 BSPT
3/8 BSPT


22 27

Hex 22
Hex 17

3/8" or 1/2" version Weight Brass: 30 g Weight Brass: 40 g

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no. Code
[mm] [mm] at p=2 bar
16 1 17 2 30 5E
p [bar] H

Type B
316Ti SS/

1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
316L SS
303 SS/
304 SS

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

20° 632.301     CA CC - - 0.70 0.60 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 65 120
632.361     CA CC - - 1.00 0.80 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.40 70 130
632.441     CA CC - - 1.35 1.10 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.34 2.80 75 145
632.481     CA CC - - 1.50 1.20 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 75 150

30° 632.302     CA CC - - 0.60 0.50 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 120 235
632.362     CA CC - - 1.00 0.70 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.40 120 235
632.402     CA CC - - 1.20 0.90 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 1.87 2.24 120 235
632.482     CA CC - - 1.50 1.10 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 120 235
632.562     CA CC - - 2.00 1.50 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 4.68 5.59 120 235
632.642    - - CC - - 2.50 1.80 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 7.48 8.94 120 240
632.722    - - CC - - 3.00 2.40 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 11.79 14.09 125 240
632.762    - - CC - - 3.50 2.70 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 14.97 17.89 125 240
632.802    - - CC - - 4.00 3.10 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 18.71 22.36 130 250
We reserve the right to deliver 303 SS or 304 SS under the material no. 16. Continued on next page.
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17.
A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section
* Differing spray pattern
Subject to technical modifications.

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 632.301 + 16 + CA = 632.301.16.CC

. . p2
56 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Flat fan nozzles
Series 632/633

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no. Code
[mm] [mm] at p=2 bar
16 1 17 2 30 5E
p [bar] H

Type B
316Ti SS/

1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
316L SS
303 SS/
304 SS

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

45° 632.303    - CA CC - - 0.70 0.50 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 150 270
632.363     CA CC - - 1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.40 155 280
632.403     CA CC - - 1.20 0.90 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 1.87 2.24 175 320
632.483     CA CC - - 1.50 1.10 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 180 340
632.563     CA CC - - 2.00 1.40 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 4.68 5.59 185 355
632.643     CA CC - - 2.50 1.80 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 7.48 8.94 195 370
632.673    - - CC CE - 2.70 2.00 2.83 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 8.89 10.62 200 375
632.723    - - CC CE - 3.00 2.40 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 11.79 14.09 200 375
632.763    - - CC CE - 3.50 2.60 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 14.97 17.89 200 380
632.803    - - CC CE CG 4.00 3.00 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 18.71 22.36 205 385
632.843  ***  - - CC - CG 4.50 3.40 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 23.39 27.95 205 385
632.883    - - - - CG 5.00 3.80 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 29.93 35.78 220 440
632.923    - - - - CG 5.50 4.20 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.50 31.62 37.42 44.72 220 440
632.963    - - - - CG 6.00 4.40 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 46.77 55.90 220 440

60° 632.304     CA CC - - 0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 215 425
632.334     CA CC - - 0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.55 0.71 0.84 1.01 220 440
632.364     CA CC - - 1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.40 230 460
632.404     CA CC - - 1.20 0.80 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 1.87 2.24 245 485
632.444     CA CC - - 1.35 0.90 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.34 2.80 255 495
632.484     CA CC - - 1.50 1.00 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 260 510
632.514     CA CC - - 1.65 1.10 0.95* 1.34 1.90 2.33 3.00 3.56 4.25 270 520
632.564     CA CC - - 2.00 1.30 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 4.68 5.59 280 535
632.604     CA CC - - 2.20 1.50 1.58 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 5.89 7.04 290 550
632.644    ** - CC CE - 2.50 1.60 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 7.48 8.94 295 565
632.674    ** - CC CE - 2.70 1.80 2.38 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 8.89 10.62 300 575
632.724    ** - CC CE - 3.00 2.10 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 11.79 14.09 305 590
632.764    - - CC CE - 3.50 2.30 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 14.97 17.89 310 595
632.804  ***  ** - CC - CG 4.00 2.60 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 18.71 22.36 310 595
632.844  ***  ** - CC - CG 4.50 3.00 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 23.39 27.95 310 590
632.884  ***  ** - CC - CG 5.00 3.40 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 29.93 35.78 300 570
632.924    - - - - CG 5.50 4.10 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.50 31.62 37.42 44.72 330 630
632.964    - - - - CG 6.00 4.20 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 46.77 55.90 330 630
633.004   - - - - - CG 7.00 4.80 15.75 22.27 31.50 38.57 49.80 58.92 70.43 330 630
633.044    - - - - CG 8.00 5.50 20.00 28.28 40.00 48.99 63.25 74.83 89.44 340 640
633.084    - - - - CG 9.00 6.80 25.00 35.36 50.00 61.24 79.06 93.54 111.80 340 640

75° 632.145  -  - CA CC - - 0.20 0.12 – 0.04* 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.11 280 550
632.165  -  - CA CC - - 0.20 0.14 – 0.05* 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.15 290 560
632.185  -  - CA CC - - 0.20 0.16 – 0.06* 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 300 575
632.215  -  - CA CC - - 0.40 0.20 – 0.08* 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.21 0.25 300 580
632.245  -  - CA CC - - 0.50 0.30 – 0.12* 0.16 0.20 0.26 0.30 0.36 310 585
632.275  -  - CA CC - - 0.60 0.30 0.11* 0.16* 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.41 0.49 310 590
We reserve the right to deliver 303 SS or 304 SS under the material no. 16. Continued on next page.
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17.
A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section
* Differing spray pattern
** Only available with code CC.
*** Only available with code CG.
Subject to technical modifications.

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 632.303 + 16 + CA = 632.303.16.CA

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 57
Flat fan nozzles
Series 632/633

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no. Code
[mm] [mm] at p=2 bar
16 1 17 2 30 5E
p [bar] H

Type B
316Ti SS/

1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
316L SS
303 SS/
304 SS

H= H=

200 500
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 mm mm

90° 632.216  -  - CA CC - - 0.40 0.20 - 0.08* 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.21 0.25 370 700
632.276  -  - CA CC - - 0.60 0.30 0.11* 0.16* 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.41 0.49 375 720
632.306     CA CC - - 0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 380 740
632.336     CA CC - - 0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.55 0.71 0.84 1.01 415 800
632.366     CA CC - - 1.00 0.50 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.41 420 810
632.406     CA CC - - 1.20 0.70 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 1.87 2.24 430 820
632.446     CA CC - - 1.35 0.80 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.34 2.80 435 830
632.486     CA CC - - 1.50 0.80 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 440 835
632.516     CA CC - - 1.65 0.90 0.95* 1.34 1.90 2.33 3.00 3.56 4.25 440 840
632.566     CA CC - - 2.00 1.10 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 4.68 5.59 445 850
632.606     CA CC - - 2.20 1.20 1.58 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 5.89 7.04 450 860
632.646    ** - CC CE - 2.50 1.30 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 7.48 8.94 455 865
632.676    ** - CC CE - 2.70 1.40 2.38 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 8.89 10.62 465 875
632.726    ** - CC CE - 3.00 1.70 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 11.79 14.09 470 885
632.766    ** - CC CE - 3.50 1.90 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 14.97 17.89 475 890
632.806  ***  ** - CC - CG 4.00 2.40 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 18.71 22.36 480 900
632.846  ***  ** - CC - CG 4.50 2.40 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 23.39 27.95 480 900
632.886  ***  ** - CC - CG 5.00 3.10 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 29.93 35.78 480 910
632.926    - - - - CG 5.50 3.60 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.50 31.62 37.42 44.72 525 1020
632.966    - - - - CG 6.00 3.90 12.50 17.68 25.00 30.62 39.53 46.77 55.90 525 1020

120° 632.187  -  - CA CC - - 0.35 0.20 - 0.06* 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 630 1200
632.217  -  - CA CC - - 0.40 0.20 - 0.08* 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.21 0.25 640 1210
632.247  -  - CA CC - - 0.50 0.20 - 0.12* 0.16 0.20 0.26 0.30 0.36 650 1230
632.277  -  - CA CC - - 0.60 0.30 - 0.16* 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.41 0.49 660 1250
632.307     CA CC - - 0.70 0.30 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.60 0.72 660 1250
632.337     CA CC - - 0.90 0.40 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.55 0.71 0.84 1.01 670 1270
632.367     CA CC - - 1.00 0.50 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.18 1.41 670 1270
632.407     CA CC - - 1.20 0.60 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 1.87 2.24 670 1270
632.447     CA CC - - 1.35 0.60 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.34 2.80 675 1270
632.487     CA CC - - 1.50 0.60 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 2.99 3.58 680 1275
632.517     CA CC - - 1.65 0.90 0.95* 1.34 1.90 2.33 3.00 3.56 4.25 685 1280
632.567     CA CC - - 2.00 0.90 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 4.68 5.59 690 1285
632.607     CA CC - - 2.20 1.10 1.58 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 5.89 7.04 700 1300
632.647    - - CC CE - 2.50 1.30 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 7.48 8.94 700 1300
632.677    ** - CC CE - 2.70 1.40 2.38 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 8.89 10.62 720 1330
632.727    ** - CC CE - 3.00 1.60 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 11.79 14.09 740 1360
632.767    ** - CC CE - 3.50 1.70 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 14.97 17.89 760 1400
632.807  ***  - - CC - CG 4.00 2.00 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 18.71 22.36 790 1450
632.847 *** *** *** ** - CC - CG 4.50 2.30 6.25 8.84 12.50 15.31 19.76 23.39 27.95 790 1450
632.887    - - - - CG 5.00 2.60 8.00 11.31 16.00 19.60 25.30 29.93 35.78 800 1460
632.927    - - - - CG 5.50 2.90 10.00 14.14 20.00 24.50 31.62 37.42 44.72 800 1460
We reserve the right to deliver 303 SS or 304 SS under the material no. 16.
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17.
A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section
* Differing spray pattern
** Only available with code CC.
*** Only available with code CG.
Subject to technical modifications.

Example Type + Material-no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 632.216 + 16 + CA = 632.216.16. CA

. . p2
58 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Flat fan nozzles for retaining nut
Series 652

Assembly with retaining

nut. Easy nozzle changing, Ø 14.8
simple jet alignment. Uni­
form, parabolic distribution
of liquid. Spray pipes
equiped with these nozzles 9

show an extremely uniform

total liquid distribution.
(Mat. no. Hex 10
Applications: 16/17/5E)
Cleaning (e.g. surfaces, filters, 303 SS/ 303 SS/ PVDF Weight Brass:
316Ti SS/ Brass 316Ti SS/ Brass 9g
belts), crate washers, lubrica- (<) 20°-75°) (<) 90°-120°)
ting, coating.

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no.
[mm] [mm] at p=2 bar
16 17 1 30 5E
p [bar] H

Type B
316Ti SS/
316L SS

[US gal./
303 SS

H= H=

min] at 250 500

0.5 1.0 2.0 40 psi 3.0 5.0 10.0 mm mm

20° 652.301     0.70 0.60 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 65 125
652.361     1.00 0.80 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.40 65 125
652.441     1.35 1.10 0.62* 0.88 1.25 0.39 1.53 1.98 2.80 65 125
652.481     1.50 1.20 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 65 125

30° 652.302     0.60 0.50 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 115 230
652.362     1.00 0.70 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.40 115 230
652.402     1.20 0.90 0.50* 0.71 1.00 0.31 1.23 1.58 2.24 115 230
652.482     1.50 1.10 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 115 230
652.562     2.00 1.50 1.25 1.77 2.50 0.78 3.06 3.95 5.59 115 230
652.642    - 2.50 1.80 2.00 2.83 4.00 1.24 4.90 6.33 8.94 120 230
652.722    - 3.00 2.40 3.15 4.46 6.30 1.95 7.72 9.96 14.09 120 235
652.762    - 3.50 2.70 4.00 5.66 8.00 2.48 9.80 12.65 17.89 120 235
652.802    - 4.00 3.10 5.00 7.07 10.00 3.10 12.25 15.81 22.36 120 240

45° 652.303    - 0.70 0.50 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 180 340
652.363     1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.40 185 340
652.403     1.20 0.90 0.50* 0.71 1.00 0.31 1.23 1.58 2.24 185 340
652.483     1.50 1.10 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 185 340
652.563     2.00 1.40 1.25 1.77 2.50 0.78 3.06 3.95 5.59 185 340
652.643     2.50 1.80 2.00 2.83 4.00 1.24 4.90 6.33 8.94 185 345
652.723    - 3.00 2.40 3.15 4.46 6.30 1.95 7.72 9.96 14.09 190 355
652.763    - 3.50 2.60 4.00 5.66 8.00 2.48 9.80 12.65 17.89 190 355
652.803    - 4.00 3.00 5.00 7.07 10.00 3.10 12.25 15.81 22.36 195 360

60° 652.304     0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 275 525
652.334     0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.14 0.55 0.71 1.01 275 525
652.364     1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.40 275 525
652.404     1.20 0.80 0.50* 0.71 1.00 0.31 1.23 1.58 2.24 275 525
652.444     1.35 0.90 0.62* 0.88 1.25 0.39 1.53 1.98 2.80 280 530
652.484     1.50 1.00 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 280 530
652.514     1.65 1.10 0.95* 1.34 1.90 0.59 2.33 3.00 4.25 280 530
652.564     2.00 1.30 1.25 1.77 2.50 0.78 3.06 3.95 5.59 280 525
652.604     2.20 1.50 1.58 2.23 3.15 0.98 3.86 4.98 7.04 280 520
652.644     2.50 1.60 2.00 2.83 4.00 1.24 4.90 6.33 8.94 275 520
652.674     2.70 1.80 2.38 3.36 4.75 1.47 5.82 7.51 10.62 275 520
652.724     3.00 2.10 3.15 4.46 6.30 1.95 7.72 9.96 14.09 275 520
652.764    - 3.50 2.30 4.00 5.66 8.00 2.48 9.80 12.65 17.89 270 515
652.804     4.00 2.60 5.00 7.07 10.00 3.10 12.25 15.81 22.36 270 510
652.844  - -  4.50 3.00 6.25 8.84 12.50 3.88 15.31 19.76 27.95 270 510
652.884  -  - 5.00 3.40 8.00 11.31 16.00 4.96 19.60 25.30 35.78 270 505
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17. Continued on next page.
A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section ·
* Differing spray pattern

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 59
Flat fan nozzles for retaining nut
Series 652

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no.
[mm] [mm] at p=2 bar
16 17 1 30 5E
p [bar] H

Type B
316Ti SS/
316L SS

[US gal./
303 SS

H= H=

min] at 250 500

0.5 1.0 2.0 40 psi 3.0 5.0 10.0 mm mm

75° 652.145  -  - 0.20 0.12 - 0.04* 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.08 0.11 285 550
652.165  -  - 0.20 0.14 - 0.05* 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.15 285 555
652.185  -  - 0.20 0.16 - 0.06* 0.08 0.02 0.10 0.13 0.18 290 560
652.215  -  - 0.40 0.20 - 0.08* 0.11 0.03 0.14 0.18 0.25 290 560
652.245  -  - 0.50 0.30 - 0.12* 0.16 0.05 0.20 0.26 0.36 290 560
652.275  -  - 0.60 0.30 0.11* 0.16* 0.22 0.07 0.27 0.35 0.49 290 560

90° 652.216  -  - 0.40 0.20 0.06* 0.08* 0.11 0.03 0.14 0.18 0.25 380 760
652.246  -  - 0.50 0.30 0.08* 0.12* 0.16 0.05 0.20 0.26 0.36 380 760
652.276  -  - 0.60 0.30 0.11* 0.16* 0.22 0.07 0.27 0.35 0.49 450 795
652.306     0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 450 795
652.336     0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.14 0.55 0.71 1.01 450 795
652.366     1.00 0.50 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.41 450 795
652.406     1.20 0.70 0.50* 0.71 1.00 0.31 1.23 1.58 2.24 450 800
652.446     1.35 0.80 0.62* 0.88 1.25 0.39 1.53 1.98 2.80 450 800
652.486     1.50 0.80 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 450 800
652.516     1.65 0.90 0.95* 1.34 1.90 0.59 2.33 3.00 4.25 450 800
652.566     2.00 1.10 1.25 1.77 2.50 0.78 3.06 3.95 5.59 450 805
652.606     2.20 1.20 1.58 2.23 3.15 0.98 3.86 4.98 7.04 450 805
652.646     2.50 1.30 2.00 2.83 4.00 1.24 4.90 6.33 8.94 450 805
652.676     2.70 1.40 2.38 3.36 4.75 1.47 5.82 7.51 10.62 450 810
652.726     3.00 1.70 3.15 4.46 6.30 1.95 7.72 9.96 14.09 450 810
652.766    - 3.50 1.90 4.00 5.66 8.00 2.48 9.80 12.65 17.89 450 815
652.806     4.00 2.40 5.00 7.07 10.00 3.10 12.25 15.81 22.36 450 820
652.846 - -   4.50 2.40 6.25 8.84 12.50 3.88 15.31 19.76 27.95 450 820
652.886  -   5.00 3.10 8.00 11.31 16.00 4.96 19.60 25.30 35.78 450 835

120° 652.187  -  - 0.35 0.20 - 0.06* 0.08 0.02 0.10 0.13 0.18 640 1220
652.217  -  - 0.40 0.20 - 0.08* 0.11 0.03 0.14 0.18 0.25 650 1230
652.247  -  - 0.50 0.20 - 0.12* 0.16 0.05 0.20 0.26 0.36 655 1245
652.277  -  - 0.60 0.30 - 0.16* 0.22 0.07 0.27 0.35 0.49 655 1250
652.307  -   0.70 0.30 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.10 0.39 0.51 0.72 660 1260
652.337     0.90 0.40 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.14 0.55 0.71 1.01 660 1260
652.367     1.00 0.50 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.20 0.77 1.00 1.41 660 1265
652.407     1.20 0.60 0.50* 0.71 1.00 0.31 1.23 1.58 2.24 660 1270
652.447     1.35 0.60 0.62* 0.88 1.25 0.39 1.53 1.98 2.80 665 1270
652.487     1.50 0.60 0.80* 1.13 1.60 0.50 1.96 2.53 3.58 665 1270
652.517     1.65 0.90 0.95* 1.34 1.90 0.59 2.33 3.00 4.25 670 1275
652.567     2.00 0.90 1.25 1.77 2.50 0.78 3.06 3.95 5.59 670 1280
652.607     2.20 1.10 1.58 2.23 3.15 0.98 3.86 4.98 7.04 675 1285
652.647    - 2.50 1.30 2.00 2.83 4.00 1.24 4.90 6.33 8.94 680 1295
652.677    - 2.70 1.40 2.38 3.36 4.75 1.47 5.82 7.51 10.62 685 1300
652.727     3.00 1.60 3.15 4.46 6.30 1.95 7.72 9.96 14.09 695 1315
652.767    - 3.50 1.70 4.00 5.66 8.00 2.48 9.80 12.65 17.89 705 1330
652.807  -  - 4.00 2.00 5.00 7.07 10.00 3.10 12.25 15.81 22.36 705 1330
652.847 - - -  4.50 2.30 6.25 8.84 12.50 3.88 15.31 19.76 27.95 800 1460
652.887 - - -  5.00 2.60 8.00 11.31 16.00 4.96 19.60 25.30 35.78 800 1460
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17.
A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section ·
* Differing spray pattern
Subject to technical modifications.

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

of ordering: 652.145 + 16 = 652.145.16.CA

. . p2
60 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Flat fan nozzles for belt lubrication
Series 652

Especially low flow rates.

Parabolic liquid distribution.
Ø 14.8

Belt lubrication, moistening,
spraying of food products, L
moisturization of rollers, oiling, L1

lubrication of metal sheets.

­­­ perating pressure range:

O Hex
1 to 5 bar

operating pressure: Spray Ordering no. Colour E V̇ [l/min]
3 bar angle Ø
Mat. no. [mm]
Viscosity: 16 8H.03* 56.03
p [bar]
The nozzles can be operated Type
with viscous media, e. g.
303 SS

303 SS

transmission fluid (max.


approx. 200 mPas). However 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0

the spray angle decreases. 75° 652.145    green 0.12 0.04** 0.05 0.06 0.08
652.165   - black 0.14 0.05** 0.07 0.08 0.10
Return valve with filter: 652.185    red 0.16 0.06** 0.08 0.10 0.13
„„Prevents dripping and 652.215   - blue 0.20 0.08** 0.11 0.14 0.18
saves medium 652.245   - orange 0.30 0.12** 0.16 0.20 0.26
„„Size of filter mesh: 652.275   - brown 0.30 0.16** 0.22 0.27 0.35
0.08 mm (200 mesh)
120° 652.187   - grey 0.20 0.06** 0.08 0.10 0.13
„„ 652.247 - black 0.20 0.12** 0.16 0.20 0.26
 
Opening pressure: 652.277   - black 0.30 0.16** 0.22 0.27 0.35
approx. 0.5 bar
Closing pressure: E = narrowest free cross section
approx. 0.3 bar * Housing POM, nozzle insert 303 SS
** Differing spray pattern.
„„ Subject to technical modifications.
Opening pressure:
approx. 2.8 bar
Closing pressure:
approx. 1.6 bar

Pos. Name Ordering no. Material Colour Dimensions [mm] **

Position 1
L L1 SW [mm] Filter with

Filter with PP blue 21 1.5 - 0.08 return valve


return valve PP green 21 1.5 - 0.08

065.240.55 PTFE - - - - - 14.8
2 Gasket
065.240.72 EWP 210 - - - - -

Ordering no. 303 SS - 11 9 10 - Position 2

3 Nozzle
see flow tables POM/303 SS* - 12 10 8 - Gasket
065.200.16 303 SS - 13 10 22 -
4 Cap nut
065.200.56 POM black 14.5 11.5 22 -
Ø 14,8
* Housing POM, Nozzle insert 303 SS
** Size of mesh Position 3 L1 L

3/8 BSPP
Position 4

Cap nut


. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 61
Tongue-type nozzles
Series 686

Wide flat fan with a sharply

delimited jet pattern. Hex
Particularly clog-proof.
Applications: L
Foam control in storage
tanks, crate washers, clean-
ing and washing processes
requiring powerful and (Mat. no. η
concentrated water jets. 16/5E)

Weight Brass: 18 g

Ordering no.
angle η Mat. no. Code G
Ø V̇ [l/min] Dimensions
Spray width
[mm] at p=2 bar
16 30 5E
p [bar] L [mm] Hex [mm] H

Type B
1/8 BSPT

1/4 BSPT

3/8 BSPT

1/2 BSPT
303 SS


1.0 2.0 5.0 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 R 1/8 R 1/4 R 3/8 R 1/2 250 mm

90° 75° 686.366 -  - CA - - - 0.80 0.45 0.63 1.00 22 - - - 11 - - - 520

75° 686.406   - CA - - - 1.00 0.71 1.00 1.58 23 - - - 11 - - - 525
40° 686.686   - - CC - - 2.40 3.54 5.00 7.91 - 29 - - - 14 - - 530
40° 686.726 -  - CA - - - 2.70 4.45 6.30 9.96 26 - - - 11 - - - 530
40° 686.806   - - CC - - 3.40 7.07 10.00 15.81 - 34 - - - 14 - - 530
40° 686.886  - - - CC - - 4.20 11.31 16.00 25.30 - 36 - - - 17 - - 530
40° 686.926  - - - - CE - 4.70 14.14 20.00 31.62 - - 39 - - - 17 - 530

140° 75° 686.368   - CA - - - 0.80 0.45 0.63 1.00 23 - - - 11 - - - 1360

686.408   - CA - - - 1.00 0.71 1.00 1.58 23 - - - 11 - - - 1370
686.448   - - CC - - 1.20 0.88 1.25 1.98 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.488   - CA CC - 1.30 1.13 1.60 2.53 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.528   - CA CC - - 1.50 1.41 2.00 3.16 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.568   * CA CC - - 1.70 1.77 2.50 3.59 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.608   - CA CC - - 1.90 2.23 3.15 4.98 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.648   - - CC - - 2.20 2.83 4.00 6.32 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.688   - CA CC - - 2.40 3.54 5.00 7.91 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.728   - CA CC - - 2.70 4.45 6.30 9.96 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.768   - - CC - - 3.00 5.66 8.00 12.65 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.808   - CA CC - - 3.40 7.07 10.00 15.81 23 28 - - 11 14 - - 1370
686.828   - - CC - - 3.60 7.92 11.20 17.71 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.848   - - CC - - 3.80 8.80 12.50 19.76 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.868   - - CC - - 4.00 9.90 14.00 22.14 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.888   - - CC - - 4.20 11.31 16.00 25.30 - 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.908   - - CC - - 4.50 12.73 18.00 28.46 28 - - - 14 - - 1370
686.928  - - - - CE - 4.70 14.14 20.00 31.62 - - 32 - - - 17 - 1370
686.968 -  - - - - CG 5.30 17.68 25.00 39.53 - - 32 40 - - 17 22 1370
686.988  - - - - CE CG 5.60 19.80 28.00 44.27 - - 32 40 - - 17 22 1370

B = bore diameter
Can also be used for air or saturated steam.
* Only available with code CA

Example Type + Material no. + Code = Ordering no.

of ordering: 686.366 + 30 + CA = 686.366.30.CA

. . p2
62 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Tongue-type nozzles
Series 684/688/689

Assembly with retaining

nut. Wide flat fan with a Ø 14.8
sharply delimited spray
pattern. Particularly clog- 2

proof. Easy noz­zle chang-

ing. Simple jet alignment. 20

Foam control in storage (Mat. no.
tanks, crate washers, clean- 16/5E)
ing and washing processes
requiring powerful and
Series 684 Weight: 3 g
concentrated water jets.

Ordering no.
angle η Mat. no.
Colour** B
Ø V̇ [l/min]
Spray width
[mm] at p=2 bar
56 5E
p [bar]
Type H


1.0 2.0 5.0 250 mm

140° 75° 684.348  - green 0.7 0.35* 0.50 0.79 20 1360

75° 684.368   yellow 0.8 0.45* 0.63 1.00 20 1360
75° 684.408  - blue 1.0 0.71 1.00 1.58 20 1370
75° 684.448  - red 1.2 0.88 1.25 1.98 20 1370
75° 684.488   brown 1.3 1.13 1.60 2.53 20 1370
75° 684.528  - grey 1.5 1.41 2.00 3.16 20 1370
75° 684.568   white 1.7 1.77 2.50 3.95 19 1370
75° 684.608  - light blue 1.9 2.23 3.15 4.98 19 1370
75° 684.688  - green 2.4 3.54 5.00 7.91 17 1370
75° 684.728   black 2.7 4.45 6.30 9.96 17 1370
75° 684.808  - purple 3.4 7.07 10.00 15.81 16 1370

B = bore diameter · * Differing spray pattern. · ** Material PVDF generally blue

Hard, sharp flat fan, narrow­

ly delimited jet pattern. Not
prone to clogging. Lock nut
for type 689. 003
(303 SS)
Foam control in storage 095.011.5E.00.15
tanks, crate washers, clea- (PVDF)
ning and washing processes
requiring powerful and (Mat. no.
concentrated water jets. 16/5E)
Series 688/689 Weight: 3 g

Ordering no.
angle η Mat. no. Code G
Ø V̇ [l/min]
Dimensions Weight Spray width
[mm] at p=2 bar
16 5E
p [bar] H

3/4 BSPP
3/8 BSPT

303 SS


L Hex H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 [mm] [mm] 250 mm 500 mm

45° 35° 688.763  - CE - 3.0 4.00 5.66 8.00 12.65 43 19 114 g 220 440
30° 688.843  - CE - 3.8 6.25 8.84 12.50 19.76 50 19 133 g 220 440
29° 689.923  - CE - 4.8 10.00 14.14 20.00 31.62 59 22 247 g 220 440
35° 689.003   - 90 6.0 15.75 22.27 31.50 49.81 80 32/24 306/33 250 490

B = bore diameter

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 63
High pressure flat fan nozzles
Series 602/608/652

Sharp uniform flat fan with

an extremely narrow jet

High pressure cleaners,
steam jet cleaners.

Nozzle body: 303 SS
Insert: hardened stainless Series 608, weight: 13 g Series 602, weight: 18 g
steel 420F

Series 652, weight: 13 g

US Nozzle-Code Flow rate code A

gal/ Ø V̇ [l/min]
min. Connection Spray angle [mm]
at p [bar]
40 psi
1/8 1/4 nut 20° 30° 45° 60° 40 60 80 100 120 150 200
02 608 602 652 361 362 363 364 1.00 2.88 3.53 4.08 4.56 5.00 5.58 6.45
021 608 602 652 371 372 373 374 1.02 3.03 3.71 4.28 4.79 5.25 5.87 6.77
025 608 602 652 381 382 383 384 1.10 3.60 4.42 5.10 5.70 6.24 6.98 8.06
028 608 602 652 391 392 393 394 1.16 4.04 4.94 5.71 6.38 6.99 7.81 9.02
03 608 602 652 401 402 403 404 1.18 4.32 5.29 6.11 6.83 7.48 8.37 9.66
034 608 602 652 411 412 413 414 1.30 4.90 6.00 6.93 7.75 8.49 9.49 10.96
038 608 602 652 441 442 443 - 1.33 5.48 6.72 7.75 8.67 9.50 10.62 12.26
04 608 602 652 451 452 453 454 1.35 5.77 7.06 8.16 9.12 9.99 11.17 12.90
043 608 602 652 461 462 - - 1.38 6.20 7.59 8.77 9.80 10.74 12.00 13.86
045 608 602 652 471 472 473 474 1.40 6.49 7.95 9.18 10.26 11.24 12.57 14.51
05 608 602 652 481 482 483 484 1.55 7.21 8.83 10.20 11.40 12.49 13.96 16.12
055 608 602 652 501 502 503 504 1.60 7.93 9.71 11.22 12.54 13.74 15.36 17.73
06 608 602 652 521 522 523 524 1.72 8.65 10.60 12.24 13.68 14.99 16.75 19.35
065 608 602 652 531 532 533 534 1.75 9.37 11.48 13.26 14.82 16.23 18.15 20.96
07 608 602 652 541 542 543 544 1.80 10.09 12.36 14.28 15.96 17.48 19.55 22.57
075 608 602 652 551 552 553 554 1.90 10.81 13.25 15.29 17.10 18.73 20.94 24.18
08 608 602 652 571 572 573 574 2.05 11.54 14.13 16.31 18.24 19.98 22.34 25.80
087 608 602 652 581 582 583 584 2.06 12.54 15.36 17.74 19.83 21.72 24.29 28.04
09 608 602 652 591 592 593 594 2.10 12.98 15.89 18.35 20.52 22.48 25.13 29.02
10 608 602 652 601 602 603 604 2.30 14.41 17.65 20.38 22.79 24.97 27.91 32.23
11 - 602 652 621 622 623 624 2.40 15.86 19.42 22.42 25.07 27.46 30.70 35.45
125 - 602 652 641 642 643 644 2.50 18.02 22.07 25.48 28.49 31.21 34.89 40.29
131 - 602 652 651 652 653 654 2.55 18.89 23.13 26.71 29.86 32.71 36.57 42.23
139 - 602 652 661 662 663 664 2.65 20.04 24.54 28.34 31.68 34.70 38.80 44.80
15 - 602 652 671 672 673 674 2.70 21.62 26.48 30.58 34.19 37.45 41.87 48.35
175 - 602 652 701 702 703 704 3.00 25.23 30.90 35.68 39.89 43.70 48.86 56.41
20 - 602 652 - - 723 724 3.05 28.83 35.31 40.78 45.59 49.94 55.84 64.47
25 - 602 652 - - 763 764 3.50 36.04 44.14 50.97 56.99 62.43 69.80 80.60
30 - 602 652 - - 793 - 3.90 43.25 52.97 61.16 68.38 74.91 83.75 96.70

A = equivalent bore diameter

Connection Code Connection pmax* [bar] Example Nozzle + Flow rate + Connection = Ordering
A3.00 BSPT ca. 700 for code code code no.
ordering: 602 + 361 + A3.00 = 602.361.A3.00
A3.07 NPT ca. 700
(Flat fan 20°;
A3.29 Lock nut ca. 300 4.56 l/min. at
100 bar; 1/4 NPT)
* Only valid for operation at constant pressure
. . p2
64 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
nozzle system

Quick and easy assembly Materials:

with clamp. No tools requi- Clamp: 301 SS
red. Allround swivelling by Sealing: EPDM
30°. Easy adjustment and Cylinder pin, screw and screw
cleaning. unit: 316 SS.
Body, ball retainer cap:
Applications: PP, reinforced.
Degreasing, phosphating Nozzle, ball joint: PP
in surface treatment.

4a 4b 4c
Existing of
„„Single clamp for 1 1/4" pipe
„„Ball retainer cap

Ordering no. Nozzle V̇ [l/min]

colour Single Double Eyelet
p [bar] clamp clamp clamp

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

676.724.53.31 grey 60° 3.15 4.45 5.45 6.30 7.04
676.764.53.31 brown 60° 4.00 5.66 6.93 8.00 8.94 1 2
676.804.53.31 lilac 60° 5.00 7.07 8.66 10.00 11.18
676.844.53.31 yellow 60° 6.25 8.84 10.83 12.50 13.98
676.884.53.31 red 60° 8.00 11.31 13.85 16.00 17.89 Nozzle Ball joint
676.904.53.31 blue 60° 9.10 12.87 15.76 18.20 20.35
676.924.53.31 green 60° 10.00 14.14 17.32 20.00 22.36

Existing of
„„Ball joint
„„Single clamp for 1 1/4" pipe Series Series Series Series Series Series
422 544 490 460 632 686
„„Ball retainer cap

Ordering no. Ball Nozzle For

colour connection nozzle series

092.081.53.AB beige 1/8 BSPP 460, 490, 632, 686, 544

092.081.53.AD beige 1/4 BSPP 422, 460, 490, 544, 632, 686
092.081.53.AF beige 3/8 BSPP 422, 460, 490, 632, 686, 688 3
092.081.53.AH beige 1/2 BSPP 422, 460, 490, 632, 686

Ball retaining cap

1 Nozzle

Ordering no. Nozzle V̇ [l/min] 1

p [bar]
Ø 34
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
676.724.53.30.01 grey 60° 3.15 4.45 5.45 6.30 7.04

676.764.53.30.01 brown 60° 4.00 5.66 6.93 8.00 8.94


676.804.53.30.01 lilac 60° 5.00 7.07 8.66 10.00 11.18

676.844.53.30.01 yellow 60° 6.25 8.84 10.83 12.50 13.98 Hex 16

676.884.53.30.01 red 60° 8.00 11.31 13.85 16.00 17.89 Ø 15

676.904.53.30.01 blue 60° 9.10 12.87 15.67 18.20 20.35
676.924.53.30.01 green 60° 10.00 14.14 17.32 20.00 22.36 grey Blind nozzle Nozzle

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 65
nozzle system

2 Ball joint

Ordering no. Colour Nozzle L For 2

connection [mm] nozzle series
092.080.53.AB.01 beige 1/8 BSPP 28.4 460, 490, 544, 632, 686
092.080.53.AD.01 beige 1/4 BSPP 32.4 422, 460, 490, 544, 632, 686
092.080.53.AF.01 beige 3/8 BSPP 31.4 422, 460, 490, 632, 686, 688 L
092.080.53.AH.01 beige 1/2 BSPP 33.0 422, 460, 490, 632, 686

Ball joint
3 Ball retainer cap

Ordering no. 3


Ball retainer cap

4a Single clamp

Ordering no. Spigot-Ø BR Recommended For Pipe-Ø 4a

bore-Ø 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1" (32.0-34.5 mm) Ø 16 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/4" (40.0-43.0 mm) 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/2" (46.0-49.0 mm) 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 2" (58.0-62.0 mm)

Other spigot-Ø (13.8/19.0 mm) on request.

Single clamp
4b Double clamp

Ordering no. Spigot-Ø BR Recommended For Pipe-Ø 4b

bore-Ø 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1" (32.0-34.5 mm) Ø 16 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/4" (40.0-43.0 mm) 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/2" (46.0-49.0 mm) 16.3 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 2" (58.0-62.0 mm)

Other spigot-Ø (13.8/19.0 mm) on request.

Double clamp
4c Eyelet clamp

Ordering no. Spigot-Ø BR Recommended For Pipe-Ø 4c

bore-Ø 33 36 16 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1" (32.0-34.5 mm)


Ø 40 - 43 16 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/4" (40.0-43.0 mm) 16 mm 16.5-17.0 mm 1 1/2" (46.0-49.0 mm) Ø 16

Other bore diameter (13.8/20.0 mm) on request.


Ø 34
Eyelet clamp 1 1/4"

. . p2
66 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Flat fan nozzles with ball joint
Series 676

Swivelling nozzle for

precise adjusting of jet Ball Ø 22
direction. No gaskets
necessary. Long,
unproblematic service life.
Cleaning (e.g. surfaces, filters,
belts), crate washers, lubrica- (Mat. no. 16)
ting, coating. Ø 11

Allround swivelling by 30°

Weight brass: 45 g

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no. [mm] [mm] at p=2 bar

16 30
p [bar] (pmax = 30 bar) H

303 SS


H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 250 mm 500 mm

45° 676.303   0.70 0.50 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.72 150 270
676.363   1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.40 155 280
676.403   1.20 0.90 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 2.24 175 320
676.483   1.50 1.10 0.80 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 180 340
676.563   2.00 1.40 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 185 355
676.643   2.50 1.80 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 8.94 195 370
676.723   3.00 2.40 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 200 375
676.763   3.50 2.60 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 17.89 200 380
676.803   4.00 3.00 5.00 7.07 10.00 12.25 15.81 22.36 205 385

60° 676.304   0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.72 215 425
676.334   0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.55 0.71 1.01 220 440
676.364   1.00 0.60 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.40 230 460
676.404   1.20 0.80 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 2.24 245 485
676.444   1.35 0.90 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.80 255 495
676.484   1.50 1.00 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 260 510
676.514   1.65 1.10 0.95* 1.34 1.90 2.33 3.00 4.25 270 520
676.564   2.00 1.30 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 280 535
676.604   2.20 1.50 1.58 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 290 550
676.644   2.50 1.60 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 8.94 295 565
676.674   2.70 1.80 2.38 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 10.62 300 575
676.724   3.00 2.10 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 305 590
676.764   3.50 2.30 4.00 5.66 8.00 9.80 12.65 17.89 310 595

90° 676.216   0.40 0.20 - 0.08* 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.25 370 700
676.276   0.60 0.30 0.11* 0.16* 0.22 0.27 0.35 0.49 375 720
676.306   0.70 0.40 0.16* 0.23* 0.32 0.39 0.51 0.72 380 740
676.336   0.90 0.50 0.22* 0.32* 0.45 0.55 0.71 1.01 415 800
676.366   1.00 0.50 0.31* 0.44* 0.63 0.77 1.00 1.40 420 810
676.406   1.20 0.70 0.50* 0.71 1.00 1.23 1.58 2.24 430 820
676.446   1.35 0.80 0.62* 0.88 1.25 1.53 1.98 2.80 435 830
676.486   1.50 0.80 0.80* 1.13 1.60 1.96 2.53 3.58 440 835
676.516   1.65 0.90 0.95* 1.34 1.90 2.33 3.00 4.25 440 840
676.566   2.00 1.10 1.25 1.77 2.50 3.06 3.95 5.59 445 850
676.606   2.20 1.20 1.58 2.23 3.15 3.86 4.98 7.04 450 860
676.646   2.50 1.30 2.00 2.83 4.00 4.90 6.33 8.94 455 865
676.676   2.70 1.40 2.38 3.36 4.75 5.82 7.51 10.62 465 875
676.726   3.00 1.70 3.15 4.46 6.30 7.72 9.96 14.09 470 885

A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section Continued on next page.
* Differing spray pattern

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 67
Flat fan nozzles with ball joint
Series 676

Spray Ordering no. A E Spray width

angle Ø Ø V̇ [l/min] B
Mat. no. [mm] [mm] at p=2 bar

16 30
p [bar] (pmax = 30 bar) H

303 SS


H= H=
0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 250 mm 500 mm

120° 676.187   0,35 0,20 - 0,06* 0,08 0,10 0,13 0,18 630 1200
676.217   0,40 0,20 - 0,08* 0,11 0,14 0,18 0,25 640 1210
676.247   0,50 0,20 - 0,12* 0,16 0,20 0,26 0,36 650 1230
676.277   0,60 0,30 - 0,16* 0,22 0,27 0,35 0,49 660 1250
676.307   0,70 0,30 0,16* 0,23* 0,32 0,39 0,51 0,72 660 1250
676.337   0,90 0,40 0,22* 0,32* 0,45 0,55 0,71 1,01 670 1270
676.367   1,00 0,50 0,31* 0,44* 0,63 0,77 1,00 1,40 670 1270
676.407   1,20 0,60 0,50* 0,71 1,00 1,23 1,58 2,24 670 1270
676.447   1,35 0,60 0,62* 0,88 1,25 1,53 1,98 2,80 675 1270
676.487   1,50 0,60 0,80* 1,13 1,60 1,96 2,53 3,58 680 1275
676.517   1,65 0,90 0,95* 1,34 1,90 2,33 3,00 4,25 685 1280
676.567   2,00 0,90 1,25 1,77 2,50 3,06 3,95 5,59 690 1285
676.607   2,20 1,10 1,58 2,23 3,15 3,86 4,98 7,04 700 1300
676.647   2,50 1,30 2,00 2,83 4,00 4,90 6,33 8,94 700 1300
676.677   2,70 1,40 2,38 3,36 4,75 5,82 7,51 10,62 720 1330
676.727   3,00 1,60 3,15 4,46 6,30 7,72 9,96 14,09 740 1360
676.767   3,50 1,70 4,00 5,66 8,00 9,80 12,65 17,89 760 1400

A = equivalent bore diameter · E = narrowest free cross section

* Differing spray pattern Example Type + Material-no. = Ordering no.
for ordering: 676.145 + 16 = 676.145.16


Retaining nut Socket Retaining nipple Welding nipple 092.020.16.AF.03 092.024.16.AC.03
Material: 303 SS Material: 303 SS Material: 303 SS Material: 316Ti SS 092.020.30.AF.03 092.024.30.AC.03
Material: Brass Material: Brass Material: Brass

1/4 BSPP
Ø 11
3/8 BSPP Hex 27

Hex 27

M24X1.5 12


Hex 27
60° Hex 27 60° Hex 27 60° Hex 27 60°

. . p2
68 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
Nozzles and accessories
in Hygienic Design

The hygienically designed
nozzles and accessories are 1
characterized by their very
good surface finish
(RA < 0.8 µm*). This mini­mizes
the tendency for soiling and 1 Welding nipple 1 Socket
provides good cleanability. The
nozzles and accessories are
available in 316L SS or 316Ti
Welding nipple for ball joint
SS and the seals are made of Ordering no. 092.020.1E.67.04
FDA approved EPDM. Material: 316L SS

Ø 21
Aseptic filling, suitable for high
Ø 15
hygienic demands.
2 Flat fan nozzle with ball joint Ø 11


Ø 21
Ø 21 Ø 22
Ø 22
Ø 15
Ø 15 Ø 14.8
Ø 11
Ø 11 3 Retaining nut M24x1.5
4 8
8 30 11
16 30 11
26 1 2 2 3

Ø 11 Ø 12
Ø 11 75
75 °
° M24x1.5

Ø 32
Flats 27 3/8 BSPP
Flat fan nozzle with ball joint,
Socket for ball joint 30° Swivel-mounted 30° in Tongue type nozzle with ball joint, Retaining nut for ball joint
Ordering no. 092.020.1E.67.38 all directions. Swivel-mounted 30° in all directions. Ordering no. 092.020.1E.67.02 12
Material: 316L SS Material: 316Ti SS Material: 316L SS Material:
20 316L SS

M24x1.5 Ø 21
Ø 22 Ø 22
Ø 15 M24x1.5
Ø 14.8
Ø 32
Ø 32
10.8 Ø 11 Flats 27 M24x1.5
15.5 Flats 27 3/8 BSPP M24x1.5
3/8 BSPP 2
30 10.8
12 10.8 30 15,5 11
12 16 15,5
Ø 20.2 20
20 26
10 Ø 20.2
Hex 27 Ø10
32 Ø 20.2 9.6
Flats 27 Ø 32
Flats 27 Ø 32
Flats 9 Ø 12
Ø 11 M24x1.5 Ø 11
M24x1.5 75
° Flats 22

Spray V̇ [l/min] Spray V̇ [l/min]

angle Ordering no. angle Ordering no.
at 2 bar at 2 bar

20° 676.641.17.67 4.00 60° 676.514.17.67 1.90

676.764.17.67 8.00
30° 676.402.17.67 1.00
Ø 25
676.366.17.67 0.60
676.562.17.67 2.50 90°
G3/8A ISO 228
3/8 BSPP676.722.17.67 6.30 676.646.17.67 4.00
* Surface quality
of the thread
Ø 15
Ø 32
flanks and welding surfaces Flats 676.802.17.67
27 3/8 BSPP 10.00 120° 676.647.17.67 4.00 M24x1.5
may vary. 45° 676.763.17.67 8.00 676.767.17.67 8.00
11 14 29 10.8
676.883.17.67 16.00 12 140° 6ZK.648.1E.67 4.00 15,5
10 Ø 20.2
Flats 22
Ø 25
Flats 27 Ø 32
Ø 12
. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 69
Nozzles and accessories
in Hygienic Design

Ø 22

15.5 1 1
Ø 20.2

Hex 27 1 Welding nipple

Ø 32

1 Double nipple
Flats 9 Ø 11

1 Ball joint
Double nipple Ball joint
Ordering no. 065.211.1E.67 Ordering no. 092.022.1E.67.38
Material: 316L SS Material: 316L SS

Ø 32
3/8 BSPP
Ø 25
G3/8A ISO 228
2 Flat fan nozzle
3/8 BSPP 12
Ø 15
Flats 27

Ø 32 11 14 29
Ø 32 Flats 17
3/8 BSPP
3/8 BSPP 12
12 Flats 22 M24x1.5
Ø 22
Ø 25
12 3/8 BSPP Ø 22
s 27 Ø 12 Flats 27
3 Retaining nut 10.8 60°
62 Ø 32 15.5 10.8
62 15.5
3/8 BSPP
M24x1.5 30
s 17 12 Flats 17 Ø 22 30
12 Flats 27 Ø 20.2
1 212 2 Ø 20.2 3
62 Hex 27 15.5
Ø 32
3/8 BSPP
3/8 BSPP Hex 27 Ø 32
Flats 17 30
60° 12 Ø 20.2 Flats 9 Ø 11
60° Flats 9 Ø 11
3/8 BSPP Hex 27 Ø 32
Ø 17.2
60° Flats 9 Ø 11

Flat fan nozzle Modular flat fan nozzle Retaining nut

Welding nipple spray angle 60° spray angle 60° Ø 17.2
Ordering no. 065.200.1E.67
Material: 316L SS Material: 316L SS Material: 316Ti SS Material: 316L SS

Ø 17.2
Ø 17.2 18
Ø 21 Ø 2515
Ø 17.2 Ø 22 G3/8A ISO 228
Ø 15 3/8 BSPP Ø 14.8 Ø 25
Ø 15 3/8 BSPP
Ø 11
Ø 17.2 R Ø 15 G3/8A ISO 228
Ø 17.2 R 3/8 BSPP
2 Ø 15 2
Ø 17.2 R 2
30 8 14 29
11 11
11 14
11 29 14
18 18
15 15
9.6 Flats 22
Ø 25Ø 25 Flats 22 F
Ø 25
Ø 12 Ø 12
75 Ø 11

Radius Spray V̇ [l/min] Spray V̇ [l/min]

Ordering no. angle Ordering no. angle Ordering no.
[mm] at 2 bar at 2 bar

065.210.1E.67.00 no radius 60° 652.604.1E.67 3.10 60° 652.484.17.87 1.60

065.217.1E.67.10 10 652.924.1E.67 20.00 652.514.17.87 1.90
065.217.1E.67.13 12.5 652.544.17.87 2.20
065.217.1E.67.16 16 652.564.17.87 2.50
065.217.1E.67.20 20 652.604.17.87 3.10
Ø 065.217.1E.67.31
32 31 652.644.17.87 4.00
ats 27 3/8 BSPP M24x1.5
652.674.17.87 4.70
652.724.17.87 6.30
12 15,5 652.764.17.87 8.00
10 Ø 20.2
Flats 27 Ø 32
M24x1.5 . . p2
70 Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * p1
High-pressure solid stream nozzles
Series 546/548/550

Punctiform, extremely
tight, non-dispersing solid
stream. Highest impact.

High-pressure cleaning,
cutting and separating.

Series 550, weight: 13 g Series 546, weight: 18 g
Nozzle body:
303 SS
Insert: 14.8 ø

Hardened stainless steel 12.65 ø


Connection Code Connection pmax* [bar] 14 16

A3. 00 BSPT ca. 700

Flats 10
A3. 07 NPT ca. 700 B

A3. 29 Lock nut ca. 300 Series 548, weight: 13 g

* Only valid for operation at constant pressure

US Nozzle-Code Flow rate B

gal/min. Ø V̇ [l/min]
at Connection [mm]
40 psi p [bar]
1/8 1/4 nut 40 60 80 100 120 150 200 300
01 550 546 548 300 0.60 1.44 1.77 2.04 2.28 2.50 2.79 3.22 3.95
02 550 546 548 360 0.84 2.88 3.53 4.08 4.56 5.00 5.58 6.45 7.90
025 550 546 548 380 0.94 3.60 4.42 5.10 5.70 6.24 6.98 8.06 9.87
027 550 546 548 390 0.99 3.89 4.76 5.50 6.15 6.74 7.53 8.70 10.65
03 550 546 548 400 1.03 4.33 5.30 6.12 6.84 7.49 8.38 9.67 11.85
034 550 546 548 410 1.07 4.90 6.00 6.93 7.75 8.49 9.49 10.96 13.42
035 550 546 548 420 1.11 5.05 6.18 7.14 7.98 8.74 9.77 11.29 13.82
038 550 546 548 440 1.15 5.48 6.71 7.75 8.66 9.49 10.61 12.25 15.00
04 550 546 548 450 1.19 5.77 7.06 8.16 9.12 9.99 11.17 12.90 15.80
045 550 546 548 470 1.26 6.49 7.95 9.18 10.26 11.24 12.57 14.51 17.77
05 550 546 548 480 1.33 7.21 8.83 10.20 11.40 12.49 13.96 16.12 19.75
055 550 546 548 500 1.39 7.93 9.71 11.22 12.54 13.74 15.36 17.73 21.72
06 550 546 548 520 1.46 8.65 10.60 12.24 13.68 14.99 16.75 19.35 23.69
065 550 546 548 530 1.51 9.37 11.48 13.26 14.82 16.23 18.15 20.96 25.67
070 550 546 548 540 1.58 10.09 12.36 14.28 15.96 17.48 19.55 22.57 27.64
074 550 546 548 550 1.62 10.67 13.07 15.09 16.87 18.48 20.66 23.86 29.22
08 550 546 548 570 1.69 11.54 14.13 16.31 18.24 19.98 22.34 25.80 31.59
087 550 546 548 580 1.76 12.54 15.36 17.74 19.83 21.72 24.29 28.04 34.35
089 550 546 548 590 1.78 12.83 15.72 18.15 20.29 22.23 24.85 28.69 35.14
10 550 546 548 600 1.88 14.41 17.65 20.38 22.79 24.97 27.91 32.23 39.47
11 550 546 548 620 1.97 15.86 19.42 22.42 25.07 27.46 30.70 35.45 43.42
124 550 546 548 640 2.09 17.87 21.89 25.28 28.26 30.96 34.61 39.97 48.95
131 550 546 548 650 2.15 18.89 23.13 26.71 29.86 32.71 36.57 42.23 51.72
139 550 546 548 660 2.22 20.04 24.54 28.34 31.68 34.70 38.80 44.80 54.87
15 550 546 548 670 2.30 21.62 26.48 30.58 34.19 37.45 41.87 48.35 59.22
165 550 546 548 690 2.41 23.79 29.13 33.64 37.61 41.20 46.06 53.19 65.14
174 550 546 548 700 2.48 25.08 30.72 35.47 39.66 43.45 48.57 56.09 68.69
183 550 546 548 710 2.55 26.38 32.31 37.31 41.71 45.69 51.08 58.99 72.24
20 550 546 548 720 2.66 28.83 35.31 40.78 45.59 49.94 55.84 64.47 78.96
218 550 546 548 740 2.77 31.43 38.49 44.44 49.69 54.43 60.86 70.27 86.07
A = equivalent 550 diameter 546
bore 548 760 2.96 36.04 44.14 50.97 56.99 62.43 69.80 80.60 98.71
294 550 546 548 790 3.22 42.38 51.91 59.94 67.01 73.41 82.07 94.77 116.06
310 550 546 548 800 3.30 44.69 54.73 63.20 70.66 77.40 86.54 99.93 122.39

A = equivalent bore diameter

Example Nozzle Code + Flow rate code + Connection code = Ordering no.
of ordering: 550 + 360 + A3.07 = 550.360.A3.07 (Solid stream; 4.56 l/min. at 100 bar; 1/8 NPT)

. . p2
Conversion formula for the above series: V2 = V1 * 71
Multi-channel flat fan nozzles for air
Whisperblast®, Plastic versions
Series 600.130/600.484 Particula

Highly efficient air stream,

acting upon areas. G 14.2
Reduced noise levels.
Low air consumption. 10.5
Blowing off and blowing out, 90 25

cleaning, drying, cooling, 61

sorting with air. *

* Complies with
OSHA require- 47
ments on noise
level Weight: 23 g · Tmax POM: 50 °C
600. 130 (POM or PP) Weight: 15 g · Tmax PP: 60 °C

25 25
G Ø9


5 5

90 90
61 61

25 25

600. 484. 56 (POM) Weight: 16 g · Tmax: 50 °C

Technical Data 1/4 BSPP

6 85 35
Air consumption [Nm3/h]

600.130.01.*03 5 80 30
Noise level [db(A)]
Blowing force [N]

600.130.17.*03 4
75 25

70 20
65 15
60 10
1 55 5
600.130.56.02 0 50 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Type 600.130 Type 600.484 M 12 x 1.25
600.130.56.01 with acessories
*01 = 1.0711/17 = 316Ti SS/ 30 = Brass

Item 600. 130. 56. 01 does not
meet FDA/(EC) No. 1935/2004 Ordering no.

Ordering no. Material: Brass

Mat. no. Code
S2 56
For connection of series
Type Quick 600.130 with compressed air
connect guns.

M12 x coupling

1/4 BSPP 1/4 NPT 1.25 NW 5

600.130   AC BC - -
-  02 - - -
with cover strip
with cover strip, Hose barb (D = 8 mm) -  01 - - -
and Extension tube (L = 85 mm)
600.484 -  AC BC HG 00

Example Type + Mat. no. + Code = Ordering no.

of ordering: 600.130 + 56 + AC = 600.130.56.AC
Ball joints see page 77

Multi-channel flat fan nozzles for air
Whisperblast®, metalic versions
Series 600.283/600.493/600.562 Particula

Metalic versions for

higher temperatures. Complies with
G Flats 17

Highly efficient air stream, OSHA requirements 10.5

on noise level only
acting upon areas. 5.1
Reduced noise levels. Material
Low air consumption. 86.5 EWP 210
Blowing off and blowing out, (Mat. no. 1Y)
cleaning, drying, cooling,
conveying with air. 600.283.42 (Aluminum) Weight: 60 g · Tmax: 200 °C
G 16.5
Complies with
OSHA requirements 12



1/4 BSPP
600.493.1Y (316L SS) Weight: 126 g · Tmax: 550 °C

Complies with 25
OSHA requirements 1/8 BSPP

19.5 90°

M 12 x 1.25 600.562.1Y.10 (316L SS) Weight: 17 g · Tmax: 550 °C

Technical data
Ordering no. 12 95 70
Air consumption [Nm3/h]

10 90 60
Noise level [db(A)]
Blowing force [N]

85 50
Material: Brass 8
80 40
75 30
For connection with 4
70 20

compressed air guns for 2 65 10

the following series: 0

0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6
0 2 4 6
– 600.283 Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
– 600.493 Type 600.283 Type 600.493 Type 600.562 Ball joints see page 77

For more information plea- Ordering no.

se ask for our special bro- Mat. no. Code
chure »Nozzles and Acces-
42 1Y
sories for Compressed
Air«. Type


1/8 BSPP 1/4 BSPP 1/4 NPT

600.283  - - AC BC
600.493 -  - AC BC
600.562.1Y.10 -   - -

Example Type + Mat. no. + Code = Ordering no.

of ordering: 600.283 + 42 + AC = 600.283.42.AC

Multi-channel round jet nozzles for air
Series 600. 326/600.388

Powerful air jet, producing

punctiform impact
patterns. Low noise level. Ø 23
ø 23
Low air consumption. G G

8 9 12
Targeted blowing out and
blowing off with compressed 55 47 Hex
air guns. 19

Reduction of noise level

of up to 12 dB (A). ø19 Ø 19

600.326.5K (ABS) Tmax: 50 °C 600.326.3W (Zinc) Tmax: 90 °C

Hex 12
Mini-round jet nozzle.
Compact design.
Material: 43.5
Especially for blowing out
Material: pocket holes.
600. 326. 5K/3W
mounted on a compressed
air gun. 600.388.30 (Brass, POM) Tmax: 50 °C

Technical data
6 95 40
Air consumption [Nm3/h]

4 90
Noise level [db(A)]
Blowing force [N]

3 85 25
2 80
1 75
0 70 0
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Ball joints see page 77
Type 600.326 Type 600.388

Ordering no.
Connection thread G Weight
Type Code

600.326.5K AC 1/4 BSPP

(Material: ABS) HG M 12 x 1.25
600.326.3W AC 1/4 BSPP
47 g
(Material: Zinc) HG M 12 x 1.25

600.388.30 AA 1/8 BSPP

12 g
(Material: Brass/POM) HG M 12 x 1.25

Example Type + Code = Ordering no.

of ordering: 600.326.5K + AC = 600.326.5K.AC

Eyelet clamps/Retaining nuts

(Mat. no. 16/17/5E)

Ordering no. Dimensions

Type Material no.

51 53 5E
For Series


Weight (Polyamid)

Pipe D B R* B **
BSPP Ø Ø Ø Ø B1 B2 B3 H1 H2

16.5- 6.2-
090.053    3/8 3/8" 6.0 19.0 22.0 18.5 34.5 14.5 20 g
18.0 6.4
468/ 548/ 679/684/652

20- 6.2-

Material 304 SS
090.003    3/8 1/2" 6.0 21.2 23.8 18.5 36.5 16.5 20 g
22.0 6.4
25- 7.8-
090.013    3/8 3/4" 7.6 24.5 26.5 22.0 39.5 17.5 25 g
27.5 8.0
32- 10.8-
090.023    3/8 1" 10.6 30.0 31.0 22.0 44.0 21.0 32 g
34.5 11.0
40- 12.8-
090.033    3/8 1 1/4" 12.6 34.0 35.5 25.0 48.0 25.0 38 g
Eyelet clamp 43.0 13.0
for retaining nut
* BR Ø = Spigot diameter
** B Ø = Recommended bore diameter

Ordering no. Dimensions

Type Material no.
For Series

16 171 1Y 30 56 5E
Weight (Brass)
316Ti SS/
316L SS

316L SS
303 SS



BSPP H1 H2 Ø Hex

065.200 - - - 3/8 13.0 10.0 12.8 22 25 g


  


065.200 - - - -   3/8 14.5 11.5 12.8 22 25 g

UNF 11/16-
069.000  -   - - 14.3 8.7 13.1 21 25 g

H1 065.600   -  -  3/4 16.0 13.0 20.1 32 60 g


Retaining nuts
We reserve the right to deliver 316Ti SS or 316L SS under the material no. 17.

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

for ordering: 090.053 + 51 = 090. 053.51


(Mat. no. 1Y/17)

Ordering no. Dimensions

Type Material no.
For Series

Weight (Brass)
02 1Y 17 30 53

316Ti SS
316L SS


G1 G2 H1 H2 D1 D2 Hex
For all nozzles For all nozzles For all nozzles

male thread.
with 1/8

040.270 -  -  - - 20 10 13.8 - 14 20 g
male thread.
with 1/4

G2 1/4
061.220 -  -  - - 20 10 16.8 - 17 25 g

male thread.

H2 040.271 -  ­-  - - 20 10 21.5 - 22 25 g
with 3/8


D1 3/8
040.271 - - - -  20 10 24.5 - 22 25 g
Sockets BSPP

For all nozzles with 1/4
male thread.

H1 1/4
H2 040.228.xx.yy* -  - - - - 18 2 17 - - 16 g
G 1/4 ISO 228
Ø D1
Sockets with radius
(R = 10/13/16/20/25 or 31 mm)
656/657 468/679 /684/652

Ø D1
502/503 308/350/548/

065.210  -    - 18 10 17.2 11.5 - 20 g

Ø D2

Nipple 3/4
065.610  -  -  - 27 14 28 18 - 61 g
Other nipple lengths on request. BSPP

Ø D1

H2 3/8
065.217.xx.yy* - -  - - - 15 10 17.2 11.5 - 20 g

Nipple with radius

(R = 10/13/16/20/25 or 31 mm)

G2 3/8 1/4


Ø D2 065.2151 - -   - 25 10 10 7 22 30 g
Hex H1 3/8 3/8
065.211 - -   - 25 10 11.5 - 22 25 g

Ø D1
3/4 3/4
G1 065.611 - -   - 35 14 18 - 32 90 g
Double nipples

* Replace xx by material no. and yy by radius R.

Not to be used with non-return valve or filter.

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

for ordering: 040. 270 + 1Y = 040. 270. 1Y
Ball joints

(Mat. no. 16)

Allround swivelling action Ordering no. Dimensions

of 30°. [mm]
No sealings, no wear. Type Material no.

For Series
Long service life even after

Weight (Brass)
16 16 30
many adjustments.

Pmax: 25 bar.

316Ti SS
303 SS/

303 SS

G1 G2
D1 D2 BSPP BSPP L G1 L G2 L Hex1 Hex 2 Hex 3
For all nozzles For all nozzles

male thread.

092.020 -   AD - - 1/4 1/4 12.0 11.5 60.3 27 27 17 190 g

with 1/4

Hex 1

Hex 2
092.021 -   AF - - 3/8 1/4 12.0 11.5 58.3 27 27 17 170 g

Flats 3
male thread.
with 3/8

092.030 -   AF - - 3/8 3/8 12.0 12.0 56.7 27 30 19 160 g

Ball joint with thread connection
For all nozzles For all nozzles

male thread. male thread.

with 1/4

092.020  - - SD 20.0 15.0 - 1/4 - 11.5 64.3 - 27 17 150 g

Hex 2

Flats 3
with 3/8

092.030  - - SF 22.0 15.0 - 3/8 - 12.0 58.7 - 30 19 150 g

Ball joint with welding connection

Hex 1

Hex 2 092.022 -   AD - - 1/4 3/8 12.0 10.0 63.8 27 27 17 135 g

Flats 3

092.022 -   AF - - 3/8 3/8 12.0 10.0 61.8 27 27 17 165 g

Ball joint with thread connection


Hex 2
092.022  - - SE 20.0 15.0 - 3/8 - 10.0 67.8 - 27 17 155 g
Flats 3

Ball joint with welding connection

Compact ball joints for narrow installation conditions

For all nozzles For all nozzles For all nozzles

male thread male thread male thread

with 1/8
L G2

Hex 1 092.010 -   AA - - 1/8 1/8 8.0 8.0 29.3 22 24 - 70 g

L G1

with 1/4

Hex 2
092.024 -   AC - - 1/4 1/4 12.0 12.0 44 27 27 - 140 g

Ball joint with thread connection

with 3/8

092.030 -   AE - - 3/8 3/8 12.0 12.0 44 27 30 - 160 g

Example Type + Material no. + Code = Ordering no.

for ordering: 092.020 + 16 + AD = 092.020.16.AD 77
Non-return valves/filters

Ordering no. Dimensions





For nozzle size
Type Material no.
56 53 26



[bar] [bar] [mm] H1 H2 D1 D2

Ball 420 SS  - - blue 0.5 –1.0 0.4–0.9 0.25 21.5 2.0 14.8 11.0 2g
H1 xxx.44x
Spring 301 SS

Ø D2
Ø D1 065.266
Ball 420 SS  - - red 0.4-0.5 0.35-0.45 0.65 21.5 2.0 14.8 11.0 2g
Non-return valve with filter Spring 301 SS
pmax = 20 bar
xxx.14x- approx. approx.
Ball 304 SS -  - blue 0.08 21.0 1.6 15.0 11.0 2g
xxx.36x 0.5 0.3
Spring 301 SS

Ø D2
Ø D1
xxx.14x- approx. approx.
Ball 304 SS -  - green 0.08 21.0 1.6 15.0 11.0 2g
xxx.36x 2.8 1.6
Spring 301 SS
Filter with return valve

065.257  - - blue - - 0.25 21.5 2.0 14.8 11.0 2g


Ø D2 xxx.48x-
Ø D1
065.256  - - red - - 0.65 21.5 2.0 14.8 11.0 2g

xxx.14x- light -  - - - 0.08 21.0 1.6 15.0 11.0 1g
xxx.36x pink

Ø D2
Ø D1

065.252 - -  - - - 0.50 8.5 1.0 14.8 9.0 1g

Example Type + Material no. = Ordering no.

for ordering: 065.265 + 56 = 065.265.56

Nozzle valve systems for variable
atomization of very small liquid volumes

VarioSpray HP
The HP valve range can be
used to atomize a wide
variety of liquids. All parts
that come into contact with
liquids are made of stainless
steel, thereby complying
with EC 1935/2004 and FDA

VarioSpray II
Nozzle valves in the
VarioSpray II range can
efficiently atomize the most
miniscule liquid volumes.
Their size makes these valves
ideal for use in tight spaces.
VarioSpray II is also available
in a food version that
complies with EC 1935/2004
and FDA regulations.

Suitable control units for each nozzle system

Application of oil for applying
seasonings, web humidifica-
tion, release agent application,

Control unit VarioSpray HP Control unit VarioSpray II

Benefits across the board

Flexibility Resource and cost savings Minimal amounts

The Lechler VarioSpray The aerosol-free atomization Thanks to the use of

system is completely modular, of small and minimal liquid pulse-width-modulated valves,
allowing it to be adapted to volumes offers specific bene- even the smallest liquid
individual requirements as fits for spray nozzle operation. quantities can be hydraulically
flexibly as possible. The fact that no atomization atomized with maximum
air is used means a huge precision.
The result is a perfectly reduction in rebound effects.
coordinated product portfolio This control method permits
including The following costs are
reduced as a result: „„Fexible and immediate
Optimum valve control
„„ response to changed
by perfectly matched Installation cleaning
„„ ambient parameters
electronic components Operating costs of
„„ (e. g. belt speed)
Modular spray headers
„„ extraction systems Uniform jet and spray
Various predefined
„„ Liquid losses because
„„ quality
Lechler control concepts the liquid to be atomi­zed „„Further application
Individual advice from
„„ is applied to the product benefits due to a
our sales personnel in a more targeted significantly increased
manner turn-down ratio

Nozzle valve systems for variable
atomization of very small liquid volumes

Innovative and flexible

spraying technology opens
With hydraulic nozzle sys-
tems, the narrowest cross
Product features Your benefit
up new applications section of the spray nozzle Minimum flow rates
determines the liquid flow  Reduced costs
– Liquid saving
 Greater efficiency
Faster, more precise and rate. For reasons of economy – No expensive, complex twin-fluid system
now more sustainable. The and production, however,
demand for more efficient arbitrary reduction of this Cycle frequency up to 200 Hz for
production processes is narrowest cross section is not VarioSpray HP, up to100 Hz for  Increased productivity
increasing in almost every possible. VarioSpray II  Shorter production time
industry. Even already – Flexible belt speeds
extremely efficient spraying Instead, we use flexible timing
processes are affected – of the spray duration to realize High turn-down ratio up to 29:1
with VarioSpray HP, up to 11:1 with
particularly when spraying minimal flow rates – without VarioSpray II  More flexible production
very small liquid volumes. the need for an expensive – Wide range of flow rates covered by
and complex pneumatic one nozzle
Pneumatic atomizing systems atomizing system.
are often used here because Continuously variable flow rate
very small flow rates can be In addition to the VarioSpray – Flexible adjustment of the volume  Shorter product change-
achieved using compressed II and VarioSpray HP nozzle applied for different products over times
air. However, this often valve systems, a control unit
makes control and installation is also required to permit sim-
Different flow rates have no
extremely complex. ple modification of the pulse influence on spraying parameters  Constant process
Additionally, the use of air can width and cycle frequency. – Constant spray angle parameters
have an unfavorable effect on – Uniform droplet size
operating costs. Aerosols may Your benefits
also be formed and liquid is „„Simple adjustment of Flow rate is not regulated  Short installation time
lost due to the rebound the pulse width and cycle by pressure  Low maintenance
effect. frequency – No high pressure required requirement
– Simple setup  Low operating costs
„„Flushing function
With the VarioSpray II and „„Modular design and
VarioSpray HP hydraulic modular system No atomization air  Reduced risks to health
pulse-width-modulated nozzle „„Start/stop signal – No aerosol formation  No environmental pollution
– Reduced loss of liquid  Reduced costs
valve systems, Lechler offers (e.g. via light barrier)
two alternatives that are as „„Individual valve control
versatile as they are reliable. for VarioSpray HP Food-compliant  Compliance with
– Spraying/humidification of foods legal requirements

What is pulse width modulation?

Pulse width modulation refers
to the variation of the ON time Pulse width
Pulse width ratio
ratio 90
90 %
% Pulse width
Pulse width ratio
ratio 10
10 %
ton/OFF time toff of a square-
wave signal when the
frequency f remains constant.
Here, the frequency f corre- tt tt tt tt
sponds to the reciprocal value on
on offoff on
on off

of the period duration T. TT TT

The ratio of the ON time ton

to the period duration T is
referred to as the pulse width
ratio (DC = duty cycle). The
pulse width ratio determines
the flow rate. The valve is
open during the ON time ton.
The shorter the DC, the less �� ��
the flow rate.

Depending on the frequency

selected, the pulsation is
barely visible to the human


The catalogue “Precision

Spray Nozzles and
Accessories” is a sought-
after manual of nozzle

It contains valuable working

aids and extensive techni-
cal information on Lechler
products and ordering

Spray- Mode of Mixing

Pneumatic Series
pattern liquid of Fluids
V Water Application/ Catalogue
atomizing nozzles supply
[l/h] Construction Page

166 Full Pressure inside 20° 0.10 – 132.90 Humidification 1.20-1.25

cone principle or 45° of air, cooling,
or Flat outside 60° disinfection (e.g.
fan 80° bottles), coating,
dosing, release
agent applications.

Flat fan nozzles
Series V [l/min] Connection Application/ Catalogue
at p = 2 bar Construction Page

610 20° 0.05 – 4.00 1/8 BSPP Cleaning (e.g. surfaces, 4.10
30° filters, belts), crate washers,
45° lubricating, coating.
60° Compact design, suited
75° for narrow installation
90° conditions.

612 20° 0.05 – 16.00 1/4 BSPP Cleaning (e.g. surfaces, 4.12
30° filters, belts), crate washers,
45° lubricating, coating.
60° Compact design, suited
75° for narrow installation
90° conditions.

Solid stream nozzle Series V [l/min] Connection Application/ Catalogue
Construction Page

544 0.04 – 10.00 1/8 BSPT Cleaning installations. 5.4

1/4 BSPT Optimized flow technology.
Highest jet power.
Solid stream jet.


We have a collection of All documents can be

information, included in in- downloaded from our web-
dividual subject brochures, site at www.lechler.com.
covering special nozzles We would also be happy to
that are also of particular send you the brochures.
interest to food and beve-

Brochure “Air Nozzles Brochure “Pneumatic

and Accessories” Atomizing Lances”

Brochure “Tank and Equipment

Cleaning Nozzles”
Brochure “VarioSpray”




On the internet you can

also find additional
information about our
entire range of services,
work aids, our global
presence and much more
besides - we look forward
to your visit.



3D design data for Lechler Time-saving, immediate
nozzles and accessories is download of design
now available to you free drawings and technical data
of charge for your design Simple, fast product
work. selection
Preview function with
product photo and 3D
http://lechler.partcommunity.com All popular 3D formats
Free use following
one-time registration


All important calculation Unit converter for pressu-
NEW and conversion programs
for nozzle technology
re, volume and flow rate
Pressure/flow rate calcula-
combined in one App. tor for single-fluid nozzles
incl. axial-flow full cone
Calculation of pipe diame-
Android (Google) iOS (Apple) ters


World Headquarters Edition 05/19 · EN · 1.000 · S-2019-8400-005 · www.dgm-kommunikation.de · S · Subject to technical modification.
Lechler Companies
Sales Offices

Lechler GmbH · Precision Nozzles · Nozzle Systems

P.O. Box 13 23 · 72544 Metzingen, Germany · Phone: +49 7123 962-0 · Fax: +49 7123 962-301 · [email protected] · www.lechler.com
ASEAN: Lechler Spray Technology Sdn. Bhd. · No. 23, Jalan Teknologi 3/3A · Taman Sains Selangor 1 · Kota Damansara, PJU 5 · 47810 Petaling Jaya · Malaysia · [email protected]
Belgium: Lechler S.A./N.V. · Avenue Mercator 6 · 1300 Wavre · Phone: +32 10 225022 · Fax: +32 10 243901 · [email protected]
China: Lechler Intl. Trad. Co. Ltd. · Beijing · Rm. 418 Landmark Tower · No. 8 Dong San Huan Bei Lu · Phone: +86 10 84537968, Fax: +86 10 84537458 · [email protected]
Finland: Lechler Oy · Jäspilänkatu 18 · 04250 Kerava · Phone: +358 207 856880 · Fax: +358 207 856881 · [email protected]
France: Lechler France, SAS · Bât. CAP2 · 66-72, Rue Marceau · 93558 Montreuil · Phone: +33 1 49882600 · Fax: +33 1 49882609 · [email protected]
Great Britain: Lechler Ltd. · 1 Fell Street, Newhall · Sheffield, S9 2TP · Phone: +44 114 2492020 · Fax: +44 114 2493600 · [email protected]
India: Lechler (India) Pvt. Ltd. · Plot B-2 · Main Road · Wagle Industrial Estate · Thane (W) - 400604 · Phone: +91 22 40634444 · Fax: +91 22 40634497 · [email protected]
Italy: Lechler Spray Technology S.r.l. · Via Don Dossetti 2 · 20080 Carpiano (Mi) · Phone: +39 02 98859027 · Fax: +39 02 9815647 · [email protected]
Spain: Lechler S.A. · Avda. Pirineos 7 · Oficina B7, Edificio Inbisa I · 28700 San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid · Phone: +34 91 6586346 · Fax: +34 91 6586347 · [email protected]
Sweden: Lechler AB · Kungsängsvägen 31 B · 753 23 Uppsala · Phone: +46 18 167030 · Fax: +46 18 167031 · [email protected]
USA: Lechler Inc. · 445 Kautz Road · St. Charles, IL. 60174 · Phone: +1 630 3776611 · Fax: +1 630 3776657 · [email protected]

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