18 Kathmandupost-Nepal - Am
18 Kathmandupost-Nepal - Am
18 Kathmandupost-Nepal - Am
Maoists’ dilemma:
They need Congress
but can’t fully trust it
Dahal says option of joining hands with the UML open if
electoral alliance with coalition partners is not possible.
TIKA R PRADHAN (Maoist Centre) and the CPN (Unified
KATHMANDU, MARCH 17 Socialist).
And two of the splinter parties–the
With the May 13 local level polls less Maoist Centre and the Unified
than two months away, the Communist Socialist—last year helped Nepali
Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre), which Congress President Deuba to return to
sees its prospects grim without an power by ousting the government led
electoral alliance, has started pressing by UML chair KP Sharma Oli.
the ruling coalition leader Nepali Back in 2017, during the first phase
Congress to go to the election jointly. of the local polls, Congress had forged
But Congress remains non-commit- an electoral alliance with the Maoist
tal, as voices within the party are get- Centre as they had run the govern-
ting louder against poll alliance with ment together, but Dahal reached out
any of the coalition partners–the to the UML saying the electoral
Maoist Centre, the CPN (Unified alliance could not be fruitful as
Socialist) and the Janata Samajbadi Congress voters didn’t vote for Maoist
Party. candidates.
Nonetheless, leaders of the Maoist This time also, Dahal, who sees no
Centre and the Unified Socialist on hope of the party that had won 116
Thursday also demanded that Prime local levels retaining its local govern-
Minister and Congress President Sher ment seats without an electoral alli-
Bahadur Deuba make good on his ance, has asked Prime Minister Deuba
commitment for an electoral alliance to officially announce an electoral alli-
with coalition partners. ance for local elections or else the
“The prime minister has agreed to Maoist party would start talks with
form a mechanism down to the local the UML.
POST PHOTO: ELITE JOSHI level for an electoral alliance,” Though UML leaders including
Revellers dance to the music during a Holi festival concert at Kathmandu Durbar Square on Thursday. While Nepal’s hill districts celebrated Holi said Ramesh Malla, chief per- party chair Oli and General
on Thursday, the Tarai region will celebrate the festival a day later on Friday. sonal secretary of Maoist Centre Secretary Shankar Pokhrel have been
chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal. ruling out the possibility of an elec-
Some Congress leaders say toral alliance with the Maoist Centre–
they would win most of the local Maoist chair Dahal and some other
packed with foot traffic and vehicles
alike. Last year during Holi, only Between March 2 and 11, Benchen Karma Kamtsang
Basantapur Durbar Square and its
surrounding areas had seen revellers Centre in Grabnik, Poland provided shelter to 43 Nepalis.
in large numbers despite a govern-
ment ban on public gatherings. On
Wednesday, the District
Administration Office, Kathmandu
had issued a public notice asking peo-
ple to celebrate the festival in a
‘responsible manner. (Details on Pg 3)
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 | 02
The locals allege that the repair work done on the temple four years ago was not up to the standards. more than 150km to reach the Polish
once was I made to feel that I had over-
stayed my welcome,” said Pariyar.
“Some people told me that they had “The centre also asked us what we
MADHAV ARYAL British War in 1806. Thapa had Since the collapse of a part of the engineer at the Department of been drugged and robbed on their way needed the most and bought them for
PALPA, MARCH 17 brought craftsmen from Kathmandu structure on Wednesday, the temple Archaeology, the records of the wreck- to the border. One of them had walked us. For me, they bought a pair of
to build the temple. has been closed to the public. age have been kept in a safe place. so much that his legs were swollen shoes, a set of clothes, and a suitcase.”
The roof of Amar Narayan Temple at “The Amar Narayan Temple was “The western and northern side of “The temple contains valuable wood- when he arrived at the centre. Many According to Lama Rinchen,
Narayansthan in Tansen renovated by the Department of the temple are also at risk of collaps- en materials and ancient carvings,” were so exhausted that after arriving the centre was able to fund the expens-
Municipality-2, Palpa collapsed last Archaeology from 2015 to 2018 under ing. We can’t allow the public to enter he said. here, they slept for two to three days, es by using the cash donations devo-
Wednesday. The three-storied temple the supervision of Tansen the temple premises since it is risky,” Meanwhile, the locals allege that only waking up in between to eat and tees had given to the centre over the
had undergone repair works only four Municipality. During the renovation, said Pokharel. the temple’s roof collapsed as the to use the washroom,” said Lama years.
years ago. the uppermost roof was covered in Chief District Officer Jagannath repair work done four years ago was Rinchen. “We believe that help should “When word got around that our
“The extended roof of the first floor brass and the Gajur in gold. The old Pant and Tansen Mayor Ashok Kumar not up to the standards. be given where it is needed the most, centre was providing shelter to
on the south and east side of the pago- worn out woods were replaced while Shahi visited the temple to inspect the “A complaint has been lodged with and we are so glad that Grabnik’s Nepalis fleeing the war in Ukraine,
da-styled temple collapsed with a loud the damaged ones were repaired,” damage. The Department of the concerned authority against the BKKC could do its part in helping many of our friends and well-wishers
noise,” said Uma Shankar Pokharel, said Pokharel. Archaeology was also informed about construction company for carrying Nepalis who were fleeing the war.” also offered help. On the day the first
the priest of the temple. According to locals, the temple, the collapse and two engineers from out substandard work,” said Varun Apart from serving as a place to rest batch of Nepalis arrived, a nearby
The Amar Narayan Temple was which survived the earthquake of Kapilvastu, Lumbini carried out the Regmi, ward chairman of Tansen and recuperate, the centre also served Vietnamese Buddhist centre sent a car
built by Kaji Amar Singh Thapa about 1934, has wooden carvings of archaeo- survey on Thursday morning. Municipality-2. as a safe space for the many Nepalis full of rice, lentils and fruits,” said
two centuries ago during the Nepal- logical significance. According to Bishnu Pathak, an “At the time of the reconstruction, like Sherpa and Pariyar to plan where Lama Rinchen. “On March 11, the last
the locals had complained to the to head next. Nepali taking shelter at our centre
stakeholders about the poor quality According to Sherpa and Pariyar, left, but our centre still remains open
of work being done by the contractor,” the Polish immigration officials at the to Nepalis fleeing the war in Ukraine.”
said Narayan Prasad Koirala, border told Nepalis that they’ll have to The majority of the 43 Nepalis who
chairman of the temple management leave Poland within 15 days. But many stayed at Grabnik’s BKKC are now in
committee. “The municipality, Nepalis who arrived at the centre, said Portugal. Sherpa and Pariyar told the
Department of Archaeology, and the Sherpa, had no concrete plans on Post that they are waiting to apply for
consultant engineer had ignored us where to head next. temporary residency in the country.
back then. There was sheer negligence Poland is where a majority of “At a time when it felt like there was
and ignorance on the part of the Nepalis studying or working in nothing but darkness around us, the
authorities.” Ukraine ran to after the Russian Buddhist centre in the middle of
Maheshwar Shrestha, a local resi- attack. According to Nepal’s embassy nowhere in Poland brought
dent, said, “The temple has historical in Germany, which is accredited to much-needed light into our lives,” said
and archaeological significance and it look after Ukraine affairs, there were Sherpa. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able
is important to take the local people’s around 1,000 Nepalis, mostly students, to forget the kindness, compassion,
input but the concerned authorities in the eastern European country when and humanity that we received at the
did not listen to us.” the war began. centre.”
The renovation work of the temple As of March 12, around 580 Nepalis
was done at a cost of Rs.30 million had reached several European coun- If you know of any Nepalis
with loan assistance from the World tries like Poland (466), Slovakia (87), who have fled Ukraine and are in
Bank. The maintenance work was con- Romania (28), and Hungary (8), accord- need of a safe place to stay in
tracted to Prakritik Construction ing to the embassy. Warsaw, Poland, call Grabnik’s BKKC
Private Limited, Rupandehi. “Since the staff at the Buddhist cen- at +48-885-108-002.
03 | FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022
Supreme Court Nepal marks Holi with zest after Covid hiatus
delays passing Despite government’s request to people to follow Covid safety protocol, a majority of Holi revellers in public places were maskless.
interim orders
Fifty-year-old Hira Basnet and her two Phagu Purnima, like most other festivals, the city. I am amazed to see such a big crowd
grandsons aged 11 and nine were among the had remained a sombre affair for the past here in Tundikhel,” said Jha, who is origi-
sea of colourful faces celebrating Holi, the two years because of the coronavirus out- nally from Bara district and runs a cosmet-
Hindu festival of colour and celebration of break across the world. But this year after ic business at Asan.
the triumph of good over evil, at Basantapur the country battled the third wave, the Throughout Thursday, major junctions
Experts say cases on which temporary Durbar Square on Thursday. Covid-19 situation has let up with a decrease of the city–Shahidgate to Nepal Airlines,
“I came here to be a part of the festivi- in the daily caseload. Most businesses and Ratnapark to Old Buspark–were packed
orders have been issued must be cleared ties,” said Basnet, a retired government marketplaces have opened their doors as with foot traffic and vehicles alike.
officer. “The festival reminds me of the the government lifted the pandemic restric- Last year during Holi, only Basantapur
swiftly by conducting the final hearing. times when I used to accompany my father tions. Festivals and public events are Durbar Square and its surrounding areas
to Basantapur every Holi as a young girl.” widely attended, raising concerns among had seen revellers in large numbers despite
BINOD GHIMIRE This year she has come to Basantapur to the medical fraternity since the risk of a government ban on public gatherings.
KATHMANDU, MARCH 17 reminisce about her time with her father transmission of the Covid-19 virus is still On Wednesday, the District
who passed away two years ago with Covid- considerable. Administration Office, Kathmandu had
On June 6, 2019 the then KP Sharma Oli government decid- related complications. On Thursday, Nepal reported 27 new issued a public notice asking people to cele-
ed to merge Sagarnath Forest Development Project with the The pandemic had confined Basnet inside cases of Covid-19, with no casualties in the brate the festival in a ‘responsible manner,’
Timber Corporation of Nepal. The government of Madhes her home for more than two years; she felt past 24 hours. According to the Health and had prohibited unlawful activities such
Province, earlier Province 2, challenged the decision at the cut off from the world, she says. “I am glad Ministry, 961,781 infected people have recov- as smearing colours forcibly on people and
Supreme Court, arguing that the federal government had I came here today. I feel happy being among ered from the disease so far. The number of throwing water balloons at people without
breached the constitutional jurisdiction of the province. the cheerful people,” said Basnet, taking active cases stands at 4,376. their permission.
The provincial government said the federal government her two grandsons by their hands. The public open spaces at Jawalakhel, Although the authorities had asked peo-
had no authority to take any decision on the forest project Basnet, a resident of Baneshwar, was New Baneshwar, and Basantapur Durbar ple to celebrate the festival by following
as it came under its jurisdiction. The Constitutional Bench infected with Covid-19 twice during the first Square, including many restaurants, pubs Covid safety protocol, a majority of people
of the court on August 30 that year issued an interlocutory wave of the pandemic in 2020. She got POST PHOTO: ELITE JOSHI and corporate houses on Thursday hosted in the crowd were maskless.
interim order against the federal government, asking it not infected again during the third wave last An elderly man is being smeared with colours musical events. Almost all the venues were “Although a larger number of people are
to implement the decision. Again on December 11 that year, year. “When the pandemic was peaking, I during the Holi festival celebrations at Kathmandu packed with Holi revellers enjoying the day vaccinated against Covid-19 compared to
it issued an interim order, continuing the earlier order. had given up but coming here today made Durbar Square on Thursday. out with their family and friends. the last two years, there still remains the
Even more than two and a half years after the first order, me realise that I am still hopeful of the days Tundikhel, the largest public open space danger of the vaccinated transmitting the
the Supreme Court, however, has not passed its final ver- to come.” all of his friends after two years of Covid in Kathmandu, was also filled to the brim virus to their unvaccinated friends and rel-
dict. It was the first petition by any provincial government The grandsons with matching white restrictions. with people enjoying the festival. atives,” said Dr Sher Bahadur Pun, chief of
against the federal government, challenging the latter’s t-shirts and their grandmother walked “My parents didn’t allow me to partici- “I had never seen such a massive crowd the Clinical Research Unit at Sukraraj
decision. into the crowd of people smeared with Holi pate in festivities with my friends here in Tundikhel,” said Dharmendra Jha, Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital
“The Madhes Province hasn’t been able to use the forest colours. because the risk of getting infected with who was busy selling colour powders at the in Teku.
as the final verdict is yet to come,” Gyanendra Yadav, a for- For 21-year-old Prasant Prasain, an engi- Covid-19 was high,” said Prasain. “It western gate of Tundikhel. “The situation has somewhat improved
mer minister for internal affairs and law of the Madhes neering student from Thapathali, celebrat- was suffocating to stay inside all the “During the past two Holis, I kept stalls but people should not neglect health safety
Province, told the Post. “The provincial government is yet ing Holi this year meant hanging out with time with no permission to socialise. But selling Holi essentials at Basantapur since measures in public spaces,” he added.
to get the full authority to utilise the resources from the
forest. It cannot take any decision regarding the forest with-
out the consent of the federal government.”
The petition, which is crucial to settle the jurisdiction
row between the federal and provincial governments, has
failed to get priority at the Supreme Court.
In yet another incident, on June 29, 2018, the Oli govern-
ment announced Maitighar Mandala as a no-protest zone
from July 15 onwards. Senior advocate Dinesh Tripathi
challenged the decision in the Supreme Court which on July
6 that year asked the government not to implement its deci-
sion to ban peaceful protests at public places, including
Maitighar Mandala. It gave continuity to its interim order
on July 13.
It’s close to four years, but the court has yet to pass the
final verdict.
“Though the court intervention was good, as it stopped
the government then from implementing its decision, it is
wrong that the final verdict has not been issued yet,”
Tripathi told the Post. “It didn’t need the Constitutional
Bench or the full bench to decide on the matter.”
Had the Supreme Court passed the final verdict on his
petition, it could have set a precedent so that no govern-
ments could take decisions against peaceful protests,
according to Tripathi.
Tripathi said there are dozens of cases on which the final
verdicts have not been passed despite the issuance of inter-
im orders.
“At least half a dozen petitions that I have filed are
awaiting final verdicts for the last two years,” Tripathi
told the Post.
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 | 04
05 | FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022
US Dollar 121.58
Egyptians count rising bread costs Indonesia to replace palm oil
Pound Sterling
Japanese Yen (10)
as Ukraine war disrupts supply export curbs with levy
Chinese Yuan 19.14 Global prices of crude palm oil have surged to historic highs this
year amid rising demand and weak output from top producers.
Qatari Riyal 33.27
Australian Dollar 89.05
Malaysian Ringit 28.98 REUTERS Indonesia uses for cooking oil, have surged
Exchange rates fixed by Nepal Rastra Bank JAKARTA, MARCH 17 to historic highs this year amid rising
demand and weak output from top produc-
Indonesia will remove export volume ers Indonesia and Malaysia, plus Indonesia’s
restrictions on palm oil products and raise export limits.Indonesia first restricted
gasoline watch its export levy instead, its trade minister exports after prices of cooking oil—made
said on Thursday, in a surprise policy U-turn from refined crude palm oil—rose more than
just a week after it shocked markets by fur- 40 percent at the start of the year amid a
ther tightening its curbs. surge in global prices.
The world’s biggest exporter of the edible Despite export curbs, consumers com-
oil has required companies to sell 30 percent plained that cooking oil was not available at
of their planned export volume of palm oil many retailers across the country.
products, up from 20 percent imposed in Indonesia Palm Oil Association (GAPKI)
January, under a so-called domestic market said removal of the curbs was welcomed but
obligation (DMO) aimed at ensuring local the group was still awaiting details of the
supply amid soaring cooking oil prices. export levy increases, secretary general
In a parliamentary hearing, Trade Eddy Martono said. Some lawmakers at the
Minister Muhammad Lutfi said those policy hearing on Thursday criticised the Trade
had resulted in supply scarcity and the DMO Ministry for haphazard policymaking, and
would be withdrawn. The regulations were said the frequent changes to its palm oil
agreed and approved on Thursday. policies resulted in market volatility.
Instead, the ceiling of palm export tax and “Since January up to today, there were
levy would be raised, he said, from a com- already at least six ministerial regulations
bined maximum of $375 per tonne to $675 being issued regarding cooking oil and not
REUTERS per tonne. The maximum CPO tax would be one of them had positive impact on the wel-
An Egyptian worker carries loaves of bread at a bakery in Cairo’s southeastern Mokattam district, as the prices of basic goods in applied when prices reach $1,500 per tonne. fare of the people,” parliament member
Egypt have risen since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in Egypt, on Wednesday. “This is the market mechanism, and hope- Mufti Aiman Nurul Anam said.
fully this can maintain supply stability for The government this week removed price
REUTERS buys eight small flat loaves instead has shrunk. An attempt to raise the people,” Lutfi said. caps on packaged cooking oil while provid-
CAIRO, MARCH 17 of 10. “Sometimes we cook a good the price of Egypt’s subsidised Global prices of crude palm oil, which ing subsidy for bulk cooking oil.
meal every three days, and the bread in 1977 sparked riots while
From his job as a Cairo doorman, rest of the week we just eat some- former President Hosni Mubarak
Mahmoud Farag earns 1,500 thing like bread and cheese.” faced unrest in 2008 over wheat
FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 | 06
07 | FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022
Sports | Medley
ARIES (March 21-April 19) **** CANCER (June 22-July 22) *** LIBRA (September 23-October 22) *** CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) ****
Today’s vibes will create a romantic ambiance New structures could manifest within your relation- Use today’s energy as an excuse to lean into the soft- Don’t be afraid to talk about your wants and needs
throughout the day, making it a good time to get a ships. This energy is perfect for dreaming of a er side of life, choosing love and beauty over conflict today. These vibes will encourage you to tap into
little flirting in with that special someone. Lean into brighter future with your significant other. Use this or drama. This cosmic climate will also ask you to your personal power to elicit any change you seek.
change, especially if you’re not totally satisfied with cosmic climate as an opportunity to recharge on a prioritize your health, making it important to nur- These vibes are perfect for getting ahead around the
your current job title. physical and emotional level. ture yourself. office without making any waves.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) *** LEO (July 23-August 22) *** SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) *** AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) ***
The day helps you scratch past the surface within If you’ve been wanting to embrace change by adapt- These vibes pushes you to express yourself through A sense of peace and inner security will find you
your blooming friendships while allowing you and ing new routines and healthier habits, today is your art. This lunar placement will act as a blessing if today. Lean into these vibes by allowing yourself to
your companions to bond on a more profound level. day. These vibes will encourage you to let go of any you’ve been staying on top of your self-care. Under let go of hurts from the past. Tap into the beauty that
The day can also help motivate you on a professional behavioral patterns that aren’t contributing to your today’s skies, take enough time out for relaxation surrounds you, and you’ll soon find a world that’s
level. wellbeing. and rejuvenation. filled with blessings.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21) **** VIRGO (August 23-September 22) **** SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) *** PISCES (February 19-March 20) ***
Don’t be afraid to advocate and negotiate for yourself Feel free to dedicate most of your time and energy to You’ll be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings You’ll discover a profound appreciation for your
today. The cosmic alignment will ask you to tap into fun and love. These vibes will encourage you to blow of those around you today. Unfortunately, this energy friends today. These vibes can help you feel more
your personal authority so that you can seize the off some steam with your nearest and dearest, espe- can throw you off your game if you find yourself in connected to your nearest and dearest without sacri-
opportunity while making headway within your pro- cially if you haven’t been feeling like your normal the company of tense or negative people. ficing your own identity, allowing you to feel support-
fessional goals. self recently. ed and loved.
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FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2022 | 08
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Published and Printed by Kantipur Publications Limited, Central Business Park, Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal, P. B. No. 8559, Phone: 5135000, Fax: 977-1-5135057, e-mail: [email protected], Regd. No. 32/049/050, Chairman & Managing Director: Kailash Sirohiya, Director: Swastika Sirohiya, Editor: Sanjeev Satgainya