Ai Aieee Modeltest 09
Ai Aieee Modeltest 09
Ai Aieee Modeltest 09
1. What will be the ratio of temperatures of sun and moon if the wavelengths of their maximum emission
radiations are 140Å and 4200Å respectively :
a) 1 : 30 b) 30 : 1 c) 42 : 14 d) 14 : 4235.
2. A charge Q is situated at the corner of a cube, the electric flux passed through all the six faces of the
cube is :
a) 6ε 0 b) 8ε c) ε0 d) 2ε
0 0
3. A Carnot heat engine and an irreversible heat engine both operate between the same high temperature
and low temperature reservoirs. They absorb the same energy from the high temperature reservoir as
heat. The irreversible engine.
a) does mote work
b) rejects more energy to the low temperature reservoir as heat
c) has the same efficiency
d) has the same efficient as the reversible engine
If radius of earth shrinks by 1%, then for acceleration due to gravity :
1) No change at poles 2) No change at equator
3) Max. change at equator 4) Equal change at all locations
a) 3, 4 b) 2, 4 c) 1, 4 d) 1, 2
5. A galvanometer based on the action of two uniform mutually perpendicular fields on a magnet, is
called :
a) sine galvanometer b) tangent galvanometer
c) ballistic galvanometer d) moving coil galvanometer
6. Due to earth’s magnetic field, the charged cosmic rays particles :
a) Require greater kinetic energy to reach the equator than pole
b) Require less kinetic energy to reach the equator than pole
c) Can never reach the pole
d) Can never reach the equator.
7. If yellow light emitted by sodium lamp in Young’s double slit experiment is replaced by monochromatic
blue light of same intensity :
a) The fringe width will remain unchanged
b) Fringes will become less intense
c) Fringe width will decrease
d) Fringe width will increase
8. Nuclear fission is best explained by :
a) Liquid droplet model
b) yukawa p = meson theory
c) Independent particle model of nucleus d) Proton - proton cycle
a) 6
b) 20
c) 3
d) 10
22. A potentiometer has 4 meter long wire of 10 Ω resistance, connected to it. This wire is also connected
with a cell of 2 volt e.m.f. The potential difference of unit length of the wire will be:
a) 0.5 volt/meter b) 2 volt/meter c) 5 volt/meter d) 10 volt/meter
23. If two bulbs, whose resistance are in the ratio of 1 : 2 are connected in series, the power dissipated in
them has the ratio of :
a) 1 :1 b) 1 : 2 c) 2 : 1 d) 1 : 4
24. In a coil of 0.1 m radius and 1000 rounds. 0.1 amp current is passed. What will be the magnetic field
at the centre of coil :
a) 2 x 10-1 T
b) 4.31 x 10-2 T c) 6.28 x 10-4 T d) 9.81 x 10 - 4 T
25. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into two parts of equal length. The magnetic moment of
each part will be :
a) Zero b) 0.5 M c) M d) 2 M
26. Two coils have a mutual inductance 0.005 H. The current changes in the first coil according to 100 π
radian/sec. The maximum value of emf in the second coil is : (maximum of current is 10 AMP)
a) 2 π b) 5 π c) 6 π d) 12 π
27. A convex lens is made of the substance of refractive index 1.6. Radius of curvature of spherical
surface is 60 cm. the focal length of the lens is :
a) 50 cm b) 100 cm c) 200 cm d) 400 cm
28. The ratio of maximum and minimum intensities obtained in the interference of waves emitted by two
coherent sources is 121 : 81. The ratio of amplitudes of two coherent sources will be :
a) 1 : 10 b) 10 : 1 c) 81 : 121 d) 121 : 81
29. When an electron is accelerated through 100 volt, then its kinetic energy becomes :
a) 1.602 x 10-17 joule b) 418.6 calorie
c) 1.16 x 104 °K d) 6.626 x 10 - 34 watt - sec
30. When an electron do transition from n = 4 to n = 2, then emitted line in spectrum will be :
a) First line of Lyman series b) Second line of Balmer series
c) First line of Paschen series d) Second line of Paschen series
31. The S.I. unit of magnetic permeability is :
a) Weber m-2 amp-1
c) Weber m-1 amp
b) Weber m amp
d) Weber m amp
-1 -1
c) not suffer any deviation.
a) suffer a deviation of 19.5° b) suffer a deviation of 39°
d) be totally internally reflected
A particel free to move along the x-axis has potential energy given by U( x) = k[1 − exp(− x 2 )] for
−∞ ≤ x ≤ +∞ , where k is a positive constant of appropriate dimensions, Then
a) at points away from the origin, the particle is in unstable equilibrium
b) for any finite non-zero value of x, there is a force directed away from the origin
c) It its total mechanical energy is k/2 it has its minimum kinetic energy at the origin.
d) for small displacements from x = 0, the motion is simple harmonic.
46. Which one of the following is not true in case of Rutherford’s α -particle scattering experiment ?
a) The majority of any atom is an empty space
b) The atom’s positive charge is present in a small, dense nucleus
c) The scattering of α -particle by the nucleus is not in accordance to Coulomb’s law
d) The magnitude of positive charge in the nuclei of different metals is different.
47. A hollow ball completely filled with water rolls without sliding on a horizontal floor. If the water
freezes, which of the parameter given below will remain unchanged ?
a) Angular speed and kinetic momentum
b) Linear momentum and angular momentum
c) Angular momentum and knetic energy
d) Angular momentum and total energy
48. Three containers of the same volume contain three different gases. The masses of the moelcules are
M1 , M 2 and M 3 and the number of molecules in their respective containers is N1 , N 2 and N 3 . The
gas pressure in the containers are P1 , P2 and P3 respectively. All the gases are now mixed and put in
one of these containers. The pressure P of the mixture will be
a) P < (P1 + P2 + P3 )
b) P = P1 + P2 + P3
c) P = P + P + P 1 2 3 d) P > (P1 + P2 + P3 )
56. A bubble in glass slab (µ = 1.5) when viewed from one side appears at 5 cm and 2 cm from other side,
then thickness of slab is :
a) 3.75 cm b) 3.0 cm
c) 10.5 cm d) 2.5 cm
57. Light of wavelength 5000Å falls on a sensitive plate with photoelectric work function of 1.9 eV. The
kinetic energy of the photoelectron emitted will be
a) 0.58 eV b) 2.48 eV
c) 1.24 eV d) 1.16 eV
58. For a prism, its refractive index is cot A/2, then minimum angle of deviation :
a) 180 - A b) 180 - 2A c) 90 - A d)
59. In an experiment to demonstrate Coulomb’s Law in electrostatics, the force F between two small
charged spheres is measured for various distances r between their centres. A graph is plotted of In F
(y-axis) against In r (x-axis). What is the slope of this graph ?
a) -2 b) 1/2
c) -1/2 d) 2
60. In the shown figure minimum value of F to be applied on wedge A and B to lift up the sphere of mass
M is
60° 60°
Mg 3 Mg 2
a) Mg b) c) d) Mg
2 2 3
a) H - O - O - H b) c) O=O d) O
c) Acetylene d) Ethane
Cl O - Na +
NO 2 NO 2
77. The above transformation proceeds through
NO 2
NO 2
78. For the reaction A( g ) + B ( g ) c(g) the equilibrium partial pressures are PA = 0.15 atm, PB = 0.10
atm and Pc = 0.30 atm . The value of the pressure was so reduced that after attainment of equilibrium
again, the partial pressure of A and B were doubled. The partial pressure of C would be
a) 0.30 atm b) 0.60 atm
c) 1.20 atm d) 1.80 atm
79. Using the standard electrode potential values given below, decide which of the statements I, II, III, IV
are correct, Choose the right answer from (a), (b), (c) and (d)
Fe 2+ + 2e − → Fe; E o = − 0.44V
I. Cu can displace Fe from FeSO4 solution II. Fe can displace Cu from CuSO4 solution
III. Ag can displace Cu from CuSO4 solution IV. Fe can disple Ag from AgNO3 solution
a) I and II b) II and III c) II and IV d) I and IV
80. Which of the following contains maximum number of atoms ?
a) 6.023× 10 21 molecules of CO 2
b) 22.4 L of CO 2 at S.T.P.
an 2
88. The vander Waal’s equation of state is given by P + (V − nb) = nRT . The ratio a/b has the
dimension of :
a) atm lit -1 b) lit. atm mol-1 c) lit. atm mol-2 d) lit. mol
a) 6 b) 4 c) 8 d) 2
90. The following kinetic data are provided for a reaction between A and B :
Conc. of A Conc. of B Rate of reaction
b) The rate law of the reaction is, = k[ A] [ B]2
c) The value of the rate constant k is 0.025 dm 6 mol-2 min -1
c) None of these
91. Which has the highest freesing point at 1 atmosphere :
a) 0.1 M NaCl solution b) 0.05 M KCl solution
92. For the reaction,
2- +
S2O3 +2H 3O(aq) R S(s) +H 2SO3(aq) +H 2O
Rate = k[S2 O3 ] [H 3O + ].
This reaction proceeds at a faster rate in :
a) 0.1 M acetic acid b) 0.1 M NH 4OH ]
c) 0.1 M NaOH d) 0.1 M Hydrochloric acid
Cl 2 , hv
107. CH 2 CH 3 (A) + HCl
b) (A) is CH CH 3 and is free radical
CH(Cl) CH 3
c) (A) is and in electrophilic
substituti on
d) None of these
108. + Cl 2 800
→(X); (X) is :
Cl Cl
a) Cl b) c) d)
110. Methyl cyanide is converted to methyl amine by :
a) LiAlH 4 b) NaBH 4 c) Na/alcohol d) None
111. Which harmone contains iodine ?
a) Insulin b) Progesterone c) Thyroxine d) None
112. Which polymer contains nitrogen :
a) P. V. C
b) Terylene c) Nylon d) Teflon
x3 x2 | x | x2 | x |
a) b) c) d) None of these
3 3 2
124. If n arithmetic means are inserted between 2 and 38, then the sum of the resulting series is obtained as
200, then the value of n is
a) 6 b) 8 c) 9 d) 10
0, x is irrational
125. The function f (x) = 1, x is rational is
a) continuous at x = 1
b) discontinuous ony at 0
c) discontinuous only at 0, 1 d) discontinuous everywhere
1 f ( x) =
126. If f(x) = x sin , x ≠ 0 then xlim
2 dy 2
127. Solution of the differential equation dx + y sec x = tan x sec x is
128. If f :R→ R and g:R→ R are one to one, real valued function, then the value of the integral
∫ [ f ( x) + f( − x)] [g(x) - g(-x)]dx is
a) 0 b) π c) 1 d) none of these
129. Ten different letters of an alphabet are given. words with five letters are formed from these given
letters. Then the numbers of words which have at least one letter repeated is
a) 69760 b) 30240 c) 99784 d) none of these
130. Let a, b and cG be vectors with magnitudes 3, 4, and 5 respectively and aG + b + cG = 0 then the value of
a .b + b .c + c .a is
a) 47 b) 25
c) 50 d) -25
3x 3 + 2x 2 + x + 1
143. If ∫ dx = Ax 2 + Bx − log | x + 1 | +17log | x + 2 | +c. Then
(x + 1)(x + 2)
a) A = 1, B = -17 b) A = 3, B = 0 c) A = 3, B = -7 d) A = , B = −7
144. If there exists a geometric progression containing 27, 8 and 12 as three of its terms (not necessarily
consecutive) then how many progressions are possible ?
a) 1 b) 2 c) infinite d) none of these
145. If x = 9950 + 10050 and y = (101)50 then
a) x = y b) x < y c) x>y d) None of these
146. If the vectors αG = aî + ĵ + k̂, β = î + bĵ + k̂, γG = î + ĵ + ck̂ are coplanar, where a ≠ 1, b ≠ 1, c ≠ 1, then the value
1 1 1
+ + is
1− a 1− b 1− c
a) 1 b) -1
c) 2 d) None of these
1 1.4 1.4.7
147. Sum of the n terms of the series 1+ + + .... is a
6 6.12 6.12.18
a) infinite rational number b) infinite
c) irrational number d) none of the above
148. The angle of elevation of the top of an incomplete vertical pillar at a horizontal distance of 100m from
its base 45°. If the angle of elevation of the top of the pillar after completion at the same point is
60°,then the height to be increased for the completion of the pillar in meters is :
a) 50 3 b) 100 2 c) 100 3 d) 100( 3 − 1)
149. A point moves so that the sum of squares of its distances from the four sides of a square is constant.
This point always lies on
a) straight line b) circle c) Parabola d) Ellipse
150. Mean deviation of the data a, a+d, a+2d, ......a,+ 2nd from the mean is equal to
n(n + 1) | d | n(n + 1)d (n + 1) | d |
a) b) c) d) None of these
2n + 1 2n + 1 2n
151. The range of values of m for which the line y = mx + 2 cuts the circle x 2 + y 2 = 1 at distinct or
coincident points is
a) (−∞ − 3 ] ∪ [ 3 + ∞) b) [− 3 3]
c) [ 3 + ∞ ] d) None of these
a) 0 b) 2 c) log e 2 d) π log e 2
c) x 2 − y 2 = 125 d) x 2 + y 2 = 25
165. If the origin is shifted to 4, 5, -3 without changing the direction of the axes then the new co-ordinates
of the point (0, 8, 5) with respect to new frame is
a) (-4, 3, 8) b) (4, -3, -8) c) (4, 13, 2) d) None of these
166. A vector r has length 21 and its DR’s are 2, -3, 6 the component of vectro r are G
x−5 y + 4 z −6
= =
167. The vector equation of the symmetrical form of equation of straight line is
3 7 2
a) r = (3iˆ + 7 ˆj + 2kˆ ) + µ(5 î + 4ˆj - 6k̂) b) r = (5iˆ + 4 ˆj − 6kˆ ) + µ(3 î + 7ˆj + 2k̂)
c) r = (5iˆ − 4 ˆj − 6 kˆ ) + µ(3 î - 7 ˆj − 2k̂) d) r = (5iˆ − 4 ˆj + 6kˆ ) + µ(3 î + 7ˆj + 2k̂)
168. Let numbers 1, 2, 3,.....4n be pasted on 4n blocks the probability of drawing a number is proportional
to r, then probability of drawing an even number in one draw is (n ∈ N )
n +1 2n + 1 n+2 2n + 3
a) b) c) d)
2n + 1 4n + 1 n+3 4n + 1
1 1 1
a) − 1, − b) | x |< c) 2 , 1 d) none of these
2 2
15 11 9 13
a) b) c) d)
2 2 2 2
171 If sides a, b, c are in the ratio 19 : 16 : 5 then cot 2 : cot 2 : cot 2 equal
a) 1 : 15 : 4 b) 15 : 1 : 4 c) 4 : 1 : 15 d) 1 : 4 : 15
1 − 3 x, ∀x < 0
f ( x) = 3, x = 0,
172. Let then at x = 0
x 2 + 3, x > 0
a) f (x) is continuous from left b) f (x) is continuous
c) f (x) is right continuous d) f (x) has removable discontinuity