Contempt of Court

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6 DAT CONTEMPT LAW x (eddaeael le CeCe e eee ee |_| =en reopuctoNn | IS Of @nkmpt x Practice hos been ~ payvicled Tr ganda, Undey tt provision | of tee Contempt ° of. @uxts Ack 194l, | this Act kaos been Cnacteol m de | ee uy t9a) O& Come Into fyrce with \elfPec- qom _ 24 December (97/ « this Ack extends sto the Whole Ardiig with excephns thot Th osil) [Asko ped to tte Stete at Tamm & sel anne (Oy fay as faeicn | [Ol tye Ack vrelates dy i G@odemph | SB) tte Supreme Comet. | Privy to te Cow fompF G) Court Ack eee lay thet 1908 po et ae Fink on @ eel gece a —Cantent ourk" _ ae a FOR EDUEATION, || Leg | pmpeession +s Ss ae mega i te dignity at to iene een x | A covlain de wee Hy decane Show a oe then deme 1 aya Eel sof aecery co wphstd Hee ||be “manintaicco ewrorrds | sera ae dle Courts - | fry och dy (wey dee dignthy wef Lcrwhb In He cyen dh ate people Shor | be Condemned, ¥ | thevthy to insalare de lastitutton fe Longetvxe Gartclsrs & prevenk & Patt 9 te pclighavy’s ree putaron In tee poblic eye tre edncept A Contempt 4 court hos been Pstituted , : ¥ | Gntempk 8) Covvh Guid be Vorgely define os " usitfiy disobedience fo Gort ordeys ax Well as indowferen € Lust, tee aol mi nl syrah H_ justice py Overt threats tte Guslat | DATE | Premable i Wek Se Ao Ach de cefice ahi the posers | | Q cectain Courts In pulpishirg Contemp Qui & fo wequlart YY Pacedesrt | ax — ORIGIN 0#|Contemph 64 Court | = eases er + | The legal System thof we see toe ts de [Sommit @ tte lone qouwrney Which hes Skate | om He divine Mrvle tolk woes to proclamation Me tee naterof lows & mor fuytey ‘te [ste positive lacs dthof We See cto cle <| yushice Showid be odministercol Feats et | Stayt), dee Cantempr a Cou st mattey Oatso Ponishes aryon@ Who Aims To | ea ed ‘dignity ty lowthoniry ane jucliziod qaBundls - Hid “This lato hos ths Origin From ) He mecieve| times when tte & a Powys | Of tte monayeh Ching) were transfesre? | 48 the Couvd py Ot dec dime the monarth | WAG believed te be oppointedl by Cool | EVENT ONE WOS acwounte ble Qa hiea- - FOREDUCATIONALUSE Y deine es = od ewn sH tut oO nok 3. F pes mee ees es Se powey aes cleor |oleptcts dA same Sees Be dee SS prem Coury kh Poss eas Lnous ae undey ca e 129 ow lY2 x | an tk Enaltsh medieval o Oge puictog cies on (Mpostant theo] a Waite Mondath . At that Heme these 22 be leqislarart BS Werk Feprepeser crepresentatives dts cliving aule momorch dk these welo-gs | & le, jslakes |_preyed pextenr sole tn leqifitizicg tke andtvens these monary ¢ ¥) ee irg wos TR Supensy heod | NSH Bihis Power he hos given cto He (udieraf system bif Fourg +7 he” ox the ing Kinselé dis wespech | icra avtstton te Courts, It became a Chollege to He sucentutit, the King Was well as Paes wis diy Es o-tnts Can be Se8N os athyugh fee_sownce q dée law has cow gfermed tn He Sotiedy \tte tan qwestonabiliy quel tho « kirg “eyed wes Gephelbl by tee a cy v e i TOR EDUCATIONAL USD. ir DATE: ets So. #| tree 1s core 7) A Contempt opeiinst CT. Almon 10 the Sone 1765S) A Statement wos [mocle by tHe Exish judge Siw Bard ley : | etitenod in repos to this Contempt latrack | lon +e rages | male | =n ts case Almon hos prbrished ed “[parmphitet libellicg te decision G te bench | Is oc the pokgervendt ien by the qudse [Rod given rise to mony guests 4 seas aspects J tte queria WQhith» hod | not been gurestton ed sree — | ) Lack of Knowle | es 2m 5 wl x — ee [ 0 de # | 1@.# ee to ; 7 2) The disobedience ost | ea? r x breach done Showd nothe & a iC Defences = SE 8) The oxdey that hos dlisabeyed = t Contemp Should be vogue one a al ambiguous a =, [= ia AA Ordey Favor more thon] rug \_ fone reasonable oterpretahon i on A 5) Command of He order | | ts impossible mae. Hock @| Erewtedge Gf ordey 3- to be unde oN A__Pesson Can nob be helel lable for [asnieenph } Courk ff he cloea nob know opdley Givin by dite Couvh-or he cloum | HHL Crdey. TOR EDUCATIONAL USE DATE: thon is EoD He ee Hee by te Courts: thop dle Ovdey that hus | pesstd Showtd be Sewed co tre Indices | [by He post oy es Ge eee acta ace Certified ee aie. A india 325 fr_can be svccessfully pleoced by THe contemney ob the certrfied apy do) tte ovdey Wos [nok efarmatty sevred de hing. “The dis obedience oy tte breath clone showed Not be 8a % TR Some one fs_pleacling undew TAS | defence then he can sey “hot dete ach dane by hin was not dbre SK [Ak oes Jush a mere accident ay he/she | Gn sey bop fe is” bey orc! dteiy Conho!. But a pleod con only the be success eu ig | it Fourd te be reasonable Otteruise your [Plead can be discarded. FOREDUCATIONAL USE vy Top hos ol ut oy ambiquo ‘s ley 8 el ff te ocdey Vague oF ams us aw dhs : fic OY Gmple te tn itself Aten Can ger die clegence a Contempt aot se io edtialaO We oaeinst hap octey *) Tn RN. Ramanl vs State 4 Himacha) pyradeshcs) his defence Kas been doaken by tte ¥E3 PONdendt | | Fn this Core tte Supreme Caush Ros dhvectel Ide 2 CODPOTOAHUN A He wespondent cde westere tte Promothon iy te Pettroner PIE | porsticuidy lake ia the Service But te x26 poncent hos nok produce ol He page benefit ex He fren Pere jk achmplaids wos Fiteol agatncé Kit der a |_ Contempt §¢ Cours t a He plead _Gfrr_tte deer © one an fee canal ON Ros tok mention ev/, by tte Cyurk th odey to poy tte monetarnr | benectth. i | Froth Fe gets dte_degonce. [intecpre terion be the arespendent adopts | ees Oxdeys IAVdWe mort thon ORE Feasonabye Worevpre teatro Nn Sica pe, Tg the Contemp Qo coder de cloved hy | [de Count we te order seems ts be Hiven | mort thon one Weasonable be TAHDRNOY devpretations O woes on ith thok dhen he will not be one Ff thos OACOOWIONCE _ | liable Ger Contempt ) Court a Gmmard cp Osdey ts tpossible Q— ‘ E a Te Compliance 4 dhe. oder Is ym possible oy iF Can not be done ~eosily dren te would! be qakeon as a defence in! tHe cose Gnremph A Cour: | | | i ~ Fowevey Ore Shourd AXfnentrote tte cose Tm Possibiliky volt fre Case gq mere affioikes, ! ae” al Becarse this defence con be geese oly fn tte Cose Ch tee Impossibili clot : On ord by _ sae ee a id Accor ro) fo Section acc) Of the Contemeh _| OF COMMA ch IGF, Crimicaf Contempt tS _ clefired as C1) te publicatten tm ony mattey _ by word, Spoken ay ayatten oy by qesterty _ oy by sins og by visible ase pres enndatior) lox ai) BiH 9 Foy Osh oShith Includeg> @ Scan dalise os teras do Scondalise wer oy dends to lowey te authow ty GQ any eyurd 07% @Biosness interfers OK dend te intesde Ith He Ave Ccousse Gory type Gh yorcliquoy Proceeding or 4 © Chsmuacés o¢ dends fe sbshucr, mig Os tend te interfey usith dee Admindpahry 6 Guestte tn ary manney : I | case On Seonclalisi A +e Court 4- 4 Taswank singh vs Virendeysirgh | x] [Gantempt ds tHe punishment m Z tte leave ¢ 2 jin cians fe “Se c not be belel rev a _| 2 pees OS 0 faa NIG p | be -exeectced — 3 Lame) earietave ey ? "| A) Falko ¢ Ate Contemph Ge cork I L@mmitteal by the cam pary Bb is | | prved eaau de Conte pal PEEVES +] Bamrtte ol with dee Consent YF oy _| fees ae te arn nealelth fh Beat § ory Disarm ringer Se ee eo Okey 6 _|Gmpory/, then Guth persins Soil Sieiulede. of fa he witty 8 condense | x He punishnvent oy te en forces | oe le aus pessdng with AEE [elle tte Count ~ aetendy | 4) such” person th cli le poison. , PY GN te ahore provinm ¢& Ampary Meng ary body Comprar, bs IreludleD A icon df _ascearahon Mimtecnnalexce) Odie ae In latin to gis mens o pore |e tte fix FOR EDUCATIONAL USE CONTEMPT OF COURT : eet s “X) ke Following acts ot hot be Canstdoye of “|| 08 See ican teat cane Wil inaxens TT povw'sism d\ Section 3 {tte Soret he ae ExcePTIon A pexson Shalt not be gala | contermph Tp [Gort 90 Ata qvoordl tet hes publtsheol POs ecothey Susini ch Totetrfevts ex obstue<| He Course Mojustice IN Coane wit Oey CIVIL Ge COMICAL pocedira perclira | _forlte ftove Q publeotton if af haf dime | XC believirg | | — t no reasonable Q-vU rel & t preceeding costds pendicg — A pXSON Shat! not be hele! qeuty Sy cid ih Gntenpt 4 cous} fer uelshing ees VE [ot ORCAS COCO a wd CHOnt el [processing a A oe stege Aertof Fe A person Shoti vet be held quilt) ¢ Qntrpt a Cause fey publishing ot | fey Cammment on tHe mevsits dan | which bas been heard ox rat] | TOR EDUCATIONAL Ust ep A person DATE: Shalt OF be gals Geir Ss = [Ly So Yr wespeck ee Ss Avene > cs je} bs hone 5 Neos Sy an ee Bese ee Coenen te ae esncesni ee | Public o pans, mors 8 Beas ory Subdrdinake ee Fre puro aed Saf aunt too Oftey _ Sabevdina he Cove a. dtose (i a iene Highs” dont to Whith TRIS Subsrdincte | OR ae. 4) where SIS Parsoyy aS TARE be_ oot a) Gale 1 ge “dex See | Vg Cound Wodin ee) oe ope ae Joceurete =< PoE a8 ae asceedls "9 > a 2 [befre any court 3h Areg In Chombeys 1 fein Canney exe pr Plewro 2p tee f CoseO chek fe de Ss aia Ek ao) = ake are He peblicottny is canary fo ia? dpa VIS TOY) Y Ow ena chervent iy ee a ees Bee ke tine beiegt ay re. v fe | Q — 2o58 By) Shee te Count on _q-mound = = suis PSUs og _in escheat ree | powey! vedted ie fe Weaken | a ee ae Vn ik Cee anal) | no = = Aas ie fener a : iqec ab tex Jpubiicartury 4) _osferefion. me pores #8 eed a a i low is) dhose (es e “5 oe i : aco [ : = 2 aa ; ad ips I FOR EDUCATIONAL USE Lo herr Camere dte Cound silts wy ROPONS DATE: TA chambers Ganvechd wrt. Joes Prbiic otey oy the security G) the Stole [the publcatan informahy melons ret | tose Peocee dings ‘ C BASSI ce Geen ae omalaes at wihert te inde | tex Setret provtess, Licareg or wipe ts & ysse yn the Qavceedings, TOR EDUCATIONAL Usk

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