Singh 2006

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3, JULY 2006 1483

Harmonic Mitigation Using 12-Pulse

AC–DC Converter in Vector-Controlled
Induction Motor Drives
Bhim Singh, Senior Member, IEEE, G. Bhuvaneswari, Senior Member, IEEE, and Vipin Garg, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, a novel autotransformer with a reduced and weight of the transformer. Autotransformer-based 12-pulse
kilovolt-ampere rating is presented for harmonic current reduc- ac–dc converters have been reported [4] for reducing the total
tion in twelve-pulse ac-dc converter-fed vector-controlled induc- harmonic distortion (THD) of the ac mains current. To ensure
tion motor drives (VCIMDs). Different transformer arrangements
for 12-pulse-based rectification are also studied and a novel har- equal power sharing between the diode bridges and to achieve
monic mitigator capable of suppressing fifth, seventh, and 11th good harmonic cancellation, this topology needs interphase
(most dominant harmonics) in the supply current is presented. The transformers and impedance-matching inductors, resulting in
design procedure for the proposed autotransformer is presented increased complexity and cost. Moreover, the dc-link voltage
to show the flexibility in the design for making it a cost-effective is higher, making the scheme nonapplicable for retrofit appli-
replacement suitable for retrofit applications, where presently a
six-pulse diode bridge rectifier is being used. The effect of load vari- cations. To overcome the problem of higher dc-link voltage,
ation on VCIMD is also studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of Hammond [5] has proposed a new topology, but the transformer
the proposed harmonic mitigator. A set of power-quality indices design is very complex. To simplify the transformer design,
on input ac mains and on a dc bus for a VCIMD fed from different Paice [6] has reported a new topology for 12-pulse ac-dc
12-pulse ac-dc converters is given to compare their performance. converters. But this topology requires higher rating magnetics,
Index Terms—Autotransformer, multipulse AC–DC converter, resulting in the enhancement of capital cost. Steffan et al. [7]
power-quality improvement, vector-controlled induction motor have reported a quasi 12-pulse rectifier for harmonic reduction,
drive (VCIMD). but here also the THD of the ac mains current at full load is
10.5% and at 40% load, it is around 20%. Kamath et al. [8]
I. INTRODUCTION have also reported a 12-pulse converter, but the THD of the
ac mains current is high even at full load (10.1%) and as load

W ITH the proliferation of power-electronic converters, the

majority of dc drives are being replaced by variable fre-
quency induction motor drives. These variable frequency induc-
decreases, the THD increases further (17% THD at 50% load).
In this paper, a novel autotransformer-based 12-pulse ac–dc
converter with reduced kilovolt-ampere (kVA) rating is pro-
tion motor drives are generally operated in vector control [1], posed to feed the VCIMD. The presented technique for the
as it is an elegant way of achieving high-performance control design of the autotransformer provides flexibility in design to
of induction motors in a way similar to the dc motor. These vary the output voltages to make it suitable for retrofit applica-
vector-controlled induction motor drives (VCIMDs) are fed by tions (where presently, a six-pulse converter is being used, as
an uncontrolled ac–dc converter which results in injection of shown in Fig. 1) without much alterations in the system layout.
current harmonics into the supply system. These current har- This topology results in improvement in THD of ac mains
monics, while propogating through the finite source impedance, current and power factor even under light load conditions.
result in voltage distortion at the point of common coupling,
thereby affecting the nearby consumers. II. TWELVE-PULSE AC–DC CONVERTER-BASED
Various methods based on the principle of increasing the
number of pulses in ac–dc converters have been reported in
the literature to mitigate current harmonics [2]–[4]. These For harmonic elimination, the required minimum phase shift
methods use two or more converters, where the harmonics is given by [2]
generated by one converter are cancelled by another converter,
by proper phase shift. The autotransformer-based configu- Phase shift
Number of converters
rations [2] provide the reduction in magnetics rating, as the
transformer magnetic coupling transfers only a small portion For achieving 12-pulse rectification, the phase shift between
of the total kilovolt-ampere of the induction motor drive. These the two sets of voltages may be either 0 and 30 or . In
autotransformer-based schemes considerably reduce the size this paper, various topologies based on and have
been studied to reduce the size of the magnetics.
Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of a 12-pulse autotrans-
Manuscript received February 9, 2005. Paper no. TPWRD-00077-2005. former-based ac–dc converter with a phase shift of and
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Insti- , referred as Topology “A” [3]. Similarly, Fig. 3 shows
tute of Technology, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]). the schematic diagram of a 12-pulse autotransformer-based
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2005.860265 ac–dc converter with a phase shift of and referred
0885-8977/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE

Fig. 3. Autotransformer-based 12-pulse converter- (with a phase shift of 15

and 015 ) fed VCIMD. (Topology B).

Fig. 1. Six-pulse diode bridge rectifier-fed vector-controlled induction motor


Fig. 4. Autotransformer-based 12-pulse converter- (with a phase shift of +15

and 015 ) fed VCIMD. (Topology C).
A. Design of Autotransformer for Twelve-Pulse Converter
To achieve the 12-pulse rectification, the following conditions
have to be satisfied.
a) Two sets of balanced three-phase line voltages are to be
produced, which are either or out of phase
with respect to each other. Here, phase shift is used
to reduce the size of the magnetics.
b) The magnitude of these line voltages should be equal to
each other to result in symmetrical pulses and reduced
Fig. 2. Autotransformer-based 12-pulse converter- (with a phase shift of +15
and 015 ) fed VCIMD. (Topology A). ripple in output dc voltage.
Fig. 5 shows the winding connection diagram of the pro-
posed autotransformer for achieving the 12-pulse rectification.
as Topology “B” as per [4] and Fig. 4 shows the schematic The phasor diagram shown in Fig. 6 represents the relationship
diagram of a 12-pulse autotransformer-based ac–dc converter among various phase voltages.
with a phase shift of and referred as Topology “C” From the supply voltages, two sets of three-phase voltages
as per [6]. In all of these topologies, the voltages produced by (phase shifted through and ) are produced. The
the autotransformer , , and are at with respect number of turns required for and phase shift are
to supply voltages , , and , where as the other set of calculated as follows. Consider phase “a” voltages as
voltages , , and are at with respect to supply
voltages, resulting in 12-pulse rectification. (1)
Assume the following set of voltages:
This section deals with the autotransformer arrangement for
the proposed 12-pulse ac–dc converter-based harmonic miti- (3)
gator referred as Topology “D”. Various issues related to the Similarly
design of the suitable autotransformer for 12-pulse configura-
tion are presented here. (4)

Fig. 5. Proposed autotransformer winding connection diagram.

Fig. 7. Vector diagram of phasor voltages for 12-pulse-based proposed

harmonic mitigator for retrofit applications.

proposed harmonic mitigator suitable for retrofit applications,

the transformer design has been modified to make the dc-link
voltage the same as that of the six-pulse diode bridge rectifier.
The phasor diagram shown in Fig. 7 represents the generalized
diagram showing the relationship among various phase voltages
for achieving the variable magnitude transformer output volt-
ages, which are phase shifted through (for achieving the
12-pulse operation).
By following the above procedure, for the same dc-link
Fig. 6. Vector diagram of phasor voltages for 12-pulse-based proposed
harmonic mitigator. voltage as that of a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier, the values
of and are as and , where
and are the new constants for achieving the same dc-link
(5) voltage as that of the six-pulse diode bridge rectifier. Now, the
phase-shifted voltages for phase ”a” are as
where, V is the root-mean-square (rms) value of the phase
Using above equations, and can be calculated. These (8)
equations result in and for the desired (9)
phase shift in an autotransformer. The phase-shifted voltages for
phase “a” are Now, a phase-shifted voltage (e.g., ) is obtained by using
the following arrangements.
a) Tapping a portion (0.0195) of line voltage .
b) Connecting one end of an approximate 0.1402 times of
line voltage (e.g., ) to this tap.
Thus, the autotransformer uses two auxiliary windings per
Thus, by simply changing the transformer winding tapping,
phase. A phase-shifted voltage (e.g., ) is obtained by using
the same dc-link voltage as that of the six-pulse diode bridge
the following arrangements.
rectifier is obtained. Fig. 8 shows the winding connection dia-
a) Tapping a portion (0.0227) of line voltage . gram of the proposed autotransformer for designing the auto-
b) Connecting one end of an approximate 0.138 times of line transformer suitable for retrofit applications. Fig. 9 shows the
voltage (e.g., ) to this tap. proposed 12-pulse rectification-based harmonic mitigator-fed
To ensure the independent operation of the rectifier groups, VCIMD referred as topology “D.” The kVA rating of the trans-
interphase transformers (IPTs), which are relatively small in former is calculated as [2]
size, are connected at the output of the rectifier bridges. With
this arrangement, the rectifier diodes conduct for 120 per cycle. (10)
With this transformer arrangement, the dc-link voltage obtained
is slightly higher than that of a six-pulse diode bridge recti- The kVA rating of the interphase transformer is also calcu-
fier output voltage due to 12-pulse rectification. To make the lated using the above relationship.

Fig. 10. Autotransformer-based proposed 12-pulse converter- (with a phase

shift of and 015 ) fed VCIMD. (Topology E).

Fig. 8. Winding connection diagram for the proposed autotransformer suitable It is defined as
for retrofit applications.

The kVA of the filter capacitor at power frequency (60 Hz) is

given as


where is the nominal line-to-line voltage of the system at

the point of connection of the filter, C is the capacitance of the
filter capacitor, is the reactance of inductor, and is the
reactance of the capacitor at the resonant frequency.


Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of an indirect vector-
controlled induction motor drive (VCIMD). This technique uses
Fig. 9. Proposed 12-pulse converter- (with a phase shift of +15 and 015 ) two currents of motor phases, namely and and the motor
fed VCIMD based on an autotransformer. (Topology D). speed signal . The closed loop PI speed controller compares
the reference speed with motor speed and generates
B. Design of Passive Tuned Filter reference torque (after limiting it to a suitable value)
To improve the power quality, a passive shunt filter has been (15)
designed in accordance with IEEE Standard 1531-2003 [9]. where and are the output of the PI controller (after
Fig. 10 shows the schematic diagram of the proposed harmonic limiting it to a suitable value) and and refer to
mitigator with a passive filter connected at the input. This speed error at the th and instants. and are the
Topology is referred as “E.” Various issues involved with the proportional and integral gain constants.
design of passive filters are given here. The flux control signal along with are fed to the
1) Design Equations: The passive shunt filter is governed vector controller which calculates the torque component of and
by the following design equations [9], [10]. the flux angle as follows:
The impedance of the filter branch is given as
The resonance frequency can be written as
The inductor and capacitor impedances for th harmonic are (20)
and . At resonance, .
Quality factor: The quality of the filter is a measure of the where is the magnetizing current; is the slip speed of
sharpness of tuning. A high value of quality factor results in a rotor; is the angular velocity of rotor; P, M, and are the
very sharp tuned filter, whereas a low value results in high-pass number of poles, mutual inductance, and rotor leakage factor,
wide bandwidth performance, resulting in higher losses. respectively; and are the value of rotor flux angles

Fig. 11. MATLAB block diagram of VCIMD.

Fig. 14. Dynamic response of a six-pulse diode rectifier-fed VCIMD with load

Fig. 12. MATLAB block diagram of the proposed harmonic mitigator-fed

VCIMD (topology “D”).

Fig. 13. MATLAB block diagram of the proposed harmonic mitigator-fed

VCIMD (Topology “E”).
Fig. 15. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
at th and ( -1)th instants, respectively, and is the sampling load in a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier-fed VCIMD.
time taken as 100 s.
These currents ( , ), in synchronously rotating frame, are motor to develop the necessary torque for running the motor at
converted to stationary frame three-phase currents ( , , ) a given speed under given loading conditions.
as given below
The proposed harmonic mitigators, along with the VCIMD,
are simulated in a MATLAB environment along with
SIMULINK and power-system-blockset (PSB) toolboxes.
(22) Fig. 11 shows the MATLAB model of a vector-controlled
induction motor drive. The VCIMD consists of an induction
(23) motor drive controlled using an indirect vector-control tech-
where , , and are the three-phase reference currents. nique. Fig. 12 shows the MATLAB model of the proposed
These three-phase reference currents generated by the vector harmonic mitigator based on 12-pulse rectification to simulate
controller are compared with the sensed motor currents ( , , its performance. Fig. 13 shows the MATLAB model of the pro-
and ). The calculated current errors are posed harmonic mitigator along with a passive filter connected
on the supply side to further improve various power-quality
where (24)
indices. The simulated results have been analyzed to study the
These current errors are amplified and fed to the PWM current effect of load variation on the drive on various power-quality
controller which controls the duty ratio of different switches indices as well as to show the reduction in rating of magnetics
in VSI. The VSI generates the PWM voltages being fed to the in the proposed configuration.

Fig. 16. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light Fig. 18. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light
load (20%) in a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier-fed VCIMD. load (20%) for Topology “A.”

Fig. 17. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
load for Topology “A.” Fig. 19. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
load for Topology “B.”


The proposed harmonic mitigator along with the VCIMD
have been simulated to demonstrate the performance of the
proposed system. Fig. 14 shows the dynamic performance
along with load perturbation on the VCIMD fed by a six-pulse
diode bridge rectifier. It consists of supply voltage , supply
current , rotor speed “ ” (in electrical rad/sec), three-phase
motor currents , motor-developed torque “ ” (in N-m)
and dc-link voltage (V). Fig. 15 shows the supply current
waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full load. The
THD of the ac mains current at full load is 31.2%, which dete-
riorates to 57.7% at light load as shown in Fig. 16. Moreover,
the power factor at full load is 0.937, which deteriorates to
0.848 as the load is reduced. These results show that there is
a need for improving the power quality at the ac mains using
some harmonic mitigators which can easily replace the existing Fig. 20. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light
six-pulse converter. load (20%) for Topology “B.”

Fig. 21. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
load for Topology “C.” Fig. 23. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
load for Topology “D.”

Fig. 22. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light
load (20%) for Topology “C.” Fig. 24. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light
load (20%) for Topology “D.”

A. Performance of Twelve-Pulse Rectification-Based Figs. 21 and 22, respectively. This topology needs magnetics as
Harmonic Mitigators high as 43.56% of the drive rating. There is a need for a suitable
Different configurations of 12-pulse ac–dc converters have ac–dc converter which has the same dc-link voltage as that of
been modeled and simulated to compare their relative perfor- a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier (for retrofit applications) and
mance in terms of different power-quality indices. which needs small magnetics.
1) Autotransformer With and Phase Shift: The 2) Proposed Harmonic Mitigator: The supply current
simulation results of an autotransformer (with phase shift of waveform at full load along with its harmonic spectrum is
and )-based ac–dc converter (Topology “A”)-fed shown in Fig. 23 (Topology “D”), which shows that the THD
VCIMD are shown in Figs. 17 and 18. Fig. 17 shows the wave- of the ac mains current is 8.17% and the power factor obtained
form of the supply current along with its harmonic spectrum is 0.975. Fig. 24 shows the supply current waveform along with
at full load and Fig. 18 shows these parameters at light load its harmonic spectrum under light load condition (20%). At
(20%) in topology “A.” The THD of supply current at full load light load condition, the THD of the ac mains current is 9.40%
is 7.02% and that at light load is 10.23%, whereas the power and the power factor is 0.969. To improve the power-quality
factor under these conditions is 0.973 and 0.975, respectively. indices further, a passive shunt filter has been connected at
Here, the dc-link voltage is higher than that of a 6-pulse diode the supply input (Topology “E”). Fig. 25 shows the dynamic
bridge rectifier. In topology “B”, the THD of the ac mains cur- performance of the proposed harmonic mitigator (Topology
rent at full load is 6.24% and at light load, it is 14.25% as shown “E”) at starting and load perturbation. Fig. 26 shows the supply
in Figs. 19 and 20, respectively. Here again, the dc-link voltage current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full load
is high. In topology “C”, the THD of the ac mains current at condition, showing a THD of 6.68% and a power factor of
full load is 6.59% and 13.13% at light load (20%) as shown in 0.982. The supply current waveform under light load condition

Fig. 27. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at light
Fig. 25. Dynamic response of proposed 12-pulse autotransformer-based ac-dc load (20%) for Topology “E.”
converter-fed VCIMD with load perturbation for Topology “E.”



Fig. 26. AC mains current waveform along with its harmonic spectrum at full
load for Topology “E.”

(20%), along with its harmonic spectrum, is shown in Fig. 27,

which shows that the THD of the ac mains current is 7.52% and
the power factor is 0.98.
Table I shows the effect of load variation on the VCIMD to
study various power-quality indices. It shows that the proposed
harmonic mitigator is able to perform satisfactorily under load of different power-quality indices of a VCIMD fed from a
variation on VCIMD with almost unity power factor (always six-pulse converter and different 12-pulse converters.
higher than 0.98) and a THD of supply current always less than The converters in topologies A and B result in a higher
8%. This is within the IEEE Standard 519 [11] limits for SCR dc-link voltage than a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier. So these
20. Table II shows the variation of supply current and con- topologies cannot be used in retrofit applications. The auto-
verter input current with a load on VCIMD. It can be ob- transformer in Topology “C” results in a dc-link voltage that is
served that the supply current is always less than the con- almost the same as that of a six-pulse diode bridge rectifier, but
verter input current . the rating of the magnetics is high 20.825 kVA (43.56% of the
The variation of THD of the ac mains current and power drive rating), which is on a higher side as shown in Table IV.
factor in VCIMD fed from a six-pulse and the proposed The proposed autotransformer-based 12-pulse ac–dc converter
12-pulse ac–dc converters is shown in Figs. 28 and 29, gives the same dc-link voltage as that of a six-pulse diode
respectively, showing a remarkable improvement in these bridge rectifier, making it suitable for retrofit applications.
power-quality indices. Table III shows a comparative study Moreover, the rating of the autotransformer is 9.3 kVA. It needs


proposed converter has shown the flexibility to design the trans-

former suitable for retrofit applications with variable frequency
induction motor drives operating under varying load conditions.
The proposed harmonic mitigator has resulted in the reduction
in rating of the magnetics, leading to the saving in overall cost
of the drive. The effect of load variation on the VCIMD on var-
ious power-quality indices has also shown the efficacy of the
proposed harmonic mitigator in improving these indices. The
observed performance of the proposed harmonic mitigator has
been found better than the existing 12-pulse converter config-
urations. The performance of the proposed harmonic mitigator
Fig. 28. Variation of THD of the ac mains current with load on VCIMD in has demonstrated the capability of this converter resulting in the
six-pulse and proposed 12-pulse ac-dc converter- (Topology “E”) fed VCIMD. improvement of power-quality indices at the ac mains in terms
of the THD of the supply current, THD of supply voltage, power
factor, and crest factor. On the dc-link side too, it provides a re-
markable improvement in ripple factor of the dc-link voltage.
It can easily replace the existing six-pulse converters without
much alteration in the existing system layout and equipment.

Three-phase squirrel cage induction motor 50 HP
(37.3 kW), three-phase, four-Pole, Y-connected, 460 V, 60
Hz, , , ,
Fig. 29. Variation of power factor with load on VCIMD in six-pulse and , , - .
proposed 12-pulse ac–dc converter- (Topology “E”’) fed VCIMD. Controller parameters
PI controller: , ;
TABLE IV DC-link parameters: mH, F.
Twelve-pulse-based converter: Autotransformer rating
9.3 kVA, interphase transformer 1.38 kVA, passive filter
2.22 kVA.

[1] P. Vas, Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque Control. Oxford, U.K.:
Oxford Univ. Press, 1998.
[2] D. A. Paice, Power Electronic Converter Harmonics: Multipulse
Methods for Clean Power. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1996.
[3] S. Choi, P. N. Enjeti, and I. J. Pitel, “Polyphase transformer arrangements
with reduced kVA capacities for harmonic current reduction in rectifier
a small rating interphase transformer of 1.38 kVA, resulting in type utility interface,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 11, no. 5, pp.
total magnetics of 10.68 kVA (22.34% of drive rating). 680–689, Sep. 1996.
[4] D. A. Paice, “Multipulse converter system,” U.S. Patent 4 876 634, Oct.
24, 1989.
VII. CONCLUSION [5] P. W. Hammond, “Autotransformer,” U.S. Patent no. 5 619 407, Apr. 8,
A novel autotransformer-based 12-pulse ac–dc converter has [6] D. A. Paice, “Transformers for Multipulse AC/DC Converters,” U.S.
been modeled with a VCIMD load. The design technique of the Patent no. 6 101 113, Aug. 8, 2000.

[7] S. Hansen, U. Borup, and F. Blaabjerg, “Quasi 12-pulse rectifier for ad- G. Bhuvaneswari (SM’99) received the M.Tech.
justable speed drives,” in Proc. IEEE APEC Conf., 2001, pp. 806–812. and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian Institute of
[8] G. R. Kamath, B. Runyan, and R. Wood, “A compact autotransformer Technology (IIT), Madras, India, in 1988 and 1992,
based 12-pulse rectifier circuit,” in Proc. IEEE IECON Conf., 2001, pp. respectively.
1344–1349. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor, Depart-
[9] IEEE Guide for Application and Specification of Harmonic Filters, IEEE ment of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, New
Std. 1573, 2003. Delhi, India, where she has been since 1997. Her re-
[10] D. A. Gongalez and J. C. Mccall, “Design of filters to reduce harmonic search interests include power electronics, electrical
distortion in industrial power systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. machines, and power conditioning. She is a fellow
IA-23, no. 3, pp. 504–511, May/Jun. 1987. of IETE.
[11] IEEE Guide for Harmonic Control and Reactive Compensation of Static
Power Converters, IEEE Std. 519-1992.

Bhim Singh (SM’99) was born in Rahamapur, India,

in 1956. He received the B.E. (electrical) degree
from the University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, in
1977 and the M. Tech. and Ph.D. degrees from the
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, New
Delhi, India, in 1979 and 1983, respectively.
In 1983, he joined the Department of Electrical
Engineering, University of Roorkee, as a Lecturer, Vipin Garg (M’05) was born in Kurushhetra,
and in 1988 became a Reader. In December 1990, Haryana, India, in 1972. He received the B.Tech.
he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, (Electrical) and M.Tech. degrees from Regional
IIT Delhi, as an Assistant Professor. He became an Engineering College, Kurukshetra, in 1994 and
Associate Professor in 1994 and a full Professor in 1997. His field of interest 1996, respectively, and is currently pursuing the
includes power electronics, electrical machines and drives, active filters, static Ph.D. degree at the Indian Institute of Technology
VAR compensator, and analysis and digital control of electrical machines. Delhi, New Delhi.
Dr. Singh is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), He joined the Indian Railways Service of Electrical
the Institution of Engineers (India) [IE (I)], and the Institution of Electronics and Engineers (IRSEE), New Delhi, as an Assistant Elec-
Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), a Life Member of the Indian Society for trical Engineer and became Divisional Electrical En-
Technical Education (ISTE), the System Society of India (SSI), and the National gineer in 2002. His research interests include power
Institution of Quality and Reliability (NIQR). electronics and electric traction and drives.

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