Quizzes Compilation

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A caloric test is performed by: b.

introducing A client with MG began to experience a sudden

sterile saline solution to the ear and assessing worsening of her condition with difficulty in
the response of the eyes breathing. The nurse explains that this
complication of MG is usually initially treated
A client has been receiving dexamethasone with c. an increase in the anticholinesterase
(Decadron) for control of cerebral edema. dosage.
Which of the following assessments would
indicate that the treatment is effective? b. A client with myasthenia gravis is experiencing
Increased response to motor stimuli prolonged periods of weakness, and the MD
orders an edrophonium tensilon test. A test
A client is assessed as being in stage I of dose is administered and the client’s muscular
Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The nurse function improves. The nurse interprets this
recognizes the complaint made by the client's test result as; B. Positive
family that is most closely related to the
diagnosis is a. “She seems indifferent about A nurse is performing an assessment on a
things she used to care about.” client who is suspected of having MG. The
complaint made by the client that reflects a
A client is diagnosed with syndrome of manifestation commonly seen in clients with
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). this disease is c. “By the end of the day, my
The nurse informs the client that the physician eyelids usually are drooping.”
will prescribe diuretic therapy and restrict fluid
and sodium intake to treat the disorder. If the A nurse should be most concerned w/ a patient
client does not comply with the recommended who had closed head injury if she assessed
treatment, which complication may arise? a. which of the ff.? b. BP changes from 120/80 to
Cerebral edema 140/60

A client tells the nurse that he is experiencing A patient with Multiple Sclerosis is displaying
some leg stiffness when walking and slowness spasticity and ataxic gait. Based on this, the
when performing ADLs. Occasionally he has most effective Nursing diagnosis would be: b.
noted slight tremors in his hands at rest. This Impaired Physical Mobility
information leads the nurse to suspect a.
Parkinson's disease (PD). A pt with the Hx of trauma: Blood pressure
reading is 260/140mm Hg. The Dr. orders
A client was re-admitted to the hospital Nicardipine Drip. What is the correct
following a recent skull fracture. Which finding preparation and titration for Nicardipine Drip for
requires the nurse's immediate attention? A. this pt.? A. D5W 90 cc + Nicardipine 10 mg
Another term for stereognosis is: c. 3D
A client who is being evaluated for possible MS discrimination
is experiencing vision problems. It is significant
for the nurse to ask a. “Have you ever As ICP increases, compliance: c. decreases
experienced these vision problems before?”
Hyperventilation is recommended if there is
A client with AD begins to tell the nurse about any indication of increased ICP. This
his early married life. The nurse should b. listen intervention decreases ICP by: d. lowering
to his stories. CO2 which results in vasoconstriction

Hyp0rventilation will lead to Inc. ICP by: a.

raising CO2 which results in vasodilation
In order to confirm the diagnosis of Stroke, a The nurse formulates the following nursing
plain CT scan was done. Which of the ff. is true diagnosis for a client with MS: Impaired
of CT Scan? c. it reveals tissue density and Physical Mobility related to muscle weakness.
shadow of the brain To implement this the nurse would c. perform
range-of-motion exercises at least two times
Neurologic examination reveals that a client daily
has intact, functioning cranial nerves (CNs) III
through XII. The nurse would conclude that the The nurse recognizes a particular abnormal
client has normal function of the b. brain stem. posturing that indicates the poorest prognosis
in a brain-injured patient is b. abnormal
Non-invasive tests may be ordered to evaluate extension.
the extent of Transient ischemic attack. Which
of the ff. is considered an invasive test? c. The nurse reminds a group of students about
Angiogram the aspects of the pathophysiology of multiple
sclerosis (MS), which is c. plaques occur
Pt. with closed head injury, has been on bed anywhere in the white matter of the central
rest for several months. Which statement best nervous system (CNS).
describes the relationship between
complications of prolonged bed rest and The nurse would suggest to the family of a
nursing interventions to prevent these client who is in stage II AD and has memory
complications? c. Leg exercises are impt. To impairment to c. have the client wear an
decrease the loss of Ca from the bones and identification badge.
the risk of pathological fractures
The nurse would use which standardized tool
Test for stereognosis is performed by: d. as a guide in assessing a client with head
placing 3 different objects in the client’s hand, injury and increased intracranial pressure
one at a time and asking him to identify each (ICP)? d. Glasgow coma scale
The nursing care that should be included in the
The client with Multiple sclerosis is care of a recently stabilized client who had
experiencing dysphagia. Which of the ff. foods head trauma is to c. assess vital signs and
is most appropriate for the client? a. vanilla neurologic status hourly.
To assist the client with Parkinson’s disease to
The emergency department nurse should reduce tremor, the nurse suggests that the
position the client with cranial injuries b. client a. tightly hold change in the pocket.
supine with the head of the bed elevated 30
degrees. When a client experiences the manifestations
of a parkinsonian crisis, the nurse should b.
The medulla oblongata centers for: d. place the client in a non stimulating
Breathing, heartbeat, blood vessel diameter environment.

The nurse asking a client questions that test When a client is admitted to the hospital with
orientation would include c. “What year is it?” Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), the most
important assessment the nurse should make
The nurse caring for a client who has had is for c. respiratory difficulty. The nurse warns
subarachnoid hemorrhage would be aware that that the early manifestation of AD that is
increasing ICP is manifested by A. Widening assessed by family members and co-workers
pulse pressure. before the client is aware is b. memory deficit.
When teaching the client with MS to intervene  Leg exercises are impt. To decrease the
for his constipation problem, the nurse should loss of Ca….
encourage the client to avoid d. laxatives.  d. placing 3 different objects in the
client’s hand, one at a time and asking
When testing comprehension in a client who is him to identify each object
expressively aphasic, the nurse lays out a  Vanilla pudding
pencil, a key, and a ball and then would a. ask  Supine with the head of the bed
the client to pick up the ball. elevated 30 degrees
 d. Breathing, heartbeat, blood vessel
Which of the ff. nursing measures should be diameter
included when caring for a client with  c. “What year is it?”
Parkinson’s disease? b. provide high toilet seat  A. widening pulse pressure
 Abnormal extension
Which of the following would indicate that a  Glasgow coma scale
client had developed water intoxication  c. assess vital signs and neurologic
secondary to treatment for diabetes insipidus? status hourly.
a. Confusion and seizures
 a. ask the client to pick up the ball.
 Provide high toilet seat
Which of the ff. nursing interventions should be
 Confusion and seizures
included in the NCP for the client with cerebral
 Check neurologic status every 4 hours
concussion? check neurologic status every 4
hours  Test the fluid for glucose

When the nurse notes that a client with skull

fracture has clear fluid draining from his nose,
the nurse should initially b. test the fluid for

 b. introducing sterile saline solution to

the ear and assessing the response of
the eyes
 b. Increased response to motor stimuli
 Cerebral Edema
 Lethargy
 Positive
 BP changes from 120/80 to 140/60
 Impaired Physical Mobility
 D5W 90cc + Nicardipine 10mg
 C. 3D discrimination
 C. decreases
 d. lowering CO2 which results in
 a. raising CO2 which results in
vasodilation c. it reveals tissue density
and shadow of the brain
 c. it reveals tissue density and shadow
of the brain
 Brain stem
 Angiogram

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