Peace and Values Education - Q3 - W2

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“Principles of Peace”
Quarterly Theme: Community Awareness
Sub theme: Respect

Components Objectives Teaching Suggested Activities


Introduction To set the Greeting What does the picture tell you?
overarching goal
and tone for catch- Showing
up Fridays, picture
emphasizing the
development for

Reflective To engage Engage What would you do if you see an old

thinking learners in learners in woman walking in pedestrian lane?
Activities reflective activities reflective
that promote self- activities
discovery and
informed decision-

What would you do if you see your teacher

carrying lots of books.

What would you do if you see a child

Structured To provide a Info Graphics
Values structured platform about dignity
Activities for reinforcement principles of
values through values
Principle of Peace

solidarity humility

What are the different Principles of Peace?

Dignity is about the fair and equal

treatment of all actors in peace processes.
It is only through considering the interests,
views and needs of all persons that a
process, and in turn the peace itself, can
be legitimate.

Solidarity is grounded in the view that the

success of peace making depends on the
contributions of each set of actors. There
must be an acceptance of the need to
share burdens, risks and resources, which
will require solidarity with all those involved
in the process. The causes and
consequences of conflicts are often global
in nature, and solutions must recognise
that conflict does not take place in a
Group To foster collective Group Activity Group 1. Draw a picture that portray one
Sharing and environment for principle of values.
Reflection reflection and Group 2. Dramatize a situation that portray
open one principle of values.
communication Group 3. Create a poem about the
principle of values.
Group 4. Create a song about the principle
of values.
Feedback and To gather Gather What have you learned about the different
Reinforcemen feedback feedback from principles of values? How could you use it
t discussed values learners on the in your own life?
and motivate session
learners for

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