Shanine Meledres Pastrana BEED
Shanine Meledres Pastrana BEED
Shanine Meledres Pastrana BEED
Activity 1
1. How are new literacies integrated by students teachers and cooperating teachers in
their schools.
ANSWER: For me to take teaching and learning to new levels required in today’s
global world, teachers must integrated new literacies consistently in meaningful ways
for teaching and learning. While some elementary teachers are beginning to integrate
new literacies by requiring students to collaborate and share learning globally, many
teachers still teach with direct instruction and have students use technology to practice
traditional learning independently.
2. How did the results of the study on new literacies in a Midwestern public
University impact the student teaching design?
ANSWER: New literacies have a great impact on the teaching learning process as it
requires 21st century skills and field expertise to be integrate in every lesson and not
just the ability to read, comprehend, write and communicate.
Activity 2
1. Write a reflection on the article 21st Century Learning Concepts: Crossing Borders
and Connecting.