15WCEE - Paper 4412 - Masi Et Al - Irreg Bldgs

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Seismic Assessment of RC Existing Irregular Buildings

Conference Paper · September 2012


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3 authors:

Angelo Masi Vincenzo Manfredi

Università degli Studi della Basilicata Università degli Studi della Basilicata


Andrea Digrisolo
Università degli Studi della Basilicata


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Seismic Assessment of RC Existing Irregular Buildings

A. Masi, V. Manfredi, A. Digrisolo

Department of Structures, Geotechnics and Geology, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy

In the paper the seismic assessment of a set of reinforced concrete framed structures representative of real
existing buildings designed only to vertical loads has been carried out. In particular, structural types having
different positions of the stiff staircase structure which determine in-plan irregularity have been studied (3 cases:
NS, CS and ES). Further, structural types having different number of storeys (2 cases: 2 and 4), presence and
position of masonry infills (3 cases: bare, infilled and pilotis frames) and concrete strength (3 cases: 10, 18 and
28 MPa) have been considered. Non-linear static analyses according to the Italian seismic code on 3D models
designed taking into account the presence of staircase structure and of masonry infills have been performed. The
results show the remarkable role of in-plan irregularity and of masonry infills on the seismic performance of
existing buildings.

Keywords: Reinforced Concrete, existing buildings, in-plan irregularity, push-over, masonry infills


Plan asymmetric distribution of lateral load-resisting elements’ stiffness or of floors’ mass characterize
in-plan irregular buildings. When subjected to horizontal actions, in-plan irregular structures show a
torsional coupling response, i.e. floor rotations in addition to translations, which produces a non-
uniform demand in the lateral resisting elements. In-plan irregularity is one of the most frequent
causes of severe damage and failure of Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures, as shown by past
earthquakes (e.g. L’Aquila 2009).
Modern seismic codes, e.g. NTC08 Italian code (D.M. 14.01.2008) and Eurocode EC8-part 1 (CEN,
2003), address earthquake-resistant design to some guiding principles, among them structural
simplicity, uniformity, symmetry and redundancy. Concerning uniformity, EC8 states that “Uniformity
in plan is characterised by an even distribution of the structural elements which allows short and
direct transmission of the inertia forces created in the distributed masses of the building. …
Uniformity in the development of the structure along the height of the building is also important, since
it tends to eliminate the occurrence of sensitive zones where concentrations of stress or large ductility
demands might prematurely cause collapse.”, further specifying that “The use of evenly distributed
structural elements increases redundancy and allows a more favourable redistribution of action
effects and widespread energy dissipation across the entire structure.”. As a matter of fact, conceptual
design should be addressed towards simple structures having a symmetrical in-plan distribution of
both lateral stiffness and mass with respect to two orthogonal axes, and uniformity in development of
resisting elements along the height of buildings. Besides, codes recognize that a non-uniform
arrangement of infills in RC framed buildings can determine an irregular response. In the assessment
of existing structures (CEN, 2005) compliance with the regularity criteria provided for new buildings
(EC8-1) needs to be evaluated in identifying the structural system; further, lower values of the
behaviour factor q in case of irregular structures are also suggested.
In the past the performances of in-plan irregular buildings have been widely studied (Paulay, 1997;
Fajfar, 2000; Bosco et al., 2008; Bhatt and Bento, 2011) and the influence of key factors on their
seismic response has been analysed.
In the elastic range the seismic response mainly depends on the eccentricity between the centre of
stiffness and the centre of mass, and on the ratio between the uncoupled translational and torsional
periods (Bosco et al., 2008). Moreover, as a consequence of the larger contribution of the higher
modes in case of irregular buildings, also the spectral shape can influence seismic response (Fajfar et
al., 2005).
Inelastic response appears to be influenced by further factors, among them the position of the centre of
strength with respect to the centre of mass (Bosco et al., 2008), the interaction among bi-directional
horizontal and vertical forces in resisting elements (De Stefano and Pintucchi, 2002), and seismic
motion characteristics (Peruš and Faifar, 2005; Lucchini et al., 2009). Therefore, nonlinear time-
history analyses are advisable to appropriately evaluate the seismic response of in-plan irregular
buildings. Nevertheless, with the aim to perform non linear seismic analyses utilizing more simplified
methods, in the last years large research efforts have been devoted to modify the standard pushover
procedure (Freeman et al., 1975; Fajfar, 2000), which provides a good estimate of inelastic demand
when no torsional effects are present (Krawinkler and Seneviratna, 1998), in order to account for
torsional response of in-plan irregular buildings.
To this end, Fajfar et al. (2005) combine the results of the standard pushover procedure with those
provided by an elastic response spectrum analysis; Bosco et al. (2008) perform the standard pushover
analysis by applying eccentric lateral forces; Chopra and Goel (2004) consider different lateral force
patterns each one referred to a vibration mode; Antoniou and Pinho (2004) adopt a force/displacement
pattern which is updated during the analyses to account for the variation of dynamic characteristics.
Generally, these methods improve the accuracy in determining the seismic response of in-plan
irregular structures with respect to the standard pushover method. Also, they provide results in good
agreement with those obtained by time-history analyses (Baros and Anagnostopoulos, 2008).
With the aim to evaluate the role of in-plan irregularity on the seismic performances of existing
buildings, a wide parametric analysis has been carried out in the present work. Some structural types
representative of typical RC existing buildings designed only to vertical load and widely present in the
post-1971 Italian building stock have been analysed.
In the selected structures a crucial role in determining in-plan irregular configurations is assigned to
the characteristics and position of the staircase. In fact, staircase structure is frequently made up of
cantilever steps and inclined cranked beams that connect two adjacent floors. These elements
introduce discontinuities into the regular RC structure and, due to their large stiffness, can cause in-
plan irregularity.
Therefore, varying the in-plan position of staircase, the seismic performance of structures having
different grades of in-plan irregularity have been analysed. Further different number of storeys,
presence and position of masonry infills and concrete strength values have been also considered in the
extensive parametric analysis. Seismic response has been determined through non linear static
analyses adopting a time-invariant force distribution that includes lateral forces and torsional moments
at each floor.


Seismic assessment has been performed on existing RC framed buildings representative of post-1971
Italian buildings designed only to vertical loads. The selected types represent an extension of the
building types analyzed by Masi and Vona (2004) for seismic vulnerability studies.
Making reference to the codes in force, the available handbooks and the typical current practice of the
period under study, the selected types have been designed by means of a simulated design procedure
proposed in Masi (2003). Safety verifications have been performed adopting the allowable stress
method, as was usual in the period under study. With respect to the constituent materials, mechanical
properties typically used in the post-1971 period have been used, i.e. medium quality concrete C20/25
(fck=20MPa) and deformed steel with grade close to S400 type (FeB38K, fyk=400MPa).
The selected types have 2 and 4 storeys (2s, 4s) representative of low- and mid-rise buildings
(Milutinovic e Trendafiloski, 2003), respectively, and rectangular plan shape with total dimensions
22.5×10.0m (X and Y direction, respectively) (Figure 1). Interstorey height is constant and equal to
The structures have lateral load resisting frames only along the longitudinal direction X. In particular,
along this direction three resisting frames, with bay length varying in the range 5-2.5m (the latter
corresponding to the staircase width), are present. Dimensions of beam sections are constant at every
bay and storey and equal to 30×50cm.
Along the transversal direction Y, the structure has two bays (5m long) with only the exterior frames
having a rigid beam (30×50cm) while, in the interior frames, columns are connected through the one-
way RC slab (a strip with dimensions 22×20cm is considered in the model).
The smallest dimension of columns cross-section is 30cm while the greatest one varies with the
number of storeys and the in-plan position; it is worth noting that the column members of the 2s types
are identical, in terms of section dimensions and reinforcement details, to the two upper storeys of the
4s types.
The staircase structure is made up of two inclined cranked beams at each storey, arranged in two
adjacent frames along the Y direction. Cross-section dimensions of staircase beams are equal to
Varying the in-plan position of staircase two main structural types can be defined: a) Central Stair
(CS), having the staircase in symmetric position with respect to Y axis (Figure 1a); b) Eccentric Stair
(ES), where the staircase is located in asymmetric position with respect to both X and Y axes (Figure
1b). In order to highlight the influence of in-plan irregularity, a regular reference structure without
stair (No Stair, NS) has been also considered, representative of building types where either the
stiffness of the staircase members is negligible or the staircase layout is such that no significant
contribution to the lateral load resisting system is provided (Figure 1c).
Masonry infills are made up of two panels (cavity wall type) of hollow brick with effective thickness
equal to 20cm. Varying the presence and position of infill masonry walls along the exterior frames in
Y direction, three types can be defined (Masi, 2003), that is BF (Bare Frame), IF (Infilled Frame), and
PF (Pilotis Frame) (Figure 2). It is worth noting that BF types are representative of structures where
infills either have many and/or very large openings or are badly connected to the structure, so that their
contribution to the strength and stiffness of the structure can be neglected.


b) Y
Figure 1. a) Central Staircase (CS), b) Eccentric Staircase (ES), c) No Staircase NS types

a) b) c)
Figure 2. a) Bare Frame (BF), b) Infilled Frame (IF), c) Pilotis Frame (PF) types


Structural modelling has been performed using the finite element code SAP2000 (1995) taking into
account the geometric characteristics of structural elements and the distribution of in-plan and in
elevation masses. Each structural member (beam and column) has been modelled by beam finite
elements defined by the cross-section dimensions and the mechanical properties of the materials.
Masonry infill panels have been modelled by using an equivalent diagonal strut, whose area has been
determined by multiplying the panel thickness (t) by an equivalent width (w). The expression due to
Papia et al. (2003) has been used to compute w, providing a value equal to about 110cm (ratio w/d =
0.19, where d is the diagonal length of infill panels). At each floor a diaphragm constraint has been
adopted assuming that diaphragms exhibit sufficiently in plan stiffness to be modelled as rigid. As
shown in Masi et al. (1997), such an assumption can be considered valid for RC floor slabs with
dimensions and characteristics (e.g. absence of large openings or re-entrances) such as those present in
the buildings under examination. A full restraint has been assigned at the base of the first storey
columns. A macro-modelling based on lumped plasticity has been adopted to analyse the non linear
seismic response of the structures. At both ends of each structural member a bending moment–rotation
relation has been defined through a bi-linear curve described by the values of the yielding moment
(My), of the chord rotation (θy) and of the ultimate chord rotation (θu) (green line in Figure 3a). θy and
θu have been evaluated according to Italian NTC08 Commentary (Circolare n. 617/09) which provides
the same expressions of EC8-3 (CEN, 2005). When a brittle failure was predicted, the M-θ relation
above mentioned has been modified (red line in Figure 3a). In particular a bending moment value
M(VRd) lower than the yielding value My has been calculated as a function of the ultimate shear
resistance VRd. To this purpose, VRd value has been calculated according to the NTC08 Commentary
which provides values lower than EC8-3. To take into account the effects of significant axial force
variations, the moment-axial force interaction M-N (Figure 3b) has been considered for the plastic
hinges of the inclined elements of the staircase. Moment values have been computed considering a
parabola–rectangle diagram for concrete under compression with maximum and ultimate strength
values equal to fcm/CF, strain at peak stress εco=0.002, and unconfined ultimate strain εcu=0.0035. No
tensile strength has been considered. An elastic–perfectly plastic stress–strain diagram is considered
for steel, with maximum strength equal to fsm/CF and ultimate strain εsu=0.01. Bearing in mind the
variations of the mechanical properties of constituent materials typically found in real buildings, three
concrete strength values (i.e. fcm = 10, 18, 28MPa) and one steel strength value (fym = 400MPa) have
been considered in evaluating the capacity of the structures under examination. A confidence factor
value equal to 1 (CF = 1) has been assumed referring to an exhaustive knowledge level. Uncracked
stiffness properties of members have been adopted, with concrete modulus of elasticity (Ec) equal to

M ductile behaviour M
brittle behaviour

θy θu θ N=0 N b)
Figure 3. a) Moment – rotation M-θ relation of plastic hinges. b) Moment – axial force interaction of staircase
inclined members


Fr = 0.1Fu
de 2xde 10xde d
Figure 4. Axial force-displacement relationship of the equivalent struts modelling masonry infills

The non linear and degrading behaviour of the diagonal strut simulating masonry infill panels has been
modelled through a plastic hinge located at the ends of the strut acting only under compression loads.
The force-displacement relationship F-d (Figure 4) has been defined on the basis of the following
parameters: initial stiffness K i = (E w ⋅ w ⋅ t ) / d = 56000kN / m , displacement at the elastic limit
d e = Fu / K i = 3.37 ⋅10 −3 m , ultimate strength Fu = w ⋅ t ⋅ f w = 189 kN , where Ew = 2000N/mm is the
modulus of elasticity and fw = 1.20N/mm2 is the compressive strength of masonry.
The seismic performances of the selected types have been evaluated through the Non-Linear Static
(pushover) Analyses (NLSA) according to NTC2008 and, particularly, adopting the detailed
provisions reported in the relevant Commentary (Circolare n.617, 2009). Pushover curves, which
represent the relation between the base shear force (V) and the control node displacement (d), have
been determined under conditions of constant gravity loads and monotonically increasing horizontal
loads according to a modal pattern distribution for each of the two orthogonal directions in plan. In
case of rotation coupling response of structures, seismic loads are both lateral forces (HX, HY) and
torsional moments (Mθ), defined according to the MPA method (Chopra and Goel, 2004):
⎧ H i , X ⎫ ⎧m i × φ i , X ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
Pi = ⎨H i ,Y ⎬ = ⎨m i × φi ,Y ⎬
⎪M ⎪ ⎪ I × φ ⎪
⎩ i ,θ ⎭ ⎩ O i ,θ ⎭
where mi is the mass at each floor, I0 is the polar moment of inertia of the floor diaphragm about the
vertical axis through the centre of mass, φxn, φyn, φθn are the modal displacements.
A bi-linear curve relevant to an idealized equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF) system has
been computed following the provisions provided by NTC08 Commentary, which are substantially
consistent with EC8 provisions. Seismic performances have been evaluated starting from the period of
vibration T* of the equivalent system assuming an EC8 elastic spectrum with ground type A (Rock or
other rock-like geological formation, including at most 5 m of weaker material at the surface). In
particular, for a given value of the peak ground acceleration (ag) it is possible to evaluate the spectral
pseudo-acceleration (Se) and the spectral displacement (Sd) relevant to T*. Consequently, the target
displacement of the MDOF system (dmax) is calculated by multiplying Sd by the modal participation
factor (Γ). On the basis of the push-over curve determined for each type, the seismic demand
corresponding to the dmax value is evaluated in terms of either shear (VSd, for brittle elements) or
rotation (θsd, for ductile elements). Therefore, varying the ag value the seismic performances have been
evaluated making reference to the Limit State of Life Safety according to NTC08 (corresponding to
the performance requirements of the Limit State of Significant Damage according to EC8-3) (Figure
5). Specifically, the minimum ag value causing θsd = ¾ θu (for ductile elements) and VSd = VRd (for
brittle elements) has been calculated (ag,LS).

Pseudo-acceleration spectrum - EC8 (cat. A) Displacement spectrum - EC8 (cat. A) Push-over curve
1.2 50
40 VSd , θSd
Sd [cm]

Se = f (a g , T*)
Sa [g]


ag ⎛ T *20⎞
Sd = Se ⋅ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2π10⎠
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 d
Period T [sec]
d max = Sd ⋅ Γ
Period T [sec]

Figure 5. Procedure to assess the seismic performances of the structures


In this section the non linear seismic performances of the selected irregular building types have been
analysed and compared. In particular, two main irregularity factors have been pointed out: (i) presence
and in-plan position of staircase structure, (ii) presence and position along height of masonry infills.
With respect to other structural parameters, it is worth noting that results show that varying the
concrete strength values (fc equal to 10, 18 and 28N/mmq) a slight influence on the performances of
structures has been found. Therefore, for sake of brevity only the seismic performances evaluated
considering fcm=28 N/mmq are reported and discussed in the following.

4.1 Role of presence and in-plan position of staircase structure

As a consequence of its large stiffness, the staircase structure can determine an asymmetric
distribution of in-plan stiffness and strength. Concerning stiffness irregular distribution, in each
building type the structural eccentricity values between centre of mass and centre of stiffness, along
both X and Y directions, have been calculated. Considering BF types, central staircase type (CS) is
symmetric with respect to Y-axis, while a low eccentricity with respect to X-axis can be found (about
5% of the plan dimension in Y direction). On the contrary, ES type has remarkable eccentricity values
along both Y and X axes. Specifically, in ES type the eccentricity along X is equal to about 28% of the
in-plan dimension in the same direction.
Modal response spectrum analyses have been firstly performed on the structures under study showing
that they have significantly different modal characteristics. Table 4.1 reports the values of the period
of vibration T and the relevant percentage of the effective modal mass M* evaluated in the X, Y and θ
(rotation around the vertical Z axis) directions of seismic motion, considering types with four storeys
(4s). The values relevant to the fundamental mode are reported in bold.
The fundamental period of vibration of NS type is 1.35 sec with a mode purely translational along Y,
while the fundamental mode of CS type is rotational and it has fundamental period equal to 0.90 sec.
Finally, as for ES type, the fundamental mode is roto-translational with a period of 1.18 sec and modal
mass equal to 10%. All types have a similar period of vibration along the X direction, that is equal to
about 0.8 sec.

Table 4.1. Values of vibration period T and effective modal mass M* of BF types with four storeys (4s)
evaluated along X, Y and θ directions
X-dir Y-dir θ-dir
T[sec] M* [%] T[sec] M* [%] T[sec] M* [%]
ES 0.81 83.5 1.18 55.0 0.60 73.2
4s CS 0.77 80.7 0.81 84.0 0.90 27.6
NS 0.78 83.9 1.35 82.0 0.92 18.6

For CS type the mass corresponding to the fundamental (rotational) mode is small and the period value
is close to that evaluated in the Y direction (0.81 sec). Therefore, torsional effects are negligible and
non linear analyses have been carried out considering only horizontal forces. On the contrary, for ES
type both horizontal forces and torsional moments have been considered.
As already mentioned, the seismic response is remarkably different between the two in-plan
directions. Non linear analyses show that stiffness and maximum base shear values in the X direction
are higher than those in the Y direction. In particular, for NS type the base shear in the X direction is
nearly twice as much as that along Y, while the stiffness ratio between X and Y directions is around 5.
In the staircase types (CS and ES), due to the large contribution of the inclined elements to the
stiffness and strength along the Y direction, lower differences between the two directions can be
In order to understand the influence due to presence and in-plan position of staircase, Figure 6 shows
the comparison between the push-over curves determined in both X and Y seismic direction of NS, CS
and ES buildings types having 4 stories (4s).
In the X direction all types (NS, CS, ES) have practically coincident values of elastic stiffness and
maximum base shear (around 1000 kN, that is 12% of the total building weight). Therefore, staircase
presence and position do not affect the seismic response along that direction. On the contrary, large
differences have been found in the Y direction, that is the direction along which the rigid inclined
members of staircase are arranged. Considering the presence of staircase in central position (CS type),
higher values of elastic stiffness and maximum base shear are found with respect to NS type, with
increments respectively equal to +150% and +130%. Results for ES type are intermediate to those
evaluated for NS and CS types. In particular, the eccentric position of staircase causes a decrease of
both elastic stiffness (-46%) and maximum base shear (-22%) compared to CS type.
4s_X direction 4s_Y direction
1200 1200
1000 CS 1000 CS

base shear [kN]

base shear [kN]

800 agLS
800 agLS

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
displacement [m] displacement [m]
a) b)
Figure 6. Performance of the NS, CS, ES bare frame types with four storeys (4s) relevant to the (a) X and (b)
Y direction
2s_X direction 2s_Y direction
1000 1000
800 800

base shear [kN]

base shear [kN]

600 agLS agLS

400 400

200 200

0 0
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30
displacement [m] displacement [m]
a) b)
Figure 7. Push-over results along the (a) X and (b) Y direction referred to NS, CS and ES types with 2 storeys

All analysed structures suffer a brittle failure along the X direction, as a consequence of the shear
failure of the beam members in that direction. Therefore, very low values of the ground acceleration
related to the Limit State of Life Safety, ag,LS, are found, that is ag,LS equal to about 0.05g.
In the Y direction the values of ag,LS are significantly different both among the types under study and
with respect to the X direction. For NS type ag,LS is equal to 0.32g, while lower values have been
computed for ES type (ag,LS = 0.12g) and CS type (ag,LS=0.065g).
Results in the Y direction depend on the following factors: 1) failure behaviour of structural members,
2) distribution of seismic demand values along the stiff and flexible sides of ES type.
All members of NS type suffer a ductile failure and the structure fails in flexural bending involving the
beams of the external frames. On the contrary, for the vertical members of staircase a brittle failure has
been predicted. As a result of their great lateral stiffness, the plane frames where staircase is located
take most part of the horizontal inertia forces, then the columns of CS and ES types fail in shear for
low values of seismic action. Moreover, due to the large rotational displacements, in ES type seismic
demand on the frames near the centre of stiffness (stiff side) is lower than that on the frames at the
flexible side (near the centre of mass), as well as it is lower than that in the staircase frames of CS
The main role of the brittle failure of structural members and of staircase position on seismic
performances is confirmed by the results found on the two storey types (Figure 7), whose elements
suffer a ductile failure.
In 2s types very different performances have been evaluated with respect to 4s types. In particular, in
CS type ag,LS is equal to 0.32g (0.065g in 4s type), while a lower value (ag,LS = 0.23g) has been
calculated in ES type (0.12g for the 4s type). In NS type ag,LS is equal to 0.39g.
Generally, 2s structures fail in bending (ductile failure) involving the columns of staircase in CS and
ES types, and the beams in NS type.

4.2 Role of presence and position of masonry infills

As a consequence of the in-plan position of infill panels (arranged only in the external frames along
the Y direction), the main differences among BF, IF and PF types have been found in the Y direction,
while along the transversal direction (X direction) results are practically coincident.
Results of linear dynamic analyses show that the presence of the infill panels, particularly when they
are regularly arranged along the building height (IF type), reduces the variations caused by to the
presence and position of staircase. Generally, in IF type the vibration modes are similar for all
considered types (NS, CS, ES). Further, considering the same number of storeys, the period of
vibration T in the Y direction for IF types is nearly constant among all considered types, with values in
the ranges 0.23-0.26 and 0.45-0.50 for 2s and 4s type, respectively (Table 4.2). The higher values of T
are relevant to BF types, while intermediate values have been found in PF types.

Table 4.2. Periods of vibration T and related modal masses M* along the Y direction for all types under study
T[sec] M* [%] T[sec] M* [%] T[sec] M* [%]
ES 0.59 59.5 0.26 91.3 0.44 66.5
2s CS 0.41 89.7 0.23 92.4 0.35 97.2
NS 0.66 86.1 0.25 93.1 0.46 99.1
ES 1.18 55.0 0.50 85.1 0.71 74.5
4s CS 0.81 84.0 0.45 86.3 0.58 93.9
NS 1.35 82.0 0.48 86.3 0.72 97.2

Figure 8 shows the push-over curves determined for NS (a) and ES types (b) with two storeys (2s)
considering BF, IF, PF configurations.
With reference to IF configuration, masonry infills significantly increase stiffness and strength. In
particular, comparing IF and BF types a stiffness increment in the range 150-160% has been found in
the buildings without staircase (NS type). Similar results have been found by comparing the stiffness
increase due to staircase (i.e. comparing CS and NS types in BF configuration). Similarly, the increase
due to masonry infills is in the range 75-100% as for maximum base shear values, with variations
lower than those deriving from the presence of staircase members.
It is worth noting that in terms of maximum base shear the influence due to the in-plan position of
staircase is negligible when IF configuration is considered.
Generally, stiffness and maximum base shear values in PF types are intermediate between bare (BF)
and infilled (IF) types.
2p_NS type 2p_ES type
1600 1600
1400 IF 1400 IF
base shear [kN]

base shear [kN]

1200 PF 1200 PF
agLS agLS
1000 1000
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
displacement [m]
a) displacement [m]
Figure 8. Performance of the (a) NS and (b) ES types with two storeys considering BF, IF, PF infill

Table 4.3. Values of ag,LS for all considered types

ag,LS [g]
2p 0.39 0.32 0.23 0.63 0.35 0.31 0.45 0.22 0.19
4p 0.32 0.065 0.12 0.43 0.075 0.07 0.39 0.05 0.06

Table 4.3 reports the ag,LS values for all the examined types.
ag,LS values evaluated on IF types are higher than those of BF types. In particular, the presence of
regularly arranged infill panels significantly improve the seismic performances of NS types, while ag,LS
values slightly increase in CS types.
ag,LS values of CS and ES types with IF configuration are similar. Indeed, infill panels reduce the
eccentricity between the centres of mass and stiffness, therefore lower effects due to the rotational
response have been evaluated in ES type.
Generally, ag,LS values of PF types with staircase are significantly lower than those of IF types, while
they are slightly lower than ag,LS values in BF types.
PF configuration has ag,LS values greater than those obtained in BF type considering the structures
without staircase (NS type).
The failure mechanisms of regularly infilled structures (IF) are the same with respect to those
observed for bare structures (BF). While, in NS type with 2 storeys and pilotis frames (PF type) a
premature soft storey failure has been found.


An extensive parametric analysis on structural types representative of the Italian building stock
designed only to vertical loads has been carried out. Specifically, structural types with a stiff staircase
structure and masonry infill walls have been analysed.
The role of staircase structure has been considered varying its position in order to analyse different
values of in-plan eccentricity. In particular, central (CS) and eccentric (ES) staircase types have been
considered. Results have been compared with structural types without staircase (NS type), i.e.
buildings where the staircase contribution to the global stiffness and strength can be neglected.
As typical in RC existing buildings without earthquake resistant design, frames are arranged only
along one direction, that is the longitudinal one (X direction). As a consequence, the analysed
structures have shown different performances in the two principal in-plan directions. Along the X
direction the brittle failure of the beams leads to low values of the ground acceleration determining the
Limit State of Life Safety (ag,LS equal to about 0.05g). Further, negligible differences of ag,LS values
have been found for all considered types.
On the contrary, in transversal direction (Y direction) seismic response is remarkably affected by the
presence of staircase, whose very rigid inclined members are arranged along this direction. With
respect to NS regular type, the presence of staircase determines large increments of lateral stiffness
(110-150%) and base shear (100-130%). With respect to the failure mechanism, a brittle failure of the
columns of staircase has been found, therefore CS and ES have ag,LS values lower than those of NS
type, whose elements suffer a ductile failure.
Depending on the number of storeys, different performances have been found with increasing
irregularity. In 2 storeys structures ag,LS value in ES type is lower than in CS type. On the contrary,
ag,LS value in ES type with 4 storeys is unexpectedly higher than in CS type. Indeed, this can be
explained with the different failure mechanisms of the column members in the frames more distant
from the centre of stiffness and with the reduction of demand on the rigid side of the building due to
the rotational response. In the structures with 2 storeys, whose columns suffered a ductile failure, agLS
is equal to 0.23g and 0.32g, respectively for ES and CS type. On the contrary, in the structures with 4
storeys, whose columns showed a brittle behavior, ag,LS value is equal to 0.12g for ES type while it
decreases up to 0.065g in CS type.
With respect to the role of infill walls, three types have been considered varying their presence and
position along height, that is BF (Bare Frame), IF (Infilled Frame), and PF (Pilotis Frame) types.
Generally, in IF types ag,LS values are higher than in BF types. Moreover, masonry infills reduce in-
plan eccentricity due to staircase and, consequently, reduce the difference of performances between
CS and ES types. In PF type ag,LS value is lower than those evaluated in BF and IF types, both for CS
and ES type.
Future developments of the study should be devoted to: (i) extend the set of structural types to be
analysed and (ii) more accurately define the adopted models. As regards the first point, high-rise
buildings, other kinds of in-plan irregularity present in the Italian building stock (e.g. irregular plan
shapes like L, C, I shapes), and structures with low earthquake resistant design level should be
analysed. As regards the second point, considering the remarkable influence of brittle failure on
seismic performances, more accurate shear capacity models should be adopted based on the results of
experimental tests performed on specimens representative of real existing buildings. Finally, in
assessing structural performances also the capacity of beam-column joints should be included.


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