ASNT Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II Questions and Answers
ASNT Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II Questions and Answers
ASNT Liquid Penetrant Testing Level II Questions and Answers
9. The height of capillary rise of the liquid or the depth to which penetrant enters, is more in the case
a. Wide and shallow discontinuities
b. Narrow and deep discontinuities
c. More information is required
d. Determined by contact angle and surface tension
10. A liquid in a capillary tube has a concave surface
a. The liquid has high surface tension
b. Low surface tension
c. More information is required
d. The liquid is a Penetrant
11. Which of the following is true of flash point consideration in liquid Penetrant inspection?
a. Flash point affects the performance of a penetrant
b. Flash point is important as a safety precaution flash point shall be high for open tanks
c. Flash point shall be low for penetrant open tanks
d. Flash point is maintained high for penetrant in aerosol containers
12. Normally mechanical methods of cleaning the surface prior to the PT are not advisable. However if
mechanical methods are adopted the treatment to be followed is,
a. Thorough washing with water
b. Vapour degreasing
c. Alkaline cleaning
d. Etching
13. Oil and grease need be removed from the surface prior to PT since
a. Oil and grease may affect the contact angle and surface tension of penetrants
b. May occupy the discontinuity to some extent
c. May fluoresce under black light
d. A&B of the above
e. A,B & C of the above
14. Which of the following describes the effect if pre cleaning is not done properly?
a. It will restrict the bleed out of the penetrant to form indication
b. It will restrict the entry of the penetrant into the discontinuity
c. It reduces the wetting of the test object surface by penetrant
d. All of the above
15. Which of the following is generally the more acceptable method for cleaning parts prior to Penetrant
a. Sand blasting
b. Wire brushing
c. Grinding
d. Vapor degreasing
16. An ideal Penetrant should have
a. Low surface tension, low viscosity, low contact angle
b. High surface tension, low viscosity, low contact angle
c. High surface tension, high viscosity, low contact angle
d. High surface tension, low viscosity, high contact angle
e. High surface tension, high viscosity, high contact angle
a. Remove little penetrant from the defects and a minimum residual penetrant remaining on the
b. Remove little penetrant from the defect and no residual penetrant remaining on the surface.
c. Remove no penetrant from the defects and leave a minimum of residual penetrant on the part
d. Remove no penetrant from the defects and leave no penetrant on the part surface
26. Emulsifiers whether lipo or hydro philic acts on the penetrant by
a. Solvent action
b. Dispersive action
c. Mechanical action
d. Mixing action
e. Detergent action
27. The mechanism of lipophilic emulsifier on penetrant is one of
a. Diffusing with penetrant making it easy for water washing
b. Dispersing the penetrant so as to make it water washable
c. Agitating the penetrant with water emulsifier combination
d. Detergent action
28. The sensitivity of hydrophilic emulsifier is normally high when the concentration of the emulsifier is
low say 5%. The disadvantage is
a. The time on water washing is high
b. Penetrant tolerance
c. The bath life is low
d. A and b of the above
e. B and c of the above
29. Emulsification time is very critical
a. Manufacturers recommendation need be strictly adhered to
b. Determined experimentally for the component under inspection
c. Effectiveness is ascertained by background fluorescence
d. A higher emulsification time is safer to remove the excess surface penetrant
30. Wash cycle timing are considered more critical in:
a. Water washable penetrant
b. Lipophilic post emulsifiable penetrants.
c. Hydrophilic post emulsifiable penetrant
d. All of the above
e. A and c
31. Emulsifier time:
a. Is important but not normally critical
b. Is the time needed to rinse the emulsifier and excess penetrant from the surface
c. Is extremely important but will not greatly affect test results
d. Should be as long as economically practical
32. Which of the following is type of developer used in Penetrant inspection
a. Dry
b. Aqueous particulate
c. Non aqueous particulate
d. Water soluble
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. D
24. B
25. D
26. E
27. A
28. A
29. B
30. B
31. B
32. E
33. A
34. D
35. B
36. B
37. D
38. B
39. D
40. D