Lab 1 Climate and Community Structure 2023

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Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 1



Since the late 1800s, ecologists have discovered that the distribution and abundance
of terrestrial organisms can be influenced by several features of their environment, such
as predators and herbivores, competitors, parasites and diseases, food availability, soil
texture and chemistry, and climate. Of these, climate is generally the most important
factor influencing continental, regional and even local patterns of distribution and
abundance. Climate can even determine which types of body design (life form) are found
in a given habitat. As you might imagine, our ability to predict how natural communities
will be affected by climate change depends on how well we understand the effect of
climate on these communities. This first field activity of the semester will therefore
focus on climate and on the link between climate and community structure.

The three sites we will be studying are in the Lac du Bois area of Kamloops, at
elevations of 500, 900 and 1100 m (see images posted on Moodle). These grasslands are
rare today in the province of B.C., making up less than 1% of its area, and they are home
to a high number of plant and animal species at risk. The Lac du Bois area is used for
human recreation, as well as cattle grazing, so the potential for disturbance of the natural
vegetation is high, which in turn may result in non-native species becoming established
(noxious weeds/invasives).

1.2. GOALS

In completing this lab activity, you will learn how the climate of a habitat is
influenced by topography. You will also gain an understanding of the influence of
climatic conditions on plant community structure.

During this activity you will:

1. Determine the relationship between elevation and two climate parameters:
temperature and precipitation.
2. Document the association between temperature and precipitation, and three
features of plant community structure: species composition, life form and noxious
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 2


1.3.1 Relationship between elevation and climate parameters

Topography can have a large influence on climate. Hilly or mountainous regions, as

we have here in the BC interior, experience a greater diversity of local and regional
climates than flat regions (e.g. the Canadian prairies), in large part due to the effects of
topography. One important way by which topography influences climate is through
variation in elevation. Air density changes with elevation through the adiabatic process,
and this can influence some important climate parameters.

Starting hypothesis: Formulate a set of predictions of how several climate parameters, as

well as barometric pressure and light intensity might be related to elevation. For each cell
in this table, state your prediction as follows: + = lowest value, ++ = mid value, +++ =
highest value. If you predict that a parameter won’t change as a function of elevation
then, in the table, mark ++ for each of the three sites.

Each student should complete one copy of Table 1 below and submit via Dropbox on
Moodle to your instructor before the Week 3 fieldtrip. A blank copy of Table 1 will
be posted on Moodle for your use. (Note that this table, if received on time, counts for 5
marks on the assignment). Keep a record of any references you use in filling out Table
1, as you will need to use them in the assignment (Part A Question 1).

Table 1. Climate predictions related to elevation using + = lowest value, ++ = mid value,
+++ = highest value.
Climate Parameters Approximate
elevation (m)
500m (Site 1) 900m (Site 2) 1100m (Site 3)
Air temperature
Barometric pressure
Relative humidity (not
Wind speed
Light intensity

We will be only considering variation in temperature and precipitation at the three

elevations for this lab. However, other climate parameters, such as relative humidity and
wind speed, as well as barometric pressure, could predictably vary with elevation, and
affect biological communities as well.

You will be provided with a data set of mean monthly air temperature and total monthly
precipitation, gathered during the periods July to October 2010, April to October 2011,
and May to September 2012, at elevations of 655 m (approximately Site 1), 891 m
(approximately Site 2), and approximately 1000 m (Site 3), in Lac du Bois.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 3

Field Trip Procedure

1.3.2 Plant community structure

You will take part in a field activity where you will carry out a brief study of plant
community structure at each of the 3 sites. The structure of a community involves many
different components, and it is rarely possible to examine all aspects of community
structure in a single study. Studies examining variation in community structure along a
gradient therefore usually focus on the parameters most likely to be influenced by the
gradient. In this study we will characterize each community in terms of 2 parameters:
plant species and plant life form. You will then be able to relate these results to your
climate hypotheses and measurements to learn how plant community structure varies as a
function of elevation and climate.

Plant Identification Procedure

A frequent way to measure plant communities is by using transects and quadrats which
are defined sampling spaces. For this part of the study, you will work in assigned “Field
Teams” of 2 (two students working together) to identify plants and quantify their

As mentioned earlier, we are examining the Lac du Bois area by visiting three sites that
vary by elevation:

Site 1 – low elevation (~ 500 m); transect lines oriented towards heading 144°SE

Site 2 – mid elevation (~ 900 m); transect lines oriented towards heading 210°S/SW

Site 3 – high elevation (~ 1100 m); transect lines oriented towards heading 28° N/NE

Please see the posted photos of each Site under Moodle for geographical context. You
will note the topography and plant communities vary dramatically.

First a description of the sampling set up; at each site there are three transect lines
running parallel in the same compass heading, each 10 m apart (Figure 1).
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 4

Figure 1 Overall arrangement of three 16 m transects and their quadrat placement every
2 m on alternate sides at a Site.

Each transect line is 16 m long with the starting point (0 m) marked by a flagged wire
stake. Along this 16 m transect line are several staggered 2m by 2m quadrats set at 2 m
intervals (Figure 2). These quadrats have been numbered 1 to 8 starting at 0 m. Knowing
the exact location of each quadrat is critical for data entry and analysis. Thus, the
following quadrat locations for each transect line (T1, T2 and T3) respectively are:

- 0 – 2 m (Q1)
- 2 - 4 m (Q2)
- 4 – 6 m (Q3)
- 6 – 8 m (Q4)
- 8 – 10 m (Q5)
- 10 – 12 m (Q6)
- 12 – 14 m (Q7)
- 14 – 16 m (Q8)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 5

By combining the specific site number with the specific transect line number and the
specific quadrat number, you can tell exactly where a sample was taken, e.g., Site 1
T1Q8. This is important information so you may enter the data in the proper
location later for analysis.

Note: Knowing the exact

location of the quadrats is
critical for data entry and

Figure 2 Quadrat placement every 2 m on alternate sides, along a 16 m transect.

Each Field team (pair of students) will examine two specific quadrats at each of the
2 of three sites (time permitting). Overall, with all the lab students helping, we will
sample all three sites and create a large data set to study the effect of elevation on the
plant community. One lab section will be doing the left hand side and one lab section will
do the right hand side of the transect. These will be combined later for analysis.

Within each assigned quadrat, your and your lab partner (Field Team) will be responsible
for: (1) quantifying the abundance of plant species (or plant group) in terms of % cover
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 6

class interval, and (2) quantifying the abundance of each plant life form in terms of %
cover class interval. You will be given colour photo guide to help identify the plants.

Plant Identification

To be fast and efficient, we can’t and don’t count every single plant we see in the
quadrat. Instead, we give an estimate based on the area a plant takes in space within the
quadrat. We first quantify the amount of each type of plant by percent cover (%) and
then convert these into cover class categories (CC1 – CC5) with each category having
a range with a cover class interval midpoint (midpt):

Cover classes: 0 0% (0%) 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)

Since we want to later perform statistics such as averaging, we must report the cover
class interval midpoints (not the CC) in the data table and in the database. Why can’t
we average cover class directly?

Quantifying Percent Cover Summary (also see PowerPoint)

▸ To quantify the percent cover of plant species (or plant groups for multispecies) OR
the percent cover of plant life forms in a quadrat, you and your partner (field pair) will
assign one of the following % cover class intervals to each after looking at all 4
sections: 0, >0-5, >5-25, >25-50, >50-75, >75-100. Note the greater than
symbol (>) for the cover classes. Always round UP! For example: if even a tiny piece
of a plant counts and would be cover class 1 not 0.
▸ To save a step later and allow for calculating averages, you will record the midpoint
of the percent cover class interval for each (see each table).
▸ The % cover class interval assigned to each plant species (or plant groups for
multispecies) or plant life form will be determined by consensus among the field pair.
▸ Plants do not need to be rooted within the quadrat area to be included in the % cover
assessments. Rather, you will be assessing the vertical projection of the entire plant
to the ground surface; in other words, if a tree is rooted outside but its branches
hang over into the quadrat that portion is counted. Quantify the % cover of all plant
parts that are in or above the 2 x 2 m area of the quadrat, including overhanging
leaves or branches of tall grasses, forbs, shrubs and trees.
▸ The cumulative percent cover for species in a quadrat may exceed 100% if the species
or life forms overlap each other in layers.
▸ Include plant parts that may appear dead currently, but which were alive and growing
this past summer, such as grasses and annuals. Do not include plant parts that broke
off or died in previous years, such old tree trunks or branches. In some cases, it may
be difficult to tell how old the dead plant material might be; examine the material
closely and use your best judgement.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 7

There are many ways to categorize plant life such as species, groups of multiple species
(e.g., all grasses), lifeforms, noxious/invasive weeds, etc. We will use these three
different ways simultaneously to quantify the different types of plants found in our
quadrats. For example: Common toadflax is considered a species, a forb, and also a
noxious weed.

Plant Categories

1. Species (or multispecies plant groups)

a) With the help of the Lac du Bois Plant Identification guide (also on
Moodle), quantify by yourself the abundance of each species or
multispecies plant group (e.g., grasses) using midpoint of % cover class
interval in each of your two assigned quadrats (2 quadrats in total) at each
of 2 sites.

b) Compare your results with your field partner and reach a consensus
between the two of you for each of the values. There will be random
checks of your data entry to see how accurate you can be, so please be
through and careful.

a) Record your data as midpoints of cover class interval in Table 3,

indicating the exact location of your assigned quadrats: include SITE #,
TRANSECT # and QUADRAT #. For example: In Site 3 T3 Q8, Common
toadflax was seen to be cover class 3, yet you will report its abundance as
38 (%) in the database. Please do NOT add the % symbol in the database
- only numbers.

2. Plant life forms

b) With the help of the Lac du Bois Plant Identification guide (also on
Moodle), quantify the abundance of each of the following nine plant life
forms using midpoint of % cover class interval in each of your two
assigned quadrats at each of 2 sites:

 bryophytes (e.g., mosses), lichens, and cryptogamic crust*

 forbs (branched, non-woody or herbaceous stems that regrow every
 perennials (branched, woody plants that remain or regrow above
ground every year)
 short grasses (<50 cm)
 tall grasses (≥50 cm)
 short shrubs (woody stems <2 m height)
 tall shrubs (woody stems >2-5 m height)
 deciduous trees
 coniferous trees
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 8

For instance, all species of short grasses together are considered a single life form.
Examples of forbs would be dandelions and clover. See the following page for
sketches of each of the above categories (Figure 3).

* Cryptogamic crust = a thin crust made up of mosses, lichens, algae, and bacteria

c) Compare your results with your field partner to reach consensus. There
will be random checks of your data entry to see how accurate you can be,
so please be thorough and careful.

d) Record your data as midpoints of cover class interval (not cover classes)
in the appropriate table depending on the exact location of your assigned
quadrats in Table 4. For example: In Site 3 T3 Q8 short grasses were seen
to be cover class 5, yet you will report its abundance as 88 (%) in the
database. Please do NOT add the % symbol in the database - only

Figure 3 Sketches of common lifeforms shown except perennials.

Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 9

3. Noxious Weeds/Invasives
a) With the help of the Lac du Bois Plant Identification guide (also on
Moodle) and Appendix B, quantify the abundance of noxious
weeds/invasives as a life form only using midpoint of % cover class
interval in each of your two assigned quadrats.

b) Compare your results with your field partner to reach consensus. There
will be random checks of your data entry to see how accurate you can so
please be through and careful!

c) Record your data as midpoints of cover class interval in Table 4

indicating the exact location of your assigned quadrats including SITE #,
TRANSECT # and QUADRAT #. For example: In Site 3 T3 Q8 a
noxious weed Common toadflax was seen to be cover class 3, yet you will
report its abundance as 38 (%) in the database. Please do NOT add the %
symbol in the database - only numbers.

1.3.3 Data Entry in Moodle database:

Next take your two plant data tables (Table 3 species and Table 4 lifeforms) from
the two sites you visited and carefully enter one copy of the data per Field team
pair into the Moodle database. Note: One database for species & one database
for lifeforms at each quadrat for each of the 2 sites you visit. Thus, you will
enter data into 8 databases overall. For example: In Site 3 T3 Q8 a noxious
weed Common toadflax was seen to be cover class 3, yet you will report its
abundance as 38 (%) in the database. Please do NOT add the % symbol in the
database - only numbers! Please enter zeroes for the plants that are absent. Note
instructions for data entry are on page 9 in the General Introduction section
of lab course posted on Moodle. Be precise entering data. Errors will cost you


Table 2. Elevation and average barometric pressure measurements from three

field sites along an elevation gradient in Lac du Bois area, Kamloops, B.C. using
data from Fall 2023. Data will be posted in Moodle for assignment.

Site Elevation (m) Barometric Pressure

Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 10

Table 3. Part A Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for common plant species/groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3
along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. First Site visited =










Pasture sage Shrubs







Douglas fir

Prairie rose












SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______


Common hound's Tongue

Arrow-leaved groundsel
Common rabbitbrush

Common groundsel
Common dandelion
Sulphur Cinquefoil
Prickly pear cactus

Tall Oregon grape

Common harebell

Common plantain
American vetch




SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 11

Table 3. Part B Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant species/multispecies groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3
along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. continued. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. First Site visited =

Sagebrush mariposa
Rattlesnake plantain
Dalmatian toadflax
Common toadflax

Great (Common)

Summer Cypress
Sticky geranium
Field chickweed

Loesel's tumble

Meadow Death

Nodding onion
Purple peavine


Showy aster
Field filago





SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Tall tumble mustard

Yellow owl-clover
Timber milk-vetch

Cryptogamic crust
Upland larkspur

Wild strawberry
Tansy Ragwort

Wild blue flax

Yellow salsify





SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 12
Table 3. Part C Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant species/multispecies groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site
3 along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. continued. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. First Site visited =

Noxious Weeds FORB FORB FORB New


Round-leaved Alumroot

Old Man's Whiskers


SITE #_____
Quadrat #_
SITE #_____
Quadrat #_

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 13
Table 4. Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant life forms & noxious weeds/invasives in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site
3 along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. First Site visited =

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)


Coniferous tree

Deciduous tree

Short shrub

Short grass

Tall shrub
Tall grass
lichens &

(< 50 cm)

(>50 cm)

(2-5 m)

(<2 m)

SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

* Cryptogamic crust = a thin crust made up of mosses, lichens, algae, and bacteria
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 14
Table 3. Part A Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for common plant species/groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3
along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. Second Site visited =










Pasture sage Shrubs







Douglas fir

Prairie rose













SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______


Common hound's Tongue

Arrow-leaved groundsel
Common rabbitbrush

Common groundsel
Common dandelion
Sulphur Cinquefoil
Prickly pear cactus

Tall Oregon grape

Common harebell

Common plantain
American vetch




SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

3 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
4 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 15

Table 3. Part B Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant species/multispecies groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3
along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. continued. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. Second Site visited =


Sagebrush mariposa
Rattlesnake plantain
Dalmatian toadflax
Common toadflax

Great (Common)

Summer Cypress
Sticky geranium
Field chickweed

Loesel's tumble

Meadow Death

Nodding onion
Purple peavine


Showy aster
Field filago





SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Tall tumble mustard

Yellow owl-clover
Timber milk-vetch

Cryptogamic crust
Upland larkspur

Wild strawberry
Tansy Ragwort

Wild blue flax

Yellow salsify





SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______
SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 16
Table 3. Part C Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant species/multispecies groups in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site
3 along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. continued. Note: noxious weeds highlighted in yellow. Second Site visited =

Noxious Weeds FORB FORB FORB New


Round-leaved Alumroot

Old Man's Whiskers


SITE #_____
Quadrat #_
SITE #_____
Quadrat #_

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 17

Table 4. Midpoints of percent cover class intervals for plant life forms & noxious weeds/invasives in two quadrats found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3
along an elevation gradient, Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C., Fall 2023. Second Site visited =

Cover classes: 0 0% 3 >25-50% (midpt 38%)

1 >0-5 % (midpt 2.5%) 4 >50-75% (midpt 63%)
2 >5-25% (midpt 15%) 5 >75-100% (midpt 88%)


Coniferous tree

Deciduous tree

Short shrub

Short grass

Tall shrub
Tall grass
lichens &

(< 50 cm)

(>50 cm)

(2-5 m)

(<2 m)

SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

SITE # ____
Quadrat # ______

* Cryptogamic crust = a thin crust made up of mosses, lichens, algae, and bacteria
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 18

1.4. TEAM ASSIGNMENT General Notes:

 You and your lab partners will now work together as a Writing Team for this
assignment (as well as Labs 2 & 3). You will want to meet as soon as possible to get
organized and discuss the various tasks in order to successfully complete this
assignment in a timely manner. Please consider the elements of a being a good team
member. See the video posted on Moodle for helpful hints!
 Peer evaluations and the Team Task Completion chart will be used to adjust final
mark to encourage good team dynamics and participation. Review the General
Introduction sections on pages 5 to 8 for work successfully in teams. You also must
read, sign and submit a copy of the Writing Team Code of Conduct form posted on
Moodle to your instructor.

 Note: Please re-read the General Introduction pages 10 and 11 about formatting
requirements for completing assignments to avoid loss of marks! Also see “Do the
Write thing - Writing Hacks” posted on Moodle. Answer each question separately in
complete sentences and include the question number to allow for ease of marking.
Double space!!

 Assignment consists of three portions:

- PART A Elevation and Climate Parameters
- PART B Specific Analysis and Interpretation Your instructor will inform you of your
specific PART B portion.
- PART C Common Analysis and Interpretation

 You will present your results in graph or table format, as specified in Part B. See the
PowerPoint “Climate Lab Part 2 Analysis and Wrap-up” and posted “Graphing
Statistics Section” on Moodle for suggestions as to how to graph your results. Make
sure compose a detailed descriptive title with a Figure number and include your sample
sites for each site. Please create all graphs in colour!

 Insert your tables/ graphs within the assignment word document itself by the
appropriate question sequentially. Be sure to refer to all your graphs/tables by their
Figure number when answering questions.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 19

PART A Elevation and Climate Parameters (39 marks)

You will be provided with the climate data you need for Part A (see Moodle for the “Lac
du Bois Historical Climate data”).

1. Discuss the rationale (reason why) for each of your initial predictions
regarding the relationship between elevation and climate parameters in Table
1 with appropriate references for EACH using in-text citations and a literature
cited section at end of the ENTIRE assignment (CSE format). (12 marks)

My prediction for the effect of elevation on temperature was based solely

on my personal observations. In Kamloops, I have noticed that it is
usually colder uphill than it is downhill. Further discussions in class have
confirmed this with the explanation that, as hot air rises from the earth’s
surface due to displacement by colder, denser air masses being pulled
down by gravity, they get into a more spacious atmosphere and drop in
temperature due to less collisions between the molecules (adiabatic effect)
(Louis Gosselin, personal communication).

My prediction for the increase in barometric pressure was based on my

prior knowledge of physics – pressure increases with depth because
there’s more weight of air molecules pressing downwards as you go down
in altitude. This prediction is supported by the statement, “As we climb in
elevation, the mass of air above us decreases, and therefore pressure
declines.” (Smith and Smith 2011), from the book Elements of Ecology.

My prediction for precipitation was based on the assumption that high

elevation areas would get more rain since they are closer to the sky where
condensation happens. Lac Du Bois historical data on precipitation does
not show a consistent trend with the variation in precipitation at high,
mid and low-level elevation. I am quite inconclusive about this.

I predicted that wind would go faster at higher elevation because there

are less objects in the atmosphere which might produce friction with the
wind, thereby slowing it down.

I predicted that light intensity decreases as you go lower because there

are many obstacles in the atmosphere that prevent some of the radiation
from the sun from getting to the planet’s surface. “At high elevations, the
atmosphere thins and is less able to absorb U.V. radiation.” (Fleming 2014)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 20

2. Include a single copy of Table 1 in your report. It can be a combination of all

team members’ tables that were sent in previously. (5 marks)

Table 1. Climate predictions related to elevation using + = lowest value, ++ = mid value,
+++ = highest value.
Climate Parameters Approximate
elevation (m)
500m (Site 1) 900m (Site 2) 1100m (Site 3)
Air temperature +++ ++ +

Precipitation + ++ +++

Barometric pressure +++ ++ +

Relative humidity (not +++ ++ +

Wind speed + ++ +++

Light intensity + ++ +++

3. Include a copy of Table 2 in your report (get from Moodle). (2 marks)

Table 2. Elevation and average barometric pressure measurements from three field sites
along an elevation gradient in Lac du Bois area, Kamloops, B.C. using data from Fall 2022.

Site Elevation Barometric Pressure

1 527 944.8
2 884 909.5
3 1006 894.1

4. Retrieve the “Historical climate Lac du Bois temperature and precipitation”

data from Moodle. Note: total monthly precipitation data has no sample size
and has no data from November to April whereas average monthly
temperature has variable sample sizes (i.e., multiple readings on various days
per month with data – look for the “n” values.), and no data between
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 21

November and March. Produce two bar graphs: one each for temperature and
precipitation, contrasting each parameter at the three elevations using a
different colour for each elevation (legend). These elevations correspond
(approximately) to our three sites. Be sure to include an appropriate title with
the sample sizes (n=#) where applicable, and Figure number. (10 marks)

655m 891m 1000m

Total monthly precipitation (mm)

May-11 Jun-11 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10

Months and their years

Figure 1. Total monthly precipitation for low (655m), mid (891m) and
high-elevation (1000m) stations, for May and June 2011, and July to
October 2010, at Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 22

655m 891m 1000m



Average temperature in (°C)



Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 July-2010 & Aug-2010 & Sep-2010 & Oct-10
2011 2012 2012

Periods when the data was taken.

Figure 2. Average temperature for various periods from April to October (2010-
2012), for low, mid and high-elevation stations at Lac du Bois, Kamloops, B.C.
N for 655m and 891m = 1392, 1488, 1440, 2352, 1872, 1632, 1488, for each re-
spective period.
N for 1

5. Summarize and compare each of the two graphs from Q4 above. How does
temperature and precipitation vary among the three elevations at Lac du Bois,
based on the data you were given? (4 marks)
Across all the periods, it is observed that temperature consistently
decreases with elevation with the most skewed trend in April 2011. The
trend for precipitation is not consistent. We can see that there were equal
number of months where high level (1000m) and mid-level (891m)
elevations each had the highest amount of rainfall (3 months each). In
July 2010, it is also seen that the low level elevation (655m) had more
precipitation than the mid-level elevation. With the data provided, not
much conclusion can be made on which elevation gets more precipitation.

6. How do your initial predictions in Table 1 for temperature and precipitation

correspond with the empirical climate data you were given, with regard to the
relationship between elevation and each of the two parameters? (4 marks)
My predictions for temperature reducing with increasing elevation
correspond to the empirical climate data. My predictions for
precipitation increasing with increasing elevation was definite, but the
empirical data does not show a trend that gives a clear answer because
there were months where high elevation got more precipitation, and there
were months where mid elevation got the most rainfall. In July 2010, low
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 23

elevation got more rainfall than mid elevation. The data for precipitation
does not correspond with my prediction. More data obtained over more
months would probably help narrow down on a more appropriate

7. Were either of your predictions for temperature or precipitation not supported

by the historical climate data? If so, suggest at least one reason why it was not
supported. (2 marks)
Only my predictions on precipitation were not supported by the data, and
I believe it is because the data is insufficient. The data is just for a few
select months in 2010 and 2011, so it might not show a proper annual
trend. There is also the possibility of some factors affecting the amount of
precipitation at the different elevations which would affect the trend like
what we see in July 2010, where the low elevation had more precipitation
than the mid elevation.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 24

PART B Specific Analysis and Interpretation

Each team of students in your lab section will be assigned one of three different sets
of questions for PART B, each set focusing on a different feature of the plant
community. Your Lab Instructor will inform you which set of questions your team
must address in your assignment. Specific class data tables will be posted on

Question set B1: Plant Species Analysis Group (19 Marks)

1. Calculate the mean midpoint of % cover class interval for each plant
species/plant group at each site using the appropriate combined lab
section data tables posted on Moodle (based on Table 3). Note: a mean
midpoint of % cover class of 0.18 (greater than 0) is assigned a cover
class of 1. Always round up! Convert the mean midpoint % cover class
interval back to cover class (0-5). See Appendix A for handy tips to do
this using Excel! (No marks)

2. Summarize all the plant species/group cover class values (based on means)
in a new table with an appropriate descriptive title and table number.
Include all 3 sites on the table, and don’t forget to include their sample
sizes! Also, do not include plants in the table that were absent at ALL
sites. Highlight using bold the top 3 species at each site. See Appendix
A for Excel instructions to create this table easily. See example of a table,
posted on PowerPoint. (5 marks)

3. Choose the top 3 plant species/ plant groups that had the highest mean
abundance at each site and graph these cover class values for only those
3 species/groups, at all the sites on one bar graph. The maximum
number of species/groups you might be graphing is nine if there are 3
different top species at each site; if some species/groups were present
at 2 out of 3 of the field sites, you will be graphing less than nine. Use a
colour legend, add an appropriate descriptive title, include the sample size
- i.e., n=# for each site, and Figure number. See example graph posted on
PowerPoint. (5 marks)

Note 1: If there are ties for the highest 3 species/groups at a site, go back
to the mean midpoint % cover class intervals to break the tie; if mean
midpoint % cover class intervals are also the same, graph both/all of the
tied species/groups.
Note 2: if a top species/group was present at one site only, you must still
report the cover class (based on mean) for that species for the other sites
(i.e., abundance of zero) to allow comparisons.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 25

4. Referring to your graph, compare and contrast the plant communities

among the 3 sites, particularly focusing your discussion on the top 3 plant
species/ plant groups at each site and their abundance (cover class). If a
top species/group was only present at one site, you must still mention its
cover class value for the other sites too in order to make these
comparisons. You should report the results here, but NOT EXPLAIN
WHY the plants were there (you will be asked to explain in Part C of the
assignment). (9 marks)


Question set B2: Plant Life Forms Analysis Group (19 Marks)
1. Calculate the mean midpoint of % cover class interval for each plant life
form & noxious weeds/invasives at each site using the combined lab
section data tables posted on Moodle (based on Table 4). Note: a mean
midpoint of % cover class of 0.18 (greater than 0) is assigned a cover
class of 1. Always round up! Then convert the mean midpoint % cover
class interval back to cover class (0-5). See Appendix A for Excel
instructions to create this table easily. (No marks)

Table 3. Average midpoint and Cover classes of the different plant life forms found in the
three different sites at Lac Du Bois.
Life form Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
Average Average CC Average Average CC Average Average
midpoint midpoint midpoint CC
Deciduous 0 0 0 0 2 1
Noxious 4 1 5 1 5 1
Coniferous 0 0 0 0 55 4
Tall shrub 46 3 0 0 2 1
Short shrub 27 3 0 0 27 3
Tall grass 25 2 16 2 4 1
Short grass 51 4 78 5 37 3
Perennial 4 1 4 1 4 1
Forbs 14 2 13 2 1 1
Bryophytes, 21 2 2 1 31 3
Lichens, and

2. Graph these cover class values (based on means) for all 9 plant life form
categories and noxious weeds/invasives category at all the sites on one
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 26

bar graph (use a colour legend, add an appropriate title including sample
size i.e., n=# for each site, and Figure number). See example of a graph
posted on PowerPoint. (5 marks)

Site 1(N=13) Site 2(N=10) Site 3(N=8)


Cover class average

es ds es ub ub ss ss al rb
s pt
re ee re hr hr ra ra ni ry
T t s s g g e n Fo c
us us
w us ll rt ll rt
r . ,
io io ro Ta ho Ta ho ich
id f e S S l
x ni ry.,
Co B
Plant Life form

Figure 3. Bar chart showing the Cover class average of the different
plant life forms in site 1, site 2, and site 3

3. Referring to your graph, compare and contrast the plant communities

found among the 3 sites, discussing the 9 plant life forms and the noxious
weeds at each site and their abundance (cover class). You should be
simply reporting only the results here, but NOT EXPLAIN WHY the
plants were there (you will be asked to explain in Part C of the
assignment). (9 marks)

From Figure 3, we can see that coniferous and deciduous trees were only
found in site 3, and there were reportedly no shrubs, tall or short, found in
site 2. Tall shrubs had the most distribution at site 1, with a class cover
average of 3, while in site 3, the cover class average was 1. Short shrubs
had similar distribution at sites 1 and 3, with average class covers of 3 in
both sites. Short grasses had the highest distribution of all the life forms,
with the highest average cover class at 5 in site 2 and the lowest average
cover class at 3 in site 3. Tall grasses had similar distribution in both sites
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 27

1 and 2 with average class cover of 2, which in site 3, they occurred less,
with an average class cover of 1. The average class cover for short grasses
in site 1 was 4. Bryophytes, lichens, and cryptogamic crusts were found
most in site 3, with an average cover class of 3, and found least in site 2,
with an average cover class of 1. Perennials and Noxious weeds had about
the same distribution in all three sites with both life forms having a cover
class average of 1in all three sites. Forbs were of similar distribution in
sites 1 and 2 with a class cover average of 2 and occurred less in site 3,
with a class cover average of 1.
Ranking the abundance of the plant life forms in each site based on their
cover class (highest to lowest) will be as follows:
Site 1
Short grasses (CC 4) > tall shrubs, and short shrubs (CC 3) > tall grasses,
forbs, and bryophytes, lichens & cryptogamic crust (CC 2) > noxious
weeds and perennials (CC 1) > Deciduous and coniferous trees (CC 0).
Site 2
Short grasses (CC 5) > tall grasses, and forbs (CC 2) > noxious weeds,
perennials, and bryophytes, lichens & cryptogamic crusts (CC 1) >
deciduous and coniferous trees (CC 0).
Site 3
Coniferous trees (CC 4) > short shrub, short grasses, and bryophytes,
lichen & cryptogamic crust (CC 3) > Deciduous trees, tall grasses, tall
shrubs, noxious weeds, perennials, and forbs (CC 1).

From the chart, it is clear that site 3 had more life form diversity than any
other site

4. Define the terms noxious weeds/invasives as used by ecologists and plant

biologists in your own words (include a reference). What makes them
undesirable? What is their effect on native plant communities? (5 marks)

Invasives are plant species that are in a habitat that does not include the
biotic factors that help keep them in check in their native habitat, hence,
their activities must be deliberately regulated by the law. (Invasive species
Council of BC 2019).
They are undesirable because they grow indiscriminately and are often
difficult to control. Some are vectors of crop diseases, while some degrade
property values.
They have a detrimental effect on native plant communities because they
compete for nutrients and reduce the yield of the native crops.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 28

Question set B3: Noxious Weeds/Invasives Analysis Group (19 marks)

1. Calculate the mean midpoint of % cover class interval for only the plant
species/group that is (are) identified as a noxious or invasive weed (see
Appendices B and C) at each site using the appropriate combined lab
section data tables (all quadrats) posted on Moodle (based on Table 3).
Then convert the mean % cover back to cover class (0-5). Note: a
mean midpoint of % cover class of 0.18 (greater than 0) is assigned a
cover class of 1. Always round up! See Appendix A for Excel instructions
to create this table easily. (No marks)

2. Summarize all the noxious weed plant species mean cover class values in
a table with an appropriate descriptive title and Table number. Include all
3 sites on the table, and don’t forget to include their sample sizes! Also, do
not include plants in the table that were absent at ALL sites. See example
table posted on PowerPoint. See Appendix A for Excel instructions to
create this table easily. (5 marks)

3. Calculate the mean midpoint of % cover class interval for the noxious or
invasive weed lifeform category ONLY at each site using the appropriate
class data tables (all quadrats) posted on Moodle (based on Table 4). Then
convert the mean % cover back to cover class (0-5). Note: a mean
midpoint of % cover class of 0.18 (greater than 0) is assigned a cover
class of 1. Always round up! See Appendix A for Excel instructions to
create this table easily. (No marks)

4. Graph the mean cover class values of the noxious weed lifeform category
found at all the sites on one bar graph (use a colour legend, add an
appropriate title including sample size i.e., n=# for each site, and Figure
number). See example of a graph posted on PowerPoint. (3 marks)

5. Referring to your graph, compare and contrast the presence and abundance
(cover class) of noxious weeds/invasives category (not each specific plant)
among the 3 sites. You should be simply reporting only the results here,
but NOT EXPLAIN WHY the plants were there (you will be asked to
explain in Part C of the assignment). (3 marks)

6. a) Define the terms noxious weeds/invasives as used by ecologists and

plant biologists in your own words (include a reference). What makes
them undesirable? What is their effect on native plant communities? (5

b) Refer to your table of noxious weed plant species at each site with their
average cover classes. Is there one dominant noxious weed species at
each site? (1 mark)

c) What are the likely causes of this noxious weed invasion? (2 marks)
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 29

PART C Common Analysis and Interpretation Section (24 marks)

a) Determine the “species richness” (the total number of plant species/ plant
groups) found at each of the three sites using the appropriate combined lab
section data tables posted on Moodle (based on Table 3). Report as a table. (3
b) Create a bar graph to demonstrate the relationship between species richness
and elevation. (5 marks)
c) Referring to the graph above, describe any apparent relationship discovered.
(3 marks)
d) Which site had the most diversity? (1 mark)

2. a) A plant community can be studied in several ways – by species, by plant lifeforms

or by its role i.e., noxious weed versus native plant. Considering your assignment
group’s overall findings, and the data you’ve been given on temperature and
precipitation at three elevations, what role would you suggest the two climate
parameters alone might play in determining the structure of these Lac du Bois plant
communities? In other words, why do the plant communities change with elevation?
Be sure to consider and discuss your groups’ findings for each of these elevations
when linking temperature and precipitation. You should also consult outside
sources such as references listed below (LBD 2000) to help guide your answer. Please
use in-text citations correctly and include a reference section in CSE format at the
end. (6 marks)

b) Suggest at least two other parameters which might have an important effect on the
structure of the plant community we’ve studied. (2 marks)

3. Does the data from this study alone at Lac du Bois constitute evidence or “proof”
that local climate is the only factor directly influencing the structure of plant
communities? Explain why or why not. (4 marks)

TOTAL: 82 marks

2.5 USEFUL REFERENCES (Find more!)

B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. 2000. Lac du Bois Grasslands Park
Management Plan Background Document. [August 2010]. Available from:


Smith TM, Smith RL and Waters I. 2014. Elements of ecology. Canadian edition.
Toronto: Pearson Canada Inc. 645 p.

Smith TM and Smith RL. 2015. Elements of ecology. 9th edition. San Francisco: Pearson
Education. 704 p.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 30

Appendix A General Instructions for calculating averages and making a cover

class summary table on Excel. Also see ‘Creating tables, graphing, descriptive statistics
etc.” posted on Moodle for more hints and tricks.
Using the appropriate Site Summary Class data files, follow the general instructions
1. To calculate the average of all the midpoints from Site 1 (one data set), highlight
some of the appropriate columns (species/groups or lifeforms), then ∑Autosum,
then Average. The averages will appear in a new row at the bottom). While
highlighting those averages, drag the cursor to the right to highlight the remaining
empty cells for the columns and then chose Fill, then Right from the tool bar
above. You will see all the cells are auto averaged in one-step! Make sure to label
this row “Site 1 Average mid formulae”.
2. Label a new row called “Site 1 Average mid”. Highlight all of your averages, then
Copy and Paste 123 into this new row. This is to remove the hidden average
formulae and give you numbers only. Otherwise, you will see #REF!” error later
if you try and move this data. Adjust your decimal place to only 2 decimals.
3. Label another new row called “Site 1 Cover Classes”. Convert the averages above
into cover classes and type the appropriate cover classes (see below) into this new
row Round up! If an average midpoint is greater than 0, but less than 1 e.g., 0.15,
use cover class 1.

4. Highlight the heading row (species names or lifeforms), Copy and Paste Special
(Transpose) to a new spot below Column A to make a new table. Make sure to
add an appropriate label for this new column e.g. species/groups or lifeforms
above this row.
5. Highlight both the “Site 1 avg mid” and the “Cover Classes” rows with their row
headings, Copy and Paste Special (Transpose) to a new spot below Column B
by Column A. Make sure to add the correct Site sample size as n= # to the new
column heading.
6. Repeat steps 1- 5 for the other two Site Summary data sets (note if Site 2 or 3).
7. In a single new Sheet or excel file, combine all three sites’ data side by side into
one common summary table with separate columns. Be careful to keep each site’s
species names/groups or lifeforms data associated by their correct values (avg mid
and cover classes). Note: The species/groups or lifeform lists will be in the same
order for each site. You should double check things line up correctly.
8. Delete the duplicate species/groups or lifeforms name columns for the other sites
keeping their data.
9. Delete any rows where the species/group or lifeform does not occur at any site
e.g., not found at Site 1, Site 2 or Site 3.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 31

10. Depending on the analysis requested by your team’s part B question set, you will
further adjust these tables to answer the questions either about species/groups or
lifeforms midpoints or cover classes.
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 32

APPENDIX B Lac du Bois Climate lab – Plant Species List

Common name Scientific name Page Number
(PSIBC) Page
Number (Noxious
weeds 8th Edition)
Birch Betula sp. 30
Interior Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii 47
Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa 34
Trembling Aspen Populous tremuloides 28
Big sagebrush Artemisia tridentata 67
Common juniper Juniperus communis 99
Common snowberry Symphoricarpos albus 82
Michaux’s mugwort Artemisia michauxiana 144
Oval-leaved blueberry Vaccinium ovalifolium 92
Pasture sage Artemisia frigida 143
Prairie rose Rosa woodsii 65
Raspberry Rubus sp. 60-62
Saskatoon Amelanchier alnifolia 55
Soopolallie Shepherdia canadensis 71
Arrow-leaved balsamroot Balsamorhiza sagittata 133
Brown-eyed Susan Gaillardia aristate 133
Common rabbitbrush Ericameria (Chrysothamnus) 67
Kinnikinnick Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 85
Prickly pear cactus Opuntia fragilis 217
Pussytoes Antennaria sp. 137
Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta 226/66
Tall Oregon grape Mahonia aquifolium 72
Agoseris Agoseris sp. 109
Alfalfa Medicago sativa 156
American vetch Vicia americana 160
Arrow-leaved groundsel Senecio triangularis 12
Chicory Cichorium intybus 116
Clover Trifolium pratense 157
Common dandelion Taraxacum officinale 112
Common groundsel Senecio vulgaris 129
Common harebell Campanula rotundifolia 186
Common hound’s tongue Cynoglossum officinale 182/22
Common plantain Plantago major 150
Common toadflax Linaria vulgaris 176/40
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 33

Dalmatian toadflax Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica 176

Field chickweed Cerastium arvense 253
Field filago Filago arvensis na
Great (Common) mullein Verbascum thapsus 176
Knapweed Centaurea diffusa or maculosa 136/7,17
Purple peavine Lathyrus nevadensis 161
Lemonweed Lithospermum ruderale 185
Loesel's tumble mustard Sisymbrium loeselii 234
Meadow Death Camas Zigadenus veneosus (POISONOUS) 305
Nodding onion Allium cernuum 296
Old man’s whiskers Geum triflorum 222
Rattlesnake plantain Goodyera oblongifolia 289
Rounded-leaved Alumroot Heuchera cylindrica 266
Sagebrush mariposa lily Calochortus macrocarpus 295
Showy aster Aster conspicuous 122
Sticky geranium Geranium viscosissimum 262
Summer Cypress Kochia scoparia 59
Stork's-bill Erodium cicutarium 263
Tall tumble mustard Sisymbrium altissimum 234
Tansy Ragwort Senecio jacobaea 39,51
Thistle Cirsium sp. 134-135/9,60,75
Thread-leaved sandwort Arenaria capillaris 252
Timber milk-vetch Astralagus miser 164
Upland larkspur Delphinium nuttallinnum 204
Wild blue flax Linum perenne ssp. Lewisii 264
Wild strawberry Fragaria virginiana 219
Yarrow Achillea millefolium 116
Yellow owl-clover Orthocarpus luteus 169
Yellow salsify Tragopogon dubius 115/83
Grasses Many different species: true grass,
sedge and rush
Cryptogamic crust
*You don’t have to recognize species
Climate & Plant Community Structure - BIOL 2170 Fall 2023 34


List of Noxious weeds (updated 14/06/20)

Common hound’s tongue Cynoglossum officinale
Common toadflax Linaria vulgaris
Dalmatian toadflax Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica
Knapweed Centaurea diffusa or maculosa
Sulphur Cinquefoil Potentilla recta
Summer Cypress Kochia scoparia
Tansy Ragwort Senecio jacobaea
Thistle Cirsium sp.
Yellow salsify Tragopogon dubius



Field Guide to Noxious Weeds and Other Selected Invasive Plants of British Columbia
(8th ed)

Note: Not every weed is considered noxious or invasive but can be classified as a

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