Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
Many problems which deal with searching for a set of solutions or for a optimal
solution satisfying some constraints can be solved using the backtracking
The major advantage of this method is, once we know that a partial vector (x1,…
xi) will not lead to an optimal solution that (m i+1………..mn) possible test vectors
may be ignored entirely.
Many problems solved using backtracking require that all the solutions satisfy a
complex set of constraints.
i) Explicit constraints.
ii) Implicit constraints.
1) Explicit constraints:
Explicit constraints are rules that restrict each Xi to take values only from a
given set.
Some examples are,
Xi 0 or Si = {all non-negative real nos.}
Xi =0 or 1 or Si={0,1}.
Li Xi Ui or Si= {a: Li a Ui}
All tupules that satisfy the explicit constraint define a possible solution space for
2) Implicit constraints:
The implicit constraint determines which of the tuples in the solution space I
can actually satisfy the criterion functions.
All solutions are generated in X[1:n] and printed as soon as they are determined.
1. Sum of subsets.
2. Graph coloring.
3. Hamiltonian cycle.
4. N-Queens problem.
We are given ‘n’ positive numbers called weights and we have to find all
combinations of these numbers whose sum is M. this is called sum of subsets
If the state space tree of the solution, for a node at level I, the left child
corresponds to X(i)=1 and right to X(i)=0.
In state space tree of the solution the rectangular node lists the values of s, k, r,
where s is the sum of subsets,’k’ is the iteration and ‘r’ is the sum of elements
after ‘k’ in the original set.
S, n, r
X(1)=1 x(1)=0
5,2,68 0,2,68
X(4)=1 x(4)=0
15,5,33 B 5,5,33 10,5,33
X(5)=1 x(5)=1
A 20,6,18
In the state space tree, edges from level ‘i’ nodes to ‘i+1’ nodes are labeled with
the values of Xi, which is either 0 or 1.
The left sub tree of the root defines all subsets containing Wi.
The right subtree of the root defines all subsets, which does not include Wi.
Assign X(k)<- 1.
If S+X(k)=M then we print the subset b’coz the sum is the required output.
After generating the left sub tree we have to generate the right sub tree, for this
we have to check S+W(k+1)<=M.B’coz W(k) is omitted and W(k+1) has to be
Repeat the process and find all the possible combinations of the subset.
Algorithm sumofsubset(s,k,r)
//generate the left child. note s+w(k)<=M since Bk-1 is true.
If (S+W[k]=m) then write(X[1:k]); // there is no recursive call here as W[j]>0,1<=j<=n.
Else if (S+W[k]+W[k+1]<=m) then sum of sub (S+W[k], k+1,r- W[k]);
//generate right child and evaluate Bk.
If ((S+ r- W[k]>=m)and(S+ W[k+1]<=m)) then
sum of sub (S, k+1, r- W[k]);
If the Hamiltonian cycle begins at some vertex V1 belongs to G and the vertex are
visited in the order of V1,V2…….Vn+1,then the edges are in E,1<=I<=n and the
Vi are distinct except V1 and Vn+1 which are equal.
1 2 3 4
8 7 6 5
->1,3,4,5,6,7,8,2,1 and
The backtracking algorithm helps to find Hamiltonian cycle for any type of graph.
3. The solution array initialized to all zeros except X(1)=1,b’coz the cycle should
start at vertex ‘1’.
6. When these two conditions are satisfied the current vertex is included in the
cycle, else the next vertex is tried.
7. When the nth vertex is visited we have to check, is there any path from nth vertex
to first 8vertex. if no path, the go back one step and after the previous visited node.
This 8 queens problem is to place n-queens in an ‘N*N’ matrix in such a way that
no two queens attack each otherwise no two queens should be in the same row, column,
The function, which is used to check these two conditions, is [I, X (j)], which
gives position of the I th queen, where I represents the row and X (j) represents the
column position.
Also, every element on the same diagonal that runs from lower right to upper left
has the same value.
Suppose two queens are in same position (i,j) and (k,l) then two queens lie on the
same diagonal , if and only if |j-l|=|I-k|.
Initialize x array to zero and start by placing the first queen in k=1 in the first row.
To find the column position start from value 1 to n, where ‘n’ is the no. Of
columns or no. Of queens.
If k=1 then x (k)=1.so (k,x(k)) will give the position of the k th queen. Here we
have to check whether there is any queen in the same column or diagonal.
For this considers the previous position, which had already, been found out.
Check whether
X (I)=X(k) for column |X(i)-X(k)|=(I-k) for the same diagonal.
If any one of the conditions is true then return false indicating that k th queen
can’t be placed in position X (k).
For not possible condition increment X (k) value by one and precede d until the
position is found.
If the position X (k) n and k=n then the solution is generated completely.
If k<n, then increment the ‘k’ value and find position of the next queen.
If the position X (k)>n then k th queen cannot be placed as the size of the matrix is
So decrement the ‘k’ value by one i.e. we have to back track and after the position
of the previous queen.
Algorithm place (k,I)
//return true if a queen can be placed in k th row and I th column. otherwise it returns //
//false .X[] is a global array whose first k-1 values have been set. Abs® returns the
//absolute value of r.
For j=1 to k-1 do
If ((X [j]=I) //two in same column.
Or (abs (X [j]-I)=Abs (j-k)))
Then return false;
Return true;
Example: 4 queens.
Two possible solutions are
Solutin-1 Solution 2
(2 4 1 3) (3 1 4 2)
Let ‘G’ be a graph and ‘m’ be a given positive integer. If the nodes of ‘G’ can be
colored in such a way that no two adjacent nodes have the same color. Yet only
‘M’ colors are used. So it’s called M-color ability decision problem.
The graph G can be colored using the smallest integer ‘m’. This integer is referred
to as chromatic number of the graph.
A graph is said to be planar iff it can be drawn on plane in such a way that no two
edges cross each other.
Suppose we are given a map then, we have to convert it into planar. Consider
each and every region as a node. If two regions are adjacent then the
corresponding nodes are joined by an edge.
4 5
1 is adjacent to 2, 3, 4.
2 is adjacent to 1, 3, 4, 5
3 is adjacent to 1, 2, 4
4 is adjacent to 1, 2, 3, 5
5 is adjacent to 2, 4
2 3
5 4
Steps to color the Graph:
B.BalaKonda Reddy r KKCT 9
Design and Analysis of Algorithm
First create the adjacency matrix graph(1:m,1:n) for a graph, if there is an edge
between i,j then C(i,j) = 1 otherwise C(i,j) =0.
The Colors will be represented by the integers 1,2,…..m and the solutions will be
stored in the array X(1),X(2),………..,X(n) ,X(index) is the color, index is the
First one chromatic number is assigned ,after assigning a number for ‘k’ node, we
have to check whether the adjacent nodes has got the same values if so then we
have to assign the next value.
Repeat the procedure until all possible combinations of colors are found.
The function which is used to check the adjacent nodes and same color is,
If(( Graph (k,j) == 1) and X(k) = X(j))
1 2
4 3
N= 4
M= 3
Adjacency Matrix:
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
The state space tree will give all possible colors in that ,the numbers which are inside
the circles are nodes ,and the branch with a number is the colors of the nodes.
Algorithm mColoring(k)
// the graph is represented by its Boolean adjacency matrix G[1:n,1:n] .All
assignments //of 1,2,……….,m to the vertices of the graph such that adjacent vertices are
assigned //distinct integers are printed. ’k’ is the index of the next vertex to color.
// generate all legal assignment for X[k].
Nextvalue(k); // Assign to X[k] a legal color.
If (X[k]=0) then return; // No new color possible.
If (k=n) then // Almost ‘m’ colors have been used to color the ‘n’ vertices
Else mcoloring(k+1);
Algorithm Nextvalue(k)
// X[1],……X[k-1] have been assigned integer values in the range[1,m] such that
//adjacent values have distinct integers. A value for X[k] is determined in the
//range[0,m].X[k] is assigned the next highest numbers color while maintaining
//distinctness form the adjacent vertices of vertex K. If no such color exists, then X[k] is
X[k] = (X[k]+1)mod(m+1); // next highest color.
If(X[k]=0) then return; //All colors have been used.
For j=1 to n do
// Check if this color is distinct from adjacent color.
If((G[k,j] 0)and(X[k] = X[j]))
// If (k,j) is an edge and if adjacent vertices have the same color.
Then break;
We are given ‘n’ positive weights Wi and ’n’ positive profits Pi, and a positive
number ‘m’ that is the knapsack capacity, the is problem calls for choosing a
subset of the weights such that,
m and is
The Solution space is the same as that for the sum of subset’s problem.
Bounding functions are needed to help kill some live nodes without expanding
them. A good bounding function for this problem is obtained by using an upper
bound on the value of the best feasible solution obtainable by expanding the given
live node.
The profits and weights are assigned in descending order depend upon the ratio.
Solution :
After assigning the profit and weights ,we have to take the first object weights and
check if the first weight is less than or equal to the capacity, if so then we include
that object (i.e.) the unit is 1.(i.e.) K 1.
Then We are going to the next object, if the object weight is exceeded that object
does not fit. So unit of that object is ‘0’.(i.e.) K=0.
Then We are going to the bounding function ,this function determines an upper
bound on the best solution obtainable at level K+1.
Algorithm Bknap(k,cp,cw)
// ‘m’ is the size of the knapsack; ‘n’ no.of weights & profits. W[]&P[] are the
//weights & weights. P[I]/W[I] P[I+1]/W[I+1].
//fwFinal weights of knapsack.
//fp final max.profit.
//x[k] = 0 if W[k] is not the knapsack,else X[k]=1.
// Generate left child.
If((W+W[k] m) then
Y[k] =1;
If(k<n) then Bnap(k+1,cp+P[k],Cw +W[k])
If((Cp + p[w] > fp) and (k=n)) then
fp = cp + P[k];
fw = Cw+W[k];
for j=1 to k do X[j] = Y[j];
Algorithm Bound(cp,cw,k)
// cp current profit total.
//cw current weight total.
//kthe index of the last removed item.
//mthe knapsack size.
for I =- k+1 to n do
c= c+w[I];
if (c<m) then b=b+p[I];
else return b+ (1-(c-m)/W[I]) * P[I];
return b;
M= 6 Wi = 2,3,4 4 2 2
Xi = 1 0 1
The maximum weight is 6
Fp = (-1)
1 3 & 0+4 6
cw = 4,cp = 5,y(1) =1
k = k+2
2 3 but 7>6
so y(2) = 0
So bound(5,4,2,6)
I=3 to 3
6 6
So return 5+(1-(6-6))/(2*1)
If 4> 3 then
Fp =6,fw=6,k=3 ,x(1) 1 0 1
The solution Xi 1 0 1
Profit 6
Weight 6.