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The BharOS claim about being "secure" is BS. They are always going to lag
Android in terms of security updates. Google is not going to share
vulnerabilities in advance with an untrustworthy govt that issued fake SSL
certs for Google services and got booted from all browsers.
LOL @ "bullet proof security". If they forked from AOSP, they'll always be
lagging Android in security updates. If they forked from LineageOS, they'll be
lagging both Android and LineageOS in security updates.
Remember when every news outlet blindly parroted this load of BS from
and IT Cell had bhakts circlejerking? Only thing "Atmanirbhar" about their
BharOS is the pure unadulterated bullshit in their press release.
Wonder how much taxpayer money was funneled into this project both via
and via PSUs and government deptartments. buying this "secure" OS that
takes open source code and hides it?
There are multiple repos which contain just a makefile and a binary apk. Not
sure if it's this person's personal work or if that's how #BharOS is actually
being built. Random binaries checked into a repo instead of CI/CD building
from source + stored as trusted artifacts. o_O
Since pretty much everything #BharOS boasts about can be achieved with an
MDM. This repo looked interesting, so I decided to look at the APK.
Replying to @kingslyj and @iitmadras
They seem to have created an MDM called "Megam MDM". (Megam is cloud
in Tamil)
Turns out
Looks like they named the product without buying the associated domains.
So while they use in.megam.kiosk seems to have been owned by
someone in Kerala.
Looks like
' Megam MDM, the #BharOS MDM is neither open source nor indigenous.
These strings don't yield any results in Google or DDG. And localisation in
German/French/Spanish and MIUI support isn't exactly their priority.
Considering uch boasted features of #BharOS are from MDM and MDM is not
developed in-house but licensed/whitelabelled from somewhere. Who is
responsible for the security of the MDM? (If their MDM server is
compromised, all devices are compromised.)
Replying to @kingslyj
Looks like @iitmadras' Megam MDM, the #BharOS MDM is neither open
source nor indigenous. These strings don't yield any results in Google or
DDG. And localisation in German/French/Spanish and MIUI support isn't
exactly their priority.
Director V Kamakoti doesn't know the first thing about Linux distros or
security.(Ironically he is from their CSE department.) This is just so much
illogical bullshit from him in just this one paragraph.
"We have used some early versions of Linux." This is not a flex. Nobody in
their right mind bases any fresh long term project on "some early version of
Linux". They are forced to use it because Android still uses an older kernel
(which was current when Google started using it)
In fact Android has been working to move away from older kernel forks and
closer to mainline. And PostmarketOS is making a mobile linux distro that
works just like regular Linux distros.
illegally issued SSL certificates for Google and Yahoo! (allowing traffic to their
sites to be MITM'd. (intercepted/decrypted)). As a result Indian CA certs were
removed from chain of trust in all browsers and OSes as they were
Replying to @kingslyj
Replying to @IITMPravartak
This could be key. But may have to wait for a while to know for sure.
This may be one of the cleverest denials from any govt source so far. "This
fork has nothing to do with BharOS of our incubated company, JandKOps."
We wrongly assumed this was yet another standard blanket denial we are
used to. But this is wordplay.
Standard blanket denial would have read something like... "The fork has
nothing to do with BharOS." or "The fork has nothing to do with
" But they went with "BharOS of our incubated company JandKOps"
What we know so far... - The leak/fork is so real and obvious that they are
unable to deny it. - They have confirmed it has nothing to do with JandKOps. -
They have also confirmed that they are a client of Megam Solutions.
IITM responded to BharOS being GrapheneOS Fork Claims are false & BharOS
naming was unintentional IITM is a CLIENT of Megam & everyone knows what
is BharOS Still megam chose Graphene, forked it & named it BharOS even
BharOS was meant to be Open-sourced & 9 months have passed…
We also know that the corresponding MDM client side code was part of the
leaked repos.
Replying to @kingslyj
Looks like @iitmadras' Megam MDM, the #BharOS MDM is neither open
source nor indigenous. These strings don't yield any results in Google or
DDG. And localisation in German/French/Spanish and MIUI support isn't
exactly their priority.
with custom closed source MDM of unknown origin for? Was it for Megam
themselves? No. Because "" And