Research - Projects MPST

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Vigyan Bhawan, Nehru Nagar, Bhopal 462 003 (M.P.).

Phone No. (0755) 2671610/12; Fax No. (0755) 2671600.
Website: www.


(Ten copies to be submitted)

1. Name(s) of the Applicant(s):

2. Department (Full Address):
3. Title of Research Project:
(a) Broad area/Field classification
(Atmospheric Science/Chemical/Earth/Engineering/
Life Sciences/ Mathematics/Physical/Other disciplines)
4. Period required for completion of Research Scheme
5. Budget Estimate
(A) Non-Recurring (Equipment)
S. Name of Equipment/Facilities Specifications of No. of Units Estimated cost as
No. to be procured equipment on date

(B) Recurring
S. Item Budget Total
No. 1 Year 2nd Year rd
3 Year
1. Salary of Project Staff
2. Consumables
3. Travelling Exp.
4. Publication/Printing
5. Others (please specify)
Total Cost (A+B)


I/We have read the terms and conditions for MPCST research grants as given on
the back page. Necessary Institutional facilities will be provided if the research proposal
is approved for financial assistance. Full audited account of expenditure and utilization
certificate will also be rendered by the Institution.

Signature of Principal Investigator Signature of Executive Authority of

Institute with Seal

Vigyan Bhawan, Science Hills, Nehru Nagar,
Bhopal 462 003 (M.P.).
Phone No. (0755) 2671610/12; Fax No. (0755) 2671600.
Web site : www.


1. Background
The Science and Technology needs of the State are met by the Madhya Pradesh Council of
Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal. It is recognized as a nodal agency for the Department of
Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi to cater to the needs of science and
technology requirement of the State and also to advise government on policies and measures
necessary to promote utilization of Science and Technology for achieving the socio-economic
objectives of the State.

Under this scheme the Council provides financial assistance to Scientists/Researchers/

Academicians of different Universities, Medical/Agriculture/Engineering/Science Colleges, Colleges
of Higher Education and other Non Government Organizations (NGOs) of Madhya Pradesh.

The Scientists and Researchers from the State are encouraged to submit proposals relating to
Science and Technology related needs in the following disciplines :-

(i) Physical Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Geology & Geography).
(ii) Biosciences (Zoology, Botany, Environment, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Agriculture &
(iii) Social Sciences (Sociology & Psychology).
(iv) Medical Sciences (Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Veterinary & Medical Sciences).

The proposals are evaluated by in-house as well as National level Experts. The candidates are
encouraged to publish the outcome of their research in National and International Journals. The
Council provides support for all areas of Science & Technology, however, Council has identified
following priority area:-

1. Nanotechnology.
2. High Speed Computing and Super Computer.
3. Biotechnology, Recombinant – DNA Technology and Bio-informatics.
4. Earth Sciences including Seismology and Astrophysics.
5. Space Science and Space Application.

6. Medicinal Plant, Phyto-chemistry and Bio-diesel.
7. Drug Development.

2. Eligibility of Applicants

(A) Organizations
The Institutions/Investigators seeking a project from the Council should have
adequate infrastructure to pursue the research project. The institutions should be
Universities and Colleges recognized by UGC/AICTE/ICMR/ICAR, State level
Research Institutes, NGOs of the Sate reputed with backup, highly qualified
expertise in the field/area and facilities to carry out such a research project. The
Council will not provide financial support to Institutions Government of India.

(a) Eligibility Criteria for NGOs

For the purpose of financial assistance, Non Governmental Voluntary
Organizations with legal status as a Society registered under Societies
Registration Act 1860 or under the corresponding State Act, as a Trust registered
under the Indian Trusts Act, 1982 or the Charitable and Religious Act, 1920 are
eligible subject to the conditions that:
(i) The Registration with Article of Association of the Organization should be three
years old and presently valid.
(ii) As this scheme is related to R&D, i.e. Research Programme, so research and other
development activities should clearly be mentioned in the objectives of the
(iii) The annual reports of last 03 years of the Organization must be submitted.
(iv) The Organization has a proven track record of working with people’s
(v) The Organization has a Bank or Post Office account for the last three years.
(vi) The Organization needs to be submitted certified photocopies of Permanent
Account Number (PAN) and Service Tax No. etc.
(vii) The area of operation of the projects must necessarily be Research and

(viii) The Organization should have successfully completed at least one project with
assistance either through Central/State funding agency or some other institutional
source of funding.
(ix) The Organization should be broad based and representative in character.
(x) The office bearers and members of the Governing Body of the Organization
should not be relatives. The list of present Executive Committee/Governing Body
should be available along with information of Form No. 27 of Registrar, Firms
and Society Procedure.
(xi) The Bank Account Operation should be by joint signatures of the office bearers.
(xii) The income of the Organization should not be only from individual donations,
membership fee and loans.
(xiii) Before a grant is released, the Grantee should be asked to execute a bond with two
sureties [a] he will abide by the conditions of the grant by the target date, if any
specified therein [b] that he will not divert the grant and entrust execution of the
scheme or work concerned to another institution(s) or organization(s) [c] shall
abide by any other conditions specified in the Agreement and in the event of
his/her failing to comply with the conditions or committing breach of the bond,
the Grantee and sureties individually/jointly will be able to refund to sanctioning
grant authority, the entire amount of grant with interest at the rate as per highest
rate of Bank deposit.
(xiv) In case, the organization has its branches, the proposal must be forwarded and
submitted by its Head Office to the Council.

(B) Investigators
(i) The Principal Investigator should have Doctorate Degree and previous experience
in the field of the proposed study. Importance will be given to the projects where
preliminary work has been done on the topic substantiated by the publications.
(ii) Research proposals can be submitted by the Scientist/Researcher/Academician
who is a permanent employee of the institution/organization where he works and
basic facilities are available to him/her for conducting the research.

(iii) Maximum two projects will be sanctioned to the same Principal Investigator so
that new researchers may also avail the opportunity of the scheme.

3. Modus Operandi
1. The applicant will submit the project proposal on prescribed format prepared as
per the guidelines of MPCST. The project will have a Principal Investigator who
would be responsible for its formulation and implementation. Proposal may be
upto 3 years duration.

3. The objectives of the project must be well defined and indicating the likely

4. The technical programme of the scheme has to be as comprehensive as possible,

outlining allocation of works, work scheduling, annual action plan, etc.

5. All projects proposals have to route through the Head of Institutions and must be
supported with all relevant documents.

6. The proposals received will be screened and evaluated by the empowered

committee constituted for the purpose.

4. Financial Support
The Council will provide financial support for staff, i.e. Project Fellow @ Rs
10,000/- per month for NET/GATE qualified candidates and Rs. 7000/- per month for
others and essential equipments and contingency for the project over a period of 1-3
years. The computer and software are not allowed under the project. The equipments
will become the property of the host institutions after completion of the project after
taking approval of MPCST.

5. Release of Funds
The contingency amount sanctioned for the research project will be released
immediately. Salary will be released after the submission of the papers related to
appointment of the staff under the project. The remaining amount would be released
after receiving the following documents in the prescribed format.
(i) Annual Progress Report.
(ii) Audited Statement of Expenditures and Utilisation Certificate.
(iii) Mid term appraisal by Review Committee or Experts after presentation by the
Principal Investigator.

6. Monitoring
The Principal Investigator shall submit half yearly and annual report in prescribed
format timely to the MPCST. The report must contain details about the work done,
achievements, results and duly audited accounts (in case of annual report).

Release of funds will be withheld in the event of non-receipt of Utilization

Certificate and Progress Reports in time or unsatisfactory progress of work.

On completion of the project, the Project Investigator shall submit to the MPCST
a final report in the prescribed format, which shall be examined by the experts group of
MPCST, for identifying project results, their significance, and follow up required

(To be signed and enclosed with concerned filled proforma)

1. Approval of the Research Proposal and the grant released would be for the
specific project mentioned in this proposal and grant should be exclusively spent
on the project for which it has been sanctioned within the stipulated time. The
Institute is not permitted to seek or utilise funds from any other Organisation
(Government, Semi Government, Autonomous or Private) for this research
project. Any unspent part of amount would be surrendered to the Council through
an account payee demand draft drawn in favour of “The Director General,
Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal”, and carry
forward of funds of the next financial year for utilisation for the same project may
be considered only with the specific approval of the Council.

2. The Implementing Institute/Principal Investigator will furnish progress report of

work on the project every six months. The progress of the project will also be
reviewed/monitored at least once in a year by the concerned Task Force/Project
Monitoring Committee, etc. In addition, the Council shall designate
Scientists/Specialists to visit the Institute periodically for reviewing the progress
of work and for suggesting such measures as to ensure early realisation of the
objectives of the project. On completion of the project, five copies of a
consolidated report of the work done on the subject would be submitted to the

3. The Institute would furnish to the Council a Utilisation Certificate and an audited
statement of accounts/expenditure duly signed by the Principal Investigator, the
Head of the Institute and the Head of the Finance Wing, pertaining to the grant at
the end of each financial year as well as a consolidated statement of expenditure
at the completion of the project. As required they will submit the evidences of
expenditure (Bills and Vouchers etc.).

4. A stamped receipt is sent to the Council on receipt of the Cheque/Demand Draft

towards each release.

5. The Institute would maintain separate audited accounts for the project. If it is
found expedient to keep a part or whole of the grant in a bank account earning
interest, the interest thus earned should be reported to the Council.

6. Investigators/Institutes wishes to publish books/research papers/popular articles

based on the research work done under the Council projects should acknowledge
the financial support received from the Council.

7. The Institute may not entrust the implementation of the work for which the grant
is being sanctioned to another institution and to divert the grant receipts as
assistance to the latter institution. However, in such situations the prior expert
permission of the Council may be obtained. In case the grantee is not in a

position to execute or complete the project, it may be required to refund the entire
amount of grant with interest received by it, to the Council.

8. The Council reserves the right to terminate the grant at any stage and also to
recover the amounts already paid with interest, if it is convinced that the grant has
not been properly utilised or the work on the Project has been suspended for any
long period or appropriate progress is not being made.

9. The Project will become operative with effect from the date of release of the first
installment for the Project.

10. If the Investigator to whom a grant for a Project has been sanctioned leaves the
Institution where the Project is being implemented, he/she shall submit five copies
of complete and detailed report of the work done by him/her on the Project and
the money spent till the date of his/her release and shall also arrange to refund the
unspent balance, if any.

11. The entity must be complied with rules and regulations on matter of economy and

12. The amount of all grantee institution shall be open in inspection by the
Sanctioning Authority/Audit whenever the institution is called upon to do so.

13. The Grantee Institution is liable to refund entire grant with interest if they shall
abide by any other conditions specified in the Agreement.

14. The Sanctioning Authority has rights to physical verification of work performance
at the cost of Grantee Institution.

15. All information from the stage of proposal in prescribed formats (neatly typed),
financial statement, physical progress and technical data reports, Final Technical
Report shall be also sent to the Council.

16. Other terms and conditions will be there as applicable in State Government
Institutes as the case may be.

Signature of Principal Investigator Signature of Executive Authority of

Institute/University with Seal

Signature of Co Investigator

(Use separate sheets for each Investigator)

1. Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator:

2. Designation:
3. Sex:
4. Category (SC/ST/OBC/General):
5. Name of Institution:
6. Mailing Address (must indicate Telephone,
Fax, and e-mail address)
7. Date of Birth
8. Broad Subject Area
9. Field of Specialization
10. Educational Qualification (starting from Bachelors Degree onwards)

Degree Year Institution Field

11. Details of Professional Training and Research Experience

12. Details of Employment

Designation Duration Institution Nature of work

To From

13. Professional Recognition/ Awards/Prizes/Certificates etc. won by the

14. Details of Ongoing /Completed Projects of Candidate:

S. Name of Name of Programme Year of Duration Amount Status:
No. the the Title Funding Sanctioned Ongoing/
funding Scheme Completed

15. Previous financial assistance taken from MPCST:

S. Year of Purpose Amount Status of Utilization
No. sanction sanctioned Certificate

16. List of Publications:

S. Title of Author(s) Name & Vol. of Journal Page No.
No. Paper/Report/Book & Year
From To

Signature of the Principal Investigator

This information must be adequate and sufficiently self-contained to enable the
Council and the Referee to assess the project, and it must cover the following aspects:

1. Title of the Research Project :

2. Objective of Research Project:

(Statement of problems and practical relevance to be
specifically indicated in 150 words)

3. Detailed research plan:

(in about 1,500 words)

a. Present knowledge with relevant bibliography highlighting the gap in the

existing knowledge in the field.

b. Preliminary work already done, if any.

c. Plan of Research work/study giving design of research experiments/survey

and data processing etc.

d. The scientific/technological significance of undertaking this investigation.

e. Phasing of programme for specific objectives to be attained such as

(a) Pilot Study (b) Data Collection (c) Data Processing.

f. Methods proposed to be followed for undertaking the study.

g. Justification with the likely impact of the proposed investigation

(scientific/technological/industrial on regional economic growth/overall
welfare/generation of competence)

h. Please justify sanction of the project on grounds of

i. Innovation
ii. Capacity building/development of research
iii. Practicability of its applications
iv. Any other points
v. Fund requirements (cost budgeting)

4. Budget Estimate
(A) Non-Recurring (Equipment)
S. Name of Equipment/ Specifications of No. of Units Estimated cost
No. Facilities to be procured equipment as on date

(B) Recurring
S. Item Budget Total
No. First Year Second Third Year
1. Salary of Project Staff
2. Consumables
3. Travelling Exp.
4. Publication/Printing
5. Others (please specify)
Total Cost (A+B)

(i) Justification of Contingency:

(Please specify what for this amount is to be used)

(ii) Justification of grant for equipment.

(The name/specification of equipment with approximate cost and its use in the
context of this project may be given)

I have read the terms and conditions of research grant and agree to abide by the

Signature of the Principal Investigator:


(To be submitted with final project report)

1. F.No.

2. Date of sanction

3. Title of the Project

4. Name and Address of Principal Investigator

5. Name(s) and Address(es) of Co-investigator(s)

6. Amount sanctioned by MPCST

7. Amount released by MPCST

8. Details of expenditure

S. List of the List of the Date of Amount Amount Unspent
No approved equipment purchase Sanctioned Utilized Balance
equipment procured (Item wise)

S. Activities Period Amount Amount Utilized Unspent
No undertaken Sanctioned (Itemize) Balance

Certified that the grant has been utilized for the purpose for which it was
sanctioned in accordance with the “Terms and Conditions” attached to the grant. If, as a
result of check or audit objection some irregularity is sanctioned at a latter stage, action
will be taken to refund, adjust or regularize the amount objected to.

---------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Finance Officer Head of Lead Institution
(Signature & Seal) (Signature & Seal)

Note: The Registrar/Finance Officer in the case of Universities, Principals in the case of
Colleges and Executive Heads of other Institutions will sign the Utilization
Certificate (UC). The internal auditors may countersign the Provisional UC
wherever the system of the internal audit exists. In case of the Self-
Financing/Private Institutions, UC has to be signed by a Chartered Accountant.


File No. & Date of Sanction

1. Title of the Project

2. Principal Investigator (Name & Address)

3. Co-investigator (Name(s) & Address(es))

4. Date of commencement of Programme

5. Duration of Project

6. Amount sanctioned by MPCST

7. Amount released by MPCST

8. Details of Expenditure

S. List of List of Major No. of Date of Expenditure
No. approved procured specifications units purchase
equipment equipment of Equipment


S. Item Budget Total
No. First Year Second Year Third Year
1. Salary for Project Staff
2. Consumables
3. Travelling Exp.
4. Publication/Printing
5. Others (please specify)

Total Cost (A+B)

9. Whether there is any deviation from the purpose for which:

Grant was released. If so detail of amount to be given

10. Give details of the activities carried out during the year:

10a. Details of individual activities.

10b. Outputs of significance:

10b1. Details of patents.

10b2. Details of publications.
10b3. Details of copyrights
10b4. Other reports / communications etc.

10c. Details of training imparted.


Principal Investigator Head of the Institution

(Signature & Seal)


(To be submitted with annual report)

Certified that out of Rs.______________________ of Grant-in-aid sanctioned during the

year ______________ vide Letter No._______________________
has been utilized for the purpose of _________________________ for which it was
sanctioned and the balance of Rs. ___________________remaining unutilized at the end
of the year has been surrendered to M.P. Council of Science and Technology (vide
Cheque/Draft No. ___________________________________
dated________________________)/will be adjusted towards the Grant–in–aid payable
during the next year i.e, ______________________as per the details attached.

Certified that the grant has been utilized as per laid down terms and conditions for which
it was sanctioned.

________________ ___________________
Finance Officer Head of Institution
(Signature & Seal) (Signature & Seal)

Chartered Accountant
(Signature &Seal)


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