Investigation of Fuel Characterisation of Waste
Investigation of Fuel Characterisation of Waste
Investigation of Fuel Characterisation of Waste
1 Introduction
A research work involving the fuel sampling, characterization and fuel quality enhancement
studies of dewatered sewage sludge was carried throughout Malaysia. The data obtained,
analysis, options and potential application is yet to be implemented. The scope of work for
the research was defined around the use of dewatered sewage sludge, available from
treatment plants throughout Malaysia, as a potential fuel source for energy recovery through
thermal treatment.
In general, the thermal treatment options available both commercially and under
development can be summarized in Figure 1. The focus of this research, however, will be on
the general fuel characteristics in preparation for its use as a solid fuel with the option to be
co-combusted with other fuels such as coal.
The objectives of the study is to first establish a database of fuel properties of dewatered
sewage sludge collected from the sewage treatment plants. Second, the potential for energy
recovery through a thermal conversion process will be established. Finally, the feasibility of
combining the dewatered sludge with coal (co-combustion) will be studied from a technical
stand point. The key components and the respective standards of reference in the scope of
work are listed as follows:
a) Sample collection and preparation
(ASTM D346-90)
b) Fuel characterization (ASTM E1131-98)
c) Fuel quality enhancement (ASTM D440-86)
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MATEC Web of Conferences 225, 04019 (2018)
The results obtained from the fuel characterization tests helped draw a few conclusions
linking the treatment types and suitability of the samples as a potential fuel source. Based on
the results from this work the options for energy recovery and the way forward will be further
Fig. 1. Different routes of thermal processing of sewage sludge (adapted from [1]).
As the properties of sewage sludge may vary considerably, depending on its processing
and the operating procedures, repeatability of the above test were measured and presented as
uncertainties in the final results. Each of these tests will provide the necessary data for an
analysis to be carried out before a conclusion can be drawn in relation to the objectives of
this investigation.
The proximate analysis is a standard test carried out to determine the fuel quality of a sample.
The test was carried out in accordance to ASTM E1131-98 where it provides information on
the amount of fixed carbon, inherent moisture, ash and volatile matter which are derived from
the change in mass versus time of the sludge sample in a Thermogravimetric Analyser
The TGA used in this study is a Perkin Elmer PYRIS1TGA which is available in the
Mechanical Engineering Department, UTP. The sewage sludge sample weight which was
tested in the TGA was set at 0.5g for each run and taken from three different depths in the
standard 1.5- litre sample collection container used in this work.
The TGA tests were repeated for a total of five times in order to establish the uncertainties
(precision and bias errors) in the measurements. Consistencies in the TGA testing protocols
in relation to time factors were controlled by running each test within one week of its arrival
from the STPs. A previous study by Ayoub, 2011 [2] on the effect of time on the fuel quality
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of collected dewatered sewage sludge was referred in coming up with the duration for the
samples to be kept before testing is carried out.
2.4 Rheology
The drying of sewage sludge in its typical dewatering processes and for future use as solid
fuels would require an understanding of the fluidic properties as far as the transportation of
the substance is concerned. It has been found and reported in Werthers and Ogada [3], that
the solid percentage increase in sewage sludge will cause the fluidic properties to be
trixotopic or “sticky”. This will have an impact on the way the sewage sludge with the above
mentioned solid consistency will have to be treated. In this work, a rheology study was
carried out to obtain a first-hand understanding of this fluidic behavior in the samples
collected. Samples from selected STPs were tested in a TA Instrument (RI AR-G2) rheometer
to measure the viscosity of the samples with respect to its shear rate. The finding can then be
correlated to the pumping requirements and other methods of transport considered for the
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subsequent section). The solid fuels were then arranged in a tray and placed on the grate at
the bottom of the combustion chamber. For each run, a constant solid fuel mass of 140g was
maintained and arranged in a consistent formation. The incineration in the combustion
chamber took place with a 1.6 air fuel ratio and at a fixed water flow rate of 2 L/min into the
water jackets. The amount of combustion energy transferred into the boiler water was
calculated based on the water flow rate and the inlet and outlet temperatures using the
following equations and assumptions:
where, Qbriquettes and Qwater are the energy from combustion components in watts, ṁ water is
the water flow rate in m3/sec, CPwater is specific heat of water in kJ/kg.K and ∆T is the
difference in temperature of the inlet and outlet water (K).
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the small scale boiler used for the combustion and burning rate
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Co-firing or co-combustion is the simultaneous combustion of two or more fuels in the same
facility in order to produce one or more energy carriers. Co-firing biomass with coal in
existing boilers costs about 2-5 times less to implement than other bio-electricity generating
options and is also in the lower cost range compared to other renewable energy based
electricity options [10]. The co-combustion of sewage sludge with coal has been previously
studied by numerous researchers. The advantage of the coal-sewage sludge combination is
the large reduction in volume of sludge as well as the thermal destruction of toxic organic
compounds and pathogens.
The disadvantage, however, is the emissions of NOx (due to the relatively higher content
of N2 in sewage sludge as compared to coal), dioxins and trace elements. Nonetheless the
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high volatile content in sewage sludge accelerates the air consumption in combustion,
diminishing the rate of Oxygen/Nitrogen (O/N) in the flame, and represses the thermal
gradient of NOx. With commercially available adsorption mechanisms, up to 90% of these
environmental threats can be easily removed. The TGA procedure carried out in the previous
sections will provide the necessary reference in dealing with the disadvantages in thermally
treating the sludge for energy recovery purposes.
The proximate and ultimate analysis were important measures of the fixed Carbon,
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Oxygen, volatile matter, inherent moisture and the amount of
ash present in the fuel sample. A fuel which has high oxygen content is most likely to cause
an increase in combustion reaction rates whilst high ash content in the fuel mixture has the
opposite effect. A high volatile matter removal rate will speed up combustion but at the
expense of losing out on un-burnt fuel to sustain combustion for a longer period of time.
The presence of Nitrogen and Sulphur in the fuel content may raise concerns over the
emissions of harmful gases. A compilation of the proximate and ultimate analysis results for
the samples collected from the participating STPs is shown in Figures 5 and 6 for discussion
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Plastic or polymeric substances are known to contribute towards a high energy yield
during incineration but at the expense of additional environmental cleanup facilities. Further
investigations will be required to determine the plastic or polymer content in the samples
collected from the urban/city STPs before a conclusive finding can be made as to the
contribution of specific components towards high HHV readings in base on collection areas.
The observations made from the results of the current study also comes from the treated
sludge disposal procedures at the respective STPs.
Some of the STPs practice a quick sludge removal cycle for their dewatered products
which suggest a low residence time before disposal, whereby in this study, represents
minimal degradation of the samples prior to testing. A comparison made between the average
values of the ultimate and proximate analysis results and published values of hard coal is
shown in Figure 6. As expected the value of carbon and fixed carbon (FC) for coal supersedes
the amount available in sewage sludge.
The high ash and Oxygen content in the samples when compared to coal is to be expected
of sewage sludge. The oxygen component will help combustion reaction whilst the ash
component has a negative effect. The levels of Nitrogen and Sulfur, which is known to have
a negative environmental effect, seem to be at par, if not only slightly higher than coal. On
the average, the differences in volatile matter (VM) content in the samples were rather small
in comparison to coal.
The presence of a high VM content will result in high activation energy, a quantity much
searched for to enhance the burning of solid fuels. This will also be an attractive factor for
co-combustion strategies as the component with high VM will enhance the early burning of
the solid fuel to kick-start the energy released from the combustion process. A closer
investigation of the individual data will point towards the samples collected from the urban
areas having higher VM than the average, hence suggesting the suitability of sewage sludge
from these areas to be converted into solid fuels in combination with conventional fuels such
as coal.
Fig. 6. Figure 6: Comparison of the average proximate and ultimate analysis results with coal [Th.
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Fig. 7. Comparison of higher heating values (HHV) for the different collection of location and
treatment process.
The locations with higher population and surrounded by commercial activities were
noticed to benefit from a faster sludge disposal process. The samples that were collected from
these locations had very short settling time as compared to the locations which employed
open bed drying.
Nonetheless, there were certain exceptions such where some areas which dried their
dewatered sludge in an open bed facility but still recorded relatively high HHVs. In general,
the sludge samples, which underwent a somewhat rigorous dewatering process and were left
to settle for a relatively short period of time showed signs of good fuel properties.
In comparison with data collected from previous research work carried out on worldwide
locations, the HHV values samples studied were reasonably fair. Figure 8 show where the
Malaysian samples stand in comparison with samples tested from sewage sludge from other
locations and that had undergone different types of stabilization process. Also shown in this
figure is the nominal HHV for power plant grade coal.
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3.1.3 Rheology
The measurement of viscosity of the wet sludge against its shear rate is an indication of the
non-Newtonian behavior or “sticky” appearance of the sample. This is an important
consideration for pumping and transportation purposes. The test carried out for the samples
were however quite difficult to characterize for its thixotropic behavior. The results obtained,
as shown in Figure 9, show a region in which the measurements were able to predict the
relevant properties (shear rate less than 1). A rheological comparison with water show the
relative pumping requirements for sewage sludge. The area in the graph which can be used
to indicate relative pumping power is for shear rates below 1. Further investigation on the
rheological properties is required before a complete analysis can be carried out and a firm
conclusion can be drawn. This study is especially useful for the transportation of wet sludge
into the drying facilities and may provide an indication of the degree of back-drying required
to facilitate the movement of this material.
The amount of available energy which was able to be harvested is indicated in this section of
the report. The test for available energy was carried out with solid fuels fabricated from dried
and pre-treated sewage sludge as discussed earlier in section 3.6. Figure 10 illustrates the
potential energy released based on the inlet and outlet water jacket temperatures with respect
to time. Also shown on this same graph are the flue gas and combustion temperatures.
Fig. 10. Energy output from burning sewage sludge solid fuel samples.
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The total available energy released, based on the measured water temperatures and
properties, was found to be 3.14 kWhr/kg of solid fuel burnt. An important observation from
Figure 10 is how the peak temperatures lasts for a short period of time before a drastic
reduction takes place, in the case above, between 100 – 150 seconds. This trend is apparently
typical for sewage sludge as the material contains high volatile matter and Oxygen compared
to conventional fuels such as coal. The result of co-combusting sewage sludge with coal,
which is an extension to this energy output section, will be discussed in the subsequent
The compressive strength, durability, immersion and SEM tests were successfully carried out
on the solid fuel briquettes which were dried and pressed into shape. Two solid fuel designs
were explored, a solid cylinder and a concentric cylinder (with hole). The compressive
strength test indicate that the solid fuels are able to withstand as much as 13.8 and 12.6 MPa
of pressure for the solid and hole designs respectively. The similar strength test was repeated
for oil palm waste to provide some form of reference for the sewage sludge fuels. The oil
palm fuels were found to be able to withstand almost similar compressive pressures at 14.9
and 12.6 MPa for the solid and hole designs respectively. The stability of the sewage sludge
solid fuels, measured in terms of the percentage of its shape retained after a period of time,
saw the sludge samples loose only 0.7% of its original shape after 21 days.
The observation made for oil palm waste solid fuels found them to be less stable in that
they lost more than 2% of their size for the same test duration. The durability of a solid fuel
is measured from the percentage of mass loss after a drop test is carried out. In this test, the
sewage sludge solid fuel lost close to 6% of its original mass whilst the oil palm fuels lost
about the same amount. It is worth noting that the mechanical tests have so far proven that
sewage sludge solid fuels have good potential for transportation, storage and handling if it
were to be explored for commercial applications.
A further test to check the reasons behind its strength is by running it through SEM. The
following SEM images were taken on the surface of the solid fuel samples after it had been
sheared off in the mid-section. The oil palm solid fuel was again used as a bench mark in
qualitatively comparing the results of the SEM test.
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Fig. 11. SEM test results for sewage sludge (a) and (c), and oil palm (b) and (d).
Figure 11 show the SEM images of sewage sludge and oil palm samples before (a & b)
and after (c&d) they were pressed. Sewage sludge show a less porous microstructure
compared to the oil palm samples. This observation supports the earlier test results for
compressive strength stability and durability as it shows how the sample particles are more
intact and less porous compared to oil palm.
The reasons for this is believed to be linked to the inherent moisture content in sewage
sludge which act as a binder that bridges the solid particles, after they are all pressed together.
The oil palm fuel on the other hand relies on its longer fibre lengths and limited amount of
inherent moisture to help bind the fuel particles together.
3.2.2 Co-combustion
The quality of the sewage sludge fuel can be further enhanced from an energy and emissions
point of view by mixing it with other biomass waste/conventional fuel material such as
poultry processing waste, coal, oil palm fibre etc. UTP’s past research experience and the
internally generated database on biomass waste fuel properties suggest a potential for fuel
quality enhancement by mixing sewage sludge with the above mentioned material. For the
scope of work identified in this research work, only coal will be considered in this preliminary
assessment of co-combustion with sewage sludge. Co-combustion with coal, in particular, is
more economically viable considering the limited supply and price increase of coal in recent
times. From the technical point of view, the sewage sludge component can complement the
burning of coal in that it can sustain combustion over a wider temperature range; sludge
combustion starts at a lower temperature due to the early volatile liberation and can assist the
coal combustion when it is in a mixture. The energy released when incinerating sewage
sludge and coal in sewage sludge to coal ratio of 10:90, 30: 70 and 50:50 is shown in
Figure 12.
Although it may be desirable, from the available energy point of view, to use the 50:50
co-combustion ratio, other factors such as the environmental effects (NOx and SO2 from
sewage sludge) and the high ash content in sewage sludge will have to be considered.
Previous works by other researchers have suggested a sewage sludge contribution of only 10-
15 % in the combustion mixture to address the concerns highlighted above. The other reason
for limiting the sewage sludge contribution is due to the high volatile matter (VM) in the
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sludge which allows the sludge to react or burn faster than coal. This will cause some
instability in the burning profile of the fuel if too much VM is allowed to be present.
Fig. 12. . Energy released for co-combustion of sewage sludge and coal.
4 Conclusion
Through the tests and experiments carried out in this project sufficient amount of data have
been collected and analyzed. A database of fuel characteristics have been established for
dewatered sewage sludge originating from different regions in the country and for a variety
of STP processes. The ultimate and proximate analysis was able to identify the key
components in the fuel which can be further explored to select the appropriate thermal
treatment route towards energy recovery.
Based on the data generated in the investigation, the sewage sludge has amounts of fixed
carbon which are comparable to samples tested from other parts of the world. The volatile
matter and Oxygen content is generally high which is an indication of good combustion
reaction. The Nitrogen and Sulphur levels were reasonably low and their effect on the
emissions can be easily managed by existing technology.
The higher heating values were useful in first, identifying a base value for the available
energy which can be recovered and second, linking the process and regions which are most
viable for an energy recovery project to be implemented. The solid fuel development work
within this project was able to create options for utilizing the sewage sludge in the form of
ready-made fuels.
The technical and economic viability can be made more attractive if co-combustion, in
particular with coal, is pursued. Based on the findings from the current work, further areas
which can be explored include:
1. Solid fuel development: transformation of raw waste into commercially viable products
for sale to power generation facilities.
2. Co-combustion options with other biomass materials: sustainability of supply, pre-
treatment feasibility, energy output and environmental problems mitigation.
3. Feasibility studies relating to energy recovery from sewage sludge on a larger scale
(pilot plant): Drying, storage, handling and efficient combustion methodologies.
4. Economic analysis on the options to pursue a solid fuel development plant, to supply
raw sewage sludge for the co-combustion with existing solid fuels or to become an IPP
based on the attractive FIT tariffs currently offered by the government.
MATEC Web of Conferences 225, 04019 (2018)
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