Achievement of Different PTC&B Lab 7th Conf 2
Achievement of Different PTC&B Lab 7th Conf 2
Achievement of Different PTC&B Lab 7th Conf 2
Foreign collaboration 2. In vitro regeneration of malta
Biotechnology Division has introduced bio-engineered Shoot tips of nucellar seedlings were cultured on MS
crops with the collaboration of ABSP II, project funded medium supplemented with five different concentrations
by USAID and technical cooperation with Cornell of BAP, Kn along with GA3 0.1 mg/l were tested for this
University. Since 2005 development of nine Bt brinjal study. Maximum shoot proliferation was recorded in T4 -
varieties and two LBR potato has been running at treatment. Well developed shoots were placed on half
BARI. strength MS medium supplemented with four different
concentrations of IBA. Maximum (95.13%) explants
Research achievements produced root in T3 where 3.0 tap roots/explants were
A. Tissue culture recorded at 28 days.
Development of different protocol for seeding
production relating to tissue culture of different crops
namely, banana, jackfruit, pineapple, papaya, coconut,
grape, malta, brinjal, okra, sweetgourd, teasel gourd,
ginger, chilli, Watermelon, Chrysanthemum, Rose,
Tuberose, orchid, Gladiolas, Strawberry and potato.
Fig. a-c. (a ) Callus. (b) shoot from hypocotyle and (c) shoot
from cotyledonary nodes.
concentrations of BAP, thidiazuron (TDZ), 2,4-D, BAP various concentrations of 2,4-D along with a control.
with NAA, BAP with IAA and zeatin with IAA. TDZ BARI Begun-4 produced the highest (80.07) number of
showed better compare to all other treatments where the embryos was observed on T2 medium. Success was
highest percentage (75) and number of shoots (3.07) per noticed by both the varieties regarding ex vitro
explants were found in T1 media. establishment of plantlets. The regenerated plantlets
were successfully established in soil after proper
Fig. Regeneration of sweetgourd. a) 8-10 days old germinated seedling, b) shoots, c) multiple shoots, d) rooting, e) hardening of
plantlets in greenhouse and f) fruit on established plant.
7. Standardization of protocol for in vitro BARI kola-4, respectively. Thirty four validation trials
production of bari kola- and BARI kola-4 and their were established at farmer’s field of Khagrachari and
validation in hilly areas Rangamati Hill Districts along with two on-stations
MS medium supplemented with 3 and 5 mg/l BAP were Performance was very good.
found suitable for in vitro production of multiple shoot
from the shoot tip of sword sucker of BARI kola-3 and
Fig. In vitro production of BARI Kola-3 and BARI Kola-4 and their validation in hilly areas.
Fig. a-e. (a) Direct shoot regeneration, (b) Rooting, (c) In
vitro plantlets, (d) Ex vitro establishment and (e) PCR Fig. An exemplary view of ELISA plate for Bt protein.
amplification for inserted gene.
Bt brinjal
Brinjal mostly affected by brinjal shoot and fruit borer
(Leucinodes orbonallis Gune) and sometimes 70% of
crop yield damaged by it. Most of the cases farmers
user pesticides superfluous way in field each day to get
more yields. As a results, production cost of farmers
increasing due to excessive use of pesticide. That’s why Fig. Bt brinjal varieties
environment pollution and consume health becoming
endanger. On the contrary, insect developing resistance LBR potato
to pesticides. The major challenge of potato is Late blight of potato
which is the most devastating disease of potato. To
BARI has developed transgenic Bt brinjal varieties protect this disease ABSP II Project with the financial
against brinjal shoot and fruit borer by introgressing of aid by USAID and Scientist of Wisconsin University
Cry1Ac genes in nine popular varieties with the help of inserted RB gene form wild potato variety in our
MAHYCO. Among the nine, four varieties were popular varieties cardinal and Diamonds to develop
released as BARI Bt brinjal 1, 2, 3 and 4. To investigate Late blight resistant potato variety. The confined field
the presence of Bt protein, ELISA test was performed is being conducted at the different locations of the
for nine Bt varieties. country. It is expected to release the Late blight
resistant potato varieties very short time.
18. Observational trial of tissue cultured pineapple plantlets under field condition
Project 04: ABSP-II research activities
19. Confined field production trial of Bt brinjal
20. Multilocation trial of transgenic late blight resistant clones under natural field condition
21. Pathological tests of RB gene contained potato clones under natural field condition
Tissue Culture Section, and tissue culture and other major areas of research
Biological Research Division, according to the need of the country.
BCSIR Laboratories Dhaka, Bangladesh
electrophoresis etc. that are headed by highly qualified Scientists in BCSIR tissue culture laboratory have been
and experienced scientists for generating the successful in developing the important plants namely
technology. Stevia rebaudiana, Feronia limonia, Agle marmelos,
Centella asiatica, Rauvolfia serpentina, amloki, apple,
orchid, potato, tomato etc.
Research on medicinal, fruit, fuel wood and ornamental Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI)
plants is constantly underway to meet the requirements Botany Division
of the nation. Many of the findings can be applied Srimangal-3210, Moulvibazar
commercially. Meanwhile some process has been
developed for the large-scale production of Crop working with: Tea (Camellia sinensis (L.)
economically important plants. A process has been O. Kuntze]
developed on “Development of a cultivation technology Objectives: Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology
of Bixa orellana L., a natural food color producing Laboratory of this institute was initiated with following
plant in the year 2007. Beside this, large-scale objectives.
production of potato seedlings is one of the important 1. Development of in vitro protocol for
achievements of this section. micropropagation of elite tea clones.
2. Establishment of in vitro propagation system for and biotechnology. Initially we would like to start the
tea through organogenesis and somatic work with micropropagation and anther culture.
embryogenesis. Needs: The institute needs assistance in capacity
3. Establishment of anther culture to obtain development as well as technical support for human
homozygous diploid. resource development. Collaboration with the other
research institute especially which are working on
Existing capacity tissue culture of woody plant.
Storage Facilities :
Sl. No. Crop Capacity (MT) Location Condition
1 Rice 2,000 Trishal, Mymensingh Dehumidified & Cold
2 Maize 500 Trishal, Mymensingh Dehumidified & Cold
3 Potato 4,500 Chandina, Comilla Humidified & Cold
4 Cotton 20 Trishal, Mymensingh, Dehumidified & Cold
5 Vegetable 25 Uttara, Dhaka Dehumidified & Cold
NB. We have also 3 ambient stores with a capacity of 400 MT at Rangpur
Research & development (R&D) facilities :
R&D Station Location Purpose Area (acre)
1 R&D, Hybrid Rice Trishal, Mymensingh Breed Hybrid Variety 12
2 R&D, Hybrid Rice Muktagacha, Mymensingh Trial & evaluation 14
3 R&D, Vegetable Bhaluka, Mymensingh Breed Hybrid Variety 12
Laboratory facilities :
Prime products :
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
(BSRI), Ishurdi-6620, Pabna, Bangladesh Genetic transformation for development of stress
(salt and drought) tolerant transgenic sugarcane.
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute (BSRI) is one Trying to develop protocols for regeneration and
of the oldest research institute of Bangladesh micropropagation of date palm, palmyra palm,
conducting research on sugarcane – the raw material for palm leaves (Gol pata) and Sugar beet.
sugar, goor and cane juice. Recently, new dimension is
added in its research by adding other sweetener crops Research achievements
such as sugar beet, date palm, palmyra palm, golpata
Protocol of plant regeneration using leaf segments
and stevia.
via callus culture for sugarcane somaclones
BSRI is proud to serve the nation attaining self reliance development has been developed and optimized.
in the sugar and gur sector with its limited resource and Callus derived somaclones are being tested in the
manpower. Two basic functions are performed by this field conditions.
institute: a) Development of sugarcane varieties as well
Protocol of microropropagation using shoot tip,
as improved production technologies and b)
leaf segments, tip and meristem for high quality
Dissemination of varieties and technologies to the
setts (HQS) production and rapid multiplication of
farming community.
sugarcane has been optimized. Yield performances
Biotechnological research activities of BSRI started of micropropagated plants are being evaluated in
establishing its own Laboratory in 1997. The the field conditions.
Biotechnology Laboratory of BSRI established as
Tissue culture techniques for development of salt
Biotechnology Division on 27 February, 2011. Since
and drought tolerant sugarcane have been
1997 to-date protocol development and optimization for
optimized. Somaclones developed from salt and
micropropagation of sugarcane and stevia, somaclonal
drought tolerant callus are being tested in the field
technique for sugarcane variety development, genetic
transformation for stress tolerant variety development
Protocols for development and rapid multiplication
are achieved. Molecular markers technique for Marker
via callus culture and shoot tip culture of stevia-an
Assisted Selection (MAS) of sugarcane varieties is in
elite sweetening herb have been developed.
progress. To gear-up biotechnological research
Developed stevia plants cultivated in the field and
activities “Biotechnological Research Strengthening
stevia tea developed from harvested leaves.
Project” of Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
under the Ministry of Agriculture is being running Protocols for Mushroom tissue culture without
smoothly for sugarcane and ancillary sweetening crops Lamiar-flow-hood with and without Aseptic Box
development in Bangladesh. and production using sugarcane bagasse have been
Research activities
Studies with regeneration and micropropagation
protocols development of sugarcane and stevia
using leaf segments via callus culture, shoot tip and
meristem culture.
Working on to develop improved varieties of
sugarcane for sugar, gur and chewing using
biotechnological tools such as DNA
Fingerprinting, Molecular Marker Assisted Fig. DNA fingerprinting of five bred variety one bred chewing
Selection (MAS) and Quantitative Trait Loci variety and four chewing germplasm using SSR marker.
(QTLs) determination.
Tree Diagram for 5 Sugarcane Varieties Academic activities
Unweighted pair-group average
Squared Euclidean distances Six Ph. D. research students (including 3 university
teachers) are being carried out their Thesis works
Isd 36 at BSRI Biotechnology Division. So far two Ph. D.
Isd 37
and 27 Master students have successfully been
completed their research works.
Isd 38
Prepared by
4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
Dr. Md. Amzad Hossain
Linkage Distance
CSO and Head
Fig. Tree diagram of one bred chewing variety and four Biotechnology Division
chewing germplasm
Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute
Ishurdi-6620, Pabna, Bangladesh.
DNA fingerprinting of all released sugarcane
E-mail: [email protected]
varieties and five chewing varieties have been
Mobile: +88-01718-426200
completed. Fingerprinting of all germplasms has to
be completed to generate data for genetic linkage Phone: +88-07326-64123
mapping, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) Fax: +88-07326-63888
determination and Molecular Marker Assisted
Selection (MAS) of sugarcane. Department of Biotechnology
Genetic Position of Sugarcane Breeding Bangladesh Agricultural University,
Programme of Bangladesh with Philippines, Mymensingh
Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia has been
determined. The Department Biotechnology at Bangladesh
Transformed sugarcane using Agrobacterium- Agricultural University (BAU) started functioning since
mediated method is being maintained under in vitro 2002 with mandate of education, research and extension
contained conditions in the laboratory. on biotechnology and molecular biology to meet the
global need of researches and education on latest
developments in biotechnology. The Department has hosting BABGE which has started publishing the
been offering courses at Undergraduate, MS and Ph.D. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Journal since
levels. The major activities of the Department include 2003. Training facilities are also available on various
teaching Undergraduate, MS and Ph.D. students and aspects of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Our
conducting research on in vitro propagation of vision is to develop tools and technique for the
agronomic and horticultural crops, flower and development of new crop varieties appropriate for the
medicinal plants, molecular characterization and welfare of humankind and friendly for environment.
diversity analysis of plants and fishes, and molecular The Department of Biotechnology is therefore, playing
breeding of plants, gene transfer techniques including an important role in both academic and research
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation, etc. activities. However, it is essential to expand both
The mission of the department is to teach students academic and research activities of the Department with
about application of technologies using living modern laboratory and field research facilities. Since
organisms or its products to manufacture industrially major fields of biotechnology include plants, animals,
valuable products, to improve plants or animals with fisheries and microbes and BAU has renowned experts,
expected characteristics, to develop microorganisms for it is time to establish an “Institute of Genetic
specific uses. At the undergraduate level, Engineering and Biotechnology” in the BAU campus
Biotechnology department is offering elective courses: where experts from different field of biotechnology can
Basic Biotechnology (Theory &Practical) in Level 1, work together and can make BAU as a Centre of
Semester 2, and Genetic Engineering and excellence for research on molecular biology and
Biotechnology (Theory & Practical) in Level 4, biotechnology and thus can contribute substantially to
Semester 1 & 2. By this time, three hundred and one increase agricultural production.
(301) students have successfully completed their MS Completed and on-going research projects from the
degree from this Department. From the very beginning, Department of Biotechnology:
the Departmental Laboratory is well versed with the
01. Professor Dr. K. M. Nasiruddin
sophisticated equipments and systems. Nine Ph. D.
i. BARC funded project title: “Fungal disease
Fellows obtained Ph. D. and 14 are enrolled and
resistance of local potato through gene transfer.”
pursuing their researches for Doctor of Philosophy on
genetic transformation of potato, garlic, chilli and other
crops with a view to produce transgenic plants resistant ii. UGC funded project title: “Agrobacterium
to abiotic and biotic stresses. Some of the fellows are tumefactions mediated genetic engineering of
doing researches on molecular markers and molecular potato for late blight resistance.” (completed)
breeding. The department has successfully completed iii. BAS-USDA funded project title: “Genetic
research on screening and transgenic potato production Engineering approaches for development of blight
for salinity and drought resistance funded by USDA. and streak resistant rice varieties.” (on-going)
The department has completed some other projects
02. Professor Dr. Md. Shahidul Haque
funded by BAURES, MOSICT, BARC, UGC and
i) BAURES funded project title: “Agrobacterium-
BCSIR. At present two projects are running under
mediated genetic transformation of garlic.
BAS-USDA fund. Transgenic researches are going on
with potato, garlic, cucumber, chili papaya and brinjal
for virus and insect resistance. Different tissue culture ii) BCSIR funded project title: “ In vitro plant
practices are going on with orchid, banana, rice, lentil, regeneration and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic
sugarcane, tomato, soybean, onion, gerbera anthurium transformation of chilli” (completed)
and mushroom. Moreover, marker aided selection and iii) MOSICT funded project title: Improvement of
genetic diversity analysis using RAPD and SSR cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through in vitro
markers are being conducted on many field and regeneration and genetic transformation”
horticultural crops and fishes. The department is (completed)
iv) UGC funded project title: “Production of virus RDA tissue culture laboratory started its journey in
free propagules of garlic by in vitro meristems 2006. At the beginning this laboratory was only
culture.” (completed) involved in production of disease free potato seed of
v) BAS-USDA funded project title: “Selection for two varieties Diamant and Cardinal but at present it is
Anthracnose Resistance in Chilli Germplasms and working with seven varieties of potato, strawberry,
Development of Resistant Lines.” (completed) stevia, grape, orchid, banana along with mushroom and
trichoderma. Seven persons including 4 scientists are
working in this center presently.
Teaching and research team:
01. Professor Dr. K. M. Nasiruddin
02. Professor Dr. Md. Shahidul Haque
03. Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam, Associate Professor
04. Dr. Sabina Yasmin, Associate Professor
05. Dr. Fahmida Khatun, Associate Professor
06. Md. Jakir Hasan, Assistant Professor (Study leave)
07. Sumitra Saha, Lecturer
Available facilities Granola, Diamant, Cardinal, Ultra, Courage,
• Well-equipped laboratory for plant tissue culture Lady Rosetta and Asterix are regularly
of various species produced
• Automated greenhouse, hardening shed • From the beginning more than 500 MTs of
• A demonstration farm of about 80 acre of land with disease free seed potatoes of different level
all kinds of modern facilities e.g. prebreeder/minituber, breeder and
foundation are produced
• Skilled and efficient manpower.
• Around 0.5 million of disease free potato
• Modern laboratory for trichoderma and mushroom
plantlets are produced
• Every year farmers field day is arrange due to
demonstrate practical experience
Research Programs already conducted
• Each year thousands of farmers are getting
• Production of disease free potato seeds through
advisory services.
meristem culture for commercial use
Future Plan
• In vitro propagation of grape (Vitis vinifera)
• Extension of biotechnology laboratory in
• Protocol development for in vitro regeneration of
terms of working area and capacity;
some commercially important varieties such as
• Conduct more technology specific national
banana, orchid, stevia etc.
and international training on plant tissue
• Regeneration of strawberry through shoot tip
• Apply biotechnological tools for the wellbeing
of rural poor.
• More than 300 beneficiaries are given skill
development training on plant tissue culture in
which most them are self-employed at present;
• Each year around 3500 man-days work
opportunity has been created by this center
• Seed potato of seven different varieties e.g.
National Executive Committee on Biotechnology
Major facilities of NIB
NIB is facilitated with modern equipment and other
National Institute of Biotechnology physical and research infrastructures. Genetic
Ganakbari, Asulia, Savar, Dhaka-1349, engineering and molecular research facilities like
Bangladesh genome analysis (PCR, qPCR, DNA sequencing), DNA
fingerprinting and cloning, fluorescent microscopy,
National Institute of Biotechnology (NIB) is HPLC, IR, Biolog are available at NIB. Moreover,
functioning as an autonomous organization under the Plant biotechnology division has a well equipped
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of laboratory with tissue culture room, media preparation
Bangladesh. It is expected that the establishment of this room, growth room, automated green house, hardening
Institute is essential for ensuring socioeconomic house and experimental plots. Other research divisions
development for ever increasing population of the have laboratories with amenities like animal cell
country through the benefits of biotechnology. Recent culture, immunological study, cryopreservation,
gazette notification of National Institute of environmental samples analysis and fermentation
Biotechnology Act 2010; National Institute of technology, experimental animal house and shed,
Biotechnology service regulations, 2011 and approval experimental and brood ponds for biotechnology and
of organization structure of the Institute will facilitate genetic engineering research.
administrative and research management through
appointing board of governors, researchers and Plant biotechnology division
employees and to formulate biotechnology policy,
Research activities of plant biotechnology division are
policy guidelines and action plan.
focused on two broad aspects; plant tissue culture and
The Institute is operating eight separate division’s viz., plant genetic engineering. At present, the division is
plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, fisheries working on micropropagation of economically valuable
biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, microbial plants and to develop abiotic stress tolerant transgenic
biotechnology, molecular biotechnology, Gene bank crop.
and Human resource development.
Objectives of the division
NIB has been organizing Human Resource
• Development of pathogen free, insect-pest resistant
Development (HRD) program since 2009 to develop
plant through tissue culture and genetic
skilled manpower on biotechnology. Presently, the
institute provides HRD programs with recent
• Development of stress (salinity, draught, flood)
advancement in the field of biotechnology for graduate
tolerant crop varieties through biotechnology and
and post graduate students, researchers, academicians
genetic engineering
and professionals. Moreover, awareness programs are
also being organized on the potentials of biotechnology • Micropropagation of rare, endangered, ornamental,
and genetic engineering among the policy makers, medicinal and commercially important plants
researchers, stakeholders, farmers and consumers. through tissue culture
• Development of transgenic eggplant (Solanum
melongena L.) with enhanced abiotic stress
• Manpower
• National and International collaborations
been conducting research on development of tissue through vegetative propagation technique ii) micro
culture technique of forest species under the breeding propagation through tissue culture technique. Research
and tree improvement programme since 1988. is being conducted on bamboos and forest trees
including ornamental, fruits and medicinal plants.
Laboratory facilities
Tissue Culture Laboratory of Silviculture Genetics Objectives of the research of tissue culture
Division of BFRI is well and modern equipped such as technique
Top Pan Balance (3 digit), Analytical balance (4 digit), i) To develop easy micro-propagation techniques for
temperature and light controlled incubator, cool the forest species
centrifuge, laminar flow bench, water distillation plant, ii) To produce a homogenous plant population.
water purification system, orbital shaker, fluorescent iii) In vitro conservation of plants.
microscope, PCR machine, Gel Electrophoresis to
Progress/accomplishment so far made
conduct research on various aspects of tissue culture
Successful protocols for micro-propagation of 12
smoothly. Besides, green house and mist house is
bamboo species, six tree species and four medicinal
plant species have been developed. Demonstration plots
from the tissue culture raised plantlets of bamboo
Limitations species have been established at Sugar Cane Research
A well equipped tissue culture laboratory of BFRI Institute, Ishwardi, Chittagong University, Jahangir
having shortage of trained manpower is a serious Nagar University, Rajshahi University campuses and
setback. farmer’s field at Bandarban.
The lists of established protocols of bamboo, forest tree,
Research activities ornamental, fruits and medicinal plant species are given
Research activities of Silviculture Genetics Division of below:
BFRI are mainly on two aspects: i) macro propagation
Sl.. Name of species Explants used Success and present status Importance
1 Muli Nodal bud Multiple shoots, rooted plantlets. Dominant and natural hilly
Melocanna baccifera bamboo
2 Kanta Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Thick walled village
Bambusa bambos grown clumps at bambusetum of BFRI bamboo
3 Brandisii Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Large bamboo
Dendrocalamus grown clumps in the demonstration plots
4 Thai Nodal Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Ornamental/Important
Thyrsostachys siamensis bud/Seed grown clumps at bambusetum of BFRI bamboo
5 Budum Nodal bud/ Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Largest bamboo
Dendrocalamus Seed grown clumps in the demonstration plots
6 Borak Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Thick walled village
Bambusa balcooa grown clumps in the demonstration plots bamboo
7 Rangoon Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Ornamental bamboo
Thyrsostachys oliveri grown clumps in the demonstration plots
8 Baizza Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Important village bamboo
Bambusa vulgaris grown clumps in the demonstration plots
9 Swarno Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Attractive coloured thick
Bambusa vulgaris-var- grown clumps in the demonstration plots. walled bamboo
10 Jaotha Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Important village bamboo
B. salarkhanii grown clumps in the bamboo
11 Makal/Talla Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Important village bamboo
B. nutans grown clumps in the demonstration plots
12 Bethua Nodal bud Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Full Important village bamboo
B. cacharensis grown clumps in the demonstration plots
6 Haldu Shoot tip Multiple shoots and rooted plantlets. Multipurpose threatened forest species.
Adina cordifolia Seedlings are being maintained in
the nursery
Marketing status of tissue culture products and Private Planters with the minimum revenue to the
Tissue culture raised seedlings are being distributed government fund.
among Government, Non-government Organizations
In vitro regeneration of strawberry Researchers of Plant Tissue Culture:
1. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Senior Research Officer
2. Nusrat Sultana
Senior Research Officer
3. Shirin Akhter
Research Officer
4. Saiful Alam Md. Tareq
Field Investigator
In vitro regeneration of Stevia
Progress of Biotechnological Research and
Development Activities at
Lal Teer Seed Limited
P. Banerjee, S. Mitra, M. Zaman, M E Haque and
G.M. Mohsin
Biotech Lab., LTSL
producing hybrid rice seed in five locations composed minimize seed import and build up capacity to export
of both own management and contract growers system seed. We also develop and disseminate cultivation
along with a Central Rice Breeding Station at Valuka, technology appropriate for the growers/producers at
Mymensingh. Adaptation trials are regularly conducted home and abroad. We establish strong networking
in 30 agro-ecological zones of the country. It has also programs by sharing resources with local and
established its own facilities for processing , international institutes/organizations.
preservation and quality control, fully automated
dehumidified air conditioned storage facility, seed Aims and objectives
grading, seed coating machineries and cereal and
• To ensure the availability of quality seeds for the
vegetable storage Go downs.
farmers of Bangladesh and other tropical nations.
To ensure easy access of farmers to quality seeds it has
• To innovate and produce hybrid and high yielding
established 30 marketing offices, 1000 dealers and
vegetables of seeds. To focus or pest resistant
25000 retailers /mobile vendors across the country
saline and drought tolerance varieties
through a marketing net work. The company’s
• To transform Bangladesh into a seed exporting
marketing network has also been expanded in world
seed export market revolving around 12 countries of the
world at the moment. It has also a joint venture Seed • To establish strong networking programs by
Production Unit in Nepal. sharing resources and expertise with local and
international institute and organizations
The company is working with many national and
international organizations including IRRI, IJSG, • To achieve 65% share of the hybrid vegetable
USAID-PRICE, AVRDC, IFC, IDE,BGI , Katalyst, seeds and 20% share of the hybrid field crops to be
Winrock International etc. Besides research marketed in the country by 2015
collaboration, the company is keeping liaison with them • To perform research programs for hybrid and high
in innovating new ideas to serve the humanity in terms yielding varieties of rice, wheat, maize, pulses and
of income generation, food and nutritional security. The other crops adaptable to the climate. To come up
company’s recent introduction of low cost mini seed with at least one variety of each crop by the year
pack and seven colored mini seed pack through 2015
homestead vegetables gardening will go a long way in
alleviating nutritional deficiency. However, the The population of Bangladesh is growing and our
company through its activities contributing towards the demand for food is increasing day by day in an
economic development of the country in the form of alarming rate. Thus, the major challenges we face in the
raising development of climate resilient varieties, crop country in the 21st century are to achieve food and
productivity, income and employment generation nutritional security for the fast growing population of
,achieving food and nutritional security. the world. Climate change is impeding crop production,
distribution, and yields directly through changes in
Policy of LTSL temperature, rainfall and precipitation, and indirectly by
Lal Teer Seed Limited has been providing the increasing pest and disease outbreaks. There is no other
environmentally adaptable and best quality seed to alternative but to introduce biotechnological
farmers. Considering customer need and preference we interventions in conjunction with conventional plant
breed & develop new varieties that are high yielding, breeding to increase cropping yields dramatically. In
pests/diseases tolerant, heat tolerant and adapted to this situation Biotechnologists are capable of
wide seasonal variation and changed climate. We developing new plant varieties having resistance to
enhance research consciousness in discovering new pests and environmental stress, in lowering the cost of
dimensions for development and enrichment with inputs and improving nutritional value of food crops.
modern biotechnology and method. We are confident to The biotechnology thus can offer opportunities for
increasing productivity, conservation of biodiversity area. It has started the activities with resistant gene
and alleviation of poverty. In realizing to meet up the hunting from wild relative of eggplant to develop
challenges of new millennium, LTSL has established a bacterial wild resistant variety in Brinjal, late blight
Biotech Lab to battle against environmental stress viz. resistant variety for potato etc. Evaluation of drought
heat, drought, salinity, diseases and insect pests. resistant wheat, saline tolerant maize and subsequent
marker assisted selection work is under process to
fulfill the above objectives.
Bufallo is available which can be the common platform Associate investigators:
for scientist all over the world. Ph.D. students
Dr. Mahbub Hasan, Assist Prof. BMBDU
Sabrina M. Elias: MBBISP fellow
Md. Sazzadur Rahman, SSO, BRRI
Richard Malo
Sajib Chakraborty, Lecturer, BMBDU
Habibul Bari Shozib
Kawsar Khan, Lecturer, BMBSUST
Shafiul Azam, ACME
Fig: The announcement ceremony of genome sequencing of the
revering buffalo Sumaiya F. Khan, Assist Prof, Jagannath U
Rumana Sultana Tammi, Asst Prof. JNU
Lal Teer believes it is very high time for Bangladesh to 3 Completed PhD
adopt strong biotechnology research program to face
Noorain Rasul, Biotechnologist, Apex,
the challenge of food security and nutrition as well,
Laisa Lisa, Assoc. Prof., Jagannath U and
otherwise country has to face a serious food and
malnutrition problem in near future due to high rate of Rokeya Begum, PhD fellow CARS, DU
population growth with the effect of global atmospheric
changes. Research associates
Lal Teer also will keep strengthening its own research MS students
Taslima Haque
infrastructure especially molecular characterization,
Arif Ashraf
sequencing and bioinformatics on variety development
Samsad Razzaque
of agricultural crops.
Umme Habiba
Sudip Biswas
Sarah Sarker
Research at the Plant Biotechnology Shabnam Zaman
Laboratory of Dr. Zeba I. Seraj, Afroza Ferdous
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology, University of Dhaka. Research assistants
Md. Shamim Hossain
Rabin Sarker
Nazrul Islam
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos,
Philippines Al Amin
Raju Ahmed
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Gazipur,
International Center for Genetic Engineering and Focus
Biotechnology, ICGEB Our focus is on producing rice tolerant to saline stress,
Section of Intergrative Biology, University of Texas at suitable for growth in the coastal areas of Bangladesh.
Austin Any improved rice variety for the coastal region will
National Institute of Biotechnology (NIB), Savar, make major impacts in the livelihoods of the resource-
Bangladesh poor farmers of the region, in addition to increasing
Dept. of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (GEB), total rice production, which is important to maintain
DU self-sufficiency in our staple food.
Our laboratory has been successful in establishing DNA Department of Genetic Engineering and
marker-based breeding for development of salt tolerant Biotechnology
strains of rice. While Bangladesh Rice Research Jessore University of Science and Technology
Institute has done the breeding, we have identified Jessore 7408, Bangladesh
suitable progenies having the salt tolerance loci, and Web;, E-mail: [email protected]
thus helped speed up the breeding process using
molecular technologies. We are also transforming rice Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
with regulatory genes like transcription factors to was established in 2010. Genetic Engineering and
produce both salt and drought tolerant rice. Biotechnology Department launched four years
undergraduate program aiming at offering B.Sc. in
Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology degree. The
Specific areas of work
department started one year M.S. in Genetic
• Marker-assisted backcrossed rice undergoing field Engineering and Biotechnology degree program from
trials in the Southern Coastal regions 2014. Within a short period the department has
• Search for salinity tolerance QTLs from developed a well organized Biotechnology Laboratory
Bangladesh rice landraces, using next generation which was equipped with sophisticated instruments
sequencing technologies in collaboration with including PCR, gel electrophoresis, centrifuge machine,
University of Texas at Austin shaking water bath, table top micro centrifuge, digital
• Cloning and subcloning of genes reported to confer micropipettes, vortex machine, incubator, UV trans-
salt tolerance for Agrobacterium-mediated rice illuminator for doing molecular biology research. To
transformation, both via tissue culture and in conduct plant tissue culture research with modern
planta transformation facilities including growth chamber, laminar airflow
• Rice transformation with genes reported to confer cabinet, autoclave machine, distilled water plant, pH
salt tolerance; assessment of tolerance and meter, analytical balance, magnetic stirrer, microwave
characterization of agronomic properties of modern oven, refrigerator and different types of culture vessels
rice after incorporation of transgene were also available in our Laboratory.
• Use of the rice seed to produce stable Cholera and
TB Antigens for vaccination purposes On-going research
• Use of Bioinformatics tools to characterize 1. Protocol development for Gerbera (Gerbera
promoter sequences jamesonii) Tissue Culture: A perspective for cost
efficient plantlets production.
Achievements 2. Biotechnological approaches for micropropagation
• DNA-marker assisted breeding lines produced and of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) in
currently undergoing field trials Bangladesh.
• Salt tolerant traditional rice produced with the full 3. Productions of virus free potato plantlets and
length vacuolar antiporter gene micro-tuber through biotechnological approaches.
• Salt tolerant transgenic rice with the Helicase gene 4. Identification and characterization of elite traits of
produced in the genetic background of high native date palm (Phoenix sylvestris) for better
yielding rice, BR28, 29, 36 and 47 juice and fruit yield through integrated
biotechnological and molecular biological
• Salt tolerant BR27 rice produced with the HARDY
Transcription factor
• Salt tolerant BR55 produced with the SNAC1
transcription factor gene Future plan
1. Improvement of important vegetables and
ornamentals plants through in vitro and
Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer techniques Background of Biotechnological Research in BRRI
for disease, flood, salinity and drought resistance. Biotechnological research was first initiated in BRRI
2. Improvement of cereals and rice varieties for the with a small facility of the Plant Pathology Division in
tolerance of arsenic, cadmium and chromium. late September, 1982. A team of researchers of Plant
Faculty Member Breeding, Plant Physiology and Plant Pathology was
1. Professor Shaikh Mizanur Rahman, Ph.D assigned to tissue culture for rice improvement. Later in
1987 with the development of a separate facility, tissue
2. Dr. Md. Ziaul Amin, Associate Professor
culture research was continued as a component of the
3. Dr. A.M. Swaraz, Assistant Professor
Plant Breeding Division. A full-fledged division known
4. Md. Nazmul Hasan, Assistant Professor as Biogenetic Engineering was established from April
5. Aneesa Ansari, Assistant Professor 1991. In April 1996, this division was renamed as
6. Dr. Md. Mashiar Rahman, Assistant Professor Biotechnology Division to cover all aspects of
7. Md. Abdur Rauf Sarkar, Lecturer biotechnological research for rice improvement.
8. Md. Shahedur Rahman, Lecturer
Major objectives of the division
• Development of modern rice varieties suitable for
both favorable and unfavorable environments
through different biotechnological techniques.
Biotechnology Division • Molecular characterization of local germplasms to
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) identify desired traits for incorporating them in
Gazipur-1701, Bangladesh future variety development programme.
• Identification of the desired tissue culture derived
Introduction lines from seed, embryo and anther culture through
Biotechnology Division is one of the major components pedigree selection, observational trails and primary
of rice varietal development program area in BRRI. yield trails.
Since its inception, the division has been working for • Establishment of efficient genetic transformation
generating rice breeding lines through different system for Bangladeshi rice genotypes.
biotechnological tools. Its major thrust includes the • DNA fingerprinting of BRRI released varieties and
advance breeding lines to protect biopiracy.
varietal development activities for high yield, quality,
• Identification of useful QTLs /genes for high yield,
stress tolerance and biofortification of rice. Currently, it
disease resistance, salinity tolerance etc. for
is mainly involved in rice tissue culture, genetic
varietal improvement.
transformation, marker assisted selection (MAS), gene
• Gene pyramiding for resistance to diseases and
pyramiding, QTL identification and DNA finger
printing of the modern rice varieties, advanced breeding
• Construction and screening of cDNA/ genomic
lines and local land races. library to characterize and use important genes for
rice improvement.
Existing capacities
Sl. No. Categories Existing capacities
1 Laboratory Well equipped laboratory for Tissue culture, Marker assisted selection (MAS), QTLs
facilities identification, genetic transformation study, gene expression study etc.
2 Technical skill Tissue culture, MAS, QTLs identification, genetic transformation, gene expression etc.
3 Human Currently six scientists are working in this division. Among them four scientists having PhD
resources degree in advanced biotechnological research including molecular biology and genetic
4 Local/ foreign IRRI, USAID
Progress/achievements Future Plan
The major achievements are stated below: 1. To develop manpower skill in rice modern
biotechnological research to undertake frontier
• Methods and protocols have been established on
research programs appropriate to the future need.
culturing explants, such as seed, embryo, young
2. Introduction and validation of transgenic rice
panicle and anther of indica rice
events: Bio fortified rice, biotic and abiotic stress
• Higher regeneration rates from callus of rice tissue tolerant rice.
culture have been achieved in both indica and 3. Identification, introgression and validation of
japonica rice by using various salts of sodium agronomicaly important QTLs for high yield, biotic
• DNA fingerprinting was done on 50 BRRI released and abiotic stress tolerant rice. Positional cloning
varieties to protect biopiracy and sequencing of the target QTL region leading to
• Efficient genetic transformation system was the development of gene based markers.
established for Bangladeshi rice genotypes 4. Molecular characterization of existing germplasm,
land races and related varieties for identification
• Two Bacterial Blight resistance genes (xa13 and
and usage in breeding program. Explore and
Xa21) have been pyramided in BRRI dhan29
utilization of available QTLs through Marker
• Molecular characterization of 127 local Aus Assisted Selection in popular rice varieties.
germplasms has been completed 5. Development and introduction of transgenic rice
• Sub1 gene has been introgressed into BRRIdhan44 having useful genes for nutritional important, and
for submergence tolerance biotic and abiotic stress tolerant.
• Confined green house facilities were developed for 6. Construction of cDNA/ genomic library to
transgenic research characterize important genes.
7. Development of short duration, stress tolerant, fine
grain, high nutritional qualities rice varieties
through anther culture and seed culture.
Cluster I
121314 8 9 10117 6
1 2
2324 5 3
20 4 48
18 47
17 45
Cluster VI 16 46
15 35
121 43
120 44
119 36
118 42
117 40
122 41 Cluster II
116 39
127 37
125 25
126 26
124 29
123 27
105 28
103 31
106 32
107 85
109 86
108 87
Cluster V 99 88
98 89
97 90
111 91
110 94
112 92
113 93
95 Cluster III
115 96
114 83
101 84
100 62 82
102 61 80
65 81
64 77
63 73
71 79
6867 7574
6669 7876
535259 4951
5857 565455 50
Cluster IV
Fig. 1. An unrooted neighbour-joining tree showing the genetic relationships among 127 Aus genotypes (12 BRRI released and
115 Aus landraces) based on the alleles detected by 41 microsatellite markers
Legend : 1=Ajab Bett, 2=Agun Ban, 3=Atithi dhan, 4= Aalo Sate, 5= Begun Bahar, 6= Boilum, 7= Bailum-3, 8= Barmulka-2, 9=Benaful, 10=
Benaful ,11= Bathuri, 12=Ausaloi, 13= Baismuguria, 14= Bador jota,15= Bawoi, 16= Beri, 17= Beni muri, 18= BR319-1-HR-12, 19= Bora dhan,
20= Baisha Muri, 21= Bar Pa, 22= Balion, 23= Bil Kalae, 24= Balam, 25= Bhatkarari, 26= Boailla, 27= Borga Dhan, 28= Bali Bokri, 29=
Chenri, 30= Chamka, 31= Chiknal, 32= Chitri, 33= Chapila, 34= Chakulya, 35= Dhula Biz, 36= Darial, 37= Goreswar, 38= Gutle, 39= Hidi 2,
40= Holat, 41= Holae, 42= Haita saita, 43= Honuman jota, 44= Hijoli Aus, 45= Haji Sail, 46= Hati Bajor, 47= IR19746-28-2-2, 48= Jhora, 49=
Jamri saity 50= Jamurus, 51= Jagli, 52= Japanese #7, 53= Japanese #3, 54= Joba, 55= Korcha Muri, 56= Katar, 57= Kali Bori, 58= Kali Boro,
59= Kamani sail, 60= Koi juri,61= Koblerash, 62= Khusni, 63= Korcha,64= Kala,65= Kalo Hizli, 66= Kheri Jamri, 67= Khamar Mundu, 68=
Kaika, 69= Kadar Chap, 70= Laksmi lofa, 71= Lada Moni, 72= Lagi jota, 73= Lakhi Lata, 74= Manik Modu, 75= Malshira, 76= Mary satia 77=
Manik Mondal, 78= Manik Mondol, 79= Mazra, 80= Modhu mala, 81= Manik Jor, 82= Magi Sarsa, 83= Moush Doll, 84= Morich Boti, 85= Mi-
Mandi, 86= Mi-mandisarang, 87= Matia, 88= Nayan Tara, 89= Noroi, 90= Nusha Ratoi, 91= Nordi, 92= Porangi 7, 93= Parangi, and 94= Paik
Juta, 95= Pankliiras, 96= Pipre Sail, 97= Panburi, 98= Padma Moni, 99= Padha Moidu, 100= Panchash, 101= Parija, 102= Ranga Moni, 103=
Ranga Moni, 104= Rathail, 105= Sribalium, 106= Saribail, 107= Soloi, 108= Sodai Soru, 109= Soda, 110= Sail bogi, 111= Tarabali, 112= Tapa
sail, 113= Tusha, 114= Udobali, 115= Zamir Saita, 116= BR1(chandina), 117= BR2 (Mala), 118= BR3(Biplob), 119= BR6, 120= BR7 (Brri
Balam), 121= BR8 (Aasa), 122= BR9 (Sufala), 123= BR12 (Mayana), 124= BR15 (Mohinye), 125= BR16 (Sahya Balam), 126= BR20 (Nizamy)
, and 127= BR21(Niamat)
Plant Biotechnology and Genetic interest (e. g. rice, jute, papaya, sugarcane,
Engineering Division, Institute of Food and mustard, etc.).
Radiation Biology, AERE, 6. Improvement of Jatropha using mutation
GPO Box-3787, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
techniques and biotechnology.
E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 880-2-7790029
Fax: 88-02-7789620
Research Activities
Plant Biotechnology and genetic Engineering Division Research activities of this division are mainly focused
is one of the pioneer laboratories in the country to on three aspects: (i) Plant Tissue Culture
initiate research on plant tissue culture in the early (Micropropagation) (ii) Improvement of Plant species
eighties with micropropagation of forest tress. Later on through gamma irradiation and (iii) genetic
other crop plants like cereals, fruit, medicinal, transformation. Regeneration of plant from different
ornamental, vegetables, etc. have been included in the explants (leaf, shoot tip, nodal segment, cotyledon etc)
program. In the mid-nineties research on under appropriate conditions on defined nutrient media
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation has is called the plant tissue culture while alteration of a
been initiated with the fiber crop jute and this technique phenotype of an individual by the insertion of foreign
is expanded gradually to other plants of economic DNA is called genetic transformation. Several research
importance viz. rice, sugarcane and Papaya. groups have been conducting research on Plant
Biotechnology. Their aim is to develop regeneration
Objectives protocol for multiplication of plants as well as
• To improve different economic important plants application of gamma ray in in vitro culture system for
through in vitro mutagenesis viz. crop, ornamental, the improvement of economic plants. Micropropagation
timber etc. techniques have been applied to plants of economic
importance that include cereals, forest, fruit, medicinal,
• To apply in vitro culture techniques for cloning of
ornamental plants etc. In genetic transformation,
economic and endangered plants.
Agrobacterium tumifaciens harboring plasmid is used
• To establish and exploit genetic transformation
as vector and is mostly used for the development
techniques for improvement of specific traits in
transformation system as well was improvement of
plants of economic importance.
specific trait by the insertion of specific gene. Scientists
of this division have also been engaged to improve of
On-going research and development programs banana through in vitro mutagenesis and doubled
1. Development of micropropagation techniques for haploids techniques and also to improve rice for salinity
multiplication and conservation of different crop tolerance, composition or quality of grain, etc using
plants (e.g. cereals, medicinal, ornamental, forest, mutation techniques and biotechnology in collaboration
fruit, vegetables, etc.). with IAEA and FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Cooperation
2. Induced mutation for higher protein, amylase and in Asia).
yield in salt tolerant rice landraces by gamma Scientists have also been continuing their efforts to
irradiation. develop improved varieties of economically important
3. Improvement of crop quality and stress tolerance plants by exploiting Agrobacterium –mediated genetic
for sustainable crop production using mutation transformation techniques.
techniques and biotechnology (RAS/5/045).
4. . Supporting Mutation Breeding Approaches to Laboratory facilities
Develop New Crop Varieties Adaptable to Climate Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Division
Change (RCA) RAS5056. equipped with different modern Plant Tissue culture
5. Application of genetic transformation techniques and Molecular biology related instruments. These are as
for the improvement of specific traits in plants of follows: Top Loading Balance, Ultra-cold Freezer,
Vortex Rota mixer, Water Still (FStream), Analytical Achievements
Balance, Autoclave, Compound Microscope, Digital pH • For the first time among Asian countries, this
Meter, Fluorescent Microscope, Laminar Flow Bench, laboratory succeeded to produce doubled haploid
Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate, Microwave Oven, plants in banana through anther culture.
Refrigerator, Shaking Water Bath, Temp. & Light • Irradiation dose has been optimized for irradiation
controlled incubator, Top Loading Balance, Ultra-cold of different plant species viz. rice, banana, jatropha
Freezer, Centrifuge (Portable), Gel Electrophoresis etc.
(Horizontal), Low Temp. Incubator etc.
• In vitro cloning systems of a number of forest,
The PBGE division often uses 50 kCi Co60 batch type fruit, medicinal and ornamental plants have been
gamma irradiator situated at IFRB for Radiation developed. These are as follows:-
breeding research activities in different plants.
Recent publication
1. P.K. Roy, A.N.K. Mamun, M. H. Kabir,, M.R. Islam,
M.T. Jahan and M.Z. Rahman. Development of
an efficient in vitro regeneration protocol on an
Orchid, Phalaenopsis amabilis. Nuclear Science
and Applications. Vol.20.No.1&2.2011
(Published in December 2013).
2. M.T. Jahan, M.R. Islam, A.N.K. Mamun, P.K. Roy
and M. H. Kabir. Organogenesis in gladiolus
(Gladiolus imbricatus L. cv. Violet) using corm
Fig. 1. Multiple shoot development in Stevia. Fig. 2.
and cormel explant . Jahangirnagar University J. Ion beam mutant of BARRI Dhan 29
Biol. Sci. 2(1):105-111, 2013(June).
3. A.N.K. Mamun, A.K. Azad, M.H.Kabir, P.K.Roy,
Forest trees: Banyan (Ficus benghalensis), Sisoo
M.R.Islam, M.T.Jahan, M.A. Azam, M.L.Hakim
(Dalbergia sissoo), Teak (Tectona grandis), Peepul (
and G. Ahmed. High yielding mutants with
Ficus religiosa), Ipil-Ipil (Leucaena leucocephala).
shorter life cycle selected in rice irradiated with
Fruit Plants: Carambola ( Averrhoa carambola),
carbomn ion beam. FNCA/MEXT technical
Apple ( Malus domestica), Kul ( Zizyphus
Report. Achievement sub-project on composition
jujuba),John's breed ( Ceratonia siliqua), Wood apple (
or quality in rice (2007-2012). Mutation breeding
Aegle marmelos) , Banana ( Musa spp), Orange ( Citrus
project, Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia
(FNCA). March, 2013.
4. M. R. Islam, M. T. Jahan, A.N.K. Mamun, P.K.Roy,
M.H. Kabir, and M. Z. Rahman. In vitro clonal
propagation of Musa sp. Cv. Agnishwar- a rare
Banana plant variety of Bangladesh.
Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 1(1): 63-71,
5. P.K.Roy, A.N.K. Mamun, M.H. Kabir, M. R. Islam,
M. T. Jahan and M. Z. Rahman. In vitro indirect
regeneration of Sugarcane ( Saccharum
officinarum) var. Isd 16 through apical leaf
culture. Bangladesh J. Life. Sci.23 (1): 123-128, Fig. 3. Development of Callus in Rice. Fig. 4. Gamma
ray treatment in Sugarcane
2011 (June).
Medicinal Plants: Neem ( Azadirachta indica),
Nishinda ( Vitex negundo), Kurchi ( Holarhena
antidysentrica), Periwinkle ( Catharanthus roseus) ,
Kalokeshi ( Eclipta alba), Tulshi ( Ocimum sanctum),
Lajjabati ( Mimosa pudica), Thankuni ( Centella
asiatica), Sheuli ( Nycthanthes arbortrisris),
Dandokalosh ( Leucas aspera), Khayer ( Acacia
catechu), Thuja ( Thuja occidentalis), Stevia ( Stevia
rebaudiana) , Aloevera ( Aloe barbadensis) , Paulownia Fig. 8. Gamma ray treatment in rice. Fig. 9. Control and
mutant of sugarcane var. china
( Paulownia tomentosa ) etc.
PBGE division has collaboration with International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Austria and Forum for
Fig. 5. Acclimatization of tissue culture derived Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA), Japan.
Paulownia plants
Future plan
Ornamental plants: Rose (Rosa spp.), Orchid, Gerbera • Establishment of green houses / glasshouses for
(Gerbera jamesonii), Anthurium (Anthurium acclimatization of plants derived through tissue
andraeanum L.), Chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum culture as well as confined trial of genetically
morifolium), Dhalia ( Dhalia hybrida), Gladeolus ( transformed plants
Gladeolus grandifolius).
• Establishment of a bio-diesel plant in AERE
compound for semi-pilot scale production of bio-
diesel from high yielding mutants of jatropha (
Jatropha curcas L.)
• Exploitation of genetic transformation techniques
with the goal of producing transgenic plants having
characteristics of disease resistance, stress
tolerance, and high yield ability in sugarcane, rice,
papaya, banana etc.
• Set up a molecular biology laboratory
Department of Biotechnology on the area of plant tissue culture and plant molecular
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University biology. The Department had established regeneration
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar protocol of various agricultural crops like potato,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh banana ginger, zerbera etc. Advanced cell culture
technology researches like anther and microspore
Department of Biotechnology is one of the promising culture for haploid plant regeneration, meristem culture
Department of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University. have been conducted in the Department. We have now
It has skilled and experienced faculty member headed been able to developed anther culture protocol in Rice
by Dr. Md. Ekramul Hoque. We are doing researches and Brassica.
In addition, Biotechnology Department has done DNA Gel documentation System, -20oC and -86oC deep
fingerprinting, molecular characterization of germplasm Freezer. The Department is working smoothly on cell
and molecular diversity analysis of potato and lentil. and molecular biology. Our mission is to develop
Five National and International Projects on tissue resistant varieties for biotic and abiotic stresses in
culture and molecular diversity have been successfully economically important agricultural crops. Genome
run by Dr. Md. Ekramul Hoque which ultimately sequencing and Bioinformatic works for crop
enriched the Department with modern sophisticated improvement is our next vision.
equipments like PCR machine, Electrophoresis system,
Plant Breeding & Biotechnology Ph.D.
Laboratory 1. Ratan Lal Banik of Forest Research Institute (FRI),
Department of Botany Chittagong. "Biology and Propagation of Bamboos
University of Dhaka of Bangladesh" (Supervisor: Professor Syed
Research in plant tissue culture and biotechnology was 2. Md. Tozammel Hossain of BCSIR, Dhaka.
initiated at the Department of Botany by Professor A. S. "Somaclonal variation in triticale and wheat"
Islam back in 1977. Professor A. S. Islam, Professor M. (Supervisor: Professor A. S. Islam)
Mozammel Haque, Professor Syed Hadiuzzaman, 3. Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan, Biotechnology Division,
Professor Rakha Hari Sarker, Professor M. Imdadul BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur. "Evaluation and
Hoque and Dr. Mohammad Nurul Islam have received Production of Somaclonal Variants in Groundnut
formal training on various areas of plant tissue culture (Arachis hypogaea L.)" (Supervisor: Professor A.
and plant biotechnology from various International S. Islam).
Institutes and Universities abroad. 4. Usha Rani Das. BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur.
Along with the development of expertise, the tissue "Combining ability of seven inbred lines of maize
culture and biotechnology laboratory of this department and regeneration potentiality of Fl hybrids through
obtained substantial grants from UNESCO, USAID, anther and embryo culture" (Supervisors: Professor
JICA in the form of equipment and glassware. Syed Hadiuzzaman and Professor Rakha Hari
UNESCO helped in setting up the tissue culture growth Sarker)
room. This department has also received funds from the 5. Shelima Begum, Dhaka Cllege, "Regeneration
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of potentiality of four species of Amaryllidaceae and
Bangladesh to create facilities for genetic engineering Liliaceae and the effect of gamma radiation on
and biotechnology. US Department of Agriculture their regeneration." (Supervisor: Professor Syed
(USDA) is supporting to conduct research through a Hadiuzzaman).
project for the genetic transformation of lentil and other
6. Salim Khan, BCSIR, Dhaka, “Development of
grain legumes. Alexander von Hunboldt Foundation is
efficient in vitro microtuber formation in potato
also supporting a project for the development of fungus
(Solanum tuberosum L.) for its commercial
resistant chickpea and lentil.
exploitation”. (Supervisors: Professor M. I. Hoque,
A course on plant tissue culture and biotechnology was Professor R.H. Sarker and Professor H- P.
introduced in 1986 in M. Sc. classes as a special paper. Muehlbach)
Since then in this stream some 8-12 students pass out
7. Bethee Das, Sherpur College, “Development of in
every year with special training on tissue culture and
vitro regeneration system in cultivated Corchorus
plant biotechnology. Most of the M. Sc./M.S. students
spp.” (Supervisors: Professor M.M. Haque and
carry out research in various aspects of plant tissue
Professor M. I. Hoque)
culture and genetic transformation. This department
8. Rahima Khatun, Jute Research Institute,
also offers M. S. and M. Phil programs in plant tissue
“Improvement of fibre yield and associated traits in
culture and biotechnology. Recently M.S. program has
white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.)”.
been offered in three special branches in this
(Supervisors: Professor R .H. Sarker and Dr. M.A.
department and plant biotechnology is one of them.
Under this group students are given chances to do
research on various aspects of biotechnology. The M. Phil.
following students were awarded Ph.D. and one M. 1. Ms. Bithi Das, Eden University College.
Phil. degrees during the last few years. The title of their "Somaclonal variation in two jute species:
thesis is mentioned along with the name of supervisors: Corchorus capsularis and C. olitorius (supervisor:
Professor M. M. Haque).
At present a good number of candidates have been branches of some bamboo species have been successful.
awarded M. Phil. and Ph.D. from this lab. Farmers have adopted this technique for mass
Current Research Programs multiplication of the varieties of their choice. This
(a) Development of suitable regeneration system for method has also proved to be a successful method for
Brassica spp., Gerbera, Tea, Rice, bamboo afforestation projects.
Chrysanthemum, Potato, Tomato, Peanut, Lentil, Improvement of grain legumes
Chickpea, Mungbean and Brinjal etc. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation has been
(b) Agrobacterium mediated transformation of local carried out for the insertion of desired genes into the
varieties of Lentil, Chickpea, Mungbean and three important grain legumes namely, lentil, chickpea
Brinjal, Tomato, Brassica and Jute for the and mung bean as well as peanut. Genetic
development of fungal disease resistant varieties. transformation compatible in vitro regeneration
(c) Induction of variation through gamma radiation, protocols has been established for peanut, lentil and
molecular characterization for identifying the chickpea using various explants. Mung bean has also
variation by isozymes and RAPD analysis in been included in this program. Transformation
Gerbera. experiments have been conducted using Agrobacterium
(d) Induction of variation through gamma radiation and tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring binary plasmid
molecular characterization for identifying the pBI121, containing GUS and nptII (neomycin phospho-
variation by RAPD analysis in Chrysanthemum. transferase II) genes. Stable integration of GUS -
(e) Detection and analysis of variation among field glucuronidase) (and nptII (neomycin phospho-
grown and in-vitro grown plants of peanut transferase II) genes was confirmed by polymerase
varieties. chain reaction and histochemical assay.
(e) Molecular characterization by RAPD analysis and With an attempt to develop fungal disease resistance
direct gene transfer via Electroporation in aromatic lentil varieties two constructs with antifungal protein
rice varieties growing in Bangladesh. genes (vitis stilbene synthase and chitinase ) are being
(f) Identification of superior clone using molecular used following the transformation protocol developed
marker and establishment of suitable organogenesis through marker genes. Moreover another plasmid
protocol in Tea. harbouring the selectable marker gene bar, which
(g) Study of horizontal gene transfer from transgenic to encodes the enzyme phosphinothricin acetyltransferase
wild relatives of brinjal though pollen pistil (PAT) and a pgip gene from raspberry (Rubus idaeus
interaction. L.), coding for polygalacturonase inhibitory protein was
used for lentil transformation. The expression of this
Micropropagation recombinant gene can confer resistance against fungal
Microprogation of various ornamental, medicinal,
timber and fruit plants have been carrying out in this
Department. Protocols have been developed for large
scale production of banana, orchids, chrysanthemum
and potato micro tuber for commercial exploitation.
Earlier the technology of micropropagation of a number
of species of bamboo, particularly, Bambusa balcua has
been developed by Dr. Ratan Lal Banik. The results of
field trial conducted by Dr. Banik both at FRI and at
selected farmers' field show the superiority of this
innovative in vitro protocol over conventional age-old
methods so far used for propagation. Methods
developed for initiation of rhizomes at the base of
pathogens (Colletotrichum, Botrytis etc). A number of Bangladesh include the incidence of several types of
transformed shoots have been recovered from the fungal diseases. Therefore two fungal disease resistance
decapitated embryo explant of Barimasur-4 following gene viz. vst (stilbene synthase) and vst-chitinase are
their transformation and selection using PPT now being used for the introduction of fungal resistance
(phosphinothricin). by applying the above mentioned transformation
Improvement of peanut:
Transformation system has been developed for a Jute transformation :
local cultivars namely, DM-l and Dhaka-1 of peanut Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation
using Agrobacterium tumejaciens LBA4404 harbouring method has been developed for different varieties of
binary plasmid pBI121,β-glucuronidase) gene and white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.). The regeneration
nptII containing GUS (neomycin phospho transferase system based on direct organogenesis from cotyledon
II) gene conferring resistance to kanamycin. with petiole, cotyledonary node, and mature embryo
Regeneration of multiplication shoots was achieved explants has been developed for the varieties of CVL-1,
from infected young leaflet explants on MS medium- CVE-3, BJC-7370 and BJC-83. Different explants
supplemented with 5.0 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l Kn via such as petiole attached cotyledon, cotyledonary node,
organogenesis. The recovery of transformed shoots was mature embryo and mature embryo with cotyledon
achieved through a selection pressure of 300 mg/l were tested with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain
kanamycin. The selected kanamycin resistant shoots (LBA4404/pBI121) with GUS reporter gene and nptII
were rooted on half the strength of MS medium
containing 0.2 mg/l NAA and 50 mg/l kanamycin. PCR
analysis revealed the integration of trans genes.
Transformed rooted plantlets (To) were successfully
transferred to soil where these plants produced viable
seeds. The stable expression of GUS gene was observed
among the various tissues of leaf, stem and pollen
grains of the Tl plants. The seed developed from these
Tl plants were normal in size and were found to be
viable. The major constraints of peanut production in
gene conferring resistance to kanamycin. Maximum March 27 - April 6, 2003. Winrock International also
transformation ability was obtained from petiole supported the visits of two US scientists, namely,
attached cotyledon and mature embryo explants. An in Professor Richard Litz of University of Florida and
vitro regeneration protocol suitable for genetic Professor Alan McHughen of University of California,
transformation was also established. The shoots were Riverside.
subjected to rooting on MS with 0.3 mg/l IBA. The
stable expression of the GUS gene was observed among
the various tissues of shoot, stem and root of
transformed plantlets. Genomic DNA isolated from
these transformed shoots exhibited the stable
integration of GUS and nptII genes through PCR
This affiliated center is involved in selecting potential Studies of stress responsive pathways like ABA
candidates regularly for pre- and post-doctoral biosynthetic pathway, cold acclimation pathways etc.
fellowships awarded by ICGEB. By now 11 are also of vital importance. These involve comparative
Bangladeshi scientists received pre- and post-doctoral gene expression analyses. However before consistent
fellowships from ICGEB. expression data is produced, selection and validation of
reference genes to be used as internal control for qPCR
Staff members engaged in Plant Tissue Culture and for jute is essential, which is also a topic of intense
Biotechnology Research: observation. In conjunction to stress responsive
pathways, studies have been conducted to show
Professor Rakha Hari Sarker
different temporal expression patterns for miRNAs in
Professor M. Imdadul Hoque
response to abiotic stresses. Deliberate changes in the
Dr. Mohammad Nurul Islam expression levels of many miRNAs have been linked to
Rita Sara Borna tolerance to different stress conditions in many plants.
Studies are also underway on a comprehensive
approach to characterize jute endophytes and establish
Molecular Biology Laboratory their implicit growth assistance to the plant. This will
Department of Biochemistry and aid us to better understand the mutual relationships
Molecular Biology between host and endophytes. It will help in designing a
University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, successful bio-control mechanism paving the way for
Bangladesh the development of stress-tolerant jute in the future.
Research experiments are also being conducted to
Molecular Biology Lab is led by Professor Haseena identify potential role of jute in phytoremediation of
Khan with three Research Associates, one PhD student heavy metals.
and seven MS students from the Department of Meanwhile, high lignin content of jute hinders
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. processing for industrial purposes (viz., paper pulp,
Jute, because of its immense influence on the economy textile, forage digestibility and biofuels). So, a
and culture of Bangladesh is considered to be the reduction of the content of lignin in jute will help to
country’s identity. Despite its important role in the boost its commercial usability. Study is aimed at
economy and environment, jute research and reducing lignin in jute, by introducing artificial miRNA
development has been neglected in Bangladesh. based vector in jute plants for down-regulation of lignin
However, in recent years jute research has been biosynthetic gene(s) in jute.
progressing at a potential rate and many aspects of jute
at the molecular level have been discovered. Reduction of the lignin content of jute by gene
Our lab’s goal is mainly to develop improved jute silencing:
variety which can produce quality fibre and withstand
environmental stresses. Use of jute as the source of
Following genes of the lignin biosynthetic pathway
other commercially important products is included in
have been selected for reduction in expression
the primary objectives. Recent studies have provided
1. COMT-Caffeic acid O-methyltransferase
fascinating information about a putative vps 51
(vacuolar protein sorting associated protein 51) gene 2. C4H- Cinnamate 4 Hydroxylase
showing strong correlation to low temperature tolerance 3. C3H- p- coumarate 3 Hydroxylase
in jute. Further studies have also identified a novel 4. F5H – Ferulate 5 Hydroxylase
miRNA that is entrenched in the coding sequence of An effective RNAi (SiRNA and amirRNA) technique
VPS 51 gene in jute. has been chosen for reducing the lignin content of jute
by introducing antisense RNA based vector in jute
plants for silencing the genes (individually) of lignin amiRNA (artificial miRNA) based hairpin constructs
biosynthetic pathway. were designed for C3H and F5H genes. For the proof of
After the introduction of the gene silencing vectors a functionality of the amiRNA construct a transient assay
reduction in the expression of the COMT gene was has been carried out. The C3H-amiRNA construct has
observed in the transgenic generations. been mobilized in tobacco through Agrobacterium
tumefaciens mediated infiltration method. The
functionality of the construct has been monitored by
means of RT-PCR followed by small RNA northern.
The expression of the target genes has been monitored
along a time-gradient in the transgenic generations and
a reduction in the expression level has been observed.
A chemical lignin estimation method has been carried
out both for transgenic and normal lines. The acid
insoluble lignin content has been found to decrease by
as much as 16-27 % in the lignin content of transgenic
jute stems when compared to the normal lines.
Biotechnology Lab of the institute with group members deep freezer (-30ºC), microtome machine, muffle
Dr. Parvez Hassan, Professor and Dr. S. M. Shahinul furnace, laminar air flow, water distillation plan,
Islam, Associate Professor of the Institute. Presently autoclave, refrigerated high speed centrifuge, ultrasonic
around eighteen Ph.D fellows have been pursuing cell disintrigator, pH meter rotary vacuum evaporator,
research works with this group in three labs. micro-oven, orbital shaker, air cooler, etc.
store room, computer and data processing room, 5. Biodiversity and conservation of medicinal plants
equipment and storage rooms. cultivated in Oushodi Gram Natore, Bangladesh.
Collaboration: 6. Anther and microspore culture of major cereal
1. Japanese University Collaboration: Tokyo crops and their genetic transformation with
University of Technology, Japan different agronomics traits.
2. Swedish University Collaboration: We have 7. Production of doubled haploid lines through
research collaboration programme with Skövde androgenesis and identification of plants by
University, Sweden molecular markers in maize (Zea mays L.).
3. Research collaboration with ICGEB, New Delhi, 8. Production of in vitro microtuberlet through
India with the research group of Dr. Narendra bioreactor and development of transgenic plant
Tuteja under the CRP-ICGEB Research grant. using abiotic stress tolerant gene in potato
4. ACI-IBSc collaboration for the commercial (Solanum tuberosum L.).
utilization of biotechnological research products.
Marketing status of tissue culture products
On-going international projects including export (if any):
Third World Academy of Science (TWAS, Italy) We already marketed virus-free potato plants to the
declared the institute one of their TWAS Research Unit farmers that produced by tissue culture in different
(TRU) and provided research grant on “Genetic areas of Bangladesh.
transformation of antifungal genes into Dalbergia
sissoo” 2. The institute has developed a collaborative Main constraints
research with Skoved university, Sweden and the a. Still we have some shortage of lab equipments.
Swedish Research Council for Environment b. Lack of greenhouse for maintaining crops round
Agricultural Science and Spatial Planning (FORMAS, the year.
2008) provided research grant on “Developed of a
c. Lack of transport vehicle.
genetically modified variety of rice (Oryza sativa L) for
effective prevention of arsenic contamination of the
major human food chain in Bangladesh”. Future planning
a. Development of suitable protocols for applied
research specially for potato, orchid, stevia and
On-going research activities in the area of plant
some other commercial crops to fulfil our national
biotechnology and genetic engineering:
goals for food security.
b. Development of abiotic stress tolerant major cereal
1. Callus induction, cell culture and studies on
and other crops in Bangladesh.
molecular phylogeny of banana (Musa spp.)
cultivars by DNA fingerprinting.
2. Indigenous knowledge of herbal medicine and in
vitro propagation and conservation of medicinal
plants with isolation of secondary metabolites from
cell culture.
3. Development of arsenic resistance in crop plants
through genetic engineering to combat food chain
contamination in Bangladesh.
4. Biodiesel Producing plants and Biotechnological
approaches for their conservation.
Biotechnology Program at BRAC be passing out this year. All BRACU graduates are
University (BRACU) employed in various industries and universities. Several
of our students after completion of their degree have
Biotechnology programme at BRAC University started their research abroad leading to PhD.
(BRACU) was launched in Spring Semester 2007 with The BRACU has also developed good laboratory
an aim to develop highly competent biotechnologists to facilities for plant tissue culture and transformation
serve in different academic and R&D institutions in work. In 2010 Plant Biotechnology laboratory received
public and private sectors at home and abroad. Three a grant from Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. Under
years later in Summer 2010 BSc in Biotechnology was the BAS-USDA-PALS Endowment fund lab facilities
launched at BRACU. has been establish to do research in the field of
So far 41 students have completed their post graduate molecular biology.
degree while first batch of biotechnology graduates will
Both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels students Institute (BARI), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
have to conduct a research project on problems relevant (SAU).
to Bangladesh. In the field of plant biotechnology, After completing post graduate degree many students
research is going on to establish micropropagation and have began their PhD abroad like in Canada, various
transformation protocols to produce various transgenic European countries etc. BRACU also encourage
agricultural crops. Also research is going on to isolate students to get training from abroad. As-a-whole
and characterize several salt tolerant genes in the plant graduates of BRACU are well equipped with theoretical
biotechnology lab of BRACU. So far, micropropagation and practical experience to carryout any assignment at
of both commercially valuable potato varieties and home and abroad.
environmental stress tolerant potato varieties have been
done. For improvement of peanut and mungbean Agricultural Biotechnology Support
research is going on micropropagation of these legume
Project II (ABSPII)
crops. A strong concentration has been given in House 24, Road 7, Sector 4, Uttara Model Town,
developing salinity stress tolerant transgenic tomato Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh
variety under the BAS-USDA Endowment fund. Some
of these works are going on in collaboration with other Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II
institutes, like, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular (ABSPII) is funded by the United States Agency for
Biology, DU, Bangladesh Agricultural Research International Development (USAID) and led by Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, USA. It is a collabo-
rative research project involving public-private During last three decades, potato production has
partnerships for agricultural biotechnology to address increased significantly. But, the accumulation of viruses
constraints to food crops production. ABSPII focuses and other pathogens make the crop vulnerable to
on the safe and effective development and commercia- degeneration and yield loss over time. Moreover, cost
lization of bioengineered crops as a complement to of seed tuber is the main obstacle for the majority
traditional and organic agricultural strategies in marginal factors discouraging the cultivation of potato.
developing countries. It is a global program operating ABL has developed poor-farmers friendly cultivation
in East & West Africa, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh with reduced cost of quality healthy seed.
and the Philippines. Scientists are producing healthy and quality seeds of
In South Asia (India and Bangladesh), managed by leading potato cultivars - Diamant, Cardinal, Granula
Sathguru Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., India, and Multa through meristem culture. ABL hase
ABSPII helps in capacity building towards research, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
policy development, licensing and outreach. The Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) for setting
coordinating office of ABSPII for Bangladesh is at necessary technical assistance. Two Ph.D. and four MS
Uttara, Dhaka. students of BAU have done their partial research in
ABSPII has trained over 150 scientists/policy makers ABL Lab.
from Bangladesh abroad for short and long term on Many private sectors and organizations have already
different aspects of biotechnology, seeds, technology come forward with production of seed and table potato.
transfer, etc. Initially, ABSPII started working on four last year, ABL has cultivated potato in 250 bighas of
projects: Brinjal resistant to shoot and fruit borer, land at Domar, Nilphamari and produced minituber,
potato resistant to late blight, chickpea resistant to pod breeder, foundation, certified, TLS seeds of potato.
borer and drought and salinity tolerant rice. Currently, ABL's tissue culture laboratory at Rajendrapur, ABL's
concentration mainly focuses on the first two projects. produced 12,00,000 plantlets to produce disease free
Based on the govt. approval, the partner institution, and healthy potato seeds. The microplants were tested
BARI has already completed two seasons multilocation through ELISA to ascertain that those microplants were
field trials for Bt brinjal and transgenic potato. disease free. This year the number of plants have been
increased these are to be supplied to cultivate potato in
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
400 bighas of land and for this plan has been initiated to
Alpha Biotech Ltd. produce 25,00,000 plantlets. At present, the workers of
Kacharipara, Rajendrapur, Gazipur laboratory are subculturing the microplants to
Jatiya Scout Bhaban (9th Floor) regenerate more new plantlets and microtubers of
70/1, Purana Paltan Line, Kakrail, Dhaka-1000. Granula, Diamant, Cardinal, Multa varieties of potato.
Tel: 9336499, Fax: 8315335, Email:[email protected]
It is worth mentioning that the first generation tissue
culture materials produced last year in the netted land
Alpha and Associate Group is a multidisciplinary by ABL was far ahead of the total quantity of that
private company committed to agricultural develop- planted by all other private and public sectors in
ment in Bangladesh. Bangladesh.
Alpha Biotech Ltd. (ABL) is a sister concern of Alpha It is expected that present innovation will increase the
group established in 2001 and working on various crops quality seed supply to the growers for upliftment of
for its development. farm income and alleviation of poverty in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is an agrarian country with a huge scope for It is that others hoped cooperation and contribution will
development of different crops through conventional make the workers more confident to develop and
and biotechnological approaches. increase food security in the country.
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
SAARC Agro-Biotech
4 Shah Ali Bag, Mirpur 1, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Net house
This company aims to develop as a seed industry. We
have two units: (a) a plant tissue culture laboratory and
(b) a seed production unit. Through tissue culture
laboratory we can produce about 3-4 lakh of plantlets.
Our Laminar Air Flow Cabinets, Autoclaves, Water
De-ionizing Plant, Hot Bead Sterilizers, Magnetic
Stirrer, Growth Racks, Timers and some other
important machineries were manufactured by our
another sister concern SAARC Engineering, which cut
our laboratory establishment cost for about some folds.
Tissue culture laboratory produces and supplies quality Harvested
plant materials to seed production unit and seed We are committed to produce and supply quality seeds
production unit follows every rules and regulations and plant materials. If we get financial support and
strongly for producing quality seeds. We have a very training assistance from any local or foreign
organized technical person power team with very well organizations we are hopeful that we can play a vital
and long professional track records with different govt., role to develop country’s agricultural economy.
NGO and private organizations. (Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
Plant Biotechnology Laboratory Plant Biotechnology Laboratory is equipped with
Biotechnology and Genetic modern instruments required to conduct undergraduate
Engineering Discipline practical classes and researches of undergraduate and
Khulna University, Khulna-9208, graduate students. The list of major equipments
Bangladesh available in the laboratory is given below: (1) Precision electronic digital balance (Readability:
0.0001g)(2) Digital top pan balance (Readability: 0.1g)
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline (3)Autoclave (4) Split type microprocessor system air
(Formerly “Biotechnology Discipline) launched four cooler (5) Microflow laminar hood (6) Fristem water
years undergraduate program in June, 1995 aiming at still (7) De-ionized water plant (8) pH meter (9)
offering B. Sc. in Biotechnology degree, which was Microwave oven ((10) Microprocessor system orbital
first of its kind in Bangladesh. From August 2003, the shaking incubator (11)Shaking water bath (12)Digital
Discipline has started offering 4-year B.Sc. in water bath (13) Table top microcentrifuge (Capacity:
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering degree. The 18000rpm) (14)Magnetic stirrer (15) Camera fitted
Discipline started one year Master degree program from binocular microscope (16)Digital camera (Sony
2000 and 18 months duration (consists of three terms) Cybershot) (17) Refrigerator (18) Freezer (-20oC) (19)
M.S. degree in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Digital timer (20) Lux meter (21) Gel Doc
from 2007-2008 session. The nature of this Discipline Beside the above equipments, “Plant Biotechnology
is multidisciplinary i.e., it covers various branches of Laboratory” was modernized with the financial support
Biotechnology viz. Agricultural /Plant Biotechnology, of Ministry of Science & ICT, Government of
Animal Biotechnology, Medical and Pharmaceutical Bangladesh during 2003-2005.The following
Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, equipments were procured for the purpose of
Fermentation/Bioprocess Technology, Enzyme conducting advanced research in the field of molecular
Technology, Food Biotechnology etc. Plant markers (RAPD, AFLP) assisted breeding as well as
Biotechnology Laboratory was established during variety fingerprinting. (1) PCR machine (2) Digital
1989-1999 with the financial support of Khulna micropipettes of different capacities (3) Electrophoresis
University. apparatus (5) Ice Flake maker /machine (6) Liquid
In undergraduate course–curricula, it has educational nitrogen container (7) Vortex machine etc. Necessary
and research program on Plant Biotechnology in molecular biology grade chemicals, enzymes and
addition to other basic and applied courses. Plant primers were also procured from the above fund to
Biotechnology related courses are being taught in the conduct research on molecular markers and
undergraduate program include: Evolutionary and Agrobacterium mediated transformation.
Functional Botany, Plant Physiology, Plant Breeding, List of M.S. thesis/research conducted at Plant
Plant Pathology, Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Biotechnology laboratory
Molecular Genetics, Genomics and Proteomics, 1. In Vitro Propagation of Banana (Musa sp.) cv. Baro
Nitrogen Fixation and Biofertilizer, Plant Kulpak- An Indigenous Variety of Southern
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering etc. Moreover, Bangladesh (Student No. MS- 070701, Session: 2006-
basic courses like Principles of Genetics, Cytology, 2007; Supervisor: Prof. Md. Raihan Ali; Co-supervisor:
Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology etc. Prof. Dr. S.M.M. Rahman)
are also being taught. At M.S. level, several courses
like (i) Advanced Plant Biotechnology, (ii) Biosafety
List of M.S. thesis/research conducted at Plant
and Bioethics, Biotechnology in Hybrid Seed
Biotechnology laboratory:
Production and (iv) Molecular and Resistance Plant
1. Response to In Vitro Callus Induction and Shoot
Breeding courses are related to Plant Biotechnology are
Tip Culture of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima
also being taught.
Duch.) (Student ID: 060736; session: 2008-2009; 6. Lack of facilities for repair of instruments or
Supervisor: Prof. Md. Raihan Ali; ) private service centre at Khulna district
2. Morphological and Molecular Characterization of 7. Lack of fund for short term and long term training
Selected Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) Varieties in at ICGEB or any other advanced Lab/University
Khulna Region Using RAPD Markers.(Student for personnel working at this lab.
ID:060733; Session: 2008-2009; Supervisor: Dr. 8. Shortage of supporting staff like lab. attendant,
Sayda Reahana; Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.M.M. nursery man or field attendant to carryout field
Rahman) experiment /green house/net house management
3. Morphological and molecular Characterization of
Selected Lemon (Citrus aurantifolia) Varieties Future plan
with RAPD Markers (Student ID:060703; Session:
1. Agrobacterium mediated transformation of various
2008-2009; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.M.M. Rahman)
economically important crops.
4. Analysis of Morphological and RAPD Marker
2. Development of protocol for in vitro regeneration
Based Genetic Diversity of Selected Promising
of local and improved varieties of chickpea,
Brinjal Varieties. (Student ID:060714; Session:
mungbean and lentil.
2008-2009; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. S.M.M. Rahman)
3. Development of somaclonal variants of pulse
5. Effect of 2,4-D and NAA on Callus Induction in
Mature Seed Derived Embryo of Aromatic and
4. Development of anther culture protocol of local
Jhum Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (Student ID: 060715;
and improved varieties of rice.
session: 2008-2009; Supervisor: Prof. Md. Raihan
Ali; Co-supervisor: Dr. Sayda Reahana) 5. Development of strawberry variety through
somaclonal variation.
6. Development of protocol for micropropagation of
List of academic staff involved in research at Plant
export quality potato var. lady rosetta
Biotechnology Laboratory
7. Cryopreservation of economically important and
1. Professor Md. Raihan Ali (Lab in-Charge)
endangered plant species.
2. Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbubur Rahman
8. Insect resistant variety development through the
3. S.M. Abdul Awal, Assistant Professor
use of systemic RNAi technology.
4. Dr. Sayda Rehana, Assistant Professor
5. Ahsan Habib, Assistant Professor
Main constraints:
We are facing following problems to carryout research
at our laboratory. These are as follows:
1. Insufficient fund for recurrent cost of the lab.
2. Shortage of consumable items like molecular
biology grade high quality chemicals.
3. Lack of -86oC freezer to keep enzymes, primers
and other samples for long time.
4. Lack of UV-VIS spectrophotometer, ELISA reader
and its chemicals, Inverted microscope . In vitro regeneration of local “Baro kulpak” variety of banana
5. Lack of green house, net house and hardening (Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
room for in vitro regenerated plant materials.
Plant Breeding and Gene • Micropropagation and field evaluation of newly
Engineering Laboratory developed strawberry varieteies at commercial
Department of Botany, Rajshahi
University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
• Production of virus free seed potato and
commercial evaluation
Plant biotechnological research activities of the • Nutritional improvement of potato by genetic
Department have now been expanded to a considerable transformation
extent. Trained manpower, equipments, chemicals and • Production of somatic hybrids between tetraploid
laboratory setup are now available for conducting potato (CV Desiree) and wild diploid potato (S.
advanced research in the field of in vitro crop
• DNA finger printing for the identification of potato
improvement, micropropagation and pathogen-free seed varieties grown in Bangladesh.
and seedlings production. Initial work was conducted to
• Potato microtuberization and profiling key factors
standardize plant regeneration protocols for different effective for nuclear seed production
fruits and timber plants that resulted in the • ELISA test for virus detection and disease indexing
establishment of micropropagation protocols for many Rice
of them. The programme also included mass • Parental evaluation of rice varieties for the
propagation of some endangered and eco-friendly plant production of hybrid seeds
species of medicinal and ethnobotanical importance. • Genetic transformation of rice with PRP gene(s)
The present work emphasizes on in vitro conservation • Seed priming for induction of epigenetic changes
of plant genetic resources under local biodiversity and in rice for early maturity and high yield
manipulation and regeneration of cereal crops through Arabidopsis thaliana
in vitro techniques. Somatic embryogenesis and plant • Genetic transformation and chromosomal mapping
of transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana L.
regeneration have been successfully established in some
vegetable crops and native fruit plants. Protocol for
• Production of Salmon Calcitonin protein in Lettuce
meristem culture to produce virus-free potato seed has
• Production of Human Calcitonin related peptides
been standardized and the technology are being blood pressure depressant.
transferring to the private commercial tissue culture • Transgenic expression of PAT (Pesticidal gene) in
laboratories established in Rajshahi metropolis and lettuce.
elsewhere in the country. The plant breeding and gene Water chestnut
engineering laboratory significantly contributing agri- • Mass production of seedlings of water chestnut
industry development in Bangladesh and producing a with hormonal treatment
handsome amount of pathogen free seeds and saplings. • Genetic diversity study in water chestnut with
At present a reasonable number of M.Sc., M. Phil. and molecular markers (isozyme, RAPD, Mattk and
Rbcl Sequencing)
Ph.D. students have been involved in plant tissue
culture and genetic engineering research. Thirty Ph.D.
Teasel gourd
and twenty five M. Phil. students have already been
• Micropropagation and induction of triploid
awarded with the degrees and a pretty numbers are bisexual flower and crossing among different
preparing their theses in this field. ploidy levels and production of female seed and
continuous fruiting
Running Research Projects:
• Diallel and single cross analysis in tomato
• Production of hybrid tomatoes
• Development of strawberry varieties suitable for
Bangladesh through somaclonal vaiation • QLT analysis with RFLP & PAPD in tomato
• Parental evaluation and production of hybrid maize
• Genetic transformation in maize with PRP gene(s)
• Micropropagation of Japanese melon
• Evaluation of wheat genotype for drought and salt
• Transgenic sugarcane with stem borers and red rot
resistance genes
• Micropropagation of orchids and inca marigold
Banana Potato field (Foundation seeds)
• Mass production of banana plantlets through Future research programme of the laboratory includes
micropropagation the improvement of crop plants through in vitro
Pineapple mutation and Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer
• Mass production of pineapple plantlets through techniques. About 250 research papers have been
resulted based on the findings of plant breeding, tissue
Medicinal plants
culture and genetic engineering oriented research
• Micropropagation and conservation of threatened
problems and published in highly reputed national and
medicinal plants
international journals, edited books and international
conferences proceedings.
• Establishment of in vitro protocols for large-scale
propagation of horticultural plants Members Presently Engaged in Research
Professor A.K. M. Rafiul Islam
Professor M. Monzur Hossin
Mr. Rezaul Karim, Lecturer
Mr. F.M.A. Haydar
M. Nasiruddin
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
culture based conservation of indigenous, rare and laboratory is now well equipped with automated
endangered orchids and medicinal plants. So far temperature controlled culture room, high speed liquid
efficient and reproducible protocols for rapid filter sterilization system, different kinds of high
propagation and conservation of 50 different indigenous resolution microscopes, molecular analytical facilities,
orchid species, 20 medicinal plants and some hardening laboratory established with the financial
economically important crop plants have been assistance of different native and international agencies.
majority of seeds are produced by indigenous methods The laboratory uses most modern instruments including
without recourse to technology to ensure high yield and virus testing kit (ELISA). It is headed by highly
disease free varieties. A large part of the demand for the qualified and experienced staff for generating over two
high yielding varieties met from imports and thus a vast million plantlets of international standard per year. In
market exists for cheap, high quality, locally adaptable addition four green houses each with an area 3000 (30
seeds/seedlings and tubers. These challenges of × 100 ft.) sq. ft have been built utilizing most advanced
increased food production can be achieved through equipment such as automatic shade system, fogging,
improvement of presently available technologies and blackout and irrigation system and movable benches
intensification of crop production in marginal lands. and in addition 12000 sq. ft. of 50 and 75% shading net
BRAC’s objective is to claim a substantial portion of houses for hardening of tissue culture raised plantlets.
this market helping farmers to increase their Among professional staff, there are one Ph. D. (plant
productivity and income. Therefore, a project has been tissue culture), four Masters (plant tissue culture), 30
taken up in view of the need for healthy stocks and laboratory assistants to maintain laboratory and 25
disease free planting materials for the farmers, plant agriculture graduates to maintain the field.
propagators and seed producers of Bangladesh. BRAC BRAC biotechnology is the largest unit in Bangladesh
started its activity with a set up of a small scale tissue and has successfully adopted TC technique for mass
culture laboratory in June 1997 to undertake the multiplication covering a wide range of plant species
micropropagation of banana, potato plantlets/micro such as potato, banana, starfruit, jackfruit, olive, sweet
tubers and ornamental plants. Two years of the karamcha, wood apple, lemon, strawberry, papaya,
experimentation and observation have shown that orchids, carnation, gerbera, anthurium, agave,
potato, ornamental plants and banana tissue culture are ornamental taro, neem, stevia etc. selected according to
quite promising. Based on the success of the TC lab, the priority crops in the country.
and the continued demand for high quality disease free BRAC biotechnology laboratory started the production
tubers and plantlets, BRAC has set up a new of potato plantlets since its inception (1998) to ensure
Biotechnology laboratory at Gazipur, 35 kilometers quality seed potatoes for growers assisting increased
from Dhaka, where quite a good number of govt. potato production as well as saving foreign currency for
agricultural research institutes are there. These importing seed potato from overseas. The laboratory
government institutes offer help to BRAC lab in many produces plantlets (GO) which are grown in two seasons
ways. in the net houses for mini tuber (G1 yield 3.5 -
BRAC’s biotechnology laboratory is well equipped 4MT/acre) and pre-foundation seed (G2 yield 6-7
with modern tissue culture facilities. Equipment, MT/acre) production. Pre-foundation seeds are
machineries and chemicals are available for the multiplied in another two seasons in the open field for
establishment of meristem culture and foundation (G3 yield 9-10 MT/acre) and certified seed
micropropagation. In addition to media preparation (G4 yield certified seed 8-9MT, total production 13-14
(600 sq. ft.), three growth rooms (each 300 sq. ft.), MT/acre) .The certified seeds are distributed to the
washing room (500 sq. ft.), transfer room (400 sq. ft.) growers for table potato production. It is to be noted
media storage room (300 sq. ft.) , R & D (300 sq. ft.) that plantlets (10000 - 12000) yielded 400-450 MT
sorting, counting and checking room (300 sq. ft.) and certified seeds after four generations. During the last
totally are 7000 sq. ft. The tissue culture production winter, BRAC’s biotech lab. produced 6000 tons of
facilities comprise 3 US class growth rooms each with a disease free potato seeds in the field using BRAC
capacity for accommodating 25,000 culture bottles at a certified seed potato. It is reported that average potato
time, 10 Laminar air flows, a medium kitchen facility yield is 35 to 45 tons/ha whereas the yield is only1/3
with a capacity of preparing 4000 bottles ( 60-70 liters) (11 to 12 tons/ha) using seed from local sources.
of medium/day. BRAC’s biotech lab. has currently fixed up the target of
seed production of five varieties: Diamant, Asterix,
Cardinal, Felsina and Granola in the winter season
(2007-2008) to 10,000 tons. BRAC’s seed potato
multiplication in the field is being assisted and
monitored regularly by internal and external experts to
maintain the seed quality.
Natural Light
Transfer Room
Through tissue culture ornamentals such as imported We aim to achieve this without compromising quality
anthurium, double and single gerbera, carnation and or quantity and are using potatoes, bananas and orchids
orchids, the four popular flowers are being multiplied. in our experiments.
It is to be noted that it has already captured domestic If successful this technology could also be use by
markets stealing the hearts of the flower lovers. Also farmers in tropical and sub-tropical agro-ecological
included in the program multiplying en masse fancy regions similar to Bangladesh and will contribute to the
cacti, grafting various colored scions onto the green efforts in achieving food security by producing cheaper
mother stocks. Through tissue culture superior varieties clones of potato.
of different fruit plants are also being multiplied Keeping the national priorities in mind, BRAC biotech
superior. During the current year BRAC’s bio-tech lab. lab. continues research and developmental program in
has a plan to produce 3 lacks of fruit plantlets, the area of plant biotechnology. With the basic
including banana, jackfruit, strawberry, sweet infrastructure we have for biotechnology work, we may
karamcha, and lemon. initiate genetic engineering work in near future to
BRAC tissue culture laboratory has developed a develop disease and pest resistant varieties of potato,
protocol to micropropagate an extremely useful chickpea, papaya, egg plant, rice and maize etc.
medicinal plant - stevia in recent years. Stevia contains
compounds called steviosides that are 250-300 times
Staff members
sweeter than sugar. Because the body does not
Dr. M.A. Razzaque Shah, Tissue Culture Spacialist
metabolise steviosides they do not contribute any
caloric value to food. Diabetic and others, unable to Maksuda Khatun, Program Organizer
tolerate sugar, can take stevia with immunity. Dieters Shahana Akther, Program Organizer
love stevia because they can continue to enjoy sweets S.M. Asadul Haque, Program Organizer
without counting calories. Stevia can be used as S.M. Shahin, Program Organizer
sweetening agent, it has also been found to have Suvra Majumder, Program Organizer
hypertensive, hypoglycemic and bactericidal properties.
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
High demand of stevia plant is an indication of success
of the BRAC tissue culture lab. It represents a new
opportunity for researchers and farmers too. Because
farmer can earn Taka 3 - 4 lacks/acre as net profit per Square Agro Development and Processing
year. Limited
AgriBiotech Division
Low cost technologies for the commercial micro-
propagation of vegetatively propagated plants.
Dr. F. J. Zapata Arias, Advisor to BRAC’s plant Tissue culture is a newly emerging, highly rewarding
Biotechnology group, began to work on April 2009 on technology with large potential application in crop
the development of low cost technologies for the improvements which is highly appropriate for
commercial micropropagation of vegetatively
propagated plants. developing countries like Bangladesh. Conventional
In vitro cultures are usually maintained under artificial plant breeding techniques have made considerable
lighting at controlled light and temperature regimes. It progress in the development of improved varieties but
is costly to equip growth rooms with fluorescent tubes they have not been able to keep pace with the
and temperature control units that they entail high
increasing food demand of the country. Annual
running costs and maintenance. Moreover, the
operation may be frequently disrupted by power cuts or population increased in the country outpaced annual
lack of spare parts and timely service. increases in food production. The present population of
We are proposing the total replacement of these the country is about 160 million and at the present
practices by using natural light to reduce the cost of growth rate it is expected to touch 180 million by the
production of micropropagules. year 2011. The situation necessitated to produce more
food for the increased population of the country which Milestones AgriBiotech Division
is not possible by the existing traditional crop 2002 : Feasibility test and budget approval
improvement program. Tissue culture, when integrated 2003 : Start laboratory renovation
with conventional crop improvement techniques will be
2004 : Laboratory operation start
more efficient environmentally compatible and
Potato plantlet sowing for breeder seed
ultimately cost effective utilization of resources for
improved agricultural productivity. So, this is the high
time to introduce biotechnology to speed up the crop 2005 : Start banana sapling sale
improvement processes. Continue seed potato production (breeder and
Plant issue culture means a collection of techniques by foundation class)
which isolated cells or tissue from either root stem leaf 2006 : Continue banana sapling sale
or any parts of the plant body, if provided with suitable Continue seed potato production (breeder,
condition would develop into plantlets in test tube. foundation and certified class)
Then in the control environment of a laboratory growth 2007 : Continue banana sapling sale
room, the growth of this culture is directed towards the Continue seed potato production (breeder,
production of a large number of true to type shoots foundation and certified class)
which can either be rooted in vitro in sterile medium
Start seed potato sale
mixture according to the specified requirements of the
Start orchid sapling sale
2008 : Continue banana sapling sale
Continue seed potato production (breeder,
SQUARE GROUP, a leading business organization of
foundation and certified class)
Bangladesh, has set up a plant tissue culture laboratory
under Square Agro Development and Processing Ltd. in Continue seed potato sale
2003 to develop agriculture & agro processing sector in Start orchid sapling sale
the country and is committed to bring improved quality 2009 : Continue banana sapling sale
planting materials and year round production through Continue seed potato production (breeder,
AgriBiotech. By its fifth year AgriBiotech division foundation and certified class)
turned into a profit making organization. Continue seed potato sale
Continue orchid sapling sale
Aim Start strawberry sapling sale
To produce disease free, high yielding seeds and
seedlings such as potato banana, strawberry, stevia,
Present Activities
ginger, turmeric, and flowers including verities of
Production of breeder seed from potato plantlet in net
house has been started since 2004. Certified seed potato
To create a supply chain and distribute the above
has been being produced and being supplied to the root
product to the root level farmers and nurserymen.
level farmers since 2007. Besides this we are engaged
To solve the insufficiency of quality seeds and in production and marketing of banana saplings, orchid
seedling in the market. pot plant, chrysanthemum, carnation, eustoma, ginger,
To reduce the dependence on imported seeds. turmeric etc from 2007.
To increase productivity and production that will
help poverty alleviating activities by improvement Laboratory
in income and employment.
Well equipped around 4000 sq-ft tissue culture
laboratory is situated in Dhaka at Uttara, a convenient
location having careful designing and planting facilitate
to produce 1 million seedlings per year which includes follows advanced tissue culture technology that is
growth room, media preparation room, aseptic transfer comparable to any other developed country in the world
area, sterilization room, laboratory office room, glass for production of seed potato. The methods are
ware washing room, store etc. followed for production of disease free potato clones
through meristem culture, their rapid mu\tip\ication
Shade / poly shade house/nursery area through micropropagation, production of minituber and
eventual production of pre-foundation, foundation and
Orchid - 1000 sq ft
certified seed.
Banana - 3000 sq ft
Others - 500 sq ft.
Different Steps of Seed Production by Tissue
Multiplication / seed production Field
First step: Meristem Culture.
At about 125 acres fields are cultivated at present which
In vitro propagation offers excellent technique for rapid
will be increased to 200 acre within 2012 for potato
multiplication. of potato plants. Meristem culture for
seed production. Breeder seed from in vitro plantlet has
production of disease free clones and their subsequent
been started since 2004.
micro propagation are carried out. The active growing
point of the plant shoot is the meristem. The dome of
Manpower the shoot meristem contains truly meristematic cell and
About 30 numbers of permanent staffs are working at is surrounded by leaf primordia. The objective of this
AgriBiotech division which includes researcher, procedure is to produce a rooted microplant which is
management personnel, technician, skilled labor and free from systemic virus, fungi and bacteria.
field worker manpower.
Future Plan
Research and development in the field of
biotechnology to protect endangered medicinal
To bring some new plant such as rattan, bamboo,
cane, rock melon, etc. which are almost extinct in
the country.
We are going to engage in production of processed
potato variety and will be distributed to the market
very soon. Healthy and apparently disease free buds when they
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
developed into mini shoots, are selected, collected and
brought into laboratory. Meristems are dissected
aseptically under a binocular dissecting microscope.
The operations are carriedout at a laminar air flow
AHZ Biotech Ltd. sterile bench. The meristems are treated with
House No. 241, Road No.3 disinfecting chemicals, washed with sterile distilled
Padma Housing Estate, Bhadra, Rajshahi, water and the meristem dome is placed in a test tube
Bangladesh containing liquid M.S. media. In lateral stages (both at
laboratory and field) ELISA tests and field test are done
AHZ Biotech Ltd. is a private Organigation. Improved, for confirmation about the presence of virus.
disease free and high yielding varieties of different
seeds like potato are being produced. AHZ Biotech Ltd.
Second step: Plantlet culture measures are done for regular spray to control disease
The test tube containing the meristem dome is placed in and insects. Roguing is also done as and when required,
laboratory called growth chamber having required necessary fertilizer applications and intercultural
temperature, humidity, and light. After 12 - 15 weeks of operations are also done for good growth.
incubation, the plantlet is grown and attained a height During growth period, potato specialists from research
of 4 - 5 em. The plants are removed from the test tube institute, BADC and DAE visit the seed plots.
carefully and cut into single nodal segment and plant in Moreover, field officers of seed certifiying agency, visit
glass jar containing culture media. The culture can be the seed plots. After getting recommendation from seed
sub-cultured for multiplication as required. specialists and field officer of the seed certifying
agency the seed plots are ready to harvest. Within 75-85
days of plantation, haulm pulling of the potato p'ants
are done. After 10-12 days of the haulm pulling, the
seeds are harvested carefully and are dried under shed
for 2-3 days. After curing, the seeds are assorted,
graded, bagged and stored in the special seeds chamber
of Biotech's own cold storage at Mokamtala, Bogra. For
good preserving of seed potatoes it requires separate
chamber having 360-380 F temperature, 90-91 %
humidity and regular supply of oxygen and drain out of
CO2 and frequent rearrangement of bags. These
facilities are available in the cold storage.
Booking for selling the seed started from 15th 4. Scientific manpower
February, from October the preserved seed are supplied 8 Scientists, 8 permanent staff and 36 seasonal staff out
among the Govt., organisations, private agencies, and of that one Doctorate in tissue culture, one M.Sc in
the progressive potato farmers at the fixed rate decided Botany (specialized in tissue culture) four M.Sc (Ag.)
by the company. (specialized in Biotechnology) two agriculture graduate
specialization in seed production.
Generation and category of seed potato produced by
AHZ Biotech Ltd:
5. Marketing status of tissue culture products
Generation Category including export, (if any), tissue culture seed
marketed amoung Govt. non-govt. organizations and
Zero Plantlet farmers of the most of the area of Bangladesh.
First Breeder seed
Second Pre-foundation 6. Main constrsaint
Third Foundation (a) Non availability of permanent land for seed
Fourth Certified. production. (b) Lack of Agril-implements
(c) Shortage of lab equipments
Seed potatoes which produced by the AHZ Biotech Ltd (d) Lack of transport vehicle and lack of own building
are improved and cleaned. The generation -of the seeds for laboratory.
is less even compared to imported seed potatoes. If the
different agronomical practices such as timely
7. Future planning
plantation, application of fertilizers, biocides, irrigation
and intercultural operations are optimized properly the (a) Expansion of seed production to partially meet up
tissue culture derived seed is able to produce 30 - 40 the national requirement
t/ha of potato in Bangladesh. (b) Extension of production for industrial use potato
through the use of tissue culture seed and
establishment of potato based food industries (like
1. Year of establishment: July 2001
potato chips)
2. Objectives
(c) To increase production of stevia and other saplings
(a) Disease free seed proiduction of mainly potato and
through tissue culture.
also some other crops through tissue culture.
(b) To increase socio-economic condition of the
8. Need
farmers ultimately to increase the national
economy. (a) Financial support for establishment of own lab.
building and expansion of laboratory and
(c) To create job opportunity of different cadres.
procurement of inputs.
(d) To select suitable cultivars among the imported
(b) Agril. equipments and expansion of lab. facilities.
potato varieties for export and industrial use.
(c) Transports vehicles.
(e) To conduct field experiment, demonstration, field
(d) Permanent land for seed production.
day farmers training etc. to motivate the farmers
for the use of the improved seed. (e) Foreign training/visit for manpower development.
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
3. Existing capacity
One tissue culture laboratory at Rajshahi having 2
laminar airflow, 2 autoclave, 2 microscope, AC, electric
balance, electric stirrer, required chemical, lab room,
growth chamber etc.
Aman Plant Tissue Culture Lab.
(A Concern of Aman Group)
Narikel Baria, Boalia, Rajshahi
AMAN Plant Tissue Culture (APTCL) has
emerged as a private sector independent Research lab in
the Northern belt of Bangladesh mostly covering the
Rajshahi and adjacent districts with a view to meet the
increasing demand for quality seeds, technical support
and research support among the huge number of poor
and moderate farmers of this highly potential potato Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Nurun Nahar in Lab Action
growing area of the country. Potato farmers of this
region are growing potato in a comparative Since inception to first one year APTC had been
disadvantageous situation without having any involved in the advisory services to farmer and internal
sophisticated cultivation support like quality seeds, lab development works which has later concentrated on
technical advice, fertilizer supply, pest and disease developments of plantlets and other research activities.
control etc. Despite that the dominating share in the A sketch on production is given below:
National production chart is the contribution of farmers
Year wise Production of ATCL
of this area. Farmers were getting 12 to 15 MT Production
Breeder Pre- Foundatio Certified
productions per Hectare Land by cultivating potato in Year
Plantlets Seeds foundation n Seeds Seeds
conventional way without knowing that there are rooms (MT) Seeds (MT) (MT) (MT)
2004 20000 0 0 0 0
for even better yield by adopting some low cost 2005 40000 2.6 0 0 0
2006 40000 5.5 42.5 0 0
technology. AMAN Plant Tissue Culture showed the 2007 75000 7.5 90.00 374.00 0
farmer how to improve production and quality of 2008 100000 10 110 800 1200
Officers, lab technicians working who are constantly are existing poor table and seed potato growers, Contact
busy developing and producing quality seeds. farmers, interested peoples in table and seed potato
Currently Dr. Nurun Nahar who is specialized on Plant cultivation and poor, young, educated but enthusiastic
Tissue Culture is leading the technical team. men and women.
The coming year 2009 we will be able to provide Our seeds are disease free very high yielding.
2500 M. Tons seeds to the farmers. Apart from research Some pictures are of our seed potato given along side.
activities the APTCL is also involved in some other Despite having all the above, APTCL being a
activities like Demonstration program, Training, private sector initiative, we have still some limitations
Logistics support like fertilizer, seeds, technical like Inadequate expatriate services, technical
support, transport and packing materials etc, and last manpower, insufficient sophisticated lab equipments,
but not the least Financial support like seasonal credit. infrastructure facility, training materials, lack of
sufficient fund, lack of technical and financial
collaborator and last but not the least lack of govt.
support because of which we could not achieve the
project target in anticipated pace.
We would welcome technical collaborator,
financial support, expatriate support, training support
and massive extension support.
AMAN despite having lot of limitation is trying to
support poor farmer with its little endeavors which we
believe in the near future with the support of outside
collaboration will be minimized and a vast number of
poor potato farmers will be benefited through receiving
A growth chamber in APTC quality seed from APTCL and hope to contribute
positively in the national economy.
(Source: Souvenir of 6th Intl. PTC&B Conference)
• Pilot scale production of cells and adventitious Collaborator:
roots through bioreactor Local: 3
• Rice, Legumes, Medicinal Plants Foreign: 4
Basic plant tissue culture facilities with controlled • Assessment of grain qualities in local rice cultivars
growth chamber, small bioreactors, cell suspension • Optimization of fast and efficient somatic
facilities. embryogenesis system for local aromatic rice
cultivars Micrpropagation of different medicinal
Human Resources: plants
MPhil student: 1
Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Shohael
MS student: 2 Assistant Professor
Phone: 01841-391712 (Mobile)
Email: [email protected]