BIG MEGA CITY DoP на печать
BIG MEGA CITY DoP на печать
BIG MEGA CITY DoP на печать
No: DoС.001.2018
305/2011/EU Construction Products Regulation
1. Unique identification code of the product type: Flat and profiled sheets with a coating of
stone for roofing
2. Type, batch or serial number or any other element allowing identification of the
construction product: QUEENTILE Standard, QUEENTILE Classic, QUEENTILE Verona,
3. Intended use or uses for construction product: For use as roofing(s) in buildings as a
compound multilayer material for pitch roofs, based on steel with “aluzinc” coating
4. Manufacturer: LLC CIG MEGA CITY
5. Contact address of the manufacturer: 61020, L.Maloy ave 93, Kharkiv, Ukraine
6. Name and contact address of the authorized representative: STANA (,
Loccumer Straße 55, 30519 Hannover, Germany, VAT number: 24/131/16863, Tel.: +49 511
87457693, Fax: +49 511 87457692, IBAN: DE85110101002237238731, BIC:
SOBKDEBBXXX, e-Mail: [email protected]
7. System of assessment and verification of constancy of performance: AVCP System 3
8. Harmonised standard: EN 14783:2013 Fully supported metal sheet and strip for roofing,
external cladding and internal lining. Product specification and requirements
9. The notified testing laboratory: CENTER FOR TESTING AND EUROPEAN
CERTIFICATION LTD, 2 Industrialna Street., Stara Zagora Bulgaria, NB 1871, carried out the
type testing of the building product with regard to reaction to fire in accordance with
System 3 and issued a test/classification report.
10. Declared Performance:
Harmonized technical
Essential characteristics Performance
Reaction to fire
A2-s1, d0
(EN 13501-1 for Classification)
External fire performance
(EN 13501-5 for Classification) Broof (t1), Broof (t2) and Broof (t3)
11. The performance of the product identified in points 1 and 2 is in conformity with the declared
performance in point 9. This declaration of Performance is issued under the sole responsibility of
the manufacturer identified in point 3.