BIG MEGA CITY DoP на печать

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Declaration of Performance

No: DoС.001.2018
305/2011/EU Construction Products Regulation
1. Unique identification code of the product type: Flat and profiled sheets with a coating of
stone for roofing
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the
construction product: QUEENTILE Standard, QUEENTILE Classic, QUEENTILE Verona,
3. Intended use or uses for construction product: For use as roofing(s) in buildings as a
compound multilayer material for pitch roofs, based on steel with “aluzinc” coating
4. Manufacturer: LLC CIG MEGA CITY
5. Contact address of the manufacturer: 61020, L.Maloy ave 93, Kharkiv, Ukraine
6. Name and contact address of the authorized representative: STANA (,
Loccumer Straße 55, 30519 Hannover, Germany, VAT number: 24/131/16863, Tel.: +49 511
87457693, Fax: +49 511 87457692, IBAN: DE85110101002237238731, BIC:
SOBKDEBBXXX, e-Mail: [email protected]
7. System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance: AVCP System 3
8. Harmonised standard: EN 14783:2013 Fully supported metal sheet and strip for roofing,
external cladding and internal lining. Product specification and requirements
9. The notified testing laboratory: CENTER FOR TESTING AND EUROPEAN
CERTIFICATION LTD, 2 Industrialna Street., Stara Zagora Bulgaria, NB 1871, carried out the
type testing of the building product with regard to reaction to fire in accordance with
System 3 and issued a test/classification report.
10. Declared Performance:
Harmonized technical
Essential characteristics Performance
Reaction to fire
A2-s1, d0
(EN 13501-1 for Classification)
External fire performance
(EN 13501-5 for Classification) Broof (t1), Broof (t2) and Broof (t3)

Water permeability Meets requirements in 4.3 EN 14783

Dimensional change Steel thermal expansion coeff: 12x10-6 K-1 EN 14783:2013

Water vapour and air permeability Meets requirements in 4.6 EN 14783

Release of dangerous substances NPD

Durability Zinc coating

11. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared
performance in point 9. This declaration of Performance is issued under the sole responsibility of
the manufacturer identified in point 3.

Signed for and on behalf of the manufacturer by STANA

Owner Dmytro Nechepurenko Hannover, Germany/20 February 2018

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