Research On Post Reversible Encephalopathy Due To Blood Transfusions
Research On Post Reversible Encephalopathy Due To Blood Transfusions
Research On Post Reversible Encephalopathy Due To Blood Transfusions
Background: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is described as a clinical-radiological disease
entity with good prognosis. In brain MRI, PRES generally presents with vasogenic edema. Although PRES is induced
by various causes, a small number of PRES cases have occurred after red cell blood transfusion. It is unclear whether
there are characteristic features in PRES after blood transfusion.
Case presentation: Here, we report a case of 75-year-old Japanese woman who had acute exacerbation of
subacute anemia by bleeding from gastric ulcer. After receiving a red cell blood transfusion, she showed
disturbance of consciousness with extensive cytotoxic and small vasogenic edema in the occipitoparietal area
on brain MRI. She was diagnosed as PRES and suffered irreversible impairments of visual acuity and fields in
both eyes. We summarized and discussed clinical features of cases with PRES after blood transfusion.
Conclusions: A total of 21 cases including the present one have been reported as PRES after blood transfusion. Of the
cases, 20 of 21 were female, and 15 of 17 developed PRES in the course of chronic anemia lasting over 1 month. Anemia
was severe in 15 of 20 cases, with hemoglobin levels < 3.5 g/dl. In 14 of 17 cases, hemoglobin levels increased to 5 g/dl
by red cell blood transfusion until the onset of PRES. On brain MRI, 2 of 21 cases showed cytotoxic edema and 3 of 21
cases showed irreversible neurological disturbance. In this patient, the occurrence of PRES in subacute anemia and the
presence of extensive cytotoxic brain edema with irreversible neurological deficits were characteristic points. When
treating severe anemia, even with a subacute progression, we should consider a possibility that PRES occurs after blood
transfusion with extensive cytotoxic brain edema and irreversible neurological changes.
Keywords: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, Blood transfusion, MRI, Cytotoxic edema, Neurological
sequelae, Case report
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Nakamura et al. BMC Neurology (2018) 18:190 Page 2 of 7
weighted images (DWI) and decrease of ADC values in matter of the bilateral occipital and occipitoparietal
brain MRI. lobes. DWI also showed high signal intensities in these
PRES occurs in association with severe hypertension, lesions, while ADC maps show low signal intensities in
renal failure, eclampsia, autoimmune disorders, and ex- the cortical and subcortical regions with small high sig-
posure to immunosuppressive agents. The clinical features nal intensities in the surrounding area. These image pat-
of PRES caused by preeclampsia-eclampsia or calcineurin terns indicated that the lesions were damaged by
inhibitors are shown to be different from those caused by extensive cytotoxic edema with restricted vasogenic
other triggers [3–5]. PRES is seen after red cell blood edema (Fig. 1). Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
transfusion in a small number of patients [6–21]. How- showed no stenosis or occlusion of brain arteries. MR
ever, there was no study analyzing these cases of PRES venography and 3-dimensional CT angiography was
after blood transfusion. The clinical features of PRES after negative for sinus thrombosis, although the left trans-
blood transfusion remains unclear. Here, we report a verse sinus was hypoplastic.
patient who had PRES after being treated for severe During this process, the maximum systolic blood pres-
anemia with red cell blood transfusion. This case showed sure was 130 mmHg. Laboratory examinations showed
cytotoxic edema in the occipitoparietal regions on brain no abnormality in liver and coagulatory functions. The
MRI, and developed irreversible visual disturbance. These level of serum creatinine was stable. Autoantibodies,
features were different from typical PRES. We review pre- such as anti-nuclear antibody, anti-thyroid antibody, and
vious cases of PRES after red cell blood transfusion and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, were negative.
discuss the features of these cases with the supposed There was no mutation at position 3243 of the mito-
mechanism of brain damages caused by an increase in the chondrial DNA. The cerebrospinal fluid was clear, color-
hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. less and acellular with a total protein level of 41 mg/dl
and a glucose level of 79 mg/dl. Transthoracic echocar-
Case presentation diography showed that myocardial wall motion was nor-
A 75-year-old woman (height 132 cm, weight 34 kg) mal without foramen ovale or left ventricular thrombus.
consulted a medical doctor with loss of appetite lasting Holter electrocardiogram showed no atrial fibrillation.
for 1 week. She had taken aspirin, celecoxib, and amlodi- From these examination results, the clinical course, and
pine because of angina and hypertension. Laboratory characteristic MRI findings, we considered the possibility
examinations showed that her Hb decreased modestly to of PRES and performed conservative treatment by moni-
10.7 g/dl. Two weeks later, she was admitted to our hos- toring the fluctuations of blood pressure and vital signs.
pital because her anorexia had worsened day by day. On On admission day 7, her responsiveness to external
admission day 1, she was alert and fully oriented. Her stimulation improved. However, her visual acuity had
blood pressure and pulse rate were stable. Laboratory declined to 20/100 in the right eye and 20/200 in the left
examinations showed that the levels of Hb and eye, and visual field test showed defects of the left lower
hematocrit decreased remarkably to 4.8 g/dl and 15%, quadrants in both eyes. Her optic disc and retina were
respectively. The values for white blood count and normal. Two months later, her Mini-Mental State Exam-
C-reactive protein (CRP) increased slightly to 9900 ination score improved to 16 from 8 on admission day
/mm3 and 4.64 mg/dl, respectively. Additionally, her al- 14. However, the disturbances of visual acuity and fields
bumin level decreased to 2.5 g/dl and the creatine level remained unrecovered. When compared with MRI find-
increased slightly to 1.14 mg/dl (estimated glomerular ings, high signal intensities on DWI images were dimin-
filtration rate was 41.7 ml/min). Chest and abdominal ished on admission day 7 (Fig. 1). In addition, high
computed tomography (CT) failed to detect abnormal signal intensities on FLAIR images were diminished until
lesions. On admission day 2, she vomited large amounts 4 months after onset, and these lesions alternatively
of bright red blood. Her Hb level further decreased to involved low signal intensities, indicating cystic change
2.9 g/dl. She underwent an urgent transfusion of 560 ml (Fig. 2). There were no findings showing cardiogenic
of red blood cells. Endoscopic examination detected embolism and cerebral venous thrombus. The cystic
active bleeding from a gastric ulcer, and endoscopic clip- lesion in posterior lobe seemed to represent ischemic
ping was performed against the bleeding lesion. change, because PRES is reported to cause ischemic
The next day, her Hb improved to 8.9 g/dl. However, change as a complication [22].
she did not respond to verbal or pain stimuli despite her
eyes having opened. She showed normal light reflexes Discussion and conclusions
without anisocoria. On brain MRI (fluid-attenuated in- Methods
version recovery, FLAIR), high signal intensities were This review was based on a literature search for articles
seen in the bilateral cerebellar hemispheres, bilateral concerning PRES after blood transfusion that were pub-
watershed regions, right thalamus, and white and gray lished from 1997 through August 2017. By using the
Nakamura et al. BMC Neurology (2018) 18:190 Page 3 of 7
Fig. 1 On admission day 2, axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images show abnormal hyperintense areas bilaterally in the cerebellar
hemispheres, watershed regions, and white and grey matter of the occipital and occipitoparietal lobes. Axial FLAIR images show hyperintense
areas in white matter predominating in the periventricular region indicating leukoaraiosis (a, b, c, d, e). Axial diffusion weighted image (DWI)
images show hyperintense areas in these lesions and the right thalamus (f, g, h, i, j). Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map shows low signal
intensities in the bilateral cerebellar hemispheres and watershed regions (k, o). ADC map shows low signal intensities in the cortical and subcortical
regions with small areas of high signal intensity in the surrounding area (l, m, n). These image patterns indicate that the lesions were damaged by
extensive cytotoxic edema with restricted vasogenic edema. Most hyperintense areas on DWI on 2 days after admission disappeared by 7 days after
admission (p, q, r, s, t)
Fig. 2 Hyperintense areas on axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) image at 2 days after admission (a, b, c) gradually disappear at
2 months after admission (d, e, f) and 4 months after admission (g, h, i). However, at 4 months after admission several cystic changes remained
in the cerebellar hemisphere, occipital region, and right thalamus (g, h, i)
Nakamura et al. BMC Neurology (2018) 18:190 Page 4 of 7
1 45/F Myoma uteri Chronic 2.0/10.0 800 2 S, H AC, PC No Yes Yes None 6
2 48/F Myoma uteri Chronic 3.0/8.0 1000 6 E, S, F AC, DS No Yes No None 7
3 47/F Aplastic anemia Chronic 1.5/10.9 NR 7 E, S, H, V PC No Yes No None 8
4 58/F Cancer surgery NR 7.7/10.9 1400 9 E, S PC No No Yes E 9
(2018) 18:190
transfusion) had had chronic anemia lasting over and it caused irreversible damages. Clinical findings of
1 month [6–8, 10, 12–16, 18–20]. In these typical cases, this patient suggest that irreversible damages may be
it assumed that a rapid improvement of oxygenation by caused by extensive development of cytotoxic edema in
blood transfusion induces PRES by disturbing the bal- the brain. Additionally, if the anemia is urgently cor-
ance of vessels, which is maintained by chronic hypoxic rected by blood transfusion, clinicians should check for
vasodilation [6]. In the present patient, the period of the presence of risk factors, including elevation of CRP
anemia during which Hb decreased from 10.7 to 2.9 was levels, hypoalbuminemia, renal injury, and female sex,
14 days. The presence of other factors may exacerbate and perform the blood transfusion slowly with carefully
the occurrence of PRES. Severe anemia itself (Hb 2.9 g/ monitoring the increase of Hb levels.
dl) may affect the occurrence of PRES. Also, previous re-
ports have demonstrated that elevation of CRP levels AC: Anterior circulation; ADC: Apparent diffusion coefficient; CRP: C-reactive
[34], hypoalbuminemia [35, 36], and renal injury [37] are protein; CT: Computed tomography; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; DS: Deep
candidate factors affecting the occurrence of PRES. Ele- structure; DWI: Diffusion weighted image; FLAIR: Fluid attenuated inversion
recovery; Hb: Hemoglobin; MRA: Magnetic resonance angiography; MRI: Magnetic
vation of CRP levels has been shown to exacerbate PRES resonance imaging; PC: Posterior circulation; PRES: Posterior reversible
by increasing the vulnerability of the blood–brain barrier encephalopathy syndrome
by inflammation-associated endothelial damage [34]. Hy-
poalbuminemia affects the development of edema in Not applicable.
PRES by reducing colloid osmotic pressure [35, 36].
Renal injury is reported to mediate endothelial cell dam- Funding
No funding was received for this study.
age, which is a poor prognosis factor [37]. The present
patient presented with elevated CRP levels, hypoalbu- Availability of data and materials
minemia, and renal injury. These factors may affect the The dataset supporting the conclusion of this article is included within the
occurrence of PRES after blood transfusion in patients
with subacute severe anemia. Authors’ contributions
Finally, most cases of PRES after blood transfusion YN and MS examined and scripted the manuscript. AT, HN, and NY helped
to draft the manuscript and performed analyses. SA supported for the critical
are female. The proportion of female PRES patients revision of the manuscript for intellectual content. All authors approved the
after blood transfusion is much greater than the pro- contents of this case report.
portion of female patients among all PRES patients,
Ethics approval and consent to participate
including eclampsia, because previous reports show The authors declare that ethics approval was not required for this case
that female patients account for 56–68% of all PRES report.
patients [22, 29, 33, 34, 36–40]. The reason why
Consent for publication
many cases with PRES after blood transfusion were
Written informed consent was obtained directly from both the patient and
female remained unclear. About half of PRES after the patient’s husband for publication of this case report and any accompanying
blood transfusion accompanied vasoconstriction. In images at the same time.
general, the frequency of vasoconstriction is reported
Competing interests
to be 18% in PRES [22, 37]. This suggests that the The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
frequency of vasoconstriction in PRES after blood
transfusion is higher than that in PRES induced by Publisher’s Note
other causes. Decrease in estrogen levels may affect Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
to cause vasoconstriction [41, 42], because estrogen published maps and institutional affiliations.
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