Derivation of Indonesian Language in THR
Derivation of Indonesian Language in THR
Derivation of Indonesian Language in THR
stem to adjust its meaning to fit its syntactic and communicational contact
process is a process in linguistics which results a new lexeme (p. 61). That
words. Ramlan mentioned (2001) that word formation may happen through
derivation formation change the word-class of the base (p. 96-97). Derivation
is actually the process of attaching the base with prefixes or suffixes which
forms new lexeme (Lieber, 2010, p. 33). In other words, derivation deals
with the process of a new word on the basis of an existing word. This process,
for example, happens to the word actor. The affix –er in “actor” attaches to
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Volume 1, No. 1, January 2014, pp.59-85
ISSN : 2354-967X
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the free morpheme “act”. The affix –er which is attached to the word “actor”
changes the lexeme both class of word and the meaning. The word “act” is a
the stated way‟. After the base is added with an affix –er, the class of word
affix ke-an which is attached to the word “kebaikan” changes the lexeme both
class of word and also the meaning. The base word “baik” is an adjective
which means „generous, helpful and thinking about other people‟s feeling‟.
After the base form of word is added with affix ke-an, it becomes a noun
„kebaikan‟ which means „the quality of being kind‟. This example shows
morphological processes.
grammatical class of word and meaning which are resulted from derivational
Derivation acts to change the semantic meaning of a root and/or the class of
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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the word (i.e. noun to verb) (Bauer, 2003; Katamba, 1993). Morover,
Haspelmath and Sims clarified (2010) that derivation formation change the
word-class of the base (p. 96-97). It is clear that the process of derivation is
either changing the meaning of the base to which they are attached or
changing the word-class that a base belongs to. The changing of word-class
(1980) mentioned that “An affix is a bound morpheme that is joined before,
after or within a root or stem” (p. 17). Then, Ramlan also stated (2001) that
can attach to other units to form a word or a new word (p. 55). That means
suffix or infix – that can be attached to a root or stem to form a new word.
four types such as prefixes, suffixes, infixes and circumfixes. Prefixes are the
affixes which are placed before the root of words. The examples of
Indonesian prefixes are me-, di-, ter-, ber-, ke, pe-, per- and se-. Suffixes are
the affixes which are placed after the root of words. The examples of
Indonesian suffixes are –an, -kan and –i. Infixes are the affixes inserted inside
the root of words. The examples of Indonesian infixes are –el-, -er-, -em-, and
–di-. Circumfixes are the affixes attached at the before and after the root of
words. The examples of Indonesian circumfixes are ke-an, me-kan and di-i
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From the table above, it is clear that the affixes pe-, ke-an, -kan, -an
and me-kan are derivational affixes because those change the class of word
and the meaning of the roots. Besides, it is also obvious that the patterns of
Indonesian derivation words are verb to noun, adjective to noun and adjective
to verb.
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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data collection method in which the data are collected and described naturally
(p. 6). That means by using this method, all the data are presented in natural
setting. The collected data are then analyzed by using substitution or agih
method. Sudaryanto explained (1993) that agih method is the method of data
analysis by means the relevant part of language itself. (p. 15). This research
The data used in this research are from three Indonesian texts. They
are taken from Semarang Metro newspapers published on January 7th 2012.
The titles of the texts are: (1) Bolos, Pelajar Mencuri, (2) KNPI Sumbang
Semarang Metro newspaper will be analyzed in this analysis. So, the analysis
After analyzing the first text (see appendices), it is found out that
there are 9 derivation words in the text such as pembesuk, pemain, curian,
the analysis of each data depending on the affix that determines the changes
in derivational process.
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a. Prefix PeN-
pen-, pem-, peng- and penge-. The function of this prefix is to create a noun
and it is one of derivation affixes. This type of derivation affixes can be seen
in two data:
prefix changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The root of
word is a verb „besuk’ which means „to go to a place in order to look at it, or
to a person in order to spend time with them‟. After the root is added with
prefix peN-, it becomes a noun „pembesuk’ which means „someone who visits
besuk (verb)
peN - + besuk
pembesuk (noun)
addition of prefix peN-. The prefix attaches to another morpheme „main‟. The
prefix changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The root of
word is a verb „main’ which means „to take a part in a game or other
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organized activity‟. After the root is added with prefix peN-, it becomes a
noun „pemain’ which means „someone who takes a part in a game‟. The
main (verb)
peN - + main
pemain (noun)
Although the two data above are the results of derivational process by
the addition of prefix peN-, but they have different variation of prefix peN-.
Pem- is the variation of prefix peN- in the first data and variation pe- is in the
second data.
b. Suffix –an
After analyzing the text, it is found that there are 3 words that are added by
addition of suffix -an. The suffix attaches after the morpheme „lapor‟. As a
result, it changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The root of
information about it to soemone‟. After the root is added with suffix -an, it
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lapor (verb)
lapor + - an
laporan (noun)
The word „laporan‟ is not the only data found in the text which deals
with the derivational process by the addition of suffix –an. The other words
which are similar to the word „laporan‟ are „curian‟ and „parkiran‟.
c. Circumfix PeN-an
of word, especially a verb, is added with this circumfix, the category of root
will change into a noun. This type of circumfix has some variation such as
pe-an, pem-an, pen-an, peN-an, and peny-an. In the first text, it is found out
that that there are two words which are attached by derivational circumfix
of word „jaga‟. The attachment of derivational affix results a new lexeme that
changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The root of word is
a verb „jaga’ which means „to make certain something is protected from
danger or risk‟. After the root is added with a circumfix peN-an, it becomes a
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jaga (verb)
peN - + jaga + - an
penjagaan (noun)
the text which deals with the derivational process by the addition of circumfix
d. Circumfix Ke-an
affix is ke-an. It - like prefix peN-, suffix –an and circumfix peN-an –
functions to form a noun. When a root, especially a verb, is attached with this
circumfix, the root word class will change into a noun. There is only one
word found in the first text which deals with the derivational process by the
the addition of circumfix ke-an. The addition of derivational affix to the root
of word indeed results a new lexeme that changes both the word class and the
meaning of the root. The root of word is a verb „celaka’ which means „get
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celaka (verb)
ke - + celaka + - an
kecelakaan (noun)
After analyzing the second text (see appendices), it is found out that
there are 17 derivation words in the text such as santunan, giliran, asuhan,
kepedulian. Below is the analysis of each data depending on the affix that
a. Prefix peN-
some variation such as pe-, pen-, pem-, peng- and penge-. In the
second text, there are two words deal with the derivational process by
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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prefix changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The root of
word is an adjective „muda’ which means „having lived or existed for only a
short time and not old‟. After the root is added with prefix peN-, it becomes a
noun pemuda which means „the state of being young‟. The process of
muda (adjective)
peN - + muda
pemuda (noun)
The word „pemuda‟ is not the only data which is found in the second
text. Another word which is similar to „pemuda‟ is „peluang‟. Both data have
b. Prefix ber-
is called inflection affix when it is added to the root verb such as berbelanja.
second text, there is one word that reflects this affix as a derivation affix. The
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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the root is added with prefix ber-. The root of word is a noun „guna’ which
means „a purpose for which something is used‟. After the root is added with
prefix ber-, it becomes a verb „berguna’ which means „to put something as a
guna (noun)
ber - + guna
berguna (verb)
c. Suffix –an
When the suffix –an is attached to the root verb or root adjective, the
category of word changes into a noun. In the second text, there 6 data belong
In the word santunan above, the suffix –an is attached to the root of
word. The attachment of derivational suffix to the root of word results a new
lexeme that changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The
that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people‟s
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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‘santunan’ which means „when someone helps another person‟. The process
santun (adjective)
santun + - an
santunan (noun)
the verb root is added with suffix -an. The root of word is a verb „bantu’
which means „to give something for someone or to take something for
yourself‟. After the root is added with suffix -an, it becomes a noun „bantuan’
bantu (verb)
bantu + - an
bantuan (noun)
Two data above are the representative of some other data found in the
second text that deal with derivational process by the addition of suffix –an.
Although both data are derived form derivational process, but they have the
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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derivation word found in the text that belongs to the pattern. The second
analysis pattern is verb-to-noun pattern. There are some other similar words
d. Suffix –kan
process, the suffix –kan is placed after the root and it changes the category of
word. The root of word is an adjective „utama‟ which means „main or most
important‟. After the root is added with suffix –kan, it becomes a verb
„utamakan‟ which means „to tell someone something that will prepare them
following diagram:
utama (adjective)
utama + - kan
utamakan (verb)
e. Circumfix peN-an
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Dealing with one of derivation affixes (circumfix peN-an), there are three
words found in the second text. The analysis of the data is in the following:
this process, the circumfix peN–an is added to the root and it changes the
category of word. The root of word is a verb „serah‟ which means „to give
serah (verb)
peN - + serah + - an
penyerahan (noun)
derivation process occurs because there is a change of word category after the
root is added with circumfix peN-an. The root of word is a verb „bina‟ which
means „to create or develop something over a long period of time‟. After the
means „an increase, especially one that is gradual and steady‟. The process of
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bina (verb)
peN - + bina + - an
pembinaan (noun)
root of word. Besides, this indeed changes the category class of word. The
root of word is a verb „didik‟ which means „to teach someone, especially
using the formal system of school, collage or university‟. After the root is
added with circumfix peN –an, it becomes a noun „pendidikan‟ which means
didik (verb)
peN - + didik + - an
Although the three data above are the results of derivational process
peny-an, the second analysis is pem-an, and the third analysis is pen-an.
f. Circumfix ke-an
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There are four words found in the second text that deal with derivational
„sehat‟. The circumfix changes both the word class and the meaning of the
root. The root of word is an adjective „sehat’ which means‟ strong and well‟.
After the root is added with circumfix ke-an, it becomes a noun kesehatan
which means „the condition of the body and the degree to which it is free
from illness, or the state of being well‟. The process of derivation can be seen
sehat (adjective)
ke - + sehat + - an
kesehatan (noun)
additional of circumfix ke-an to the root of word and it results the change of
word category class of word. The root of word is a verb „peduli‟ which means
„to look after someone from something‟. After the root is added with
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peduli (verb)
ke - + peduli + - an
addition of circumfix ke-an. The two analyses above are different in terms
Another word belongs to this pattern found in the second text is „kegiatan‟.
Another word belongs to this pattern which is found in the second text is
Below is the analysis of each data depending on the affix that determines
a. Suffix –an
Suffix –an changes the category of word class when it is attached to the
verb or adjective. It is caused the suffix –an is a derivation affix. There are
three data concerning to this. The analysis of the data is in the following:
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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the verb root is added with suffix -an. The root of word is a verb „pilih’ which
means „to decide what you want from two or more things or possibilities ‟.
After the root is added with suffix -an, it becomes a noun „pilihan’ which
means „an act or the possibility of choosing‟. The process of derivation can be
pilih (verb)
pilih + - an
pilihan ( noun)
Beside the word „pilihan‟, several similar words that deal with
derivational process by the additional of suffix –an found in the third text are
b. Circumfix peN-an
into noun when it is attached to a verb. There is only one word for this found
the root of word „bayar‟. The attachment of derivational affix results a new
lexeme that changes both the word class and the meaning of the root. The
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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root of word is a verb „bayar’ which means „to give money for someone for
something you want to buy or services provided‟. After the root is added with
amount of money paid‟. The process of this derivation can be seen in the
following diagram:
bayar ( verb)
pembayaran ( noun)
The word „pembayaran‟ is the only data which is found in the third
text that deals with derivational process by the aaddition of suffix peN-an.
c. Circumfix ke-an
to the root because it is a derivational affix. From the writer analysis of the
third text, it is found that there are two words belong to this. The analysis of
the verb root is added with circumfix ke-an. The root of word is a verb „ingin’
which means „to wish for a particular thing or plan of action‟. After the root is
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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following diagram:
ingin (verb)
ke - + ingin + - an
keinginan (noun)
the addition of circumfix ke-an. The addition of derivational affix to the root
of word indeed results a new lexeme that changes both the word class and the
meaning of the root. The root of word is an adjective „cepat’ which means
„moving or happening quickly‟. After the root is added with a circumfix ke-
an, it becomes a noun ‘kecepatan’ which means „very fact movement‟. The
cepat (adjective)
ke - + cepat + - an
kecepatan (noun)
Although the two data above are the results of derivational process by
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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peN-, 12 words are from the addition of suffix –an, 6 words are from
circumfix ke-an, 1 word is from the addition of prefix ber- and 1 word
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kebudayaan secara linguistik. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana University
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ISSN : 2354-967X
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First Text
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Second Text
KNPI Sumbang Anak Yatim
KENDAL – Komite nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI) Jawa
Tengah kembali melanjutkan program santunan yatim piatu.Kemarin
giliran di Panti asuhan Muhammadiyah Kaliwungu.
Penyerahanbantuan berupa danapembinaan dan alat-alat tulis
yang diserahkan oleh Wakil Ketua KNPI Jateng Farhan Hilmie
didampingi Ketua KNPI Kendal Ali Martin.
“Bakti sosial yang kami selenggarakan merupakan program KNPI
peduli.Kegiatan ini bertujuan menunjukkan rasa empati dan responsivitas
pemuda terhadap kondisi sosial supaya terwujud solidaritas yang kuat
antarsesama anak bangsa,” kata Farhan Hilmie.
Pada kesempatan ini, Farhan mengajak kepada anak yatim piatu
yang tinggal di PA Muhammadiyah Kaliwungu untuk utamakan
“Pendidikan sangat penting bagi generasi muda.Mari mencintai
pendidikan agar anak-anak panti bisa menjadi orang yang berguna bagi
masyarakat, “tambahnya.
Dia berharap, anak panti asuhan jangan malu dan harus mampu
melanjutkan pendidikan hingga menjadi seorang sarjana bahkan
doktor.Dia optimis, asalkan giat belajar, peluang mendapat beasiswa juga
sangat besar.
Apalagi, sekarang anggaran pendidikan telah meningkat 20 persen.
Dengan pendidikan yang tinggi, mereka akan mudah melanjutkan cita-
Semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan yang ditempuhnya, pihaknya
yakin, pekerjaan akan datang dengan sendiri. “Jangan berkecil hati meski
sudah ditinggal orang tua.Kalian harus tetap semangat, “tutur dia.
Koordinator panitia, Lukman Hakim menjelaskan, kunjungan ke
panti asuhan ini dilakukan secara roadshow di sejumlah daerah di Jateng.
Selain Kendal,roadshow juga dilakukan di Demak, Pati, Semarang dan
Purbalingga. KNPI, lanjut Lukman, dibawah pimpinan Novita Wijayanti
mempunyai “Program KNPI Peduli”.Selain bakti sosial pendidikan, kami
juga menyelenggarakan kegiatan peduli kesehatan, olahraga dan seni
budaya. Dengan mengedepankan kepedulian diharapkan pemuda Jawa
Tengah bisa memperkuat kebersamaan dan sinergi antarsesama elemen
masyarakat, “ ujar dia. (H36-14)
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Third Text
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Volume 1, No. 1, January 2014, pp.59-85
ISSN : 2354-967X