We envisioned groups of people all over the world sharing the Five-fold Blessing
and doing the Purpose of SFGN-CLFC, groups who are making a difference in
their community both spiritually and socially.
Our Emphasis
Maka-Diyos (God-centered) All our learning and actions will be for the glory of
God. For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things.
Makabayan (Patriotic/ Nationalist)In our ambition, plans and actions we will always
include the freedom and dignity of our country before the rest of the world.
Our Mission/Purpose
We exist to:
“Be A Light, Live In The Light, Share The Light To Everybody, Everywhere and All
The Time”
Our Slogan
"Friends though we in minority and weak together we lift up Jesus-the Light and
reach out for others by God's Spirit and Grace"
RELATIONSHIP- Good relationship with the Almighty God through Jesus is essential. Right relationship in
family and friendship is of equal importance. For right relationship in the horizontal level proves right vertical
INDIVIDUALITY- we acknowledge the uniqueness of each individual. We respect each person, his dignity as
created in the image of God. We also respect once culture, language, nationality and personality. We accept
individuals preferences in life.
ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY- taking care of our environment is caring ourselves we are created to take care of
the rest of God’s creation.
NATIONALISM- the only distinction in heaven will be ones tribe, nation and tongue. There is no super race or
super tribe each race, tribe and country is distinct and special with a special place to live in this planet.
DREAMS- Everything we see around us today starts in ones mind, imagination and vision. We recognize and
encouraged person to dream greater things for the glory of God, global peace and harmony of the human race.
SERVANT- LEADERSHIP-we develop leaders not bosses. Jesus as our example gave us the legacy on
leadership and he said “If you want to be great in God’s kingdom learn to be a servant of all” HE set Himself as
an example for us to follow when He washed the feet of His disciples.
HOLINESS- our motto “Be a light, live in the light, share the light to everybody…” is impossible unless we are
living a life that is different but not weird. Holy life is characterized by hating sin and loving God. This is not
ascetic lifestyle but a life that is characterized by godliness, integrity and character serving as salt and light in
this world.
INITIATIVE- we encourage members to explore and attempt greater things for the good of the club and for the
glory of God. We accommodate the dreamers
PRAYER-POWERED. We believe and practice prayer. It must be the first in everything that we do. Since this is
relationship-based group we believe that right and intimate relationship with God must be first and when we talk
about intimate relationship then communication plays a very important role and for us who believe in Jesus
there is only one way to communicate with God-Prayer.
Love and acceptance are basic human need. People from different corners of the globe cry
for this, yet sad to know, we are living in a world where almost everything is conditional.
You’ve got to act, behave, give this and that to be accepted in a club or organization. In our
group we promised unconditional love and acceptance. Are we capable of doing it? Can we
fulfill it? Can we keep it? Those are very critical questions, but like other relationships though
we cannot find a perfect one but all of us can work for a better one.
A. We were the first recipient of it. We cannot give what we don’t possess. The love of God
for all of us was and is unconditional. We sinned and we rebelled against God yet the bible
says, “But God showed His love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for
us.” (Romans 5:8) God did not wait for us to be good before He showed His love by sending
Jesus Christ. Our God is love. His love is perfect, unchanging and immeasurable. God
extended to us this kind of love. So He is also expecting us the beneficiary of his love to love
the unlovable and accept the unacceptable.
B. We were commanded to share it. Since God has already made everything possible for
man to feel loved and accepted, He then commanded us to do the same. Every individual
who experienced the love of God through the atoning death and resurrection of our Lord
Jesus is expected to extend to others the same measure of grace. God commanded us to
love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Some people say to unconditionally love and totally
C. We love doing it. What you saw is what you reap. After years of sharing love to others, we
found out that the only way to receive love and acceptance is to do it first. Love is something
you cannot force others to give to you. You cannot say love me or you must love me. But
Love is something you can give. Sometimes you can give it joyfully and sometimes
sacrificially. In this world you cannot get rid of those people who discriminate, prejudice,
critical and condemning but how peaceful and joyful it is to live free from these attitude.
A. We will accept you just as you are if you allow us to. To be a member of this club gives
you an opportunity to be loved and accepted by those people who believe that there is good
in you. By joining, you are saying, “I want to experience what you have experienced so that I
can also give it to others.” God loves and accepts you just as you are and so do we. You
might be the worst in your own eyes or to the eyes before other people we are here to accept
B. We will not force you to believe what we believe. What we believe is the reason why we
accept others. It is not a standard or code that you have to follow to be accepted. When
Jesus came, He taught about how we should live. That was the reason why He ate and spent
time with those who are living differently. Though He did not agree with what they were doing
and did not believe their teaching, yet Jesus remained to be their friend. That’s the reason
why he was called “the friend of sinners” (and that includes you and me). Whatever your
religious affiliation you are welcome here. Though we are followers of Jesus Christ (Isah-al-
Masih) and Bible believers, yet every person regardless of religious backgrounds are
accepted. The reason why we want everyone to join sessions before acceptance it is
because we want you to know the reason why we are doing what we are doing as a club.
C. We will help you to overcome sinful habits with mercy and grace. We are born with sinful
habits, that is, those things that we want to change but find hard to. There are habits that the
world condemned and called evil or immoral. There are habits that the world accepted and
considered normal, but the CLFCians does not depend on what the world believed but what
the Word of God-the Bible says. We believe that there are absolutes in this world. If you need
help to change your bad or sinful habits we avail ourselves as friends who will stand with you
and help you through the process. We may not approve all that you are doing but we will
accept you as a person whom God loves.
A. A Happy Home. There were joy and gladness in their home. He got a responsible, merciful
and gracious father. All of their needs were meet, and they have more than enough. He is
one of the two sons who will enjoy the inheritance of the father for them.
B. A Disgraceful Decision. It was unthinkable one day this youngest ask his portion of
inheritance from his father. This request of the youngest is very disgusting and very
disrespectful to his father. To ask once inheritance while the owner is still alive is indirectly
saying to the owner “I wish you are dead”. Did the son thought that by asking his inheritance
as if he cursed his father? Yet the father desires the love of the son, so though painful the
father granted the request of the son
C. A Wild Lifestyle. When the request was granted right there and then the son left home
without careful planning and consideration concerning the feelings of the love ones. “A few
days later this younger son packed all his belongings and took a trip to a distant land, and
there wasted all his money on parties and prostitutes”.
D. A Pitiful Condition. “About the time his money was gone a great famine swept over the
land, and he began to starve. He persuaded a local farmer to hire him to feed his pigs. The
boy became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the swine looked good to him. And
no one gave him anything.” Wild lifestyle will always result to poverty.
E. A Deep Conviction. When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘At home even
the hired men have food enough and to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger! I will go home
to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and am no longer
worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired man.”’ Godly sorrow will
always lead to right action.
F. Sweet Return. “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long distance
away, his father saw him coming, and was filled with loving pity and ran and embraced him
and kissed him. His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and you, and am
not worthy of being called your son—’But his father said to the slaves, ‘Quick! Bring the finest
robe in the house and put it on him. And a jeweled ring for his finger; and shoes! And kill the
calf we have in the fattening pen. We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was
dead and has returned to life. He was lost and is found.’ So the party began.
These blessings were given to us freely from God, so we are under Biblical mandate and
moral obligation to do the same to all. If you want to be a member of the club, we also expect
you to do the same towards the others.