Beginner Notes
Beginner Notes
Beginner Notes
To begin, ‘Veda’ is derived from the Sanskrit word for ‘to know’ [1] and
are considered the oldest records of Sanskrit literature This is
because they are believed to contain the fundamental knowedge
relating to the function of existence [2]. Before textbooks and
websites, the Vedas existed in oral form and were passed from
generations as was done in the Guru-Shishya tradition which you can
read more about here! Interestingly, due to this, the Vedas were
hence regarded as ‘Shruti’ – Sanskrit for hearing [3] – as opposed to
Smrithi – literally what is remembered that related to texts such as
Mahabharatha [4]. The four vedas are:
What was
Vedas derived? Details
Angikam Body
Yasya Question
Vachikam Speech
Sarva Everyone
Vaanmayam Language
Aaharyam Jewellery
Chandra Moon
Taaradi Stars
Tum You
Numah Bowing
Satvikam Pure
Who is BharathaMuni
He was the father of Indian Drama.
He shared the Natya Veda, created by Bhrama, with humans.
He wrote the Natya Shastra
What is Ashta Dikpalakas?
Name Direction
For Aadi taaLam, first beat the palm of the hand (1), then tap the fingers pinky (2),
ring finger (3), middle finger(4). Then beat palm (5), turn the hand over and tap or
wave the back of the hand (6), palm (7), back (8). This is one cycle and has 8 beats.
This cycle will repeat throughout the song.
Rupaka Talam
For Rupaka Talam, first start with Drtham , then beat the palm of the hand , count
the small finger , ring finger followed by the middle finger. It totals to 6 beats
because of the 1 Drtham ( 2 beats) and Charusrutha JAthi lagu ( 4 beats).