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Original Article

Heart substructural dosimetric parameters and risk of cardiac events

after definitive chemoradiotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung
Bum-Sup Jang a,1, Myung-Jin Cha b,1, Hak Jae Kim c, Seil Oh b, Hong-Gyun Wu c, Eunji Kim d,
Byoung Hyuck Kim e, Jae Sik Kim f, Ji Hyun Chang c,f,⇑
Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam-si; b Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Center,
Seoul National University Hospital; c Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University College of Medicine; d Department of Radiation Oncology, Korea Institute of
Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul; e Department of Radiation Oncology, SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center; and f Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National University

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Introduction: We evaluated the incidence of cardiac events after chemoradiotherapy in patients with
Received 12 August 2020 stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) based on baseline cardiovascular risk and the heart substruc-
Received in revised form 17 September tures’ radiation dose.
Methods: From 2008 to 2018, the cardiac events of 258 patients with stage III NSCLC who received defini-
Accepted 28 September 2020
Available online xxxx
tive chemoradiotherapy were reviewed. The 10-year cardiovascular risk was calculated using the
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) scoring system. Dose-volume histograms were estimated
for each cardiac chamber. A multivariate competing-risk regression analysis was conducted to assess
each cardiac event’s subhazard function (SHR).
Cardiac event Results: The median follow-up was 27.5 months overall and 38.9 months for survivors. Among the 179
Dosimetry deaths, none was definitely related to cardiac conditions. Altogether, 32 cardiovascular events affected
Heart substructure 27 patients (10.5%) after chemoradiotherapy. Ten were major cardiac adverse events, including heart fail-
Lung cancer ure (N = 6) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS, N = 4). Most cardiovascular events were related to well-
known risk factors. However, the volume percentage of the left ventricle (LV) receiving 60 Gy (LV V60) > 0
was significantly associated with ACS (SHR = 9.49, 95% CI = 1.28–70.53, P = 0.028). In patients with high
cardiovascular risk (ASCVD score > 7.5%), LV V60 > 0% remained a negative ACS prognostic factor
(P = 0.003). Meanwhile, in patients with low cardiovascular risk, the LV radiation dose was not associated
with ACS events (P = 0.242).
Conclusions: A high LV radiation dose could increase ACS events in patients with stage III NSCLC and high
cardiovascular risk. Pre-treatment cardiac risk evaluation and individualized surveillance may help pre-
vent cardiac events after chemoradiotherapy.
Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (2020) xxx–xxx

The relationship between radiotherapy (RT) and heart disease Recently, the relationship between cardiac toxicity and RT has
has been reported mostly in patients receiving RT for breast cancer also been studied in patients with lung cancer. The dose escalation
or Hodgkin lymphoma in their long-term disease course [1,2]. study in the non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC)—Radiation Ther-
Since Darby et al. [3] addressed the risk of ischemic heart disease apy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0617 trial [4] revealed that heart V5
after RT in patients with breast cancer, much attention has been (percentage of volume receiving  5 Gy) and V30 were prognostic
paid to RT-related cardiac toxicity. Still, the long-term effects of factors for overall survival (OS) in the unplanned analysis. This led
RT on cardiovascular (CV) disease have been underestimated in to multiple other studies on the relationship between dosimetric
patients with locally advanced lung cancer due to the relatively parameters, cardiac mortality [5], and OS [6–8] in patients with
short survival outcome. lung cancer. However, these results should be interpreted cau-
tiously since patients with lung cancer commonly share risk factors
with patients with CV disease, such as smoking. Indeed, the preva-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul National
lence of preexisting CV disease is as high as 43% in patients with
University Hospital, 101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Republic of Korea.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.H. Chang).
lung cancer [2,9] Thus, the clinical association between cardiac
These authors contributed equally to this work.

0167-8140/Ó 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Bum-Sup Jang, Myung-Jin Cha, Hak Jae Kim et al., Heart substructural dosimetric parameters and risk of cardiac events after
definitive chemoradiotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2020.09.050
Risk of cardiac events after CCRT for stage III NSCLC

adverse events and RT should be clarified considering the baseline We first identified major cardiac adverse events (MACE), which
CV disease risk. included cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), unstable
Previous studies mainly focused on the whole-heart RT dose angina hospitalization, and heart failure (HF), according to the
[6,7,9–13] and rarely analyzed the heart substructure RT dose AHA/ACC guidelines [18]. We also reviewed intermediate coronary
[14,15]. Since the whole-heart dose can be estimated from the artery disease (CAD) with elective percutaneous coronary inter-
any heart location, it is not likely to represent the specific dose vention (PCI) or any cardiac disorder with grade  3 according to
of each substructure. CV events may be dependent on the heart the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v.4.03 –
substructures receiving RT. Analyzing the relationship between available at https://evs.nci.nih.gov/ftp1/CTCAE/CTCAE_4.03/.
the heart substructure and subcategories of CV events would Among these events, only the earliest event was included in the
therefore be more informative. study. Event-free survival was defined from the start of CCRT to
Thus, the aim of current study was to investigate the relation- event occurrence or death. Patients with previous CV disease that
ship between the heart substructure dose and subcategories of remained stable after radiotherapy (by comparison to the 6-
CV events in RT-treated patients with advanced stage NSCLC based month interval preceding RT) were not recorded as having events.
on the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score. The death registry was obtained from the Ministry of Public
Administration and Security as of February 17, 2020. Two cardiol-
ogists (M.J.C & S.O.) reviewed medical records and assessed CV
Material and methods events. For example, heart failure was diagnosed with cardiac
echography and acute coronary syndrome was with cardiac
Study population and treatment enzyme, ECG, cardiac CT, and coronary angiography. Arrythmia
This study was approved by the institutional review board (IRB was diagnosed with ECG which was formally read by experienced
No. 1904-091-1026) that also waived the need for informed con- cardiologists. Pericardial effusion was diagnosed when effusion
sent. From 2008 to 2018, altogether 258 patients with stage III was clearly observed in cardiac echograph or CT. Despite a patient
NSCLC patients eligible for radical concurrent chemoradiation had symptom such as chest pain or dyspnea, this was not consid-
therapy (CCRT) were identified in our institution and their medical ered as cardiac event according to a cardiologist’s discretion.
records were retrospectively reviewed. Patients who received Symptoms of cardiac death can be confused with symptoms of
neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by CCRT were excluded. RT cancer-progression death. Patients with lung cancer often experi-
was delivered by using 3-dimensional conformal or intensity- ence exertional dyspnea or chest pain at the end of the clinical
modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) technique with a dose of 50 to course. Causes of death were therefore thoroughly evaluated
72 Gy with conventional fractionation. Planning objectives were through in-depth medical record review; cases of sudden or
as follows: mean lung dose  20 Gy and lung V20  35–40%. unknown death were excluded from cardiac mortality. Fatalities
Depending on plan objectives, radiation oncologist determined of patients lost to follow-up or without evidence of disease pro-
the radiation doses and fractions. After treatment, patients were gression at the last visit were attributed to unknown causes.
evaluated at least at every 3 months using chest computed tomog- Cancer-related death was coded if progression of disease was evi-
raphy for 1 year and every 6 months during the following year. dent at the time of death. Respiratory system-related death under
stationary or partially regressed NSCLC was defined as respiratory
Dosimetric parameters of heart substructures
To evaluate heart substructure doses, two radiation oncologists Statistical analysis
(J.H.C and J.S.K) delineated the whole heart, left atrium (LA), right
atrium (RA), left ventricle (LV), and right ventricle (RV). These Patient and dosimetric parameters were compared between the
structures were reviewed by a cardiologist (M.J.C) and the dose- ASCVD low and high-risk group using Fisher’s exact test or Wil-
volume histogram was derived based on the original treatment coxon rank sum test. In patients with cancer, death is a major com-
plan. For the dosimetric endpoints, the mean dose, V5, V10, V20, peting risk for CV events [19]. Using the Fine-Gray model [20],
V30, V40, V50, and V60 were calculated for each substructure. Vol- univariate and multivariate competing-risks regression analyses
ume percentage (V5 to V60) was transformed into the natural were performed to estimate the subhazard function (SHR) of each
number. Dosimetric parameters were represented in heatmaps as event. Baseline ASCVD risk and significant covariates were incorpo-
continuous values using the Euclidean clustering method. To ana- rated in the multivariate model. The cumulative incidence plot
lyze dosimetric parameters as categorical values, the median value with Gray’s test was plotted when a specific dosimetric parameter
was used to divide patients into high and low groups. achieved significance in the multivariate model. All statistical tests
were two sided, with P  0.05 indicating statistical significance.
Statistical analyses were performed using STATA software version
Evaluation of CV risk, cardiac adverse events, and mortality 15 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). The distribution pattern of the
dosimetric parameters from heart substructure was visualized as a
To estimate the baseline CV risk at the start of CCRT, we calcu- heatmap using the ‘ComplexHeatmap’ package [21] in R software
lated the ASCVD risk score [16] based on age, sex, race, total and (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (mg/dL), systolic and diastolic
blood pressure (mmHg), diagnosis of hypertension or diabetes, and
smoking status. Patients who were indicated for chemoradiation Results
undergo baseline blood laboratory test including lipid panel. The
time frame should be within 1-month before chemoradiation. Altogether, 258 patients with stage III NSCLC received CCRT. Of
The ASCVD risk score can be interpreted as the probability of the those, 53 (20.5%) and 205 (79.5%) patients were classified into the
10-year risk of heart disease or stroke. The 2014 ACC/AHA guideli- ASCVD low- and high-risk groups, respectively. Median age was
nes [17] recommend primary prevention in patients with a 10-year higher in the ASCVD high-risk than in the low-risk group (66 vs.
ASCVD risk > 7.5%. Accordingly, study patients with a 10-year 55 years, P < 0.001). Median body mass index (BMI) was not statis-
ASCVD risk > 7.5% were assigned to the high-risk group and the tically different between these two groups (P = 0.053). Male
remaining patients constituted the ASCVD low-risk group. patients and current smokers were more prevalent in the ASCVD
Bum-Sup Jang, Myung-Jin Cha, Hak Jae Kim et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

high-risk group. There was no significant difference in RT dose (N = 7, 2.7%), pulmonary thromboembolism (N = 2, 0.7%), and pro-
between groups (P = 0.160). Altogether 7 patients received a cumu- gressive pulmonary hypertension (N = 1, 0.3%). There were no def-
lative dose of 50 Gy. Of those, two patients were planned up to inite cardiac death events. One patient experienced HF and
60 Gy, but toxicity occurred in lung and trachea, leading the dis- pulmonary embolism (PE) with progressive pulmonary hyperten-
continuation of RT up to 50 Gy. The five patients were planned sion. One patient experienced both progressive CAD with revascu-
up to 50 Gy since the planning objectives-- was not fulfilled. The larization and AMI events with a 1-year interval and pericardial
prevalence of diabetes was significantly higher in the ASCVD effusion after another year. One patient had pulmonary embolism
high-risk group compared with the low-risk group (22.0% vs. and arrhythmia. Three patients experienced both HF and arrhyth-
1.9%, P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in the preva- mia. Of arrythmia events, there were atrial fibrillation (N = 8), ven-
lence of hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) between tricular tachycardia N = 1), atrial flutter (N = 3), atrial tachycardia
groups and no patients with history of cancer or CV disease history (N = 1), and sick sinus syndrome (N = 2). The total annual incidence
were found in the ASCVD low-risk group. Statin use was more fre- of cardiac events was 7 events/1000 person-years, respectively.
quent in the ASCVD high-risk than in the low-risk group but this The mean and median duration from RT to the first cardiac event
difference did not achieve significance (16.1% vs. 11.3%, was 30.6 and 24.2 months (range, 1.8 – 103.5), respectively. The
P = 0.520). In terms of dosimetric parameters, we could not observe median survival from cardiac event to death (N = 23) or last
a significant difference in the median value between the ASCVD follow-up (N = 4) was 27.7 months (range, 4.67–98.6).
high- and low-risk patients. To visualize the correlations between There were MACE in 10 patients (3.8%), an annual incidence of
whole-heart and heart substructures RT dose, CV events, and 2/1000 person-years. The two patients with non-ST elevation AMI
ASCVD risk, we plotted the heatmap representing the pattern of received successful revascularization with PCI. They lived for 14
dose parameters in Fig. 1. A relatively low dose (5–20 Gy) was and 46 months after AMI until cancer-related death. Another two
administered to the whole heart as well as to each of the four heart patients hospitalized due to unstable angina were found to have
chambers in most patients. A minority of patients were irradiated severe multivessel CAD confirmed by coronary angiography.
with relatively high dose (40–60 Gy) to their LV or RV. Detailed Instead of revascularization, they were treated only with medica-
patient and dosimetric characteristics are summarized in Table 1. tions due to the cancer progression and the procedural risk and
With a median follow-up of 27.5 months (range, 2.0– died 16 and 6 months after the event. Among the four patients
119.2 months), altogether 32 CV events in 27 patients (10.3%) were with non-ischemic HF, three had underlying cardiac disease, and
reported during the study period, including HF (N = 6, 2.3%), ACS one experienced HF during septic shock following severe pneumo-
(N = 4, 1.5%, including 2 AMI and 2 hospitalizations due to unstable nia. Two patients with ischemic HF accompanied by intermediate
angina), intermediate CAD with revascularization (N = 2, 0.7%), CAD were well controlled by optimal medical treatment until
clinically significant arrhythmia (N = 13, 4.9%), pericardial effusion cancer-related death.

Fig. 1. Heatmap showing the pattern of dosimetric parameters. Column indicates patients, and row represents dosimetric parameters. Dose to specific volume is transformed
to log10. Both column and rows are clustered by Euclidean method. Abbreviations: ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CV, cardiovascular; LV, left ventricle; RV,
right ventricle; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.

Risk of cardiac events after CCRT for stage III NSCLC

Table 1
Patient and dosimetric characteristics.

Variables ASCVD Low-risk ASCVD High-risk P Dosimetric Parameters ASCVD Low-risk (7.5) ASCVD High-risk (>7.5) P
(7.5) (N = 53) (>7.5) (N = 205) (N = 53) (N = 205)
Median Age (year, range) 55 (33–70) 66 (49–89) <0.001 Mean Heart Dose (cGy) 1054.6 (64.1–3933.0) 1186.2 (10.1–4206.4) 0.929
Median BMI (kg/m2) 22.2 (16.1–27.9) 22.7 (14.4–31.8) 0.053 Mean LV Dose (cGy) 408.0 (25.5–4012.6) 345.2 (6.5–4332.8) 0.859
Median ASCVD Risk Score 4.1 (0.8–7.4) 17.4 (7.6–59.9) <0.001 Mean RV Dose (cGy) 438.5 (20.9–3765.0) 316.0 (5.6–4665.0) 0.916
Gender <0.001 Mean LA Dose (cGy) 1373.7 (71.8–5970.8) 1710.8 (13.2–5901.6) 0.861
Male 22 (41.5%) 195 (95.1%) Mean RA Dose (cGy) 822.9 (36.1–5292.0) 871.9 (10.9–5633.1) 0.973
Female 31 (58.5%) 10 (4.9%) Whole Heart V5 (%) 42 (0–100) 44 (0–100) 0.675
Current Smoker <0.001 Whole Heart V10 (%) 30 (0–99) 32 (0–100) 0.974
No 37 (69.8%) 51 (24.9%) Whole Heart V20 (%) 18 (0–89) 20 (0–97) 0.844
Yes 16 (30.2%) 154 (75.1%) Whole Heart V30 (%) 11 (0–77) 14 (0–75) 0.957
RT Dose (Gy) 0.160 Whole Heart V40 (%) 7 (0–55) 8 (0–57) 0.815
<66 17 (32.1%) 90 (43.9%) Whole Heart V50 (%) 4 (0–38) 4 (0–40) 0.676
66 36 (67.9%) 115 (56.1%) Whole Heart V60 (%) 2 (0–18) 1 (0–30) 0.163
HTN 0.051 LV V5 (%) 21 (0–100) 20 (0–100) 0.703
No 41 (77.4%) 128 (62.4%) LV V10 (%) 9 (0–100) 4 (0–100) 0.582
Yes 12 (22.6%) 77 (37.6%) LV V20 (%) 0 (0–100) 0 (0–97) 0.259
DM <0.001 LV V30 (%) 0 (0–100) 0 (0–95) 0.225
No 52 (98.1%) 160 (78.0%) LV V40 (%) 0 (0–62) 0 (0–67) 0.149
Yes 1 (1.9%) 45 (22.0%) LV V50 (%) 0 (0–20) 0 (0–42) 0.284
Chronic Kidney Disease 0.350 LV V60 (%) 0 (0–10) 0 (0–13) 0.405
No 53 (100.00%) 198 (96.7%) RV V5 (%) 21 (0–100) 16 (0–100) 0.677
Yes 0 (0.00%) 7 (3.3%) RV V10 (%) 13 (0–100) 4 (0–100) 0.575
Cancer History 0.010 RV V20 (%) 1 (0–93) 0 (0–98) 0.267
No 39 (73.6%) 143 (69.8%) RV V30 (%) 0 (0–84) 0 (0–95) 0.400
Yes 0 (0.0%) 22 (10.7%) RV V40 (%) 0 (0–36) 0 (0–93) 0.248
Unknown 14 (26.4%) 40 (19.5%) RV V50 (%) 0 (0–11) 0 (0–33) 0.437
CV Disease History 0.046 RV V60 (%) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–25) 1.000
No 53 (100.0%) 190 (92.7%) LA V5 (%) 74 (0–100) 84 (0–100) 0.829
Yes 0 (0.0%) 15 (7.3%) LA V10 (%) 52 (0–100) 62 (0–100) 0.843
Statin Therapy 0.520 LA V20 (%) 28 (0–100) 28 (0–100) 0.598
No 47 (88.7%) 172 (83.9%) LA V30 (%) 16 (0–100) 18 (0–100) 0.885
Yes 6 (11.3%) 33 (16.1%) LA V40 (%) 8 (0–91) 11 (0–93) 0.947
LA V50 (%) 3 (0–83) 6 (0–83) 0.872
LA V60 (%) 0 (0–67) 0 (0–66) 0.409
RA V5 (%) 40 (0–100) 42 (0–100) 0.911
RA V10 (%) 28 (0–100) 26 (0–100) 0.916
RA V20 (%) 9 (0–100) 7 (0–100) 0.766
RA V30 (%) 0 (0–95) 1 (0–100) 0.783
RA V40 (%) 0 (0–85) 0 (0–100) 0.943
RA V50 (%) 0 (0–77) 0 (0–82) 0.802
RA V60 (%) 0 (0–52) 0 (0–64) 0.428

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium; RT, radiation
therapy; HTN, hypertension; DM, diabetes; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CV, cardiovascular; cGy, centi Gray; Vx, the volume (%) receiving  Gy. P-values were estimated from
Fisher’s exact test or Wilcoxon rank sum test. For a continuous variable, the median, the minimum and the maximum values were represented.

There were 179 deaths in the cohort. Of those, 2 (1.1%) patients They were ASCVD high-risk with median ASCVD risk score of
died of other causes (suicide and burn inhalation injuries). The 23.1 (range 12.9–31.1). We performed univariate regression analy-
remaining 177 (98.9%) patients died of disease progression. ses for unknown cause of death with a competing risk of known
The results of the univariate analyses are summarized in Sup- death (Supplementary Table A2). As a result, we found than no
plementary Table A1. ASCVD risk score was associated with the dosimetric parameters were associated with unknown death.
total CV events [subhazard function (SHR) = 1.03, 95% CI = 1.00– In the multivariate competing-risk regression model, we
1.06, P = 0.036], MACE (SHR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.01–1.09, adjusted the ASCVD risk score as well as covariates showing a sig-
P = 0.022), HF events (SHR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.01–1.11, P = 0.030), nificance in univariate analyses (Table 2). Multivariate analyses
and arrhythmia events (SHR = 1.06, 95% CI = 1.03–1.10, P < 0. revealed that LV V60 > 0% was an independent factor for worse
001). BMI was significantly associated with MACE (SHR = 1.23, prognosis of ACS events (SHR = 9.49, 95% CI = 1.28–70.53,
95% CI = 1.02–1.49, P = 0.029) and HF events (SHR = 1.38, 95% P = 0.028). For CV event, MACE, and HF events, the results of mul-
CI = 1.05–1.82, P = 0.023). Age was the only significant factor for tivariate analyses are listed in Supplementary Table A3; these
PE events (SHR = 0.93, 95% CI = 0.89–0.99, P = 0.014). Moreover, models did not include dosimetric parameters due to their non-
CKD and CV disease history were associated with MACE and HF significance seen in the univariate model.
events. There were no significant factors associated with stable Multivariate competing-risk regression analyses considering
angina with revascularization events. the categorical ASCVD risk group revealed that LV V60 > 0% was
Regarding the dosimetric parameters, we found that LV significantly associated with a high risk of ACS events
V60 > 0% was significantly associated with ACS events (SHR = 10.06, 95% CI = 1.49–69.46, P = 0.019), In addition, ASCVD
(SHR = 9.60, 95% CI = 1.33–72.30, P = 0.026). high-risk (7.5) was also independently associated with ACS
Most patients regularly visit our center after chemoradiation. events (P < 0.001, Table 2).
However, they were often lost in follow-up, and turned out to be Based on these results, we estimated the cumulative incidence
death based on national registry. We found that eight patients of ACS events, stratified by ASCVD risk (low vs. high) and LV V60
(4.5% of all death) were died of unknown cause in death registry. (0% vs. > 0%). As shown in the cumulative incidence plot (Fig. 2),

Bum-Sup Jang, Myung-Jin Cha, Hak Jae Kim et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2
Multivariate competing-risk regression analysis for ACS event.

SHR 95% CI P SHR 95% CI P

ASCVD Score 1.02 0.98 1.05 0.313 ASCVD High-risk (>7.5) 3.0E + 12 1.0E + 12 8.5E + 12 <0.001
LV V60 High (>0%) 9.49 1.28 70.53 0.028 LV V60 High (>0%) 10.06 1.46 69.46 0.019

Abbreviations: SHR, subdistribution hazard ratio; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; LV, left ventricle; ACS, acute
coronary syndrome.

and 5.3% in patients with high ASCVD risk and V60 > 0%, and
0.3% and 0.5% in patients with high ASCVD risk and V60 = 0, respec-
tively (Gray’s test, overall P = 0.014).
Fig. 3 shows the representative case of a patient with high
ASCVD group and V60 > 0%. We identified the occlusion site in cir-
cumflex artery region which was correlated with the LV irradiated
with 60 Gy.


To the best of our knowledge, the current study is the largest

evaluating cardiac toxicity in patients with NSCLC with respect to
the radiation dose to each cardiac substructure. We showed that
both high ASCVD risk and LV V60 (>0%) were independently asso-
ciated with the cumulative incidence of ACS events. Meanwhile,
patients with low ASCVD risk did not demonstrate a significant
cumulative incidence of ACS events regardless of LV V60 status.
Fig. 2. The cumulative incidence plots after the start of radiation therapy. (A) For To evaluate cardiac toxicity in patients receiving thoracic RT,
ACS event, the ASCVD risk group (high-risk vs. low-risk) and LV60 (0% vs > 0%) are their cancer-dependent survival and late effects of RT should be
stratified. LV60 indicates the the volume (%) of left ventricle receiving 60 Gy
radiation dose. Abbreviations: ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; LV, left
considered [22]. Assuming that cancer-related death is the domi-
ventricle. P-value was estimated by Gray’s test. *, 0.003; ns, no significance. nant factor for patients with NSCLC, death was considered a com-
peting risk in the current study. We found that LV V60 is an
important predictor of ACS events. LV V60 > 0% significantly
ACS events were observed 225 days after the start of CCRT. Regard- increased the incidence of ACS event in a time-dependent manner,
less of the V60 status, the ASCVD low-risk group did not demon- particularly in the ASCVD high-risk group. To the best of our
strate a meaningful cumulative incidence of ACS events. knowledge, this is the first dosimetric parameter to be associated
Meanwhile, the 1- and 2-year cumulative incidences were 2.7% with ACS events. Atkins et al. [5] showed that patients without pre-

Fig. 3. A 62-year old man with clinical stage T2aN2 disease received definitive CCRT with a total of 60 Gy in 30 fractions. After 6 years after the start of CCRT, he complained of
chest pain and visited the emergency room. With an impression of non-ST elevation myocardiac infarction, coronary angiography was performed. A. Representative
contouring image of RT plan CT. LA (yellow), RA (blue), RV (orange), LV (green), and whole heart (magenta) are contoured, then dose-volume histogram were calculated. B.
The dose distribution are shown in the contoured axial CT image. The isodose line of 60 Gy (red) covers the gross tumor. C. Left coronary angiography showed non-calcified
chronic total occlusion (white arrow) at proximal left circumflex artery with grade 1 collateral flow from both left anterior descending artery (LAD) and right coronary artery
(RCA). The estimated length of the occluded segment was approximately 3.5 cm, where 60 Gy were irradiated. Abbreviations: CCRT, concurrent chemoradiation therapy;
ASCVD, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CV, cardiovascular; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle; LA, left atrium; RA, right atrium.

Risk of cardiac events after CCRT for stage III NSCLC

vious CV disease who received a mean heart dose  10 Gy had an patients with NSCLC when receiving definitive CCRT. According
increased MACE rate and all-cause mortality. We did not find sim- to the individual ASCVD risk, the appropriate intervention may
ilar results in the current study (data not shown) possibly due to prevent RT-related cardiac events. However, this should be vali-
the fact that a high mean heart dose can originate from various dated by prospective clinical trials.
substructures such as the LA, LV, RA, or RV. For example, a patient Study limitations include its retrospective nature and the possi-
receiving a high focal dose to the RA could show LV HF with a mean bility of misreporting cardiac events due to the common symptoms
heart dose > 10 Gy, possibly confounding the relationship between between lung cancer and CV disease. In the clinical course of
anatomic structure and its dependent CV event. Unlike the tangen- patients with lung cancer, the evaluation of heart disease or the
tial beam RT used in breast cancer, the mean whole-heart RT dose distinction of cause of death is often overlooked. Our study showed
is not representative of the LV dose in lung cancer [23]. There is a relatively low CV event rate compared to previous studies, which
even controversy regarding whether the mean heart dose is the is possibly explained by the exclusion of unclear events from the
appropriate surrogate for LV or CAD in breast cancer [24]. There- analysis based on the strict application of current guidelines to
fore, it is crucial to explore the optimal dose constraint to prevent define CV events. We did not consider a sudden death of unknown
RT-related CV toxicity based on each substructure. cause as a cardiac death. All unknown cause of death within
Previous studies investigated the cardiac toxicity or mortality national registry cannot be a cardiac death without any cardiolo-
mainly in relation to whole-heart dose parameters (whole-heart gist’s records. Given that CV disease was not routinely evaluated
V50 [6], V5 [8,10], V30 [10]) or mean heart dose [12]. To date, in patients with advanced stage cancers, future prospective studies
delineating cardiac substructures to constrain RT dose is not aiming to detect CV events more precisely should be performed.
mandatory in lung cancer. However, cumulating studies have Our results suggest the need for a discussion between radiation
reported the results of heart substructure dosimetric analysis, sug- oncologists and cardiologists in terms of establishing the cardiac
gesting the need of evaluation of heart substructure dose in substructures receiving RT and the optimal surveillance modality
patients with lung cancer [14,15,25,26] or breast cancer [27]. to prevent possible CV events. For RT-treated patients with high
Wang et al. analyzed 112 patients with stage III NSCLC who risk of CV events, radiation oncologists should lower the RT dose
received dose-escalated RT (70–90 Gy) with a median follow-up to the relevant heart chambers as much as possible without com-
of 8.8 years and suggested that distinct heart subvolumes showed promising target coverage. Simultaneously, a cardiologist can pro-
different RT-associated cardiotoxicity [15]. They reported that vide individualized optimal prevention such as statin therapy and
pericardial events were related with RA and LA dose, and ischemic chamber-focused surveillance. The current study also shows that
events were associated with the LV dose. Yegya-Raman et al. [26] initiating coronary evaluation should be considered within 1 year
also analyzed the relationship between cardiotoxicity and RT in in RT-treated patients with high CV risk when their LV volume
140 patients, adjusting for the baseline WHO/ISH risk score. They receiving an RT dose of 60 Gy is >0%.
reported that higher doses to both ventricles and the left anterior In conclusion, high-dose RT (60 Gy) to the LV increased ACS
descending coronary artery were related to ACS and congestive events in patients with stage III NSCLC and high CV risk (ASCVD
HF. Borkenhagen et al. [14] also reviewed 76 cases and reported risk 7.5%). Based on the evaluation of baseline CV risk and
that higher ventricular V45 was associated with cardiotoxicity. cardiac-substructure dosimetric parameters, an individualized
Exploring cardiac substructures in a relatively large number of approach should be deployed to prevent cardiac events following
patients is one of the strengths of the current study. We analyzed thoracic RT. Prospective studies are needed to validate the modu-
heart substructure dosimetric data collected from 258 patients and lation effect of CV risk and dosimetric parameters.
revealed the importance of LV V60 dosimetric parameters. This
result considered the baseline ASCVD risk score in the multivariate Declaration of Competing Interest
competing risk model. We showed that RT-related ACS events
were associated with the baseline CV risk and that LV V60 did The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
not impact coronary events incidence in the ASCVD-low risk cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
group; meanwhile, a high LV V60 resulted in a 4-year cumulative to influence the work reported in this paper.
incidence > 8% in the ASCVD high-risk group. This result suggests
the need of active screening in patients with high ASCVD risk, in Acknowledgement
line with current guidelines, which recommend primary preven-
tion for CV disease [17]. This work was supported by National Research Foundation of
Our results also showed that ASCVD risk factors can be modified Korea grant funded by the Korean government [grant numbers
to prevent future RT-related CV events. In NSCLC, RT doses for NRF-2018M2A2B3A01070410] to Ji Hyun Chang.
definitive treatment were routinely determined (60-66 Gy), since
the RTOG 7301 trial showed a better survival outcome with higher
Appendix A. Supplementary data
RT doses [28]. A cumulative dose of up to 60 Gy with conventional
fractionation in radical RT for gross tumors is largely accepted by
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
radiation oncologists due to its tumoricidal effect based on radia-
tion biology [29]. Technically, cardiac-dose sparing and avoidance
could be applied in patients with breast cancer using IMRT or pro-
ton beam therapy [30]. However, lung tumors may be located close References
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