Determining Dimensions of "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe and Fittings

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Designation: D 3567 – 97


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Practice for

Determining Dimensions of “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-
Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe and Fittings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3567; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope * 3.1.1 deviation from straightness— the maximum deviation

1.1 This practice covers the determination of outside diam- from a straight line exhibited by a pipe specimen divided by the
eter, inside diameter, total wall thickness, reinforced wall length of the specimen.
thickness, liner thickness (where applicable), and length di- 3.1.2 fiberglass pipe—a tubular product containing glass-
mensions of “fiberglass” (glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting fiber reinforcements embedded in or surrounded by cured
resin) pipe. Included are procedures for measuring tapered thermosetting resin; the composite structure may contain
dimensions and taper angles for pipe intended to be joined by aggregate, granular, or platelet fillers, thixotropic agents, pig-
tapered socket fittings, and procedures for gaging internal and ments, or dyes; thermoplastic or thermosetting liners or coat-
external threads. ings may be included.
1.2 This practice also includes procedures for determining 3.1.3 laying length of fittings—the actual increase in the
dimensions for fiberglass pipe fittings. length of a line afforded by the fitting when installed.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded 3.1.4 liner and exterior surface layer thicknesses—the inner
as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for and outer portions of the wall used to enhance chemical and
information only. water resistance; they may have a different composition than
the reinforced wall and the thicknesses of these internal and
NOTE 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard. external surfaces may be measured when their boundary limits
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the are visually indentifiable and if they are each at least 0.005 in.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the (0.10 mm) in thickness.
responsibility of whoever uses this standard to consult and 3.1.5 reinforced thermosetting resin pipe (RTRP)—a fi-
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter- berglass pipe without aggregate.
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.6 reinforced wall thickness—the total wall thickness
minus the liner or exterior surface layer thickness, or both.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4. Significance and Use
D 4166 Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of 4.1 This practice provides for determining the physical
Nonmagnetic Materials by Means of a Digital Magnetic dimensions of fiberglass pipe and fittings. This practice is
Intensity Instrument2 suitable for determination of dimensional compliance with
2.2 ANSI Standard: product specifications.
B 2.1 Pipe Threads (Except Dryseal)3
2.3 API Standard: 5. Conditioning
API 5B Threading, Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Cas- 5.1 Test conditions for measurements shall be in accordance
ing, Tubing, and Line Pipe Threads4 with appropriate product specification(s).

3. Terminology 6. Total Wall Thickness—Pipe and Fittings

3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 6.1 Apparatus—Calipers, optical comparators described in
Section 7, ultrasonic thickness meters, or other gages such as
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-20 on Plastics
the digital magnetic intensity instrument described by Test
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.23 on Reinforced Plastic Method D 4166, with graduations of 0.01 in. (0.025 mm) or
Piping Systems and Chemical Equipment. less that produces a thickness measuring accuracy of within
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1997. Published August 1998. Originally 5 %, may be used for measuring thicknesses of 0.20 in. (5.1
published as D 3567 – 77. Last previous edition D 3567 – 91.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. mm) or greater. For thicknesses less than the above, use a
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, micrometer or other gage with graduations of 0.001 in. (0.025
13th Floor, New York, NY 10036. mm) and an accuracy of within 5 %. Use a cylindrical tubing
Available from American Petroleum Institute, 211 N. Ervay, Suite 1700, Dallas,
TX 75210.
micrometer or spherical anvil micrometer with a radius end

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials

Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 3567
where the diameter of the pipe is small and a measuring error 7.3.4 Nonreinforced Layers, within the reinforced wall or
of 5 % or less would be exceeded without its use. combination reinforcement layers. If the product involves
6.2 Procedure—Make a series of at least four readings at unreinforced layers or multiple reinforcement layers of differ-
random selected locations, approximately equally spaced ent types, the amount and type of measurements shall be
around the circumference. The location of the measurements agreed upon between the buyer and the seller.
should be taken some distance in from the pipe ends if the end The thickness of these layers shall be determined by
thickness would be expected to be greater than other regions of setting a major scale division of the reticle at the apparent
the pipe. interface and reading toward the next apparent interface. Make
6 measurements 60° apart.
NOTE 2—Take care to ensure that the measurements are not made at
either a tapered or belled pipe end. 7.4 Calculations—Calculate the average reinforced wall
NOTE 3—Take care to avoid misalignment of the anvil with the thickness and liner thickness by averaging the values obtained.
longitudinal axis of the specimen when using cylindrical anvil microme- 7.5 Report—The report shall include the following:
ters that may bridge specimen surface curvature or indentations and give 7.5.1 Observed minimum and maximum reinforced wall
falsely high readings. thickness,
6.3 Calculation—Calculate the average total wall thickness 7.5.2 Calculated average reinforced wall thickness,
of the four or more thicknesses taken. 7.5.3 Observed minimum and maximum liner thickness,
6.4 Report—The report shall include the following: 7.5.4 Calculated average liner thickness, and
6.4.1 Observed minimum and maximum wall thickness, and 7.5.5 Observations of exterior surface layer, nonreinforced
6.4.2 Calculated average total wall thickness. layers, or other reinforced layer measurements within the
reinforced wall when measured.
7. Reinforced Wall Thickness and Liner Thicknesses—
Pipe and Fittings 8. Average Outside Diameter Measurements
7.1 Sampling—When performed on finished pipe or fittings, NOTE 4—The need for measurements and the location of the measure-
this procedure will usually destroy or damage the part. When ments should be evaluated since the outside surface of the pipe may not
this procedure is to be used for quality control or sampling, it be smooth. Uneven surfaces or burrs will influence the accuracy of the
is intended for use on samples taken from the excess of the outside diameter measurements.
fabrication, such as the ends of pipe or fittings, or both. If the 8.1 Apparatus—A circumferential vernier wrap tape shall
procedure requires destructively testing the pipe or fittings, the be used to determine the average outside diameter. The tape
requirements shall be agreed upon between the buyer and the should be accurate to within 6 0.02 in. (6 0.4 mm) on the
seller. circumference measured.
7.2 Apparatus—An optical scale comparator with a 7 to 8.2 Procedure—Individually measure and record the out-
10X magnification and having a reticle graduated as follows: side diameter end-sealing surfaces or special OD control
7.2.1 For products with liner measurements less than 0.050 surfaces. Make the OD measurements near each end and at
in. (1.27 mm): 0.001-in. (0.025-mm) divisions or not more than three intermediate locations. Take the OD measurement by
10 % of liner thickness, whichever is smaller. placing the circumferential wrap tape around the pipe, making
7.2.2 For products with liner measurements 0.050 in. (1.27 sure it is at right angles to the pipe axis. Average all five
mm) or larger: 0.005-in. (0.13-mm) divisions or smaller. readings.
7.3 Procedure: 8.2.1 Calculate the diameter as follows:
7.3.1 Surface Preparation—At the desired cross section of D 5 COD /p (1)
the pipe or fitting, make a sawcut at right angles to the inside
surface. Remove burrs and sand the cut surface smooth, using where:
200-grit (or finer) sandpaper. Thoroughly wash the sanded COD 5 average of the readings.
surface with clean water to remove resin and glass dust, then NOTE 5—For larger diameter piping, the weight of the piping may
blot dry. cause significant distortion. Take care in measurement and evaluation of
7.3.2 Reinforced Wall and Liner Thickness—Measure the the significance of this measurement. If significant product distortion due
cut surface of the pipe or fitting by setting a major scale to weight occurs, the pipe may be measured when in the vertical position.
division of the reticle at the apparent interface between the Alternatively, the diameter may be measured as a reference from the
mandril from which the pipe was made as follows:
liner and reinforced wall. Make 6 measurements 60° apart as
follows: d 5 ~CM /p 1 2 3 wall thickness! (2) Read toward the outer surface of the pipe or fitting where:
wall and observe the reinforced wall thickness. C M 5 outside circumference of the mandril, in. (mm) and the wall Read toward the inner surface of the pipe or fitting thickness is as described in 6.3. The measurement intervals
wall and observe the liner thickness. are as described in 8.2.
7.3.3 Surface Layer Thickness—If the product specification 8.3 Report—When outside diameter measurements are
requires surface layer measurement, set a major scale division appropriate, the report shall include the minimum, maximum,
at the apparent interface between the coating and the reinforced and average outside diameter.
wall. Make 6 measurements 60° apart by reading toward the
outer surface of the pipe or fitting and observing the surface 9. Out-of-Round Measurements
layer thickness. 9.1 Apparatus—A caliper, micrometer, or similar

COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials

Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 3567
instrument capable of measuring the OD within 6 0.25 % of the distance between the two sleeves and calculate the taper
nominal shall be used. angle accordingly.
9.2 Procedure—Using a micrometer or vernier calipers, 11.2.2 Procedure B—Scribe two circumferential marks on
take a series of outside diameter measurements at intervals the taper as far apart as possible, but at least 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) from
spaced as in 8.2. Determine the maximum and minimum the small end of the taper. Measure the exact distance between
diameter by three measurements 120° apart at each interval. these marks within 0.01 in. (0.25 mm). Using calipers, measure
NOTE 6—For large diameter piping, the weight of the piping may cause
the actual outside diameter at each of the scribe marks. Make
significant distortion. Take care in measurement and evaluation of the four measurements 45° apart.
significance of this measurement. If significant product distortion due to 11.3 Calculations—Using the actual diameters at the points
weight occurs, the pipe may be measured when in the vertical position. measured and the distances between the points, calculate the
Alternatively, with the pipe in a horizontal position, measure the pipe taper angle, a, as follows:
diameter both vertically and horizontally and then remeasured after
Sin a 5 @~D2 2 D1!/2# /L (4)
rotating the pipe 45°. Calculate the difference between the horizontal and
vertical measurements in each case. The difference will be the average
out-of-roundness. The measurement intervals are as described in 9.2.
D2 5 large diameter observed,
9.3 Calculations—Calculate out-of-roundness as follows: D1 5 smaller diameter observed, and
9.3.1 Subtract the minimum outside diameter from the L 5 distance between the two diameters measured along
average outside diameter and subtract the average outside the tapers.
diameter from the maximum.
NOTE 7—When measuring the distance between sleeve gages, use the
9.4 Report—The report shall include the following: tangent instead of the sine, but at angles less than 5° this difference is not
9.4.1 The average plus tolerance (maximum outside significant.
diameter − average outside diameter), and
11.4 Report—The report shall include the following:
9.4.2 The average negative tolerance (average outside
11.4.1 Apparatus used,
diameter − minimum outside diameter).
11.4.2 Average D1,
10. Inside Diameter 11.4.3 Average D2,
11.4.4 The value of L, and
10.1 Calculate the average inside diameter as follows: 11.4.5 Taper angle as calculated in 11.3, in terms of degrees
d 5 D 22ta (3) to the nearest 0.1°.
where: 12. Length of Pipe
d 5 average inside diameter, in., 12.1 Apparatus—A steel tape, with 1⁄16-in. (1-mm) or finer
D 5 average outside diameter, in., as determined in Section graduations.
8, and 12.2 Procedure—Lay the pipe specimen on a flat surface
ta 5 average total wall thickness, in., as determined in and in a straight line. Observe the length within the nearest
Section 6. 1⁄16 in. (1 mm).

12.3 Report—The report shall include the length of each

11. Pipe Taper Angle Measurement specimen measured.
11.1 Apparatus—Depending on requirements and 13. Laying Lengths of Fittings
availability of equipment, the following apparatus may be
used: 13.1 Apparatus—Two good quality commercial steel scales
11.1.1 For Procedure A: calibrated in 1⁄16-in. (1-mm) increments. Telescoping Sleeve Gage, for checking 13.2 Procedure:
conformance to a taper angle tolerance, accurate within6 NOTE 8—Because of the wide variety of fittings and joining types,
0.001 in. (0.025 mm). For a given pipe size and tolerance specific procedures to cover every possible case cannot be written. As a
specification, the inside diameter of the outer sleeve shall be result, the following general techniques may have to be modified to
0.020 in. (0.51 mm) below the minimum outside diameter of include a specific configuration or adapter.
the pipe under test. The inside diameter of the inner sleeve shall 13.2.1 Elbows and Branch Fittings:
be such that when both sleeves are in place on the taper, the Insert a steel scale into one opening of the fitting so
taper angle may be calculated by measuring the spacing that the inner edge of the scale is along the centerline of the
between the sleeves and relating the relative inside diameter pipe when it is joined to the fittings. Repeat this procedure in
differences of the sleeves. the other leg of the fitting until the end of the second scale
11.1.2 For Procedure B: touches the inner edge of the first scale. Record the reading on Vernier Calipers, accurate to within 0.001 in. the second scale at the mouth of the fitting as overall length, A.
(0.025 mm). These may also be used by comparing actual Now subtract from this overall length the socket or makeup
differences in diameter at specific distances on the taper. length, X, as measured, or as specified by the manufacturer.
11.2 Procedure: The difference, L, is the laying length of the fitting. See Fig. 1.
11.2.1 Procedure A—Seat the inner sleeve on the end of the 13.2.2 Straight-Line Fittings:
taper to ensure that it is parallel and concentric with the pipe. Measure the overall length of the fitting. Subtract
Then slide the outer sleeve forward as far as it will go. Measure from this the makeup lengths on both sides, as specified by the

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D 3567
14.3 Estimate the difference between the gaging face of the
ring gage and the face of the fitting (external threads) or the
difference between the notch of the plug gage and the end of
the thread (internal threads) to the nearest 1⁄8 turn, after
correction has been made for any variation in the gage from
basic dimensions.

15. Straightness
15.1 Apparatus—A plane horizontal surface, a drawn line
FIG. 1 Measurement for Calculation of Laying Length or string, and a metal rule with 1⁄16-in. (1.6-mm) or finer
manufacturer. The difference is the laying length of the fitting.
13.3 Report—The report shall include laying lengths of 15.2 Procedure—Place the pipe section on the plane surface
each specimen measured. and allow it to come to rest. At a distance of half the outside
diameter above the plane surface, stretch the drawn line or
14. Gaging Threads string from one pipe end to the other and draw it taut while in
14.1 Measure threads using American National Standard contact with both ends. Holding the ruler horizontally,
tapered pipe thread gages conforming to ANSI B2.1 or API determine the maximum distance between the pipe and the
EUE 8 round (API 5B) dimensions. In gaging external taper line. Pipe with a nonuniform curvature will not necessarily
threads, screw up the ring gage tight by hand on the external show the maximum reading at the center.
thread. In gaging internal taper threads, screw up the plug gage 15.3 Report—The report shall include the specimen length
tight by hand into the fitting. and the maximum deviation from straightness.
14.2 Gaging Chamfered, Countersunk, or Recessed
Threads—When the internal thread is chamfered, countersunk,
16. Keywords
or recessed the notch should be flush with the bottom of the
chamfer, which shall be considered the intersection of the 16.1 Diameter; dimensions; fiberglass; fittings; gaging
chamfer cone and the pitch cone of the thread. Usually this threads; liner thickness; out-of-round; pipe; straightness; taper
depth is equal to one-half thread from the face of the fitting. angle; wall thickness


Committee D-20 has identified the location of the following changes to this standard since the last issue (D
3567-91) that may impact on the use of this standard.
(1) Added Note 1.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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