Spelljamming - Comprehensive Guide

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The Astral Sea

A guide to Running a ship,

crew and exploring Space &
The Astral Sea!
Table Of Contents
Using This System 1

Character Options 2-6

The Captain 2
First Mate 3
Navigator 4
Arti erist 5
Medical Officer 6

Ship Options 7 - 12
Ship Options 7
Helms 7
Masts & Crows Nests 9
Rigging & Sails 9
Weapons 10
Legendary Ship Options 12

Astral Navigation 13
Phlogiston Pathways 13
Using This System
Modular System Ship Upgrades & Options
This system is completely modular. Elements This sections covers modular ways of expanding
from both the Character and the ship options are and growing a ship, improving the way in which it
just that - Optional! You can take elements of the functions for combat, and changing the system
role you like and run with them, or just drop for ship movement in these instances. It provides
them! players with a larger late-game gold sink, as well
as ways for the player to avour their ship to suit
Spe Jammer Ship Roles their needs.
Running a ship is a complex business! To manage
this, a ship will need a variety of o cers to keep it Astral Navigation
in check, as well as a Captain. Each role comes This section provides options for travel and
with it’s own set of unique actions and skills that exploration within the Astral Sea, to make the act
they can embody. of exploring the vastness of Wildspace and The
Astral Sea both interactive and engaging.
Your Directive section will refer to your main
responsibilities within this role. It is a mixture of
avour, and roleplaying material to help both
player and Dungeon Master sink into their role.
Some roles are heavier than others, whilst some
quite lightweight.

Ship Actions
During combat, each O cer gains unique actions
they can take on their turn. These are called Ship
actions, and function very much the same as
Legendary actions. These are detailed in the
‘Combat Actions’ Section.

Outside of Combat
The section that refers to Outside of Combat all
relate to non-combat, roleplaying options for the
characters. These vary from managing your
crews wellbeing, to Navigating the endlessness of
the Astral Sea itself.

Unique Functions
Each crew member is responsible for their own
area of the ship. They gain unique bonuses and
functions from this in addition to things they have
to manage, such as crew morale, health or

The Captain
Captain’s Directives Mutiny & Morale
As captain of the vessel your prime responsibility If enough of your crew reaches low standing, you
is to the ships crew. Whilst you do have the ability risk Mutiny! This could mean a crew taking over
to steer and control a vessel. It is not where your your ship and either killing you and your o cers,
strength lies. It lies In a commanding your crew. or ditching you in the Astral Sea. The threshold
A Captain oversees the battle eld and for this is 65%. If this number is reached, then
understands where to best place their crew in any your loyal crew can be overpowered.
con ict. Additionally the Captain dictates the
crews morale, negotiates with Pirates, traders Crew A ocations
and other vessels on the Astral Sea. Placing your crew in more ideal locations can

Combat Actions provide several bonuses within combat, giving

you the edge over opposing ships. Each
The Captain Die: d8 component can be either Well-Manned, Poorly-
Change Positions: You may use your ship action Manned, or Superbly-Manned.
to manoeuvre your crew to new positions. Roll Well-Manned: This component functions as
your Captain Die, you may move this number of stated, actions take their normal time.
people from one Component to another. Poorly-Manned: This component takes a penalty.
Brace for impact: You can use this action in Superbly-Manned: This component receives a
advance of either; A daring navigators manoeuvre bonus. (Add half of the total crew cost to reach).
or the collision of two vessels. Roll your Captain
die. This number of crew members advantage on Ship Components
displacement checks. There are four main components in which you
Steel Yourselves: You make a speech or let out a can shift your crew to, they are as follows:
war cry to bolster your crew with bravery. Roll
your Captain die. This number of crew members
Poor: Weapons re at disadvantage
(you choose them). Have advantage on their next
Well: Weapons re normally
melee attack, or Saving throw.
Superb: Weapons re with advantage
Outside of Combat Helm
Outside of combat, you will be in charge of any Poor: Navigator is unprotected.
parley with opposing ships and traders. As well as Well: Imposes disadvantage on attackers.
solving disputes with the crew. Charisma is the Superb: Navigator receives +2 To AC.
stat used for this. You may add your ships rating Sails & Rigging
to any check relating to the ship that uses
Poor: Ship movement halved.
charisma. You must also manage crew standing
Well: Ship movement normal.
or risk Mutiny. When you talk with a crew
Superb: Ship movement increased by 15ft.
member, you may make a standing check to
gauge this. Crows Nest
High: This crew member will follow you unto the Poor: Perception checks on attacking vessels at
breach. disadvantage.
Mid: This crew member is indi erent towards Well: Perception checks with no extra bonus.
you. Superb: Perception checks receive captain die as
Low: This crew member dislikes you. a bonus.

First Mate
First Mates Directives Boarding Parties (Cont.)
The First Mate is second to the Captain. The Boarding parties act on your initiative Your
First Mate is responsible for assisting in crew Boarding party is passively controlled by your
management, as well as maintaining the ship and DM, and follows the actions you set.
being front of the charge for any boarding parties.
Hold, Retreat, Push.
Combat Actions Hold: Your boarding party will hold their
The First Mate Die: d6 positions, and won’t push for any new ground.
Captains Orders: You may use your ship action They attack with advantage.
to enforce a Captains’ orders. Roll and add your Retreat: Your boarding party will take defensive
die to any number from a Captain roll. actions such as dodge, dash, disengage, and aim
Ready to Board?: You prepare your crew for a to return to the ship.
boarding party. Roll your Die. This number of Push: Your boarding party will take o ensive
boarding party members may make an attack. actions such as attack, grapple or help, to assist
Hold, Retreat, Push: You command your you in taking new ground within the opposing
boarding party to do either of the three actions. vessel.
Hold means your ghters won’t push for new
ground. Retreat means your ghters will evacuate Deputising
back to their ship. Push means ghters will push If at any point, the Captain is Missing,
for new ground on the enemy vessel. Incapacitated, or Killed. You instantly take the

Outside of Combat duty of the captain over, and may choose one of
your o cers to become your new First-Mate.
Outside of combat you are responsible for Standing. Beware a crew of low standing when
assisting with exploration, scouting trips and this happens. A mutiny is almost assured when a
resupplies You may send out crews to complete captain is away from their vessel in this scenario.
these activities. Wisdom is the skill used for these
checks. If the crew is in High standing, you make Ship Maintenance
these checks with advantage. Success on these In addition to exploration and Combat, you must
checks could mean that your crews nd extra also ensure the ship is in good condition. You may
information, barter for more supplies than you make a Maintenance check after battles, or at the
hoped, or that they discover the location you were start of the day, Certain parts of the ship may be
looking for with pinpoint accuracy. Failure in in need of repair or may cause a ship penalty.
these checks can result in crew injury, lower
resources, or having to nd locations for yourself.

Boarding Parties
You are allowed to select 2 Crew members to be
your personal boarding party. These crew
members must not be currently an active part of
manning a component. If they are, they must take
an action to leave. These members each receive
your rst mate die as inspiration to add to an
action of their choice. You command the boarding
The Navigators Directives Outside of Combat
As Navigator, your duties lie in Piloting your You are responsible for understanding and
vessel, nding paths in the stars and manoeuvring deciphering charts and constellations to gain
the ship within combat. Additionally you will be understandings of your surroundings and
managing Grifters (if not manned by o cers). direction within both Wildspace and the Astral
Grifters are small, two-man lightweight vessels Sea. Wisdom is the skill used for checks relating
capable of higher speeds than SpellJammers. to this. You may also add your ships rating to
these checks. You may have to make these checks
Combat Actions when nding speci c locations, or navigating
The Navigator die: d6 unknown space. Failure may result in
Movement: Divide your ships movement by 5. encountering unknowns within the Astral, or
This is the amount of Hexes your ship can travel cause journeys to take longer.
per turn. It also costs 5ft of movement to turn the
ship one side of the hex. (See gure below). Navigating (Combat)
Remember that space is three dimensional! You
can move on three axis to get the advantage over
your opponent!

Grifters are small vessels that can take one or two
people. They are great for fast manoeuvres and
most of them carry some form of weapon. If these
Evasive Manoeuvres: You focus with all your are not being manned by an o cer, you can
might on avoiding attacks. Until your next turn, command a crew member to take one out. This
you may reduce attack rolls against your ship by crew member can either be DM piloted, or
your Navigator die. controlled by yourself. They act on your turn.
Ram: When you are within boarding range of an
opposing vessel, you may use your ship action to
ram them. Dependent on size, this has varying
Contro ing the Ship
levels of success. In General, the act of
Ramming SpellJamming is almost an act
as unconscious as breathing.
Smaller than you: You make an attack with
advantage, in which you add the ships rating to.
As you upgrade your ship
Hit: 10d6 damage to the enemy ships hull. throughout your adventure,
Same size as you: You make an attack in which you may find helms that change
you add the ships rating to. Hit: 10d6 damage to the way your ship works,
the enemy ships hull. Roll a d20. On a 10 or increase your speed, or allow
higher, your ship takes 5d6 damage.
Larger than you: You make an attack with
you access to additional magical
disadvantage in which you add the ships rating to. effects!
Hit: 10d6 damage to the enemy ships hull. Roll a
d20. On a 5 or higher, your ship takes 5d6
Arti erist Directives Crit Effects
The Artillerist is in charge of the big guns! The Critical hits have varying e ects, as explained
Artillerist choses who, and what to re on, and below.
this can have a range of devastating e ects. Displacement: All crew members must make a
DC12 Dexterity save, or be moved 5ft, towards
Combat Actions the edge of the ship. Creatures knocked o the
Artillerist Die: d6 edge make an additional DC15 Save, or fall.
Fire!: You may use your ship action to re a single Weapon Failure: One ship weapon at random is
weapon from your ship, add your Artillerist die to disabled for 1 round.
the attack and damage. Hull Breach: A hole appears in the ship.
Fire at will!: You command your weapon crew to Inventory can be lost, or even crew members.
re from all on board weaponry with no bonuses. (DM decides)
Ready, Aim, Fire!: You command one of your Fire: A re breaks out on the ship. If the ship is
weapon crew to make an aimed shot at a speci c ammable this grows by 10ft each round.
target within the ship. Spellquake: Navigator takes 3d6 Psychic
damage, and is stunned for 1 round. Ship
Critical Hits movement is reduced to 0 for this duration.
Your weapons deal additional e ects if they make Roll Effect
a critical hit against an opponent. When you crit.
1 2d6 Ship Damage
Roll a d20, and inform your DM of the result.
Your attack will apply one of the bene ts from the 2 Crew Casualty
below table. 3 Displacement

Outside of Combat 4 15ft Speed Penalty

5 Crew Casualty
Outside of combat, an Artillerist is responsible for
maintaining and upgrading weapons within a 6 2d6 Ship Weapon damaged
ship. Intelligence is the skill you will use for 7 2d6 Ship Damage
checks relating to this. You may also add your
ships rating to this. Whilst in port, you can 8 15ft Speed Penalty
negotiate with Ship out tters for better prices on 9 Displacement
upgrades for your ship in place of your captain. 10 4d6 Ship Damage

11 4d6 Ship Weapon damaged

On-board or Off
12 15ft Speed Penalty

13 Crew Casualty
To Command your ship to 14 Weapon Failure
attack or fire, you do not 15 Hull Breach
actually have to be on board.
16 Fire
Your commands are heard
17 Hull Breach
universally! Fly Grifters,
18 2d6 Ship Damage
board enemy ships, be free in
combat! 19 Displacement

20 Spellquake
Medical Officer
Medical Officer Directives Health Checks
The Artillerist is in charge of the health of their When making health checks on crew members,
crew. Patching up wounds after long battles and roll a Medicine check plus your ship rating. The
readying them for the next voyage. DC for accurately diagnosing a crew members
health is 12. You will get either of the following
Combat Actions categories.
Medical O cer Die: d6 Gravely Ill: This crew mate is in urgent need of
Stabilise: You may use your ship action to medical attention. They may be su ering from an
stabilise a number of a number of downed crew illness or even a curse! If you have access to
members equal to a roll of your Medical O cer Greater restoration you may be able to restore
die. them to healthy.
Healing Will: You have access to a number of hit Poor Health: This crew mate has a minor ailment
points equal to twice your ship rating. You may of some variety. A lesser restoration spell, rest or
use your ship action to restore hit points to a crew healing can be provided to restore them to
member. This pool restores after a long rest. Healthy.
Bolstering Presence: Roll your Medical O cer Healthy: This crew mate has nothing wrong with
die and choose a number of Crew members equal them. You may make a medicine check to attempt
to this number. They gain 2d6 + Your ship rating to improve their health even more. (DC 15).
in temporary Hit Points. Good Health: This crew mate is incredibly
healthy. They gain advantage on attack rolls. After
An Enemy of Death 24 hours, they return to Healthy.
As the crews lead Medical O cer, you gain
advantage on death saving throws. At the start of
Example Crew Ailments
each day, you may choose to give this advantage Ailment Health Status Cure
to an o cer of your choice instead.
Major Injury Gravely Ill Healing of more than
Outside of Combat 15hp

Gangrene Gravely Ill Greater Restoration

Outside of combat, a Medical O cer is
Or Honey &
responsible for ensuring the good health of each Seigemort Leaf
crew member and O cer, as well as checking the Tincture
quality of your Air within Wildspace. Wisdom is Bone-rot Gravely Ill Greater Restoration
the skill you use for checks relating to this. You Or Calciera Root
can add your ships rating to these rolls. You also Tincture
gain pro ciency in the Medicine skill if you do not Sight-gout Gravely Ill Greater Restoration
already. Or Coral Palm &

Minor & Major Tinctures

Devitur bark Tincture

Stomach Poor Health Lesser Restoration

You will also be able to create tinctures to restore Infection Or Trilian Tincture
the health ailments of your crew. Ingredients can Minor Injury Poor Health Healing of more than
be bought in stores, or foraged for in ports and 5hp.
worlds decided by your DM. If you name the Scurvy Poor Health Lesser Restoration
tincture you are looking for, roll a Medical O cer Or Fresh fruit and
check with a DC of your choice. vegetables

Ship Options
Ship Components Armour Class
The ship is split into these main components, Ships hull Material decides the Armour class of
they all have di erent e ects on your any ship, as well as the damage threshold.
SpellJammer’s overall capabilities and Stats. Armour Class: Wood: 15 | Stone: 17 | Metal: 19
Hull:The material that the ship is comprised of. Damage Threshold: Wood: 15 | Stone: 17 |
This decides the AC of the ship, and wether or Metal: 19
not it is ammable.
Helm: The Helm of the ship is it’s navigation Ship Rating
centre. Without a Helm, a ship cannot travel the Your ships rating is a score determined by the
vastness of the Astral Sea & Wildspace in any quality of your overall ships components. This is a
good speed. score that can be added to a variety of rolls and
Sails & Rigging: Sails and rigging have an impact checks.
on how your ship is perceived to others, as well as
having an impact on your combat Helms
manoeuvrability. A variety of Helms additional helms are available
Weaponry: Weaponry is one of the mainstays of are available, granting additional bonuses to the
ship combat, and allows you to make attacks on ship during space travel. Helms also designate
ships outside of your usual combat range. the speed of a ship during non combat
Crows Nest & Observation: Having the right encounters.
Crow’s Nest & Observation tools could allow you (Usually 100 million miles per day).
to get the jump on upcoming threats and pirates,
or spot your destination early to adjust course.
Helm of Arcana
Wondrous Item, Rare, Requires Attunement.
Ship size Rating: + 2
This helm takes additional power if the attuned
Ship size impacts the amount of crew needed to
creature is a spell-caster. It gains access to the
handle each section of the ship, as well as your
following bonus traits.
overall person & cargo capacity.
Arcane Surge: Increase the Astral Travel time of
Personal: A personal craft is capable of carrying
your ship by 50 million miles per level of spell-slot
one, or two members of crew at a time. This is
burned. (This e ect can only be used once per
the size for the largely popular ‘Grifter’ Ship.
week, and lasts for 24 hours). During combat, you
Standard: A ship of standard size can carry a
can move an additional number of Hexes equal to
varying amount of crew between 8 & 10, can
the level of spell slot burnt.
carry a range of cargo between 10 and 20 tonnes.
Spellglass: During combat, this helm can
And carry
enhance the e ect of a spell cast by you. Allowing
Large: Usually reserved for Smaller Battle or
a spell cast by you to act as though it was cast
Cargo ships, These ships crew between 11 & 20
using a slot of one level higher. (This e ect can
Crewmen. As well as carrying between 20 and 40
only be used once per day).
Gargantuan: Gargantuan and larger ship will
crew anywhere from 30 - 60 Crewmen, as well as
carrying up to 100 tonnes of cargo. Gargantuan
ships are more akin to battle stations or oating

Ship Options
Helms (Continued) Bloodhelm
Wondrous Item, Rare, Requires Attunement
Helm of War Rating: + 3
Wondrous Item, Rare, Requires Attunement. These Helms are powered by the blood of either
Rating: + 2 the Pilot, or willing individuals. An individual can
This helm is an icon of the aspect of War. The sacri ce, and roll an amount of their hit die that
helm is powered by resounding con ict, and has they decide. (up to half of their total). The
several bonus e ects when in close quarters with expended hit die can be utilised to do the
another ship. following.
Aura of Conquest: Your ship emits an aura Arcane Surge: You can move an additional
enveloping any other vessels within boarding number of hexes equal to the hit dice rolled.
range. Allied combatants receive the following Restore Crew: You can restore hit points to a
bene ts: 2d8 temporary hit points. +1 to AC. creature equal to the hit die roll. You may choose
Advantage on attacks whilst on their own ship. to spread these hitpoints equally amongst more
(This e ect can only be used once per week). than one crew member.
Forgehelm Ship Repair: You may restore hit points to a part
Wondrous Item, Rare, Requires Attunement of your ship equal to the hit die spent.
Rating: + 3
These Helms are powered by the enchantments
woven into magic items. Sacri cing items to the
Forge within the Helm can cause an Arcane
Surge, or be used to empower the ‘Forgecannon’
The helm can store 12 Charges.
Arcane Surge: Increase the combat speed of your
vessel by 1 Hex per charge burnt.
Forgecannon: A front mounted weapon that
delivers devastating damage to opposing vessels.
Requires 10 Charges per re. +7 to hit. Hit:
18d10 Force Damage.

Rarity Charges

Uncommon 1

Rare 3

Very Rare 5

Legendary 7

Artifact 10 Helm Of

Ship Options
Masts & Crows Nests Rigging & Sails
Masts and Crows nests can have a variety of Rigging and sails on a ship assist with the
e ects on a ship, from upping perception checks manoeuvrability of a ship during combat. When a
to spot potential foes, to emitting magical and ship enters combat range with another vessel, it’s
protective auras. the Helms interfere with each other, slowing the
Standard Mast speed of each vessel within range. Sails and ags
also confer rst impressions to other ships as to
This is the standard Mast & Crows nest attached
who you are, and can impact Charisma checks
to a ship. All perception checks to spot
with other vessels.
surroundings and enemies have +2.
Occular Mast Plain Sails
Rating + 1
This mast & Crows nest is tted with an ocular
The standard sails any ship would come equipped
device. This Mast gives advantage and +2 to any
with. These convey a nonchalant attitude towards
perception checks to spot surroundings and
your ship. Ship Charisma score becomes 10.
Mast of Righteousness Pirate Sails
Rating + 1
A mast tethered to an Astral Religion. This mast
These sails are often seen at the last minute,
has a pool of 50 hit points. These can be
hoisted at the moment of an attack to strike fear
expended to restore hp to any people within the
into the hearts of vessels. Your ships Charisma
ship. The mast restores half of its total hit points
score becomes 10, you gain advantage on
each day. It also grants +2 to any perception
intimidation checks.
checks to spot surroundings and enemies.
Mast of the Circle Solar Sails
Rating + 2
A mast bathed in Arcane magicks and runes.
These sails absorb energy from solar bodies
This mast can emit an aura that envelops the
within Wildspaces. When in Wildspace, your
ship. This aura grants the following e ects:
combat speed is increased by 10ft. Your Ship
Advantage on dexterity saves for spell e ects.
Charisma becomes 12.
If you succeed on a spell save, you instead take no
damage. This Aura lasts for 1 Minute once Mercenary Sails
activated, and can only be activated once per Rating + 2
week. It also grants +2 to any perception checks A sail colour often taken up by the Earth-Shatter
to spot surroundings and enemies. Commune. Conveys a sense of security and safety
Mast of True-seeing to all who see them. Your ship Charisma score
becomes 12. You gain advantage on Persuasion
This mast allows a person within the crows nest
to cast the following spell e ects once per day:
Detect Thoughts and Circle of Truth. It also Explorer Sails
grants +2 to any perception checks to spot Rating + 2
surroundings and enemies. A sail colour often taken up by the Realmspace
Cartography guild. These convey a sense of
wonder and discovery to all who see them. Your
ship Charisma score becomes 12. You gain
advantage on Persuasion checks.

Ship Options
Rigging & Sails Cont Ship Weapons
Standard Rigging Ship weapons have a total number of actions to
ready, aim and re. Each crew member assigned
Cost: 1000gp
to a weapon can take one of these actions per
Rating: +1
command. For example, if a weapon requires 1
Crew required: 4
action to load, 1 action to aim, and 1 action to
Standard ship rigging, run by pulleys and levers,
re. It will require a minimum of 3 crew members
with standard knots.
to re once per round. Captains confer extra
Clockwork Rigging bonuses to weapons that are especially well
Cost: 2000gp crewed.
Rating: +2
Ba ista
Crew required: 3
A large hull-mounted crossbow, capable of ring
The standard system of pulleys and levers is now
devastating bolts, long distances in space.
clockwork assisted, Your combat ship speed is
Rating: + 1
increased by 10ft, as all manoeuvres are made
Armour Class: 15
Hit Points: 50
Arcane Rigging Installation Cost: 1000gp
Cost: 3000gp Firing Cost: Per bolt (5gp)
Rating: +3 Actions: Ready: 1 Aim: 1 Fire: 1
Crew required: 2 Bolt: Ranged weapon attack, + 6 to hit. Range
The System of pulleys and levers is now spell 120/480ft. Single target. Hit: 3d10 + Ship Rating,
automated. The two crew members assigned Piercing damage.
must be casters. Your combat speed is increased
Hu Cannon
by 15ft.
A smaller cannon usually mounted under the hull
of a ship. A favourite of Nautical captains. The
most devastating ship hold multiple, and unleash
an unforgiving salvo.
Rating + 1
Armour Class: 15
Hit Points: 50
Installation Cost: 2000gp
Firing Cost: Regular Cannonball (200gp)
Actions: Ready: 2 Fire: 1
Cannonball: Ranged weapon attack, +6 to hit.
Range, 600/2400ft. One Target. Hit. 5d10 + Ship
Rating. Bludgeoning damage.

All ship components are modular, and can
be adapted to fit most ships In some way.
There are larger components that have
the ‘Unique’ Property. Once one of these is
installed in a location, you can only have
one at a time. For example the Giant
10 Cannon, the Grappling arms, or the
Battering Ram.
Ship Options
Mangonel Grappling Arms (Unique)
A Mangonel is a traction trebuchet, used for A pair of enormous, Hull-mounted Arms capable
inging debris across long distances and causing of pulling in another vessel.
devastating damage. Rating: + 3
Rating + 1 Armour Class: —
Armour Class: 15 Hit Points: —
Hit Points: 100 Installation Cost: 10,000gp
Installation Cost: 1000gp Firing Cost: —
Firing Cost: Mangonel Stone (100gp) Actions: Grapple: 1
Actions: Ready: 2 Aim: 2 Fire: 1 Grab: Melee weapon attack, + 6 to hit. Reach
Mangonel stone Ranged weapon attack, +6 to hit. 10ft. One ship, or gargantuan creature. Hit: 4d10
Range, 200/800ft. One Target. Hit. 5d10 + Ship + Ship Rating, Piercing damage. The Ship or
rating, Bludgeoning damage. creature that is the target of the Arms speed
Harpoon Gun becomes 0. This continues until you use an action
to end the e ect.
A modi ed large hull-mounted crossbow, capable
of ring bolts and latching onto targets. Ba ering Ram (Unique)
Rating + 2 Rating + 2
Armour Class: 15 Armour Class: —
Hit Points: 100 Hit Points: —
Installation Cost: 3000gp Installation Cost: 5000gp
Firing Cost: Harpoon (reusable). Firing Cost: —
Actions: Ready: 1 Aim: 1 Fire: 1 Actions: 1 Navigator Action
Harpoon: Ranged weapon attack, +6 to hit. Ram: Melee weapon attack, + 8 to hit. Hit: Ram
Range, 120ft/500ft. One Target. Hit. 3d10 + Ship damage as stated in the Navigator section, plus
rating, piercing damage. Once a target is struck 6d10 damage. (Depends on type of ram). Your
by the Harpoon, they must make a DC15 ship takes half this damage and it’s speed
Dexterity save. The Weapon crew may make an becomes 0. Miss: The attack deals no damage,
action on each round to pull the target towards and the opposing ship moves into the nearest
them. unoccupied space.
Giant Cannon (Unique) Driftblades (Unique)
An enormous cannon mounted to the front of the Rating + 2
ship. A normal component of any bombard ship. Armour Class: —
Installing this is considered a major re t. Hit Points: —
Rating + 3 Installation Cost: 5000gp
Armour Class: 19 Firing Cost: —
Hit Points: 250 Actions: 1 Navigator Action
Installation Cost: 10,000gp Sideswipe: Melee weapon attack, +8 to hit. Hit:
Firing Cost: Giant Cannonball (1000gp) You deal 8d10 slashing damage + Your ship
Actions: Ready: 2 Aim: 1 Fire: 1 rating. On a successful attack you gain 20ft. Of
Cannonball: Ranged weapon attack, +6 to hit. movement.
Range, 600/2400ft. One Target. Hit. 16d10 +
Ship rating, Bludgeoning damage.

Ship Options
Ship Weapons (Cont). Legendary Ship Options
Warpstar (Unique, Legendary) There are some ship options that are so rare, so
powerful that simply having them will set your
Rating + 4
ship above all others.
Armour Class: 18
Hit Points: 150 Astral Teleportation Circle
Installation Cost: 20,000gp Ship Artefact, Legendary
Firing Cost: — Your ship comes a xed with a teleportation
Actions: 1 Navigator Action circle. This can be utilised by crew to teleport to
Warp: The Warpstar is held at the centre of the one a xed location in the Astral Sea. You cannot
ships cargo hold. It maintains 5 Charges, and use this to travel to other planes.
regains 1d4 charges per day. When you use a Jury-Rigged Ilithid Planeshift
Navigator action to activate this, your ship may
Ship Artefact, Legendary
teleport to a location you can see within 300ft.
You have salvaged and modi ed Illithid tech,
Overload: If the Warpstar’s charges are reduced
allowing your ship access to their wondrous
to 0, it becomes unstable. It emits an explosion
plane-shifting prowess. Once per day this can be
with a 200ft. Radius. This explosion deals 18d10
utilised to cast the spell Plane-Shift on all
Force damage. People within the radius must
denizens of the ship, and the ship itself.
make a DC18 dexterity save. On a successful
save, they take half damage.
Gravity Cannon (Unique, Legendary)
Rating + 4
Armour Class: 18
Hit Points: 150
Installation Cost: 20,000gp
Firing Cost: —
Actions: Ready: 2 Aim: 2 Fire: 2
Graviturgy: ranged weapon attack, + 8 to hit. Hit:
This weapon propels a compact singularity to a
location of your choice up to 200ft. The
Singularity bursts, emitting a gravitational wave
with a 150ft radius. Creatures, Ships and entities
caught within the radius must make a DC18
Dexterity save or are pulled into the centre.
Event Horizon: Creatures that reach the centre of
this orb take 20d10 Force damage, and their
movement becomes 0 until they make their save.
Firing: This weapon takes such a toll on the ship,
the crew used to re, as well as the navigator all
gain 2 levels of exhaustion. Additionally, this
weapon cannot be red again for one week.

Astral Navigation
Phlogiston Pathways Volatile Fire
In certain points within a Wildspace System exist Within Phlogiston paths, re is highly dangerous.
Phlogiston pathways. Phlogiston is a highly A reball cast within a space will deal additional
ammable, sticky, oil-like substance that connects damage to its targets, but also have a very high
all Wildspace systems within the Astral Sea. The chance of causing ships to catch re (If the ship is
more dense the Phlogiston, the faster a ship can made from wood. This could well cause you to
travel on it. Typical travel speed is double that of need to leave the pathway early, not knowing
speed within the Astral Sea. (200 Million Miles where you will end up.
per day). However thicker pathways can also Viscocity Extra Catch re
exist. (Consult Viscosity Chart) damage chance
Pathway Viscosity Speed (Per day) Low 1 extra 20%
Low Viscosity 200 Million Miles damage die.
per day.
Mid Viscosity 300 Million Miles Mid 2 extra 30%
per day. damage die.
High Viscosity 500 Million Miles
per day. High 3 extra 40%
Hyper-dense 700 Million Miles damage die.
per day.
Hyper 5 extra 60%
Encounter Chance damage die.
Whilst traveling through the most popular
Due to the nature of Phlogiston and its volatility,
Phlogiston Pathways., encounters with hostile
all natural ame sources are extinguished upon
pirates is increased. Depending on the quality of
travel, and non re-based light sources are used
your ship, and the contents of your cargo, expect
at this point. (Usually magical).
to see ambushes with ships, and encounters of all
Air and Flammability
Popularity/Class D100 Roll All Phlogiston pathways adapt the same rules for
High Popularity 0-80 = Roll on air as the Astral Sea, but player movement speed
(Trading Path) encounter table. within Phlogiston is increased in line with the
Mid Popularity 0-60 = Roll on viscosity chart. (Factor of 2 for Low viscosity etc).
(Tourist Path) encounter table. Attackers will usually avoid the use of re based
Low Popularity 0-30 = Roll on magic. Especially spell e ects such as Scorching
(Newly discovered encounter table. ray and Draconic Fire Breath weapons. E ects
Path) that have an origin point at the player will also
No Travel (ancient 0-10 = Roll on deal damage to the player. When a player casts a
path) encounter table. re based e ect that originates at them, they will
take damage equivalent to the additional damage


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