English Reviewer. Entrance Exam
English Reviewer. Entrance Exam
English Reviewer. Entrance Exam
Cohesive Devices
o Cohesive devices are sometimes
called linking words, linkers,
connectors, discourse markers, or
transitional words. Verbs
o Cohesive Devices are words or
phrases that show the relationship o Verbs are the action words in a
between paragraphs or sections of sentence that describe what the
a text or speech. subject is doing. Along with nouns,
o Cohesive devices are words like verbs are the main part of a
‘For example, ‘In conclusion, sentence or phrase, telling a story
‘however‘ and ‘moreover‘. about what is taking place. In fact,
without a verb, full thoughts can’t
Modals be properly conveyed, and even
the simplest sentences, such as
o Modals are helping verbs (meaning Maria sings, have one. Actually, a
they precede other verbs) used to verb can be a sentence by itself,
indicate permission, possibility, with the subject, in most case you,
obligation, advice, ability, implied, such as, Sing! and Drive!
Adjective A manual with instructions for
putting together a desk.
o An adjective is a word that o Informative text contains a number
modifies or describes a noun or of aids that make it easier for
pronoun. Adjectives can be used to readers to follow along and get the
describe the qualities of someone information they need.
or something independently or in
comparison to something else. Assonance
o Examples: Adjectives in a
sentence o Assonance is a literary device in
I like old houses. which the repetition of similar
The boy is tall and skinny. vowel sounds takes place in two or
Jane is smarter than her brother. more words in proximity to each
other within a line of poetry or
Intonation prose. Assonance most often
refers to the repetition of internal
o Primarily a matter of variation in
vowel sounds in words that do not
the pitch of the voice. In such
end the same. For example, “he
languages as English, it is often
fell asleep under the cherry tree” is
accompanied by stress and rhythm
a phrase that features assonance
to produce meaning.
with the repetition of the long “e”
o (Tone is also a form of pitch
vowel, despite the fact that the
modulation, but the term describes
words containing this vowel do not
the use of pitch to differentiate
end in perfect rhymes. This allows
words and grammatical
writers the means of emphasizing
important words in a phrase or line,
Literary text as well as creating a sense of
rhythm, enhancing mood, and
o Literary texts are understood as a offering a lyrical effect of words
set of works that are created for and sounds.
aesthetic purposes and that draw
attention to a series of poetic forms Alliteration
and varied uses of language,
beyond the intention of creating o Alliteration is the conspicuous
real or objective content in their repetition of initial consonant
message or text. That is to say, sounds of nearby words in a
they are texts that have a greater phrase, often used as a literary
variety of possible approaches device. A familiar example is
given their subjective character, as "Peter Piper picked a peck of
well as the freedom of content that pickled peppers".
it is possible to develop.
Passive and active voice
Informative text
Active voice
o Informational text educates the
o In most English sentences with an
reader about a specific topic. It’s a
action verb, the subject performs
unique type of writing; you’ll see it
the action denoted by the verb.
in a number of different mediums.
Passive voice A flow chart allows students to
understand the cause and effect of
o One can change the normal word each stage in a process
order of many active sentences
(those with a direct object) so that Web:
the subject is no longer active, but
is, instead, being acted upon by Webbing is a diagram tool that groups
the verb - or passive. categories of information into
associated themes, typically
Object of preposition developed from a template for
educational purposes.
o The object of a preposition is the
noun or pronoun that follows the
preposition in a sentence.
Graphic organizers
Flow Chart: