Bba 1 Semmodule
Bba 1 Semmodule
Bba 1 Semmodule
2021-22 Onwards
Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bangalore - 560056
Sl Course Title of the Course Category Teaching SEE CIE Total Credits
No. Code of hours Marks
courses per week
( L+T+P)
Ø One Hour of Lecture is equal to 1 Credit.
Ø One Hour of Tutorial is equal to 1 Credit (Except Languages).
Ø Two Hours of Practical is equal to 1 Credit
Acronyms Expanded
Ø AECC : Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
Ø DSC © : Discipline Specific Core (Course)
Ø SEC-SB/VB : Skill Enhancement Course-Skill Based/Value Based
Ø OEC : Open Elective Course
Ø DSE : Discipline Specific Elective
Ø SEE : Semester End Examination
Ø CIE : Continuous Internal Evaluation
Ø L+T+P : Lecture+Tutorial+Practical(s)
Note: Practical Classes may be conducted in the Business Lab or in Computer Lab or in Class room
depending on the requirement. One batch of students should not exceed half (i.e., 50 or less than 50
students) of the number of students in each class/section. 2 Hours of Practical Class is equal to 1 Hour
of Teaching, however, whenever it is conducted for the entire class (i.e., more than 50 students) 2
Hours of Practical Class is equal to 2 Hours of Teaching.
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.1
Name of the Course: Management Innovation
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Enhance their knowledge and skills which are essential for success in management careers.
● Understand the concepts related to Business Management.
● Adapt to the changing opportunities.
● Understand management information systems in practice
● Understand the role of Artificial Intelligence in Business Decisions.
Concept of Management, Principles of Management-Managerial Functions-Planning, Organizing,
Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Controlling. Manager- Meaning of Manager, Types of Managers,
Role of Manager, Managerial Skills. Modern Organization Structure. Ethics in Management. CSR
(Corporate Social Responsibility)- Meaning, Definition, Types, Need and responsibility towards
stakeholders and community
● List out recent changes in management structure.
● Draft chart on functions of Management
● Prepare a report on the application of Artificial intelligence in Business.
● Any other activities, which are relevant to the course.
Reference Books:
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.2
Name of the Course: Fundamentals of Accountancy
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the basic Concepts of Accounting.
● Pass Journal Entries and Prepare Ledger Accounts.
● Prepare Subsidiary Books.
● Prepare Trial Balance and Final Accounts of Proprietary concern.
● Use Accounting Concepts in Spreadsheet.
Introduction – Meaning and Definition – Objectives of Accounting – Functions of Accounting– Users
of Accounting Information – Limitations of Accounting – Accounting Cycle - Accounting Principles –
Accounting Concepts and Accounting Conventions. Accounting Standards-objectives-significance of
accounting standards. List of Indian Accounting Standards.
● Collect the financial statement of a proprietary concern and record it.
● Prepare a financial statement of an imaginary company using spreadsheet
● Any other activities, which are relevant to the course.
Reference Books:
● Hanif and Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, McGraw Hill Publishers
● Arulanandam & Raman; Advanced Accountancy, Himalaya Publishing House
● S.Anil Kumar,V.Rajesh Kumar and B.Mariyappa–Fundamentals of Accounting, Himalaya
Publishing House.
● Dr. S.N. Maheswari, Financial Accounting, Vikas Publication
● S P Jain and K. L. Narang, Financial Accounting, Kalyani Publication
● Radhaswamy and R.L. Gupta, Advanced Accounting , Sultan Chand
● M.C. Shukla and Goyel, Advanced Accounting , S Chand.
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.3
Name of the Course: Marketing Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the Concepts and Functions of Marketing.
● Analyse Marketing Environment its Impact on the Business.
● Understand the Consumer Behaviour
● Describe Marketing Mix and also strategize Marketing Mix
● Describe Service Marketing Mix.
● Use the Technology in Market Survey and Collection of Data.
● Understand the Various Acts Related to Marketing.
Introduction to Marketing, Evolution of Marketing, Meaning and Definitions, Objectives, Importance
and Functions of Marketing, Traditional Marketing Concept vs Modern Marketing Concept.
Marketing V/S Selling, Marketing Myopia, Approaches to Marketing.
Marketing of Services - Meaning, Definition, Features.
Marketing Environment - Meaning, Environmental Scanning, Benefits of Environmental Scanning,
Components of Marketing Environment.
Marketing Mix - Introduction, Elements of Marketing Mix, Product-Product Mix, Product Line,
Product Lifecycle, New Product Development, Reasons For Failure of New Product, Branding,
Packing and Packaging, Labeling, Pricing – Objectives, Factors Influencing Pricing Policy, Methods of
Pricing; Physical Distribution–Meaning, Factors Affecting Channel Selection, Types of Marketing
Channels. Promotion – Meaning and Significance of Promotion, Personal Selling and Advertising,
Services Marketing Mix.
Legal Aspects of Marketing- Consumer Protection Act 1986, Environment Protection Act 1955, The
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1951, The Competition Act 2002, The Packaging Rules 1977,
Module No. 5: MARKET RESEARCH and INNOVATIONS ( 12 Hrs )
Market Research- Meaning Definition, Objectives, Characteristics. Types of Marketing Research,
Methods in Market Research, Marketing Research Tools and Techniques – Consumer Engagement
Softwares’ & online data collection forms (Quest Back, Key Survey, Klout, Kred, Survey Monkey,
Sparrow Survey, Typo Form Etc.)
Innovations In Marketing: Meaning, Definition, Characteristics and Challenges- Green Marketing,
Online Marketing, Digital Marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Disruptive
Reference Books:
● Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall.
● Lovelock Christopher, Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, PHI
● William J. Stanton, Michael J.Etzel, Bruce J Walker, Fundamentals of Marketing, McGraw Hill
● Bose Biplab, Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishers.
● J.C. Gandhi, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
● Ramesh and Jayanti Prasad: Marketing Management, I.K. International
● Sontakki, Marketing Management, Kalyani Publishers.
● P N Reddy and Appanniah, Marketing Management
● E – Commerce, P T Joseph, 4th Edition, 2013, PHI learning Pvt.Ltd.
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.4 ( SEC - SB)
Name of the Course: Digital Fluency
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
2 Credits 3 Hrs 28 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, lab, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the Fundamentals of computers.
● Work in Word Processor effectively.
● Discover the arena of the Internet and its possibilities.
● Effectively communicate through email
Module No. 1: Fundamentals of Computer (04 Hrs)
Introduction – Objectives - Computer, Mobile/ Tablet and their application - Components of a
Computer System - Central Processing Unit- Common Input & Output devices - USB ports and Pen
Drive - Connecting Power cord, Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and Printer to CPU
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.4 (SEC-SB)
Name of the Course: Spreadsheet for Business
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
2 Credits 3 Hrs 28 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, lab, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the basic concepts of Spreadsheet
● Summarize data using Functions
● Apply Conditions using formulas and Functions
● Implement Basic financial Concepts in Spreadsheet
Module No. 1: Introduction (08 Hrs)
Introduction to spreadsheets - Office Suite overview - Basic text and cell formatting - Basic
arithmetic calculation - Special paste - Freeze pane - Auto completion of series - Sort and filter -
Reference Books:
● Learning MS-Word and MS-Excel, by Rohit Khurana
● Excel Formulas and Functions 2020: The Step by Step Excel Guide with Examples on How to
Create Powerful Formulas: 1 by Adam Ramirez
● Excel 2013 in Simple Steps by Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.
● Excel Formulas and Functions: The Step by Step Excel Guide on how to Create Powerful
Formulas by Harjit Suman
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the nature, objectives and social responsibilities of business.
● Acquire the ability to describe the different forms of organizations.
● Understand the basic concepts of management.
● Understand the functions of management.
● Understand the different types of business combinations.
Business: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Social responsibility of Business, Objectives, Essentials of
successful business; Functional areas of business. Forms of Business organization: Sole
proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Company & Co-operatives – definitions, Features, Merits and
Demerits. Sources of Business Finance: Sources of Long Term, Medium Term and Short-Term
Business Finance
Reference Books:
● C B. Gupta - Business Organisation and Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
● Dr. S. C. Saxena - Business Administration & Management, Sahitya Bhawan.
● M. C. Shukla - Business Organisation and Management. S Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd.
● S.A Sherlekar - Business Organization, Himalaya Publishing House.
● Y.K. Bhushan. Fundamentals of Business Organisation and Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
● R.K. Sharma, Business Organisation & Management Kalyani Publishers
● Dr. I.M. Sahai, Dr. Padmakar Asthana,’ Business Organisation & Administration’,
● Sahitya Bhawan Publications Agra.
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.5 Open Elective Course (OEC)
Name of the Course: Office Organization and Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the basic knowledge of office organisation and management
● Demonstrate skills in effective office organisation
● Demonstrate the ability to maintain office records
● Demonstrate the ability to maintain digital records.
● Understand the different types of organisation structures and responsibilities as future office
Introduction, Meaning, importance and functions of modern office.
Modern office Organisation: Meaning, Steps in office organisation, Principles of office organisation,
Organisation structure types.
Nature of office services: Types of services in a modern office, decentralisation and centralisation of
office services, Departmentation of office.
Office management: Meaning, Elements and major processes of office management.
Office Manager: Functions and qualifications of office manager.
Filing Methods: Horizontal Filing -meaning, types and advantages, Vertical Filing- meaning,
equipment used, advantage and disadvantages.
Centralisation and Decentralisation of Filing- Centralised filing and Decentralised Filing
office manual: contents, Importance, types of office manuals.
Indexing: Meaning, importance, advantages and essentials of good indexing, type of index Retention
and disposal of files: Meaning and benefits of record retention, need for disposal of files, life-cycle
stages of files.
Reference Books:
● S.P Arora, Office Organisation and Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd
● M.E Thakuram Rao, Office organisation and Management, Atlantic
● Judith Read, Mary Lea Ginn, Record Management, 10th Edition, Cengage Learning.
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.5 Open Elective Course (OEC)
Name of the Course: Tourism and Travel Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the fundamental concept of Tourism.
● Overview of the Tourism products and resources of India.
● Understand the basic concept and various components of Tourism management.
● Understand the Functions and Types of Travel Agents and Tour Operators.
● Familiarize the concept of Transport and Accommodation.
Travel: Meaning, Factors affecting travel, Traveler, Tourist, Travel guide (Meaning only).
Tourism: Meaning and Definition, Objectives, Types of Tourism: Inter-regional, Intra regional,
Inbound and Outbound Tourism, Domestic, International. Forms of Tourism: Religious, Medical,
Historical, Social, Adventure, Health, Business, Conference, Sports. Impact of Tourism
Virtual Tour: Meaning, Characteristics, Pro’s and Con’s
Reference Books:
Name of the Programme: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 1.5 Open Elective Course (OEC)
Name of the Course: Event Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understand the process of organizing an event.
● Understand the importance of a checklist in organizing an event.
● Familiarize with organizing corporate events
● Obtain a sense of responsibility for the multidisciplinary nature of event management.
● Learn to promote the events.
Introduction to Event Management: Meaning , Scope, Types of Events ( Corporate, Private, or
Charity, Indoor Events, OutDoor Events , Celebrity Events ) Tools For Event Planning & Management
, MICE Events, Event Operations and Services ( Setting Up, Parking , Maintenance, Ticketing , Food
and Beverage, Logistics ) .
● Prepare a checklist for a birthday party.
● Prepare a Budget for Organizing an Event.
● Write a public relation letter for medical event
● Prepare a break even analysis with imaginary figures for an event.
Any other activities, which are relevant to the course.
Reference Books:
● Mark Sonderm CSEP -Event entertainment and production:publishers; wiley and sons, Inc
● Annestephen; Event management, HPH.
● K. Venkatramana -Event Management - SHBP.
● K Ramachandra and Allabaksh Principles of Event Management HPH
● Rekha and Vibha Marketing management -VBH
● Nihaasif Event management-VBH
Jnanabharathi, Bengaluru- 560056
2021-22 Onwards
Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bengaluru- 560056
BBA Programme Structure
Sl Course Title of the Course Category Teaching SEE CIE Total Credits
No. Code of hours Marks
courses per week
( L+T+P)
Ø One Hour of Lecture is equal to 1 Credit.
Ø One Hour of Tutorial is equal to 1 Credit (Except Languages).
Ø Two Hours of Practical is equal to 1 Credit
Acronyms Expanded
Ø AECC : Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course
Ø DSC © : Discipline Specific Core (Course)
Ø SEC-SB/VB : Skill Enhancement Course-Skill Based/Value Based
Ø OEC : Open Elective Course
Ø DSE : Discipline Specific Elective
Ø SEE : Semester End Examination
Ø CIE : Continuous Internal Evaluation
Ø L+T+P : Lecture+Tutorial+Practical(s)
Note: Practical Classes may be conducted in the Business Lab or in Computer Lab or in Class room
depending on the requirement. One batch of students should not exceed half (i.e., 50 or less than 50
students) of the number of students in each class/section. 2 Hours of Practical Class is equal to 1 Hour
of Teaching, however, whenever it is conducted for the entire class (i.e., more than 50 students) 2
Hours of Practical Class is equal to 2 Hours of Teaching
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 2.1 DSC
Name of the Course: Financial Accounting and Reporting
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, Fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Exercise the accounting treatments for departmental undertaking, and the accounting
treatments in inter departmental transfers.
● Demonstrate various accounting treatments for dependent branches
● Learn various methods of accounting for hire purchase transactions.
● Learn the methods and accounting procedures of fire insurance claims
● Understand the Basic Concepts of international Reporting Standards
Meaning and Features of Departmental Undertaking-Examples of Department Specific Expenses and
Common Expenses -Need and Basis of Apportionment of Common Expenses. Preparation of Trading
and Profit and Loss Account in Columnar Form and General Profit and Loss Account. Simple
problems involving adjustment on Closing Stock, Depreciation and Inter Departmental Transfers at
Cost Price. (Problems may contain information for a maximum of three departments).
Meaning, Features and Principles of Fire Insurance. Meaning of Fire Claim. Procedure for making a
Fire Insurance Claim. Concept of Loss of Stock, Salvage, Loss of Profit and Average Clause. Problems
on ascertainment of claim amount covering the adjustments for overvaluation and under-valuation
of stock and abnormal line of items.
Meaning and Need for Accounting Standards. Meaning, features, importance and applicability of
IFRS. List of IND - AS and List of IFRS.
● List out 2 Departmental Undertakings with the following details: Name & Address of the
Departmental Undertaking. List of departments.
● Visit any two Departmental organizations, collect details of common expenses and specific
● Collect Hire Purchase agreements and draft Hire Purchase agreements with imaginary
● Download Insurance claim form and fill the necessary details to claim Fire Insurance
● List out the countries that adopted and converged with IFRS around the world
● Using spreadsheet, Prepare Statement of Insurance claims, Columnar Departmental Trading
and Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet.
● Any other activities, which are relevant to the course.
Reference Books:
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 2.2 DSC
Name of the Course: Human Resource Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, Fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Describe the role and responsibility of Human resources manager.
● Describe HRP, Recruitment, Selection and retention process.
● Describe induction, training, and compensation aspects.
● Explain performance appraisal and its process.
● Demonstrate Employee Engagement.
Module No. 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management (10 Hrs)
Meaning and Definition of HRM – Features, Objectives, Importance, Functions and Challenges of HRM.
Role and Responsibilities of HR Manager. Recent trends in HR. Meaning and Role of HR Analytics.
Skill Developments Activities:
● Meet the HR Manager of any company and state his/her role and responsibilities.
● Choose any MNC and present your observations on training program
● Develop a format for performance appraisal of an employee.
● List out key features of any two Employee Engagement models.
● Analysis of components of pay structure based on the CTC sent by the Corporate to the
candidate for the various jobs of different sectors.
● Any other activities, which are relevant to the course.
Reference Books:
● H .R.Appannaiah , PN Reddy , K Aparna Rao
● HRM, P Subba Rao
● HRM, Shashi K Gupta
● HRM, C B Mamoria , S.V. Gankar
● Managing Human Resources, Wayne F. Cascio
● Managing Human Resources, Bohlander, Snell, Sherman
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 2.3 DSC
Name of the Course: Business Environment
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
4 Credits 4 Hrs 56 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, Fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
● Understanding of components of the business environment.
● Analyze the environmental factors influencing business organizations.
● Demonstrate Competitive structure analysis for select industries.
● Explain the impact of fiscal policy and monetary policy on business.
● Analyze the impact of economic environmental factors on business.
Meaning, definitions and nature of business environment. Elements of business environment. Impact of
macro environmental factors on business decision making. Meaning and need of environmental analysis.
Meaning and features of competitive structure analysis. Levels of competition. A brief discussion of the
five competitive analysis frameworks - SWOC analysis, Porter’s Five forces, Strategic group analysis,
Growth share matrix and Perceptual mapping.
● List out key features of recent Monetary policy published by RBI impacting businesses.
● Give your observation as to how technology has helped society.
● Draft Five Forces Model for Imaginary business.
● Identify the benefits of Digital transformation in India.
● List out various laws affecting Indian business.
Reference Books:
● Essentials of Business Environment - Aswathappa K
● Rangarajan, C.A.; Perspective in Economics, S.Chand & Sons, New Delhi
● Cherunilam, Francis; Business Environment - Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House.
● Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 2.4 (OEC)
Name of the Course: Retail Management
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, Fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the Students will be able to
● Understand the Retail Business
● Understand the business operations in Retailing
● Have an overview of structure and formulate the retail strategies of Retail Business
● Apply the Retailing principles and Theories
● Explore the career opportunities in the Retail sector .
Module No. 1: Overview of Retail Business ( 10 Hours )
Retail Business: Introduction, Meaning, Definition, Evolution ,Scope, Retailer: Meaning
Characteristics and Functions, Forms of Retail Business Ownership, Influencing factors of Retail
Business in India, Principles of Retailing, Retail Theories, Ethical issues in Retailing , Retail Scenario
in India , FDI in Indian organized retail Sector.
Reference Books:
Name of the Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Course Code: BBA 2.4 (OEC)
Name of the Course: Management of Non Government Organizations
Course Credits No. of Hours per week Total No. of Teaching Hours
3 Credits 3 Hrs 42 Hrs
Pedagogy: Classroom lecture, Tutorials, Group discussion, Seminar, Case studies, Fieldwork etc.,
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the Students will be able to
● Understand the Fundamental concept of NGO.
● An overview of strategy, structure of NGO.
● Understand the managerial skill of NGO
● Analyze and understand the challenges faced by NGO
● Find career opportunities.
Introduction, Definitions, Evolution of NGO, Vision & Mission, Goals of NGO, Objectives,
Characteristics, Functions, Scope, Classifications of NGO’s , Pros and Cons of NGO, Approaches and
Models, Challenges of NGO in India, NGO’s in Developing Countries.
Reference Books:
● Administration And Management Of NGOs: Text And Case Studies Paperback – 2005 by R.
Kumar (Author), S. L. Goel (Author)
● Non-governmental Organizations: Management and Development, 3rd Edition. David Lewis.
Routledge. 2015.
● Guidelines for NGOs Management in India by Snehlata