GODWIN - Daniel - 443
GODWIN - Daniel - 443
GODWIN - Daniel - 443
This will be my first release to the magic community. I did have an ebook
written up and ready to release. Something didn't feel right about my
approach. I have decided to take a few effects and put them out into the
community completely free. If my work is enjoyed by the people who
download it, I will release some more of my work.
Thank you for downloading this ebook and I hope you find something of
value to you.
I haven't tipped any of my presentations. I believe you should create a
presentation that fits you. I have also assumed you have a basic foundation
in card magic, so basic sleights and methods have not been taught fully.
April 2016
Shocked Hof 5
Mystery Card 7
Acaan 8
Joe Barry inspired card at number. I use a move by Joe and used it for a card at
number effect.
I showed it to a friend and was challenged to repeat the
trick. Not one to usually repeat tricks exactly the way I just did it, I had to think on
my feet and do something different. Then this effect was conceived.
This is completely impromptu and can be done with any deck, any time and any-
where. Get the spectator to shuffle the cards. Take the cards back. You need to
know what the top card is. If you already use a peak that gives you access to the
top card, you can use that. This is what I do. When the spectator hands me back
the deck, I reach for it with my right hand palm down. I take the deck with my fin-
gers on top and thumb on the bottom. In the action of transferring the deck into
my left hand, I tilt my right hand down enough, that I can get a quick peek of the
bottom card of the deck. Remember the card, or just the value of the card will
All there is now, Is to shuffle the bottom card to the top of the deck. get the
spectator to cut some cards and to place the cards close to them. The top card
of the pile close to them will be the card you peeked at just now and this will
become important in a minute.
With the cards you have left, get the spectator to select a card and remember it.
If the card you peeked is the 6 of clubs, for instance, you need to get the selec-
tion to the 6th position when the spectator places the card back. I do this by
counting over 5 cards and
catching a break under the 5th card, after the spectator has taken a card. I now
do a bluff pass and follow that up with a false cut, retaining the order. You are
now set for the reveal. Get the spectator to turn the top card over from the pile
they just cut (the 6 of clubs in our case) comment about their selection being the
card down. Count down 6 cards and there is the selection.
When they cut the cards, they are cutting the top half to themselves. They
don't cut a card from the middle of the deck but because of the time
misdirection between the cut and the turning over the top card, they will
remember cutting a card from the middle even though they did not. This is a
powerful, quick and easy trick. I hope you enjoy it.
Shocked Hof
This is my solution for Hofzinser's Ace Problem.
A card is selected and lost back into the deck. You then proceed to try and
cut to their card, instead you cut to the 4 aces. Then the ace that matches the
suit of the selected card magically transposes with the selection.
You will need a bottom cutting breather crimp (you put the work into the
back of the card). Then sandwich the breather crimped card in between 2
aces and place the 3 cards into the centre of the deck. Have another ace on
the bottom of the deck. On top have the last ace and on top of the last ace,
have any card that matches the suit of the last ace (If the ace of clubs is on
top, put any of the club cards on top of that). A quick position check, On top
of the deck is any club card, second from top is the ace of clubs, in the centre
of the deck is 2 aces sandwiching a bottom cutting breather crimped card
and finally an ace on the bottom of the deck.
For this I use the riffle force. Get them to take the card, look and remember it
and to place it back to the same spot, assemble the deck, holding a break at the
position they put their card back. Double undercut to the top. A quick position
check, after the double undercut, everything should be back to the way you
started the routine.
After double undercutting the selection to the top, remark "Would you be
impressed if I have been able to cut your card to the top?" Perform a double
lift to show the ace of clubs. They will say no, not my card. Turn the double
back down and place the top card (the selection) on the surface you are
working on or if you are doing walk around, place it face down in the
spectators hand. Reply, maybe I cut your card to the bottom and show them
the bottom card, which will be another ace. Again, they will say no, not my
card. Take the ace and place it on top of the selection on the table or in the
spectator's hand. Cut at the breather crimp, to bring another ace to the top.
Show them the ace and again they'll say no, not my card. Place this card on
top of the other 2. With the breather on the bottom, directly above it will be
the last ace. Buckle the breather and get a break above it. Transfer the deck
into a right hand (left hand if you're a lefty) biddle grip. The right thumb
taking over the break. Perform a swing cut, taking the bottom card for a ride
and instantly turn cards that are left in your right hand, face up.
Shocked Hof
There should be the last ace. Alternatively, you could use Harry Loraynes halo cut
instead of the one I've just described. Again, the last ace won't be their card.
Place it on top of the other 3 cards, put the deck aside or away into your pocket
and take the 4 cards back. Reverse count the 4 cards, whilst remarking
"Its funny that I can't find your selection but I can locate the 4 aces, isn't it?" Ask
them for the suit of their selected card. They will obviously say clubs. With the 4
cards reverse counted, turn them face up (Face up, from top to bottom, you
should have 3 aces and their selection on bottom).
Place the face up cards at your finger tips in a loose grip and then say "Would
you be impressed if I could magically swap the ace of clubs for your selected
card?" With that, slap down on the 4 cards and 3 of the aces will drop, leaving
behind the selected card at your finger tips. Let them pick up the 3 aces to see
that their card as actually, magically swapped with the ace of clubs.
This effect evolved from the very first trick I had devised which was called
shocker. I had performed shocker for maybe 6 months before deciding,
actually, it wasn't that good. I revisited it a few years back and worked on it
and got it to how it's described here.
So here is my take on the mystery card plot, as created by Brother John
You show a single red backed card and say it's a prediction. Place it aside, face
down and its in full view the entire time. Bring out a blue deck. Get a card
selected, signed, placed back into the deck and shuffle the cards. Bring attention
back to the red backed card that has been there this whole time. It turns out to
be the signed selection, placed there before a card was even
selected and signed.
For this, you will need 2 gaff cards that most magicians should have laying
about. If not, they are easily attainable. You will need a red/blue double backed
card and a double backed card that matches your deck (if you have a blue deck,
a blue/blue double backer is needed). You will also need any red backed card, the
10 of hearts for explanation sake. The set up is, the red/blue double backer
somewhere easily attainable (in your wallet or a pocket) ready to bring out with
the red side showing. You will need to put the blue double backer on top of the
deck and the red backed 10 of hearts second from top.
So to start, bring out the red/blue double backer, commenting it's a
prediction. Place it to one side but make sure its still in full view. Bring the deck
out and give it a quick shuffle, retaining the top 2 cards and being careful not to
flash the red backed card that is second from top. Set up for a riffle force of the
top 2 cards. Do the force and then double lift to show the 10 of hearts. Get it
signed and turn the double face down. Give the deck another shuffle, again, re-
taining the top 2 cards. Bring attention to the prediction that has been if full view.
Whilst doing this, get a pinky break under the top 2 cards and pick up the predic-
tion. Place it outjogged on top of the deck remarking "would you be impressed if
this card matched the card you selected, or would you be more impressed if it
was your card?" with that, square the prediction with the deck and turn over the
triple to show the signed card. Place the signed card down on the table and
ribbon spread the deck to show all blue backs.
I came up with this around 5 years ago and it has served me well. I don't do
it as much anymore but I do pull it out now and again. You do end with 2
gaffs on top of the deck and if this worries you, you can palm the cards off
when the spectator is inspecting their selection that has gone from being a
blue backed card, to red. I don't bother with that myself and I have never had
an issue.
Anyone on my facebook page would have seen this. Even if you've not
watched it, you would have seen me share it at least. I wasn't going to
release this anywhere but I had second thoughts. I am extremely proud of
this effect.
If you have a 1 way force deck, go and grab it. Take 26 of those cards and place
them to one side. Grab a normal deck, the back design matching that of the force
cards and take 26 of those. So you have 26 force cards that are all the same
and 26 indifferent cards. The force cards should be on top of the indifferent
cards. In my video, I used pre show to force the card. I don't normally use pre-
show and only did on that occasion for the sake of the video.
So to start with, you need to force 1 of the force cards. As you have 26 force
cards on top of the deck, this will be the easiest classic force you will ever
do. Get them to remember the card and to put the card back, somewhere
amongst the force cards at the top.
The card has now been forced. The second spectator can name any number
from 1 - 52. This is how. If they name a number from 1 - 26, because of the
force cards on top, you are set to go. You can deal straight to that number
and there will be a force card there. If they name a number from 27 - 52, cut
the cards before you start dealing. Try and cut as close to the centre as you
can. You could also put a bottom cutting breather crimp in the 26th
card, which would be the last force card. I don't feel the need to put a breather in
though. By cutting as close to the centre as possible, that puts all the force
cards on the bottom then the numbers from 27 - 52 are covered and you can
deal straight to the number called for and again, a force card will be there.
There isn't much to say about this. Along with Out of This World, this is 1 of
the strongest effects I do. Don't be put off by the simplicity of this effect. It
truly is a killer.
I just want to say thank you to all the magicians I have interacted with,
whether it be in real life or through social media.
I hope you have enjoyed this very small body of work. If you have any
questions, you can reach me at
This ebook is dedicated to my 6 year old son, Dylan Elliot Godwin. His wild
imagination has taught me what its like to be a child again. I love you buddy