About Carolyn Hamlett - A Short Bio - Carolyn Hamlett - Exposing Lucifer's Plan in The Last Days
About Carolyn Hamlett - A Short Bio - Carolyn Hamlett - Exposing Lucifer's Plan in The Last Days
About Carolyn Hamlett - A Short Bio - Carolyn Hamlett - Exposing Lucifer's Plan in The Last Days
Actual Experience is in a league of its own. Born & raised serving Lucifer and his plan – “The
Plan” – God delivered me and opened my eyes to the truth. This is my witness, my direct
experience, my warning & THE SOLUTION
I am a former Illuminist
illuminist/), born and raised in the Luciferian
organization that is responsible for implementing
“The Plan
nitions/the-plan-what-is-it/)” for the New World
Order. I was used throughout my life in various
capacities and departments in this Plan, which
yielded to me a wide range of experiences, making
me privy to information that most people do not
know of or about.
For over thirty years now, I have spoken out against this Plan through television, radio, Internet
podcasts, Internet forums, and on my former website, “Beyond The Physical Realm”. I have
written articles detailing The Plan and The Organization
(http://exposinglucifersplaninthelastdays.com/definitions/the-organization-what-is-it/), which I
will soon be posting here on my new blog site.
My story covers a broad range of information, including my family’s part in the founding of the
United States, as well as their allegiance to a hidden agenda that has been silently supported
from generation to generation. Their allegiance was to Lucifer, who is Satan, and to his hidden
agenda to implement The Plan for the New World Order, setting in place “the Christ” – Lucifer’s
“chosen one” – as global ruler. Luciferians around the world have been tirelessly and
incrementally working to tear down Christian values for many generations now, and will be
bringing strife, war, famine and chaos, so they can offer their solution for a so-called “global
peace”, which will be a false peace. I now stand against this agenda, and do what I can to expose
it and that which is behind it. The information I share is part of my ongoing testimony of the
power of Jesus Christ to deliver us from the powers of darkness and to bring healing and
restoration to the wounded and broken. I tell my story to expose the lies and tactics of the enemy
and to point people to the One who I know is, in fact, The Way, The Truth and The Life, and the
One I owe my life to – my Savior, Jesus Christ.
My Childhood
I have been a serious person most of my life, evidenced by the many people throughout my life
who have told me to “lighten up.” They always said I was way too serious, but I have always felt
the burden of knowing to a large degree what the future held, so my response was always: “Life
is serious business.”
Like all those in The Organization, I lived a double-life. First and foremost, I had a life that was in
service to “The Plan”. Part of this involved satanic rituals, as well as programming and being
trained to be used in assignments that were out of the body, as well as assignments in the
However, the cover story of my life was that I was an average girl with average to lower-than-
average intelligence. This cover life, which didn’t allow me to appear very bright, was the
purposeful creation of The Organization who used this to their advantage. Since no one thought I
was a threat or smart enough to understand what was going on, I was schooled to use this façade
to gather information.
In a way I was used to such dismissive treatment, as my appearance and demeanor was the
useful cover-up of my life when I worked for The Plan. No one outside of The Plan suspected
anything of me or expected much out of me in the way of intelligence. Even my school
performance, IQ tests, achievement tests, and grades were barely average, and often in the
“special needs” category.
My mother was the only family member I had who actually knew that my appearance was a
cover for my work in The Plan. She used to console me when the pain of rejection and the
ridicule of others was more than I could handle. The fact that she knew I wasn’t stupid helped
take the edge off. She would hug me and remind me that all of us working “The Plan” had a
“cross to bear,” and that each of us at times felt the same loneliness that I did. My mother would
remind me of how important each of us was to the working of “The Plan”, and that humanity
would benefit by our silent sacrifices to do our part. She would tell me how special I really was,
that God knew who I really was and what I was capable of, and that was what mattered.
My mother was right about the God part, but she was wrong about “The Plan” working to help
humanity. I do think that my mother died knowing the truth that I know now – that The Plan is
not the plan of God the Righteous Creator of the universe, but is actually the plan of the fallen
angel, Lucifer, who is also the being known as Satan. I have no doubt that if my mother had not
died so young, that she would have been one of the early whistleblowers working to expose this
global conspiracy called “The Plan.” Perhaps she and I would have worked together on the effort.
I can only wonder.
After I was fourteen, I stopped competitive swimming, but I was still going through programming
and training. They simply were not accessing me through swimming meets any longer.
At twenty-two years old, I married a young man from the midwest and moved there, which
marked the beginning of the next section of my life. Since my life belonged to The Plan, this
relationship and marriage was another orchestrated event of my life. This doesn’t mean we
weren’t in love, however. We were very much in love, and although, sadly, our marriage didn’t
last, we were both expecting it to, and were looking forward to sharing the rest of our lives
Soon after marriage and the move to the midwest, I was placed under the care of a new set of
handlers and programmers. They encouraged me to join a specific modeling school and agency
which was actually a cover for various assignments around the city and surrounding areas.
Then in 1979, the spiritual hierarchy contacted me and recruited me back into service to work
directly with the same ascended masters who had been overseeing and directing my life since
my birth. At that time I believed the spiritual hierarchy and the “masters” were in service to God.
Years later I came to learn otherwise.
Once again, a large part of my days and nights were consumed with working in service to The
Plan, which I believed was God’s plan to help humanity evolve spiritually. Since I had a heart for
God, I served this plan with all my heart and soul. My assignments were in both the physical as
well as in the astral. Most of the time, in the physical I worked alone, such as on assignments
where I made personal visits to specific pastors, Catholic priests and medical doctors to gather or
deliver specific information and sometimes recruit them into working with the spiritual
hierarchy. One group effort I was assigned to was to infiltrate a Christian church.
The majority of my duties took place in the astral, working alongside high ranking “ascended
masters (http://exposinglucifersplaninthelastdays.com/definitions/lucifers-hierarchy-structure-
and-purpose/).” Our most important work was bringing in Satan’s most powerful warriors for
his end-time plan (https://carolynandloren.com/resources-ecw/book/section-three-some-
teachings-and-practices/ii-shining-ones/#point-7-testimonies). This was the part of The Plan that I
had been trained for my entire life, and it was during this project that I learned the truth about
this Plan.
My Illumination
In the mid-80’s, I was shown what all “Illumined Ones” eventually come to know, and was shown
by the top “ascended masters of the spiritual hierarchy” that the “God” of The Plan is actually
Lucifer, not God at all. Furthermore, I was shown that Lucifer is the literal Satan of the Bible, and
that Jesus Christ is literally who and what the Bible says he is. He really is the Savior, the Only
Christ – the Chosen One of God the Creator of the universe – to redeem and save fallen humanity.
So why would I be shown this? Why would Satan want me to know the truth? Because
Lucifer/Satan’s most prized possessions are those who know the truth that Jesus is Savior, and
who understand God’s real plan for mankind, but still choose to turn their backs on God and
Jesus Christ, and willfully serve Lucifer as Satan against God. Satan offered me a place of power
and authority in the global order to come if I chose to willfully serve him as my “God” and turn
my back on the real God and Jesus Christ.
This is my testimony and will remain my testimony forever that: “Neither is there salvation in
any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be
saved.” ~ The Apostle Peter (Acts 4:12).
former-illuminati/ (https://carolynandloren.com/2019/02/21/video-setting-the-record-