An Interleaved High Step-Up DC DC Converter-Based Three-Winding Coupled Inductors With Symmetrical Structure
An Interleaved High Step-Up DC DC Converter-Based Three-Winding Coupled Inductors With Symmetrical Structure
An Interleaved High Step-Up DC DC Converter-Based Three-Winding Coupled Inductors With Symmetrical Structure
5, MAY 2023
Abstract—This article proposes an interleaved high step-up con- In recent years, scholars have proposed a series of high step-up
verter based on three-winding coupled inductor (TW-CI) with schemes such as cascade, switched inductor, switched capacitor
symmetrical structure. By utilizing the TW-CI along with a voltage (SC), interleaved technology, isolated voltage boosting, voltage
multiplier cell, the proposed converter achieves high power transfer
ability as well as minimized voltage stress across power switches multiplier cell (VMC), coupled inductor (CI), and other voltage
and diodes. The converter has significantly improved the voltage boosting techniques [1], [2], [3]. The CI is a straightforward,
gain by integrating two TW-CIs with the passive clamp circuit. The efficient, and convenient approach to achieve a high voltage
leakage inductor energy of the TW-CI is recycled to improve the conversion ratio when compared to other voltage boosting tech-
voltage gain and efficiency while facilitating the soft switching con-
niques. The CI converters have the flexibility to adjust the
dition for the power switches. Additionally, the voltage stress across
the power switches is decreased with the help of the clamping ca- turns-ratio to control the necessary voltage gain.
pacitors. Therefore, low-voltage-rated semiconductors with small In various boosting techniques, CI is widely used because
on-resistance can be chosen which reduce conduction losses and of its simplicity and convenience. A series of high step-up
improve the overall performance. Moreover, two series-connected converters with the CI were proposed in [2]. However, the
capacitors of the primary side are introduced, which effectively
leakage inductor of CI would result in voltage spikes, which
balance the voltage between the power switches and the capacitors
during steady and dynamic states. Finally, a 400 W experimental leads to more voltage stress on semiconductors. In [4] and [5],
prototype with 24–400 V is built to verify the accuracy of the the impact of the leakage inductor was eliminated by integrating
proposed converter. the SC technology into the converters. By utilizing the VMCs
Index Terms—Dc–dc converter, high step-up, low voltage stress, with SC, the energy of the leakage inductor is recovered in [6]
three-winding coupled inductor (TW-CI), zero-current switching. and [7]. In this way, the voltage gain had improved and a group
of expandable CI high step-up converters with clamping were
In high-power applications, the interleaved high step-up con-
O ACHIEVE the global carbon neutrality target, the global
T energy system structure has been adjusted on a regular
basis, and the proportion of new energy sources connected to the
verters were used as an efficient solution to increase the con-
version efficiency, reduce the current ripple, etc. Therefore,
a series of high step-up converters with interleaved structure
power grid has continued to increase. However, the renewable were proposed. The interleaved structure applied to high step-up
energy sources, such as photovoltaic, fuel cells, offer a low volt- converters were presented in [8], [9], and [10]. A high step-up
age level (12∼48 V), which provide insufficient voltage for the active-switched-inductor converter with CI was proposed in
inverter. Therefore, a high step-up and high-performance dc–dc [11]. The interleaved technique is employed into the Sepic in
converter is required. The high step-up and high-performance [12]. By integrating different fundamental converters, a novel
dc–dc converter is directly connected to the renewable energy high step-up converter with interleaved structure was proposed
sources and contributes to raising the voltage to a higher level in [13]. The aforementioned interleaved converters can im-
(200∼400 V). prove the transmission power capability. However, the above
converters are asymmetrical, which makes it challenging to
Manuscript received 25 October 2022; revised 2 January 2023; accepted 10
February 2023. Date of publication 14 February 2023; date of current version 10 select the components. And those converters demand a lot of
March 2023. This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science passive components, which raises the cost. Therefore, a double
Foundation of China under Grant 52177047, in part by the Natural Science switch converter with symmetric structure was proposed in [14],
Foundation of Liaoning Province under Grant 2019-MS-159, and in part by the
Scientific Research Fund of Liaoning Provincial Education Department under which has achieved the voltage balance of power switches and
Grant LJZK0326. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Q. Shafiee. capacitors in steady and dynamic state.
(Corresponding author: Chao Li.) An interleaved structure with double CI structure was pro-
The authors are with the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering,
Liaoning Technical University, Huludao 125105, China (e-mail: lihongzhu@ posed in [15] and [16]. A series of high step-up dc–dc converters; [email protected]; [email protected]; 2632689062@ with three-winding coupled inductor (TW-CI) were proposed in; [email protected]). [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], and [22], which effectively improved
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at the voltage gain of the converters. The interleaved converter with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3244809 TW-CI was presented in [23], which has improved the voltage
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Fig. 4. Operation modes in one period. (a) Mode 1 [t0 ∼t1 ]. (b) Mode 2 [t1 ∼t2 ]. (c) Mode 3 [t2 ∼t3 ]. (d) Mode 4 [t3 ∼t4 ]. (e) Mode 5 [t4 ∼t5 ]. (f) Mode 6 [t5 ∼t6 ].
(g) Mode 7 [t6 ∼t7 ]. (h) Mode 8 [t7 ∼t8 ]. (i) Mode 9 [t8 ∼t9 ]. (j) Mode 10 [t9 ∼t10 ].
Through the D13 , the load is charged by C2 and Cout2 . The 3) The capacitance is infinite, and the voltage ripple is ig-
current flow is shown in Fig. 4(i). The following equations can nored.
be achieved for this mode. 4) The turn ratios of the TW-CI are: ns1 = Ns1 /Np1 , ns2 =
Ns2 /Np2 , nt1 = Nt1 /Np1 , nt2 = Nt2 /Np2 .
Vin = VC22 − VC21 − VN s2 − VN t1 (5)
Vin A. Voltage Gain of the Proposed Converter
iLk2 = iLm2 = iLm2 (t7 ) + (t − t7 ) . (6)
Lm2 The coupled coefficient of TW-CI is presumed as follows:
Mode 10 (t9 ≤ t ≤ t10 ): In this mode, the power switch S2 is Lm1 Lm2
forward biased, and the D11 is forward biased. Since the energy k= = . (7)
Lm1 + Lk1 Lm2 + Lk2
of the leakage inductor Lk1 has been discharged. The rest of this
mode is similar to mode 9. The current flow is shown in Fig. 4(j). The secondary-tertiary windings voltage of the TW-CI is
expressed as follows:
⎪ VN s1 = ns1 VLm1
VN s2 = ns2 VLm2
For convenience in analysis, the following assumptions are . (8)
⎪ VN t1 = nt1 VLm1
made: ⎩
VN t2 = nt2 VLm2
1) All of the switching components are an ideal component.
2) The parasitic parameters of the inductive and capacitive To facilitate steady-state analysis, the four short-time transi-
components are ignored. tion modes of modes 1, 2, 6, and 7 are ignored. By applying
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1−D ID12 = ID13 = ID22 = ID23 = Io . (31)
VV psC1 = VV psC2 = Vo (22) 1−D
2 (3 + 4n + D)
D From the analysis of the converter operating in continuous
VV psC11 = VV psC21 = Vo (23) conduction mode (CCM), the average current of the magnetizing
3 + 4n + D
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The loss analysis of the proposed converter is performed by The RMS current of the capacitors are
considering the loss of the power switches, diodes, capacitors, T 2
and magnetic components. 0 irms−C11 dt
Irms−C11 = Irms−C21 =
A. Switch and Diode Loss T 2
0 irms−C21 dt
The power switches realize the ZCS conduction, so the losses =
of power switches can be calculated as follows.
2 2
(4n + D + 3) (12n + 3D + 5)
Ps = Irms−s1 Rs1 + Irms−s2 Rs2 = Io (40)
6 (1 − D) (4n + D + 1)
2 2
Cr Vs1 + Vs2 + (Vs1 Is1−of f + Vs2 Is2−of f ) tf
+ fs T 2
2 0 irms−C12 dt
(33) Irms−C12 = Irms−C22 =
where tf and Cr are the falling time and output capacitance of T 2
0 irms−C22 dt
the switches; Vs1 , Vs2 , Is1-off , and Is2-off are the voltage and =
current stress. And the RMS current of the power switches are T
2Io 6
T 2 T 2 = (41)
0 irms−s1 dt 0 irms−s2 dt 3 1−D
Irms−s1 = Irms−s2 = =
T T T 2
0 irms−Cout1 dt
(3 + 4n + D) Io √ Irms−Cout1 = Irms−Cout2 =
= 3 − 2D. (34) T
2 (1 − D)
T 2
The loss of the diodes can be expressed as follows. 0 irms−Cout2 dt
PD = (VF Io + Irms−Djk rDjk ) (35)
j=1,2 k=1,2,3 3D + 1
= Io (42)
3 (1 − D)
where VF is the forward voltage drop of diodes, and the RMS
current of diodes are T 2 T 2
0 irms−C1 dt 0 irms−C2 dt
Irms−C1 = Irms−C2 = =
T 2 T 2 T T
0 irms−D11 dt 0 irms−D21 dt
Irms−D11 = Irms−D21 = =
T T Io 6
= . (43)
3 1−D
Io 6(3D(D + 8n + 2) + 24n(2n + 1) + 7)
= The loss of the TW-CI includes the loss of copper and mag-
6 (4n + D + 1) (1 − D)
PCI = Pcu,CI + Pcore,CI (44)
T 2 T 2
0 irms−D12 dt 0 irms−D22 dt Pcu,CI = 2
rpi + 2
Irms−D12 = Irms−D22 = = Irms−Lki Irms−Lsi rsi
T T i=1,2 i=1,2
2Io 2
= (37) + Irms−Lti rti (45)
3 (1 − D) i=1,2
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CC22 ≥
ΔVC22 fs
3 + 4n + D
= Po .
α% (1 + knt1 + k (ns2 − nt1 ) (1 − D)) Vo2 fs
(57) Fig. 9. Comparison of voltage stress when n = 1.
Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms. (a) Input and output voltage. (b) Current of the TW-CI 1. (c) Current of the TW-CI 2. (d) ZCS of switches. (e) Voltage and
current stress of S1 . (f) Voltage and current stress of S2 . (g) Voltage and current stress of D11 . (h) Voltage and current stress of D12 . (i) Voltage and current stress
of D13 . (j) Voltage and current stress of D21 . (k) Voltage and current stress of D22 . (l) Voltage and current stress of D23 , 4. (m) Waveforms of iLk1 and iLk2 .
(n) Dynamic response of the change in the load (200 to 400 W). (o) Dynamic response of the change in the input voltage. (p) Input voltage and input current.
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By integrating two high step-up dc–dc converters with TW-
CI, this article has proposed an interleaved high step-up dc/dc
converter-based TWCI with symmetrical structure. The theo-
retical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the
main characteristics of the proposed converter can be regarded
as follows:
1) The proposed converter has a symmetrical structure, the
stress of the circuit semiconductors is small, and it is
suitable for the high power transfer ability.
2) With the help of input and output capacitors, the volt-
Fig. 11. Photograph of the experimental prototype. age stress of power switches is reduced. As the voltage
stress of semiconductors is smaller than output voltage,
the load changed. Fig. 10(o) represents the dynamic response of low-voltage-rating semiconductors are used. The voltage
the proposed converter when the input voltage quickly changes balance of the power switches and the capacitors can be
from 24 to 48 V. The registered results demonstrate the stability realized under steady and dynamic states.
and good dynamics of the converter, which can be experimented 3) Because the power switches achieve ZCS and the diode
under other variable conditions. The voltage and current wave- D11 , D21 turn OFF naturally, the measured efficiency was
form of input is shown in Fig. 10(p). Finally, the accuracy of the measured as 96.6%.
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