DLL - English 5 - Q3 - W2

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 2ND QUARTER Week 2


A.Content Standards The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to meet
various needs.
B.Performance Standards The learner listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written forms; demonstrates
confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from various text types.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation, enumeration and time order. N5RC-IIc-3.2.1
A.References K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020 K to 12 MELC 2020
2.Learners’s Materials pages SLM WEEK 2 SLM WEEK 2
3.Textbook pages Kristine Erika C. Castillo, et. al, Kristine Erika C. Castillo, et. Mendoza De Lemos Rebecca Mendoza De Lemos SUMMATIVE TEST
Joy in Learning English 5, 1253 al, Joy in Learning English 5, Ed. D. 2017. Essential English Rebecca Ed. D. 2017.
G. Araneta Avenue, Quezon 1253 G. Araneta Avenue, 5. Sampaloc Manila. Rex Book Essential English 5.
City, Vibal Group, Inc., 2016, Quezon City, Vibal Group, Store, Inc. Second Edition Sampaloc Manila. Rex
pp.158 and 224 Inc., 2016, pp.158 and 224 Copyright 2017. Book Store, Inc. Second
Edition Copyright 2017.
Life the Phoenix World of
Reading 6. Quezon City. Life the Phoenix World of
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc Reading 6. Quezon City.
Phoenix Publishing House,
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Picture, chart Printed materials, worksheets, Charts, Printed materials,
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
the new lesson
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of the : Look at the picture below Sharing of thoughts and ideas Let the pupils read the word strip
new lesson and answer the questions in on how to preserve the you prepare.
your notebook. natural resources.
1. What do you think is the
message of the picture?
2. How did you adjust in the
considered new normal of
3. Based on your answer from
the previous question, what is
your purpose in writing it? Is it
to classify, to explain or to
enumerate? Why?
C.Discussing new concepts and practicing An explanation text is a type of text whose purpose is This is an explanation text- type because it tells further
new skills #1 to explain. It tells your audience how something works on how and why the students look forward to summer
or why something happens. time. It also mentions on how the family treats it as
Explanation text type gives detailed explanation their bonding moment by including all the activities
describes the stages in a process, such as the water which are related to each other and arranged in the
cycle, or how a steam engine works. Other examples right order.
could be how a law is made, or why we blink when we
sneeze There are two purposes why explanation text
types are written: 1. to explain why things happened 2.
to explain how things are formed Here is an example of
a text type that explains why things happened. Read
this example and take note of the purpose of the text.

This is an explanation text type because it

explains why things happened specifically why
volcanoes erupt. As shown in the underlined words,
explanation text uses simple present tense of verb to
express general truths/facts.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing Below is another example of explanation text that Directions: Read and distinguish the purpose of each
new skills #2 explains how things are formed. Read this example and of the following informational texts. Write E on the
take note of the purpose of the text. blank if it is an explanation text-type and X if it is not.

______1. Adventure campaign is good for families.

First of all, families have no choices but to spend much
time together. They are dependent on each other for
solving all of the new tasks. Everyone is needed in
setting up the camp. Camping also gives families a
chance to experience nature together. During the day
This is an explanation text type because it explains how when they go hiking or swimming, they are all busy
things are formed specifically how volcanoes are exploring and conquering the new terrain together.
formed. Simple present of verbs are used to express
general truths/facts about how volcanoes are formed. The answer is E -explanation text-type, because it
So, explanation texts are written to explain why things explains how the family spend their camping
happened or how things are formed. It explains ideas of adventure, how things happen in the right order and
a general subject and is mostly linked to facts or uses the present tense of the verb.
Science topics. _____2. Diamond is the hardest stone that is not east
This text type links with Science and Technology topics to break. That is why it is the most expensive gems
where explanations of natural or non-natural used in jewelry. It is usually coming in transparent with
phenomena are explored, for example how a television no hue, or color. However, in reality almost no gem-
works, why earthquakes occur, how tornadoes are sized natural diamond which is absolutely perfect.
formed and how sound moves through a variety of
materials. It also has links with Human Society and The answer is X - not an explanation text-type,
Environment where explanations are written for how because it does not explain but uses vivid adjectives
cotton is processed to become articles of clothing, why and adverbs in describing the diamond.
we should exercise and eat a healthy diet and how _____3. Leslie sat in front of Paul. She has two long,
cheese is processed from milk. brown pigtails that reached all the way down to her
waist. Paul saw those pigtails, and a terrible urge
came over him. He wanted to pull a pigtail. He wanted
to wrap his fist around it, feel the hair between his
fingers, and just yank. He thought it would be fun to tie
the pigtails together, or better yet, tie them to her chair.
But most of all he just wanted to pull one.

The answer is E-explanation text type, because it

explains how Paul wanted to pull the two pigtails of
Leslie and why things happen. It presents items
related to the topic in the right order.
E.Developing Mastery Directions: Read and Directions: Identify Directions: Read each of Directions: Write E on
understand each situation whether the selection the following items carefully the blank provided
and answer yes or no on presented is an and write E on the blank before the item if the
your answer sheets. explanation or not. Write provided if the text-type purpose of the sentence
__________1. An (✓) if it is an explanation used is Explanation and N if is to explain and X if it is
explanation text type aims and (x) if it is not. Write it is not. not.
to explain how or why your answer on your _____1. Press and hold to ______1. Adventure
something works or answer sheet. select a word, and then campaign is good for
happens. _________1. Long, long drag the selection handle. families. First of all,
__________2. Verbs in the time ago, Arojo, a young _____2. In the nineteenth families have no
explanation text type are in and mighty giant, fell in century, which was dark choices but to spend
the present tense. love with an ordinary and inflationary age in much time together.
__________3. It provides a mortal girl named Aloya. typography and text design, They are dependent on
set of explanations on how When this girl died, giant compositors were each other for solving all
things are formed or why Arojo cried so bitterly that encouraged to stuff extra of the new tasks.
things happened. his tears then turned into space between sentences. Everyone is needed in
__________4. This text mounds of earth. These _____3. Magma is found setting up the camp.
type links with facts/general eventually became hills underneath the earth. The Camping also gives
truths or Science and as lasting proof of his lava from volcano comes families a chance to
Technology topics. grief, now known as, the down through the valley experience nature
__________5. It explains Chocolate Hills. with tumbling rocks and together. During the day
ideas of the general subject. __________2. New glass minerals to a flat land. when they go hiking or
bottles are made mainly _____4. The reason why swimming, they are all
of silica sand. The sand crystal has different colors busy exploring and
is melted in a furnace, at is because of its mineral conquering the new
a very high temperature. content. terrain together.
Recycled glass bottles _____5. Crystal grows in _____2. Diamond is the
are made in a very different shapes because of hardest stone that is not
similar way but cost less their atoms. east to break. That is
and use up fewer natural why it is the most
resources. expensive gems used in
__________3. Food jewelry. It is usually
poisoning is a disorder of coming in transparent
the stomach and with no hue, or color.
intestines caused by However, in reality
bacteria or chemical in almost no gem-sized
foods. The classic form natural diamond which
of food poisoning is is absolutely perfect.
caused by staphylococci _____3. Leslie sat in
(bacteria commonly front of Paul. She has
known as staph). The two long, brown pigtails
staph germs enter the that reached all the way
food during preparation. down to her waist. Paul
As a result of the food saw those pigtails, and
not properly refrigerated a terrible urge came
the bacteria multiply over him. He wanted to
hourly, contaminating the pull a pigtail. He wanted
food with toxin (poison). to wrap his fist around it,
As staph germs and their feel the hair between his
toxins are odorless and fingers, and just yank.
tasteless. The He thought it would be
contaminated food fun to tie the pigtails
smells and tastes together, or better yet,
normal. Eating tie them to her chair.
contaminated food But most of all just
causes vomiting, wanted to pull one.
abdominal cramps and _____4. The boy was
diarrhea within one to six astonished by what he
hours. Thus, food saw inside. Never could
poisoning is frequently he have imagined that,
caused by staphylococci, there in the middle of
which contaminate food the dessert, there
during preparation and existed a tent like this
enter the stomach and one. The ground was
intestines during eating. covered with the most
__________4. Plants beautiful carpets he had
use energy from sunlight ever walked upon, and
to turn carbon dioxide from the top of the
(present in air) and water structure hung lamps of
into sugar for food. This hand-wrought gold,
process is called each with a lighted
photosynthesis. The candle.
green color of the leaves, _____5. Tobacco kills
called chlorophyll, helps nearly 6 million people
them to make food for each year. More than 5
the plant. million of those deaths
__________5. The are the result of direct
monstrous traffic problem tobacco use while more
in the city has been than 600 000 are the
haunting motorists for result of non-smokers
several decades. The being exposed to
city government is trying second-hand smoke.
its best to come up with Unless urgent action is
ways to at least ease the taken, the annual death
traffic fever. First, toll could rise to more
number coding is than 8 million by 2030.
enforced, based on the
plate numbers of
vehicles. Another help
being tried is the truck
ban for certain hours.
Other solutions
suggested is to drop the
window driving in the
coding scheme, totally
ban trucks at daytime,
and to regulate the sale
of cars and other
F.Finding Practical application of concepts Directions: Read each of the Directions: Fill in the Directions: Read each of Directions: Identify the
and skills in daily living following informational texts blank with the correct the following sentences. Put text type being
and identify its purpose. words to sum up a √ on the blank before described in each item.
Write the answer on the everything that we have each number if it is Choose your answer
blank using C for discussed about the necessary in implementing from the box. Write the
Classification, D for lesson. school health and nutrition letter of the correct
Description and E for program and x if it is not. answer in your
Explanation. _____ 1. Eat a balance diet notebook.
________ text -type
with plenty of fruits and
which purpose is to
vegetable, whole grains,
_____ on why and how
plants and animal proteins
things happen. It _____
and healthy fats.
items related to the 1. It begins with a main
_____ 2. Keeping hydrated
topic in the right order idea and discusses the
is essential for overall
and explains how these subcategories of that
are related to each topic, comparing and
_____ 3. Practice safe food
other. It may have a contrasting them with
hygiene to minimize the risk
_____ and is written each other.
of foodborne illness. Wash
using the _____ tense. 2. It presents ideas by
your hand for 20 seconds
with soap before and after listing the kinds,
preparing and eating food. characteristics, classes,
_____ 4. Get enough types, parts, ways,
quality sleep. Established a groups, and other
regular sleep schedule and information of a certain
keep it on weekends and thing.
when working at home. 3. It gives information
_____ 5. Go to mall for about people, animals,
some leisure with friends. things, or events.
4. It tells process or
directions to follow.
5. It is written in simple
present tense.
G.Making generalization and abstraction A factual text type that explains how or why something happens is an explanation. It begins with the topic,
about the lesson describes items related to the topic in the right order, and explains how these items are related to each other. It
may have a conclusion. This text type is written in the present tense.
H.Evaluating learning Directions: What type of Directions: Read and Directions: Read and draw Directions: Read each
explanation text type is understand the given text a if it is an explanation- of the following short
presented? (A. how things type then answer the text type and if it is not. paragraphs carefully
happen or B. why things questions that follow. _____1. The operational and choose the letter
happen). Write the letter Write the letter of the panel is located on the that gives the best
only of the correct answer correct answer on your right-hand side at the rear. explanation.
on your answer sheet. answer sheet. _____2. A thistle-like plant
_____1. Photosynthesis is a (common to the warm 1. Looking like giant
process where plants use Mediterranean region) hills, the Chocolate Hills
light from the sun to convert who’s narrow and pointed- are probably Bohol’s
carbon dioxide from the air lobed leaves, when stylized, most famous tourist
and water from the soil into 1. What type of text is the form the characteristic attraction. Most people
sugar to feed the plant and given selection? decoration of the Corinthian who first see the
oxygen is given out in the A. descriptive and Composite Orders of landscape in pictures
air. B. classification columns. can hardly believe that
_____2. Soil erosion is a C. explanation _____3. Yoga is not these hills are natural
naturally occurring process D. text type suitable if you have a heart artifacts or not man-
that affects all landforms. In 2. What does the ailment. made. If this idea is
agriculture, soil erosion paragraph explain? _____4. I would like to help true, then the effort of
refers to the wearing away A. water cycle in guiding you through building them surely
of field’s topsoil by the B. water vapor these difficult times so that surpasses the
natural physical forces of C. amount of water you can have the wonderful construction of the
water or through forces D. water in the earth life you deserve. pyramids in Egypt. The
associated with farming. 3. The following are _____5. If we know how to hills are no less than
_____3. Electricity is reasons why the section take care of what we have, 1268 in number.
generated at a power plant is an explanation text then we can be sure of a Uniform in shape, they
by electromechanical except ONE. Which One better future for our are between 30 and 50
generators, primarily driven is this? children. meters high. They are
by heat engines fueled by A. It classifies and or covered with grass,
combustion or nuclear describes. which at the end of the
fission but also by other B. It explains how Earth’s dry season, turns into
means such as the kinetic water recycles itself. chocolate brown. It is
energy of flowing water and C. Verbs in the from this color that the
wind. explanation text type are name Chocolate Hills
_____4. We need water in in the present tense. was derived.
our diet because our body D. It explains ideas of the A. Chocolate Hills is a
uses water in all its cells, general subject. big tourist pull on Bohol,
organs, and tissues to help 4. Why is water they are covered in
regulate temperature and important? A. It is green grass that turns
maintain other bodily because water builds into brown chocolate
functions. Our body loses houses during the dry season.
water through breathing, B. It is because water B. Bohol Island has
sweating, and digestion, it’s propagates plants become a top beach
important to rehydrate by C. It is because water destination in the
drinking fluids and eating cleans our dirty clothes country for its beautiful
foods that contain water. D. It is because without white sand beaches.
_____5. There is a rainbow water living things would C. Chocolate Hills can
after a rain because of the die be visited anytime of the
sunlight and atmospheric 5. Based on the selection year as they will be just
conditions. Light enters a you read, which of the as spectacular during
water droplet, slowing down following explains how the rainy season as
and bending as it goes from water cycle happens? during the dry season.
air to denser water. The A. The water cycle is 2. Coronavirus disease
light reflects off the inside of also known as the (COVID-19) is an
the droplet, separating into hydrological cycle. infectious disease
its component wavelength - B. This cycle happens caused by a newly
or colors. When light exits because of the sun’s discovered coronavirus.
the droplet, it makes a heat and gravity. Most people who fall
rainbow. C. The water cycle sick with COVID-19 will
includes how the earth’s experience mild to
water recycle itself. moderate symptoms
D. The cycle includes and recover without
evaporation, special treatment.
condensation, and A. Coronavirus
precipitation. pandemic is above all a
human tragedy.
B. An epidemic
occurring worldwide, or
over a very wide area
crossing international
boundaries and usually
affecting a large number
of people.
C. COVID-19 is a
respiratory disease,
wherein most people
infected with it will only
have mild symptoms
and fully recover.
3. Online learning is
education that takes
place over the internet.
It is often referred to as
“e-learning” among
other terms. Online
learning is just one type
of distance learning. It
takes place across
distance and not in a
traditional classroom.
A. Online Education is
electronically supported
learning that relies on
the internet for teacher
and pupil interaction.
B. Traditional Learning
takes place in a
classroom setting,
where there is one
trainer who moderates
and regulates the flow
of information and
C. Online classes are
no easier than classes
offered in the traditional
classroom setting and,
in some cases, can be
even be more difficult.
4. The Bayanihan to
Heal as One Act, also
known as the
Bayanihan Act, and
officially designated as
Republic Act No. 11469,
is a law in the
Philippines that was
enacted on March 2020
granting the President
additional authority to
combat the COVID-19
pandemic in the
A. Filipino culture is
unique compared to
other Asian countries,
and beliefs apply every
day in the life of the
Filipinos and reveal how
rich and blessed the
culture the people have.
B. This is an act
declaring the existence
of a National
Emergency arising from
the coronavirus disease.
C. An act providing for
special protection
against child abuse,
exploitation and
5. Natural events such
as volcanic eruptions
and meteor impacts can
cause earthquakes, but
the majority of naturally
occurring earthquakes
are triggered by
movement of the earth’s
A. Most earthquakes
occur along the edge of
the oceanic and
continental plates.
B. Earthquakes are
caused by sudden
release of energy within
some limited region of
the rocks of the earth.
C. Antarctica has the
least earthquake of any
continent, but small
earthquakes can occur
anywhere in the world.
I.additional activities for application or Directions: Classify the
remediation following explanation text
type as to A. How things
happen, and B. Why things
happen. Write the letter of
your answer on the proper
column in your answer

A. Sexual reproduction in
flowering plants involves the
production of male and
female gametes, the
transfer of the male
gametes to the female
ovules in a process called
pollination. After pollination
occurs, fertilization happens
and the ovules grow into
seeds within a fruit.

B. Earthquakes occur when

two tectonic plates move
suddenly against each
other. The rocks usually
break underground at the
hypocentre and the earth
shakes. Waves spread from
the epicentre, the point on
the surface above the
hypocentre. If a quake
occurs under the sea it can
cause a tsunami.

C. COVID – 19 is
transmitted from person to
person via droplets, contact,
and fomites. It is transmitted
when one individual talks,
sneezes, or coughs
producing ‘droplets’ of
saliva containing the
COVID-19 virus. These
droplets are then inhaled by
another person. COVID-19
transmission usually occurs
among close contacts—
including family members
and healthcare workers. It is
therefore important to
maintain a distance of more
than 1 meter away from any
person who has respiratory

D. COVID-19 is so
dangerous because it is a
virus that has never been
seen in humans, so
absolutely no one is
immune to it. That added to
the fact that it spreads as
easily from person to
person as influenza, and
infects the upper respiratory
system. Plus, there is no

E. We dream because
these are patterns of
sensory information that
occur when the brain is in a
resting state-as in asleep. It
is generally assumed that
dreams only occur during
Rapid Eye Movement
(REM) sleep – this is when
the brain appears to be in
an active state but the
individual is asleep and in a
state of paralysis.

F. Philippines is prone to
tropical cyclones due to its
geographical location which
generally produce heavy
rains and flooding of large
areas and also strong winds
which result in flooding.


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